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FEAST YEAR 2 CELEBRATION! See picture story on pages 4-6

ARE we there yet? If youre a parent, youve heard this line a thousand times.



It doesnt matter whether youre going to the park, the mall, the beach. Kids cant wait to reach their destination. Me? Ive learned to like the drive to the destination. Its the drive that thrills me. The joy of being together. Swapping stories and singing songs with the boys. And breathing in the charming scenery along the way. Friend, if you want to savor life, you have to learn to enjoy the drive, not just the destination. Let me tell you why. Because healing your performanceoriented spirituality will take time. Healing your skewed image of God will take time.

Enjoy the

Healing your shame-based personality will take time. Healing your low selfworth will take time. But thats okay! Dont rush through this process. It cant be rushed anyway, even if you tried. Enjoy the drive. Before you know it, the destination is before you. Today, I pray that God continue the miracle of your inner healing through the Feast. May your dreams come true,

Today, I receive all of Gods love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of Gods universe. Today, I open myself to Gods blessings, healing, and miracles. Today, I open myself to Gods Word So I would become More like Jesus every day. Today, I proclaim that I am Gods beloved, I am Gods servant, I am Gods powerful champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world. In Jesus name. Amen. RECEIVE INSPIRING MESSAGES FROM BRO. BO! BRO. Bo Sanchez is sending inspiring messages and announcements to Feast attendees via text or short messaging services (SMS) from his mobile phone and through email. Want to receive messages? Just text your mobile phone number and email address to these numbers... FOR GLOBE SUBSCRIBERS: 09178494444 FOR SMART SUBSCRIBERS: 09088949999 FOR SUN SUBSCRIBERS: 09228945555



Happy Birthday!
PENTECOST SUNDAY commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Upper Room. It is always a happy occasion because it is the birthday of the Church. At the Feast PICC, this years Pentecost Sunday is extra special because it coincides with its second founding anniversary. To add to the joy of the double celebration at the PICC, Fr. Eric Santos presided the Holy Mass, lacing his homily with rib-ticklers. Fr. Eric announced that beginning this Pentecost Sunday, the new Roman Missal (the third edition) is used little by little in the Holy Masses until its full implementation on the first Sunday of Advent 2012 . The response And also with You. will not be used anymore. In its place, the congregation now replies, And with Your Spirit. Why is Pentecost considered as the birthday of the Church, and not Maundy Thursday when the Lord instituted the Holy Eucharist? It is because the apostles were not ready on Maundy Thursday. They cowered in fear, and drew strength from the Blessed Virgin Mary. When the Holy Spirit came, they were empowered, and became cowards no longer. It was not easy for the apostles who all died a martyrs death crucified upside down, skinned, or roasted alive except for John the Beloved who took care of Mary. The Holy Spirit is at work even now in the churches and continues to be on fire. It gathers us together in one church. The Lord makes use of every person to build the Church, offering us various opportunities to serve. We cant afford to be idle because the Holy Spirit is working in us. It adds life to the power of the Church and gives hope. The Holy Spirit must be shared by being generous enough to others. Bella Estrella

AS we celebrated the second birthday of Feast PICC, Bro. Bo Sanchez talked on Give Yourself the Gift of Limits, Talk 3 of our LifeSavor series. Bro. Bo said human beings have limits or boundaries. We are limited by time and responsibilities. But there are people who carry burdens beyond their limit. Such gesture may be due to a wrong interpretation of Matthew 16:24-26 where Jesus said, Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Bro. Bo said the passage is for those who already have a concrete self concept. He added: Because if you do not have a self, how can you deny it? How do you set limits? Bro. Bo cited the example of the Good Samaritan. The Samaritan chances upon an

Build Your Fence

injured person on the road, brings him to an inn, and delegates him to the innkeeper because he has to take care of his own business. The Samaritan sets a boundary: he goes only so far as to find help for the injured manbecause he has business, without which he cannot be of help to others. We are not able to set our boundaries because we have broken fences. Bro. Bo gave four kinds: 1. Money Fence. While we are still young and strong, we must build our money fence so we have savings which we can use for future needs. 2. Body Fence. Mothers, especially, live to take care of their children. But mothers, and everybody else, should take care of themselves so they can better take care of others.

