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Cartea Amintirii de Jayson Suttkus si Leslie Wilder e-mail la AscensionReiki@Yahoo.


Reiki Ascensional

Coperta de Leslie Wilder

Iubitori ai lui Dumnezeu Uneori o usa se deschide, si o fiinta umana incepe un drum pentru ca gratia sa se implineasca.

Baza Reiki Istoria Reiki Ascensional 1. Maini Tamaduitoare

Gradul Intai Introducere

Trecutul Antic al Reiki

Privire directa

Adancimile campului Cele cinci principii ale Reiki Afirmatii Prezenta lui EU SUNT Afirmatia pentru Reiki Ascensional

Tratamentul Reiki

Regula de Aur Camera Reiki Pozitiile pentru tratamentul integral cu mainile Tratamentul de urgenta Autotratamentul

Tehnici avansate

Deschiderea energiei Involburarea aurei Schimbarea pozitiilor mainilor Universul Ki Lasand Ego-ul la o parte Studii ulterioare

2. Keys to the Kingdom

Second Degree Right Intent

The Legend of Reiki The Nature of Manifestation Quantum Mechanics Healing Affirmation

The Ascension Reiki Symbols

Symbols of the First Unfoldment Symbols of the Second Unfoldment Symbols of the Third Unfoldment


Drawing the Symbols

o o o

Working With the Symbols Distant Healing Sending the Symbols

3. Universal Language
Third Degree Right Speech

Reoccurring Dreams The Legend of Ascension Reiki Prayer of the Elohim East Meets West The Breath of the Elohim

4. Heart of Creation
Fourth Degree Right Focus

The Legend of Creation

The Nature of the Absolute- The Higher Self

Symbol of the Higher Self The Nature of the Higher Self Scriptural Cross- References

The Manifested One- The Will

Symbol of the Will The Nature of the Will Scriptural Cross- References

The Two- The Spirit

The Symbol of The Two The Nature of the Spirit Scriptural Cross- References

The Three- (Soul, Mind & Body) The Soul

The Symbol of the Soul The Nature of the Soul Scriptural Cross- References

The Mind

Symbol of the Mind The Nature of the Mind Scriptural Cross- References

The Astral Body

Symbol of the Body The Nature of the Body Scriptural Cross- References

The Seven and The Five

Buddha, The Seven and The Five A-U-M The Symbol of the Seven The Nature of the Elohim (Seven) Scriptural Cross- References

The Seven Elements of Knowledge- The Elohim

God Holy Spirit Christ OM- AUM- AMEN Love Faith Hope

The Laws of the Universe

The Legend of the Origin of the Human Race

Anatomy and Physiology The Astral Body & Physical Body The Seven Body Systems

The Brain and Nerve System The Skeletal System & The Sense of Hearing The Muscular System & The Sense of Sight The Respiratory System & The Sense of Smell The Digestive System & The Sense of Taste The Circulatory System (Including Lymph System) & The Sense of Touch The Endocrine System

Affirmation of the Heart Balancing Energy through Yoga

5. Higher Consciousness
Fifth Degree Right Alertness Archetypes

Reflections of Archetypal Function in the World View Psychological Type Theory Archetypal Function

Reiki Zones and Reflex Points

The Zones The Reflex Points Hands and Feet The Ears The Eyes The Body The Mind and the Hands The Soul and the Feet The Spirit and the Eyes The Will and the Ears

The Affirmation of the Mind The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path of At-One-Ment Affirmation of the Mind

6. Breath of the Eternal

Sixth Degree Right Purpose Working With Ki

The Complete Breath The Ujjayi Breath Direct Experience The Chakra System The Breath of the Elohim Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath The Breath of Uma and Brahman Bringing it all Together The Silence of Meditation

The Five Higher Chakras The Chakra of the Higher Self The Highest Source

Affirmation of the Soul Soulmates

7. The Most Secret Knowledge

Seventh Degree Right Effort The Attunement Process

Our Mother's Reiki Our Father's Reiki The Joining

The Transition of the Ages

The Sevens of Time

The Five Kingdoms The Meridian System

The Path of Energy Distribution Rules of the Twelve Regular Meridians The Order of the Twelve Meridians The Five Shu Points Reiki and the Meridians

Inner Guidance The Anointing Affirmation of the Spirit Patricia's Attunement Experiences
It should be noted here that each person we have attuned has had a difference attunement experience. Some people experience more than Patricia did and some experience less, but each person seems to experience what they need to help them on their own path of developement. We feel that the attunement experience is a personal thing and shouldn't be compared to anyone else. Therefore no experience is greater or less than any other. We have shared Patricia's experience only because it brings understanding to The Attunement Process of Ascension Reiki and not just light on the path of




It also should be noted that each person attuned receives the whole attunement. What a person experiences during the attunement will vary according to their own needs at the time. People who have been attuned in other systems of Reiki report that the flow of Reiki Healing Energy increases from being attuned in Ascension Reiki, their hands are hotter, etc.

8. Unconditional Love
Eighth Degree Right Motivation Sound Affirmation of the Will Born of Water and Spirit

9. Mystical Empowerment
Ninth Degree The Empowerment of Salvation The Empowerment of Enlightenment The Empowerment of Service The Empowerment of Grace The Empowerment of Yoga The Attunement Process of Ascension Reiki

Symbols of the First Unfoldment Attunements of the First Unfoldment Symbols of the Second Unfoldment Attunements of the Second Unfoldment Symbols of the Third Unfoldment Attunements of the Third Unfoldment The Fourth Unfoldment The Attunement Process Today Distant Attunement Procedure Enter The Circle of Light and Love

10. The Sacred Heart

A Meditation of the Sacred Heart

The Foundation of Reiki

The Attunement Process of Reiki is a deep mystical experience that is beginning to unfold and become a grounding force for all of humanity. No one on earth knows everything there is to know about Reiki but each one of us in our awakening receives a unique insight into the Gift of Reiki. As we Share with each other, the gifts of Reiki, a much greater understanding comes to us all. I asked Leslie what she thought about the attunement process and she said, "An attunement is a process of the receiver asking and therefore, becoming open to the possibility of higher levels of awareness through the chakras within the body and extended chakras above the head. Each attunement received, opens a person up to higher levels of healing, understanding universal spirituality, as well as the ability to channel the Love of 'The Masters of the Elohim', 'The Ascended Masters' and 'Our Creator' into their Reiki offerings."

The Search for Understanding

To even begin to understand what Leslie is saying we need to understand something about our subtle anatomy and how it relates to the Attunement Process of Reiki. After all, the attunements of every form of Reiki have something to do with some aspect of our Higher Self. A closer examination of the subject reveals that everything that has anything to do with us as human beings has a connection to some part of our Subtle Anatomy. It also becomes clear that understanding the Total Subtle Anatomy of Our Higher Self is also a key to understanding the Attunement Process of Reiki. Where do we start? There is so much information on the subject that it can be overwhelming at times just trying to sort out so many opinions and viewpoints and get a basic understanding of it all. Reiki can be a key to unlock this great mystery of who and what we really are.

The Basic Foundation

Perhaps the easiest way for us to begin to understand our Subtle Anatomy and its relationship to the Attunement Process is to begin with a brief examination of Reiki in its most basic form. The "Usui System of Natural Healing", the most basic Reiki, teaches us that "Happiness" is the miraculous medicine for the cure of all diseases. The Usui System of Natural Healing also teaches us that the "Secret Art" of "Inviting Happiness" into one's life is achieved by working with the Five Reiki Ideals and the Three Degrees of Attunement. In this way the seed of Happiness is planted in the Eight Subtle Anatomical Aspects of the Higher Self where it can grow and be nurtured in a way that is easily accepted by everyone no matter what their background or belief system. In further studies of the "Eight Aspects" of the "Secret Art of Inviting Happiness" it seems they also have a subtle connection to the "Eightfold Path that Leads to Happiness" taught by the Ascended Master Buddha. This correlation comes as not surprise when we learn about the history of The Usui System of Natural healing and the life of its founder, Dr. Mikao Usui.

Looking To Our Reiki Roots

The Usui System of Natural Healing is the simplest and most basic form of Reiki and is the most familiar in the Reiki community and to people all over the world. The Usui System of Natural Healing is the form of Reiki introduced by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1920's. The Usui System of Natural Healing is properly called "Usui Shiki Ryoho". There are many versions to the Dr. Usui story so for our purpose here we are just going to briefly review a little history of The Usui System of Natural Healing to gain some insights into key events in its development that will help us understand the attunement process better. You can find a much more detailed descriptions of Dr. Usui's Life in books such as William Rand's book "Reiki- The Healing Touch".

Dr. Usui was born in Gifu prefecture, Japan on August 15th, 1865. Dr. Usui lived an honorable life in the service of others. He was deeply concerned about the health and well-being of everyone around him. As a youth Dr. Usui was deeply impressed by the stories he heard about Buddha's life. Buddha received enlightenment and the many spiritual gifts that go along with it as he searched for a way to end the suffering of all of humanity. Dr Usui became intrigued by the fact that Buddha was also able to heal physical illness and that many of Buddha's disciples received the gift of physical healing by putting into practice the teachings of Buddha. Dr. Usui became so curious about the gift of healing the physical body that he set out on a quest to see if he could discover, in the teachings of Buddha, how this was done. Dr. Usui searched for many years trying to discover Buddha's secret of healing so he could help others. In his travels throughout Japan he visited many Buddhist temples. He was always asking the monks questions about healing. The monks told Dr. Usui that the knowledge of how to heal the body had been lost over time as there had became more of a focus on healing of the Spirit. Dr. Usui didn't give up his search and even learned Sanskrit so he could read and study the teachings of Buddha in their original language. Dr. Usui did eventually discover a formula in the Indian Sutras for contacting a higher power that could bestow healing. No one knows exactly what sutra he found this formula in and know one knows exactly what the formula was. There is speculation that he may have discovered the formula in the Sutra on "The Buddha of Healing". It is also speculated that Dr. Usui might have used the formula to make contact with "Bodhisattva Supreme Healer" who is mentioned in this particular Sutra . In this sutra "The Buddha on Healing" there is a mention of a formula for contacting Bodhisattva who will give the gift of healing to anyone who's life is sincerely dedicated to helping others. Purification through the use of special mantras as well as meditation are also part of the formula mentioned in this sutra. After the discovery of the formula, Dr. Usui went to Kurama-yama Mountain near Kyoto Japan. He was determined to put into practice the formula for twenty-one days and see if he could make contact. On the twenty-first day, just before dawn, Dr. Usui did made contact with the Higher Power. "As he looked out toward the horizon, he saw a point of light coming toward him. As he looked at the light, he realized the light had consciousness and that it was communicating with him. He realized that the light had the healing power he was looking for and if he was to receive what the light had to offer, he must allow the light to strike him. However, he was told that the light was so powerful that if it did strike him, it might kill him."

"He was given the opportunity to decide. Would he risk death to obtain the healing ability for which he had searched so long? He decided the ability to heal the sick would be worth risking death to receive." "The beam struck Dr. Usui in the forehead knocking him unconscious. Rising out of his physical body, he was shown beautiful bubbles of light filled with colors. In the bubbles were symbols. As he contemplated each symbol, he received an attunement for that symbol and knowledge of its use. In this way, he was initiated into the use of the Reiki healing power." (Reiki The Healing Touch p.4-5 by William Lee Rand) Shortly after, in 1922, Dr. Usui established a healing society and developed the three degrees of The Usui Method of Natural Healing. The first degree was called Shoden (First Teaching), the second degree was called Okuden (Inner teaching) and the third degree was called Shinpiden (Mystery Teaching). Several years after the mystical experience on Mt. Kyoto, Dr. Usui received the "Reiki Ideals" during meditation. The Reiki Ideals were given to bring balance between the Higher Self and the physical. The purpose of the Reiki Ideals are to help people realize that improving oneself is an essential part of Reiki healing. In order for Reiki healing energies to have lasting results, the client must accept responsibility for her or his healing and take an active part in it. Therefore the Usui system of Reiki is more than the use of the Reiki energy. It must also include and active commitment to improve oneself in order for it to be a complete system. (from Reiki The Healing Touch p. 5, by William Lee Rand)

The Original Reiki Ideals The secret art of inviting happiness The miraculous medicine of all disease Just for today, do not anger Do not worry and be filled with gratitude Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people every morning and evening join your hands in prayer, pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind The founder Usui Mikao
(from Reiki The Healing Touch by William Lee Rand)

Invitation To Happiness
When we begin to work with the Reiki Ideals with a sincere effort something phenomenal begins to happen. Deeper levels of energy and understanding begin to unfold. Each statement is composed of words that communicate a specific ideal. Each Ideal has a certain vibrational frequency that corresponds with and resonates with a specific Subtle Anatomical Aspect of the Higher Self. Each Ideal unfolds our understanding to deeper and deeper levels. Because of this transcendent quality, the Reiki Ideals have evolved slightly as they have been handed down by Dr. Usui's students such as Mrs. Takata. In her version of the Reiki Ideals, shown below, we begin to see the Reiki Ideals in a way that begins to give us more clues into "The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness Into Our Lives".

The Reiki Ideals as Presented by Mrs. Takata Just For Today, I will let go of anger. Just for today, I will let go of worry. Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings. Just for today, I will work honestly, Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
(from Reiki The Healing Touch by William Lee Rand)

The Reiki Affirmation

The Reiki Ideals given to Dr. Usui seem to have a life of their own. It is most interesting to see the unfoldment of the Ideals as they were passed down from Dr. Usui to his students and from them to their students. The Reiki Ideals eventually evolved into an affirmation that was given along with the ideals as they were passed down from different teachers to their students. There are many versions in circulation. The first version of the Reiki Affirmation below is from "The Reiki Alliance". The second version below came from "The Reiki Connection".

The Reiki Affirmation Just For Today, do not worry. Just for today, do not anger. Honor your parents, teachers and elders. Earn your living honestly. Show gratitude to every living thing. Just for today, I will not worry I will not be angry I will work honestly I will be thankful for my many blessings I will be kind to my neighbor and all living things

Just For Today....... I Will Be Happy

As I was writing the section on the Reiki Ideals, I heard the words, "Just for today....... I will be happy". This statement began to soak in. WoW! What a revelation! The affirmation of inviting happiness into our lives not only validates the "Five Reiki Ideals" but also grounds us in a sense of commitment to the Practice.

Invitation To Happiness Just For Today....... I Will Be Happy I Will Not Worry I Will Not Be Angry I Will Work Honestly I Will Be Thankful For My Many Blessings I Will Be Kind To My Neighbor All Living Things

Correlations with the Higher Self

Just for Today....... I Will be Happy brings Happiness into the Higher Self Letting go of Worry brings Healing into the Body Letting go of Anger brings Peace into the Mind Working Honestly brings Abundance into the Soul Being Thankful brings Joy into the Spirit Being Kind brings Love into the Will

Happiness And The Teachings of Buddha

There are many translations of the teachings of Buddha and of course the teachings very slightly from translation to translation. Buddha himself didn't write his teachings down for us so they were written down from memory like the teachings of other Ascended Masters like Krishna, Brahman and Jesus. Understanding the depths of these teachings is a lifelong study for anyone brave enough to take up the quest for Truth. After thirty three years of study of the teachings of the Ascended Masters, Subtle Anatomy, Yoga etc. I have come to the conclusion that all of these teachings in all these fields of knowledge, work together to bring us a greater understanding of Our Higher Self. It is impossible to understand the teachings of any Ascended Master with out exploring all the others. You might say that each Master emphasized a certain part of our subtle anatomy. Krishna said that if you understand any one form of Yoga Completely you understand them all. Why? Because Yoga means Union and all yoga is One, just like all Reiki is One. Our body is One Organism that is composed of many parts that all work together. Each part is no more important than any other part and in fact they are all interdependent. Of course with the Ascended Masters they all know what each other is teaching and each contributes a piece to the puzzle of life so the world will eventually come together to learn the whole truth.

Briefly the teachings of the Ascended Masters and their correlation to the disciplines of yoga are as follows: 1. Mother Mary and Jesus teach the practical living in the Body- (Hatha Yoga- The Yoga of the In and Out Breath of Incarnation) 2. Yasodhara and Buddha teach the lessons of the Mind- (Raja Yoga- The Yoga of Mental Control) 3. Uma and Brahman teach the lessons of the Soul- (Bhakti Yoga- The Yoga of Devotion) 4. Radharani and Krishna teach the lessons of the Spirit- (Gyana, Jnana Yoga- The Yoga of The Most Secret Knowledge) 5. The I AM That I AM teaches the lessons of the Will- (Karma Yoga- Action in the Mode of Unconditional Love)

The Four Noble Truths And The Eightfold Path

Buddha taught that there are Four Noble Truths: 1. Existence is Unhappiness (concerning the nature of Imperfect Existence- the Ego's illusion of Separation from the Creator) 2. Unhappiness is caused by selfish craving (concerning the nature of causation affecting imperfect existence- attachment through the appetites of the five senses) 3. Selfish Craving Can be Overcome (concerning the removal of causal factors, the disappearance of imperfect existence, action without attachment, realization of ultimate freedom in perfect existence, as Nirvana, Supreme Happiness) 4. It can be Overcome by following the Eightfold Path whose steps are: (concerning the way to know and accomplish this transformation of existence, the way of supreme life- The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness) There are different translations of the Eight Steps and the order is a little different so I have tried below to organize the steps according to Anatomical Order and present the different translations next to my own understanding of the Eightfold Path. Below is information from three translations "The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha" by E. A. Burtt, "Buddhism" by Richard A. Gard and "The Living Buddha" by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. 1. Right View- (Right View- Right Understanding of the Four Noble Truths)(1) 2. Right Intent- (Right Aim- Right Thought- Right Thinking)(2) 3. Right Speech- (Right Speech)(3) 4. Right Focus- (Right Conduct- Right Acting- Right Ideals)(4) 5. Right Alertness (Right Alertness- Right Mindfulness)(7) 6. Right Purpose (Right Purpose- Right Aspiration- Right Vocation- Right Livelyhood)(5,2) 7. Right Effort (Right Effort- Right Remembrance of the Self)(6)(7) 8. Right Motivation (Right Concentration- Right Realization of the goal of Life)(8)

The Total Anatomy of Our Higher Self

If we look deeply into "The Usui Method of Natural Healing" we find the expression of the pattern of the Eight Aspects of Our Higher Self and some tools for awakening the Flow of Rei-Ki Energy in and through us. The Three Degrees of Attunement as well as the Five Reiki Ideals relate directly to the Subtle Anatomical Aspects of Our Higher Self. Dr. Usui's Reiki is the seed of unfoldment of Reiki within and through the Total Subtle Anatomy of Our Higher Self. The understanding of the total Subtle Anatomy of Our Higher Self is a key to understanding all knowledge, all truth and all healing.

It also stands to reason that to become Fully Realized Beings and really be happy we must first understand what a total, complete, whole Human Being really is. Our Higher Self has five main components and three minor ones for operating in the material world. These Eight Aspects also have subtle connections to the Eightfold Path.

Our Higher Self

1. The Will 2. The Spirit 3. The Soul 4. The Mind 5. The Astral Body The Astral Body has three layers that enable us to incarnate into the material world: 1. The Feeling Body (The Chakra Body or Causal Body, cosmic consciousness, the cosmic unconscious) 2. The Thinking Body (The Auric Body or Subtle Body, collective consciousness, the collective unconscious) 3. The Acting Body (Physical Body or Gross Body, consciousness, the unconscious)

The Acting Body- The Thinking Body- The Feeling Body

"Harmony to the Essenes meant peace. They considered that human life can be divided into seven departments: physical, mental, emotional, social, cultural, its relationship with nature and its relationship with the entire cosmos." "Man, it was held, has three bodies that function in each of these departments: and acting body, a feeling body and a thinking body. The thinking body's highest power is wisdom. The feeling body's highest power is Love. The acting body's function is to translate the wisdom of the thinking body and the Love of the feeling body into action in an individual's social and cultural worlds and in his utilization of the terrestrial and heavenly forces." Quotation from: "The Essene Way - Biogenic Living" by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. With permission and thanks from International Biogenic Society- P.O. Box 849, Nelson, B.C., Canada V1L 6A5 (Catalog of books
available at same address)

This Self, beyond all words, is the syllable OM. This syllable, though indivisible, consists of three letters- A-U-M. The Self as the universal person in his physical being, corresponds to the first letter- A The Self as the universal person in his mental being, corresponds to the second letter- U The Self as the universal person in dreamless sleep, corresponds to the third letter- M The Fourth, the Self, is OM, the indivisible syllable. This syllable is unutterable, and beyond mind. In it the manifold universe disappears. It is the supreme good- One without a second. Whosoever knows OM, the Self, becomes the Self. Quotation from: The Mandukya Upanishad- p.50 of The Upanishads, translated from Sanskrit by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederic Manchester

The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness

For me, The Secret Art of Happiness is being able to share it with others. I certainly don't know everything about it but I have made some discoveries over the years that seem to make sense in the relationship of knowledge and understanding of our Higher Self. Below is a brief summary of the correlations of the of the patterns of all the information presented thus far. 1. The Acting Body- (Physical Body or Gross Body, consciousness, the unconscious) The First Degree and Attunement of Usui Reiki- Hands on Healing- The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness Right View- of the Four Noble Truths concerning Happiness (Prana Yoga, Pranayama Yoga)- Letting Reiki (Ki-Chi-Prana) flow in and through our breath 2. The Thinking Body- (The Auric Body or Subtle Body, collective consciousness, the collective unconscious) The Second Degree and Attunement of Usui Reiki- The Usui Reiki Symbols and their Names Right Intent- (Right Aim- Right Thought- Right Thinking) Mantra Yoga- Using the Names of the Reiki Symbols and the Symbols themselves and Affirmations 3. The Feeling Body (The Chakra Body from the Crown down or Causal Body, cosmic consciousness, the cosmic unconscious) The Third Degree of Usui Reiki- Attuning others with Reiki Right Speech (Dhyana Yoga, Japa Yoga)- Calling upon the Names of the Ascended Masters and Names of the Creator 4. The Astral Body (Blueprint for the Physical Body) I Will Not Worry Right Focus- (Right Conduct- Right Acting- Right Ideals) Healing Hatha Yoga- Yoga of Health and Well-being 5. The Mind (The Whole Aura System) I Will Not Be Angry Right Alertness- (Right Mindfulness) Peace Raja Yoga- The Yoga of Mental Control 6. The Soul- The Whole Chakra System above and below the Crown Chakra I Will Work Honestly Right Purpose- (Right Aspiration- Right Vocation- Right Livelihood) Abundance Bhakti Yoga- The Yoga of Devotion 7. The Spirit- The Conceptual Vessel, Governing Vessel (Sushumna) and the 12 pairs of organ meridians I Will Be Thankful For My Many Blessings Right Effort- (Right Remembrance of the Self)(Remembrance of the Subtle Anatomy of the Higher Self) Joy Gyana or Jnana Yoga- The Yoga of The Most Secret Knowledge of our Subtle Anatomy gained through inquiry, meditation and Satori 8. The Will- The Main Chord of the Kundalini Nerve as it runs from the Creator to the top of the Head I Will Be Kind To My Neighbor And All Living Things Right Motivation- (Right Concentration- Right Realization of the goal of Life)

Love Karma Yoga- The Yoga of Action without attachment, Action in the Mode of Unconditional Love

A Closer Examination Of Usui Reiki The First Degree of Usui Reiki "First Teaching"
The First Degree attunement of Dr. Usui's Reiki opens up the flow of Reiki energy through the "Physical Body" and its connections with the subtle anatomy of the "Higher Self". The Physical Body is sometimes called the "Acting Body" or "Gross Body". " The "Acting Body" or Physical Body gives the Astral Body of the "Higher Self" a way to experience and learn in the "Gross Plane" of the "Material Universe". In the first degree of Usui's Reiki the student learns basic hand positions for doing hands on Reiki treatments. Hands on Reiki Treatments are sometimes called Reiki Sessions. The first degree student is also introduced to the Reiki Ideals to help the student learn the practical application of Reiki energy in everyday life.

General Anatomy of The Acting Body

The "Acting Body" or "Physical Body" is composed of "Seven Anatomical Systems" and "The Five Senses" of Perception of the "Higher Self".

