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June 5, 2012

the voice of diversity


la voz de la diversidad

Exclusive Interview: Un Orgullo Hispano

Book review: JUST LIKE US Libro: Al Igual Que Nosotros

PBS Ray Suarez

Slow Jam the News:

Jimmy Fallon & President Obama

Dan Quispe Publisher Gerald A. Curtis Editor in Chief Creative Directors Jose S. Quispe Richard C. Carrasco Alex B. Torres Advertising Richard C. Carrasco Jose S. Quispe Chuck Schuth Arturo Garcia Photography Gerald A. Curtis Jose S. Quispe Contributers Gerald A. Curtis Jose S. Quispe

Table of Contents
I love cupcakes! Exclusive interview with Ray Suarez, author of the Holy Vote: Politics of Faith in America. He is a Washington, D.C., journalist for the PBS NewsHour. Slow Jam the News with Jimmy Fallon and President Obama regarding the rising rate of college loans. Book Club Review: Just Like Us-- The true story of four mexican girls coming of age in America by Helen Thrope. Event: Support Denvers favorite Jazz, Blues and Latin Jazz station KUVO.

Event: The Five Points, Jazz Festival. Free Event.

For Advertising & Inquiries 303.333.0255

s! e encantan Los Panquesito I love cupcakes! --- M

Icing. Now that summer bre ak is just around the co rner, what do we do wit Parents could surprise h all of our kids at home your kids with tasty sn ? acks that are also easy including them in the ba to make. The best part king process! You could is show them a bit of ma fun family memories wh th in practice and create ile making their own sn acks! Now lets bake so cupcakes! me deliciously nutritiou s Carrot and Orange C upcakes with Marcarp one Cheese

Me encanta Panqu


Panquesitor de za nahoria y Naranja con glaseado de queso mascarpon e Ahora que las vaca ciones de verano es t a la vuelta de la esquina, qu hace mos con todos nues tros hijos en casa? Los padres pueden sorprender a sus hij os con deliciosos aperitivos que tambi n son fciles de ha cer. La mejor parte es que incluso en el proceso de hornea do! Se les puede mostrar un poco de matemticas en la prctica y crear recuerdos familiare s al tiempo que sus panquesitos se hornean!

Chef : Victoria Carrasco

Associate of Science, Culinary Arts Johnson and Wales University Pastry and Baking Specialist

Carrot and Orange Cupcakes with Mascarpone Cheese Icing Approximately 12 servings Ingredients: 8 Tbls. of butter or margarine, softened Cup of light brown sugar 2 Large eggs, lightly beaten 3 medium carrots, peeled and shredded Juice and finely grated rind of medium Cup of walnuts, finely chopped optional 1 Cup of all-purpose flour 1 Tsp. pumpkin pie spice 1 Tbls. of baking powder Frosting Ingredients: 1 Cup of mascarpone cheese 4 Tbls. of powder sugar Grated rind of 1 large orange Method of Preparation 1.-Preheat the oven to 350F/180C. Put 12 paper lines in a muffin pan 2.-Put the butter, sugar, and orange rind in a bowl and beat together until light and fluffy >gradually add eggs, beating well after each addition .Squeeze any excess liquid from the carrots and add the batter with the walnuts and orange juice. Stir into the batter until well mixed. Sift in the flour, pumpkin pie spice, and baking powder and then, using a metal spoon, fold into the batter. Spoon the batter into the paper lines. 3.- Bake the cupcakes in the preheated oven for 25 minutes, or until well risen, firm to the touch, and golden brown . Transfer to a wire rack and let cool. 4.-To make the frosting, put the mascarpone cheese, confectioners, sugar and orange rind in a large bowl and beat together until well mixed 5.-When the cupcakes are cold, spread the frosting on top of each cupcake, swirling it with a round-bladed knife. Store the cupcakes in the refrigerator until ready to serve

Panquesitos de Naranja y Zanahoria Aproximadamente 12 porciones Ingredientes 8 Cucharadas de mantequilla o margarina, suavizada Taza de azcar morena 2 Huevos grandes, ligeramente batidos 3 Zanahorias medianas, peladas y ralladas Ralladura y jugo de una naranja mediana Taza de nueces, finamente picadas 1 Taza de harina para todos los usos 1 Cucharadita de especies para hacer pie de calabaza 1 Cucharadita de polvo para hornear Para hacer el Nevado 1 Taza de queso mascarpone 4 Cucharadas de azcar en polvo Ralladura de una naranja Modo de Preparacin 1.- Calentar el horno a 350F/180C. Cubrir los moldes para hacer los poquecitos (paper liners) 2.-Poner la mantequilla, azcar y la ralladura de la naranja en un envase y batirlo con la batidora elctrica hasta formar una crema esponjosa. Gradualmente se le agregan los huevos batidos y se contina batiendo despus agregarlos uno a uno. Se exprimen las zanahorias ralladas para quitarles el exceso de lquido, se le aade a la masa, se le colocan las nueces y el jugo de naranja y se mezcla bien . Se cerne la harina con el polvo de hornear y la especie, se le agrega a la masa anterior y se mezcla con una cuchara de madera con movimiento envolventes. 3.-Con una cuchara se va llenando los molde con la masa tratando que todos que de igual cantidad. 4.-Se colocan en el horno a hornearse por 25 minutos o hasta que estn dorados y hayan levantado. Se colocan en una rejilla y se dejan que estn frio para decorarlos 5.- para el nevado, en un envase se colocan todos los ingredientes y se baten con la batidora elctrica hasta formar una crema suave y esponjosa. 6.-Cuando los poquecitos estn fros se les decora con la crema y adornan con las ideas de sus nios. Es una manera fcil y divertida de compartir con sus nios en estas vacaciones.

An exclusive interview:

Chavez: Eventually, he is going to have to answer that? Suarez: Maybe. Maybe not. He may have decided, Look, this does me no good. I dont want to talk about it. So when anybody asks me about it, Ill be polite. And he hasnt shut anybody off. He hasnt told anybody to go get lost. But he has been firm -terse -- and boom -- done. If you want to know about my church, then ask my church. Curtis: Ive seen recent Republican debates where a tough question is ignored. instead, the candidate carefully side steps tough questions and redirects the answer to other topics the candidate has rehearsed. The original question is ignored. If someone objects and says: Hey wait a minute --- You did not answer the question. The candidate says, I GAVE YOU THE ANSWER .... That I want to... Suarez: .... That I want to give. Curtis: Thats right. The candidate is saying that the is question is wrong. Suarez: Those are not real debates. And once you have the whole country watching you, including tens of millions of independents. They are not going to pull that stunt. Because, when a moderator (and whoever the moderator ends up being) asks a direct question and he doesnt answer the question -- 75 million people are watching. Think nobodys going to notice? Chavez: Thats sort of plays into one last question that I have.... what happened to the Tea Party. I havent heard anything about them. Are they still around? Suarez: Yeah, they are still influential because they have a lot sway in the Republican primaries. But I dont know how much sway they have in general elections. Chavez: I brought up the question of Mitt Romney being a Mormon, because they will have some sort of impact. The stats reports 44% of Tea Party members are Born Again Christians. If Mitt Romney is, seemingly, running away from being a Mormon, how is he going to get those voters? It seems like they are going to have an issue. Suarez: Again, I dont think they dont have any where to go. If they say at home, they help elect Obama. They are not going to vote for Obama. So, really, theyre list of choices seem pretty short. In close states, a tea party couple, who says, Huh---a plague on both their houses and doesnt vote, helps Obama. Thats the calculus of it for the Democratic strategies.

