Proposal of Reporting Radio

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Arranged by: Yusuf Reza Permadi Aryanti Dyah Maharani Nurni Sarafina Ayu Windari Ticka Puspitasari 01009143269 01009143269 01009143269 01009143269 01009143269


We are very grateful to the God for the blessing that we could possibly plan the proposal of news production as reporting format. We are very grateful to our lecturers who gave us a guidance and I would like to thank to STMM MMTC which help us by lending all of the tool that support our production progress especially for those who study in MMTC. Our proposal is imperfect so that we need critics and suggestions from all parties. We hope this criticism can make us better.

Yogyakarta, May 2012



Prologue Content . Page Approval Chapter I. Introduction A. Background . B. Description Program C. Goals D. Benefit Chapter II. Production planning and program A. Design Program B. Design Production Program Chapter III. Closing A. Closing Of


Yogyakarta, Maret 2012

Head of the Study Program


DraDwiKorinaRelawati, MA NIP.

Yusuf Reza Permadi NIM. 01009143269

Acknowledges Head of the Department

Dra.ElviListorini, M.Si NIP. 196001201985032002


A. BACKGROUND Education in Indonesia has become highlight for the public. The numbers of students who are more and more greatly affected the level of achieving graduation and the number of students. Renowned (what does it mean?) educational institutions are also increasingly became a reference for parents. New breakthroughs are also issued by the government, to attract students continue their education,fulfill the target of 9-year compulsory education. (Its too short and not to clear, please explain more guys.. What does the connection between oncreasing number of students and graduation??)

B. DESCRIPTION PROGAM This live report program comprises three reporters and one anchor. The anchor at studio and three reporters in three different places. Reporting system use an umbrella system or in relays between one reporter to another reporter. The program duration is 12 minute with the intersection for each reporter is 3 to 4 minute.

C. GOALS The benefit/aims of our reporting program production are : (for example) For students: 1. To learn about how to make a live report 2. To enhance experience in reporting radio news 3. To increase our courage For STMM MMTC : 1. To evaluate MMTC curriculum in order to be much better in the future

For Public: 1. To inform public about actual and factual news

D. BENEFIT 1. Students could get information and knowledge so that they can update their reference for their future 2. Public get information about actual and factual news.


A. DESIGN PROGAM 1. Name of program 2. Format of program 3. Presentation format 4. Duration 5. Goals : Update Time (it should be Time Update) : Live report : umbrella system : 15 minutes : to give the information about, what is the new news at that moment 6. Publication frequency 7. Target audience : Every Tuesday, at 10.30 AM : Man and woman, 15 to 50 years old

8. Production Characteristic : Live Studio and Out Door

B. DESIGN PRODUCTION PROGAM 1. Planning Progam Idea a. Topic Angle : Education : Graduation of junior high school : The number of junior high school who will be graduated in

this Academi Year of 2012 Reform : - comparison of graduation from 2011 (from when.. to when)

- the reason of increasing or decreasing graduation in 2012 - the schedule of test package B (what does reform mean, guys?? I still cannot understand.. Is it sub angle?) Location Source Reporter Duration : Yogyakarta Department of education : Head of education department (Province or Kab or Kota?) : Aryantidyah maharani : 3 minute

b. Topic Angle Reform

: New students quota of senior high school : New students registration for senior high school : - Target - Prepare - Policy - Budget


: Muhammadiyah 2 of senior high school (is it a perfect

location? Why did u choose this place?) Source : Steering committee of new students registration Candidate of new student Reporter Duration : Nurni Sarafina : 3 minutes

c. Topic Angle Reform

: Vocation High School : Breakthrough of Vocation High School : - Promotion of Vocation High School - Public interest of Vocation High School

- The eminency/keunggulan of Vocation High School compare to Senior High) Location : 6 Vocation High School (6 location? Or just typo? It would be

hard.. Please choose one..) Source : Steering committee of new students registration Candidate of new student Reporter Duration : Ticka puspitasari : 3 minutes

2. Production Crew No Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Yusuf Reza Permadi AyuWindari AryantiDyah Maharani Nurni Sarafina TickaPuspitasari Profession Producer and anchor Script writer and technical support Reporter Reporter Reporter

3. Estimate No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Explanation Transport Refreshment Secretarial Incidental moment Amount 3 persons 3 persons 3 persons Rp. 10.000,Rp. 30.000,Rp. 10.000,Cost Total Cost Rp. 30.000,Rp. 30.000,Rp. 30.000,Rp. 10.000,Rp. 100.000,-