The Seven Anatomical Systems are:

1. The Endocrine System (including reproduction system)(Seven Endocrine Glands) 2. The Circulator System (Blood and Lymph Systems) 3. The Digestive System 4. The Respiratory System 5. The Muscular System 6. The Skeletal System 7. Brain and Nerve System

The "Five Senses" of Perception of the "Higher Self" are:

1. Touch 2. Taste 3. Smell 4. Sight 5. Hearing

The Second Degree of Usui Reiki "Inner Teaching"

The Second Degree attunement of Dr. Usui's Reiki opens up the flow of Reiki energy through the "Thinking Body" and its connections with the subtle anatomy of the "Higher Self". The "Thinking Body" is sometimes called the "Subtle Body". The "Thinking Body" or "Subtle Body" gives the Mind of the "Higher Self" a way to experience and learn in the "Subtle Plane" of the "Material Universe". The "Subtle Plane" is also known as the "Akashic Plane". The "Akashic Plane" is the "Collective Conscious" and "Collective Unconscious" in the "Material Universe". The Second Degree attunement of Dr. Usui's Reiki opens up and allows an individual to work with Reiki Healing Energy on the "Collective Conscious" and "Collective Unconscious" levels. This opening of the Collective Levels enables a person to work with Reiki Healing at a distance. There is also an increased flow of Reiki Healing Energy for hands on healing, for healing in the aura and pranic layers and for beaming across the room or any distance. The Second Degree Attunement of Usui's Reiki also brings the student into contact with Reiki Symbols and their Names. In Dr. Usui's Reiki the symbols are presented to the student at their most basic level in both form and intent. The intent to Heal opens up the flow of Reiki Energy. The use of the names of the Usui Reiki symbols opens up the flow of Reiki Energy through the Left Brain (Yang) at the Collective Conscious Level. The use of the symbols themselves opens up the flow of Reiki Energy through the Right Brain (Yin) at the Collective Unconscious Level. This process is similar to counting sheep to fall asleep. The counting part engages the left brain in the intent to fall asleep and the visualization of sheep engages the right brain in the intent to fall asleep. The two sides of the brain become balanced in intent and you fall asleep. Although Usui's Reiki symbols in their advanced forms represent different parts of our subtle anatomy, this anatomical level of meaning is not directly explored in Dr. Usui's Reiki. The symbols are presented as "The Power Symbol", "The Emotional Symbol", "The Distant Healing Symbol" and the "Master Attunement Symbol" or symbols etc. There are many variations of the Usui's Reiki Symbols and, interestingly enough, they all work to increase the flow of Reiki energy in both hands on and distant healing.

General Anatomy of "The Thinking Body"

The "Thinking Body" or "Subtle Body" is made up of Fields of Energy (Auras) around the body and Fields of energy (Pranas) within the body . Together these fields of Life energy around and within the body bring life to the physical body. The body dies when these fields of Auras and Pranas leave. The details of the Auras and Pranas is a pretty widely discussed subject and there are varying views on how many auras there are around the body and also exactly where the Five Pranas are located within the body. In Barbara Brennon's book "Light Emerging" she shows Seven auras around the body, each associated with levels of energy and awareness, states of consciousness etc. There was an article in "The Reiki News Magazine" which showed six auras around the body each corresponding to different bodies like the Astral Body, Etheric Body, and levels of the Spiritual Body.

Both of these views can be correct depending upon which level of energy we are looking at. Terminology is a stumbling block in describing all of these things. There is no standard language to describe anything. The same thing can be called by many common names. There is no real scientific descriptive language yet to describe the different auras and levels of auras. So we just have to use as many common names that refer to the same thing to get the idea and try and communicate with each other. For us all to begin to share our insights we have to have a little patience with each other and not have preconceived ideas associated with certain words that are used to describe anatomical aspects. In this description I just ask you to look at the whole description in the terminology that happens to be familiar with me and over look perhaps differences that you may notice in how you are used to seeing the terms. This is just to give a general idea of the Auric System. The System of the Seven Auras around the body seem to have a direct relationship with the Seven Chakras that connect on the spine or Sushumna sometimes loosely called the Kundalini Nerve. They may even be the auras of the Seven Chakras as they flow through the physical body and emerge outside the body.. An Illustration of this system is below. The Seven Auras of the "Thinking Body" are Yang in their Nature. The Five Pranas of the "Thinking Body" are Yin in their Nature. Yang energy is the outward energy and Yin energy is inward energy.

Note: the chakras shown are the approximate place where the chakras connect with the governing
vessel on the back body and conceptual vessel on the front body. There are so many varying views of how these chakras actually work that it would be a study in itself. Even though I have been working with these chakras for a very long time I really feel like I still am a student not a master. The Seven Chakras on the spine are said to also have corresponding openings on the front body as well. Most people understand the third eye chakra having an opening in the forehead. This is true but the third eye chakra goes all the way to the back of the head where it connects with the Sushumna or Kundalini Nerve on the back body. It got to confusing drawing it in the front so I just drew it where it connects on the back body. Center of the back of the head.

Note: The Root Chakra at the base of the Spine is the Root Chakra of both the five front body chakras
and the seven back body chakras. The Crown Chakra at the top of the head is the Crown Chakra of both the five front body chakras and the seven back body chakras.

The Seven Aura System of the Thinking Body

The "Seven Auras" around the body have a relationship with the Seven Anatomical Systems of the Physical Body, The Seven Chakras along the Spine and the seven rays of the rainbow. Each of the Seven Auras of the Thinking body are in general about as wide as the persons hands width. The size of the auras varies from person to person depending on their size and level of unfoldment. One hand width is just a general guide to give you a place to start with your intent. 1. The First Aura is associated with the Endocrine System as a whole, the gonads and the Root Chakra (red ray) . 2. The Second Aura is associated with the Circulatory System, the pancreas and the second chakra on the spine (orange ray). 3. The Third Aura is associated with the Digestive System, the adrenal glands and the third chakra on the spine (yellow ray). 4. The Fourth Aura is associated with the Respiratory System, the thymus gland and the heart chakra on the spine (green ray).

5. The Fifth Aura is associated with the Muscular System, the Thyroid, Parathyroid and the fifth chakra on the spine (blue ray). 6. The Sixth Aura is associated with the Skeletal System, the pituitary gland and the sixth chakra on the spine (indigo ray). 7. The Seventh Aura is associated with the Brain and Nerve System, the pineal gland and the Crown Chakra (violet ray).

The Six Aura System of The Higher Self

The Aura System of the Higher Self is a more subtle Aura System that is also around the body. These sometimes called Bodies or Sheaths and relate to the six chakras above the head. There are other auras that are more subtle than the individual self. The System of the Six Auras seem to have a relationship to the Bodies or sheaths of the Higher Self. The First Aura- Astral Body energy pattern for the physical Body- 1st chakra above the head The Second Aura- The Mental Body- 2nd chakra above the head The Third Aura- The Soul Body- 3rd chakra above the head The Fourth Aura- The Spirit Body- 4th chakra above the head The Fifth Aura- the Body of the Will- 5th chakra above the head The Sixth Aura- Body of the Higher Self- 6th chakra above the head

The Five Pranas

What is a prana? It is an aura that is inside. If you have ever meditated with your eyes shut and noticed after a while a slow pulsing light inside you head, probably mostly violet. That is the Prana from the Crown Chakra pulsing in a beautiful slow wave. You can look down inside and see other pranas at work as well. The Five Pranas within the Body have a relationship with the Five Senses of the physical body, the Five Chakras along the front body and the "Five Elements". The Five Pranas bring life energy to five general areas within the body. There are many descriptions of the five pranas in the field of yoga. As usual in the study of the Subtle anatomy it takes a lot of comparison study of many sources as well as meditation and practice to get a deeper understanding of how it all works. If we stay open we keep receiving deeper insights as time goes by. There is a lot written on the subject of the workings of the Five pranas. A couple of good source books on the "Pranas" in the Yoga Community are "The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga" by Swami Vishnu-devananda and "Anusara Yoga" by Doug Keller. The arrangement of the following information is in the anatomical order of the Five Front Body Chakras. The five front body chakras also have subtle relationships to the First Five Chakras above the head. The five general areas of the Pranas extend all the way from the front of the body to the back of the body. The five Elements are everywhere in the body but also have specific relationships with the Five Pranas and the five chakras on the Conceptual Vessel of the Front body. In the field of Yoga, The Five Pranas have Sanskrit names which are as follows: 1. "Apana", the "First Prana", is associated with the sense of "Touch" and the element of "Earth". It is also connected with the Root Chakra of the "Front Body" and its general area is from the base of the spine up to around the top of the hips. (Apana mostly controls the excretory apparatus of the body such as -reproduction and the elimination

of waste- genitals, kidneys, colon, rectum, bladder and lumbar portion of the autonomic nerve system) (Also associated with the First Chakra above the head- Body as a Whole- Circulatory System -Blood and Lymph) 2. "Samana", the Second Prana, is associated with the sense of "Taste" and the element of "Water". It is also connected with the "Second Chakra" on the "Front Body" and its general area around the navel. (Samana controls the secretions of the digestive system associated with the stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestine- abdominal organs and glands- autonomic nerve system in the thoracic region ) (Also associated with the second chakra above the head- Digestive System and Total Aura and Prana Systems) 3. "Prana", the Third Prana, is associated with the sense of "Smell" and the element of "Fire". It is also connected with the "Heart Chakra" on the Front Body and the general area around it. It also is associated with the whole chakra system of the body. (Prana controls the verbal mechanism and the vocal apparatus, swallowing, the respiratory muscles and temperature in the body- the cervical portion of the autonomic nerve system) (Prana is also associated with the third chakra above the head- The Respiratory System, Breath and The Whole Chakra System) 4. "Vyana", the Fourth Prana, is associated with the sense of Sight and the element of "Air". This prana is said to pervade the entire body through the Conceptual and Governing Vessels, Twelve Pairs of Organ Meridians, Ida, Pingala and the 72,000 nadis or passageways of prana throughout the whole body. It is also said to control the voluntary and involuntary movements of the muscular system. It is also associated with the fourth chakra on the front body and its general area of the upper chest and throat. (Vyana is also associated with the fourth chakra above the head- Conceptual Vessel, Governing Vessel, Ida, Pingala and The entire Meridian System- The Muscular System) 5. "Udana", the Fifth Prana, is associated with the sense of Hearing and the element of "Ether". It is also connected with the Crown Chakra of the "Front Body" and the general area of the upper throat above the larynx and Head. It controls the Sound in Speech. (Udana is also associated with the Fifth Chakra above the head- The Main chord of The Kundalini Nerve- Brain and Nerve System)

Cross References
In the Prasna Upanishad it says the following: The Second Question: from (Prasna Upanishad translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester) 1. Then Ghargave approached the teacher and asked: "Holy Sir, how many several powers (powers, organs, senses) hold together this body? Which of them are most manifest in it? And which is the greatest? 2. "The Powers," replied the sage, "are ether, air, fire, water, earth-- these being the five elements which compose the body; and, besides these, speech, mind, eye, ear, and the rest of the sense organs. Once these powers made the boastful assertion: ' We hold the body together and support it.' 3. ' Whereupon Prana, the primal energy, supreme over them all, said to them: 'Do not deceive yourselves. It is I alone, dividing myself fivefold, who hold together this body and support it.' But they

would not believe him. 4. "Prana, to justify himself, made as if he intended to leave the body. But as he rose and appeared to be going, all the rest realized that if he went they also would have to depart with him; and as Prana again seated himself, the rest found their respective places."........................ Third Question from: The Prasna Upanishad translated by F. Max Muller 1. Then Kausalya Asvalayana asked: 'Sir, whence is that Prana (Spirit) born? How does it come into this body? And How does it abide, after it has divided itself? How does it go out? How does it support what is without, and how what is within?' 2. He replied: 'You ask questions more difficult, but you are very fond of Brahman, therefore I shall tell it you." 3. This Prana (Spirit) is born of the Self. Like the shadow thrown on a man, this (the prana) is spread out over it (the Brahman- the Self). By the work of the mind does it come into this body. 4. As a king commands officials, saying to them: Rule these villages or those, so does that Prana (Spirit) dispose the other pranas, each for their separate work. 5. The Apana (the down breathing) rules the organs of excretion and generation; The Prana himself dwells in eye and ear, passing through mouth and nose. In the Middle is the Samana (the onbreathing); it carries what has been sacrificed as food equally (over the body), and the seven lights proceed from it." (The Seven Lights explained as the two eyes, the two ears, the two nostrils and the mouth). 6. The Self is the heart. There are the 101 arteries, and in each of them there are a hundred (smaller veins), and for each of these branches there are 72,000. In these the Vyana (the back-breathing) moves. 7. Through one of them, the Udana (the out-breathing) leads (us) upwards to the good world by good work, to the bad world by bad work, to the world of men by both. 8. The sun rises as the external Prana, for it assists the Prana in the eye. The deity that exists in the earth, is there in support of man's Apana (down-breathing). 9. Light is the Udana (out-breathing), and therefore he whose light has gone out comes to a new birth with his senses absorbed in the mind. 10. Whatever his thought (at the time of death) with that he goes back to Prana, and the Prana, united with light, together with the Self (the givatma) leads on the world as deserved. 11. He who, thus knowing, knows Prana, his offspring does not perish, and he becomes immortal. Thus says the Sloka: 12. He who has known the origin, the entry, the place, the fivefold distribution, and the internal state of the Prana, obtains immortality, yes, obtains immortality.' Third Question from Prasna Upanishad translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester: 1. "Master, of what is Prana born; how does he enter the body; how does he live there after dividing himself; how does he go out; how does he experience what is outside; and how does he hold together the body, the senses, and the mind?" 2. To which the sage replied: "Kousalya, you ask very difficult questions; but since you are a sincere seeker after the truth of Brahman, I must answer. 3. "Prana is born of the Self. Like a man and his shadow, the Self and Prana are inseparable. Prana enters the body at birth, that the desires of the mind, continuing from past lives, may be fulfilled. 4. "As a king employs officials to rule over different portions of his kingdom, so Prana associates with himself four other Pranas, each a portion of himself and each assigned a separate function.

5. "The Prana himself dwells in eye, ear, mouth, and nose; the Apana, which is the second Prana, rules the organs of excretion and generation; the Samaha, which is the third Prana, inhabits the navel and governs digestion and assimilation. 6. "The Self dwells in the lotus of the heart, whence radiate a hundred and one nerves. From each of these proceed one hundred others, which are smaller, and from each of these, again, seventy-two thousand others, which are smaller still. In all these moves the Vyana, which is the fourth prana. 7. "And then at the moment of death, through the nerve in the center of the spine, the Udana, which is the fifth Prana, leads the virtuous man upward to higher birth and the sinful man downward to lower birth, and the man who is both virtuous and sinful to rebirth in the world of men. 8. "The sun is the Prana of the universe. It rises to help the Prana in the eye of man to see. The power of earth maintains the Apana in man. The ether between the sun and the earth is the Samana, and the all-pervading air is the Vyana. 9. The Udana is fire, and therefore he whose bodily heat has gone out dies, after which his senses are absorbed in the mind, and he is born again. | 10. "Whatever his thought at the moment of death, this it is that unites a man with Prana, who in turn, uniting himself with Udana and with the Self, leads the man to be reborn in the world he merits. 11. "The progeny of him who knows Prana as I have revealed him to you is never cut off; and he himself becomes immortal. 12. "It was said of old: One who knows the Pranawhence he has his source, how he enters the body, how he lives there after dividing himself five-fold, what are his inner workings--such an one attains to immortality, yea, even to immortality."

The Five Stupas

There is an interesting correlation between the Five Pranas and the Five Stupas. The Five Stupas Come from Buddhism. The Stupa illustrations come from Diane Stein's book "Essential Reiki". She relates the Five Stupas to the five levels of mind that lead to Enlightenment. She also says that the Stupas Relate to the Reiki Symbols and the Five elements. The Five Forms of the Stupa The Stupa and The Five Elements The Stupa and The Body

The Third Degree of Usui Reiki "Mystery Teaching"

The Third Degree attunement of Usui Reiki opens up the flow of Reiki energy through the "Feeling Body" and its connections with the subtle anatomy of the "Higher Self". The "Feeling Body" is sometimes called the "Causal Body". The "Feeling Body" or "Causal Body" gives the Soul of the "Higher Self" a way to experience and learn in the "Causal Plane" of the "Material Universe". The "Causal Plane" is also known as the "Universal Plane". The "Universal Plane" is the "Cosmic Conscious" and "Cosmic Unconscious" in the "Material Universe". The Third Degree Master Attunement of Usui Reiki opens up and allows an individual to work with Reiki Healing and Attunement Energy on the "Cosmic Conscious" and "Cosmic Unconscious" levels. This opening of the Cosmic Level enables a person to attune others with Reiki. The opening of the Cosmic Levels also enables The Reiki Master to work with Reiki Healing and Attunement Energies on the Cosmic Level at a distance. There is also an increased flow of Reiki Healing Energy for hands on healing, for healing in the aura and pranic layers and for beaming. The Third Degree Attunement of Usui Reiki also brings the student into contact with Reiki Symbols and their use in the Attunement Process.

Chakras and Reiki Energy

Chakras are centers or vortexes of "High Conductivity" and "Low Resistance". These qualities enable energy to easily flow in and out through them. Chakras help us to be sensitive to and easily work with energy in the outside world as well as energy from within us. Our Creator, through the attunement process opens the chakras as well as other parts of our subtle anatomy to allow more Life Energy to flow through us. This greater flow of Life Energy is also guided by our Creator and is always working for the highest good.

There are twelve main chakras within the body and six above the head. The Seven Chakras in the back body are part of the Governing Vessel (Sushumna) along the spine and The Five Chakras in the front body are part of the Conceptual Vessel (Hara Line) which extends up the center of the front of the body. The Governing Vessel and Conceptual Vessel are connected together at the root and crown chakras. The root and crown chakras of each share the same space but have different functions. As the Governing and Conceptual vessels come together at the crown chakra they merge into one chord that goes out the top of the head. This chord is sometimes called the Kundalini Nerve or Astral Tube because it is hollow and allows energy to flow through it. Between the Crown Chakra at the top of the head and the first chakra above the head is called the "Antahkarana" or "Rainbow Bridge". The Antahkarana is the midpoint between the seven chakras below and the seven chakras above. The Seventh Chakra above is the Creator. We are all connected at the Fourteenth Chakra. It is our origin. As above so below. In ancient times the rainbow bridge was called the Ark of the Covenant. The Rainbow Bridge is where the seven rays of the back of the three bodies are collected into the main chord. The Five Rays of the front of the three bodies are also collected here. A total of twelve rays or strands of light that collect and go out the top of the head through the Rainbow Bridge. You might call them the Twelve Meridians of Light. Note: The Rainbow Bridge is the seat of the Ascension Reiki attunements of the lower three bodies (the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body). The chord then extends upward connecting the six chakras above the head. From there the chord connects with the Creator, the Seventh Chakra above the Head. Each Chakra above the head has a relationship with the higher anatomical aspects of the Higher Self.

General Anatomy of the Feeling Body

The Feeling Body is composed of the Chakra System within the body from the Crown Chakra Down. The main chakras of the Feeling Body are "The Seven Chakras" on the spine and "The Five Chakras" on the Front Body. There are also other chakras in the body such as in the hands and feet. These chakras have relationships with the Seven Physical Anatomical Systems and the Five Senses The Seven Auras and Five Pranas.

Anatomical Relationships of The Seven Back Body Chakras Virtues of The Sapta Rishis Chakras (The Elohim)
Alignment Humility Compassion Balance Acceptance Sharing Grounding Crown Chakra Sixth Chakra Throat Chakra Heart Chakra Third Chakra Second Chakra Root Chakra

Ray of the Rainbow

Violet Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Red

Seventh Aura

Physical System
Brain and Nerve System

Endocrine Gland
Pineal Gland Pituitary Gland Parathyroid and Thyroid Glands Thymus Gland Adrenal Gland Pancreas Gonads

Sixth Aura Skeletal System Fifth Aura Muscular System Fourth Aura Respiratory System

Third Aura Digestive System Second Circulatory Aura System First Aura Endocrine System

The Sapta Rishis and The Elohim

The Seven Seers (Sapta Rishis) are mysterious beings related to the origin of both humanity and knowledge. Often represented as 'human' sages, they nevertheless are conceived as eternal powers (The Elohim), symbolizing the primordial energies responsible for all manifest creation. They are 'seers' by virtue of being able to see the divine law which governs all creation, and indeed sustains it. The most important seers are believed to be seven in number, and said reside in the sky as the seven stars of the Great Bear. According to the Shatapatha Brahmana, these seven are the 'authors' of the Vedic hymns. Their names are, (Gautama or Gritsamada), (Vashishtha or Vasishta), Atri, Bharadvaja, Kashyapa, Vishvamitra, (Jamadagni or Vamadeva). Here inscribed in the 'takri' script as the 'sons of Brahma,' are these very names. In the picture below, they sit surrounding a small pile of smoldering ash, much in the tradition of Shaivite saints. Note: The Sapta Rishis are the Seven Transcendental Personalities of the Seven Back body Chakras of Our Creator. Their Primordial Spiritual Energies or Eternal Powers are known as The Elohim or Seven Spirits of the Creator. The Seven Spirits of The Elohim are Spiritual Beings. They have personalities so we can comprehend them in human terms. Their personalities are known as the Sapta Rishis. The terms Sapta Rishis and The Elohim are really interchangeable. The Seven Back body Chakras of the Creator are also known as the Seven Heavens. The First heaven is known as the Universal Plane.

Sapta Rishis The Seven Spirits

Virtues of the Sapta


Seven Heavens

(Seven Sages)
Jamadagni Vishvamitra Kashyapa Bharadvaja Atri Vashishtha Gautama

of The Elohim
God Holy Spirit Christ OM Love Faith Hope

Rishis and the Elohim

Alignment Humility Compassion Balance Acceptance Sharing Grounding

Crown Chakra Third Eye Chakra Throat Chakra Heart Chakra Third Chakra Second Chakra Root Chakra Seventh Heaven Sixth Heaven Fifth Heaven Fourth Heaven Third Heaven Second Heaven First Heaven Universal Plane

The Attunement Process of Reiki is a deep mystical experience that is beginning to unfold and become a grounding force for all of humanity. No one on earth knows everything there is to know about Reiki but each one of us in our awakening receives a unique insight into the Gift of Reiki. As we Share with each other, the gifts of Reiki, a much greater understanding comes to us all. I asked Leslie what she thought about the attunement process and she said, "An attunement is a process of the receiver asking and therefore, becoming open to the possibility of higher levels of awareness through the chakras within the body and extended chakras above the head. Each attunement received, opens a person up to higher levels of healing, understanding universal spirituality, as well as the ability to channel the Love of 'The Masters of the Elohim', 'The Ascended Masters' and 'Our Creator' into their Reiki offerings."

The Search for Understanding

To even begin to understand what Leslie is saying we need to understand something about our subtle anatomy and how it relates to the Attunement Process of Reiki. After all, the attunements of every form of Reiki have something to do with some aspect of our Higher Self. A closer examination of the subject reveals that everything that has anything to do with us as human beings has a connection to some part of our Subtle Anatomy. It also becomes clear that understanding the Total Subtle Anatomy of Our Higher Self is also a key to understanding the Attunement Process of Reiki. Where do we start? There is so much information on the subject that it can be overwhelming at times just trying to sort out so many opinions and viewpoints and get a basic understanding of it all. Reiki can be a key to unlock this great mystery of who and what we really are.

The Basic Foundation

Perhaps the easiest way for us to begin to understand our Subtle Anatomy and its relationship to the Attunement Process is to begin with a brief examination of Reiki in its most basic form. The "Usui System of Natural Healing", the most basic Reiki, teaches us that "Happiness" is the miraculous

medicine for the cure of all diseases. The Usui System of Natural Healing also teaches us that the "Secret Art" of "Inviting Happiness" into one's life is achieved by working with the Five Reiki Ideals and the Three Degrees of Attunement. In this way the seed of Happiness is planted in the Eight Subtle Anatomical Aspects of the Higher Self where it can grow and be nurtured in a way that is easily accepted by everyone no matter what their background or belief system. In further studies of the "Eight Aspects" of the "Secret Art of Inviting Happiness" it seems they also have a subtle connection to the "Eightfold Path that Leads to Happiness" taught by the Ascended Master Buddha. This correlation comes as not surprise when we learn about the history of The Usui System of Natural healing and the life of its founder, Dr. Mikao Usui.

Looking To Our Reiki Roots

The Usui System of Natural Healing is the simplest and most basic form of Reiki and is the most familiar in the Reiki community and to people all over the world. The Usui System of Natural Healing is the form of Reiki introduced by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1920's. The Usui System of Natural Healing is properly called "Usui Shiki Ryoho". There are many versions to the Dr. Usui story so for our purpose here we are just going to briefly review a little history of The Usui System of Natural Healing to gain some insights into key events in its development that will help us understand the attunement process better. You can find a much more detailed descriptions of Dr. Usui's Life in books such as William Rand's book "Reiki- The Healing Touch".