Ray Suarez
The Holy Vote: The Politics of Faith in America
DENVER The University of Denvers (DU) Bridges to the Future lecture series recently presented Ray Suarez, author of The Holy Vote: The Politics of Faith in America. Suarez explored the role of organized religion in American politics and how faith in government may transform our country in the future. His book is based on more than 30 years of political reporting experience. It won a 2007 Latino Book Award for best religion book. Suarez is a senior correspondent with PBS NewsHour. Here is a portion of an exclusive interview given to DHispanos Magazine prior to his talk. Attending was Ray Suarez, Christopher J Chavez, External Communications Specialist University of Denver and Gerald Curtis, Editor and Chief of DHispanos Magazine.

The text of the transcript follows:

There is no religious test for holding public office ... (Mitt) Romney is being held to a religious test. -- Suarez.
Suarez: The constitution says there is no religious test for holding public office in the United States. And yet, Romney ( Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate for President) is -- frankly and openly -- being held to a religious test. If you go into a booth and tell someone you were not going to be voting for them because they were Mormon, then you are using a religious test to choose someone to high public office. No one can stop you from doing that --- we dont have that kind of country. But, Mitt Romney -- has been extremely involved in his church, as an adult. He has been the Mormon equivalent of a pastor, of a large congregation, for years! He had administrative duties for running the churchs finances, pastoral duties of giving advice to people -- families in trouble -- you know -- women in crisis. All this stuff. He was fulfilling all of the duties we associate with a priest --- and did it for ten years -- for a big congregation! Yet, because of the --- sort of -- radioactive nature of which church he belongs too -- he does not talk about this big part of his life. I tell you, Mike Huckabee talked a lot about being a baptist minister. Chavez: Its almost like Romney is embarrassed? Suarez: I wouldnt say embarrassed. I would say he is being tactical. By doing that he isnt dispelling any of the misconceptions that people have about Mormons. He is not dispelling the myths people have about Mormons. Now --- hes running for president. He is not running as the Mormon myth dispeller. So, I dont want to put him in a box and say that he shouldnt do that -- but its a very sad thing. This is a church he as been devoted too --- outwardly -- heart and soul -- all of his adult life. And that part of his life is just a black hole. He makes -- sort of -- vague, carefully calibrated statements. He says stuff -- when reporters ask him like, uh-- If you want to know about my church -- ask my church. I think, thats a little too defensive.... instead of normalizing Mormons, which is what Mormons deeply desire -- to be seen a part of the broad stream of American Christianity. That tact -- maintains the exoneration -- when a man who wants to hold the number one job -- when a man, who wants to be --by virtue of that job -- wants to be the most powerful man in the world. Wont ever talk in very general way. I mean, they dont want to talk in a very general way. They dont what to talk deep theology with him. Or present a treatise on Mormon doctrine. Sometimes they just want to ask him little details about the church and he just shuts them down.

Chavez: I live by the Denver Airport. Its a fairly high minority community (Hispanic, Afro-American) and the high schools, out there, traditionally have a very high rate of drop-outs. Forty percent of the kids do not graduate. And I dont understand, those educators and administrators --- cant figure out why. There is a socioeconomic reason. You have lower income folks. You have parents who are having to work. You have latch key kids. You know, these kids are at a social disadvantage to start with... Suarez:The schools do nothing to fulfill that gap. We really under estimate the roll of social capital predicting outcomes. I wish we would pay a little attention to that. Chavez: All of these schools are driven. My daughter is 9 years old in a state charter school, which is driven by these CSAP scores. Suarez: Standardized testing. Chavez: ...Standardized testing. Everything is... theyve go to come to school. We will give then free breakfast --- free lunch. We just want these kids to pass these tests. And traditionally, the upper class white communities by DU, by Cherry Creek, which is where your hotel is ---traditionally upper middle class --- and those school are always in the A. They are always ranked real

high. You know its tough ... You are right. The problem is --- with these socioeconomic issues in different communities you can tell there are a little bit better schools and better care taken --- longer school days. Its a big issue. Suarez: And the highest correlation statistic in education is -how many years of schooling your parents finished. That means that schools which should be helping kids transcend those disadvantages (jump over the disadvantages) is allowing the inequality and lack of advancement from the previous generation to be handed on, like an inheritance, to the next generation. Its really awful. Gerald: (Id like to jump to the next topic on my list, which includes jobs, education, and the economy. I am starting a new Hispanic Magazine - DHispanos. I understand jobs, education, health care, are the number one topics in the Latin community, not necessarily Immigration. After, you have immigrated, then the issue becomes one of find a good job? Suarez: If you are in a mixed status family --- and I mean that broadly -- not necessarily -- in your nuclear family -- your household -- but in your family in your extended family there are people who are out of status. You are much more -- aware -- and much more sensitive to changes of the temperature and rhetoric of immigration and debates over future legal sanctions. A lot of it -- though - just sounds in the ears of the voters -sounds anti-Latinos. If you say, I love them and I think they are great Americans .... BUT .... and then turn that corner just slash illegal immigrants ... Curtis: A Hispanic Pew Report recently announced that the largest wave of Mexican Immigration in the History of the United States has now stalled. It seems that all of the punitive measures seemed to be working ---- plus the recession. Suarez: Its the recession. If the economy where going, great guns, then all of the laws in the world would not stop it. Its a combination of the two intangibles that were pretty potent. Curtis:This is going to have a big effect on a lot of people. Suarez: But things are not going to get better in these neighborhoods. When the economy went sour -- one of the first big causalities was housing. And Latinos where so heavily concentrated in construction that when people stopped building and buying so many houses they were immediately thrown out of work.And they have long since run through there benefits. And those were decent wage jobs. If you are going drywall in a subdivision of 400 hoses, its a nice long spell of work. and its well paid. And you could move on to the next project when you where done. Well its over, There are houses standing empty all over the country. So Latinos, who had the worse numbers of uninsured and underinsured, only got worse after that --- tumbling dominos. They already are concentrated in industries -- service industries -- that dont pay those benefits -- even if you work full time. They dont provide employee insurance plan. So those tendencies that were already there -- before the economic crisis, Latinos where facing heavy levels of uninsurance. That only made that much worse. Its a disaster.

