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Monitoring ELICOS Progress and Learning Intervention Policy

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To ensure enrolled ELICOS students complete their courses satisfactorily, teachers must monitor students progress in terms of completion of course tasks, goals and assessment events and provide appropriate support to assist the students towards successful completion of courses. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction and purpose Compliance Monitoring of student progress Intervention strategy Support strategies Reporting

INTRODUCTION and PURPOSE Strathfield College is committed to the delivery of high quality academic outcomes for ELICOS students through the regular monitoring and assessment of student progress and through provision of high quality support. This policy sets out the means by which Strathfield College meets that commitment and ensures that legislative requirements of NEAS, the ESOS Act and the National Code are met. COMPLIANCE This policy is in accordance with the requirements of the National Code which has been established under the ESOS Act 2000. In order to maintain their visa, students must make satisfactory course progress for each study period. MONITORING OF STUDENT PROGRESS Strathfield College has in place an intervention strategy for ELICOS students not making satisfactory progress. Unsatisfactory progress is defined as the ELICOS student not attending or making poor academic progress during the study period. Strathfield College will monitor, assess and record the progress of each student for the course for which the student is currently enrolled. Strathfield College has in place strategies to identify students at risk of not making satisfactory progress and those deemed potentially at risk.
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This document is only current for two days after 3/12/2010

Monitoring ELICOS Progress and Learning Intervention Policy

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Each course will include a six-weekly formal assessment (proficiency testing) to monitor student progress during a 12 week course. Regular informal formative assessments (progress testing) are also conducted in class. Academic staff will inform the Director of Studies of students identified as at risk and who will then be subject to Strathfield Colleges intervention strategy. At the end of each 6 week block, co-teachers will meet to review the progress of each student. Students deemed at risk of not making appropriate progress will be discussed with the Director of Studies and will be subject to Strathfield Colleges intervention strategy. Where a teacher is aware of a student who is at risk of failing their course, or that the student is displaying behaviours that may become an obstacle to the student achieving expected progression, the teacher will inform the Director of Studies. Strathfield College is committed to the value of early intervention. Teachers should recognise factors which may contribute to the need for intervention, and offer extra support as required. Such factors may be: Young students, especially under 18 Students unused to living away from home or living away from home for the first time Students with jagged profiles i.e. literacy skills considerably lower than oral skills Students with poor academic records Students with learning disabilities Students studying in Australia because of poor learning outcomes in their home country Students enrolled for long periods of time without breaks Students given incorrect information by their agents Students with part-time jobs late at night

INTERVENTION STRATEGY Strathfield Colleges intervention strategy will be made available to staff and students through the Orientation program.

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This document is only current for two days after 3/12/2010

Monitoring ELICOS Progress and Learning Intervention Policy

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Students identified as at risk of or not making satisfactory progress will be contacted and counselled by the Director of Studies or other staff who will make recommendations which may include: Identification and implementation of support strategies to enhance the students progress a recommendation that the student seek appropriate personal and/or academic support within or outside of Strathfield College a recommendation that the student revise their study program regular feedback from academic staff that may include discussion, continuous (perhaps informal) assessment to track progress, model answers, lists of common mistakes, peer and self evaluation. Intervention meetings and student plans will be recorded in the student management system, in the student diary section. Students identified as not making satisfactory progress following the initial intervention will be contacted and counseled by the Director of Studies and support offered as deemed appropriate by the Director of Studies or Principal in light of the academic and or personal difficulties facing the student.

Strathfield College has full time student support officers who can assist students with study skills, personal counseling and who can refer students to specialized psychological services when needed.

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This document is only current for two days after 3/12/2010

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