Dr. Usui was born in Gifu prefecture, Japan on August 15th, 1865. Dr. Usui lived an honorable life in the service of others. He was deeply concerned about the health and well-being of everyone around him. As a youth Dr. Usui was deeply impressed by the stories he heard about Buddha's life. Buddha received enlightenment and the many spiritual gifts that go along with it as he searched for a way to end the suffering of all of humanity. Dr Usui became intrigued by the fact that Buddha was also able to heal physical illness and that many of Buddha's disciples received the gift of physical healing by putting into practice the teachings of Buddha. Dr. Usui became so curious about the gift of healing the physical body that he set out on a quest to see if he could discover, in the teachings of Buddha, how this was done.

Dr. Usui searched for many years trying to discover Buddha's secret of healing so he could help others. In his travels throughout Japan he visited many Buddhist temples. He was always asking the monks questions about healing. The monks told Dr. Usui that the knowledge of how to heal the body had been lost over time as there had became more of a focus on healing of the Spirit. Dr. Usui didn't give up his search and even learned Sanskrit so he could read and study the teachings of Buddha in their original language. Dr. Usui did eventually discover a formula in the Indian Sutras for contacting a higher power that could bestow healing. No one knows exactly what sutra he found this formula in and know one knows exactly what the formula was. There is speculation that he may have discovered the formula in the Sutra on "The Buddha of Healing". It is also speculated that Dr. Usui might have used the formula to make contact with "Bodhisattva Supreme Healer" who is mentioned in this particular Sutra . In this sutra "The Buddha on Healing" there is a mention of a formula for contacting Bodhisattva who will give the gift of healing to anyone who's life is sincerely dedicated to helping others. Purification through the use of special mantras as well as meditation are also part of the formula mentioned in this sutra. After the discovery of the formula, Dr. Usui went to Kurama-yama Mountain near Kyoto Japan. He was determined to put into practice the formula for twenty-one days and see if he could make contact. On the twenty-first day, just before dawn, Dr. Usui did made contact with the Higher Power. "As he looked out toward the horizon, he saw a point of light coming toward him. As he looked at the light, he realized the light had consciousness and that it was communicating with him. He realized that the light had the healing power he was looking for and if he was to receive what the light had to offer, he must allow the light to strike him. However, he was told that the light was so powerful that if it did strike him, it might kill him." "He was given the opportunity to decide. Would he risk death to obtain the healing ability for which he had searched so long? He decided the ability to heal the sick would be worth risking death to receive." "The beam struck Dr. Usui in the forehead knocking him unconscious. Rising out of his physical body, he was shown beautiful bubbles of light filled with colors. In the bubbles were symbols. As he contemplated each symbol, he received an attunement for that symbol and knowledge of its use. In this way, he was initiated into the use of the Reiki healing power." (Reiki The Healing Touch p.4-5 by William Lee Rand) Shortly after, in 1922, Dr. Usui established a healing society and developed the three degrees of The Usui Method of Natural Healing. The first degree was called Shoden (First Teaching), the second degree was called Okuden (Inner teaching) and the third degree was called Shinpiden (Mystery Teaching). Several years after the mystical experience on Mt. Kyoto, Dr. Usui received the "Reiki Ideals" during meditation. The Reiki Ideals were given to bring balance between the Higher Self and the physical. The purpose of the Reiki Ideals are to help people realize that improving oneself is an essential part of Reiki healing. In order for Reiki healing energies to have lasting results, the client must accept responsibility for her or his healing and take an active part in it. Therefore the Usui system of Reiki is more than the use of

the Reiki energy. It must also include and active commitment to improve oneself in order for it to be a complete system. (from Reiki The Healing Touch p. 5, by William Lee Rand)

The Original Reiki Ideals The secret art of inviting happiness The miraculous medicine of all disease Just for today, do not anger Do not worry and be filled with gratitude Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people every morning and evening join your hands in prayer, pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind The founder Usui Mikao
(from Reiki The Healing Touch by William Lee Rand)

Invitation To Happiness
When we begin to work with the Reiki Ideals with a sincere effort something phenomenal begins to happen. Deeper levels of energy and understanding begin to unfold. Each statement is composed of words that communicate a specific ideal. Each Ideal has a certain vibrational frequency that corresponds with and resonates with a specific Subtle Anatomical Aspect of the Higher Self. Each Ideal unfolds our understanding to deeper and deeper levels. Because of this transcendent quality, the Reiki Ideals have evolved slightly as they have been handed down by Dr. Usui's students such as Mrs. Takata. In her version of the Reiki Ideals, shown below, we begin to see the Reiki Ideals in a way that begins to give us more clues into "The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness Into Our Lives".

The Reiki Ideals as Presented by Mrs. Takata Just For Today, I will let go of anger. Just for today, I will let go of worry. Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings. Just for today, I will work honestly, Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
(from Reiki The Healing Touch by William Lee Rand)

The Reiki Affirmation

The Reiki Ideals given to Dr. Usui seem to have a life of their own. It is most interesting to see the unfoldment of the Ideals as they were passed down from Dr. Usui to his students and from them to their students. The Reiki Ideals eventually evolved into an affirmation that was given along with the ideals as they were passed down from different teachers to their students. There are many versions in circulation. The first version of the Reiki Affirmation below is from "The Reiki Alliance". The second version below came from "The Reiki Connection".

The Reiki Affirmation

Just For Today, do not worry. Just for today, do not anger. Honor your parents, teachers and elders. Earn your living honestly. Show gratitude to every living thing. Just for today, I will not worry I will not be angry I will work honestly I will be thankful for my many blessings I will be kind to my neighbor and all living things

Just For Today....... I Will Be Happy

As I was writing the section on the Reiki Ideals, I heard the words, "Just for today....... I will be happy". This statement began to soak in. WoW! What a revelation! The affirmation of inviting happiness into our lives not only validates the "Five Reiki Ideals" but also grounds us in a sense of commitment to the Practice.

Invitation To Happiness Just For Today....... I Will Be Happy I Will Not Worry I Will Not Be Angry I Will Work Honestly I Will Be Thankful For My Many Blessings I Will Be Kind To My Neighbor All Living Things

Correlations with the Higher Self

Just for Today....... I Will be Happy brings Happiness into the Higher Self

Letting go of Worry brings Healing into the Body Letting go of Anger brings Peace into the Mind Working Honestly brings Abundance into the Soul Being Thankful brings Joy into the Spirit Being Kind brings Love into the Will

Happiness And The Teachings of Buddha

There are many translations of the teachings of Buddha and of course the teachings very slightly from translation to translation. Buddha himself didn't write his teachings down for us so they were written down from memory like the teachings of other Ascended Masters like Krishna, Brahman and Jesus. Understanding the depths of these teachings is a lifelong study for anyone brave enough to take up the quest for Truth. After thirty three years of study of the teachings of the Ascended Masters, Subtle Anatomy, Yoga etc. I have come to the conclusion that all of these teachings in all these fields of knowledge, work together to bring us a greater understanding of Our Higher Self. It is impossible to understand the teachings of any Ascended Master with out exploring all the others. You might say that each Master emphasized a certain part of our subtle anatomy. Krishna said that if you understand any one form of Yoga Completely you understand them all. Why? Because Yoga means Union and all yoga is One, just like all Reiki is One. Our body is One Organism that is composed of many parts that all work together. Each part is no more important than any other part and in fact they are all interdependent. Of course with the Ascended Masters they all know what each other is teaching and each contributes a piece to the puzzle of life so the world will eventually come together to learn the whole truth. Briefly the teachings of the Ascended Masters and their correlation to the disciplines of yoga are as follows: 1. Mother Mary and Jesus teach the practical living in the Body- (Hatha Yoga- The Yoga of the In and Out Breath of Incarnation) 2. Yasodhara and Buddha teach the lessons of the Mind- (Raja Yoga- The Yoga of Mental Control) 3. Uma and Brahman teach the lessons of the Soul- (Bhakti Yoga- The Yoga of Devotion) 4. Radharani and Krishna teach the lessons of the Spirit- (Gyana, Jnana Yoga- The Yoga of The Most Secret Knowledge) 5. The I AM That I AM teaches the lessons of the Will- (Karma Yoga- Action in the Mode of Unconditional Love)

The Four Noble Truths And The Eightfold Path

Buddha taught that there are Four Noble Truths: 1. Existence is Unhappiness (concerning the nature of Imperfect Existence- the Ego's illusion of Separation from the Creator) 2. Unhappiness is caused by selfish craving (concerning the nature of causation affecting imperfect existence- attachment through the appetites of the five senses) 3. Selfish Craving Can be Overcome (concerning the removal of causal factors, the disappearance of imperfect existence, action without attachment, realization of ultimate freedom in perfect existence, as Nirvana, Supreme Happiness) 4. It can be Overcome by following the Eightfold Path whose steps are: (concerning the way to know

and accomplish this transformation of existence, the way of supreme life- The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness) There are different translations of the Eight Steps and the order is a little different so I have tried below to organize the steps according to Anatomical Order and present the different translations next to my own understanding of the Eightfold Path. Below is information from three translations "The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha" by E. A. Burtt, "Buddhism" by Richard A. Gard and "The Living Buddha" by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. 1. Right View- (Right View- Right Understanding of the Four Noble Truths)(1) 2. Right Intent- (Right Aim- Right Thought- Right Thinking)(2) 3. Right Speech- (Right Speech)(3) 4. Right Focus- (Right Conduct- Right Acting- Right Ideals)(4) 5. Right Alertness (Right Alertness- Right Mindfulness)(7) 6. Right Purpose (Right Purpose- Right Aspiration- Right Vocation- Right Livelyhood)(5,2) 7. Right Effort (Right Effort- Right Remembrance of the Self)(6)(7) 8. Right Motivation (Right Concentration- Right Realization of the goal of Life)(8)

The Total Anatomy of Our Higher Self

If we look deeply into "The Usui Method of Natural Healing" we find the expression of the pattern of the Eight Aspects of Our Higher Self and some tools for awakening the Flow of Rei-Ki Energy in and through us. The Three Degrees of Attunement as well as the Five Reiki Ideals relate directly to the Subtle Anatomical Aspects of Our Higher Self. Dr. Usui's Reiki is the seed of unfoldment of Reiki within and through the Total Subtle Anatomy of Our Higher Self. The understanding of the total Subtle Anatomy of Our Higher Self is a key to understanding all knowledge, all truth and all healing. It also stands to reason that to become Fully Realized Beings and really be happy we must first understand what a total, complete, whole Human Being really is. Our Higher Self has five main components and three minor ones for operating in the material world. These Eight Aspects also have subtle connections to the Eightfold Path.

Our Higher Self

1. The Will 2. The Spirit 3. The Soul 4. The Mind 5. The Astral Body The Astral Body has three layers that enable us to incarnate into the material world: 1. The Feeling Body (The Chakra Body or Causal Body, cosmic consciousness, the cosmic unconscious) 2. The Thinking Body (The Auric Body or Subtle Body, collective consciousness, the collective unconscious) 3. The Acting Body (Physical Body or Gross Body, consciousness, the unconscious)

The Acting Body- The Thinking Body- The Feeling Body

"Harmony to the Essenes meant peace. They considered that human life can be divided into seven departments: physical, mental, emotional, social, cultural, its relationship with nature and its relationship with the entire cosmos." "Man, it was held, has three bodies that function in each of these departments: and acting body, a feeling body and a thinking body. The thinking body's highest power is wisdom. The feeling body's highest power is Love. The acting body's function is to translate the wisdom of the thinking body and the Love of the feeling body into action in an individual's social and cultural worlds and in his utilization of the terrestrial and heavenly forces." Quotation from: "The Essene Way - Biogenic Living" by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. With permission and thanks from International Biogenic Society- P.O. Box 849, Nelson, B.C., Canada V1L 6A5 (Catalog of books
available at same address)

This Self, beyond all words, is the syllable OM. This syllable, though indivisible, consists of three letters- A-U-M. The Self as the universal person in his physical being, corresponds to the first letter- A The Self as the universal person in his mental being, corresponds to the second letter- U The Self as the universal person in dreamless sleep, corresponds to the third letter- M The Fourth, the Self, is OM, the indivisible syllable. This syllable is unutterable, and beyond mind. In it the manifold universe disappears. It is the supreme good- One without a second. Whosoever knows OM, the Self, becomes the Self. Quotation from: The Mandukya Upanishad- p.50 of The Upanishads, translated from Sanskrit by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederic Manchester

The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness

For me, The Secret Art of Happiness is being able to share it with others. I certainly don't know everything about it but I have made some discoveries over the years that seem to make sense in the relationship of knowledge and understanding of our Higher Self. Below is a brief summary of the correlations of the of the patterns of all the information presented thus far. 1. The Acting Body- (Physical Body or Gross Body, consciousness, the unconscious) The First Degree and Attunement of Usui Reiki- Hands on Healing- The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness Right View- of the Four Noble Truths concerning Happiness (Prana Yoga, Pranayama Yoga)- Letting Reiki (Ki-Chi-Prana) flow in and through our breath 2. The Thinking Body- (The Auric Body or Subtle Body, collective consciousness, the collective unconscious) The Second Degree and Attunement of Usui Reiki- The Usui Reiki Symbols and their Names Right Intent- (Right Aim- Right Thought- Right Thinking) Mantra Yoga- Using the Names of the Reiki Symbols and the Symbols themselves and Affirmations 3. The Feeling Body (The Chakra Body from the Crown down or Causal Body, cosmic consciousness, the cosmic unconscious) The Third Degree of Usui Reiki- Attuning others with Reiki Right Speech

(Dhyana Yoga, Japa Yoga)- Calling upon the Names of the Ascended Masters and Names of the Creator 4. The Astral Body (Blueprint for the Physical Body) I Will Not Worry Right Focus- (Right Conduct- Right Acting- Right Ideals) Healing Hatha Yoga- Yoga of Health and Well-being 5. The Mind (The Whole Aura System) I Will Not Be Angry Right Alertness- (Right Mindfulness) Peace Raja Yoga- The Yoga of Mental Control 6. The Soul- The Whole Chakra System above and below the Crown Chakra I Will Work Honestly Right Purpose- (Right Aspiration- Right Vocation- Right Livelihood) Abundance Bhakti Yoga- The Yoga of Devotion 7. The Spirit- The Conceptual Vessel, Governing Vessel (Sushumna) and the 12 pairs of organ meridians I Will Be Thankful For My Many Blessings Right Effort- (Right Remembrance of the Self)(Remembrance of the Subtle Anatomy of the Higher Self) Joy Gyana or Jnana Yoga- The Yoga of The Most Secret Knowledge of our Subtle Anatomy gained through inquiry, meditation and Satori 8. The Will- The Main Chord of the Kundalini Nerve as it runs from the Creator to the top of the Head I Will Be Kind To My Neighbor And All Living Things Right Motivation- (Right Concentration- Right Realization of the goal of Life) Love Karma Yoga- The Yoga of Action without attachment, Action in the Mode of Unconditional Love

A Closer Examination Of Usui Reiki The First Degree of Usui Reiki "First Teaching"
The First Degree attunement of Dr. Usui's Reiki opens up the flow of Reiki energy through the "Physical Body" and its connections with the subtle anatomy of the "Higher Self". The Physical Body is sometimes called the "Acting Body" or "Gross Body". " The "Acting Body" or Physical Body gives the Astral Body of the "Higher Self" a way to experience and learn in the "Gross Plane" of the "Material Universe". In the first degree of Usui's Reiki the student learns basic hand positions for doing hands on Reiki treatments. Hands on Reiki Treatments are sometimes called Reiki Sessions. The first degree student is also introduced to the Reiki Ideals to help the student learn the practical application of Reiki energy in everyday life.

General Anatomy of The Acting Body

The "Acting Body" or "Physical Body" is composed of "Seven Anatomical Systems" and "The Five Senses" of Perception of the "Higher Self".

The Seven Anatomical Systems are:

1. The Endocrine System (including reproduction system)(Seven Endocrine Glands) 2. The Circulator System (Blood and Lymph Systems) 3. The Digestive System 4. The Respiratory System 5. The Muscular System 6. The Skeletal System 7. Brain and Nerve System

The "Five Senses" of Perception of the "Higher Self" are:

1. Touch 2. Taste 3. Smell 4. Sight 5. Hearing

The Second Degree of Usui Reiki "Inner Teaching"

The Second Degree attunement of Dr. Usui's Reiki opens up the flow of Reiki energy through the "Thinking Body" and its connections with the subtle anatomy of the "Higher Self". The "Thinking Body" is sometimes called the "Subtle Body". The "Thinking Body" or "Subtle Body" gives the Mind of the "Higher Self" a way to experience and learn in the "Subtle Plane" of the "Material Universe". The "Subtle Plane" is also known as the "Akashic Plane". The "Akashic Plane" is the "Collective Conscious" and "Collective Unconscious" in the "Material Universe". The Second Degree attunement of Dr. Usui's Reiki opens up and allows an individual to work with Reiki Healing Energy on the "Collective Conscious" and "Collective Unconscious" levels. This opening of the Collective Levels enables a person to work with Reiki Healing at a distance. There is also an increased flow of Reiki Healing Energy for hands on healing, for healing in the aura and pranic layers and for beaming across the room or any distance. The Second Degree Attunement of Usui's Reiki also brings the student into contact with Reiki Symbols and their Names. In Dr. Usui's Reiki the symbols are presented to the student at their most basic level in both form and intent. The intent to Heal opens up the flow of Reiki Energy. The use of the names of the Usui Reiki symbols opens up the flow of Reiki Energy through the Left Brain (Yang) at the Collective Conscious Level. The use of the symbols themselves opens up the flow of Reiki Energy through the Right Brain (Yin) at the Collective Unconscious Level. This process is similar to counting sheep to fall asleep. The counting part engages the left brain in the intent to fall asleep and the visualization of sheep engages the right brain in the intent to fall asleep. The two sides of the brain become balanced in intent and you fall asleep.

Although Usui's Reiki symbols in their advanced forms represent different parts of our subtle anatomy, this anatomical level of meaning is not directly explored in Dr. Usui's Reiki. The symbols are presented as "The Power Symbol", "The Emotional Symbol", "The Distant Healing Symbol" and the "Master Attunement Symbol" or symbols etc. There are many variations of the Usui's Reiki Symbols and, interestingly enough, they all work to increase the flow of Reiki energy in both hands on and distant healing.

General Anatomy of "The Thinking Body"

The "Thinking Body" or "Subtle Body" is made up of Fields of Energy (Auras) around the body and Fields of energy (Pranas) within the body . Together these fields of Life energy around and within the body bring life to the physical body. The body dies when these fields of Auras and Pranas leave. The details of the Auras and Pranas is a pretty widely discussed subject and there are varying views on how many auras there are around the body and also exactly where the Five Pranas are located within the body. In Barbara Brennon's book "Light Emerging" she shows Seven auras around the body, each associated with levels of energy and awareness, states of consciousness etc. There was an article in "The Reiki News Magazine" which showed six auras around the body each corresponding to different bodies like the Astral Body, Etheric Body, and levels of the Spiritual Body. Both of these views can be correct depending upon which level of energy we are looking at. Terminology is a stumbling block in describing all of these things. There is no standard language to describe anything. The same thing can be called by many common names. There is no real scientific descriptive language yet to describe the different auras and levels of auras. So we just have to use as many common names that refer to the same thing to get the idea and try and communicate with each other. For us all to begin to share our insights we have to have a little patience with each other and not have preconceived ideas associated with certain words that are used to describe anatomical aspects. In this description I just ask you to look at the whole description in the terminology that happens to be familiar with me and over look perhaps differences that you may notice in how you are used to seeing the terms. This is just to give a general idea of the Auric System. The System of the Seven Auras around the body seem to have a direct relationship with the Seven Chakras that connect on the spine or Sushumna sometimes loosely called the Kundalini Nerve. They may even be the auras of the Seven Chakras as they flow through the physical body and emerge outside the body.. An Illustration of this system is below. The Seven Auras of the "Thinking Body" are Yang in their Nature. The Five Pranas of the "Thinking Body" are Yin in their Nature. Yang energy is the outward energy and Yin energy is inward energy.

Note: the chakras shown are the approximate place where the chakras connect with the governing
vessel on the back body and conceptual vessel on the front body. There are so many varying views of how these chakras actually work that it would be a study in itself. Even though I have been working with these chakras for a very long time I really feel like I still am a student not a master. The Seven Chakras on the spine are said to also have corresponding openings on the front body as well. Most people understand the third eye chakra having an opening in the forehead. This is true but the third eye chakra goes all the way to the back of the head where it connects with the Sushumna or Kundalini Nerve on the back body. It got to confusing drawing it in the front so I just drew it where it connects on the back body. Center of the back of the head.

Note: The Root Chakra at the base of the Spine is the Root Chakra of both the five front body chakras
and the seven back body chakras. The Crown Chakra at the top of the head is the Crown Chakra of both the five front body chakras and the seven back body chakras.

The Seven Aura System of the Thinking Body

The "Seven Auras" around the body have a relationship with the Seven Anatomical Systems of the Physical Body, The Seven Chakras along the Spine and the seven rays of the rainbow. Each of the Seven Auras of the Thinking body are in general about as wide as the persons hands width. The size of the auras varies from person to person depending on their size and level of unfoldment. One hand width is just a general guide to give you a place to start with your intent. 1. The First Aura is associated with the Endocrine System as a whole, the gonads and the Root Chakra (red ray) . 2. The Second Aura is associated with the Circulatory System, the pancreas and the second chakra on the spine (orange ray). 3. The Third Aura is associated with the Digestive System, the adrenal glands and the third chakra on the spine (yellow ray). 4. The Fourth Aura is associated with the Respiratory System, the thymus gland and the heart chakra

on the spine (green ray). 5. The Fifth Aura is associated with the Muscular System, the Thyroid, Parathyroid and the fifth chakra on the spine (blue ray). 6. The Sixth Aura is associated with the Skeletal System, the pituitary gland and the sixth chakra on the spine (indigo ray). 7. The Seventh Aura is associated with the Brain and Nerve System, the pineal gland and the Crown Chakra (violet ray).

The Six Aura System of The Higher Self

The Aura System of the Higher Self is a more subtle Aura System that is also around the body. These sometimes called Bodies or Sheaths and relate to the six chakras above the head. There are other auras that are more subtle than the individual self. The System of the Six Auras seem to have a relationship to the Bodies or sheaths of the Higher Self. The First Aura- Astral Body energy pattern for the physical Body- 1st chakra above the head The Second Aura- The Mental Body- 2nd chakra above the head The Third Aura- The Soul Body- 3rd chakra above the head The Fourth Aura- The Spirit Body- 4th chakra above the head The Fifth Aura- the Body of the Will- 5th chakra above the head The Sixth Aura- Body of the Higher Self- 6th chakra above the head

The Five Pranas

What is a prana? It is an aura that is inside. If you have ever meditated with your eyes shut and noticed after a while a slow pulsing light inside you head, probably mostly violet. That is the Prana from the Crown Chakra pulsing in a beautiful slow wave. You can look down inside and see other pranas at work as well. The Five Pranas within the Body have a relationship with the Five Senses of the physical body, the Five Chakras along the front body and the "Five Elements". The Five Pranas bring life energy to five general areas within the body. There are many descriptions of the five pranas in the field of yoga. As usual in the study of the Subtle anatomy it takes a lot of comparison study of many sources as well as meditation and practice to get a deeper understanding of how it all works. If we stay open we keep receiving deeper insights as time goes by. There is a lot written on the subject of the workings of the Five pranas. A couple of good source books on the "Pranas" in the Yoga Community are "The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga" by Swami Vishnu-devananda and "Anusara Yoga" by Doug Keller. The arrangement of the following information is in the anatomical order of the Five Front Body Chakras. The five front body chakras also have subtle relationships to the First Five Chakras above the head. The five general areas of the Pranas extend all the way from the front of the body to the back of the body. The five Elements are everywhere in the body but also have specific relationships with the Five Pranas and the five chakras on the Conceptual Vessel of the Front body. In the field of Yoga, The Five Pranas have Sanskrit names which are as follows: 1. "Apana", the "First Prana", is associated with the sense of "Touch" and the element of "Earth". It is also connected with the Root Chakra of the "Front Body" and its general area is from the base of the spine up to around the top of the hips.