Aqu est una Entrevista Exclusiva con:

Ray Suarez de PBS, Corresponsal Principal de, NewsHour de PBS.

DENVER La serie de conferencias Puentes al Futuro de La Universidad de Denver (DU) presentaron recientemente a Ray Suarez, el autor de The Holy Vote: The Politics of Faith in America. (El Voto Santo: La Poltica de Fe en Amrica. ) Suarez explor el papel de la religin organizada en la poltica norteamericana y cmo la fe en el gobierno puede transformar nuestro pas en el futuro. Su libro es basado en ms de 30 aos de experiencia en cobertura poltica. Gan un Premio en 2007 del Libro latino como el major libro religioso. Suarez es un corresponsal principal de PBS NewsHour. Aqu est una porcin de una entrevista exclusiva dada a la Revista DHispanos antes de su conversacin. Los que asistieron fueron Ray Suarez, Christopher J. Chavez de la Universidad Externa de Especialista de Comunicaciones de Denver y Gerald Curtis el Redactor y Jefe de Revista.

poderoso en el mundo. Nunca jams hablar de manera muy general. Lo que quiero decir, es que ellos no quieren hablar de una manera muy general. Ellos no quieren hablar de la teologa profunda con l. O presentan un tratado de la doctrina mormona. A veces ellos slo quieren preguntarle un pequeo detalle acerca de la iglesia y l termina con callarlos. Chavez: Finalmente, tendr que contestar eso? Suarez: Quiz si. Quiz no. Puede haber decidido, Mira, esto no me hace bien. Yo no quiero hablar de ello. Entonces cuando cualquiera me pregunta acerca de ello, yo ser corts. Y l no ha callado a nadie. El no ha dicho a nadie que se pierda. Pero ha sido firme -- breve -- y bien -- hecho. . Si quieren saber de mi iglesia, entonces pregunten a mi iglesia. Curtis: He visto los debates republicanos recientes donde una pregunta pesada es ignorada. En vez de eso, el candidato cuidadosamente pasa de lado preguntas pesadas y redirecciona la respuesta a otros temas que el candidato ha ensayado. La pregunta original es ignorada. Si alguien se opone y dice: Oye espera un minuto --. - Usted no contest la pregunta. El candidato dice, LE DI LA RESPUESTA.... Que quiero... Suarez: .... Que quiero dar. Curtis: Es cierto. El candidato esta diciendo que la pregunta est equivocada. Suarez: Esos no son los debates verdaderos. Y una vez que usted tiene el pas entero que lo mira a usted, inclusive decenas de millones de independientes. Ellos no tirarn esa proeza. Porque, cuando un mediador (y quienquiera que el mediador acaba por ser) hace una pregunta directa y l no contesta la pregunta -- 75 millones de personas miran. Piensan que nadie lo va a notar? Chavez: Eso es un tipo de juegos en la ltima pregunta que tengo. ... que sucedi en el Tea Party. Yo no he odo nada acerca de ellos. Estn todava alrededor? Suarez: S, todava son influyentes porque tienen mucho vaivn en las primarias republicanas. Pero yo no s cunto vaivn tienen en las elecciones generales. Chavez: Traje a la vista la pregunta de Mitt Romney siendo un mormn, porque tendrn impacto de algn tipo. Las estadsticas informan que el 44% de los miembros del Tea Party son cristianos que nacieron otra vez. Si Mitt Romney est, aparentemente, escapndose de ser a un mormn, cmo conseguir l a esos votantes? Parece que tendrn un asunto. Suarez: Otra vez, yo no pienso que ellos no tienen a cualquier lugar donde ir. Si dicen a casa, ellos ayudan a elegir Obama. Ellos no votarn por Obama. As, que realmente, son las listas de elecciones que parecen bastante cortas. En estados cercanos, una pareja de tea party, que dice, Qu- -una peste en ambos partidos y no votar, ayuda a Obama. Eso es el clculo de ello para las estrategias demcratas.

El texto del expediente sigue:

No hay prueba religiosa para tener un cargo pblico... (Mitt) Romney esta siendo retenido a una prueba religiosa. -- Suarez.
Suarez: La constitucin dice que no hay prueba religiosa para tener un cargo pblico en Estados Unidos. Y todava, Romney (Mitt Romney, el candidato republicano para Presidente) esta -- francamente y abiertamente -- siendo retenido a una prueba religiosa. Si usted entra a un puesto de votacin y dice que usted no iba a estar votando por ellos porque son mormnes, entonces usted utilizando una prueba religiosa para escoger alguien a un alto cargo pblico. Nadie lo puede parar de hacer eso -- -nosotros no tenemos esa clase de pas. Pero, Mitt Romney -- ha estado muy implicado en su iglesia, como un adulto. Ha sido el mormn equivalente a un pastor, de una congregacin grande, durante aos! Tuvo los deberes administrativos para correr las finanzas de la iglesia, los deberes pastorales de dar el consejo a personas -- las familias en problemas -- sabe de mujeres en crisis. Todo este material. Cumpla todos los deberes que asociamos con un sacerdote -- -y lo hizo durante diez aos -- por una congregacin grande! Todava, a causa de -- -algo de-- la naturaleza radioactiva de que iglesia l pertenece tambin -- l no habla acerca de esta parte grande de su vida. Le digo, Mike Huckabee habl mucho acerca de ser a un ministro bautista. Chavez: Es casi como Romney esta avergonzado? Suarez: Yo no dira avergonzado. Dira que es tctico. Por medio de hacer eso l no disipa cualquiera de las equivocaciones que personas tienen acerca de los mormones. El no disipa los mitos que personas tienen acerca de los mormones. Ahora -- -l esta postulando para presidente. El no postula como el mormn dispersador de mitos. As, yo no quiero ponerlo en una caja y decir que l no debera hacerlo -- pero es una cosa muy triste. Esta es una iglesia que l se ha dedicado tambin --por fuera -- corazn y alma -- toda su vida adulta. Y que parte de su vida es slo un agujero negro. El hace -- algo como-- las declaraciones vagas , cuidadosamente calibradas. Dice cosas -- cuando periodistas le preguntan como, aj -- Si quiere saber de mi iglesia pregunte a mi iglesia. Pienso, que eso es un poco demasiado defensivo. ... en vez de normalizar mormones, que es lo que los mormones desean profundamente -- ser visto como una parte de la corriente ancha de cristiandad norteamericana. Esa tctica -- mantiene la exculpacin -- cuando un hombre que quiere tener el trabajo nmero uno -- cuando un hombre, quien

Chavez: Vivo por el Aeropuerto de Denver. Es una comunidad bastante alta minoritaria (hispano, afroamericano) y las escuelas de secundaria, all, tienen tradicionalmente una tasa muy alta de desersin. El cuarenta por ciento de los estudiantes no se grada. Y yo no comprendo, a los educadores y los administradores -- -. Que no pueden resolver el por qu. Hay una razn socioeconmica. Se tiene a la gente con los ms bajos ingresos. Tienen a padres que tienen que trabajar. Se tienen trancados a los nios clave. Saben, que estos nios estn en una desventaja social de comenzar... Suarez: Las escuelas no hacen nada para llenar ese vaco. Nosotros realmente desestimamos el rol del capital social que predice resultados. Deseo que pongamos un poco de atencin. Chavez: Todas estas escuelas son bien manejadas. Mi hija tiene 9 aos est en una escuela estatal chrter, el cual est manejada por los resultados CSAP.

