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JUNE 4, 2012



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To all my Partners in Ministry, Four years ago I boarded a plane with 15 other students and staff from Cru on a six week journey to a little country called Croatia, a country I barely knew existed. I had no idea just how much impact that adventure to share Christ with Croatian college students would have on me. There I saw God turn my weaknesses into strength. As that journey took me from Croatia to Australia and now Portland, I know I am not the same person who boarded that plane. I have realized my purpose in lifeto know God and make Him known. Not only is that my purpose, but humanitys as well. As I have wrestled with His specific plan for my life, I only know one thing for sure: He wants my life to reek of eternal significance. I have gone back and forth over the past year about continuing with Cru on college campuses, but I believe God is calling me into a different adventure. My last day with Cru is June 7. My time with Cru has been amazing. I am truly at a loss for understanding as to how God can use messed up people in an imperfect organization spread the greatest love story ever to be known by man. God used Cru to challenge my complacent, comfortable faith into one that is continually working to figure out what it means to give up everything and follow Christ.
Croatia 2008

Australia STINT 2010

I believe God is leading me to an environment where I cannot escape those who do not yet know the love of God. This Fall I plan to begin looking for a job within a secular setting, most likely back Australia STINT 2011 in Portland. I pray that God would use me to bring those lost back to him and help bring other Christians into a passionate relationship with Him. However, I really have no idea what this will look like. I trust the specifics--how to incorporate my strengths, abilities, and even my weaknesses to make God known--will be revealed to me when as I need to know (not the easiest task, I know). I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for trusting God yourselves as you have prayed for me and given sacrificially through your partnership with me in ministry. God used you to teach me about faith, gratitude, and the generosity of his followers. Through your partnership, countless lives have been changed forever in Australia, Portland and now beyond as I go forth and trust God in full-time ministry at a secular job. Who knows how many more lives will be touched for God because of your investment in my life. I hope you will continue to pray for me and stay in touch with me as we continue to partner in ministry in a different way. Humbly in Christ,

Grady Toews

Portland Metro Team 2012

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