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Due Date: 12 June, 2012

Year 9 Science Chemistry Prac Assessment Exothermic and endothermic processes

Background information Whenever there is a chemical reaction an energy change occurs. In some reactions energy is produced, while in others it is needed to start the reactions. An exothermic reaction is one that releases energy. This energy is usually in the form of heat, but sound, light and electrical energy can also be produced. An important exothermic reaction is combustion (or burning) which releases heat energy, light energy and some sound energy. An endothermic reaction is one where some form of energy must be supplied. Sherbet is a mixture of baking soda and citric acid. When it is mixed with the water in your mouth an endothermic reaction occurs, taking heat energy from your mouth and making it feel cooler. Some other chemical processes that may be endothermic or exothermic include: mixing anhydrous calcium chloride with water to produce calcium oxide and hydrochloric acid; mixing potassium chloride with water to produce potassium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid; mixing potassium hydroxide with water to produce potassium hydroxide in solution; mixing potassium nitrate with water to produce potassium nitrate in solution Research question Which reactions are exothermic (produce heat) and which are endothermic (take heat from their surroundings)? Each of the chemicals in the materials list below dissolves in water. The process either releases heat or absorbs it. Your task is to design a fair test so that you can rank the chemicals in order, from most exothermic to most endothermic. Chemicals to be tested: Anhydrous calcium chloride Potassium chloride Potassium hydroxide Potassium nitrate

Draft out the following: Your aim Your hypothesis Your method, explaining how you will control variables Your materials needed A data table for your results

Conduct your experiment, recording your results as you go. Write a report on this experiment (Part B only) being sure to include the following sections: Aim Hypothesis Materials Method Results Discussion (answer all of the questions listed below) Conclusion Discussion questions 1. Which of the reactions were endothermic? 2. Which of the reactions were exothermic? 3. Rank the reactions in order from most exothermic to most endothermic 4. Write word equations for all of the reactions that you investigated in your experiment. 5. Using the Internet, research instant icepacks that athletes use to treat injuries and answer the following questions. a) As well as ammonium nitrate, what else is in the ice pack? b) What happens to each of the reactants when the plastic bag is pierced, allowing them to mix? c) Is the release of energy in this example an endothermic or exothermic process? d) Describe why this chemical process can not be described as a chemical reaction. 6. Decide whether the processes described below are exothermic or endothermic. a) Dilute hydrochloric acid is reacted with sodium hydroxide solution and after the reaction the test tube feels warm. b) As garden compost decomposes, the compost heap gets warmer. c) Barium hydroxide and ammonium thiosulfate are mixed and the temperature lowers sufficiently to freeze water. 7. Describe how you controlled the variables to make your experiment a fair test. 8. Describe the sources of error that could have affected your results.

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