(Apana mostly controls the excretory apparatus of the body such as -reproduction and the elimination of waste- genitals, kidneys, colon, rectum, bladder and lumbar portion of the autonomic nerve system) (Also associated with the First Chakra above the head- Body as a Whole- Circulatory System -Blood and Lymph) 2. "Samana", the Second Prana, is associated with the sense of "Taste" and the element of "Water". It is also connected with the "Second Chakra" on the "Front Body" and its general area around the navel. (Samana controls the secretions of the digestive system associated with the stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestine- abdominal organs and glands- autonomic nerve system in the thoracic region ) (Also associated with the second chakra above the head- Digestive System and Total Aura and Prana Systems) 3. "Prana", the Third Prana, is associated with the sense of "Smell" and the element of "Fire". It is also connected with the "Heart Chakra" on the Front Body and the general area around it. It also is associated with the whole chakra system of the body. (Prana controls the verbal mechanism and the vocal apparatus, swallowing, the respiratory muscles and temperature in the body- the cervical portion of the autonomic nerve system) (Prana is also associated with the third chakra above the head- The Respiratory System, Breath and The Whole Chakra System) 4. "Vyana", the Fourth Prana, is associated with the sense of Sight and the element of "Air". This prana is said to pervade the entire body through the Conceptual and Governing Vessels, Twelve Pairs of Organ Meridians, Ida, Pingala and the 72,000 nadis or passageways of prana throughout the whole body. It is also said to control the voluntary and involuntary movements of the muscular system. It is also associated with the fourth chakra on the front body and its general area of the upper chest and throat. (Vyana is also associated with the fourth chakra above the head- Conceptual Vessel, Governing Vessel, Ida, Pingala and The entire Meridian System- The Muscular System) 5. "Udana", the Fifth Prana, is associated with the sense of Hearing and the element of "Ether". It is also connected with the Crown Chakra of the "Front Body" and the general area of the upper throat above the larynx and Head. It controls the Sound in Speech. (Udana is also associated with the Fifth Chakra above the head- The Main chord of The Kundalini Nerve- Brain and Nerve System)

Cross References
In the Prasna Upanishad it says the following: The Second Question: from (Prasna Upanishad translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester) 1. Then Ghargave approached the teacher and asked: "Holy Sir, how many several powers (powers, organs, senses) hold together this body? Which of them are most manifest in it? And which is the greatest? 2. "The Powers," replied the sage, "are ether, air, fire, water, earth-- these being the five elements which compose the body; and, besides these, speech, mind, eye, ear, and the rest of the sense organs. Once these powers made the boastful assertion: ' We hold the body together and support it.' 3. ' Whereupon Prana, the primal energy, supreme over them all, said to them: 'Do not deceive

yourselves. It is I alone, dividing myself fivefold, who hold together this body and support it.' But they would not believe him. 4. "Prana, to justify himself, made as if he intended to leave the body. But as he rose and appeared to be going, all the rest realized that if he went they also would have to depart with him; and as Prana again seated himself, the rest found their respective places."........................ Third Question from: The Prasna Upanishad translated by F. Max Muller 1. Then Kausalya Asvalayana asked: 'Sir, whence is that Prana (Spirit) born? How does it come into this body? And How does it abide, after it has divided itself? How does it go out? How does it support what is without, and how what is within?' 2. He replied: 'You ask questions more difficult, but you are very fond of Brahman, therefore I shall tell it you." 3. This Prana (Spirit) is born of the Self. Like the shadow thrown on a man, this (the prana) is spread out over it (the Brahman- the Self). By the work of the mind does it come into this body. 4. As a king commands officials, saying to them: Rule these villages or those, so does that Prana (Spirit) dispose the other pranas, each for their separate work. 5. The Apana (the down breathing) rules the organs of excretion and generation; The Prana himself dwells in eye and ear, passing through mouth and nose. In the Middle is the Samana (the onbreathing); it carries what has been sacrificed as food equally (over the body), and the seven lights proceed from it." (The Seven Lights explained as the two eyes, the two ears, the two nostrils and the mouth). 6. The Self is the heart. There are the 101 arteries, and in each of them there are a hundred (smaller veins), and for each of these branches there are 72,000. In these the Vyana (the back-breathing) moves. 7. Through one of them, the Udana (the out-breathing) leads (us) upwards to the good world by good work, to the bad world by bad work, to the world of men by both. 8. The sun rises as the external Prana, for it assists the Prana in the eye. The deity that exists in the earth, is there in support of man's Apana (down-breathing). 9. Light is the Udana (out-breathing), and therefore he whose light has gone out comes to a new birth with his senses absorbed in the mind. 10. Whatever his thought (at the time of death) with that he goes back to Prana, and the Prana, united with light, together with the Self (the givatma) leads on the world as deserved. 11. He who, thus knowing, knows Prana, his offspring does not perish, and he becomes immortal. Thus says the Sloka: 12. He who has known the origin, the entry, the place, the fivefold distribution, and the internal state of the Prana, obtains immortality, yes, obtains immortality.' Third Question from Prasna Upanishad translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester: 1. "Master, of what is Prana born; how does he enter the body; how does he live there after dividing himself; how does he go out; how does he experience what is outside; and how does he hold together the body, the senses, and the mind?" 2. To which the sage replied: "Kousalya, you ask very difficult questions; but since you are a sincere seeker after the truth of Brahman, I must answer. 3. "Prana is born of the Self. Like a man and his shadow, the Self and Prana are inseparable. Prana enters the body at birth, that the desires of the mind, continuing from past lives, may be fulfilled. 4. "As a king employs officials to rule over different portions of his kingdom, so Prana associates with

himself four other Pranas, each a portion of himself and each assigned a separate function. 5. "The Prana himself dwells in eye, ear, mouth, and nose; the Apana, which is the second Prana, rules the organs of excretion and generation; the Samaha, which is the third Prana, inhabits the navel and governs digestion and assimilation. 6. "The Self dwells in the lotus of the heart, whence radiate a hundred and one nerves. From each of these proceed one hundred others, which are smaller, and from each of these, again, seventy-two thousand others, which are smaller still. In all these moves the Vyana, which is the fourth prana. 7. "And then at the moment of death, through the nerve in the center of the spine, the Udana, which is the fifth Prana, leads the virtuous man upward to higher birth and the sinful man downward to lower birth, and the man who is both virtuous and sinful to rebirth in the world of men. 8. "The sun is the Prana of the universe. It rises to help the Prana in the eye of man to see. The power of earth maintains the Apana in man. The ether between the sun and the earth is the Samana, and the all-pervading air is the Vyana. 9. The Udana is fire, and therefore he whose bodily heat has gone out dies, after which his senses are absorbed in the mind, and he is born again. | 10. "Whatever his thought at the moment of death, this it is that unites a man with Prana, who in turn, uniting himself with Udana and with the Self, leads the man to be reborn in the world he merits. 11. "The progeny of him who knows Prana as I have revealed him to you is never cut off; and he himself becomes immortal. 12. "It was said of old: One who knows the Pranawhence he has his source, how he enters the body, how he lives there after dividing himself five-fold, what are his inner workings--such an one attains to immortality, yea, even to immortality."

The Five Stupas

There is an interesting correlation between the Five Pranas and the Five Stupas. The Five Stupas Come from Buddhism. The Stupa illustrations come from Diane Stein's book "Essential Reiki". She relates the Five Stupas to the five levels of mind that lead to Enlightenment. She also says that the Stupas Relate to the Reiki Symbols and the Five elements.

The Five Forms of the Stupa

The Stupa and The Five Elements

The Stupa and The Body

The Third Degree of Usui Reiki "Mystery Teaching"

The Third Degree attunement of Usui Reiki opens up the flow of Reiki energy through the "Feeling Body" and its connections with the subtle anatomy of the "Higher Self". The "Feeling Body" is sometimes called the "Causal Body". The "Feeling Body" or "Causal Body" gives the Soul of the "Higher Self" a way to experience and learn in the "Causal Plane" of the "Material Universe". The "Causal Plane" is also known as the "Universal Plane". The "Universal Plane" is the "Cosmic Conscious" and "Cosmic Unconscious" in the "Material Universe". The Third Degree Master Attunement of Usui Reiki opens up and allows an individual to work with Reiki Healing and Attunement Energy on the "Cosmic Conscious" and "Cosmic Unconscious" levels. This opening of the Cosmic Level enables a person to attune others with Reiki. The opening of the Cosmic Levels also enables The Reiki Master to work with Reiki Healing and Attunement Energies on the Cosmic Level at a distance. There is also an increased flow of Reiki Healing Energy for hands on healing, for healing in the aura and pranic layers and for beaming. The Third Degree Attunement of Usui Reiki also brings the student into contact with Reiki Symbols and their use in the Attunement Process.

Chakras and Reiki Energy

Chakras are centers or vortexes of "High Conductivity" and "Low Resistance". These qualities enable energy to easily flow in and out through them. Chakras help us to be sensitive to and easily work with energy in the outside world as well as energy from within us. Our Creator, through the attunement process opens the chakras as well as other parts of our subtle anatomy to allow more Life Energy to flow through us. This greater flow of Life Energy is also guided by our Creator and is always working for the highest good. There are twelve main chakras within the body and six above the head. The Seven Chakras in the back body are part of the Governing Vessel (Sushumna) along the spine and The Five Chakras in the front body are part of the Conceptual Vessel (Hara Line) which extends up the center of the front of the body. The Governing Vessel and Conceptual Vessel are connected together at the root and crown chakras. The root and crown chakras of each share the same space but have different functions. As the Governing and Conceptual vessels come together at the crown chakra they merge into one chord that goes out the top of the head. This chord is sometimes called the Kundalini Nerve or Astral Tube because it is hollow and allows energy to flow through it. Between the Crown Chakra at the top of the head and the first chakra above the head is called the "Antahkarana" or "Rainbow Bridge". The Antahkarana is the midpoint between the seven chakras below and the seven chakras above. The Seventh Chakra above is the Creator. We are all connected at the Fourteenth Chakra. It is our origin. As above so below. In ancient times the rainbow bridge was called the Ark of the Covenant. The Rainbow Bridge is where the seven rays of the back of the three bodies are collected into the main chord. The Five Rays of the front of the three bodies are also collected here. A total of twelve rays or strands of light that collect and go out the top of the head through the Rainbow Bridge. You might call them the Twelve Meridians of Light. Note: The Rainbow Bridge is the seat of the Ascension Reiki attunements of the lower three bodies (the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body). The chord then extends upward connecting the six chakras above the head. From there the chord connects with the Creator, the Seventh Chakra above the Head. Each Chakra above the head has a relationship with the higher anatomical aspects of the Higher Self.

General Anatomy of the Feeling Body

The Feeling Body is composed of the Chakra System within the body from the Crown Chakra Down. The main chakras of the Feeling Body are "The Seven Chakras" on the spine and "The Five Chakras" on the Front Body. There are also other chakras in the body such as in the hands and feet. These chakras have relationships with the Seven Physical Anatomical Systems and the Five Senses The Seven Auras and Five Pranas.

Anatomical Relationships of The Seven Back Body Chakras Virtues of The Sapta Rishis (The Elohim)
Alignment Humility Compassion Balance Acceptance Sharing Grounding

Crown Chakra Sixth Chakra Throat Chakra Heart Chakra Third Chakra Second Chakra Root Chakra

Ray of the Rainbow

Violet Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Red

Seventh Aura

Physical System
Brain and Nerve System

Endocrine Gland
Pineal Gland Pituitary Gland Parathyroid and Thyroid Glands Thymus Gland Adrenal Gland Pancreas Gonads

Sixth Aura Skeletal System Fifth Aura Muscular System Fourth Aura Respiratory System

Third Aura Digestive System Second Circulatory Aura System First Aura Endocrine System

The Sapta Rishis and The Elohim

The Seven Seers (Sapta Rishis) are mysterious beings related to the origin of both humanity and knowledge. Often represented as 'human' sages, they nevertheless are conceived as eternal powers (The Elohim), symbolizing the primordial energies responsible for all manifest creation. They are 'seers' by virtue of being able to see the divine law which governs all creation, and indeed sustains it. The most important seers are believed to be seven in number, and said reside in the sky as the seven stars of the Great Bear. According to the Shatapatha Brahmana, these seven are the 'authors' of the Vedic hymns. Their names are, (Gautama or Gritsamada), (Vashishtha or Vasishta), Atri, Bharadvaja, Kashyapa, Vishvamitra, (Jamadagni or Vamadeva). Here inscribed in the 'takri' script as the 'sons of Brahma,' are these very names. In the picture below, they sit surrounding a small pile of smoldering ash, much in the tradition of Shaivite saints. Note: The Sapta Rishis are the Seven Transcendental Personalities of the Seven Back body Chakras of Our Creator. Their Primordial Spiritual Energies or Eternal Powers are known as The Elohim or Seven Spirits of the Creator. The Seven Spirits of The Elohim are Spiritual Beings. They have personalities so we can comprehend them in human terms. Their personalities are known as the Sapta Rishis. The terms Sapta Rishis and The Elohim are really interchangeable. The Seven Back body Chakras of the Creator are also known as the Seven Heavens. The First heaven is known as the Universal Plane.

Sapta Rishis The Seven Spirits (Seven of The Elohim Sages)

Jamadagni Vishvamitra Kashyapa Bharadvaja Atri Vashishtha Gautama God Holy Spirit Christ OM Love Faith Hope

Virtues of the Sapta Rishis and the Elohim

Alignment Humility Compassion Balance Acceptance Sharing Grounding

Seven Chakras
Crown Chakra Third Eye Chakra Throat Chakra Heart Chakra Third Chakra Second Chakra Root Chakra

Seven Heavens
Seventh Heaven Sixth Heaven Fifth Heaven Fourth Heaven Third Heaven Second Heaven First Heaven Universal Plane

In the clockwise direction beginning with (Gautama- Hope) at one o'clock, clad only in a loin-cloth, with prodigiously long nails, and similarly long hair under his armpits. He holds his hands above his head, in a tight, clasping posture. (Virtue- Grounding)

(Vashishtha-Faith) is next, holding in his extended right hand a ceremonial water vessel, his left hand resting on his right knee. He is adorned all over with tulsi beads, including his chest, wrists, upper arms, and the crown on his head. He sits on a small white prayer mat. (Virtue-Sharing) Following Vashishtha is (Atri- Love). He tells upon beads held in his right hand that is enclosed in a gomukha-glove, and at the same time also holds a small rosary in his other hand. (VirtueAcceptance) (Bhardavaja- OM) stands on his head, performing a yogic asana, with his two hands supporting his mortal frame. (Virtue- Balance) (Kashyapa- Christ) holds a coconut shell in his left hand, which holds ritual ashes which he has applied all over his body, and continues to do so on his forehead. He is bare except for a leopard skin covering his genitals. (Virtue-Compassion) (Vishvamitra- Holy Spirit), rendered the most elaborate of all. Seated on an antelope skin, he holds in his hands various sacred texts, which also lie by his side. His mouth is bound with a cloth. This probably refers to a long vow of silence this seer is believed to have undertaken. (Virtue- Humility) Last at the center in the top row sits (Jamadagni- God), with his head thrown back, and his hair reaching his thighs. With the right hand he holds a long rosary. (Virtue- Alignment) Information above in italics from

Anatomical Relationships of The Five Front Body Chakras Virtues of the Ascended Masters
Being Kind Being Thankful Being Generous

Fifth Chakra (Crown) Fourth Chakra

Light Ray
Primary Clear Light Secondary Clear Light

Five Pranas
Vyana Udana Prana

Five Elements
Ether Air Fire

Five Senses
Hearing Sight Smell

Being Calm

Being Content

(Upper Chest) Third Chakra Clear White Light (Heart) Second Chakra White Light (Dan TienNavel) First Chakra Golden Light (Root)







The Ascended Masters and The Front Body Chakras

The Ascended Masters who are known as The Supreme Personalities of the Godhead are mysterious beings who are also related to the origin of both humanity and knowledge. They often incarnate into human form as Masters of Light and Love that we might learn of our origin and our own possibilities becoming fully realized beings. There are many who have followed their path and have become known as Ascended Masters also. Although The Supreme Personalities of the Godhead have appeared in human form for our benefit they are also eternal powers, Transcendental Beings who sustain all of Creation and are One with our Creator. Our One Creator has different Transcendental Personalities, each responsible for an anatomical aspect of the Great Being, Our Creator, The Unmanifested One.

Supreme Personalities of the Godhead Ascended Empowerments Virtues Masters

I AM THAT I AM Radharani & Krishna Uma & Brahman Yasodhara & Buddha Mother Mary & Jesus . Yoga Grace Service Being Kind Being Thankful Being Generous

States of Happiness
Love Joy Abundance Peace Healing

Heavenly Planets and The Front Body Chakras

Etheric Planets Fifth Chakra (Crown) Airy Planets Fourth Chakra Fiery Planets Third Chakra (Heart) Watery Planets Second Chakra Earthly Planets First Chakra (Root)

Enlightenment Being Calm Salvation Being Content

Some of The Teachings of the Ascended Masters can be found in Sacred Texts which have been around for our study for many generations. Their knowledge is certainly not limited to these texts but they do give insights into the Divine Nature of Life.

The Unmanifested One- Tao Teh Ching The I AM THAT I AM- The I AM Discourses, The Bible Radharani & Krishna- The Bhagavad Gita- Srimad Bhagavatam Uma & Brahman- The Upanishads Yasodhara & Buddha- The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha, The Dhammapada Mary & Jesus- The Aquarian Gospel, The Bible, The Essene Gospels of Peace The Elohim- Sapta Rishis- Seven Sages- The Aquarian Gospel, The Bible, The Bhagavad Gita,
The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha, The Tao Teh Ching


Mastering the Attunement Process is a lifelong devotion. I hadn't really planned on discussing Usui Reiki. There is so much written on the subject already. I just couldn't see any other way to approach the unfamiliar subject of Subtle Anatomy in more Familiar Terms. I am humbled in the process and have gained a much deeper respect for Dr. Usui and this most Eloquent form of Reiki that he has so generously introduced to all of us. I am also very thankful to the Ascended Masters who have been so kind to me. I also thank Leslie for her help and patience with me also. I couldn't have gotten this done without her Love and support. Also thanks to Jean Vanhove for his help and encouragement in finishing this work. " And of Course, thanks to Jean for his introducing us to The Indalo (Rainbow Man) and the Circle of Light. For more info visit Jean's web site: The Indalo

The following link is to a nice site with many viewpoints of chakras.

The History of Ascension Reiki

Leslie says that I really need to share the story of how Ascension Reiki was given to me. It was a long process that took almost thirty years of working directly with the Ascended Masters. I have been reluctant in the past to share this story because of the depth of some of the experiences that led to me receiving Ascension Reiki. We humbly share the most relevant events of this journey with Our Creator so that it might help you gain insights into Ascension Reiki and into your own journey upon the path of Unfoldment.

The attunement process of Ascension Reiki is an evolutionary one. It has come as a natural unfoldment of the understanding of Dr. Usui's Reiki and its relationship to our anatomical function as well as its relationship to Our Creator. (Introduction to Ascension Reiki) I had been working with The Ascended Masters for about 25 years when I was first introduced to Dr. Usui's Reiki. My studies with the Ascended Masters was mostly related to the understanding of the subtle anatomy of the Higher Self and its relationship to Our One Creator. In about five months time I progressed in Reiki and received my Master Attunement in Usui Shiki Ryoho. I asked the Ascended Masters many questions about the Reiki Symbols and was taught by Them that the Reiki symbols had relationships to our subtle anatomy. I began to notice that Dr. Usui's Reiki did not directly attune the chakras above the head but basically from the Crown down. I became curious as to how to attune the chakras above the head. I asked The Ascended Masters "How do you attune the chakras above the head"? One day shortly after asking, I sat in meditation at my favorite spot down on East Beach in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. A bright white light began to shine within me. As I looked within and upward I could see the Ascended Masters place a symbol in each chakra above my head. Each symbol was associated with a particular chakra and Ascended Master. When they were finished I heard the Ascended Masters say "Ascension Reiki." When I got home I wrote everything down even though I didn't fully appreciate what had been done for me. I didn't think very much about it at the time. I was so used to the Ascended Masters teaching me things that it didn't really seem out of the ordinary. As far as I was concerned they were just answering my question of how to attune the chakras above my head and had just attuned them. A couple of weeks later I was delivering a Reiki Cushion to my Usui Shiki Ryoho teacher, Margaret Moore. I had built a Folding Reiki table for her as a trade for my Usui Shiki Ryoho Masters Class. The table was made of wood and had no metal in it, but I had to order the cushion and it took a few weeks to receive it. Margaret Moore is clairvoyant and when she saw me she said, "What have you been doing?" " Your aura is so much brighter now." " And all the Chakras above your head are all connected together." I was pretty shy about the whole thing and reluctantly told her what had happened. I told her that the Ascended Masters had shown me how to attune the chakras above the head and called it "Ascension Reiki".

She said "I Hope you wrote it all down". And I replied "Yes I did". She then said she would like to be attuned in Ascension Reiki also. I was quite surprised. My teacher was asking me to attune her. I really didn't understand the attunement process at that time, but we set up a time to meet. At our first meeting, I attuned her first chakra above her head the way the Ascended Masters had attuned me. It was interesting, and we could feel something happening, so we set up another time to meet for more attunements. When we met for the next attunement I was trying to explain what I had been learning to Margaret. I was having a hard time explaining, and she was having a hard time understanding. I attuned her second chakra above her head and then we talked for a little while before the next attunement. I noticed that all of a sudden it was really easy for her to understand and for me to explain. Wow! That attunement really did something extraordinary. She sat in the chair again to receive the next attunement, the third chakra above the head. At the end of her attunement I began to become very nervous and started to pace a little as I stood behind her. The energy kept getting stronger as she continued to sit there. My part of the attunement was finished, but the Ascended Masters seemed to be continuing the process. At that moment I saw a beam of clear white light shine upon her from above her head. It kept getting brighter and the energy kept getting stronger. She then said "I think I will just sit here for a few minutes before I get up and make lunch for us." About ten minutes later she got up and said "I think I will go and sit on the sofa for a few minutes before we have lunch." So she did. I sat on the other sofa about ten feet away. The energy kept getting stronger and I could see the beam of light was getting brighter and bigger around. It was focused on her, but I could feel it ten feet away. She then said " I think I will lay down on the sofa for a few minutes before I make lunch." By that time the energy was so strong that I literally could not stand up from the sofa I was sitting on. I tried to get up just to see if I could, but my body would not stand up. The kundalini within me was totally open in an electric flow of energy. I was thinking to my self. My God, "I am ten feet away from that beam of light and I can't stand up. She must be feeling something really profound." After another fifteen or twenty minutes the energy began to become easier and the Ascended Masters finished with the attunement. After this experience I knew that there was really something deep about these attunements that The Ascended Masters called Ascension Reiki.

The Search for Understanding

I studied for a year or so learning how the attunements worked and then taught my first Reiki Class. That is when I met Leslie for the first time. It was a good class. I had written a manual for the first degree, but after class realized that I needed to write a manual for all the Degrees of Ascension Reiki. At hat time is when I realized that "The Book of Remembrance" needed to evolve into the Manual for Ascension Reiki before I taught another class. Making that transition took a couple of years. And afterwards, I was ready to teach a second degree class. The night before I taught the Second Degree Class of Ascension Reiki I had a dream about a woman in a long white dress. I couldn't see her face because it was hidden by a veil of light. In the dream the woman in the long white dress and I met on a street car and began talking. I told her my stop was next and got up from my seat to leave. Much to my surprise she also got up to got off at the same spot. I looked back to see if the street car was named Desire. I couldn't see the name. We walked a short distance and stopped and sat on the top of three cement steps. Behind the three steps the Desire Projects lay in rubble. They had been torn down. We sat on the three steps with the rubble of the Desire Projects not too far behind us. We talked for a while and then kissed. The dream ended with a deep spiritual feeling. I didn't think a lot about the dream until the next day at the the Second Degree Ascension Reiki class. Leslie was wearing a long white dress just like the one in the dream. I thought to my self, "Hum, that's interesting. She is wearing a long white dress and looks just like the woman in the dream." I didn't think any more about it at the time. A dream is just a dream I thought. Actually I tried not to think about it and just concentrate on the class. During the class (Feb. 18, 2001) when Leslie was being attuned something very profound happened. I was standing on Leslie's left side and drew The Elohim Symbol, as usual, full size from the top of the head to the base of the spine and sent it to Leslie. I watched The Elohim Symbol drift into her.

When the Elohim Symbol was received by Leslie it turned into white light and wings grew at the top. The wings began to flap. As the wings flapped, the Elohim Symbol began turning into an angel and flew off into Heaven.

My drawing does not give the angel I saw justice, but you get the idea. I never had anything like that happen during an attunement. It certainly got my attention and I told the class what I had seen. After the second degree class, Leslie said she would like to get to know me better. I remembered the woman in the dream with the long white. I began to realize I had been give the dream for a reason. We started e-mailing each other and sharing many ideas. I became very interested in Leslie when I learned that she was teaching Restorative Yoga and incorporating Reiki in her work. As our friendship developed I realized that the veil of light covering Leslie's face in the dream was the same kind of veil as was covering the woman in the vision that Mother Mary had given me so many years before.

