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DB Writer writes Dirty Buffer (transfer of data b/ w db buffer & disks) peforms I/O

Buffer Hit Ratio

Datafiles formatted into blocks.Table rows and Index keys are stored in blocks

The Quering data going via cache sessions works out which blocks containing Rows of interest and copies the DBC ,the relavant rows are then Transferred to Session PGA for further processing

Blocks will remain in the cache untill the buffer they are occupying is needed for caching another block.

Database Buffer Cache (Work Area of SQL Exec) DB Blocks Containing data of Interest are copied here first.Also a Speed bridge between data maintains MRU Data and FRU Data so it wont access data from disc contiously

Operating System has to swap pages of virtual memory in and out of real memory.

User Process (Foreground Process)

Buffer storing a block whose image in the cache is not same as image in disk is Dirty Buffer. P Shared Server also called MTS (Multi Threaded Server),shared server processes are shared between multiple connections of oracle. PGA Cannot be auto managed in shared server configuration. PGA Can be accessed by Only Foreground process of the session to which it was allocated. Data Files (Data is Stored) Can be added,Moved or Resized without App Developer Knowledge

Startup of Instance may become slower Formatting a massive database buffer cache.

Connects to Server Process (Background Process) Interacts with Instance and Instance Interacts with database

Log Buffer

Librarary Cache V$librarycache

Shared Pool (Contains Parsed SQL & PL/ SQL,Latches and Locks) Contains sharable information

Size of these Stuctures can be Auto Managed

SGA is Allocated (Memory Structures Implemented System Memory Segments provided by OS) SHOW SGA; V$SGASTAT

Oracle DB = Oracle Instance = (Process Layer + Memory Layer)

PGA (Non Sharable Area of Memory Associated with each Server Process) Memory areas are shared between large pool & Shared Pool

Data Dictionary Cache V$rowcache

SGA Released on Shutdown

Made up of

(Optional*) Large Pool Java Pool Streams Pool PL/SQL Cache

Compraises Data in the Database

Database Buffer+Data files Meta Data DATA DICTIONARY Current Redolog Entry in the database Stores Relationship between Physical and Logical Structures

Redo Logs (Capture of Historical changes) Sequential Record of all change vectors applied to data like INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE and ( redo logs recycle) if u have 5 redolog and they are filled up the oracle logwriter will recycle during recycling it will copy the 1st redlog to archivelog.if redologs are ahead of data file then control file will now that data files need recovery.control file maintain pointers between old files and OS.

Server Process is process executed by Oracle but intiated by connection to database by a client process. 1. dedicated server process. 2. shared server process

Dispatcher Process n/w process which dispatches msgs b/w different things.

Redolog Buffer entries + redolog files

Author : Deva Kishore Thelapalli Oracle 11g Database Certified Associate

SMON(Performs Large amout of clean up) physical space like temp sort segments and recovery

PMON(Monitors processes ,Clean up chunks of memory when client connection broken there might number of chunks of memory reserved for client process it will clean up all that memory

DBWRTR(Writes dirty blocks) dirty block is something that changes. When checkpoint occurs the db writer goes through db buffer takes all dirty blocks and freeze those blocks for future use and switch those block so they are no longer dirty

Control Files (Details of Physical Structure of database & starting point of link to Logical Structures)is used to syncronize data file ,redologs and archivelogs it contains pointers which is called system change number.

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