Pepsi Co

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INTRODUCTION Pepsi (stylized in lowercase as pepsi, formerly stylized in uppercase as PEPSI) is a carbonated soft drink that is produced and

manufactured by PepsiCo. Created and developed in 1898 and introduced as "Brad's Drink", it was later renamed as Pepsi-Cola on June 16, 1903, then to Pepsi in 1961. HISTORY Pepsi was first introduced as "Brad's Drink" in New Bern, North Carolina, United States, in 1898 by Caleb Bradham, who made it at his home where the drink was sold. It was later labeled Pepsi Cola, named after the digestive enzyme pepsin and kola nuts used in the recipe.[2] Bradham sought to create a fountain drink that was delicious and would aid in digestion and boost energy. In 1903, Bradham moved the bottling of Pepsi-Cola from his drugstore to a rented warehouse. That year, Bradham sold 7,968 gallons of syrup. The next year, Pepsi was sold in six-ounce bottles, and sales increased to 19,848 gallons. In 1909, automobile race pioneer Barney Oldfield was the first celebrity to endorse Pepsi-Cola, describing it as "A bully drink...refreshing, invigorating, a fine bracer before a race." The advertising theme "Delicious and Healthful" was then used over the next two decades.[4] In 1926, Pepsi received its first logo redesign since the original design of 1905. In 1929, the logo was changed again. In 1931, at the depth of the Great Depression, the Pepsi-Cola Company entered bankruptcy in large part due to financial losses incurred by speculating on wildly fluctuating sugar prices as a result of World War I. Assets were sold and Roy C. Megargel bought the Pepsi trademark.[2] Megargel was unsuccessful, and soon Pepsi's assets were purchased by Charles Guth, the President of Loft Inc. Loft was a candy manufacturer with retail stores that contained soda fountains. He sought to replace Coca-Cola at his stores' fountains after Coke refused to give him a discount on syrup. Guth then had Loft's chemists reformulate the Pepsi-Cola syrup formula. On three separate occasions between 1922 and 1933, the Coca-Cola Company was offered the opportunity to purchase the Pepsi-Cola company, and it declined on each occasion SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT OF PEPSI PAKISTAN

PepsiCos mission To be the world's premier consumer Products Company focused on convenient foods and beverages. We seek to produce healthy financial rewards to investors as we provide opportunities for growth a n d e n r i c h m e n t t o o u r e m p l o ye e s , o u r b u s i n e s s p a r t n e r s a n d t h e communities in which we o p e r a t e . A n d i n e v e r y t h i n g w e d o , w e s t r i v e f o r h o n e s t y , f a i r n e s s a n d i n t e g r i t y . (

PepsiCo Headquarters PepsiCo World Headquarters is located in Purchase, New York. The seven-building headquarters complex was designed by Edward Durrell Stone, one of America's foremost architects. HAIDIRI BEVERAGES PRIVATE LIMITED PAKISTAN The Haidiri Beverages Group was set up in 1979 and is Pepsi's sole selling agent for District Rawalpindi and Islamabad. It is based in the CDA Industrial Triangle, Kahuta Road; Islamabad. It manages the supply for several wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, hotels and other such food outlets. In order to achieve the projected sales targets effectively, the organization ensures a comprehensive strategic alignment with the overall Pepsi Colas business strategy. Haideri Beverages primary functions are to conduct a systematic manufacturing and supply of the product without any tactical flaws. Backed by a powerful competitive strategy and empowered by some effective supply chain strategies, the group has been managing an effective supply chain t h r o u g h o u t t h e region. It has set up a sophisticated manufacturing and storage p l a n t i n Rawalpindi with multiple production units and huge production capacity. Haidiri Beverages has d i f f e r e n t m a n a g e m e n t d e p a r t m e n t s d e a l i n g w i t h s p e c i a l i z e d M a r k e t i n g , H u m a n R e s o u r c e , Information Technology and Supply Chain Processes. In this section we conduct a brief analysis of the basic supply chain management functions of Haidri beverages UNDERSTANDING SUPPLY CHAIN OF PEPSI The objective of every supply chain should be to maximize the overall value generated. The value of a supply chain generates is the difference between what the final product is worth to the customer and the costs the supply chain incurs in filling the customers request. (Chopra, Meindl2006)