The Visitation
In 1970 at the age of twenty, I was beginning to feel the social and environmental concerns on this planet. I could feel the pain and suffering of people around the world as well as the imbalance of energy in the earths environment. I could see great beauty as well as great sadness on earth. There was a lot of confusion in my life especially about relationships and I wondered if there was such a thing as True Love. One Sunday afternoon as I lay on my sofa relaxing, an Ascended Personage entered my room. She stood high above the floor as if she was partly in this physical world and partly in another. I knew instantly She was Mother Mary although I had no religious background. She made a large beam of light shine from her mind to my mind. It was a deep blue light and was as big around as our heads. In the beam of light we communicated with thoughts. I could see the thoughts travel between us like great galaxies of information. We could understand each other just like talking but without speaking. I was so in awe of how beautiful and free this way of communicating was that I didn't notice how long her visitation was. At the end of our conversation Mother Mary asked me if I would like to straighten out my life. I told her "Yes". Mother Mary then left. About two weeks later, Mother Mary gave me a vision. In the vision I saw seven, Seven Year Periods of Time unfold. The seven, Seven Year Periods of Time began in 1949 and ended in 1998. In the

vision there was a short span of time just after 1998. After this brief span of time I saw myself playing a sitar. There was a woman there also. I could not see who she was, what she was doing or what she looked like because she was behind a veil of light. From the future I saw clouds rolling in. A lightening bolt came out of the clouds toward the woman and myself. As the lightening came down out of the clouds it forked in two. Half the lightening bolt struck the woman and half struck me. The lightening bolt then lifted us off the earth and joined us into one lightening bolt which ascended into the clouds and went off into the heavens. Another undetermined amount of time passed and I saw The Great Spirit enter the Earth. The Vision ended there. After receiving the vision, Mother Mary began to guide my life. She unfolded many beautiful things to me as I learned to pray and meditate. One day as I was meditating in my favorite spot by the lagoon my forehead opened up into Heaven. I saw a ladder coming down from Heaven to Earth. I sensed the presence of angels ascending and descending along the sides of the ladder. I saw a white light begin to flow down the ladder like water. A voice spoke from the water and said "Would you give up your Soul to help others?" I thought a minute and wondered if the soul was perhaps a part of the ego. After thinking it over I said "Yes" After that my life didn't seem like my own anymore. I could easily understand and hear my inner guidance, just like the time that Mother Mary spoke to me in the Blue Light. Mother Mary introduced me to the Master Jesus who gave me three deep experiences (in Reiki we call them attunements). He also introduced me to The Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha, Uma and Brahman, Radharani and Krishna, The I AM Presence and The Unmanifested One. I became a student of the Ascended Masters and Our One Creator. I was led to rent an old share croppers house with no running water, just a hand pump. It was $12.50 a month rent and about $8.00 in electricity. I did some carpentry work and survived on about $150.00 per month. I basically lived to study with the Ascended Masters and Our Creator. I lived this way for about three years. I was taught lessons by the Ascended Masters and then someone would come along and give me a book and the same lessons would be in it. Books came my way like The Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Bhagavad Gita, Aquarian Gospel, The teachings of The Compassionate Buddha, Books on Yoga, books on music and art and color and so on. During this three year period Mother Mary taught me a mantra (The Elohim Mantra) for making contact with the Creator. As I used the mantra I was taken into the presence of the Creator many times to receive reassurance and guidance. As time went by I was asked by The Lord. "Will you write a book"? I remember thinking, "I am not a writer but if you want me to I will". A few minutes later I realized I didn't know what to call the book. So I asked, "Lord what shall I call the book"? The Lord said "The Book of Remembrance." It sounded like a really good name for a book.

At the time I was studying The New Testament and decided it was time to read the Bible from cover to cover. I was also reading The Book of Mormon. As I was reading in the Book of Mormon I came upon a part where Jesus had visited the people on the American Continent shortly after his Resurrection. He was teaching the people and healing them and even quoting a few scriptures from Isaiah and other books. Apparently some of the people at that time had migrated from Israel to the American Continent so he came to teach them. The Master Jesus prayed with them and they were all turning into white light as they prayed. He also said He was going to visit other folds of the flock who were scattered about. As I read along I discovered a passage where Jesus talked about "A Book of Remembrance" that would be written for those who thought about Our Creator. As I read in astonishment I noticed a footnote that said to compare it with verses in the Book of Malachi in the Bible. I went into shock when I found that Jesus had been quoting from the third chapter of Malachi and that "A Book of Remembrance" was also mentioned in the Bible. I began thinking "Oh my God, What are you doing to me? Jesus is talking about 'A Book of Remembrance' and you asked me to write 'The Book of Remembrance'." I have struggled over the years writing this book. I Hope that I have brought honor to Our Creator with this work and that it is helpful to others who read it. I prayed for years for a way to be able to give to others. I wrote several versions of the Book of Remembrance and gave them away. But there always seemed to be something missing. Ascension Reiki came along and it all began to make sense. Now, by a person simply being attuned, opens them up to be able to receive the knowledge of The Higher Self and our relationship to the Creator. In case you are curious about what it said in the Book of Mormon and The Bible, the quote is below. The quote is compiled from several translations. Many say it is vain and futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out His requirements and going about like mourners before the LORD Almighty? And now we call the proud happy and the arrogant blessed. Certainly the corrupt are set up and prosper, and those who tempt God are even delivered. Then those who Loved the Lord spoke often one to another: and the Lord listened and heard it and A Book of Remembrance was written in His presence for them that Loved the Lord and honored His name. "They will be mine" says the Lord of Hosts, "in that day when I gather my precious ones, and I will prosper them as a man prospers his own children who serve him. Then shall you return, and discern between the honest and the corrupt, between those who serve God and those who do not." (BibleMalachi ch. 3:14-18, The Book of Mormon- 3 Nephi 24:1-18) Not too long after that, the Ascended Masters said "Keep your eyes open for a piece of wood". The thought that I could make a sitar had never even crossed my mind. Sure enough, a week or so later, I was riding to a friends house to play music and I saw an oak tree that had been cut down. The tree had been cut into many pieces about six feet long. The end of one piece had a curious shape. It wasn't round. It was flat on one side like a sitar.

A few days later I was riding my bicycle to the same friends house and decided to stop and ask if I could have that piece of the tree. The woman who answered the door said I could have the whole tree if I wanted it. I was only interested in the one piece. I rode my bike down the road and then climbed the fence to look at it. As I got closer to it the Spirit of the Creator began to flow very strongly through me, very electric. I was in a very deep peace as I touched the piece of wood. When I turned around to go back across the fence to my bicycle, there was a rainbow in the field on the other side of the road. The whole rainbow was in the field. I knew this was the piece of wood for my sitar. I used a chain saw and chisels to carve the tree. I put a top made of cypress on it. Mother Mary showed me how to tune the seven strings to the notes of the Seven Spirits, Seven Chakras. Mother Mary then taught me how to breathe the Mantra of the Elohim and called it "Breath of the Elohim" for contacting the Elohim and the Creator. While using this mantra I have been taken into the presence of the Creator many times. The Peace and Presence of Our Creator is beyond words. Since that time the instrument has gone through many changes. It now has a mahogany top for more strength. Leslie has helped me understand at least how to begin to play it. It is still going through changes. It can be played like a didgeredoo and will have four main playing strings and seven sympathetic strings. The playing strings will be played with a bow. It will take a while to really understand this master instrument but it will be worth the time and effort.

These updated pictures were taken shortly before Christmas 2004... Changes are still being made to the digeatar... Has a good sound with the bow. It has changed a little more since then.... New Bridge etc... and a fingerboard.... It just takes time to understand what to do and how to change it....

Shortly after the sitar was first built (1974), I had an even more profound experience. I was meditating in the Spirit one evening and a bright beam of white light opened up above my head and began to shine down inside of me. The Spirit and Presence of Our Creator became very strong, so strong in fact, that I had to lay down because of the power of energy flowing through my body. The white light was brighter than the sun. It got so bright I could not tell if I had a body anymore. I noticed that I was inside a sphere of white light. The Sphere was like a bubble of white light just big enough for me to be in it.

There was such great peace in the Presence of the Creator. I felt One with the Creator. I knew in my heart that if people could just feel this Presence there would be no wars, no fighting........... just Peace, just Love....... Just the Presence of Our Creator. I began to notice just outside of the sphere of white light there was the presence of some of the Ascended Masters. I could barely see their forms because the light was so bright. I could see them doing something to me. Moving their arms around a little and sending some kind of energy into me. How long this lasted, I don't know, perhaps half the night. I had prayed a number of times over the years about the experience asking what the Masters had done to me while I was in the Sphere of White Light. I was very curious. About 25 years later I began to get an answer to my question. The answer didn't come until many years later when I became attuned in Usui Shiki Ryoho. I have realized that while I was in the sphere of white light the Ascended Masters were attuning me so I could receive the knowledge of Ascension Reiki. So here we are now, the dreams and visions coming true. Leslie and I are working together with the Elohim, The Ascended Masters and Our Creator. Together we have received so much more than I could have ever received from the Ascended Masters by myself. I am so thankful for Leslie being in my life. She is my equal and I Truly Love her with all my Heart. I did have one more experience shortly after being taken into the Light. I was being taught about the One , The Two, The Three and the Seven. These are the aspects of The Creator. The One Creator has Two Parts, then three parts and then seven parts. If you add up the number of parts of the One Creator there are twelve, like the twelve constellations and signs of the Zodiac, the twelve notes on the piano, the twelve colors or rays, the twelve disciples of Jesus etc. I understood the seven rays of the rainbow went with the Seven Spirits of the Elohim. The three rays, Golden Light, White Light, and Clear White Light went with The Three. Secondary Clear Light and Primary Clear Light went with the Two. Of course The One is Invisible Light. I didn't understand how these rays went into the more linear progression of the twelve universal principles, so I was studied art. A friend was teaching me how to work with oil colors and I became interested in spiritual paintings. Someone gave me a Catholic Missal which had many beautiful paintings in it. In the book were paintings of the life and times of Mother Mary and Jesus. There were paintings of the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, stations of the cross, and other paintings of inspiration. I looked through it regularly contemplating the colors with the feelings and wondered how to really paint with a knowing.

There was one painting that always caught my eye and heart. It is the Agony in the Garden. In the painting Jesus is praying, knowing that the soldiers are going to come for him and that he would be crucified and go through much pain. He prayed so hard that he began to sweat drops of blood. The Angel came to comfort him and let him know that it would be all right. He would be able to show us the Lessons of Love and Forgiveness. Each time I would see the painting it just seemed to glow. One bright sunny day I decided to go outside and study the paintings and try and understand more about the twelve aspects of Our Creator. This time when I turned to the painting of the Agony in the Garden it was really bright. As I looked and contemplated the painting, the heads of both Jesus and the Angel turned and looked straight at me. Their lips moved and together they both said "You'll never be happy doing any thing else". When they finished speaking their heads turned back and they resumed how they looked in the painting. Yes, I was in shock. I had heard about things like this happening but I never dreamed anything like it would happen to me. Over the years I have looked back on this miracle and gained strength in following the right direction in my life. I just realized today in reflecting back that the statement was about happiness and was

given to me shortly after being in the sphere of light and being attuned by the Masters. I can see that Dr. Usui's Reiki and Ascension Reiki have always been about happiness right from the beginning. Today is Father's Day (June 15, 2003) I was writing the story of the Agony in the Garden and the Spirit of the Lord resting upon me. I was thinking of how much we are Loved by Our Creator. The Lord brought to mind a vision that was given to me on Fathers Day in 1973 while I was in church. Oh my God! I just realized it is Fathers Day today and how thankful I am for everything that Our Father in Heaven has done for us over the years. The day was bright, it was Fathers Day, 1973. A group of us went together from the retreat house to church. When we walked in the church it was so filled with the Spirit of God that no one in the whole congregation said a word. We all got down on our knees and started praying. The Spirit was so deep and humbling that we were filled to overflowing with the Love and Presence of Our Creator. I remember as we knelt there praying, a prayer came into my heart and I prayed silently to the Lord and said "I am going to become One with You". At that moment I had a vision. In the vision I saw both hands of the Lord coming out of the sky and I heard the words "At last bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." People began to move around in the church and the preacher was walking around to different people ministering to them. He came over to me, put his hand on my shoulder, and said "I believe you". He then went on to others. I made the first cover of the Book of Remembrance with the hands of Our Creator in it just like in the vision.

Leslie thought that a new cover would be good now that we are working together. She drew a new cover last night and told me it was time to put it on the web. Around 1:30 A.M. I finally got Leslie's new cover on the web site for everyone to see. Then I realized it was Father's Day. When I got up the next morning, I copied the picture of The Agony in the Garden into this article.

Just as I finished, Leslie came by to go walking on the beach. She just lives down the street. After our walk, we went by her house and sat by the fish pond to visit. She showed me that she had down loaded a picture of the Agony of the Garden onto her new cell phone. I told her that I had just put that same picture on the web site. Wow! We had been both working on the same picture at the same time. Today it is all making sense, (the hands in the vision, the words of the vision, the old old book cover, sweet Leslie and her new cover for The Book of Remembrance), most of all Lord you brought it all into our hearts and minds on Your day, Father's Day. We Love you Lord. Thank you.

The Wedding

Leslie and Jayson were married December 8th, 2003. They chose this day to honor Mother Mary for bringing them together because it's Her Feast Day of The Immaculate Conception. December the 8th is also the day that Buddha received Enlightenment. The wedding ceremony began at Jayson's house where he and a small group of family and friends were gathered. Leslie waited for the wedding procession at her house which is just down the street. As the wedding party processed, Patricia Minor, the celebrant, kept a steady heartbeat while she drummed along the path to Leslie's house. Along the way Jayson picked up roses which had been placed on the path and gave them to family and friends to take to Leslie. Each rose had a Reiki Symbol tied to it. There were sixteen roses in all. The walk from Jayson's house to Leslie's house symbolized the journey in the knowledge of Ascension Reiki that led to the meeting of Leslie and Jayson. As the procession arrived at Leslie's house the full moon rose to greet the couple in the evening light. She stood at the entrance of her home holding a lit candle/torch and as she greeted her family and friends, they each gave her a rose. It was Leslie and Jaysons wish not to use wedding rings to symbolize their earthly union because their desire was to go beyond the material world, connect with The Elohim, The Ascended Masters and Our One Creator, and also receive a Marriage Attunement. The prayer being that they wanted to bring the healing and attunement process into marriage. It was Patricias idea to join their hands with Mala and Rosary Beads. Through a thoughtful and prayerful ritual, Jayson and Leslies hands were bound in True Love and Service to Humanity.

The Reception
The reception was on the following Sunday, the 14th of December. A good friend, Betty Sue O'Brian, hosted it at the Ocean Springs Yacht Club which overlooks Biloxi Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. The Day began as an overcast and dreary wintery day but by the time of the reception the weather cleared to blue skies and beautiful sunset. We Hope that our story will be of service to those who read it.

In Love and Light, Leslie and Jayson

Healing Hands
First Degree
All human beings have the ability to transmit natural life force energy through their hands. Natural hands-on healing is the most ancient healing method known to humanity. It has been used for so long, and its origins are so ancient, that it has become part of our genetic makeup. It is instinctive to hold any injury or hurt with our hands, to stop the pain and bring healing. It is this nurturing instinct that holds a child in the hands of Love until all is well. The more in tune a person is with the energy of life, the greater the amount of energy that flows through that person. The human being is like a stringed musical instrument. If the strings are too tight they break and will not play. If the strings are too loose, they will not play either. When the strings of the instrument are not too tight and not too loose, they are in tune. It is then that the music of Health, Peace, Abundance, Joy, and Love flow in and through a persons Life. This is truly the music of happiness which emanates from the source of creation.

Reiki is a Japanese word pronounced Ray - Key

Rei - means "Universal Source", "Highest Source" or "The Creator" Ki - means vital energy or life force which flows in and through everything Reiki - means the essence of life force guided by "The Creator" Reiki also means Love guided by the "Highest Source" or "The Creator" Ascension Reiki - means Love, Ascending and Returning to "The Creator"

Through the "Attunement Process" unique to Reiki, the gift of healing is easily achieved.
Some people are born with a gift of healing, but for most of us this is not the case. Other people study and learn for years how to unblock and awaken the healing currents within us. There is a much easier way of acquiring the gift of healing. It is by receiving an attunement. Each attunement deepens the flow of Reiki healing energy. Each attunement also deepens a person's understanding of the attunement process itself. The Reiki attunement opens an inner pathway in a person and empowers this individual with Reiki energy. From the moment of an attunement, Reiki energy will flow automatically, from then on, through them when they place their hands on themselves or others with the intent to heal.

Reiki is a pure energy form and does not conflict or interfere with modern medical or other health care systems. It can be used in conjunction with any sort of medical treatments and medicines to make them more effective. It can be used before and after surgery to reduce the trauma and speed the recovery. Reiki energy enhances the results of other healing methods. The knowledge of Reiki is universal and brings a fullness of understanding to all of the healing arts. Reiki energy enhances and deepens the results of:

Acupressure Acupuncture Body Electronics Chiropractic Techniques Energy Medicine Herbal Medicine Faith Healing Iridology Jin Shin Jyutsu Massage Meditation Modern Medicine Reflexology Polarity Therapy Spiritual Healing Therapeutic Touch Touch for Health Pranic Healing Yoga (all forms) Zone Therapy

Ascension Reiki connects a person with the core energy of Reiki and deepens a person's uderstanding of whatever form of Reiki they already practice. Ascension Reiki is a path of Universal or Unconditional Love. The knowledge of Love brings a deeper understanding of the Spiritual Path you are already on. All forms of truth and healing are branches of the same tree, but their roots grow in the soil of Unconditional Love.

The Rediscovery of Ascension Reiki

To truly understand Reiki and its ancient roots, it is necessary to explore the teachings of the Master Healers from ages past. These Masters are sometimes called the Ascended Masters. The search for deeper meaning of Reiki in the teachings of the Ascended Masters has led to the rediscovery of the ancient Reiki healing method known in modern terms as Ascension Reiki. Ascension Reiki works with the core energy of Reiki and enhances the results of every other form of Reiki. Ascension Reiki also brings a deeper understanding of whatever Reiki form you may already be attuned in. The teachings of the Ascended Masters have been made available to us in recent times because of the printing press. The Aquarian Gospel, The Bhagavad Gita, The Bible, The Essene Gospels, The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha, The Upanishads, The Srimad Bhagavatam, The Book of

Tao, The Yoga Sutras, The Vedas are among the many books that contain the ancient teachings of these Masters of healing. When the knowledge contained in all of these books is viewed as a whole, Ascension Reiki is revealed.

Everything that has anything to do with us as human beings has a connection to some part of our anatomy. The understanding of the total anatomy of a human being is the key to understanding all knowledge, all truth and all healing. How can a person either understand or achieve total healing without knowing what a total, complete, whole human being really is? Have you ever thought about what you are and how you came to experience everything there is? Is the Self all you are or is there something more? The path of remembrance is a journey of curiosity about what life actually is. As you become curious about life, the synchronicity of coincidences increases, and you begin to remember who and what you are. You also begin remembering where you came from and how you were created. The Higher Self has five main components and three minor ones for operating in the material world. These components are 1. The Will 2. The Spirit 3. The Soul 4. The Mind 5. The Body The Body is made up of three layers which are: 1. The Acting Body (consciousness, the unconscious) 2. The Thinking Body (collective consciousness, the collective unconscious) 3. The Feeling Body (cosmic consciousness, the cosmic unconscious) "Harmony to the Essenes meant peace. They considered that human life can be divided into seven departments: physical, mental, emotional, social, cultural, its relationship with nature and its relationship with the entire cosmos." "Man, it was held, has three bodies that function in each of these departments: an acting body, a feeling body and a thinking body. The thinking body's highest power is wisdom. The feeling body's highest power is Love. The acting body's function is to translate the wisdom of the thinking body and the Love of the feeling body into action in an individual's social and cultural worlds and in his utilization of the terrestrial and heavenly forces." Quotation from: "The Essene Way - Biogenic Living" by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. With permission and thanks from International Biogenic Society- P.O. Box 849, Nelson, B.C., Canada V1L 6A5 (Catalog of books
available at same address)

Reiki's Ancient Past

Since ancient times there has been a constant search for deeper understanding of Healing. Throughout the ages the mysteries of the Reiki have manifested and come to light in many forms. Reiki healing is the gentle path of balancing life energies for health and well being. This path of balance has been the

traditional healing system of the human race long before the advent of technology and modern medicine. Although the word Reiki is a relatively modern word for "hands on healing," the knowledge of Reiki has been around since the beginning of Humanity. There are many words and definitions of Reiki. None of them can truly define Reiki. Even combining all the names and definitions only alludes to the universal experience of Reiki and the ancient Legends associated with its beginnings. One ancient word for Reiki is "The Tao," pronounced (Dow). The Tao means "The Way" of life guided by the "Highest Source." Another word for Reiki from ages past is the word yoga. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word yuj which means to bind together, join with, yoke with, be in union with or become one with the "Highest Source". When we place our hands on someone with the intent to heal, we yoke with the "Highest Source". The healing energy then flows and healing takes place. The Ascended Master Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary of labor and heavy burdened. I will give you rest and refresh you. Take upon yourself the Yoga(yoke, oneness) which is upon me and learn from me, for "I AM" gentle and humble in heart and peaceful and serene of mind. You will find serenity for yourselves and rest for your souls. For the Yoga (yoke, union, binding) upon me is easy and my burden (message) is Light." (Matthew 11:28-30)

Right View
The first degree of Ascension Reiki reflects the first step in the Eightfold Path of Healing. The first step in the Eightfold path of Healing is Right View. Right View is the laying aside of selfish interests or ego so that the higher Will of the Reiki Source may manifest to help or heal the person in need. The Higher Will of the Reiki Source is Universal Love. The laying aside of the ego for the Reiki practitioner is accomplished by the simple act of placing their hands on themselves or another person with the intent to heal. By doing this the higher Will of the Reiki Source manifests or flows through the practitioner into the healee. With a simple attunement a healer is born. With this Universal experience, Universal Life Force Energy, not just personal life force energy, begins automatically to flow into and through the individual whenever they place their hands on themselves or another person, with the intent to heal. Reiki energy is guided by a Higher Power and is not limited by the experience of the individual practitioner or healee. It will always know where to go and what to do to bring the highest good to both. A Reiki attunement lasts a lifetime! From the time of receiving an attunement onward, the Reiki healing energy is always available to the practitioner who has received the attunement and whomever they place their hands on. Reiki also combines with and enhances every other known method of hands on healing. It always brings the highest good to the healee no matter what healing method it is combined with. Reiki energy naturally adjusts to the receiver's needs and is completely safe in any situation and at all times. It cannot in anyway be used to harm someone. Reiki healing is guided by the Higher Power of Divine Love of the Universal Source. It will only harmonize and balance a person's energy.

One of the great benefits of a Reiki treatment is stress reduction and relaxation. This helps trigger the natural healing process to take place within the healee. A Reiki treatment is the cooperative intent of the healee, the Reiki practitioner and the Higher Power of the Universal Source. It is this cooperative intent which helps empower the healee to take charge of his or her own healing process. Reiki energy is guided by the highest intelligence and always heals what is most important first. The Reiki practitioner does not control the Reiki energy. In fact it is the Reiki energy that guides the practitioner as to what to do to bring the highest good to the healee. The outcome of a Reiki treatment is therefore unpredictable. The Reiki practitioner cannot promise the healee any specific result but can only promise that every person that experiences a Reiki treatment receives some benefit. Fortunately the Reiki energy is not controlled by the practitioner and because of this, miracles often happen. The Reiki practitioner is only an instrument for the healing energy of Divine Love which remains neutral until the healees, have the little bit of willingness to receive it and positively empower their own lives. When the intent of the healees is sincere and they are willing to make an effort to cleanse their outward behavior patterns and their inner selves, a total healing can take place. The healee's well being is ultimately established in the choices they make with their free will, in their everyday life and in their inner consciousness. Reiki is not a religion or a belief system and has no doctrines or creeds. It does not contradict the universal laws of conscience and Love. Therefore Reiki healing embraces truth in whatever information system it appears. It is not necessary for the practitioner to believe in anything in particular for Reiki energy to flow through them. The practitioner may actually be thinking that there is no way Reiki will heal this person, yet when they place his or her hands on the person with the intent to heal, Reiki heals anyway.

