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02 JUNE 2012

Suicide Attack Kills Seven Afghans at NATO Base: Official: Al Arabiya A suicide attacker rammed into a checkpoint at a NATO base, killing seven civilians. The attacker drove truck full of explosives into the first security check post of the NATO base. Initial information shows seven Afghans killed and 13 injured, a security official said. Taliban claimed responsibility. The victims are Afghan construction workers at the base. One of our Mujahedeen rammed a vehicle packed with 10 tons of explosives into a NATO base in Khost city and detonated the truck near the restaurant of the base, said Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Muhahid. A large number of foreign soldiers have been killed, he said. (Source: Dubai, UAE; Independent; Claim Neutrality) No Intention to Stay in Office beyond Term: Karzai: Pajhwok Karzai rejected stories in western press of trying to seek a third term. No, not at all. I think two terms is a very long time. You need fresh energy, and fresh thinking. Someone with more untested ideas should come forward and build on what we could not improve upon. The western press is full of stories about my trying to seek a third term, Karzai said. it will not help Afghanistan, it will hurt it forever. I don't want to be the president of Afghanistan one day beyond my term. (Source: Kabul, Afghanistan; Independent; Neutral) US Army Adds Charges in Afghan Shooting Case: Al Jazeera The US dropped a murder charge, but added others, including steroid use, against a soldier in a shooting rampage in Afghanistan, his lawyer said. SSgt Robert Bales is accused of gunning down 16 instead of 17 in a pre-dawn raid in March. Bales faces 16 counts of premeditated murder; six attempted murder; seven assault; one possessing steroids; one using steroids; one destroying a laptop computer; one burning bodies; and one using alcohol.
(Source: Doha, Qatar; Independent; Website of the TV Network; Claim Neutrality)

(U) Shia cleric Sheikh Afif Nablusi (Press TV; 01 Jun 12)

Lebanese Cleric Rejects US Daily Claims on Iran Countdown to Al-Maliki No Confidence Vote has Begun Yemen Dialogue Committee, Houthis Meet for Talks U.S. and Allies Get Pulled into Yemen Morsy Says He is Choice for Revolutionaries Syrian Forces Kill 43 as Protesters Rally across Country No Plan B on Syria, UN Chief Ban Warns Hizbullah Wants to Move Far-Reaching Scuds from Syria Report: Serra Warns of Assassination Plot Targeting Berri

Russia Wary of Permanent US Military Bases in Afghanistan: Press TV Moscow is looking for clarification concerning mandate of the US bases that look set to be a permanent fixture in Afghanistan beyond 2014. "Despite Washington's claims about having no plans to deploy permanent bases in Afghanistan, we know that US troops will remain after 2014," Nikolaiy Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council said. "Continued longterm foreign military presence in Afghanistan, which could be used (as a springboard) against other countries in the region, is unacceptable to Russia, he said. (Source: Iran, Govt. Funded, Anti-West) CIA Doctor Appeals His Conviction: Arab News Lawyers representing the Dr. jailed after helping the CIA find Bin Laden
OSINT Phone #: 813.827.1441 Email: CCJ2-OSINT@CENTCOM.SMIL.MIL

(U) Lebanese Speaker of the House Berri Berri (Now Lebanon; 02 Jun 12)

This OSINT publication contains foreign media derived entirely from open sources in and around the CENTCOM AOR.




appealed his conviction. He was convicted for treason over ties to Lashkar-e-Islam and not for working for the CIA, for which the court said it did not have jurisdiction. The appeal said allegations were false, concocted, and without foundation. It said Afridi had no association with Lashkar-e-Islam and said the conviction should be dismissed because he had no defense or fair trial. (Source: Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia; Daily; Undetermined)

Lebanese Cleric Rejects US Daily Claims on Iran: Press TV A prominent Lebanese Shia cleric dismissed allegations about Iran's plots to assassinate foreign diplomats overseas as false. The claim is another US charge, with the aim of tarnishing the image of the Islamic Republic in the region, Sheikh Afif Nablusi said. He called the regional countries to unity against Washingtons schemes, saying US has resorted to propaganda, creating divisions among nations, supporting terrorist attacks as part of its plots against Iran. (Source: Iran, Govt. Funded, Anti-West)