Supply Chain Strategy or Design:

During this phase a company decides how to structure the supply chain over the next several y e a r s . T h e c o m p a n y m a k e s l o n g t e r m d e c i s i o n s i n r e g a r d s t o l o c a t i o n a n d c a p a c i t i e s o f production and warehousing facilities, the products to be manufactured or stored at various locations, the modes of transportation to be made, and information systems and so on. The supply chain design is very expensive to alter on short notice and supports the companys strategic objectives. In order to ensure a good supply chain strategy, Haidri Beverages plans two years in advance. It has several contracts with manufacturers, and receives raw material on a convenient basis. The company also decides where production plants are to be placed. Haidri has production plants at Peshawar and Islamabad. The production process is 65% automated. The company has to provide and manage transport for the delivery of products as well as the arrangement of third party services for the procurement of products. The shipping department handles orders and the transport department decides the vehicles for safe delivery. Material planning and sourcing is carried out as well. Sources of supply of raw material both local and

foreign are identified and terms and conditions are negotiated. Capacity planning is also done at this stage. Sales forecasting and production planning depends upon the capacity of the organization with respect to: 1. Production (180,000 converted 250 ML crates per day). 2. Storage: Raw and packing (80,000 Sq Ft) 3. Storage: Finished goods (120,000 Sq Ft) Haidri has a procurement budget of Rs 2.9 billion. Approved suppliers cannot go beyond this budget. The supplier is audited by the most cost efficient quality control department. Distributors a r e a l s o d e c i d e d b y t h e c o m p a n y, k e e p i n g i n m i n d p a s t p e r f o r m a n c e s . T h e c o m p a n y h a s increased its distribution capacity from one to six filling lines during the last few years lending it a competitive edge over Coca Cola.

Supply Chain Planning

As the above configurations have been set, planning must be done within t h e a b o v e s t a t e d constraints. The goal of planning is to maximize the supply chain surplus. Planning establishes parameters within which a supply chain will function over a period of time. Companies start the planning phase with a forecast for the coming year of demand. Pepsi carries out sales forecasting for local demand as well as for export purposes to countries such as Afghanistan. The annual sales target is conveyed to the supply chain department of Haidri Beverages. Planning is carried out on a monthly, weekly and daily basis at Haidri.

Supply Chain Operation:

Company makes decision regarding individual customer orders. The goal o f s u p p l y c h a i n operations is to handle incoming customer orders in the best possible manner. During this phase, firms allocate inventory or production to individual orders, set a date that an order is to be filled, generate pick lists at a warehouse, allocate to shipping, and set delivery and so on. There is less uncertainty about demand. At Haidri, the production, sales and supply chain departments get together to decide the inventory usually on a weekly basis.

PROCESS VIEWS OF SUPPLY CHAIN The processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of cycles each performed at the interface between two successive stages of a supply chain.

1. Cycle View of Supply Chain:

a. Stages in supply chain There are five stages in a supply chain (Supplier Manufacturer D i s t r i b u t o r Retailer,Customer)






Figure 1 b. Supply chain process cycles A n d f o u r s u p p l y c h a i n p r o c e s s c y c l e s ( c u s t o m e r o r d e r , replenishment, manufacturing, procurement cycle).