Depths of Field
The Higher Self and the five aspects of the Higher Self are fields of light, energy and information. The Reiki source is the knower in all these fields. The Higher Self is directly connected with the Reiki Source, which is Life itself. The Higher Self is also made of the same field energy in all the fields. The remembrance (re-membrance) of our nature and its connection to the Reiki Source is the heart of Reiki healing. What Reiki is about is allowing your true essence and the source of your essence to become infused with your conscious self and become a fully realized being.

The first depth is the field of the body. The unified field energy of the body is "Healing". The second depth is the field of the mind. The unified field energy of the mind is "Peace". The third depth is the field of the soul. The unified field energy of the soul is "Abundance". The fourth depth is the field of the spirit. The unified field energy of the spirit is "Joy". The fifth depth is the field of the will. The unified field energy of the will is "Love". The sixth depth is the field of the Higher Self. The unified field energy of the higher self is "Life".

The Five Principles of Reiki

The five principles of Reiki reflect the nature of the five anatomical aspects of the Higher Self which are the body, the mind, the soul, the spirit and the will.

1. Be kind to your neighbor and all living things.- Being kind brings Love into the will. 2. Be thankful for your many blessings.- Being thankful brings Joy into the spirit. 3. Work honestly.- Working honestly brings Abundance into the soul. 4. Let go of anger.- Letting go of anger brings Peace to the mind. 5. Let go of worry.- Letting go of worry brings Healing to the body.

Right View is a lens through which we can observe life. The wider the lens is opened, the greater is the amount of light that enters into the Higher Self and its five aspects (body, mind, soul, spirit and will). Affirmations are a way to open the lens wider to bring in more light. Affirmations are also a way of bringing us into the natural relationship of ourselves with the Reiki Source. The use of affirmations or prayers teachs us about responsibility (ability to respond) to the flow of life energy in us, through us and all around us. The use of The Ascension Reiki Affirmation opens the healing energy from the Reiki Source. It is anatomically balanced in its content and connects through the five anatomical aspects of the Higher Self. The Ascension Reiki affirmation is used to clear and balance all the fields of the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the Spirit, and the Will. You will find out, through experience, what the use of affirmations will do for you. There are no set rules on how or when to use them. The ancient practice is to use affirmations in the early morning to begin the day and in the evening before going to sleep. The

The "I AM" Presence

The "I AM" statements in The Ascension Reiki Affirmation are statements of some of the qualities of the Highest Source, the Creator. Because we were created by the Highest Source these qualities are part of our anatomical makup. The use of the "I AM" statements is a direct link to the Highest Source and the co-creative nature of our own higher self.

Ascension Reiki Affirmation

"I AM" Life
Separation is gone, I am remembering to be happy.

"I AM" Love

Fear is gone, I am remembering to be kind to my neighbor and all living things.

"I AM" Joy

Sorrow is gone, I am remembering to rejoice and give thanks for my many blessings.

"I AM" Abundance

Scarcity is gone, I am remembering to work honestly and be generous.

"I AM" Peace

Anger is gone, I am remembering to laugh.

"I AM" Healing

Worry is gone, I am remembering to smile.

The Reiki Treatment

The Reiki treatment is a most rewarding experience for both the practitioner and the healee. It's always different and no description can truly represent the awe that the experience can inspire. It's a joy to both give and receive a Reiki treatment. The more you work with Reiki the deeper it gets.

The Golden Rule

If you choose to give Reiki treatments freely to your family and friends, something good will always return to you. If you choose to give Reiki treatments for a Love offering, something good will return to you. If you choose to trade Reiki treatments for other services; something good will always return to you. If you choose to offer Reiki treatments on a sliding scale something good will always return to you. If you choose to work at a professional level and establish a fee for your services, something good will always return to you. The "golden rule" is to treat others the way you would like to be treated.

The Reiki Room

The Room in which you do a Reiki treatment should be distraction free. Light in the room should not be too bright or too dark but should feel warm and friendly. If music is used it should be soothing and peaceful. The Reiki table should be set at a height that makes you comfortable when standing using the hand positions. Sitting in a chair is good for working with the hand positions used on the head. Some people choose to remove any metal ( rings, watches, etc.) before giving a Reiki treatment. We have found that this is not necessary for the practitioner or the healee to do this. Reiki treatments work with or without jewlery.

The Full Treatment Hand Positions

With the simple act of placing the hands on oneself or on another person the Reiki energy automatically flows. This is a cooperative effort of the Reiki Source, the Reiki practitioner and the healee. The healee must give permission for the Reiki treatment or Reiki session, as it is sometimes called. Permission is necessary because Reiki energy will not override a person's free will. The hands should simply rest comfortably in each position, not pressing down or too light. A full treatment consists of the use of all the hand positions in the First Round, Second Round and Third Round (illustrations below). A full treatment takes about an hour to an hour and a half. The full treatment is very good for healing as well as balancing all the anatomical systems. It is also good as a preventative maintenance. It is a good idea to explain briefly the hand positions to the healee before a treatment so there are no surprises of where your hands are being placed. The hands should always be lifted, not dragged from one position to another. The fingers should be kept together, not spread out. Move one hand at a time, always keeping one hand in contact with the

healee so there is an uninterrupted flow of energy in each round. Each position should last two to three minutes unless you feel your hands get hot or cold. If your hands become hot or cold at a certain hand position, let them remain there a little longer until they feel normal. Wash your hands after the second round because your last position in round two is on the feet. Always be there to assist a person when they turn over to be on their stomach for round three positions. The massage or Reiki table is narrow and the healee may be in a very relaxed state by this time. When the round three hand positions are finished step back, place your hands together palm to palm in front of your solar plexus and bow toward the healee. This gesture ends your part of the treatment. Your higher self bows in respect and recognition of the healee's higher self and the Reiki source and the connecting of the two. The rest of the treatment and how long it lasts is now between the healee and the Reiki source. Tell the healee you are finished and if your client has fallen asleep tap gently on the shoulder to awaken him or her. Give the client a few minutes to sit up and return to normal consciousness. Offer a glass of water and get one for yourself also. Remember to wash your hands after the treatment is finished. You may be led to talk with the healee about the treatment. Let your client share with you, if he or she wishes, what was experienced during the treatment.

The Spot Treatment

A full Reiki treatment is not always what is needed. A spot treatment may be used for a specific ailment such as a headache. Place your hands on the affected area, for as long as necessary. Sometimes you may find it necessary to place your hands near but not directly on the area that needs healing. Trust your intuition. Pay attention to how your hands feel in different positions.

The Self Treatment

One of the great benefits of Reiki is that you may also give yourself a spot treatment or a full treatment. This is a true blessing and most helpful when aches and pains arise. It is impossible to place your hands in exactly the same positions on yourself as when doing a treatment on someone else. Be creative and remember as long as the hands cover the same areas as the full treatment, it will be a full treatment.

Advanced Techniques
Opening the Energy
At the beginning of a Reiki treatment bring the hands together in the prayer position in front of the solar plexus. Take a couple of deep breaths and then either out loud or silently say The Ascension Reiki affirmation. This brings a much deeper energy into the Reiki treatment. This is not merely a reciting of the affirmation but a sincere opening of the energy.

The Rainbow Man Exercise

The Indalo or Rainbow Man Exercise is also very helpful when done before the treatment or anytime for that matter. The exercise opens the Rainbow Bridge and the Circle of Light. The Circle of Light is the gathering of Ascended Friends, Angels, Guides, Light Beings and Ascended Masters and Our Creator who work together with the Practitioner during the treatment. The Circle of Light is always open for anyone who wishes to enter. The Light within comes from the Creator down the Main Chord and all the way through all the chakras and grounds the energy so that there is deeper healing.

1. We ask to be received into the Circle of Light.

2. Breathe the breath of the Elohim (or if you don't know it, just a deep even breath).

3. Visualize the White Light coming down into the Crown- Breathe the Breath of the Elohim.

4. As you open your arms up to shoulder length- visualize the rainbow forming between your hands. Breathe Here. Palms face up.

5. Palms face down- to ground the rainbow into the earth. Breathe again.

6. Brings hands back to Namaste and bow to that light that dwells within us all.

The Intuitive Approach

Once you have opened the Reiki energy you can just let your hands be guided as to where they need to be placed. This is called the Intuitive Approach. It takes practice but it is well worth the little bit of willingness it takes to be guided from within. Just trust what you feel in your hands and heart let your hands move to where they are needed. It asks that we free ourselves of the rules. Rules are meant to give us support. The moment that they begin to hinder us, they no longer fulfill their purpose. (p.8- The Original Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui-by Dr. Mikao Usui and Frank Arjava Petter).

Sweeping the Aura

Sweeping the aura of the healee is also a useful tool in a Reiki treatment. Start at the head. Place your hands a few inches above the physical body and slowly move your hands through the aura from the head to the feet. If you feel hot spots or cold spots or anything different leave your hands over the area for a few moments until you feel the energy change. Begin to Use your intuition. Even though you are not actually touching the physical body while sweeping the aura fields, Reiki energy is flowing through you and out of your hands. Sweeping the aura fields heals and balances the aura fields which directly affect physical health. After sweeping then proceed with the hands-on treatment. A full treatment may also be given by using the full treatment hand positions held a few inches above the body. This is a very advanced technique. You should use your intuition to help you feel how far away from the body to hold your hands. It can vary from a few inches to several feet depending on which layer of aura you need to access with the Reiki hand positions. Trust your intuition. Spot treatments may also be given in this way.

Changing Hand Positions

When moving the hands from one position to another, first move one hand and wait a few breaths before moving the other hand. This serves to jumper the energy from one position to the next. Of course if you feel heat or cold or anything really different, leave the hands in this position. This sends energy between your hands to the areas in between.

For instance when moving from the shoulder to the elbow one hand is under the shoulder and the other is on top of the elbow. The energy jumpers between your hands through the arm between your hands. Similar to jumper cables and a battery. After the basic hand positions have been mastered your intuition will have probably begun to develop. The Reiki hand positions and the order of the rounds may be changed according to your guidance from within. Reiki is an intuitive healing art. Some practitioners prefer to start with round two positions starting at the solar plexus. This again is about using your intuition. Then Round One positions are done second, starting at the head. Make sure you wash your hands after working on the feet in this order because your hands will be near the nose when you do the head positions. Then Round Three positions are done.

The Universe
The universe is a great organism and because of this, all living things in the universe respond to Reiki energy. Animals and plants are very sensitive to Reiki energy and sometimes truly amazing results can take place when using Reiki energy to heal them.

The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the earth we walk on are charged with Ki. Ki is not the physical energy of nutrients, oxygen or magnetic currents but the subtle life force energy within them. Ki is not limited to just the external world but composes the life essence within us as well. Working with Ki greatly expands our understanding of Healing.

Laying Aside the Ego

The laying aside of the ego for Reiki practitioners is accomplished by the simple act of placing their hands on themselves or another person with the intent to heal. By doing this the higher will of the "Reiki Source" manifests or flows through the practitioner into the healee. It is the ki or prana that flows through the practitioner to the healee that heals. The Reiki source guides the flow and direction of this ki or prana to where it is needed most to bring the highest good to the healee. The laying aside of a little more of the ego for the Reiki practitioner is also accomplished by the simple act of breathing complete breaths with the intent to heal during a Reiki treatment. By doing this, a much greater amount of ki is pumped through you and guided by the Reiki Source into the healee. You lend your hands to the Reiki Source, and you lend your breath to the Reiki Source. Learning how to breathe The Complete Breath is easy, and working with it during a treatment will help deepen the flow of energy. In this way your consciousness or "acting body" becomes linked with the Rei-ki current flowing through you. This linking is called "field coupling". By linking your consciousness with the Reiki current, the Reiki Source can better guide you as to where and how long to leave your hands during a treatment.

Further Study
There is a great need for people in the Healing Community to work together to bring healing to the whole planet. Reiki is not about competition but about cooperation and Love. The first degree students should expand their view of Reiki by not only practicing Reiki but by doing some outside reading. You will enjoy reading about what other people are doing with Reiki. The Original Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui--by Dr. Mikao Usui and Frank Arjava Petter Besides books on Reiki a highly recommended book for the first degree student is "Creating Affluence" by Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Keys to the Kingdom

Second Degree Right Intent
When you have reached the place where you have Faith in God, in nature and yourself, you know the Word of power; your word is balm for every wound, is cure for all the ills of life. The healer is the one who can inspire Faith. The tongue may speak to human ears, but souls are reached by souls that speak to souls. You are the forceful one when your soul is large, and you can enter into souls, inspiring Hope in those who have no Hope, and Faith in those who have no Faith in God, in nature, nor in humanity. A thousand things produce inharmony and make people sick; a thousand things may tune the harpsichord, and make people well. An herb may heal the one; a drink of water may restore another one; a mountain breeze may bring to life one seeming past all help; A coal of fire, or bit of earth, may cure another one; and one may wash in certain streams, or pools, and be made whole. The virtue from the hand or breath may heal a thousand more; but Love is queen. Thought, reinforced by Love, is God's great sovereign balm. Jesus bowed his head in recognition of the wisdom of this master soul, and went his way. (Udraka- Aquarian Gospel ch. 23:13-21) Perhaps you think that different kinds of Love are possible. Perhaps you think there is a kind of Love for this, a kind of Love for that; a way of Loving one, another way of Loving still another. Love is one. It has no separate parts and no degrees; no kinds nor levels, no divergencies and no distinctions. It is like itself, unchanged throughout. It never alters with a person or a circumstance. It is the Heart of God. (A Course in Miracles- workbook lesson 127)

The Legend of Reiki

Long before time, space and patience, all things and all beings were unmanifest, just a probability in The Field of all possibilities. The Field was just an aura around The Source, and Life's energy was just an ever expanding dream of becoming a fully realized being.

The dream of becoming was a reoccurring dream; And the dream was somehow mysteriously guided from somewhere deep within. The more The Source examined this mysterious force of inner guidance, the more mysterious it became. It was observed that all of Life's energy was being guided from the inner most depths of "The Highest Source". The mysteries of guidance were pondered and no name could be found to adequately describe The Force. Then, as if out of nowhere, came a name for the inner guidance of "The Highest Source". The name of Reiki reverberated and a wave of Light then flowed through The Source and The Field of Dreams. The waves of Light kept reoccurring in the reoccurring dreams until patterns of Creation began to emerge. Deeper and deeper into the realm of dreams The Highest Source imagined, trying to discover the true intent of the Reiki force. Then as if in the twinkling of an eye, The Highest Source entered into the deepest of dreams in The Field of Dreams, known as Nirvana. A brilliant flash of enlightenment then occurred, and the True Intent of Reiki and its Source became known. All was at peace. All was One At One. All had entered, forever into Eternal Love, the true intent of Reiki and the Reiki Source.

The Nature of Manifestation

Religion and science both study the origin and nature of the universe and the physical world. Systematized knowledge derived from objective observation, study and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature of life is called the search for truth! Dr. Deepak Chopra, M.D., in his book "Creating Affluence," says that according to physicists, the source of the universe is called the Unified Field or Quantum Field. He explains that everything that is evident or manifested has its origin in the Unified Field. The Unified Field by itself is unmanifested, without form, a void and/or a field of all possibilities. Physicists tell us the Unified Field is an unmanifested oneness of energy and information. Waves, frequencies or impulses of energy and information materialize from the Unified Field in the form of subatomic particles that make up atoms. The subatomic particles, such as protons, electrons, quarks, bosons, leptons etc., that make up an atom of hydrogen or an atom of oxygen are the same. An atom of hydrogen is different from an atom of oxygen because of the different quantities and combinations of these subatomic particles or impulses of energy and information. Molecules are groups of atoms. When molecules are combined chemically, they are called compounds. Organic compounds all contain molecules of carbon. Organic compounds are the basis for all life forms (on planet earth). Example: carbohydrates (sugars), lipids (fat), proteins (muscle), and DNA. Cells, composed of molecules, are the basic structural building blocks of any organism. Example: blood cells and nerve cells, etc. Tissues are groups of similar cells working together performing a certain function, for example: the four kinds of tissues- epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nerve tissue.

Organs are composed of two or more different kinds of tissues, for example: heart, lungs, liver etc. Body systems are groups of organs performing a certain function, for example: the digestive system. An organism is the total of all systems together, for example: Human Being.

Quantum Mechanics
Subatomic particles are so small they can't be seen by the naked eye or even with a microscope. Physicists know that subatomic particles exist because of the trails they leave behind on the photographic plates. The photographic plates are used to record the Unified Field experiments inside of particle accelerators. In the particle accelerator experiments, physicists discovered something amazing. The trails of the subatomic particles only showed up on the photographic plates when there were people observing the experiments. When the scientists were out to lunch, no one was observing the Unified Field experiments. Nothing showed up on the photographic plates of the experiments that took place while they were out to lunch . This basic discovery showed scientists that when attention is focused on the Unified Field, that waves of energy change into particles. Conversely when our attention is not focused on the Unified Field, no particles materialize. Our attention when focused on the Unified Field is actually enough to change a wave to particle. These experiments prove that the universe is essentially mind stuff. Scientists have shown that our attention or mental activities actually transform themselves into molecules called neuropeptides. These neuropeptides are not only found in the brain but in every cell of the body. Neuropeptides are the chemical messengers of our thought patterns to the cells in our bodies. What we focus our attention on actually makes a difference in our body chemistry and health. When we place our attention on the qualities of the Unified Field, these qualities manifest in our awareness and in our body chemistry and health. The process of materializing particles, peptides or planets into existence by the focusing of mental activity on the Unified Field is called Quantum Mechanics. The Unified Field is the essence of the Creator of the Higher Power of Divine Love, and it is all around us, omnipresent and intelligent. Our attention and intention materializes from the field this quantum energy, life energy, Ki, Chi, Reiki or Universal Life Force Energy. No matter what words you use, it is all One Energy. There is only one power in the universe and that is Love. All other powers, that seem to be, are only illusion.

Healing Affirmation
I am here only to be truely helpful. I am here to represent The One who sent me. I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because The One who sent me will direct me. I am content to be wherever You wish, knowing You go there with me. I will be healed as I let You teach me to heal.

(Course in Miracles- Text-p.24)

Symbols of the First Unfoldment

The Ascension Reiki Symbols
The Symbols of Reiki are so old that they predate any written language. The Symbols are like ancient cave drawings from the Heart Cave of humanity. This Heart Cave of Humanity is the secret chamber within our Collective Conscious and Collective Unconscious. The Symbols are like star maps of the inner Cosmos sometimes called Akasha. These ancient star maps preserve the knowledge of the primordial energy systems and their evolution into the anatomical structures of the material universe as well as the path of return. The symbols have appeared and disappeared throughout history. The symbols always seem to reappear just when humanity is ready to understand more about them. They have appeared in many variations throughout history. The clarity of the symbols depends upon the depth of the inner vision of humanity. The Reiki symbols are keys that connect us with the Akasha and Reiki energy at the Collective Conscious and Collective Unconscious levels.

Akasha is a Sanskrit word, and means primary substance, that out of which all things are formed. According to the Aquarian philosophy, it is the first stage of the crystallization of spirit. This philosophy recognizes the fact that all primordial substance is spirit; that matter is spirit moving at a lower rate of vibration, becoming, as one master expressed it, a coagulum. This Akashic, or primary substance, is of exquisite fineness and is so sensitive that the slightest vibrations of an ether any place in the universe register and indelible impression upon it. This primal substance is not relegated to any particular part of the universe, but is everywhere present. It is in very fact the "Universal Mind" (Collective Conscious, Collective Unconscious) of which our metaphysicians speak. When the mind of man is in exact accord with the Universal Mind man enters into a conscious recognition of these Akashic impressions, and may collect them and translate them into any language of earth with which he is familiar. [Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ- p.10 (transcribed by Levi Dowling)]

Unlocking The Mysteries Of The Symbols

There are sixteen symbols that are commonly used in Ascension Reiki. There are additional symbols used in other Reiki forms. Each symbol is like a letter in an ancient almost forgotten healing and attunement language. As a person works with and studies the symbols a knowledge of the language begins to emerge into one's consciousness. This language is a link through our inner selves to the Highest Source, our Creator.

It isn't necessary to understand the symbols completely to use them, but you will be able to use them better as you learn their meaning.and you let their mysteries unfold within you. The Symbols of Ascension Reiki are Archytipal in nature. That is to say that they directly represent the main aspects of our Subtle Anatomical Nature.

The First Unfoldment

There are many variations in the attunements of Usui Reiki. There are also many forms of the symbols used in Usui Reiki. The symbols of Usui Reiki have a deeper meaning when you superimpose the layering of the chakras upon them. The first unfoldment of Ascension Reiki is an advancement in the evolution of six symbols used in the many variations of Dr. Usui's Reiki. The T'ai-chi T'u symbol was added by the Ascended Masters to bring a total of seven symbols in the first unfoldment. Each symbol has a relationship to our subtle anatomy, The Ascended Masters and Our Creator. The placement of the chakras upon each symbol and the association of the Elohim and Ascended Masters and their anatomical relationship with the Creator is the first unfoldment. With these seven symbols of Ascension Reiki it is possible for the beginning Ascension Reiki Master to accomplish all nine attunements with only seven symbols. Each of the Seven Symbols has many layers of meaning within the body and above the head. The Seven symbols are used to attune the seven chakras from the crown down and with intent and their connection with the Ascended Masters to attune the chakras above the head. This was the first unfoldment of understanding of how to attune the total anatomy of the higher self. This method of attunement given by the Ascended Masters was put into practice for several years before the Symbols of the second unfoldment were given. Study of this first unfoldment method can reveal much about the nature of the attunement language of Ascension Reiki. The Seven Chakra Symbols are as follows:

This symbol in Ascension Reiki is called the Symbol of the Elohim. The Elohim are the Seven Spirits of the Creator. These Seven Spirits are Transcendental Beings that are the personalities of the Seven Lower Chakras of the Creator. These Seven Chakras are from the crown down along the Governing Vessel (Sushumna) of The Unmanifested One, our Creator. These Seven Chakras are also known as the Seven Heavens. The First chakra is the first Heaven and is the Universal Plane.

This symbol also is the symbol of the seven energies of:

The Acting Body (Seven Endocrine Glands, Seven Bodily Systems) The Thinking Body (Seven Auras) The Seven Energies in the Feeling Body (The Seven Lower Chakras).

Jesus calls the Elohim The Seven Spirits and The Sevens of Time. Buddha calls The Elohim the Seven Elements of Knowledge and Krishna calls the Elohim the Seven Sages. They are also known as the Seven Rishis or Sapta Rishis. The Elohim symbol also represents the first chakra in the Body of the Transcendental Creator. The name of this First Chakra is Hope. Hope is a Spiritual being whose essence is the Grounding Energy of the Universe and everything in it. Hope is one of the Mighty Elohim. The first chakra is also associated with the Gonads. 1st chakra- Hope- We are Grounded in the Spirit of Hope- Gonads In Usui Reiki this symbol in its shorthand version, without it's chakras in it, is one of the versions of the symbol called "Dai-Ko-Myo" and is a Master Attunement Symbol.

This symbol in Ascension Reiki is called "The Logos of the Circle Seven". Logos means the perfect word which creates, the Word of Power. Logos of the Holy One, Circle of the Human Race, Seven of Time. "Logos of the Circle Seven" is the name given to the Ascended Masters, Mother Mary and Jesus by the Brotherhood of the Great White Light and the Hierophants of the Secret Brotherhood of the Egyptians. This symbol has two main levels of meaning. At one level it is connected with the first chakra above the head because of its name Logos of the Circle Seven. The Ascended Masters, Mother Mary and Jesus are associated with the first chakra above the head. Here it is connected with the Astral Body. The Logos symbol also represents the second chakra in the Body of the Transcendental Creator. The name of this Second Chakra is Faith. Faith is a Spiritual Being whose essence is the Spirit of Sharing with the Creator and with all living things. Faith is one of the Mighty Elohim. The second chakra is also associated with the Circulatory System and the Pancreas 2nd chakra- Faith- We Share or Commune in Faith with Our Creator and all Living ThingsCirculatory System, Pancreas In Usui Reiki this symbol is called "Cho-Ku-Rei". It is the power symbol- "Put the Power Here"

This symbol in Ascension Reiki is called "The Wellspring of Nirvana". It is the Symbol associated with the Ascended Masters, Yasodhara and Buddha. This symbol has two main levels of meaning. At one level it is connected with the second chakra above the head because of its name "The Wellspring of Nirvana" . The Ascended Masters, Yasodhara and Buddha are associated with the second chakra above the head and the Mind. This symbol also represents the third chakra of the Transcendental Creator. The name of the third chakra of the Transcendental Creator is Love. Acceptance of The Creator and All Living things in the Spirit of Love. Love is one of the Mighty Elohim. The third chakra is also associated with the Digestive System and the Adrenal Glands. 3rd Chakra- Love- Acceptance in Love- Digestive System, Adrenal Glands. In Usui Reiki this symbol is called "Dai-Ko-Myo" and is used for healing the soul and passing attunements.