Total cost

4. Tools No. 1. 2. 3. Equipment Laptop Recorder Microphone Type/Brand Axioo Computer Quantity 1 1 3

5. Production schedule No. Activity May 24-31 2012 1. Distribution of the June 1-7 2012

Job Desk 2. Planning proposal arrangement 3. Proposal presentation 4. 5. 6. 7. Reporting Script arrangement Live report evaluating and


A. Conclusion After the radio live reporting practice, we can live report the event from the event place. Besides that, we can inform to the listener in live about the things that we see from the event place. So, the listener will feel and get involved with the event. B. Proposition We hope, this activity will be more interactive. The students need critics and suggestions from all parties. For next practice, we hope if we borrow the equipment, it will be easier in the process. In addition, MMTC can fix the broken equipment. So hat, the production process will be succeed.

Category Format Idea

: Information : Reportase : Education



: Graduation of junior High school

Duration Reporter

: 12 : Aryanti Dyah M.


The number of graduation, are fluctuate. But for this academic year, Yogyakarta government predicted, the number of graduation in Junior High School will be increased about 95 percent. This achievement make us so proud. It would prove that Yogyakarta

government want to increase the quality of education, especially in Junior High School. In every tested subject, those are mathematics, Indonesia language, English and Science also predicted will be increased. For students, who are not graduated yet and passed any standard score in any subjects, they recommend to follow the test package B. The schedule and the location for this test, havent informed yet to publics.

Category Format Idea Topic Duration Reporter

: Information : Reportase : Education : New students registration for senior high school : 12 : Nurni Sarafina



Jogjakarta is well-known with icon of the student city. Many school in various grade is developed in Jogjakarta. Moreover, the government 9-year program compulsory school and

planing about 12-year. The final exam for junior high school is done. And prospective graduates junior high school are finding a good senior high to be their next school. Every year, the government education office opened the registration for new students. The senior high as the gate for college is very crucial. Many students want to study in a reputable school. So they will choose the school carefully. The government open the registration with many policy. Sometime, those incriminate student. The region that quite difficult is Jogjakarta city. Like the different regulation about students who come from the city of Yogyakarta, and students from outside the city of Yogyakarta.

Category Format Idea

: Information : Reportase : Education : Breakthrough of vocation high school : 12 : Aryanti Dyah M.


Topic Duration Reporter


Three years later the position of Yogyakarta vocational schools in the province have shifted school. Number of students is greatly increased. As many as 87% of graduates able to absorb the world of work. SMK fly even more. The claim was delivered by Head of


of Education,

Youth and Sports of



Region of

Yogyakarta (DIY), Kadarmanta Aji Baskoro Vocational School (SMK) in the province is able to carve because of the glorious achievements referred to as graduate school with the most absorbed in the 87 percent] sometimes work world and the highest in Indonesia . "The rest[of

there are still waiting for

the school there

is an unemployed .SMK majoring in economics dominated productive as automotive, culinary and hospitality services in accordance with the DIY potential as a tourist city. SMK growth will be driven up as exposure of children's works such as

the recent Esemka Kiat car. Employment opportunities for graduates of vocational world is wide open. Only, job seekers should have the skills and high work ethic. More broadly, the vocational school is still seen as a prospective printer skilled workforce, because of its graduates have

special skills that are needed the industrial world. The graduates not only work on private or government agencies as employees, but some are also many self-employed. Continuing to develop the education department in accordance with the requirements. Category Format Idea : Information : Reportase : Education : a.Graduation of junior High school Topic b. Quota of junior high school c. Breakthrough of vocation high school Duration Producer Script writer Reporter Reporter STMM MMTC YOGYAKARTA Reporter : 12 : Yusuf reza permadi : Ayu windari : Aryanti dyah maharani : Nurni sarafina : Tika puspitasari







----------------Ids Station------------------------------Ids Program-------------

15 10 1 305



---------------Opening Anchor---------


Reporter 1

Explain about : The number of graduation junior High school in Yogyakarta / predicted by government will be increase about 95 percent //

Explain about : Reporter 2 New student Quota of junior high school and new 315 students registration in yogyakarta //

Explain about : Breaktrought of vocation high school in yogyakarta Reporter 3 / to attract junior high school students // 315



-------------Closing anchor-------------------------Ids Program----------------------------Ids Station------------------

20 10 15 10 12


Total duration

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