Suarez: Pruebas estandarizadas. Chavez: ... Pruebas estandarizadas. Eso es todo... ellos tienen que ir a la escuela. Luego les daremos desayuno gratis--almuerzo gratis. Slo queremos que estos chicos pasen estas pruebas. Y tradicionalmente, las comunidades blancas de clase alta por el DU, por el Cherry Creek, que es donde est su hotel--tradicionalmente clase media alta---y esas escuela siempre estn en el grado A. Ellos siempre estn clasificados bien altos. Sabes que es difcil... Tienes razn. El problema es---con estas cuestiones socioeconmicas en diferentes comunidades, se puede decir que hay escuelas un poco mejor y mejor cuidadas---y das escolares largos. Es un gran problema. Surez: Y la estadstica de correlacin ms alta en educacin es--cuntos aos de escuela terminaron sus padres. Eso significa que las escuelas deberan ayudar a los nios a trascender esos inconvenientes (un salto sobre las desventajas) est permitiendo que la desigualdad y la falta de progreso de la generacin anterior se le haya entregado, como una herencia, a la siguiente generacin. Es realmente horrible. Gerald: (Me gustara pasar al tema siguiente de mi lista, que incluye puestos de trabajo, la educacin y la economa. Estoy empezando una nueva revista hispana - DHispanos. Entiendo que los puestos de trabajo, la educacin, la salud, son los temas nmero uno en la comunidad Latina, no necesariamente de inmigracin. Despus, que usted ha inmigrado, entonces la cuestin nmero uno se convierte en encontraste un buen trabajo? Surez: Si ests en una familia cuyo estado es mixto ---y quiero decir que en trminos generales--no necesariamente-en su ncleo familiar --su hogar--pero en tu familia en tu familia hay personas que estn sin estado legal. Son mucho

ms--consciente--y mucho ms sensible a los cambios de la temperatura y la retrica de la inmigracin y debates sobre futuras sanciones legales. Un montn de--aunque - slo suena en los odos de los votantes-- suenan anti-latinos. Si dices, me encantan y creo que son grandes estadounidenses.... PERO.... y entonces volteo la esquina son solo inmigrantes ilegales... Curtis: El Hispanic Pew Report anunci recientemente que ahora se ha estancado la mayor ola de inmigracin mexicana en la historia de los Estados Unidos. Parece que todas las medidas punitivas parecen estar trabajando----adems de la recesin. Surez: Es la recesin. Si la economa estuviera yendo bien, grandes caones, entonces todas las leyes del mundo no lo detendran. Es una combinacin de dos intangibles que eran

bastante potentes.

Curtis: Esto va a tener un gran efecto sobre un montn de gente. Surez: Pero las cosas no van a mejorar en esos barrios. Cuando la economa fue agridulce--uno de las primeras grandes bajas fue la vivienda. Y los latinos donde fuertemente se concentraron en la construccin que cuando las personas dejaron de construir y comprar tantas casas que fueron inmediatamente expulsados de sus trabajos. Y desde hace mucho tiempo han recorrido sus beneficios. Y esos fueron empleos de salario digno. Si vas a instalar paredes de yeso en una subdivisin de 400 casas, es un lindo hechizo largo de trabajo, y fueron bien pagados. Y podran pasar al siguiente proyecto cuando usted lo termin. Bien eso se acab, hay casas que permanecen vacas en todos los rincones del pas. As que son latinos, los que tuvieron el peor nmero de quienes no tienen seguro, y slo ha empeorado despus de---el efecto domin. Ya se concentran en industrias--industrias de servicio--que no pagan esos beneficios-incluso si trabaja a tiempo completo. No proporcionan un plan de seguro al empleado. As que esas tendencias que ya estaban ah-antes de la crisis econmica, Los latinos estuvieron enfrentando fuertes niveles de inseguridad. Eso slo lo hizo mucho peor. Es

Book Review: Just Like Us


True story of four Mexican Girls coming of age in

student. But here is the catch, she must return to Mexico and apply for permission to enter the country legally. If she crosses the border, she may not get back in. So going back is not an option. Yadira Vargas, who is quiet compared to Marisela has the same illegal status. The two girls had spent the fall of senior year angry at the universe. It was hard for Marisela and Yadira o see why they should labor over their homework if they were just going to end up working at McDonalds. The tension of the situation is maintained by the other two girls, Clara and Elissa, who have the documentation to go forward. Clara was once, illegal, too. She crawled under the wire fence, with her mother and three siblings. at the Nogales, Arizona border. She joined her father, in Colorado. Later, the U.S. Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. It took her and her siblings 6 years to to acquire legal residence. Elissas mother crossed the border, and gave birth to her, in an El Paso, Texas clinic. Therefore, Elissa become a U.S. citizen at birth. At the age of three, she later moved to California and then Colorado. Meanwhile, back to the plot, the four girls lives are chronicled by the author who is both a journalist narrator, who weaves the story on two levels. On the one hand, she explains the real-life legal issues facing the girls as an objective journalist. On the other hand, shes the silent observer of how the girls face the challenges of their immigration purgatory. Regardless, of which side of the immigration issue you may fall, this is a true story its worth reading. You wont want to stop.

Author: Helen Thorpe Brief summary: This is a powerful account that follows four young women from Mexico who have lived most of their lives in the United States and attended the same high school; two of them have legal documentation and two do not. What makes this a powerful story is the fact that the girls are at the crossroads of lifes journey -- where one road is blessed by legal citizenship, resident privileges. and upward mobility and the other follows the back roads of illegal status, fake identities, and low social expectations. All four girls are close friends, as far back as grade school. They live in Lakewood, a suburb where rents are cheaper. Its on the west side of the Denver, Colorado neighborhood that is concentrated by Hispanics. During their childhood, their immigration status didnt seem to be much of a problem, since they attended the same public schools, enjoyed the activities. The central characters are Marisela -- a straight-A student in AP chemistry, AP Calculus, AP literature, Chicano studies, sociology, and dance -- who also likes to party. Marisela is the leader of the group, who nows how to balance the old Mexican traditions of Fathers era with the new freedom of todays American youth. Her immigration status is illegal. She is not a legal resident and cannot receive in-state tuition discounts, financial aid, or Pell Grants. She must pay for tuition as a foreign

