Architecture and Engineering Statement of Qualifications

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REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS For Architectural & Engineering Design & Planning and Related Services TABLE

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 2 SCOPE OF WORK.... 2 INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED IN YOUR SOQ................................................. 3 CONSULTANT EVALUATION CRITERIA ................................................................ 4 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 5 SELECTION PROCESS ............................................................................................ 5 ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION .......................................................................... 6

ATTACHMENTS: Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) Cover Page

Submittal Due: Thursday, June 28, 2012 Tuesday, June 5, 2012 2:00 pm CDST Pre Bid Conference: June 15, 2012, 10:00 am 11:30 am 1515 Poydras Street, Suite 540 New Orleans, LA 70112 BioDistrict Offices -- 1515 Poydras Street, Ste 150, New Orleans, LA 70112

RFQ Issued on:

1) General: BioDistrict New Orleans is seeking a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified professional architectural and engineering firms to perform various Architectural & Engineering and Planning (A & E) Services. Specific disciplines are as follows: General Architectural Services Site Planning Exterior & Interior Design and Space Planning Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Mechanical Engineering Historic Preservation Landscape Architecture Transportation Planning Real Estate and Market Economic Analysis Construction Cost Estimating

The purpose of this Request for Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) is to select the most qualified firms to perform the services described in Section B Scope of Work.

The selected consultants shall have qualifications and experience to provide general Architectural and Engineering (A&E) design and space planning services, in compliance with all applicable codes, regulations and guidelines, including but not limited to: Interior and exterior features and finishes for projects to allow for a change of use or for a mix of uses: commercial\academic\residential. Architectural building design Electrical and Lighting systems. Mechanical systems. Structural systems Landscape Architecture and Urban Design Transportation Planning Historic Preservation Real Estate Space marketability, future space planning trends and improvement projects. Interior furniture, fixtures and equipment, including video, data and sound A color study for interior and exterior finishes and finishes. Environmental and Building signage Analysis and cost estimating. Schematic design, design development and final design. Preparation of specifications, construction and permit documents. Assistance with bidding and contractor selection. Construction management. 2

Alternatively, we will consider: Design Build Services Public Private Partnerships (P3s) structures BioDistrict New Orleans, will pursuant to the authority granted by the State of Louisiana in Act 487 of 2005 and in accordance with its 2012 Master Plan, will be considering the development a series of new projects including the adaptive reuse of historic buildings, the construction of new commercial, residential, academic and industry related facilities within the district. Anticipated range of project cost: $15,000,000 to $375,000,000+.


To be considered responsive to this SOQ and to facilitate evaluations, the SOQ should address and be organized in the order of the outline given below and include the following information. Please refer to the section of this SOQ on Submission Requirements for information on Required Number of Copies. SOQs should be limited to a total of 20 pages in not less than 11-point type (cover letter, resumes and other required attachments are not included in the page limitation.) Each SOQ must have the completed Cover Page (see attached) and a Cover Letter briefly summarizing the firms qualifications and past experience relevant to the scope. A principal or officer of the firm authorized to execute contracts or other similar documents on the firms behalf must sign the letter. SOQ Outline: 1) Cover Page (see attached) 2) Cover Letter
3) Evidence of Firms or Teams Ability to Perform Services: (relates to Evaluation Criterion 1)

a) Outline your firms experience on the scope of work required for the appropriate discipline. b) If it is your firms practice to have any specific sub-category(ies) of the Scope of Work, as described in Section B of this SOQ, performed by sub-consultant(s), please identify the sub-consultant(s) you anticipate using for a Roster Contract, indicate their specific role(s), and outline their experience on similar or related work. c) Describe your firms overall approach, including organization and work tasks necessary to accomplish the objectives. d) Describe your quality control process. e) Provide a list of key personnel, including sub-consultants (see sub-section b. above) indicating the specific role of each, and clearly identify the Project Manager. Provide a professional resume for each of the named key personnel, indicating the extent of his/her experience on projects related to this type of work including working with multiple approval agencies. Each of the key personnel suggested for use on projects to be assigned under a Roster must have current professional registration or certification and, if applicable, be currently licensed with the State of Louisiana. 4) Knowledge of Applicable Standards, Codes & Ordinances: (relates to Evaluation Criterion 2) 3

