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2nd/3rd June 2012


Bahrain to seek closure of Islamist opposition party
Bahrain said on Sunday it would take legal measures to close down a Shi'ite Islamist opposition party that has played a prominent role in protests against its Sunni Muslim monarchy. The justice ministry said it would ask the courts to ban the Islamic Action party, Amal, for "major violations" of Bahrain's constitution and laws, the state BNA news agency reported. It gave no details. Amal spokesman Hisham Sabbagh said he believed the ministry was trying to put pressure on the party to accept a national dialogue with the government aimed at ending the political crisis which grew out of protests that erupted 16 months ago. He said the violations referred to party meetings in unlicensed premises in 2006 and 2008. Read More objectives of legitimate political work." "All political societies must be committed to the constitution, respect the rule of law and protect national achievements at all political, economic, social and human rights levels," the ministry said in a statement Sunday. Amal replaced the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain, the militant group whose members were pardoned following political reforms implemented by King Hamad bin Isa alKhalifa in 2001. Read More conditions to pave the way for the dialogue.

Bahrain authorities file suit to dissolve political group

Bahrain's Justice and Islamic Affairs Ministry on Sunday announced that it has filed a lawsuit to dissolve a political society for breaching violations and provisions of the constitution.

The ministry said that it will take action against Islamic Action Society (Amal) for violating laws of the land that contradicted with objectives of political society. Authorities announced on Bahrain News Agency that they would take legal action against the society to dissolve it. Read More

Bahrain Ministry files suit to dissolve society

Bahrains justice ministry has filed a lawsuit to dissolve the Islamic Action Society Amal. The ministry attributed its move to the alleged grave breaches of the provisions of Bahrains constitution and laws.

The breaches violate the principles and objectives of legitimate political work, the ministry said on Sunday. All political societies must be committed to the constitution, respect the rule of law and protect national achievements at all political, economic, social and human rights levels, the statement said Read More

Bahrain files suit against opposition

The Bahrain Justice Ministry filed suit against the Islamic Society Amal, seeking to disband it for alleged illegal conduct, officials said. The Gulf News Daily reported Monday the ministry accused Amal of "grave breaches of the provisions of Bahrain's constitution and laws," saying such actions violated the "principles and

Opposition to enter dialogue

Bahrain has offered to resume negotiations with the opposition al-Wefaq party in a bid to solve the ongoing political crisis, an official said.

Information Minister Samira Rajab said Bahrain leaders are trying to find some common ground with al-Wefaq "despite insurmountable obstacles and unfeasible conditions" in a bid to pave the way for dialogue, CNN Arabic reported Saturday. Akhbar al-Khaleej newspaper said state officials and leading members of al-Wefaq have already met "unofficially" to iron out the details of the dialogue and discuss prerequisites. Read More

Bahrain party in new dialogue bid

Efforts are underway for a dialogue with opposition group Al Wefaq, Minister of State for Information Affairs Samira Rajab said. She told CNNArabic that attempts are underway to surmount obstacles and deal with unfeasible

There are even contacts and mediation to this effect, but they are slow, she said, according to our sister paper Akhbar Al Khaleej. She said opposition activist Nabeel Rajab had lost credibility when his activities had gone beyond human rights. He got involved in all forms of politics, the minister added./ Read More

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