Libro: Al igual que nosotros

Autora: Helen Thorpe

La verdadera historia de cuatro nias mexicanas procedentes de pequeas en Amrica

Breve resumen: Esta es un caso poderoso que sigue a cuatro mujeres jvenes de Mxico que han vivido la mayora de sus vidas en los Estados Unidos y asistieron a la misma escuela secundaria; dos de ellas cuentan con documentacin legal y dos no. Lo que hace de esto una historia poderosa es el hecho de que las chicas estn en la encrucijada de viaje de sus vidas-donde un camino es bendecido por ciudadana legal, privilegios de residentes. y movilidad ascendente y el otro sigue el camino opuesto, del estado ilegal, identidades falsas y bajas expectativas sociales. Todas las cuatro chicas son amigas cercanas, como desde primaria. Viven en Lakewood, un suburbio donde los alquileres son ms baratos. Es lado oeste del barrio de Denver, Colorado que esta concentrado por hispanos. Durante su infancia, su estado de inmigracin no pareci ser un problema, ya que asistieron a las mismas escuelas pblicas, disfrutaron de las actividades. Los personajes centrales son Marisela--estudiante con puntajes mas altos A en qumica AP, clculo AP, AP literatura, estudios chicanos, sociologa y baile--que tambin le gusta las fiestas. Marisela es el lder del grupo, quien sabe cmo equilibrar las viejas tradiciones mexicanas de la poca del padre con las nuevas libertades de la juventud estadounidense de hoy. Su estado de inmigracin es ilegal. Ella no es un residente legal y no puede recibir descuentos en el estado de matrcula, ayudas o subvenciones Pell Grants. Ella debe pagar matrcula como estudiante extranjero. Pero aqu est la trampa, ella debe regresar a Mxico y solicitar permiso para entrar legalmente al pas. Si ella cruza la frontera, ella no puede volver. Por lo que regresar no es una opcin. Yadira Vargas, quien es tranquila en comparacin con Marisela tiene el mismo estado ilegal. Las dos nias haban pasado el otoo del ltimo ao enfadadas con el universo. Era difcil para Marisela y Yadira ver por qu deberan trabajar sobre sus tareas escolares si slo iban a acabar trabajando en McDonalds. La tensin de la situacin se mantiene por las otras dos chicas, Clara y Elissa, que tienen la documentacin para seguir adelante. Clara fue una vez, ilegal, tambin. Ella cruz de rodillas bajo la valla de alambrada, con su madre y tres hermanos en la frontera de Nogales, Arizona. Se uni a su padre, en Colorado. Ms tarde, el Congreso estadounidense aprob la reforma de la inmigracin y la ley de Control de 1986. Por tal ella y sus hermanos 6 aos adquirieron la residencia legal. La madre de Elissa cruz la frontera y dio a luz a ella, en una clnica de El Paso, Texas. Por lo tanto, Elissa se convirti en ciudadana estadounidense al nacer. A la edad de tres aos, posteriormente se traslad a California y luego a Colorado. Mientras tanto, volvemos a la trama, se narraba la vida de cuatro chicas por el autor que es tanto un narrador periodista, quien teje la historia en dos niveles. Por un lado, explica las cuestiones jurdicas de la vida real que enfrentan las chicas como periodista objetiva. Por otro lado, ella es observadora silenciosa de cmo las nias enfrentan a los desafos de su purgatorio de inmigracin. Sin importar, en qu lado de la cuestin de la inmigracin puede caer, esto es una verdadera historia que merece la pena leer. No querr detenerse.

Rodolfo Crdenas
A native of Venezuela, Rodolfo Crdenas began his television career in 1984, producing the first weekly Spanish TV show in Colorado, My Family in Windsor. He moved on to be the News Director/Anchor of KUBD Channel 59, a Telemudo affiliate, and he also translated the evening news on KCNC at 6:30 in simulcast. He is a graduate of the University of Colorado, according the National Academy of Televison Arts and Sciences website. In 1995, Rodolfo created the KCEC (Univision) news department in Denver, where he was the News Director and Anchor for almost 14 years. He was recognized as the first Hispanic journalist Broadcaster of the Year by the CBA in 2003. Highlighting his outstanding career are exclusive interviews with two Presidents of the United States, a vast number of North American and Latin American politicians, and celebrated members of the entertainment world. He has been recognized as a true role model to the Hispanic Youth for his successful and dedicated efforts on their behalf, and is the recipient of awards from the Hispanic Salute Organization and Escuela Tlatelolco. He is a regular speaker at Denver area high schools to help promote the future of Hispanic students in Colorado, and years ago established the Hispanic Student of the Month program, which features outstanding Latino students and provides scholarships. He initiated the project, Periodistas de Manana to motivate Hispanic students to stay in school and pursue careers in journalism. He is a highly dedicated professional who uses his expertise and knowledge to educate and motivate. His peers speak of him as a person of high integrity whose good name and responsible work ethic provide an invaluable service to the community. In 2007, Rodolfo received the Community Service Volunteer Award from the Hispanic Annual Salute, for his many charitable efforts. Rodolfo has worked hard to maintain the highest journalistic standards in his newsroom and in his newscasts, and also to reach out to his viewers in a very human way, to mentor, to serve and to assist. He is married with two sons. Un nativo de Venezuela, Rodolfo Crdenas empez su carrera de televisin en 1984, produciendo la primera exposicin hispana semanal de televisin en Colorado, Mi Familia en Windsor. Rodolfo pas a ser el Director/Ancla de Noticias de Canal de KUBD 59, una filial de Telemudo, y l tambin tradujo las noticias nocturnas en KCNC a las 6:30 PM en una transmisin simultnea. Es un graduado de la Universidad de Colorado. En 1995, Rodolfo cre el KCEC (Univision) el departamento de noticias en Denver, donde fue el Director de Noticias y Ancla para casi 14 aos. Fue reconocido como el primer Locutor hispano periodista del Ao por el CBA en 2003. Destacar su carrera sobresaliente de entrevistas exclusivas con dos Presidentes de Estados Unidos, un nmero vasto de polticos norteamericanos y latinoamericanos, y de miembros clebres del mundo del espectculo. Ha sido reconocido como un modelo a imitar verdadero a la Juventud hispana por sus esfuerzos de xito y dedicado en su beneficio, y es el recipiente de premios de la Hispanic Salute Organization y Escuela Tlatelolco. Es un orador regular Escuelas de Secundaria del rea de Denver para ayudar a promover el futuro de estudiantes hispanos en Colorado, y estableci hace aos el programa Hispanic Student of the Month, que representa a estudiantes latinos sobresalientes y proporciona becas. Inici el proyecto, Periodistas de Maana para motivar a estudiantes hispanos para permanecer en la escuela y seguir carreras en el periodismo. Es un profesional sumamente dedicado que utiliza su pericia y el conocimiento para educar y motivar. Sus iguales hablan de l como una persona de alta integridad cuyo nombre bueno y tica del trabajo responsable proporcionan un servicio inapreciable a la comunidad. En 2007, Rodolfo recibi el Community Service Volunteer Award del Hispanic Annual Salute, para sus muchos esfuerzos caritativos. Rodolfo ha trabajado para mantener duramente los estndares periodsticos ms altos en su sala de redaccin y en sus noticiarios, y tambin llegar a a sus espectadores en una manera muy humana, para mentorizar, servir y ayudar. Est casado con dos hijos.