a) State or demonstrate your firms knowledge and expertise in standards, codes and ordinances relating to performing the applicable services within the City of New Orleans. b) State or demonstrate your firms knowledge and expertise in the applicable standards, codes, ordinances, etc., for the discipline you are applying for, such as, but not limited to the following: Louisiana State Accessibility Code; ADA Accessibility Guidelines and Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards, as revised; Uniform Building Code; International Building Code; (Residential, Mechanical, etc.) Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Standards. d) Note any activity in societies and/or institutes, which would aid you or your firm in maintaining current state of the art expertise in your field. 5) Attachments: Resumes: Include resumes of all key personnel that will work directly with or on BioDistrict projects. References (not included in Evaluation Criteria). a) Provide two recent references (name and current contact information) that may be contacted concerning your firms performance and specific project experience for the individuals identified for which you are submitting a SOQ.


Consultant SOQs will be evaluated based on the criteria listed in this section. In preparing your SOQ to the BioDistrict, it is important to clearly demonstrate expertise in the areas described in this document, either through in-house staff or sub-consultants, demonstrate expertise and have available adequate quantities of experienced personnel in all of the areas described. Consultants are encouraged to identify and clearly label in their SOQ how each criterion is being fully addressed. Evaluation of responses to this SOQ will be based only on the information provided in the SOQ, and if applicable, interviews, and reference responses. The BioDistrict reserves the right to request additional information or documentation from the firm regarding its submittal documents, personnel, financial viability, or other items in order to complete the selection process. If a responding firm chooses to provide additional materials beyond those requested, those materials should be included in a separate section of the SOQ. The following criteria with a point system of relative importance with an aggregate total of one hundred points will be utilized to evaluate each SOQ: Evaluation Criteria 1 Evidence of Firms ability to Perform the Services Weighting
(Max. Points)


Knowledge of Applicable Standards, Codes and Ordinances


DBE Participation


Evidence of forward thinking design including LEED Standards Maximum Total Points

15 100

1) Due Date and Place For Submission of SOQs: Submissions are due no later than 2:00 pm June 28, 2012 at the BioDistrict Offices located at 1515 Poydras Street, Ste 150, New Orleans, LA 70112. Late bids will not be accepted. All SOQs should be clearly marked BioDistrict SOQ A&E Services when delivered or mailed to the address indicated above. NOTE: A faxed or e-mailed SOQ is not acceptable. Questions concerning this RFQ should be directed to James McNamara, President & CEO, at (504)593-6442. Upon receipt of each SOQ, BioDistrict will date-stamp it to show the exact time and date of receipt. Upon request, the BioDistrict will provide the proposer with an acknowledgment of receipt. All SOQs received will become the property of the BioDistrict and will not be returned to the firm. 2) Required Number of Copies: Firms responding to this SOQ must submit one (1) original along with four (4) copies to the address indicated above. The original of each of the forms indicated below must also be completed and submitted with the original SOQ only. Do not send these forms with the copies. 3) Rights Reserved: BioDistrict reserves the right to waive as informality any irregularities in submittals and/or to reject any or all SOQs. The BioDistrict does not discriminate against any person or faith based organization on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national or ethnic origin, disability, age, marital status, genetic information, or any other protected characteristic or factor prohibited by state law.

All responses to this SOQ that are received will be screened for eligibility. As time permits, an evaluation panel will rate eligible SOQs, according to the criteria listed above, and may conduct reference checks and interviews as part of the process. If there is insufficient information, BioDistrict reserves the right to request additional information, and to interview firms to discuss their SOQ. 5

Based on its evaluation, the panel will make recommendations to the BioDistrict and upon their approval, the BioDistrict will then negotiate a scope of work and compensation with the selected firm(s), formalizing the agreement in a Work Order for services. If BioDistrict and the firm(s) are unable to successfully negotiate the terms of a Work Order, BioDistrict reserves the right to contact another or other firms with which to negotiate a Work Order.