3. Friendship Fence. There are two kinds of friends: Nourishing Friends who inspire and encourage you to be a better person; Negative Friends who demoralize and damage you. Look for a nourishing friend now! 4. Helping Fence. Galatians 5 contains two seemingly opposing instructions. Verse 2 says Carry each others burdens. Verse 5 says for each one should carry his own load. Bro. Bo explained that the passages mean we should help those who cant carry their burden. But dont help those who can but wont. Dont take on the personal responsibilities of other people. If you do, your helping isnt really helping, but harming them.

Loading burdens on Bro. Bo, top, from left: Paolo Espos, Markley Villarin, Kean Lim, and JC Libiran. At right, Bro. Bo sets boundary by returning backpacks to their owners. Photos by Edmundo L. Santiago

2 THE FEAST June 3, 2012

LIVING WITH BORDERS. JB Rodriguez and Carlo Lorenzo demonstrate how to set limits.


Beautiful, Beloved
WHEN I WAS a teenager, a man told me that hes in love with me. And I couldnt believe him. I was like, How could you love me when Im not even beautiful? At the time, I thought I was really ugly. This guy, however, kept on telling me that I was pretty. But I just couldnt see what he saw in me. I ignored him. Carlo and JB are on a bridge. But after a few days, he was Carlo depends on JB for his still there. He pursued me. Alas, I survival by tying a rope around wasnt ready for a relationship. No, let me rephrase that. The truth is, I his waist. did not feel I was worthy to have a relationship with this guy, or with any other guy. So, I continued to ignore him. A couple of months passed, and whoa, he was still there! I thought, Crazy guy. He just doesnt know what hes getting into. So, I confronted him, and told him so. Hey, stop pursuing me. You just dont know what Carlo gives the end of the rope youre getting into. to JB. After that, I thought hed go away. A year passed, and wow, I couldnt believe ithes still there! But I just didnt feel worthy of his attention. I continued to ignore him. I continued living my own life without him. I did my own thing. I enjoyed excursions with my family, I enjoyed school, sports, gigs with my friends, travelled to various places. A couple of years passed, and unexpectedly, this man was still Alas, Carlo falls off the bridge there waiting for my Yes. And I was and holds on to the rope. like, This man is insane! Again, I told him, Forget Bro. Bo said there are two about me because I dont have any plan of saying Yes to you. Cant endings to this skit: you understand that? Ending 1: JB lets go of And he goes, Even if you Carlo. Carlo is forced to swim for dont love me yet, I still love you, his life. Both remain alive. and will always love you. I love Ending 2: JB tries in vain you with all of me. I will wait to pull up Carlo. Drained of his until that day that you will say strength, JB falls off the bridge Yes to me. That was lovely if only I too. With no more support, Carlo felt the same. I fell silent. I didnt swims for his life. He lives. JB know what to say. A part of me drowns and dies. felt guilty, and another part felt astounded. How could anyone Bro. Bo concludes: 1) love me so much when I dont When you help others, dont even like me? forget to help yourself. Do So again, I put the man not kill the goose that lays golden on hold. I told him I didnt want eggs. 2) Do it with a team. Dont to decide yet about going into a do it alone. Delegate tasks. relationship with him. Kristine Mutuc Three years passed, and Photos by Arlene Batislaong he was still there. Nothing had and Gerald Gonzalez changed. I was still living my own sleep. I cried and cried until I had no more tears. Still, my heart cried until I felt numb all over. I didnt care about living anymore One afternoon, while I was walking around the bend in the university, the same man who was head over heels in love with me approached me. He said, Why are you looking for your family? Theyre far away from you. Why are you looking for your friends? They have problems of their own to fix. Why are you still looking for your former boyfriend? Hes no longer with you. Why? Am I not enough for you? He said, Im crazy for you. Im madly in love with you. You dont see what I see. You think that I dont know what Im talking about. Well, youre wrong because I know everything about you. I know your strengths and weaknesses. I know you have flaws, and Im not expecting you to be perfect. I understand your mood swings. I know your dreams, and Im here to support you all the way. People may have left and betrayed you, but Im still here to show you that youre worth knowing, and Im sticking with you. Ill be your companion, your best friend, your everything. Wont you say now Yes to me? Then, he stretched his arms, and for the first time, I saw the Man. I realized hes real as real as the cross behind him. For the first time, I realized his love for me is real. And I heard myself saying, Yes, my Lord. I was then only 19 years old when I said Yes to Jesus. And my life has never been the same. I began to see myself the way Jesus sees me: Beautiful, Beloved. My defining moment all came back to me as I listened to the talk on our LifeSavor series. Yes, I once felt unworthy. I once felt ashamed of myself. But in this series, I heard Gods comforting words: Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; Neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame; for you will forget the shame of your youth...(Isaiah 54:4). Actually, I remember the shame. But I dont have the feeling anymore because it has been erased by Gods unconditional love for me which I savor to this day.
THE FEAST June 3, 2012