Tribute to Tito Puente

Support Denvers favorite Jazz, Blues, and Latin Jazz station by purchasing the new 2011 KUVO Signature Wines from Winemaker John Balistreri, which will be unveiled at the event! Enjoy a jazz concert and experience a Balistreri Wine Tasting which includes 3 KUVO Signature Label Wines, along with over a dozen other award-winning wine selections along with food from guest restaurants from around Denver. There will also be a Silent Auction with Gift Baskets featuring products and services from many of KUVOs supporters and partners. Be sure to spend some time browsing and bidding on your favorites. Homenaje a Tito Puente Apoyo Jazz favorita de Denver, Blues, Jazz Latino y de la estacin por la compra de los nuevos 2011 KUVO vinos de Enlogo Juan Balistreri, que se llegara a conocer en el evento! Disfrute de un concierto de jazz y la experiencia de una cata de vinos que incluye 3 Balistreri KUVO vinos de marca de la firma, junto con ms de una docena de otras selecciones de vinos premiados, junto con la comida de los restaurantes invitados de alrededor de Denver. Tambin habr una subasta silenciosa con cestas de regalos que ofrecen productos y servicios de muchos de los partidarios KUVO y socios. Asegrate de pasar algn tiempo navegando y haciendo una oferta en su lista de favoritos. Menu & Music TBA Date: Saturday, August 11th Time: 6pm -10pm Location: Balistreri Vineyards, 1946 E. 66th Avenue, Denver 80229 Ticket Includes: Balistreri Wine, Gourmet Food, Silent Auction, and Live Music. Details & Tickets will be available closer to event date. More Info: For more information visit, or call 303-480-9272 x13 This event is presented by Balistreri Vineyards and KUVO

Venga Y Disfrute Los Sa



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Slow Jam the News

with Jimmy Fallon & President Obama on the rising cost of college loans
La Movida suave de la noticia con Jimmy Fallon y el presidente Obama en el aumento del costo de los prstamos universitarios.
President Obama addressed the rising cost of college education by asking voters of both parties to tweet their congress person and not let interest rates double for college Stafford loans from 3.4% to 6.8%. The rates are about to expire in July, unless congress acts. Increasing the rate would add an extra $1000 a year to the raising debt students face year while attending college. To reach young voters, he appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and agreed to appear in a comedy skit to Slow Jam The News on the subject. Update: Congress has not fixed the problem. The Democrats and Republicans both support extending 3.4% loan amount another year, but cannot agree on how to fund it. Currently, it is stalled in the GOP Senate. El Presidente Obama abord la cuestin del aumento del costo de la educacin del Colegio pidiendo a los votantes de ambas partes a "tweetear" a su Congresista y no dejar que las tasas de inters se dupliquen para prstamos de Colegio Stafford de 3,4 % a 6,8%. Las tasas estn a punto de caducar en julio, a menos que el Congreso acte. El aumento de la tasa aadira un extra de $1000 al ao al aumento de la deuda que los estudiantes enfrentan al ao asistiendo al Colegio. Para llegar a los jvenes votantes, l apareci en el Late Night with Jimmy Fallon y accedi a aparecer en la parodia de comedia "Slow Jam The News" sobre el tema. Actualizacin: El Congreso no ha solucionado el problema. Los Demcratas y Republicanos ambos apoyan extender prstamo el 3,4% otro ao, pero no pueden acordar cmo financiarlo. Actualmente, est estancado en el Senado del Partido Republicano.

Leslie Martel Baer Thanks for sharing, Gerald! This piece is hilarious and worth watching... Fallon and Obama did a brilliant job of making us smile while driving home a really important point: why is the interest rate on my student loans (Im not eligible for the break) almost double my rate on my 30 year mortgage? Presumably, the latter -- refied around the time my student loans were taken out -- is a competitive rate? So, why are student loans on shorter payback periods required to pay much higher than the going rate? Starting to sound like usury.... If a bill anything like the Student Loan Forgiven Act was passed -- capping all student loan repayment at 3.4% and allowing Congress to reassess the rate relative to the market every ten years -- I could put $14,000 more dollars toward my daughters education. Hmmm; not a bad thought! I dont even care about the forgiven stipulations for myself!

Leslie Martel Baer Gracias por compartir, Gerald! Esta pieza es divertida y vale la pena ver... Fallon y Obama hicieron

un brillante trabajo que nos hace sonrer mientras conduca a casa inici un punto realmente importante: por qu es la tasa de inters sobre mis prstamos estudiantiles (no soy elegible para la pausa) mi tasa de casi el doble de mi hipoteca a 30 aos? Presumiblemente, el ltimome refiero alrededor de la poca que fueron sacados mis prstamos estudiantiles--es una tasa competitiva? Entonces, por qu son los prstamos estudiantiles en perodos ms cortos con amortizacin que pagar mucho ms alto que la tasa regular? Empieza a sonar como usura... Si un proyecto de ley nada mas como enmienda de ley que perdona el prstamo del estudiante--tapando todo reembolso de prstamo de estudiante en un 3,4% y permitiendo que el Congreso evale el tipo de relacin con el mercado cada diez aos--pude poner $14,000 dlares ms hacia la educacin de mi hija. Hmmm; no es una mala idea! Incluso no importa las estipulaciones perdonadas por m mismo!

Sean M. Wheeler The entire student loan system is

an embarrassment and both sides of the political spectrum need to address it. But, they need to address it and it only, and not tag other personal agenda items onto any proposed bill. Ive been out of grad school since 1995, and still have 3/4 of my student loan debt to pay even though Ive made on time payments and never missed one. Why, because the vast majority of my payment each month goes to interest first and not principal. One time, a payment of over $500 had a grand total of .37 cents going toward principal. The usury comment is good too.

Sean M. Wheeler El sistema de prstamos de todo estudiante es una vergenza

y ambos lados del espectro poltico necesitan hacerle frente. Sin embargo, necesitan abordar y slo eso y no etiquetar otros temas personales en cualquier proyecto de ley. He estado fuera de la escuela sin graduarme desde 1995 y todava tengo 3/4 de mi deuda de prstamo de estudiante que pagar a pesar de que he hecho sobre los pagos de tiempo y nunca perd uno. Por qu? porque la inmensa mayora de mi pago cada mes va al inters primero y no al principal. Una vez, un pago de ms de $500 tena un total de.37 centavos que fueron hacia el principal. El comentario de usura es demasiado bueno.