This symbol in Ascension Reiki is called "Breath of the Eternal". It is the Symbol associated with the Ascended Masters, Uma and Brahman. This symbol has two main levels of meaning. At one level it is connected with the Soul and the third chakra above the head because of its name "Breath of the Eternal" . The Ascended Masters, Uma and Brahman are associated with the second chakra above the head and the Soul and Chakra System. This symbol also represents the fourth chakra, the heart chakra in the Body of the Transcendental Creator. The name of the fourth chakra of the Transcendental Creator is OM. OM is the Balancer. OM is one of the Mighty Elohim. The fourth chakra is also associated with the Respiratory System and the Thymus Gland. The symbol shows the path of breath energy in the body from the crown down. The two serpents are called Ida-Left and Pingala-Right. They are the two astral tubes that connect with the left and right nostrils. The Breath and Chi, Ki energy comes in the nose and winds its way down to the root chakra of both the Conceptual Vessel (Gray) and the Governing Vessel (Black). The Chi or prana then enters the Root Chakra which is shared by the two vessels and rises up to the Crown Chakra which is also shared by both vessels. The Chi travels up the Conceptual Vessel on the front of the body through its five chakras (gray). The Chi travels up the Governing Vessel along the spine through its seven chakras (black). 4th Chakra- OM- Balance in OM- Respiratory System, Thymus Gland In Usui Reiki this symbol is the advanced evolution of the symbol called "Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen" and is used in distant healing and attunements. It means the Buddha in me reaches out to the Buddha in you to promote enlightenment and peace.

This symbol in Ascension Reiki is called "The Fountain of Youth". It is the Symbol associated with the Ascended Masters, Radharani and Krishna. This symbol has two main levels of meaning. At one level it is connected with the fourth chakra above the head. The Ascended Masters, Radharani and Krishna are associated with the fourth chakra above the head and the Spirit, The Conceptual Vessel, The Governing Vessel and Meridian System. This symbol also represents the fifth chakra of the Transcendental Creator. The name of the fifth chakra of the Transcendental Creator is Christ. Christ is the Compassion of our Creator. Christ is one of the Mighty Elohim. The fifth chakra is also associated with the Muscular System and the Thyroid and Parathyroid glands. Karuna is a Sanskrit word that means "Compassionate Action". In this context you can say that Christ is the Karuna of our Creator. "The Fountain of Youth" symbol is the symbol of the Karuna of our Creator. 5th Chakra- Christ- Compassion in Christ- Muscular System, Thyroid and Parathyroid glands In Usui Reiki this symbol is called "Sei-He-Ki" and is used for emotional healing and passing attunements.

This symbol in Ascension Reiki is called "The Shining Way". It is the Symbol associated with the Ascended Master, I AM THAT I AM. This symbol has two main levels of meaning. At one level it is connected with the fifth chakra above the head. The I AM THAT I AM is associated with the fifth chakra above the head, The Will and the Main Chord. This symbol also represents the sixth chakra in the Body of the Transcendental Creator. The name of the sixth chakra (Third Eye Chakra) of the Transcendental Creator is Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings Humility. The Holy Spirit is one of the Mighty Elohim. The sixth chakra is also associated with the Skeletal System and the Pituitary gland. 6th Chakra- Holy Spirit- Harmony in the Holy Spirit- Skeletal System, Pituitary gland. In Usui Reiki this symbol is called "Raku" and in passing attunements. Banking the Fire.

This symbol in Ascension Reiki is called "Tai-chi T'u". It is the Symbol associated with our Creator, the Unmanifested One. This symbol has two main levels of meaning. At one level it is connected with the sixth chakra above the head. The Unmanifested One is associated with the sixth chakra above the head, The Higher Self, Life Energy. This symbol also represents the crown chakra of in the body of the Transcendental Creator. The name of the crown chakra of the Transcendental Creator is God. God brings alignment. God is one of the Mighty Elohim. The crown chakra is also associated with the Brain and Nerve System and the Pineal gland.

7th Chakra- God- Alignment in God- Brain and Nerve system, Pineal Gland. Why the Yin/Yang symbol looks like this-Yin/Yang Theory

Yin and Yang Theory

The Body Structure
In terms of the body, the front is considered Yin and the back Yang. The upper part of the body is considered more Yang than the lower part; the outer parts of the body (skin, hair, etc.) are more Yang than the inner Organs. The philosopher Zou Yen (c. 305-240 b.c.e.) describes this idea this way: "Heaven is high, the earth is low, and thus [Heaven and Earth] are fixed. As the high and low are thus made clear, the honorable and humble have their place accordingly. As activity and tranquillity have their constancy, the strong and the weak are thus differentiated. . . . Cold and hot season take their turn. . . . [Heaven] knows the great beginning, and [Earth] acts to bring things to completion. . . . [Heaven] is Yang and [Earth] is Yin:' Any Yin or Yang aspect can be further divided into Yin and Yang. This means that within each Yin and Yang category, another Yin and Yang category can be distinguished. It is an extension of the logic that divides all phenomena into Yin and Yang aspects, allowing further division within aspects ad infinitum. For example, temperature can be divided into cold (Yin) and hot (Yang), but cold can be divided further into icy cold (Yin) and moderately cold (Yang). In the body, the front of the trunk is Yin compared with the back, but the front can be divided further so that the abdomen is Yin in relation to the chest. (Page 9--The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted J. Kaptchuk)

Within the body, Yin and Yang influences are always at work. The roles of Yin and Yang within the body structure are summarized The living body has shape, structure, and weight. These are its Yin qualities. It is also active, warm, and responsive to its environment -attributes that are essentially Yang. The head and the upper part of the body are more Yang; they, are nearer Heaven. The feet and lower parts are more Yin; they are closer to the Earth. The back and the exposed surfaces of the limbs are Yang. When we turn our backs against a cold wind, these are the strong, proactive aspects we present to the outside. The front and the protected inner aspects of the limbs are Yin. When we curl up in a defensive "armadillo" position, these are the soft, vulnerable inner surfaces we seek to protect The skin, the outermost layer of the physical body, and the muscles, the active body tissue that enables us to move, are both Yang. The bones, the deepest, hardest, and most stable of the structural tissues, are Yin. So also are the internal organs, protected within the ribcage and the pelvic cavity. These are the deepest, most essential layer of our being. (p. 21- The Book Of Shiatsu by Paul Lundberg

Yin Organs
Lung Heart Pericardium Spleen Kidney Liver

Yang Organs
Large Intestine Small Intestine Lymph Stomach Urinary Bladder Gall Bladder

Why Yin Yang Symbol looks like this way? Where does the Yin Yang Symbol come from?
is a well-known Chinese Yin Yang symbol. Sometimes it's called Tai-Chi symbol. The Tai-Chi is from I-Ching. The I-Ching is the greatest foundation of Chinese philosophy. Its development is from the natural phenomena of our universe. Because I-Ching comes from nature, it should be easy. The Chinese characters of I-Ching are . The second character means a book, a profound book. The first character means ease or change. Since I-Ching is easy, some people call it as "The Book of Ease" or "The Book of Changes". The original Chinese character of is , which is a symbol combining the sun (top) and moon (bottom). It's easy for people to understand the philosophy by talking about the sun (Yang), moon (Yin) and universe. After observing the universe, ancient Chinese found that the universe is changing every day. Although it changes easily every day, it also has seasonal and annual cycles. From these cycles the unchanging rules are created. However, it's not easy to use the method to find the unchanging rules from the universe and apply on human activities. That's why some people think I-Ching is easy and some don't.

The Dipper at night

By observing the sky, recording the Dipper's positions and watching the shadow of the Sun from an 8-foot (Chinese measurement) pole, ancient Chinese determined the four directions. The direction of sunrise is the East; the direction of sunset is the West; the direction of the shortest shadow is the South and the direction of the longest shadow is the North. At night, the direction of the Polaris star is the North.

They noticed the seasonal changes. When the Dipper points to the East, it's spring; when the Dipper points to the South, it's summer; when the Dipper points to the West, it's fall; when the Dipper points to the North, it's winter.

When observing the cycle of the Sun, ancient Chinese simply used a pole about 8 feet long, posted at right angles to the ground and recorded positions of the shadow. Then they found the length of a year is around 365.25 days. They even divided the year's cycle into 24 Segments, including the Vernal Equinox, Autumnal Equinox, Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice, using the sunrise and Dipper positions. They used six concentric circles, marked the 24-Segment points, divided the circles into 24 sectors and recorded the length of shadow every day. The shortest shadow is found on the day of Summer Solstice. The longest shadow is found on the day of Winter Solstice. After connecting each lines and dimming Yin Part from Summer Solstice to Winter Solstice, the Sun chart looks like below. The ecliptic angle 23 26' 19'' of the Earth can be seen in this chart.

The Ecliptic is the Sun's apparent path around the Earth. It's tilted relative to the Earth's equator. The value of obliquity of the Ecliptic is around 23 26' 19'' in year 2000.

By rotating the Sun chart and positioning the Winter Solstice at the bottom, it will look like this . The light color area which indicates more sunlight is called Yang (Sun). The dark color area has less sunlight (more moonlight) and is called Yin (Moon). Yang is like man. Yin is like woman. Yang wouldn't grow without Yin. Yin couldn't give birth without Yang. Yin is born (begins) at Summer Solstice and Yang is born (begins) at Winter Solstice. Therefore one little circle Yin is marked on the Summer Solstice position. Another little circle Yang is marked on the Winter Solstice position. These two little circles look like two fish eyes.

In general, the Yin Yang symbol is a Chinese representation of the entire celestial phenomenon. It contains the cycle of Sun, four seasons, 24-Segment Chi, the foundation of the I-Ching and the Chinese calendar. Copyright 1999-2003 Allen Tsai

Symbols of the Second Unfoldment

This symbol is the Symbol of the Ascended Masters, Mother Mary and Jesus. The Great Pyramids has a square base for the four directions and the four sides slope at app. 51.4 degrees. This is 1/7th of a circle. Mother Mary and Jesus are the Ascended Masters associated with the first chakra above the head in the Transcendental Creator. They are also associated with the astral Body.

This symbol is the Symbol of the Ascended Masters, Yasodhara and Buddha. This symbol shows the equality of above and below. Yasodhara and Buddha are the Ascended Masters associated with the second chakra above the head in the Transcendental Creator. They are also associated with the Mind of the Creator.

This symbol is the Symbol of the Ascended Masters, Uma and Brahman. This symbol shows the addition of the circle of the earth within it. Uma and Brahman are the Ascended Masters associated with the third chakra above the head in the Transcendental Creator. They are also associated with the Soul of the Creator.

This symbol is the Symbol of the Ascended Masters, Radharani and Krishna. This symbol shows the addition of the circle of the universe on the outside. Radharani and Krishna are the Ascended Masters associated with the fourth chakra above the head in the Transcendental Creator. They are also associated with the Spirit of the Creator.

This symbol is the Symbol of the Ascended Master, I AM THAT I AM. This symbol shows the addition of the circle of Creation. The I AM THAT I AM is associated with the fifth chakra above the head in the Transcendental Creator. The I AM THAT I AM is associated with the Will of the Creator.

This symbol is the Symbol of the Unmanifested One our Creator. This symbol is the symbol of the Transcendental OM and the Transcendental Nature of our Creator shows the addition of the circle of Creation. The Unmanifested One is associated with the sixth chakra above the head in the Transcendental Creator. The Unmanifested One is associated with the Higher Self of the Creator.

Symbols of the Third Unfoldment

The Symbols of Third Unfoldment

There are three new symbols in the third unfoldment. One for the Acting Body, one for the thinking body and one for the feeling body.

The Rainbow Man- The Acting Body

This symbol is called The Indalo or Rainbow Man. This symbol represents the Acting Body and also is a symbol that is used under the feet as a grounding symbol. To draw the symbol draw the figure of the being starting with the head, then straight down drawing the body, then the legs, then the arms and last the rainbow. The Acting Body is the physical body and its Seven Anatomical Systems. Endocrine System- Seven Endocrine Glands, Reproduction Circulatory System- Blood, Heart, Arteries, Veins, Lymph System Digestive System Respiratory System Muscular System Skeletal System Brain and Nerve System

The Eye of Horus- The Thinking Body

The drawings and some of the following information on the Eye of Horus was found at: We have added our own insights into the symbol and arranged the information is a more logical anatomical order.

The Eye of Horus is the symbol for the Thinking Body. The Thinking Body is composed of the Seven Auras around the Body and their relationships to the Seven Chakras along the spine. The Thinking Body is also composed of the Five Auras of the Five senses and their relationship to the Five chakras on the front body along the Conceptual Vessel. To draw the symbol start by drawing the eyebrow and then draw the rest of the parts of the eye how ever it is comfortable for you. The EYE OF HORUS has a very specific meaning. The eye is represented as a figure with 6 parts. These 6 parts correspond to the six senses - Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, Hearing and Perception. The eye is the receptor of *input*. It has these six doors, to receive data.


These are the parts of the EYE and their corresponding anatomical function.

1. Perception In the Egyptian School this part of the EYE represents thought. We often use our eyebrows to express our thoughts and perceptions. And this facial feature is closest to that part of the forehead we associate with perception and how we think about what we perceive. We raise our eyebrows to express perceptions of surprise and how we think about them. 2. Hearing

This part of the EYE represents the EAR. The figure points towards the ear on the face. Also, it has the shape of a horn or musical instrument. 3. Sight

This is the pupil of the EYE. And so no more needs to be said. It represents seeing, or the sensation of light. 4. Smell

This part of the EYE points to the nose. It even looks like a nose. It represents the sensation of smell.

5. Taste

This part of the EYE represents the sprouting of the wheat or grain from the planted stalk. It is the food we put into our mouth. And so represents taste. 6. Touch

This part of the EYE represents planting a stick into the ground. Like planting a stalk that will take root. The Earth represents touch. Planting itself represents physical contact and touching.

The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path of At-One-Ment

In the teachings of the Ascended Masters many parallel lessons can be found. These parallels of information when viewed as a whole bring a deeper understanding of the lessons themselves. A remarkable similarity between the Four Noble Truths and the four parts of the Great Commandment can be seen in the following chart. The parallels in the Eightfold Path and the Eight Steps in the Ascension Path are also shown. Cross reference comparisons can be found in "The Teachings of The Compassionate Buddha" by E. A. Burtt on pages 27-32 and in "The Bible" in Matthew ch.22:37-39 and Mark ch. 12:29-31. We do know from the accounts in the Aquarian Gospel that the Master Jesus studied the teachings of every land, including the teachings of Buddha, during his travels from the age of 12 to the age of 30. For this reason there are no accounts in the Bible of what he did during this time. He was gone from the area. And Jesus said, In every way of earth-life I would walk; in every hall of learning I would sit; the heights that any man has gained, these I would gain; What any man has suffered I would meet, that I may know the griefs, the disappointments and the sore temptations of my brother man; that I may know just how to succor those in need. (Aquarian Gospel Ch.47:12-13)

I. Princess Yasodhara and Guatama Buddha teach that there are Four Noble Truths: I.Mother Mary and Jesus teach that The Great Commandment is this:
II. Separation (from the Creator) is unhappiness. II. Our Creator is One. III. Unhappiness is caused by selfish craving. III. Love the One Creator. IV. Selfish craving can be overcome. IV. Love the One Creator with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, with all your spirit and with all your will. V. It can be overcome by following the Eightfold Path of At-One-Ment whose steps are: V. Love your neighbor as you Love the One Creator and yourself. 1. Right View 1. The Crucifixion- laying aside of the ego for the manifestation of the will of the "Highest Source". 2. Right Intent 2. Entombment- Inner transformation through the right intention for "Unconditional Love". 3. Right Speech 3. Resurrection- rejuvenation through the word becoming flesh. Manifestation through right speech. 4. Right Focus 4. Recognition of the Resurrected Master. He is recognized by his disciples friends and family. 5. Right Alertness 5. Higher consciousness is taught by the Resurrected Master. (learning from the teachings of the masters) 6. Right Purpose 6. The ascension of the Resurrected Master Jesus to the source of Creation to show "The Way" and the possibilities open to everyone. 7. Right Effort 7. The anointing (attunement) passed on to Mother Mary and the disciples on the day of Pentecost. This enabled them to heal and teach in the Holy Spirit. 8. Right Motivation 8. Healing the human condition on every level in the Mode of "Unconditional Love"

Note: There are different translations of the Eight Steps and the order is a little different so I have
tried below to organize the steps according to Anatomical Order and present the different translations next to my own understanding of the Eightfold Path. Below is information from three translations "The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha" by E. A. Burtt, "Buddhism" by Richard A. Gard and "The Living Buddha" by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. 1. Right View- (Right View- Right Understanding of the Four Noble Truths)(1) 2. Right Intent- (Right Aim- Right Thought- Right Thinking)(2) 3. Right Speech- (Right Speech)(3) 4. Right Focus- (Right Conduct- Right Acting- Right Ideals)(4) 5. Right Alertness (Right Alertness- Right Mindfulness)(7) 6. Right Purpose (Right Purpose- Right Aspiration- Right Vocation- Right Livelyhood)(5,2) 7. Right Effort (Right Effort- Right Remembrance of the Self)(6)(7) 8. Right Motivation (Right Concentration- Right Realization of the goal of Life)(8)

Affirmation of the Mind

Yasodhara and Buddha, We ask to be a channel of Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing

and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

Evolution of the Eye of Horus Symbol

In this version of the Eye of Horus the eyebrow symbolizes perception. The other parts of the eye symbolize The Five Senses of Perception-----Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight and Hearing. The symbol shows us that perceptions are through the five senses. Many insights can be gained by studying this symbol.

In the Ascension Reiki version of the Eye of Horus Symbol the eyebrow still symbolizes perception. The eyebrow has now become the Elohim Symbol. The perception comes through The Elohim as well as the Five Transcendental Senses of the Ascended Masters.


The Elohim God- Crown Chakra Holy Spirit- Third Eye Chakra Christ- Throat Chakra OM- Heart Chakra Love- Third Chakra Faith- Second Chakra Hope- Root Chakra Radharani and Krishna- Sight Uma and Brahman- Smell Yasodhara and Buddha- Taste Mary and Jesus- Touch

The Ascended Masters

I AM THAT I AM- Hearing

The Kabbalah- The Feeling Body

The Kabbalah is the Symbol for the Feeling Body. There are many levels of understanding that are associated with it.

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life Symbol has been around for thousands of years. There are different forms of this symbol, each having different layers of understanding and interpretation. All the versions of the symbol have several things in common.

Each is an "Archetypal Representation" at one or more levels. Each is composed of Spheres and pathways of energy connecting the Spheres Each has three columns of Spheres. (Left-Yin)(Central-Core)(Right-Yang)

The Kabbalah Tree of Life

The Kabala- Tree of Life

The word 'Qabala' finds its root in the Hebrew word 'Qibel' meaning 'to receive by oral tradition'. This receiving refers to an oral tradition of esoteric or secret knowledge concerning 'essentially' the mysteries of Nature, and more overtly, the hidden teachings concerning the Hebrew Torah. The Torah is, of course, the first five books of what Christians call the Old Testament, and the oldest surviving of the Judaic liturgical texts. The Kabala is an ancient Hebrew mystical system of thought. It is a symbolic representation of the path the Divine followed in the creation of the universe, including man. It is, by definition, humanity's process of returning to divinity along the same path. Kabbala, also spelled KABALA, KABBALAH, CABALA, CABBALA, OR CABBALAH, is an esoteric Jewish mysticism as it appeared in the 12th and following centuries. Kabbala has always been essentially an oral tradition in that initiation into its doctrines and practices is conducted by a personal guide to avoid the dangers inherent in mystical experiences. Esoteric Kabbala is also "tradition" inasmuch as it lays claim to secret knowledge of the unwritten Torah (divine revelation) that was communicated by God to Moses and Adam. Though observance of the Law of Moses remained the basic tenet of Judaism, Kabbala provided a means of approaching God directly.(The quote above, the three color pictures and the explanation of the Ten Spheres below from --you can visit their site by clicking on this link and read more and see the images much larger)

The Ten Sefirot of the Kabala Tree of Life

(Ten Spheres)


If you would like to read about the Kamitic Tree of Life you can use the following link.

The Energetic Anatomy Tree of Life

(Formulated by Caroline Myss, PH.D The Tree of Life is a symbolic diagram, which has been used by Kabbalists (Judaism's most ancient mystical sect) for several thousand years. It explains how energy flows down from God into the world.............. The ten sefirot are arranged in a way that divides them into seven levels. Each of these levels corresponds perfectly with those of the chakra and sacrament systems, and represents a quality of power that is essential for us to develop in order to maintain a healthy body - both physically and


The Ascension Reiki- Tree of Life

The Tree of Life Symbol has many levels of meaning. It has meaning as a two dimensional as well as three dimensional Symbol.

Drawing the Symbols

Drawing the symbols is the first step in working with the energy associated with them. Draw the left hand version with the left hand and the right hand symbols with the right hand. Just follow the numbers and the arrows and trace the symbols. You can draw the symbols in many ways. With the index finger, with the palm of the hand or just with your mind. Practice drawing them until you can draw them without looking at the drawings. Then progress on to the next step of learning how to use them in the hands on treatment and how to send them in distant healing.

The Elohim
Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

Logos of the Circle Seven

Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

Wellspring of Nirvana
Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

Breath of the Eternal

Draw both with Left Hand

Draw both with Right Hand

Fountain of Youth
Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

The Shining Way

Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

T'ai-chi T'u
Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

These symbols can be drawn in any way that is easy for you. Just trace the shapes and use your intent. You can draw with one hand or both hands which ever is easier. Rainbow Man

Eye of Horus


These symbols can be drawn in any way that is easy for you. You can draw with one hand or both hands. Symbol of Mary and Jesus

Symbol of Yasodhara and Buddha

Symbol of Uma and Brahman

Symbol of Radharani and Krishna

Symbol of the I AM Presence

Symbol of the Unmanifested One

Working with the Symbols

The Ascension Reiki Symbols are very powerful tools in healing. They carry with them energy and understanding far beyond our normal comprehension. They are part of an ancient almost forgotten healing language used to communicate with the Creator. Even though each symbol can represent a particular part of a persons anatomy each symbol also has many other layers of meaning and we shouldn't limit ourselves with our own understanding of a particular symbol. We can use the symbols in many different ways. For instance we might use the Cho-Ku-Rei for healing of the second chakra on the back body or for healing of the digestive system. But we shouldn't limit a symbol's use to a specific anatomical aspect of a person. The Cho-Ku-Rei is also about putting the power here. Keeping this in mind, we can use any symbol anywhere on a person during a treatment. As you learn to use the symbols, your intuition will develop in their use. Learn to trust your intuition. Our Creator and the Ascended Masters, The Elohim, your other guides and angels will teach you how to use them and what they mean if you simply are willing to trust and have the little bit of willingness to see things differently. Once you have learned how to draw the symbols, you can begin using them in hands on treatments. The symbols can be drawn and used either full size or hand size. This is very easy. Let your intuition guide you. Sometimes it is good to draw a full sized symbol a few inches above the body at the beginning of a treatment. For instance, drawing the Cho-Ku-Rei full size is very easy. When the person is lying on their back, draw the symbol a few inches above the body, full size from the top of the head to the base of the spine. Draw the spirals through the chakras. You will end up over the heart chakra. Then gently push your hand down till almost touching the body to push the symbol into the body. All the symbols can be used full size in this way. All the symbols can be drawn hand size and sent to different organs or parts of the body. For instance, you wish to use a symbol in one of the hand positions in a full treatment or a spot treatment. Just draw the symbol before you place your hand or hands in position and push the symbol in as you place your hand into position. One or all the symbols can be used in any hand position. Be creative and trust your intuition.

Distant Healing
The idea that healing can flow through you to another person who could be thousands of miles away is one of the most intriguing aspects of Reiki Healing. It is easily done and works very well. There are many techniques for sending Reiki at a distance. Just experiment with the different methods until you until you find one or more that you are comfortable with. Distant healing may be done at an appointed time that the practitioner and the healee agree on ahead of time. The Healee just agrees to sit or lie comfortably for an agreed upon amount of time. Fifteen minutes to a half an hour usually. The practitioner sends the Reiki Healing Energy during this time in the method that they are guided to use. It is a very good idea to begin the treatment with a prayer or affirmation as well as using the Rainbow Man exercise to open the energy. This helps bring in a deeper intent. The Ascension Reiki

Affirmation in Healing Hands as well as the Healing Affirmation in Keys to the Kingdom are good affirmations to use. They are well balanced in their intent.