Once upon a time, I thought I was really ugly. This guy, however, kept on telling me that I was pretty. But I just couldnt see what he saw in me. I ignored him.
life, and I still thought he was just really crazy. Four years passed, he was still there. I told him, Dont waste your time on me. Youre just going to get tired of waiting for my Yes, because I will always just say No. This time, he was dead silent. Was he getting mad at me? But then, I still couldnt care less about him. Another year passed. I graduated from high school and started college. In the university, I met people who, again to my surprise, told me I was beautiful. One even told me I should join a beauty pageant. With these peoples affirmation, my insecurities began to fade a little. On my senior year in the university, I said Yes-- to a boy in school. He was in love with me, and so was I with him. He was my prince. I was his princess. He was my world, and so I thought it was the perfect relationship Id ever had. Then, that fateful day came. He broke up with me. I was, to say the least, devastated. I couldnt


By JANELLE IBAY REMEMBER the words of Bro. Bo Sanchez on the first few weeks of FEAST PICC? The empty seats I see dont mean the place is too big. It means space for new attendees! Those were prophetic words. For on our second year, Feast PICC has become bigger, better, and more powerful than you could ever imagine. This called for a celebration, of course! Last Sunday, anniversary balloons cascaded on everyone during the Feast. Buntings lined the Bridgeway where the Feast Ministries mounted an Anniversary Festival complete with games, singing and dancing, raffle, a photo-op with a life-size picture of Bro. Bo, an exhibit of the Feast talks paraphernalia and photos showing why the Feast is the happiest place on Earth!

Anniversary Special

Toward 1000 Feasts, from left: Bro. Rolly Espana, his wife Donna, Vita Monforte, and Beckie Sanchez.

4 THE FEAST June 3, 2012

Bro. Bo Sanchez and Bro. Rolly Espana present donation to campus missionaries to support their mission to build Feasts in schools. Receiving symbolic check, from left: Migs Ramirez, Carlo Lorenzo, John Ben Rodriguez, Raser Alfante, and JC Libiran

Festival fun, clockwise from top: photo-op with life-size pic of Bro. Bo; Youth Ministry members dance for the Lord; memorabilia booth; grand revelry!

Best treats, 1st row: games galore; 2nd row: free BP checkup, and oooh, massage; 3rd row: Butch and Elvie Rafols of Feast New Zealand with kids Manuel and Janina check out photo exhibit; wacky Creative and Events Group members go for 1000!