Figure 2

2. Push/Pull View of Supply Chain:

With push process execution is initiated in anticipation to a customer order. Pepsi has a seasonal demand. Just in time concept is applicable in non-seasonal period and not applicable in seasonal period. All processes that are part of the procurement cycle, manufacturing cycle, replenishment cycle, and customer order cycle are push processes. Pepsi Sales order and processing: The Shipping Manager receives sales order from Sales Team, distributors through telephone, fax & email one day before dispatch. The sales are made to base distributors on advance payment against orders then shipping manager plans according to the demand of distributors on daily basis. COMPETITIVE AND SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGIES

Figure 3 There are three major sustainable advantages that c o m p e t i t i v e e d g e a s t h e y operate in the global marketplace: 1. Big, muscular brands, 2. Proven ability to innovate and create differentiated products and 3 . P o w e r f u l g o - t o - m a r k e t s ys t e m s . PepsiCo's overall mission is to increase the value of shareholder's investment. T h e y d o t h i s through sales growth, cost controls a n d w i s e i n v e s t m e n t o f r e s o u r c e s . T h e y b e l i e v e t h e i r commercial success depends upon offering quality and value to their consumers and customers; providing products that are safe, wholesome, economically efficient and environmentally sound ;and providing a fair return to their investors while adhering to the highest standards of integrity. A c u s t o m e r w h i l e p u r c h a s i n g a



b o t t l e o f P e p s i w i l l c o n s i d e r p r o d u c t q u a l i t y , p r i c e a n d availability of the product. Thus, Pepsi in Pakistan particularly focuses its competitive strategy as to producing sufficient variety, reasonable prices, and the availability of the product. MARKETING AND SALES STRATEGIES: PepsiCo has developed the national marketing, promotion and advertising programs that support its many brands and brand image; oversees the quality of the products; develops new products and packaging, and coordinates selling efforts (PepsiCo 2000 Annual Report). SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGY Step 1: The Customer and Supply Chain Uncertainty a) Identifying customer needs: Haidri needs to understand the customer needs for each targeted segment and the uncertainty the supply chain faces in satisfying these needs. As Haidri deals with beverages, which are a fast moving consumer good, it knows the requirements of consumers. Pepsi is considered as a drink which is refreshing during summer, and taken regularly during winter , with demand hiking around festivals such as Eid and occasions such as weddings. Haidri caters to both cities and rural areas. It understands the needs of both. As demand for beverages is seasonal, the quantity of product needed for each lot is taken care of with past demand in mind. Consumers generally require a small response time, high service level, reasonable price and some variety (for example health conscious people favor diet versions of sodas). b) Demand uncertainty and implied demand uncertainty: Demand for Pepsi varies by product. For example there is a greater d e m a n d f o r P e p s i a s compared to Mirinda Apple, which is new. Hence, Pepsi has a low demand uncertainty as compared to Mirinda Apple. The product Pepsi is approaching its maturity stage in the PLC whereas Mirinda Apple is in the introductory stage. Pepsis implied demand uncertainty varies with the product type as well as the customer needs. Due to decreased lead time (the customer may purchase its competitors product if Pepsi is not available at that time), need for greater variety and higher level of service, implied demand uncertainty increases. This is true for cities where unmet demand by Pepsi is met by Coca Cola, Amrat Cola and other such competitors. Supply uncertainty is also affected by new products. New products h a v e h i g h e r s u p p l y uncertainty.

c) Uncertainty for the capability of the supply chain: After determining the demand uncertainty it is important to take a look at t h e u n c e r t a i n t y resulting from the supply chain. Pepsi is not a new product and its market is going towards maturation. The company does not have many difficulties in delivering a product and has a fixed d e l i v e r y s c h e d u l e ( o n d a i l y b a s i s ) . P e p s i h e n c e h a s a p r e d i c t a b l e s u p p l y a n d s o m e w h a t uncertain demand depending on market conditions

Predictable demand and supply

Predictable supply and uncertain demand or uncertain supply and predictable demand