Nassim Sarah Seyedali, MBA Pretty good stuff! Thanks for posting. Nassim Sarah Seyedali, MBA Cosas bastante buenas! Gracias por reportar.

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The Denver Office of Cultural Affairs and Five Points Community will present the 7th Annual Five Points Jazz Festival on Saturday, May 22, 2010. Performances and activities begin at 1:00 p.m. at numerous venues along Welton Street in Historic Five Points. All performances and activities are free. The Five Points Jazz Festival celebrates the music, culture and history of Denvers historic Five Points neighborhood, with performances highlighting many of Denvers finest jazz musicians.

Cleo Parker Robinson: Denver native, Cleo Parker Robinson is founder, executive artistic director and choreographer of the 38-year-old artistic institution, CLEO PARKER ROBINSON DANCE, based in Denver. She is a master teacher/choreographer and cultural ambassador who has taught and performed with her troupe in such diverse places as Iceland, Singapore, Hawaii, Nassau, Belize, Israel, Egypt, Turkey, throughout Europe and on all four corners of the African continent. People of all ages and backgrounds have participated in Ms. Parker Robinsons workshops and master classes at conservatories, universities and neighborhood dance centers around the globe. She leads a professional dance Ensemble, Youth Ensemble, a School of Dance, an International Summer Dance Institute, a 300-seat theatre that bears her name and a myriad of community outreach programs. She is currently guiding renovations of her existing facilities in the Five Points neighborhood at 20th Ave. and Park Ave. West, and the creation of a proposed Wellness Center. Ms. Parker Robinson is called on by many organizations and performance venues to bring her Ensemble for performances and to conduct workshops, master classes and motivational seminars. Her philosophy of One Spirit, Many Voices is reflected in all that she does. and is the vision she brings to everyone she meets, everywhere she goes.

Ray Pacheco: The dean of Denvers Latin musicians, Ram n Ray Pacheco was born in Brooklyn, NY September 27, 1934. As a teenager, his family moved back to Puerto Rico for two years before Ray returned to New York. That was when Ray decided to drop out of high school and join the US Air Force, which brought him to Denver. Here, he earned his GED and began his career as a Latin music percussionist. Upon completion of his military career in 1956, Ray permanently settled in Denver. In the mid-1950s, Ray was a frequent visitor and performer at the many jazz and Latin music clubs in the area of downtown now known as LoDo. His favorites were El Tampico and Herbs Hideaway, which featured Latin music bands. During the 1960s, Ray began playing at the Rainbow Ballroom and the Melody Lounge and spent 14 years playing at La Bonita. Since then, Ray has been part of some of Denvers greatest Latin music concerts as a member of various local bands and sitting in as a guest with nationally known performers touring Denver. Three years ago, Ray and his wife Alice celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary and now, in their 53rd year of marriage, they remain a happy, youthful couple. Still active with various ensembles, Ray Pacheco is highly esteemed by his peers and disciples of Denvers music community. He is called Papi out of respect for being the elder statesman of Latin music in Denver.

La Denver Office of Cultural Affairs y la comunidad de Five Points presentar el 7th Annual Five Points Jazz Festival el sbado, 22 de mayo de 2010. Los conciertos y actividades comienzan a la 1:00 p. m. en numerosos lugares a lo largo de la Welton Street en el Historic Five Points. Todos los espectculos y actividades son gratis. El Five Points Jazz Festival celebrar la msica, la cultura y la historia del barrio histrico de Five Points de Denver, con las actuaciones de relieve muchos de los mejores msicos de jazz de Denver.

Ray Pacheco

El decano de los msicos latinos de Denver, Ram n "Ray" Pacheco naci en Brooklyn, Nueva York el 27 de septiembre de 1934. Como un adolescente, su familia regres a Puerto Rico por dos aos antes de que Ray regresara a Nueva York. Fue entonces cuando Ray decidi abandonar la escuela secundaria y unirse a la fuerza area, que lo llev a Denver. Aqu, obtuvo su GED y comenz su carrera como percusionista de msica Latina. Al finalizar su carrera militar en 1956, Ray se estableci permanentemente en Denver. En mediados de los 1950, Ray era un visitante y ejecutante frecuente del jazz en clubes de msica latina en el rea del centro, ahora conocido como LoDo. Sus favoritos eran El Tampico y Herb's Hideaway, que incluy bandas de msica latina. Durante la dcada de 1960, Ray comenz a tocar en el Saln Rainbow Ballroom y el Saln tocando en La Bonita. Desde entonces, Ray ha sido parte de algunos de los mejores conciertos de msica Latina de Denver como miembro de varias bandas locales y asistente como invitado con artistas conocidos a nivel nacional de gira en Denver. Hace tres aos, Ray y su esposa Alice celebraban sus bodas de oro y ahora, en sus 53 aos de matrimonio, siguen siendo una pareja feliz, y juvenil. An activo con varios conjuntos, Ray Pacheco es altamente estimado por sus compaeros y discpulos de la comunidad de msica en Denver. l se llama "Papi" por respeto a ser el viejo estadista de la msica Latina en Denver.

Nativa de Denver, Cleo Parker Robinson es fundadora, executiva directora artstica y coregrafa de la institucin artstica de 38 aos, CLEO PARKER ROBINSON DANCE, con sede en Denver. Ella es una maestra profesora/coregrafa y embajadora cultural que ha enseado y realizado con su grupo en diversos lugares como Islandia, Singapur, Hawi, Nassau, Belice, Israel, Egipto, Turqua, a lo largo de Europa y sobre todo las cuatro esquinas del continente africano. Personas de todas las edades y orgenes han participado en talleres y clases magistrales en conservatorios, universidades y centros de baile de las comunidades alrededor del mundo de la Sra. Parker Robinson. Ella dirije una danza profesional Ensemble, Youth Ensemble, una School of Dance, un International Summer Dance Institute, un teatro de 300 asientos que lleva su nombre y un sinfn de programas de extensin comunitaria. Ella actualmente dirige la renovacin de las instalaciones existentes del barrio de Five Points al oeste de la 20th Ave y Park Ave, y la creacin de un centro de bienestar propuesto. La Sra. Parker Robinson es llamada por muchas organizaciones y lugares de actuacin para llevar a su Ensamble para actuaciones y llevar a cabo talleres, clases magistrales y seminarios motivacionales. Su filosofa de "One Spirit, Many Voices" ("Un solo espritu, muchas voces") y se refleja en todo lo que ella hace y es la visin que ella trae a todo el mundo que conoce, y a todas partes que ella va.