Countdown to Al-Maliki No Confidence Vote has Begun Iraqiya Spokesperson: Asharq AlAwsat Iraqiya bloc spokesperson Maysoon al-Damluji said, The countdown has begun to withdraw confidence from the Premiership of Maliki, after we have collected the signatures of more than half the Iraqi Council of Representatives, who support this request. She added, The political blocs expect Maliki to resign before the beginning of the process, beginning in the next few days. She indicated that, President Talabani informed political parties calling for the withdrawal of confidence from Maliki to follow constitutional procedures for this. (Source: London, England; pan-Arab daily news; Pro Arab) Yemen Dialogue Committee, Houthis Meet for Talks: Press TV Members of Yemens Committee for Dialogue arrived in Saada to hold talks with the Houthi group. According to Nadia al-Saqqaf, member of Yemens Dialogue Committee, the meeting is a ''preliminary visit,'' focusing on establishing talks and welcoming the Houthis. Well, they havent made preconditions, but they have made 10 demands clear, Saqqaf said, adding that discussing demands is the next step. Houthis described negotiations as the only way to end Yemens crisis, but have stressed the talks should not be affected by foreign interference. (Source: Iran, Govt. Funded, Anti-West) U.S. and Allies Get Pulled into Yemen: The Daily Star US policymakers might talk down boots on the ground in Yemen but with an estimated several hundred military advisers deployed, Washington and its allies are being drawn deeper. With a new running and intensifying campaign of drone strikes. Growing numbers of Special Forces are training Yemens military, while financial and humanitarian aid from Western and Gulf states has increased sharply. (Source: Beirut, Lebanon; Independent; Daily, Except Sunday; Neutral)

Morsy Says He is Choice for Revolutionaries: Al-Masry Al-Youm The Islamist aiming to be president professes confidence his liberal rivals will swallow their fears of
This OSINT publication contains foreign media derived entirely from open sources in and around the CENTCOM AOR.

OSINT Phone #: 813.827.1441 Email: CCJ2-OSINT@CENTCOM.SMIL.MIL




religious rule and vote for him in the election runoff against a former General he sees as the heir to the old regime. And, in his first international media interview since he won, Morsy appealed to last year's revolutionaries by vowing, to keep Mubarak in jail forever, whatever verdict a court passes on him Saturday. He offered policies intended to appeal to the center and stressed that he was the only alternative to more military rule. (Source: Cairo, Egypt; Independent; Daily; Undetermined) Syrian Forces Kill 43 as Protesters Rally across Country: Naharnet Regime forces opened fire on protesters in the Douma area near the capital Friday, as at least 43 were killed in violence across the country, a rights group and activists said. Scores of protests broke out across Syria to condemn the Houla massacre. At a protest in Douma, "Regime forces opened fire on demonstrators. Everyone had to run away because there was nobody there to protect them," an activist said. The demonstrations were called to commemorate the victims of a massacre last week. Earlier Friday, regime troops killed five during raids and shelling of rebels in Daraya. (Source: Beirut,
Lebanon; English Edition of An Nahar; Liberal; Daily)

No Plan B on Syria, UN Chief Ban Warns: Hrriyet Daily News The UN has no Plan B for Syria, UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon said, warning of a catastrophic civil war and noting there was no alternative to the Annan plan to halt the violence. I demand that the government of Syria act on its commitments under the Annan peace plan. A united international community demands that the Syrian govt act on its responsibilities to its people, Ban said. We dont have a Plan B yet, he added in an interview. The massacres of the sort seen last weekend could plunge Syria into a catastrophic civil war, a civil war from which the country would never recover, he said. (Source: Turkey; Secular; High-circulation; One of the most influential in Turkish public life) Hizbullah Wants to Move Far-Reaching Scuds from Syria: Arutz Sheva Hizbullah wants to move Scud missiles and modern anti-aircraft equipment from Syria to Lebanon. According to the report, the group fears the weapons may come into the hands of the rebels against President Assad. The report said that Hizbullah has recently been considering moving to Lebanon the modern weapons it already owns but which are being kept in the groups bases in Damascus. Scud D missiles are sophisticated and have the ability to reach as far as the city of Eilat. A Jordanian news site reported in early May that western spy satellites have recently spotted movements of Syrian heavy missile launchers northward and southward, toward Syria's borders with Turkey and Israel. The site said hundreds of high-caliber launchers are being moved, and that these could only be long range Scud missile launchers. Syria has threatened in the past that in the event of foreign military intervention on its soil, it will not hesitate to fire missiles at Israel and Turkey in order to ignite a large scale regional war. (Source: Beit El, Israel; Independent; Identifies with Religious Zion) Report: Serra Warns of Assassination Plot Targeting Berri: Naharnet United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Commander Major-General Paolo Serra informed the Lebanese army intelligence directorate about an assassination bid against Speaker Berri, al-Hayat reported Friday. Lebanese security sources said the Italian national Serra obtained the information from the Italian intelligence. However, the sources refused to specify the side plotting the assassination. According to the daily, Berri would be targeted on his way from his residence in Ain elTineh to the parliament in Nijmeh Square in downtown Beirut. (Source: Beirut, Lebanon; English Edition of
An Nahar; Liberal; Daily)
This OSINT publication contains foreign media derived entirely from open sources in and around the CENTCOM AOR.

OSINT Phone #: 813.827.1441 Email: CCJ2-OSINT@CENTCOM.SMIL.MIL


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