Highly uncertain supply and demand

Figure 4

Step 2: understanding the supply chain capabilities

Highly efficient

Somewhat efficient

Somewhat responsive

Highly responsive

Figure 5

In towns


In cities

The efficiency and responsiveness varies according to the consumer needs, implied demand uncertainty, product type and market segments. In remote areas the company focuses on being s o m e w h a t e f f i c i e n t a s o t h e r m o d e s o f t r a n s p o r t a t i o n c o u l d t u r n t h e p r o d u c t t o b e h i g h l y expensive. According to the company it does not deal with distributors who do not have 20 to 25vehicles, therefore as the company has focus on cost reduction, uses slow and inexpensive modes of transportation, the demand is certain, and uses economies of scale in production; the product Pepsi is more inclined towards being somewhat efficient. In cities, the company focuses its attention on being highly responsive as Pepsi has to meet short lead time, meet a

high service l e v e l , h a n d l e a l a r g e v a r i e t y o f p r o d u c t s a n d r e s p o n d t o w i d e r a n g e s o f q u a n t i t y d e m a n d e d especially at the retail stage Step 3: Achieving the Strategic Fit Making one stage more responsive allows the other stage to focus on being more efficient. The Pepsi supply chain assign different roles to its different stages, the company has to decide either to transfer the responsiveness to the manufacture stage or to the retailer stage. While discussing the Pepsis supply capability it is seen that Pepsi tends to be more responsive in the cities and a b i t l e s s i n t o w n s . T h e r e f o r e , t r a n s f e r r i n g t h e r e s p o n s i v e n e s s to the retailer and distributor, a l l o w i n g t h e m t o f a c e t h e h i g h e r i m p l i e d d e m a n d u n c e r t a i n t y . T h i s i n r e t u r n a l l o w s t h e manufacturer and supplier to be more efficient. At the same time, multiple beverage t yp e s contribute to a broader product portfolio causing Haidri to adjust its strategies accordingly; tailoring the supply chain to best meet the needs of each beverage demand.

Expanding Strategic Scope of Pepsi:

In Pepsi the agile inter -company scope of strategic fit is essential because t h e c o m p e t i t i v e playing field has shifted from company-versus-company to supply chain-versus-supply chain. Strategic scope must cover all boxes, at least at the supply chain end. The agile inter-company scope of strategic fit requires the company to evaluate every action in the context of the entire supply chain. As competition increases, Pepsi is expanding their strategic scope as they are increasing their product line by adding Pepsi Max, Mountain Dew and Mirinda Apple to their beverage line. DRIVERS OF SUPPLY CHAIN PERFORMANCE Connecting the drivers with PLC Supply chain strategy: Within the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pepsi mainly follows a combined cost effective responsive supply chain strategy. The intensive supply of the product is being ensured throughout the twin cities market with the help of several distributors. Pepsi has been able to r e a c h o u t t o a l l m a r k e t s e g m e n t s w i t h o u t a n y d e l a ys b e c a u s e o f i t s b u s i n e s s m a t u r i t y a n d comparative business strength. It has the highest beverages sales volumes as compared to any other beverage in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Although there is an overwhelming stability in the product market yet there are some remote areas where there are conditions for a possible stock out due to their remoteness. For addressing this risk Pepsi has financed different whole sellers in those areas to respond immediately. Pepsi in Islamabad and

Rawalpindi and in most parts of Pakistan can be rightly placed into the category of an ever growing mature business. Responsiveness: In case of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) that target a huge segment of market, r e s p o n s i v e n e s s i s a d e c i d i n g f a c t o r f o r t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n a l s u c c e s s . I n a t yp i c a l Pakistani market, quick response enables supply chains to meet the customer demands for ever-shorter lead times, and to synchronize the supply to meet the peaks and troughs of demand. P e p s i s s u p p l y c h a i n h a s b e e n a b l e t o reinforce a greater response to the uncertain and unpredictable market behavior only because it has multisided processing f a c i l i t i e s a n d corresponds to a systematic production network with both dedicated and multi-product facilities. T h e m a j o r f o c u s i s t o d e t e r m i n e t h e p r o c e s s e s t h a t a r e t o b e i n t e g r a t e d i n t h e s u p p l y c h a i n network with their corresponding suppliers, distribution centers and the associated transport links between them. The major considerations in the design are the supply chain responsiveness and profitability

