Digital Video Surveillance and Security

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Ckapter 2 Digital Video Overview 23

Interlaced Lines
Analog video, including television, VHS, and analog camcorders, uses an "interlaced" method uf scanning ( Figure 2-2). Interlacing works on lower resolution analog tele visions and monitors because it lacks suMcient detall to become visible, The interlaced scan-bases irna.ges were developed for CRT television monitor displays, splitting the number uf visible horizontal lines across a standard TV screen hito two sepa.rate odd arad even fields that alternately refresh 29.97 fps. Any slight delay iii refresh rates between the timo groups creates a jagged or crosshatch distortiun Nee Figure 2-3). This is because one line group refreshes at s]ower rafe than the other.

Progresivo Scanning
the jaggedness from interlaced video (which is a throwback to the original analog video). Deimerlacing or progressive scanning (seo Figure 2-4) requires more processing power and. is especially important at the highest resolutions because the distortion Can be more easily recognized, All cameras with slower shutter sp-eeds can create blurred irnages of mudan. This is emphia.sized even more with interlaced distortion because the camera isn't fast enokigb to capture the motion. A progressive scan, as opposed tu an interlaced one, scan the entine picture line by line in sequentia] urder every lIlti of a, seconcl withuur segregating the scene finto LIN separare field.s. Digital technology doesn't need interlace scanning for video presentation_ Digital video eliminates the "flickering' effect as. long 218 the display rrii is also of suitable quality, and more important, the digital devices provide the ability for dein
Digital encoders provide a deinterlacin,g lilter, or progressive scanning option! tu avoid

terla.cing and/ or progressive sean n ing.

players now empioy progressive scan at 4D0p, as the majority of hornes have a standard television set limited [o the 480i resolution. lf a DVD movie 15 displayed
thlost DVD

Field 2
FIGURE 2-2 Interlaced

Iliterlaced FialcIs 1 El. 2

Field 1


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