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English Tenses

1. For repeated activities I always get up at 7 oclock 2. Activities, typical for the doer My mum cooks very well

1. For activities in progress Madonna is sleeping now 2. For activities around now I am attending an English course now 3. For arrangements and appointments I am flying to London next week 4. For activities which get on your nerves My son is always making noise

Perfect Simple
1. To boast about something I have eaten snails I have been to Paris 2. Unfinished Past I have lived in Sofia for 10 years.

Perfect Continuous
1. Unfinished Past I have been living here for 3 years. 2. Evedence for long progress till now My hands are dirty. I have been writing for a long time. 3. For finished acts, took a long time Finally he has a driving license. He has been trying to pass the exam for 10 years



For scientific facts and generally-accepted truths The Earth moves around the SUN. 4. For timetables, schedueles, personal agendas The plane to Munich takes off in 10 minutes

1. For consecutive activities in the past I heard a strange voice, I opened the door, I saw a cat lying on the stairs

1. For parallel activities While we were studying, they were working 2. For background activities which are interrupted by a single While we were fishing a boy fell into the river. 1.

For activities which happened before later past activities When I came home mum had prepared the dinner 2. For acts which had been in progress for some time By the end of 2010 she had lived in Paris for 10 years 1.

Perfect Continuous
Evedence that had been in long progress His hands were dirty, because he had been mending the car fir a long time. 2. For completed acts which took a long time Finally she solved the problem she had been thinking on it for months.


English Tenses

Going to
For plans and intentions Today I am going to listen to music. Tomorrow I am going to study and do my homework For evidence that something is going to happen Look, the bottle is going to fall off the table. This shirt is very old and it is going to tear. For Christmas resolutions Next year I am going to be a better person. Next year I am going to study harder 1. For spontaneous decisions Really? I will buy her a present O.K. I will give you a lift 2. For promises, threats and warnings I promise I will buy you a new bicycle I will kill you Watch out or you will get lost


3. After some verbs of personal beliefs: think, consider, reckon, believe, suppose, hope, Im sure, Im positive I think it will rain 4. With offers and requests: I will help you, dont worry. 5. With media language President Plevneliev will visit The USA next month. 6. With predictions about the future You will live to be 100. 7. With First Conditional Sentences: If I have time, I will come.


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