Framework for Structuring Drivers:

Supply chain strategy

Competitive strategy



Supply chain structure





Figure 6 The framework is based on a motive to create strategic fit between the competitive and supply chain strategy. Pepsi Competitive strategy stands to provide a large

variety of products very quickly; simultaneously the supply chain strategy stands to materialize the availability of that variety of products. Pepsi mainly follows a responsive supply chain strategy. Alignment of Pepsis business strategy to a corresponding supply chain strategy is achieved through proper deployment of supply chain drivers. Pepsi has to deal with different set of market segments simultaneously. Most of the time the approach needs to be r e s p o n s i v e e n o u g h t o g r o w substantially to be able to compete with u n c e r t a i n d e m a n d , w h i l e i n m a n y a r e a s d e m a n d i s certain and very much predictable, so there it incorporates an efficient supply chain strategy. 1. The Inventory Driver: Haidri has established a comprehensive plan to ensure the sufficient inventory levels to keep up with t h e m a r k e t d e m a n d e f f e c t i v e l y. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e t h e m a i n i n v e n t o r y s t o r a g e h a s b e e n established within the main plant area Kahuta road, Rawalpindi. It has the storage capacity of 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 S q F t a n d t h e area is being utilized both horizontally and vertically. The shipping department is in charge for storage and subsequent displacement of the product orders. The i n v e n t o r y c a p a c i t y i s b e i n g u t i l i z e d a n d m a i n t a i n e d i n c o o r d i n a t i o n w i t h t h e p r o d u c t i o n department and is based on the term production estimates. Apart from the main storage house, Haidri has established more than 10 storage facilities nearer to the market in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Increasing inventory makes the supply more responsive to the customers. At Haidri Beverages, managers bear a high inventory cost to ensure maximum levels of inventory and to reduce the production and transportation costs 2. The Transportation Driver: Transportation driver has a large impact on the responsiveness of the b u s i n e s s . F a s t e r transportation of the products allows Haidri to maintain sufficient levels of stock on the shelves. Haidris transportation network is the collection of routes, modes and locations along which the product can be shipped. With the help of several distributors the product is being supplied to the market. There are multiple supply and demand points within the twin cities which cater to the market demand. Haidri decides and selects different modes of transportation having different characteristics with respect to the speed and size of shipment. The transportation network has been designed with a view to ensure responsiveness and boost the availability of the product. For Haidri using fast mode of transport increases responsiveness as well as the transportation cost but lowers the inventory holding cost.

3. The Information Driver Connects all the supply chain stages effectively allowing them to coordinate and maximize total supply chain profitability. It is also crucial to the daily operations of each stage in the supply chain. The unit manager utilizes the production scheduling system that is

based on information on demand to create a schedule that allows Haidri Beverages to produce the right amount of product. The warehouse in charge uses this information to create visibility of the warehouses i n v e n t o r y i t e m s . I n f o r m a t i o n s h a r i n g h e l p s t h i s f i r m i m p r o v e i t s r e s p o n s i v e n e s s w i t h i n t h e market. It helps to accurately forecast demand and realize frequency of updates, measurements of the effects of seasonal factors influencing the production, measurements of variances from the plan and the ratio of demand variability to order variability. Timely and accurate information enables the distribution managers to fix potential stock out or oversupply problems. 4. The Facility Driver In order to ensure the responsive strategy implementation, the role of facilities is of prime importance in the supply chain of Haidri Beverages. P e p s i h a s e s t a b l i s h e d a f l e x i b l e a n d a product-focused production facility in order to respond effectively to the variability in demand. T h e s t o r a g e f a c i l i t i e s a r e d e s i g n e d i n o r d e r t o p r o v i d e m a x i m u m p o s s i b l e c a p a c i t y f o r t h e inventory. The large amount of excess capacity allows the facility to be very flexible and to respond to wide surges in demands placed on it. In alignment with the responsive supply chain strategy the facilities have been geographically located close to the market DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS 1. Direct distribution: Delivery of post mix cylinders & handling of key accounts: The key accounts aredifferent wholesalers, restaurants and hotels like Pizza Hut, KFC, Metro whichserve as a place for key sale. These are known as national key accounts and are veryimportant in terms of competition. Export Parties 2. Indirect distribution: Through Base market distributors Through Outstation distributors Before delivering the product some certain guiding principles are followed for the assessment of distributors capability by Haidri: Applicant must have 20 to 25 vehicles (depending on the area). Applicant must have 20,000 cases of empty bottles. Applicant must deposit Rs.1, 000,000 as a security.