LOOKING for a way to supplement the weekly Feast? We highly recommend joining a Caring Group. In such smaller units called Caring Groups in the Light of Jesus Family, the members guide and encourage each other to experience a spiritual family and pave the way to start or deepen their relationship with God. Within Feast PICC, there are dozens of choices of Caring Groups to join, offering various categories which cater to ones status in life, age group, profession, interest, or concern. Here, we feature a trilogy of CG categories. ENDOWED WIDOWS CARING GROUPS magnify love, joy, and healing, as can be witnessed in the CG especially made for widows. Sis. Sally Habana, CG head, shares, The CG for widows was borne out of my desire to create a group where widows would be comfortable sharing their thoughts and innermost feelings, because they know that they are talking to people who truly understand how they feel. You cannot really mix them with singles or with couples. They do have a different profile. Our CG has become a venue for sharing the joys and pains of being a widow. What is truly interesting is that each of us has her own story to tell. And from these stories, emerge new learning and realizations for all of us. Sis. Sally has three daughters and became a widow in 2003. Her background is on human resource management. She joined the Light of Jesus Family five years ago, and now serves in the Warmth Ministry for all the three sessions of Feast PICC. Starting with a general CG in January 2011, she eventually focused on widows. Serving and growing in the CG, Sis. Sally further testifies: Catering to widows, we get to discuss the challenges of not only being a mother but a father as well to our children. The women, since most of them are between 40s and 50s, can be pretty stubborn and definitely have a mind of their own. At a glance, you might think they are fragile because they are alone, but deep down inside, they are really strong. In each meeting that we have, miracles and healing do happen. We feel the presence of God. We deepen our hope and faith in Him. These sisters are endowed widows. They find comfort and strength when they support each other.

Health professionals, clockwise from left: Prof. Beng RamosMortel, Dr. Arwin Serrano, Michael Angelo Minano, Dr. Mitchell Feraren, Rhyan Jay Belano, Dr. Josefina Almonte, Gilbert Ravidas, Amy Pamplona, Sheila Marie Arjona, Rowena San Jose
A CG IS A CLINIC WHEN we hear out each other, we become instrumental to heal one another. Thus we can also say that a Caring Group is a clinic. Like a pill of love, it is therapeutic, comforting, and nourishing to accept, care, and build one another. Talking about healing, do you know that every Sunday morning before the second session of the Feast, a group of health professionals convene in the PICC Lobby? This group is composed of doctors, professors, nurses, and others with health related careers. While they spend most of their career life caring for others, they have also found a refuge where they can in turn receive the same care. Being a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine whose field and interest include Veterinary Practice and Public Health, the CG head, Dr. Arwin Serrano, established this type of CG two years ago. He joined the Light of Jesus Family in 2003, and has served as one of the pioneer CG heads, Service and Singles Council member, and Makati Chapter Head. Health professionals are naturally caring and nourishing. They pray for one another, observe generosity in tithes and Light of Jesus missions, inspire and disciple others. They plan to undertake a small Medical Mission at the Anawim, our home for abandoned elderly, and the members are also active in various ministries like Creative and Events, Counseling, Intercessory, and, of course, the Medical Team. What is their prescription to a healthy spiritual life? Strive to be a good example to others, and be an inspiration of the goodness of the Lord.

Merry widows, from left: Agnes Natividad, Wilma Gonzales, Sally Habana, and Gina Abao. Below left, Wilma, Gina, and Sally, sharing stories during a CG session.

Ferds Nantes (2nd from right) party with CG members.

TAGGED, SHARED, AND BLESSED! LET US now check the profile was dealing with problems at of the Caring Group for Facehome, and the Feast came like a bookers. This CG is headed by refuge. He can clearly recall how Ferds Nantes who works in a in December 5th of that year, he global firm with hotel property realized he found a second home accounts. In August 2010, Ferds at the Feast.

