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Sample Note: Sciences


Astronomy Science 9
Light travels about 300,000km per second, or 9.4 trillion km per year. This speed is the fastest anything in the universe can go. Different elements, when burned and their light viewed through a spectroscope, have different patterns. In certain areas, thick lines will appear. Each element will have a distinct pattern of lines.

Chemistry Science 9
Volume, Density, Measurements:
D = m/v, M=Dv, V=m/D Always record the amount of liquid at its lowest point in a graduated cylinder. Record data to digits only as far as given. If given a graduated cylinder that goes by 100s, you can go to 10s but not 1s. Given a cylinder that goes up by 1s, you can get to about a 10th but not a 100th.

Properties of Matter:
Physical properties of matter are its qualitative properties that can be recorded with the 5 senses and minimal measurements. Characteristic is a branch of physical that are more quantitative and measure the physical properties of a material under conditions. Chemical properties are properties that involve its uses, how it reacts, and what makes the piece of matter distinct. A chemical change changes the chemicals properties and can be reversible, while a physical change has not changed the matters properties. Physical: Colour Texture Shape Flavour Brittleness Opacity Viscosity Hardness Malleability Conductivity Weight Density Characteristic: Freezing Point Melting Point Size Smell Lustre Ductility Temperature Volume Boiling Point

Draw an example of a star's light made of pure hydrogen By examining a star`s light, we can tell what elements are in that star. Sometimes, when you view the light of a star, everything seems shifted more to the red or blue side than its supposed to. It isnt a different element, it just means the star is moving away or towards you and its light is experiencing the Doppler Effect.

The Doppler Effect Hubble found that the further away the galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from us. If all the galaxies are moving away, if we reverse time, wouldnt that mean that all the stars were once very close together? Go far enough back, and everything might have been in a singularity of energy.

Chemical: Reactivity Combustibility Toxicity Acidity State at room temperature

Big Bang Theory

The big bang is the theory that 14 billion years ago, at the beginning, the universe was a very small point of pure energy, that exploded outwards into the universe we know today.

Classification of Matter:
Everything is made of matter. Matter can be split into 2 groups: Mixtures and Pure substances. Pure substances means that all the particles in a given area are the same (for example, a glass of water has all


Sample Note: Sciences


Biology Science 10
Musculoskeletal System:
The bones that support the body and the muscles that move it

Optics Science 10
Convex (Diverging) Mirrors:
In a convex mirror, the focus is not in real space, and thus is F and is behind the mirror. The optical centre is real and is behind the mirror. There are 4 guaranteed rays in a convex mirror: Ray parallel to PA bounces off as if it came from F`. A ray seeming to go to C will bounce off on itself. A ray seeming to go to F will bounce off parallel A ray going to the vertex at angle I will bounce back at angle r. The PA is the normal.

Structure that supports & protects your body Contains 3 types of connective tissue: bones, ligaments, and tendons. Axial: Skull, Spine, Ribcage Apendicular: Everything Else

Are a matrix of minerals (Calcium and Phosphorous) & collagen fibres. Your body produces osteoclasts to destroy your bone and osteoblasts to build them, forming a recycling cycle to keep your bones strong.

When a beam of light passes through two mediums with different optical densities at an angle, it will bend. The optical density of a medium is how much slower light travels in it than in a vacuum. Index of refraction is

Bundles of long cells called muscle fibres with tons of mitochondria and nuclei inside each cell. 3 types of muscles: Skeletal (voluntary), Smooth (involuntary), and Cardiac (synchronous and involuntary)

. The bigger the value of n,

the slower light travels. C is speed of light in a vacuum, v is speed of light in the medium. When light passes through two mediums, some of it actually reflects and some refracts. The angle of refraction increases much faster than the angle of incidence when light passes from a medium of high optical density to one of lower and increases slower if it is traveling from lower to higher. Once the angle of refraction hits 90 degrees, total internal reflection occurs and no light will reflect. The incident angle at which this occurs is known as the critical angle. Any angle of incidence greater than or equal to it will cause T.I.R.

Sarcomere (basic contractive unit) makes up the myofibril of a muscle. Bundles of myofibril are grouped to make a Muscle Cell (muscle fibre). Bundles of those group to become a Fascicle which in turn groups together to finally make a muscle. Each sarcomere is made of thin filaments with thick filaments between them. Each thick filament has tiny buds that attach to the thin filaments. When you contract your muscle, each of those tiny buds moves in a direction (like oars), contracting the muscle. (See p100 in textbook)

Light passing from glass (left) into air (right)


Sample Note: Sciences


Electricity & Magnetism - Physics 11

Induction Coils:
Pretty much identical to an electromagnet, except its not connected to a power source (but it is connected to a galvanometer which is basically a super sensitive ammeter) Induction coils use magnetic field fluctuations to generate current. The wire must be cutting through the field lines to create current Faraday's Law: Whenever a magnetic field is fluctuating, current will be induced to flow in any conductor that is in that field (as long as the conductor is not parallel to the fluctuations)

Waves and Sound Physics 11

Sound travels in waves A wave is the transfer of energy as a disturbance through a medium No actual matter moves from the source to the receiver. Waves are the result of vibrations/oscillations. Motions that are repeated at a regular time interval are said to be Periodic Cycle (c) One complete oscillation (From one point in a wave to when that point is repeated) number of cycles per unit time (normally seconds). 1 cycle per second is 1 Hertz (Hz, common unit of frequency) Period (T) time it takes to complete 1 cycle ( ). Thus, Wavelength () The distance, commonly in meters, each cycle is (m/c)


Two Types of Waves: Transverse Particles move perpendicular to the direction of wave motion (e.g. "the wave") Energy , Motion These waves have crests (the highest point the particles move) and troughs (the lowest point)

If the wire is not moving, or is moving parallel to the direction of the permanent magnetic field, no current will be made. Lenz's Law: When you move a conductor through a magnetic field (not parallel), an electric current will flow in such a way that it will oppose the motion. You will never get something for nothing.


Particles move parallel to direction of wave motion (e.g. Dominos). Energy , Motion These waves have areas of compression (the "peak") and rarefaction (the "trough", a region of less density)

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