Haidri uses light and heavy vehicles for safe delivery of goods to the distributors for timely delivery. It follows the just in time concept which is applicable in Non-seasonal period and not applicable in the seasonal period.

Review and Revise Distribution:

This is usually done through taking over key revenue areas. If the distributor does not achieve itssales target, the distribution is taken back and an addition of new distributor is done. ThereforePepsis supply is low supply uncertainty. Some of its supply source capabilities are: 1. Less breakdowns 2. High quality 3. Flexible supply capacity 4. Mature production process

Factors Influencing Distribution Network Design

At the highest level, performance of a distribution network should be e v a l u a t e d a l o n g t w o dimensions: 1. Customer needs that are met 2. Cost of meeting customer needs The customer needs that are met influence the companys revenues, which along with cost decide the profitability of the delivery network. While customer service consists of many components we will consider those measures that are influenced by the structure of the distribution network for Pepsi Response Time for Pepsi is minimal as the direct customers for Pepsi are the retailers and then the consumers. So with over 30 delivery trucks in Islamabad, Pepsi is readily available to every retailer within 30 minutes. Rawalpindi has 6 warehouses from where the supply to the market is done through Shehzore or small cars. Product Variety in Pepsi is large. They have made their place in the market with their unique product line ranging from chips to water. As we are dealing with Haidri, the product varietyincludes beverages ranging from the water Aquafina to Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Pepsi Max, 7 Up,Mirinda, Mirinda Apple & Fountain Fresh.

Customers Desire Pepsi and Mountain Dew the most; Mountain Dew has the h i g h e s t consumption in Gujranwalla. Recently, the sales for 250 ml bottles has decreased but they aretrying to increase it as it gives the company higher profits. Availability of Pepsi is very high and the product is always available in stock whenever an order arrives. Whenever the distributors feel that after one loading there could be a stock out they place an order to Haidri Beverages in advance just to keep the floor in hand. The distributors have 3 days stock as back up with them in order of any malfunctioning of the plant or other such external factors Customer Experience Pepsi has always been positive as they receive the product with ease and on time. The retailers are the direct customers as they place an order to the distributors. There has never been a shortage or a delay for Pepsi in Metro or Pizza Hut which are the key accounts for the company. Order Visibility Pepsi is not really an electronic phenomenon where you can track your order through computer. It is more of person -to-person contact and one can easily track down their orders through the designated staff in each sector of Islamabad and Rawalpindi or for that sake all over Pakistan. Return ability Pepsi has always been very strong in a sense that unsatisfactory items can be returned and changed on the spot. This is true for both the consumers and the retailers. Pepsi has laid down a system through which they can effectively manage this requirement. The retailers are t o l d t o t a k e d o w n t h e c o m m e n t s a n d t h e a d d r e s s o r p h o n e n u m b e r s f r o m the person who is r e t u r n i n g t h e b o t t l e . I t s e e m s a t f i r s t t h a t a c u s t o m e r a l w a y s w a n t s t h e h i g h e s t l e v e l o f performance along all these dimensions, in practice however this is not always the case.