Cleo Parker Robinson

Puerto Rico
This Day In History
This Day In History June 23, St. Johns Eve, is the eve of the celebration before the Feast Day of St John the Baptist. What does this day have to do with Puerto Rico or John the Baptist? To answer this question you will have to consult Christopher Columbus, the Catholic Church, the Bible, and the origins of the summer solstice and businesses and locals who enjoy parades, food, dances into the wee hours of the night. Este da en la historia: el 23 de junio, la vspera de San Juan, es la vspera de la celebracin del da antes de la fiesta de San Juan Bautista. Qu tiene que ver con Puerto Rico o Juan Bautista este da? Para responder a esta pregunta tendr que consultar a Cristbal Coln, la Iglesia Catlica, la Biblia y los orgenes del solsticio de verano y las empresas locales que disfrutan de desfiles, comida, bailes en la madrugada de la noche.

First of all lets start with these facts: How did Puerto Rico REALLY get its name?
Saint John the Baptist is the patron saint of Puerto Rico, and its capital city San Juan bears his name. In 1521, the island was given its formal name San Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico, following the usual custom of christening the town with both its formal name and the name which Christopher Columbus had originally given the island, honoring John the Baptist. The indistinct use of San Juan Bautista and Puerto Rico for calling both the city and the island led to a reversal in practical use by most inhabitants due largely to a map-making error. Therefore by 1746 the name for the city (Puerto Rico) had become that of the entire island, while the name for the island (San Juan Bautista) had become the name for the city. The official motto for the island of Puerto Rico also references the saint, Joannes Est Nomen Eius (translated, John is his name).

En primer lugar vamos a comenzar con estos hechos: cmo Puerto Rico realmente consigui su nombre?
San Juan Bautista es el patrn de Puerto Rico, y su capital San Juan lleva su nombre. En 1521, la isla recibi su nombre formal "San Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico", siguiendo la costumbre habitual de bautizo de la ciudad con su nombre y el nombre que Cristbal Coln le haba dado originalmente a la isla, honrando a Juan Bautista. El uso indistinto de "San Juan Bautista" y "Puerto Rico" para llamar a la ciudad y a la isla llev a un retroceso en la prctica por la mayora de los habitantes debido en gran parte a un error de cartografa. Por lo tanto, en 1746 el nombre de la ciudad (Puerto Rico) se haba convertido en la de toda la isla, mientras que el nombre de la isla (San Juan Bautista) se haba convertido en el nombre de la ciudad. El lema oficial de la isla de Puerto Rico tambin hace referencia al Santo, Joannes Est Nomen Eius (traducido, "Juan es su nombre").

The next set of facts covers the Feast Day of St. John.
The evening of June 23, St Johns Eve, is the eve of celebration before the Feast Day of St John the Baptist. The Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:36, 5657) states that John was born about six months before Jesus, therefore the feast of John the Baptist was fixed on June 21~24, six months before Christmas. This feast day is one of the very few saints days to mark the supposed anniversary of the birth, rather than the death, of the saint commemorated.

El siguiente conjunto de datos abarca el da de fiesta de San Juan.

La noche del 23 de junio, la vspera de San Juan, es la vspera de la celebracin antes del da de fiesta de San Juan Bautista. El Evangelio de Lucas (Lucas 1:36, 56-57) afirma que Juan naci unos seis meses antes de Jess, por lo tanto, la fiesta de Juan el Bautista fue fijado el 21 ~ 24 de junio, seis meses antes de Navidad. Esta festividad es uno de los das de los pocos Santos para conmemorar el supuesto aniversario de nacimiento, en lugar de la muerte del Santo conmemorado.

Now comes the final twist. The Catholic Church vs The Pagan celebration of the Summer solstice.
The Feast of St John coincides with the June solstice also referred to as Midsummer. The Christian holy day is fixed at June 24, but, in some countries, festivities are celebrated the night before, on St Johns Eve. (Some say this date was chosen by the Churchs influence to pre-empt the pagan celebration of Midsummer.) On the island of Puerto Rico, there are parades, food, and many parties. After sunset, people travel to a beach or any accessible body of water (e.g. river, lake or even bathtub) and, at midnight, fall backwards into it seven times. This is done to cleanse the body from sin and give good luck for the following year.

Ahora viene el toque final. La celebracin de la Iglesia de Catlica vs el solsticio de verano de los paganos.
La fiesta de San Juan coincide con el solsticio de junio tambin conocido como verano. El da de fiesta cristiano se fija en el 24 de junio, pero en algunos pases, las festividades se celebran la noche anterior, en la vspera de San Juan. (Algunos dicen que esta fecha fue elegida por influencia de la iglesia para adelantarse a las celebraciones paganas del Pleno Verano.) En la isla de Puerto Rico, hay muchas fiestas, desfiles y alimentos. Despus del atardecer, personas viajan a una playa o cualquier organismo accesible de agua (ro, lago o incluso la baera) y, a la medianoche, caen hacia atrs en ella siete veces. Esto se hace para limpiar el cuerpo del pecado y dar buena suerte para el ao siguiente.

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CONSUMERS REPORT: Name: Lowes Mercado

(formerly, Avanza SuperMar ket) Type Of Business: Market Address: 10777 E. Colfax Ave. Aurora, CO.

Description: Mexican Supermarket with a wide variety of authentic ethnic products, not found in your everyday American supermarket. Not only does it have a full Produce, Meat, Dairy and Bakery section,but every shelf is stocked with internaltional producs. A drive down East Colfax in Aurora, is like going into a main street of ethnic specialty stores, mixed in between American chain stores. This Consumer Reporter, was in search of Mexican sweet breads. I purchased a few samples to be the subject of this article. Bringing sweet breads back to the office was almost a mistake. Everyone wanted to eat it before I took the photos. I had to hold them back. Enjoy the pictures of sweet bread, because the originals are only a sweet memory.

Consumers Report:

Name: TacoMex Type of Business: Mexican Restaurant Address: 7840 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO. 80220 (303) 394-7555 Favorites: Taco El Pastor and Agua de Horchata (a mixed drink of milk, rice, vanilla, and cinnamon.) Description: Tacos and Seafood to go. (TACO Y MARISCOS). You cant drive pass this White and Red building without seeing the large TACOMEX sign outside, begging you to come inside. The colorful seating area is clean and neat and decorated with Mexican costumes on the walls. Walk up to the counter to order. The right side of the counter displays freshly cut fruit in large clear plastic cups, chilled on ice. Next to it are Huge Glass Jugs of freshly squeezed fruit juices. Imagine the hot days of summer with a cold drink in your hand. Behind the Counter is a large Menu Sign displaying all of the menu items. Order items to go or eat inside. Add extra toppings at the minibar. Self-serve seating. Paper towels on rollers at each table.


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2012 Hispanic Chamber Education Foundation Golf Invitational

June 21, 2012 / Time: 7:00 a.m. Arrowhead Golf Course 10850 West Sundown Trail Littleton, Colorado 80125
Hispanic Chamber Education Foundations Golf Invitational is an annual event serving as an opportunity to support the mission of the Education Foundation and to network out of the office and on the green at one of the markets most beautiful courses. Contact: Cheryl Lucero, Executive Director, Hispanic Chamber Education Foundation, at 303-620-4491 email: For more informatin and registration form.

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