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Assignment One: eting-management-6215627 tVdGFjYuxsC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=definition+of+ brand+positioning&ots=kSGnzORRTF&sig=cvycHcgwVAAykvfFNMx3hfFY4#v=onepage&q=definition%20of%20br and%20positioning&f=false =com_content&view=article&id=21:size-doesmatter-analyzing-brand-size-competition-usingstore-level-scanner-data-journal-ofretailing&catid=4:white-paper-library&Itemid=5

articleid=1464138&show=abstr act

Due: Tuesday 3 April Worth: 20%

Task: With reference to the S-T-P framework, and to consumers patterns of brand purchase, you are required to prepare a report that critically evaluates marketplace competition between brands.

Specifically, your report should discuss the following points: Brand positioning is

Brand positioning and duplication of purchase in competitive markets. Brand loyalty and the extent to which levels of repeat purchase differ between brands.

Refer to examples of marketplace competition between brands (real or hypothetical) to illustrate and provide context to your discussion.

The strategic importance of the product positioning decision in achieving success in the marketplace is well recognized. However, there has been relatively limited development of the theoretical foundation for the positioning options that are available to firms
Punj, G., & Moon, J. (2002). Positioning options for achieving brand association: A psychological categorization framework. Journal of Business Research, 55(4), 275-283. Retrieved from

Use the following report structure:

Title page Executive summary Contents Introduction Discussion (using appropriate sections and headings) Conclusions References (APA style)

Note that the word limit is not more than 2000 words (excluding references). Given the word limit imposed you will not be able to include every discussion point that you consider to be relevant to the topic. Instead, you need to think carefully about what you consider to be the key issues to address and structure your report accordingly. Please use Times New Roman (Windows) or Times (Mac) font and size 12 pt, 2.5 cm margins, at least 1.5 line spacing, and write in third person form. For preferred page numbering style (i.e. no number on title page, Roman numerals for executive summary and contents pages and Arabic numbers for the main body of work) refer to the following link:

Competition between brands A marketer needs to understand which brands compete against me or which brand I lose sales too or win sales from or which brands am I sharing customers with The dop law helps us understand these questions questions. Simply stated the dop law (dublication of purchase law ) is brands share their customers with other brands in line with the size of those other brands


A tradition belief in marketing is that there are some buyers who buy this brand and other, different buyers who buy that brand. For example gm buyers are a different group to ford buyers. The reality is that customers generally use a range of brands to satisfy their needs. We call this a portfolio of brands or a repertoire of brands which comprises of 3 or 4 different brands. For example one day they will buy BP petrol and the next day they will buy shell petrol. Or in the fast food contect a buyer will purchase from mc donalds one day the next day KFC and then the day after Macdonals maybe for the next two days and then BK. Repertoire buying. Brand switching, marketing see this as brand swithing as they buy one brand one day and another brand the next day. But then that implies that they are switching away from the first brand in another words rejecting it. But they havent as they will buy one brand before and they will buy the brand again. If we look at a buyers purchases over time . This is not switching its simplying buying within a repertoire. For example chock bars The proportion of people that one one brand and how many buy the other brands. The market is not partitiones which is groups or pairs of brands which compete with one another and has higher DOP than

As the overall size of the brand grows the proportion of other brands users who also use it grows duplication is in line with brand size


Underlines the fact that brands share buyers with other brands. So as marketers we shouldnt think there are buyers of brand A and there are buyers of brand B. Rather in a particular market there are buyers and over time they will buy brand A sometime and buy brand B sometime This in turn suggests that brands are substitutable with each other over time. (competitive brabds within a particular market) the fact that if brands are bevaing as if they are pretty well substitutable calls into an idea trhat is quite prevalent in textbooks basic marketing and buyer behavior . and that idea suggest that buyers carefully weight up the attractiveness of a brand and make a rational purchase based on utility is not right. Otherwise people would buy brand A all the time which is not what we see in real data.

Help managers understand their market structure and encourages broader thinking about their competition

Purchase duplication

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