Design Options for Distribution Network:

Distributor Storage with Carrier Delivery: In Pepsi inventory is not held by the manufacturers at the factories but is held by distributors/retailers in intermediate warehouses and package carriers are used to transport the products from the intermediate location to the final customer. This requires distributor storage to keep high levels of inventory because distributor/retailer aggregates demand uncertainty to a lower level than the manufacturer. Transportation

costs for Pepsi are somewhat lower because an economic m o d e o f t r a n s p o r t a t i o n (e.g. truckload) can be employed for inbound shipments to the warehouse, which is closer to the customer. Facility cost is high because of a loss of aggregation and often end up with higher processing costs. The informati on structure needed is not that complex. The distribution warehouse serves as a buffer between manufacturer and customer. Real time visibility between customers and warehouse is needed whereas as visibility between c u s t o m e r a n d m a n u f a c t u r e r i s n o t r e q u i r e d . R e s p o n s e t i m e i s a l s o r e d u c e d . C u s t o m e r convenience is high and order visibility with manufacturer storage becomes easier. Distributor storage is well suited for medium to fast moving goods and it can also handle higher level of variety than retail stores.


Warehouse storage by distributor/ retailer


Product flow Figure 7 Value of Distribution System: There are basically two components of distribution: Storage Distribution The storage facilities of Haidiri Beverages are designed in order to boost the timely availability of the product. For this purpose the distributors are fully equipped with facilities that are needed to ensure intensive supply of the product. The storage f acilities are d e s i g n e d t o c o n t a i n t h e maximum possible inventory items that are needed at any given time. Haidiri Beverages has established several storage units nearer to the market in order to boost availability. Transportation conducts inventory movement from point to point in supply chain of H a i d e r i B e v e r a g e s . I t i n c o r p o r a t e s a c o m b i n a t i o n o f m o d e s

Information flow

and routes at different stages. Transportation choices have a large impact o n t h e r e s p o n s i v e n e s s s t r a t e g y o f t h e b u s i n e s s . Haidiri has several contracts with several distributors with multiple transport facility that ensure the maximum possible transport of inventory within a short period of time. The distribution does n o t w o r k b e t w e e n specific supply chain components but it performs a basic function o f integration amongst all supply chain components. In case of FMCG like Pepsi, the value of systematic distribution process cannot be undermined. The Pepsi distribution system linked the e n t i r e s u p p l y c h a i n f o r a l l p r o d u c t c a t e g o r i e s . T h e d i s t r i b u t i o n c e n t e r s a n d i t s i n f o r m a t i o n network play a key role in that regard. The major object is to carefully track sales of items and offer short replenishment cycle times. The distributors offer stored deliveries too many retail outlets in the twin cities. Different products are being delivered conveniently on pre-orders. The distribution system is flexible enough to alter delivery schedule depending on customer demand. The Territory Distributor Managers maintain a contact with the retailers in order to book and place the orders. Whenever a store places an order it is immediately transmitted to the supplier through the distribution manager. Now Haidiri receives orders from all distribution centers and the shipment department delivers the orders. At the distribution centre, products from the manufacturer are delivered into different trucks and each truck makes deliveries to multiple retail stores. The number of stores depends upon the sales volume. The system works on trust and does not require the delivery person to be present when store personnel scan the delivery. This reduces the delivery time at each store. Haidiri have nine distributors in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, namely: Shan distributors, Awan distributors and Arbab Distributors. To support this distribution network they have a transport department which consists of more than 30 ten wheeler trucks in Islamabad alone. Each truck has a capacity of 1572 Pepsi cans. Rawalpindi distribution is made possible through Shehzore and Suzuki because of the narrow and congested roads. The distribution department is in direct contact with the manufacturers and keeps updating inventory levels. They keep in stock spare three days stock to combat external uncertainty. The distribution department is responsible for all the variety of the products in their portfolio. PepsiCos overall distribution network spreads throughout Pakistan connecting the remotest of places and a providing great customer service. G l o b a l i z a t i o n h a s i n c r e a s e d t h e c o m p e t i t i o n t h a t P e p s i i s c o n s t a n t l y c o m i n g u p w i t h n e w projects, campaigns and distribution. Pepsi with more than 180% of profits this year and with the annual review of their rates (last revised on 14 th November 2007) is looking more and more competitive and as the logo says: Ye Dil Maangay Aur!



