June 2012: Gill-Ville

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June 2012
Mark your Calendars

Character Education:
During the month of May we spent time talking about Flexibility. Being Flexible involves accepting change and trying new things. Were proud of Bailey, our May Studentof-the-Month winner! During the month of June we will be looking at all of the keys and deciding on our Code of Conduct award winner at the end of the month. Our Code of Conduct award will be presented at our grade 6 graduation on June 28th.

Whats happening in

Teacher Website:


Jr. Area Comp .

Track & Field:
We will be participating in our school track and field events during the afternoons of June 12th and June 13th. We will also travel to Southwood S.S. for the area meet on June 22nd. Please remember to wear sunscreen, loose comfortable clothing, and bring a hat and water bottle on the event days.

IPRC Meetings June 6th & 7th Play Day Friday, June 8th Pita Pit Lunch Days Wed, June 6th & 20th Party in the Park Wednesday, June 13th R.M.i. Lunches Wed, June 13th & 27th Stratford Play Trip Friday, June 15th Track and Field Field - June 12th pm Track- June 13th pm Area Meet June 22nd Little Chefs Class Monday, June 18th Report Cards Tuesday, June 26th Grade 6 Graduation Thursday, June 28th Beach Day/ Last Day Friday, June 29th

Play Day : Stratford Play Year End Trip:

Just a quick reminder that $15 towards the cost of transportation to Stratford is due by June 13th. We will be providing the picnic lunch that day. On the day of the trip, students will need to be picked up at the school at 5:45 upon returning from Stratford. On Friday, June 8th the junior students will be hosting Ryersons annual Play Day event! Remember to come to school prepared to be outside participating in the activities. Comfy footwear, a hat, sunscreen, a labeled water bottle, and loose clothing are strongly recommended for students to participate comfortably on event day.

Imagine a Show: WRDSB Photo Update:

We enjoyed traveling back to Conestoga Mall to view our photos in the WRDSBs Imagine a Show photography display. It was pretty special seeing our photographs enlarged, printed, and displayed among the images submitted by talented students across the region. We overheard mall shoppers comment on how professional the images looked and how they couldnt believe students took these shots! The Gill-Villeans should be very proud of their contributions, as each student in our class had at least one photo that was accepted for the main display and published photo book. We have purchased a copy of the book to display in our class. You can also purchase your own copy of the book (with your childs published prints included) for $25. There are limited copies left, so if this interests you, please let Ms. Gill know A.S.A.P. to make sure you get your copy before they are sold out! If youd like to see the book before you order, stop by Gill-Ville, we are only too happy to show off our work! For more information, visit the event website: http://imagineashow.com

Apple Store Trip:

We had a fabulous time during our workshop at the Conestoga Apple Store. We were treated like royalty as we entered and all of the staff stopped to cheer and clap for us! Im sure all of the students enjoy wearing their special Apple T-Shirt they received during the session. The store staff worked with us to help create awesome movie trailers using the iMovie app on the iPad. Our class was familiar with the desktop version so we were able to apply those skills to learn about the app version. We had lots of fun creating story lines and filming mini-scenes to create our movie trailers. The folks at Apple made us copies of photos and the videos that were produced that day. Your child will get to enjoy these videos with this cherished keepsake.

IPRC Meetings:
Just a reminder to our graduating students, that IPRC meetings will take place this week. Students moving onto to W.G. Davis will have their meetings on June 6th. Students moving on to Hespeler will have their meetings on June 7th. Students remaining in our program for one more year will receive a waiver form (at your request). Please sign and return those forms as soon as possible.

Cooking Show Update:

We wrapped up production of our amazing cooking shows in May. We are so proud of the work that went into this project. Students completed a very intensive process to write, plan, record, edit, and produce their shows. We plan to have a special viewing party at school on June 19th. We are inviting the school to the gym to watch our shows, enjoy some popcorn, and give us feedback on our work. This is an exciting time for us to showcase the incredible effort the GillVilleans have put into this project. I am sure you will agree when you see the results! Students will be receiving their own copy of the video to keep at home as well.

Kenyan Friends:
We were able to send a special care package to our new Kenyan friends with items special to Canada and hand-written letters from our class. We are still waiting to hear that the package was received. We have been continuing to communicate on our special blog site. Weve been asking questions about life in our parts of the world. It has been a eye-opener for many of us who take Canadian rights, freedoms, and privileges for granted. Check in on our conversations by visiting the blog: http://schools.runforlife.ca/stla wrence/

Groundwater Festival:
We enjoyed our annual trip to the Childrens Groundwater Festival. We had the chance to check out a variety of stations and learned lots about how water is used and how important it is to everyday life. To learn more about this event, visit their site: http://wwcgf.com/

Reading Buddies:
We have been thoroughly enjoying working with our Kindergarten friends in Mrs. Haeflings class. We meet with them to read stories to them and to help them practice reading as well. We are very impressed by how well our smallest Raptors are reading in JK/SK! The Gill-Villeans have been awesome role models!

Party in the Park:

Ryerson will be hosting its 2nd annual Party in the Park on Wednesday, June 13th at Witmer Park in Cambridge. Check out the school flyer coming home with more information about this exciting event!

Grade 6 Graduation:
Our grade 6 graduation will take place at 10:00 on Thursday, June 28th. We have 5 students moving on this year and we wish them all the best in grade 7!

Reading Points:
All year as part of our reading homework, students have been receiving points for successful and accurate reading on Fridays. We will be totaling our points, transferring them to cash rewards, and ordering books from the Scholastic book orders for June. We will be completing this activity in class, connecting it to our money math lessons, and will receive our book rewards before school is out at the end of the month!

Money Math:
We have been working on money math problems in our class, practicing adding coins together and making change. The students have been creating screen casts using the iPad to show their solutions. We have been sharing our solutions with our followers on Twitter. If you search our tweets from the end of May you will find a bunch with links to our work. Heres a great example where Kara shows us her solution AND corrects a mistake she made along the way! http://www.showme.com/sh/?h =vGamyAa The students also had a chance to practice with real money on our trip to the food court in Conestoga Mall. Each student was given money totaling $9.00. They had to select a place to order, decide on a food option that was in their budget, make eye contact with the server, use a loud clear voice when ordering, ask for a receipt, and make sure they received the correct change. The students did a wonderful job with this and represented Ryerson with exceptional manners!

A Special Lunch:
During the last week of school, our class will also have a special lunch day where students will be responsible for ordering their meal, paying, and calculating a tip. We will take this opportunity to celebrate a fantastic year together and enjoy one last special meal as our Gill-Ville family. More information will be coming home about this soon!

Final Thoughts:

Its been an amazing year in Gill-Ville!

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