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COORDINATE CONJUNCTION Coordinate conjunction dapat digunakan menggabungkan unsur yang paralel dalam kalimat: - And - He and I will

serve on (= menjadi anggota) the board of directors. - My supervisor called him and me to meet in his office. - Just between you and me, Tom is uncertain about whether to accept the offer to manage the business. - The date and the time of the meeting have not been set. - The growth and development of our company is phenomenal. - Johns and Janes reports are quite different from each other. - A mainframe is large and expensive. - He tested and debugged the entire program last week. - The programmer presented his new software package to the supervisor and to the department manager. - All aspiring computer analysts are trained in

inputting new data and in utilizing appropriate software to interpret the data. Or: All aspiring computer analysts are trained to input new data and in to utilize appropriate software to interpret the data. - The ability to think logically and to calculate accurately is important for an accountant. - Screening the applicants and interviewing the best candidates require considerate time. - But - A palmtop is small but powerful. - She tried hard but did not succeed. - Or - The software or the computers are crucial. - They usually advertise their companies on the Internet or in newspapers. CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTION Correlative Conjunction dapat digunakan untuk

menggabungkan unsur yang paralel dalam kalimat. - Both and - The manager is out.

His secretary is out. Both the manager and his secretary are out. (Both + noun, and + noun) - He sells used PCs. He buys used PCs. He both sells and buys used PCs. (both + verb, and + verb)

- She speaks English. . She speaks Japanese. . She speaks both English and Japanese. . (both + noun, and + noun) - Neither nor - The systems analyst is not in the laboratory. His assistant is not in the laboratory. Neither the systems analyst nor his assistant is i in the laboratory. (Neither + noun; nor + noun) - I cannot trust the manager. . I cannot trust his secretary. . I can trust neither the manager nor his secretary.

(neither + noun; nor + noun) - The instructor did not speak slowly. . The instructor did not speak clearly. . The instructor spoke neither slowly nor clearly. . (neither + adverb of manner; nor + adverb of manner) - Not only but also / Not only but as well - A computer programmer writes programs. A computer programmer tests programs. A computer programmer not only writes but also tests programs. (not only + verb; but also + verb) - They study IT. . They study English. . They study not only IT but also English. . (not only + noun; but also + noun) - The microchip technology has put chips into computers. . The microchip technology has put chips into cars. . The microchip technology has put chips not only into computers but also into cars. . (not only + preposition; but also + preposition)

- Either or - You should upload the information. I should upload the information. Either you or I should upload the information. (Either + personal pronoun; or + personal pronoun) - He must pay the bill at once. . He must return the goods. . He must either pay the bill at once or return the goods. . (either + verb; or + verb)

Supply the correct forms of verbs in parentheses. 1. The invention of new types of memory devices never (cease). 2. The issuer of credits card (provide) a short-term loan to the cardholder. 3. The main question on most peoples minds (be) why e-mail security is necessary.

4. The best in most widely used type of encrytion (utilize) a pair of mathematically related number. 5. Companies with excess computing capacity (be) able to market information services as a new business opportunity. 6. A review of the procedures (require) our attention. 7. Her letter, together with the enclosures, (be) here. 8. Any one of the applicants (be) capable of doing it. 9. Fifty dollars (be) the amount he owes. 10.The director, not the staff members, (be) late every morning last week. 11.The computer programmer, as well as his assistants, (be) busy lately. 12.He, not I, (be) going to the interview the applicant. 13.Six years before retirement (seem) like a long time. 14.Manpower, rather than natural recources, (be) more important. 15.This PC, unlike those ones, (be) really powerful. 16.(Be) John or Jane coming to the meeting? 17.Not the staff members but the director (be) wrong. 18.The computers or the sofware (be) crucial.

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