STRENTH 1. Company Image: It also is a reputable org. and is well known all over the world. Perception of producing a high quality product. 2. Quality Conscious: They maintain a high quality as Pepsi Cola International collect sample from its different production facilities and send them for lab test in Tokyo. 3. Good Relation with Franchise: Throughout its history it has a good relation with franchisers working in different areas of the world where they have the production facilities. 4. Production Capacity: It has the highest production capacity i.e. 60,000 cases per day is not only in Pakistan but also in South Asia. 5. Market Share: It has a highest market share i.e. 62% in Pakistan and leading a far step head from its competitors. 6. Large No. of diversity businesses: This is also its main strength as it ahs diversity in many businesses such as i. Pepsi beverages ii. Pepsi foods iii. Pepsi Restaurants. 7. High Tech Culture: The whole culture and business operating environment at Pepsi-Cola-West Asia has quick access to a centralized database an they use computers as business tools for analysis and quick decision making. 8. Sponsorships: They mainly use celebrities in their advertising campaigning like Imran Khan, Wasim Akram, and Waqar Younas etc. Also sponsor social activates programs like music etc.

WEAKNESS 1. Decline in taste: During the last years, it was published in Financial post that there has been big complaints from the customers with regard to the bad taste that they experienced during the span of six months. 2. Political Franchises: Such as in Pakistan, Hamayun Ahkhtar is its franchisee who has a strong political support from a political party which is in opposition. In; their era in government less taxes are imposed on them but relation increases as they come in opposition. So the selection is not appropriate as this thing is harmful to their image as well as the strategies. 3. Short term Approach: They have a lack of emphasis on this in their advertising such as currently when they losses the bid for official drink in the 96 cricket world cup. They started a campaign in which they highlight the factor such as nothing official about it. 4. Weak Distribution: They lack behind in catering the rural areas and just concentrating in the urban areas. 5. Low consumer knowledge: Unable to maximize local consumer knowledge. 6. Lack of soft drink: Lack of soft drink know-how as a result of diversified business units and generalist managers OPPORTUNITIES 1. Increase Population: As almost in all over the world growth rate is increasing which in turn increases the demand of products and necessities and especially in Asia the market is growing at a faster rate as compare to other continents. So they have to attract new entrants. 2. Changing social trend: As in all over the world people are rushing towards fast food and beverage because of life which has become much faster, it provide the company a favor to capture this fast moving market with its take away product.


3. Diversification: They may enter in garments business in order to promote their brand mane, by making sports cloths fro players which represent their name by wearing their clothes. 4. Distribution of snack foods: Opportunity to distribute Pepsi snack foods in the future. THREATS 1. Imitators: They also have a problem of imitators as receives complaints from customers that they find take product in disguised of Pepsis product. 2. Government Regulation: They face problem if government employ taxes on them which force them to raise the price of their product. 3. Corporations shortage problem: Again this is also a serious threat from it suppliers as if supplier is unhappy with the company. He may reduce the supply and exploit the company. This action will surely affect the production process. 4. Non-carbonated substitutes: Non-carbonated substitutes, such as juices and tea brands are maintaining a strong foothold in the market. 5. Political instability: The big threat to Pepsi in Pakistan is Political instability and civil unrest. 6. Threat of labor strikes: External threat of labor strikes and power outages in Pakistan


Annexes Product Life Cycle (PLC) can be divided into several stages characterized by the revenue generated by the product.


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