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Cisco Packet Tracer v5.

3 Support for Networking Academy Curricula

This document identifies chapters from all Networking Academy courses that include content supported by Packet Tracer 5.3. The purpose of this resource is to help instructors leverage Packet Tracer to create rich learning experiences using Packet Tracer's simulation, visualization, collaboration, and assessment capabilities

IT E ss and entia Sof ls: P C tw are Hard wa re Ne tw ork Sm all ing fo Bu sin r Hom ess es e an d Wo rki ng Me diu at a S m Bu mallsin ess toInt or rod ISP Sw ucin itch g R ing out in t ing a he En nd De ter si g pri se Co ning mp and ute Sup rN etw port ork ing Ne s tw ork Fun dam en tal s Ro uti ng Co nce Prot pts oco ls a nd LA N Sw itch in g and Wi rel ess Acc ess ing the WA N CC NA Sec uri ty

Layer L1

PT 5.3 Feature Ethernet Straight Ethernet Cross Console RS-232 Serial DCE/DTE Optical Fiber Telephone Coaxial cable Wireless Ethernet LACP/LAgP 802.11a/b/g/n DTP VTP 802.1q STP/RSTP CDP L2 QoS: CoS HDLC Frame Relay PPP PPPoE IPv4, ICMPv4 IPv6, ICMPv6 L3 QoS: ToS IPSec ISAKMP VPN UDP and TCP HTTP/HTTPS Multilevel DNS TFTP/FTP DHCP

ITE PC 8,13,15 D1 1,3,4,7,9

CCNA Discovery D2 D3 1,2,3,5,9 1 - 10

D4 E1 1,3,4,5,6,8 2,7,8,9,10

CCNA Exploration E2 E3 1 1,2,7




1,3,8,15 13,15,16

3 3,7,9



1,3,4, 3,5,9

2,7,8,9,10 7,8

1,2 7 3 4 3,4,6 5 3

1 6

6 6 6 6 6 6

2 2 2 2 2 3 7 8 4 4 4 4 7

5 5 5 5 8,15 3,5 4,5,9 4 8

3,9,10 3,9 3,9 2,3 5,8 7,9 6,7,9 7,9,10 1 - 10 5

3 7 1,5,7 3 4,5 5,8 8 6 6 1,4 8 4,8 4,5 4 7 3 6 7 7 7 5,6,9,11 5

2 1 11 1 3,4,6

4,8 1 3 2 7 7 7 7 1, 4 & 8 8 7&8 7&8 8 1&4 2 7 7 7 7 3 3 6 2 6 6 7, 8


L4 L7-6-5

8,15 15 8,15 8,15

6 6 6 6 5

7 7,8,9 1,7,9 7,8 5,9

1,2 1,5,8 2,8 1,4,8

4 2,3 3,4 3,4, 11 3,4,6


6 5 4 2 7

6, 8

2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information.

Ma in Tro tainin g ub les and ho oti ng IP

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ng IP

Im ple me nti

Im ple me nti

ng IP

Sw itch i

Ro uti

Ne tw ork s



Cisco Packet Tracer v5.3 Support for Networking Academy Curricula

IT E ss and entia Sof ls: P C tw are Hard wa re Ne tw ork Sm all ing fo Bu sin r Hom ess es e an d Wo rki ng Me diu at a S m Bu mallsin ess toInt or rod ISP Sw ucin itch g R ing out in t ing a he En nd De ter si g pri se Co ning mp and ute Sup rN etw port ork ing Ne s tw ork Fun dam en tal s Ro uti ng Co nce Prot pts oco ls a nd LA N Sw itch in g and Wi rel ess Acc ess ing the WA N CC NA Sec uri ty Ne tw ork s
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PT 5.3 Feature Telnet/SSH SMTP/POP3 H.323, SCCP, RTP NAT ACLs AAA/RADIUS/TACACS SYSLOG IDS/IPS/ZBPF SNMP Routing Static Routing RIPv1/v2/NG EIGRP OSPF MultiArea OSPF Basic BGP Redistribution Devices PC/Hub/Switch/ Router/AP

ITE PC 15 8,15,

6 5

8,9 7 4,9 5,8 8 8 8 5,6 6,9 6 6 6

CCNA Discovery 1,2,3,8 5 2,4,8 4,8 8,9 2 9 5 5 5,6,9 6,9,10 4 9

1,8 4,5 4 6 1,5,7

3,11 3,4 6

2 9

CCNA Exploration 2

CCNA S 4 2 6 4 4 3 2 4&5 2 5


7 5,7,8 7 4,8

7 2, 5, & 6 5 5&6 5&6 5&6 8 (RIPng) 2 3 6 4

6 9 9 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5

5 2 5 1,6 1,5,6,7 1,5

7 4 5 5 5 5 2 5,7 9 10,11 11 3 4,9 1 - 11 1,2 3,8 7



1,2,3,5,8,9 1 - 10



2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information.

Ma in Tro tainin g ub les and ho oti ng IP

ng IP

Im ple me nti

Im ple me nti

ng IP

Sw itch i

Ro uti


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