1) Minority-owned and Women-owned Business Enterprises: BioDistrict strongly encourages minority-owned and women-owned businesses, socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises, and small businesses to submit a SOQ, to participate as partners, or to participate in other business activity in response to this SOQ. 2) Basic Eligibility: The successful firm must be professionally licensed to do business in the State of Louisiana and must have a state business taxpayer ID number. 3) Payment Requirements: Firms should be aware that BioDistrict will only make payments on the contract issued under this SOQ after the work being billed has been completed and deliverables are accepted, and will pay reimbursable expenses to the consultant only upon receipt of an invoice for the reimbursable expenses. No advance payments will be made to the consultant, who must have the capacity to meet all project expenses in advance of payments by BioDistrict. 4) Approval of Sub-Consultants: BioDistrict retains the right of final approval of any subconsultant of the selected firm who must inform all sub-consultants of this provision. 5) Utilization of Selected Firms: BioDistrict does not guarantee utilization of contracts resulting from this SOQ. Actual utilization will be based upon demand for services or other factors deemed important to BioDistrict. 6) Documents Produced: All construction drawings, reports, specifications, and other documents produced under contract to BioDistrict must be submitted to BioDistrict in both hard copy and a digital format that meets BioDistrict requirements. All documents and products created by the consultant and their sub-consultants become the exclusive property of BioDistrict. 7) Other Contracts: During the original term and all subsequent renewal terms of the contract resulting from this SOQ, BioDistrict expressly reserves the right, through any other sources available, to pursue and implement alternative means of soliciting and awarding similar or related services as described in this SOQ. 8) Funding Availability: By responding to this SOQ, your firm acknowledges that for any contract signed as a result of this SOQ, the authority to proceed with the work is contingent upon BioDistricts availability of funding.

9) Term: The Term this SOQ will cover is for Five (5) years commencing on the approval by the Board of Commissioners of the selected firms and ending on the last day of the month five years from the effective date of the contract. 10) Insurance: The following are the insurance requirements that will be included in the OnCall Contracts executed based on this SOQ. Proof of insurance will not be required until such time as work is assigned by Work Order or Contract. A. General Requirements: 1. Prior to undertaking any work assigned by Work Order under this Contract, the Consultant shall procure and maintain continuously for the duration of this Contract, at no expense to BioDistrict, insurance coverage as specified below, in connection with the performance of the work of this Contract by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, employees and/or subcontractors. 2. The Consultants insurance shall be primary as respects BioDistrict, and any other insurance maintained by BioDistrict shall be excess and not contributing insurance with the Consultants insurance. 3. Except with respect to the limits of insurance, and any rights or duties specifically assigned to the first named insured, the Consultants Commercial General Liability and Commercial Automobile Liability insurance coverage shall apply as if each named insured were the only named insured, and separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought. 4. Failure of the Consultant to fully comply with the insurance requirements of this Contract will be considered a material breach of contract and, at the option of BioDistrict, will be cause for such action as may be available to BioDistrict under other provisions of this Contract or otherwise in law, including immediate termination of the Contract. B. Required Insurance Coverage: The following are the types and amounts of insurance coverage that must be maintained by the Consultant during the term of any Work Order to this Contract. The Consultant must provide acceptable evidence of such coverage prior to beginning work on any Work Order under this Contract. 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance. A policy of Commercial General Liability insurance including bodily injury, property damage, and products/completed operations, written on an occurrence form, with the following minimum coverage: $2,000,000 each occurrence, and $5,000,000 aggregate

Coverage shall extend to cover the use of all equipment on the site or sites of the work of this Roster Contract. 2. Employers Liability Insurance. A policy of Employers Liability Insurance with the following minimum coverage: $1,000,000 each accident

3. Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance. A policy of Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance, including coverage for owned, non-owned, leased or hired vehicles written on an insurance industry standard form (CA 0001) or equivalent, with the following minimum coverage: $2,000,000 combined single limit coverage