Ferds got inspired by his former Bro. Noli Benavent, his former CG head, who created a CG for Facebookers. Through this CG, Ferds said he outgrew his awkwardness and learned to enjoy the company of others. He was eventually molded and trained to head his own CG. He adds, We are all called to serve. So I thought this is my humble way of fulfilling that role, a humble way of shepherding Gods children. This CG is very diverse. Originally intended for Facebookers in Call Centers, but like in Facebook, they welcome any member and do not limit work to Call Centers. In fact they are being

outnumbered by members with varied background family man, nurse, entrepreneur, among others. Most members are also Feast addicts and whose network of friends can really multiply. In this CG, no one is being tagged with ridicule or criticism. Ferds says, They can show their real self and be accepted. This is a place where we can vent out their burdens, as we are surrounded with people wounded and fallen like us. With each moment spent within a CG, every burden expressed, every prayer uttered, and laughter shared - good things are indeed magnified!
THE FEAST June 3, 2012

WOMEN play a significant role in the fulfillment of Gods great plan for humanity. They are the light of every home, the partner of every household. Mothers are the ones that carried us for nine months, giving us life. Mary carried in her womb a Son who is a true man and a true God. She found high favor from above. With her grew a child who obeyed her in everything. In her came a child, despite all the pains and agonies, still thought of His mothers welfare as He entrusted Mary to John to care for her, before He died. But Marys life was not a bed of roses. She accompanied her child in His journey of salvation for humankind. As the Father gave Mary to be Jesus mother, we also are given our natural mothers. They also have their stories of joys and sorrows, faith, and challenges. Being a mother is not easy but she is willing to sacrifice for her child and hopes for the best for her family. A mother nurtures, cares and love unconditionally. Her beauty is classic and her essence is timeless. Blessed are the women who boldly say Yes and commit to the role God has entrusted to them. Moms are worthy of our love. They are a gift. They reflect the glory of the Giver of life who loved us first. Jesus, the Perfect Lover, teach me how to honor and love mothers the way you want me to and let my thoughts, words, and deeds manifest this love in every moment and in every way. --Mary Joy O. Acabado

BRO. PIO ESPANOL, longtime elder of the Light of Jesus and District Feast Builder of Rizal province, launches his long-awaited book, Jesus at Home. In this practical, easy to apply book, Bro. Pio shares sensible wisdom gleaned from years of marriage and parenting. Addressing true-to-life dilemmas, Bro. Pio dispenses


realistic advice based on the Bible that anyone can apply in daily life. This book is a must-have guide for spouses and parents who want to live their faith right where it mattersin the heart of their home. For details, call Shepherds Voice Publications Inc., 725-9999, or log on to www. shepherds


I REMEMBER the first time I attended the Feast was on May 10, 2010, at Valle Verde Country Club in Pasig City. I found the atmosphere familiar. Way back in college I was an active member of Youth for Christ so I knew what a prayer meeting was like. Still, something different happened to me during my first Feast. I felt an intense spiritual renewal. I felt so blessed that I decided to attend the Feast every Sunday. I followed the Feast when it transferred to PICC and since then I hardly missed the Sunday gathering. Gradually, my faith in God grew, until I began to feel that simply attending the Feast was not enough. Our founder, Bro. Bo Sanchez, called for volunteers to serve in the various ministries and I realized that was what I had to do to get closer to the Lord: serve Him. In June 2011, one year since my first Feast, I began to serve God as a greeter in the Warmth Ministry. And since then, Ive never felt happier. Ive found new friends at the Feast. Ive found a new family and my second home. Ive been so active, so full of life and so at peace with God. I just love serving the Lord, and blessing lots of people through my service. Truly , the Feast is the happiest place on Earth. This is where all your dreams come true in Gods wonderful time. --Paolina Salome

BE RENEWED. A priest will hear your confession at the second floor lobby, Reception Hall side.

LOST and FOUND If you lost or found an item, please approach any of the ushers who will guide you to our Lost and Found section.





8 THE FEAST June 3, 2012

The FEAST, published by the Light of Jesus Family, is distributed during The Feast by the Manila Bay, a weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus held at the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Manila, every Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.,10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 3:45 PM p.m. to 5:45 p.m. The FEAST holds office at The Lighthouse, 60 Chicago St., Quezon City, with telephone numbers 725-9999, and email address

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