4. Professional Liability Insurance. A policy of Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance appropriate to the Consultants profession. Coverage should be for a professional error, act, or omission arising out of the scope of services shown in the Roster Contract and/or associated Work Orders, with the following minimum coverage: $2,000,000 per Claim/Aggregate If the Professional Liability Insurance policy is written on a claim made form, the Consultant warrants continuation of coverage, either through policy renewals or the purchase of an extended reporting period (tail) for a minimum of three years from the date of completion of the work authorized by the Roster Contract. In the event that the Consultant is authorized to engage subcontractors, each subcontractor shall provide evidence of separate professional liability coverage equal to the levels specified above, unless BioDistrict waives such requirement in writing. 5. Workers Compensation. A policy of Workers Compensation. As respects Workers Compensation insurance in the State of Louisiana, the Consultant shall secure its liability for industrial injury to its employees in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the State of Louisiana. If the Consultant is qualified as a self-insurer in accordance with LA.R.S. 23:1168, the Consultant shall so certify by a letter signed by a corporate officer, indicating that it is a qualified self-insured, and setting forth the limits of any policy of excess insurance covering its employees, or any similar coverage required. C. Additional Insured Endorsement: The BioDistrict must be named as an Additional Insured on a primary and non-contributory basis on all Commercial General Liability policies of the Consultant. A policy endorsement (form CG2010B or equivalent) must be provided to BioDistrict as evidence of additional insured coverage. D. Proof of Insurance and Insurance Expiration: 1. The Consultant shall furnish certificates of insurance and policy endorsements as evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of the Contract when work is assigned by Work Order. Such certificates and endorsements must be signed by a person authorized by that insurance company to bind coverage on its behalf. 2. The Consultant shall include all subcontractors at any tier as insured (except for Professional Liability insurance). Alternatively, the Consultant shall: a.) Obtain from each subcontractor not insured under the Consultants policy or policies of insurance, evidence of insurance meeting all the requirements of this Roster Contract, and b.) Maintain such evidence on file for a period of one year after the completion of this Roster Contract and, upon request, submit such evidence to BioDistrict for examination, and 8

c.) Ensure that the Consultants coverage of subcontractors under the Consultants policies is not excluded by any policy provision or endorsement. 3. The Consultants insurance shall not be reduced, suspended or canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, given to the BioDistrict. The Consultant shall not permit any required insurance coverage to expire during the term of this Roster Contract. 4. BioDistrict reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies at any time after work is assigned by Work Order and for the duration of this Contract, or to waive any of the insurance requirements of this Contract at its sole discretion. E. Carrier Review and Approval Authority: Insurance policies, deductibles, self-insured retentions, and insurance carriers will be subject to review and approval by BioDistrict. All insurance shall be carried with companies that are financially responsible. Generally, except for Professional Liability Insurance coverage, all carriers of insurance or reinsurers must have and maintain a rating of A VII or better as identified in the A. M. Best Insurance Rating Guide, most recent edition. Insurance carriers or reinsurers who do not have a rating of A VII or better may not be used without written approval of the BioDistrict. F. Indemnification and Limitation of Liability: Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance beyond its control resulting from acts of God or force majeure. The parties shall use reasonable efforts to eliminate or minimize the effect of such events upon performance of their respective duties under the Contract. Contractor shall be fully liable for the actions of its agents, employees, partners or subcontractors and shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the BioDistrict from suits, actions, claims, damages and costs of every name and description relating to personal injury and damage to real or personal tangible property caused by the negligent acts of the Contractor, its agents, employees, partners or subcontractors in the performance of the Contract, without limitation, provided however, that the Contractor shall not indemnify for that portion of any claim, loss, or damage arising hereunder due to the negligent act or failure of the BioDistrict.


Architectural & Engineering Design & Planning Services

This SOQ is for the following discipline: (Check only one box below. You must submit a separate cover page and SOQ for each discipline for which you are submitting.)
General Architectural Services Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Landscape Architecture Transportation Planning Cost Estimating Interior Design and Space Planning Electrical Engineering Structural Engineering Design Build Real Estate Market Analysis Other

Firm Name:

Firm Address:

Contact Person:


Telephone Number:

Fax Number

E-mail address:

Section Letter of Interest Evidence of Firms & Sub-Consultants (if applicable) Qualifications & Experience Knowledge of Applicable Standards, Codes & Ordinances Page 1 ____ ____

Attachments: Resumes References Section 3 Business Certification Section 3 Resident Employment Plan NOTE: Use this page as a cover for your submittal. SOQs are limited to a total of twenty (20) pages in not less than 11- point type. This cover page, cover letter, and resumes are not included in this page limit.

SOQs are to be stapled in the top left corner with no other bindings


Jeff Davis



University Medical Center Tulane Avenue/ Canal Street




VA Hospital Downtown Health Campus Galvez Research Neighborhood


Civic Center

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Xavier/Gert Town

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