The First Method is to use a surrogate like a pillow or a stuffed animal like a teddy bear. Just imagine that the surrogate is the person you are working on and do the hand positions that you are led to use either for a full treatment or spot treatment. The Second Method is to just picture the person either sitting or lying down an place your hands where you are led to place them. The Third Method is sit in a comfortable chair and hold your hands palms up and with your intent simply send it to the healee. You may just visualize them either sitting or lying down and send Reiki to the whole person letting the healing totally surround them and fill them. The Reiki energy always knows where to go and what to do to bring healing. The Fourth Method is to use the symbols along with any of the first three methods. There are many ways that you will discover. Let your intuition develope and trust.

Sending the Symbols

There are many methods for sending the symbols. Three methods are described below but you will discover others as you work with the symbols in distant healing. The First method is to draw the symbol in the air with your hand. Then along with your intent push it away from you with your hand to the healee. You may send one, two, three or all of the symbols to the healee as you are led to do. Always trust your intuition. Love is your intent. Use your left hand to draw and send the left hand (yin) versions of the symbols and your right hand to send the right hand (yang) versions of the symbols. You can also draw and send with both hands at the same time, sending both yin and yang versions of the symbols simultaneously.

The Second Method is to draw the symbol in the air with your index finger. Then along with your intent and a flick of the wrist point and send the symbol to the healee. You may send one, two, three or all of the symbols to the healee as you are led to do. Always trust your intuition. Love is your intent. Use your left hand to draw and send the left hand (yin) versions of the symbols and your right hand to send the right hand (yang) versions of the symbols. You can also draw and send with both hands at the same time sending both yin and yang versions of the symbols simultaneously.

The Third method is to just visualize the symbols and send them with your intent. Sometimes you may be led to send only one symbol. Perhaps only the yin version. Other times you be led to send two or three symbols. You can't really make a mistake in sending the symbols. Love is always your intent and Intuition is your guide, trust and allow the little bit of willingness it takes to see things differently work inside of you to help others.

Universal Language
Third Degree Right Speech
Listen and understand. What goes into one's mouth does not make a person clean or unclean, but what comes out of the mouth, that is what makes one clean or unclean. Don't you see that whatever goes into the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart. (Jesus- Bible- Matthew- 15:10&17) 3. The Feeling Body (The Chakra Body from the Crown down or Causal Body, cosmic consciousness, the cosmic unconscious) The Third Degree of Usui Reiki- Attuning others with Reiki Right Speech (Dhyana Yoga, Japa Yoga)- Calling upon the Names of the Ascended Masters and Names of the Creator

The Universal Language of the Ki-Rays

The Highest Source always dreamed of being a Creator, and so it was dreamed and so it was done. The Ki Rays of Creation in the reoccurring dream grew in intensity until Critical Mass was reached. There was a great flash of light and the Sound of OM reverberated like rolling thunder. The Transcendental Light carried in it the patterns of the creation of all Beings. The Thunder of OM carried in it the evolutionary patterns of all the heavens and universe, which would be the dwelling place of all beings.

In the Beginning all beings were made of light. And the light of our One Creator is the light within us all. And we were called the Children of Light. The Light of Ki-Rays shown forth from the hearts of all beings and became the first language. This first language of Ki-Rays was an unbroken circle of Eternal Light and Love that emanated from within all beings. The Light of Ki-Rays connects all beings with each other and with our Creator. No truer language has ever been unspoken. A simple smile was enough to communicate all Love and all Light among all beings. The Universal Language of the Ki-Rays is sometimes called Ray-Ki, sometimes spelled Rei-Ki. The Rolling Thunder of OM rolled along in waves of reverberating possibilities of evolutionary patterns of creation. There was another flash of light, and the first quantum event took place. In the beginning there was Light. All things came from the light and were dependent upon the light. Even Time, Space and Patience drew their relative measurements and harmonies from Light, the only constant in a Universe in flux. The Light from the Great Central Sun refracted into the Great Rays, and the illuminated bodies appeared. All the galaxies, all the stars, all the planets, all the moons, all Beings and Non Beings sang together the "Uni-verse" which we call the Song of God.

The Legend of Ascension Reiki

Near the beginning of Earth time many of the Children of Light saw the beauty of the Earth and began to play in the Field of Dreams of the Earth Plane. In their haste to experience the material world, they descended into matter without the inner guidance of Ki-Rays and the Rei-Ki Source. They created physical forms around their beings and descended into the material world. The further they descended into the material world, the more dense became the forms they inhabited. The more dense the forms, the more difficult it became to ascend out of the material world. The more these children played at creation without the inner guidance of Ki-Rays, the more difficult it became to remember their way home from their adventures in the material world. Their came a time when the density of their creations was so great that these children became entrapped in the material world and forgot they were beings of light and forgot the true nature of their origin. They were then called the Children of Earth and become subject to the cycles of birth and death.. At the first signs of entrapment there was a great gathering of the Children of Light upon the Circle of the Earth. The plight of those who entered the earth plane and had become trapped was of great concern to the remaining Children of Light. Together they looked deep within to the Rei-Ki Source for a solution. Together the Source of the Ki-Rays and the Children of Light began to evolve a new form of Ray-Ki for the healing of the Children of Earth. This new form of Ray-Ki was called Ascension Ray-Ki because it was to be used to not only heal strange physical forms of the Children of Earth but to create an ascending path to the Ki-Rays, all to rescue the Children of Earth. The Children of Light knew that they had to descend into the material world to use Ascension Rei-Ki to help the Children of Earth. There was no material form that was suitable for the Children of Light to descend into the Earth Plane. The Creator then used the Ki-Rays to create the Human form. The Children of Light then descended into the human form and brought with them the knowledge of Ascension Rei-Ki for the uplifting of the Children of Earth. The Secrets of Ki-Rays and the ascension path were preserved in The Symbols of the Ki-Rays so that we could never loose the knowledge of our true nature and the ascension path.

The Sanskrit Language was created to preserve the knowledge of Rei-Ki healing. The letters are symbols that represent healing sounds that are grounded in our anatomical origins. The letters also relate to the Master Symbols of Ascension Rei-Ki. The diagram below will give you a deeper insight into the Universal Language of Ki-Rays of Ascension Rei-Ki.

illustration (with Ascension Reiki Symbols added) courtesy of The American Sanskrit Institute, 73 Four Corners Road, Warwick N.Y. 10990 free catalog available upon request

Prayer of the Elohim

Our Mother and Father of Heaven Holy are Your Names Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Lead us from temptation and deliver us from illusion For yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever, Amen

East Meets West

The Acting Body The Chakras and Endocrines

The Thinking Body Prayer of the Elohim

The Feeling Body The Elohim Hope

Grounding 1st Chakra (base of the Our Mother and Father of Heaven (Radharani and spine) Krishna) gonads Acceptance 2nd Chakra (gut area) Holy are Your Names pancreas Sharing Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth 3rd Chakra (navel area) as it is in Heaven adrenal glands Balance Heart Chakra (solar plexus) Give us this day our daily bread thymus gland Compassion Throat Chakra Thyroid & Parathyroid glands Humility Third Eye Chakra pituitary gland Alignment Crown Chakra (center top of head) pineal gland

Faith Love OM A-U-M (Amen, Amin) Christ

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Lead us from temptation and deliver us from illusion For yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever, Amen

Holy Spirit


In the East our Mother and Father of Heaven are known by the names of Radharani and Krishna. In the west their son and daughter are known by the names Mother Mary and Jesus. Advanced Prayer of the Elohim
Radharani and Krishna Holy are Your Names Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Lead us from temptation and deliver us from illusion For yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever, Amen

The Breath of the Elohim

The Breath of the Elohim is about transcending the acting body and much more. The Breath of the Elohim is a form of The Complete Breath and gives us a means of Working with The Ki-Rays and a method of the Direct Experience of deeper states of being. This is easily achieved by the simple means of counting seven beats of the heart while breathing in and counting seven beats of the heart while breathing out. In seven beats and out seven beats. The next step is to add the names of the Mighty Elohim. Silently say one name on each beat of your heart like this:

Breathe In:

Hope- first beat Faith- second beat Love- third beat Om- fourth beat Christ- fifth beat Holy Spirit- sixth beat God- seventh beat

Breathe Out:

Hope- first beat Faith- second beat Love- third beat Om- fourth beat Christ- fifth beat Holy Spirit- sixth beat God- seventh beat

The use of the Elohim Breath greatly increases the flow of Ki-Rays in and through us. With a little practice it becomes quite natural to breathe in this way in hands on healing, distant healing and passing of attunements. It is also a great breath for meditation and in ascending through the Ki-Rays' energy and connecting with "The Highest Source". This is a very advanced technique and is not about belief systems, but about direct experience. Try for yourself and see. The Breath of the Elohim can be used in many ways for healing and personal growth. One example of this is to associate the names of the Elohim with the seven lower chakras of The Chakra System as you breathe. Start with the base of the spine and proceed upward to the crown on the in breath and repeat this sequence from the base of the spine to the crown on the out breath. This is a gentle process that does not force the Kundalini current to open. It just becomes a natural unfoldment of breathing. It is highly recommended that a person working with the Elohim Breath become familiar with the teachings of the Ascended Masters. These books are listed as the Cross- Reference Books listed in the symbols section. Use your intuition as to the order in which you read them. This knowledge will greatly enhance your understanding of the names of the Elohim and greatly expand your inner guidance.

Speaking from the Heart

One of the most beautiful aspects of Ascension Rei-Ki is the gift of the attunement. The Ascension Reiki Master/Teacher simply follows the attunement procedure, speaks the attunement prayers from his or her heart and an alignment with Our Creator takes place. The student who, is open to receiving, is attunement. Even if the teacher makes mistakes during the attunement the student is still attuned. The attunement is always honored by our Creator. This is truely Grace in action.

The Ascension Reiki Attunements

The attunement process of Ascension Reiki attunes the total anatomy of the Higher Self. The basic anatomy of each individual is eightfold in nature. The eight basic attunements of Ascension Reiki attune the eight anatomical aspects of the Higher Self. There is also a ninth attunement for the Higher Self. This is a step by step process that opens the natural anatomical energy pathways in each individual. This allows the Reiki current to flow in and through a person automatically when their intent is to heal or pass attunements.

The Eight Anatomical Aspects of the Higher Self are:

1. The Will

2. The Spirit 3. The Soul 4. The Mind 5. The Body The Body is made up of three layers which are: 1. The Feeling Body (Cosmic Conscious, The Cosmic Unconscious) 2. The Thinking Body (Collective Conscious, The Collective Unconscious) 3. The Acting Body (Conscious, The Unconscious)

Passing Attunements
The Third Degree Ascension Reiki Master/Teacher is able to pass the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Attunements of Ascension Reiki on to his or her students. These three attunements of Ascension Reiki are the attunements of the Acting Body, Thinking Body and the Feeling Body.

The first three degree attunements of Ascension Reiki corrispond with the three letters of the Word AU-M. A is the letter of the Acting Body, U is the letter of the Thinking Body and M is the letter of the Feeling Body. The Word A-U-M

The First Degree Attunement

The First Degree attunement of Ascension Reiki attunes the Acting Body. This attunement allows a person to work with Reiki energy on both conscious and unconscious levels for healing and personal growth. This attunement can be given in class or from a distance. Both methods work equally well. The letter A is the first letter in the word AUM. A is the letter of the First Degree Attunement of Ascension Reiki. The Symbol of the the first letter in the Word A-U-M is the Indalo or Rainbow Man.

First Degree

The Second Degree Attunement

The second degree attunement of Ascension Reiki attunes the Thinking Body. This attunement allows an individual to work with Reiki Healing energy on the Collective Conscious and Collective Unconscious levels for healing and personal growth. This enables a person to work with Reiki Energy for distant healing. This also allows a person to work with the Reiki energy and the Reiki Symbols in hands on healing and distant healing. This attunement can be given in class or from a distance. Both methods work equally well. The letter U is the second letter in the word AUM. U is the letter of the Second Degree Attunement of Ascension Reiki. The Symbol of the the Second letter in the Word A-U-M is the Eye of Horus.

The Third Degree Attunement

The third degree attunement of Ascension Reiki attunes the Feeling Body so that Reiki energy will flow through an individuals Cosmic Conscious and Cosmic Unconscious for Healing, for passing Attunements to others, and for personal growth. The Third Degree is the first Teacher or Master level of Ascension Reiki and allows a person to teach the first three degrees of Usui Reiki as well as the first three degrees of Ascension Reiki. This attunement can be given in class or from a distance. Both methods work equally well. The letter M is the third letter in the word AUM. M is the letter of the Third Degree Attunement of Ascension Reiki. The Symbol of the third letter in the Word A-U-M is the Kabbalah.

Third Degree

Speaking from the heart is the Ki to the Attunement process of Acension Reiki. AUM represents the first three attunements of Ascension Reiki. A-U-M is One Word that is spoken from deep in the throught all the way up the roof of the mouth and on to the lips, covering all the areas in the Sanskrit Chart. There are many layers of meaning to the Word AUM. It is the Holy Vibration within us all. It is hard to understand what "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you" really means. This is because it is not understandable to the ego, which interprets it as if something outside is inside, and this does not mean anything. The word "within is unnecessary. The Kingdom of Heaven is you. What else but you did the Creator create, and what else but you is His Kingdom? This is the whole message which in its totality transcends the sum of its parts. (A Course in Miracles- Text- Love Without Conflict- first paragraph)

Passing Attunements
The Third Degree Ascension Reiki Master/Teacher is able to pass the first three attunements on to their students. The procedure for doing this is discussed in The Attunement Process Today.

Heart of Creation
Fourth Degree Right Focus
If we free ourselves from the noise and demand of this world and search for the purpose of Life; the knowledge of Universal Love is encountered as though forgotten and remembered. If the search for Love continues with an open heart and mind, it will naturally lead to the study of many books considered to be the classics of Spiritual literature from all over the world. At first the approach to Universal Love presented in each book seems to be very different. No one book seems to be complete in itself but each offers a lesson for humanity. These lessons from each book begin to appear to be more like chapters out of a much greater work. If we continue studying and refining the knowledge that is found in these books, universal patterens begin to emerge .

The Legend of Creation

There are many legends of the creation. Each one of them is different, yet there are obvious similarities that cannot be overlooked.. Every version has something to add that makes the story even more thought provoking. One extraordinary account is found in the 9th chapter of the Aquarian Gospel. According to the text it is the version taught by Salome to Mother Mary while she was pregnant with the Master Jesus. The 9th chapter of the Aquarian Gospel gives us a most phenominal insite into the pattern of creation itself. It is the pattern of creation that is the key to understanding all the spiritual knowledge found on this planet. When the pattern of creation is understood, all knowledge becomes one.

The Mystery Begins

Salome taught the lesson of the day. She said, All times are not alike. Today the words of man may have the greatest power; tomorrow woman teaches best. In all the ways of life the man and woman should walk hand in hand; the one without the other is but half; each has a work to do. But all things teach; each has a time and season for its own. The sun, the moon have lessons of their own for humanity, but each one teaches at the appointed time. The lessons of the sun fall down on

human hearts like withered leaves upon a stream, if given in the season of the moon; and so with lessons of the moon and all the stars. Today one walks in gloom, downhearted and oppressed; tomorrow that same one is filled with joy. Today the heavens seem full of blessedness and Hope; tomorrow Hope has fled, and every plan and purpose comes to naught. Today one wants to curse the very ground on which he treads; tomorrow he is full of Love and praise. Today one hates and scorns and envies and is jealous of the child he Loves; tomorrow he has risen above his carnal self, and breathes forth gladness and good will. A thousand times people wonder why these heights and depths, these light hearts and these sad, are found in every life. They do not know that there are teachers everywhere, each busy with a Godappointed task, and driving home to human hearts the truth. But this is true, and every one receives the lessons that he needs. And Mary said, Today I am in exaltation great; my thought and all my life seem lifted up; why am I thus inspired? Salome replied, This is a day of exaltation; day of worship and of praise; a day when, in a measure, we may comprehend our Father-God. Then let us study God, the One, the Three, the Seven. Before the worlds were formed all things were One; just Spirit, Universal Breath. Spirit breathed, and that which was not manifest became the Fire and Thought of heaven, the Father-God, the MotherGod. When the Triune God breathed forth, lo, Seven Spirits stood before the throne. These are the Elohim, creative spirits of the universe. These are they who said, Let us make man; and in their image man was made. In early ages of the world the dwellers in the farther East said, Tao is the name of Universal Breath; and in the ancient books we read, no manifesting form has Tao Great, and yet he made and keeps the heavens and earth. No passion has our Tao Great, and yet he causes sun and moon and all the stars to rise and set. No name has Tao Great, and yet he makes all things to grow; and brings in season both the seed time and the harvest time. And Tao Great was One; the One became the Two; the Two became the Three, the Three evolved the Seven, which filled the universe with manifests. Tao Great gives unto all, the evil and the good, the rain, the dew, the sunshine and the flowers; from his rich stores he feeds them all. And in the same old book we read of man: He has a spirit knit to Tao Great; a soul which lives within the Seven Breaths of Tao Great; a body of desires that springs up from the soil of flesh. Now spirit Loves the pure, the good, the true; the body of desires extols the selfish self; the soul becomes the battle ground between the two. Blessed is the man whose spirit is triumphant and whose lower self is purified; whose soul is cleansed, becoming fit to be the council chamber of the manifests of Tao Great. (Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ Ch. 9:1-30)

The Mystery Continues

As we research deeper into the patterns discussed in this doccument, a truely incredible amount of information begins to come together. The following Links will take you to this information. Simply click on them to enter.

The Nature of the Absolute The One The Two The Three The Seven and The Five

The Laws of the Universe

There are two principle laws that operate in and through the universe. These two laws are the law of Karma and the Law of Grace. Karma is the Sanskrit word for duality. The law of Karma is the law of duality, the law of opposites. Everything in the material manifestation is subject to the law of opposites. The atom has positive and negative charges. Magnets have opposite poles. Woman and Man are also equal and opposite, neither existing without the other. Whatever seed you sow grows, and you reap the harvest. What goes around comes around, what you sow you reap, that is the law of Karma. The law of Grace is the second law that operates in and through the universe. The Law of Grace is more of a phenomenon than a law. Grace is not affected by cause and effect, it trancends duality. Grace is known by many names; unwarranted favor, mercy, forgiveness, Unconditional or Divine Love. It is by Grace, through Faith that we receive Salvation, not by works that we do. We can't earn it by sowing and reaping. Salvation is a gift of God, the Grace of God. So in that respect it transcends duality, transcends the Law of Karma. Most everyone can see the workings of Karma and Grace on a small scale in the things that we do every day. The bigger picture of the laws of Karma and Grace are in the legends of the Creation and the developement of the human race. There are many versions of these stories found all over the world. Each version of Creation gives us some insight into the subject. The Symbolic Story of Creation found in the Chapter of Genesis in the Bible is probably the most familar story. Deeper insights into the origins of the Humanity, can be found in the Classics such as the Vedas, The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, The Book of the Tao and others. There are also some interesting insights into the Laws of Karma and Grace found in "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus"- (selected and edited by Jeffrey Furst).

The Legend of the Origin of the Human Race

After the creation of the universe, many souls sometimes called entites marveled at the beauty of the Earth. They saw the evolutionary process in motion and like little children, they desired to experience the material world. They wanted to play at creation themselves. They saw the animals, male and female, and disired to experience the duality and sexuality of nature. Up until this time these souls were One, neither male or female They crudely divided themsilves in two and began making material bodies for themselves by drawing upon the life forces and forms around them. Feathers and scales, hooves and hair, rocks and trees, from these they fashioned their bodies in all shapes and sizes. These soulmates were so engrossed in their play that they hardly noticed when the two began to lose their ability to be One. The more attached these soulmates became to their desires, of every nature, the more entrapped they became. They gradually lost the ability to move freely between the material world and the Spiritual world. They became more and more entrapped in the Three Modes of

Material Nature (The Three Gunas). Light (Sattva), Energy (Rajas) and Inertia (Tamas), are the Three Gunas, or Threads of The Material Universe with which these entities intertwined their being and became entangled. At first these entities joined themselves with the Material Light of the Universe and entered the mode of Goodness (Sattva). They watched and played at Creation. They seemed to prosper in the world of Karma (Cause and Effect). These entities then joined themselves with the Material Energy of the Universe of Energy they entered the Mode of Passion (Rajas) and gradually selfish desires developed. As these entities joined themselves with Inertia (Tamas) they entered the Mode of Ignorance and lost their connection with their higher self and Our One Creator. As these soul mates lost themselves in the inertia of Karmic Desires they eventually even became seperated and lost from each other. The mythological world they created for themselves had finally trapped them. The sons and daughters of men, as they became known in much later times, had begun to learn their first lesson in the law of karma. At this time, many Souls who were still free saw the predicament of the sons and daughters of men. They sought inner guidance from the Source of the Key-Rays, the source of Creation. They needed a Way to set the sons and daughters of men free. Their plan had to transcend the law of Karma. The Law of Grace was formulated by Our One Creator to bring Salvation to the entrapped souls. Together The Souls that were still free of the Three Gunas along with Our One Creator a new form of Reiki for the healing of the sons and daughters of men. This new Reiki in modern terms is called Ascension Reiki because it was created for the reunion of soulmates into One and their release from the material world. The first step was to Create a physical form that would be suitable for the material world. It would need to fit in with nature but also needed to carry within its structure the divine patterns of the Transcendental Nature of the Creator. This had to be done because it was known how easily souls could be drawn into attatchment to material desires. The anatomical pattern of creation would have to be so ingrained in the physical form that it would help soulmates remember their oneness and divine origin if they got lost in this material world. In accordance with Divine guidance, the first human form was created. This form was a living soul made flesh and was neither male or female but One, being of light and breath within a very fine vibratory physical form. This took many projections or incarnations into the material world to perfect. The first of the form was called the Atman, then Amilius and later Adam. The higher vibratory form of Adam was perfected and called The Word of the Creator, the first and the last, the Logos of the circle seven, the Son of God and the Way of salvation. The purpose of this Atman was to bring into the earth the form necessary for the healing and eventual release of the sons of men from the material world. Brahman is the Supreme, the Eternal. Atman is his Spirit in man. Karma is the force of creation, wherefrom all things have their life. Matter is the kingdom of the earth, which in time passes away; but the Spirit is the kingdom of Ligtht. In this body I offer Grace and my body is mercy. (KrishnaBhagavad Gita- ch.8:3-4)

This Brahman, this Atman (Self), deep hidden in all beings, is not revealed to all, but to the seers, pure in heart, concentrated in mind- to them is he revealed. (Upanishads- Katha Upanishad) Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. (Jesus- Bible-Matthew ch. 5:8) The form of the Atman was at to high a vibritory rate too be of the greatest help to the sons of men at that time. So the One Adam became two, male and female. Both equal and opposite. They became known as Amilius and Lilith, later as Adam and Eve and much later as Mother Mary and Jesus. This was accomplished by the thought form projection into the glandular systems of the higher primates until they were evolved enough for the incarnation of living soulmates. The five races were created at once. They were known as the Sons and Daughters of God. The five races were created as a reflection of the five aspects of the higher self of the transcendental creator. The five kingdoms known as The Mineral Kingdom, The Plant Kingdom, The Animal Kingdom, The Water Kingdom and the Air Kingdom became the dwelling place of the five races. The stage was now set for the Sons of God to help the sons of men to free themselves from the material entanglements they had created. Eve and Adam partook of the tree of the knowledge of cause and effect. This step brought them fully into the material world, subject to birth and death. It also brought them into the world that the sons and daughters of men were trapped in. They were finally in the vibratory rates in which they could help them. The second wave of Souls that came into the material world through the physical forms of the five races along with Adam and Eve were called the Sons of God or Sons of the One. Through time, space, patience and the use of The Reiki of Ascension, the Sons of the One were able to heal the entangled physical forms of the Sons of Men. All of the Sons of Men eventually incarnated into the physical forms of the Sons of the One. Only legends remained of the mythological beginnings of the Souls life on earth.

Anatomy and Physiology

Barbara Brennan has stated in her book "Light Emerging" that in coronal discharge photography the aura of a leaf, for example, can be seen and photographed. If part of the leaf is cut off and the leaf photographed again, the whole aura is still there. The conclusion is that the basic premise of energy is that the slower, denser, grosser vibrations of material nature emanate from the more subtle level of the Quantum Field. In other words the leaf is created by the Aura not the other way around. (paraphrased from p.19) In human terms this means that the physical body is emanated from the Aura Field which is called the Astral Body, Subtle Body or Quantum Body. It is this Body of Light or Astral Body that we speak of when we say that the Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit and Will are aspects of the Higher Self. Each of these aspects manifests itself on the physical level, and it is these five subtle aspects of the Self which emanate the Physical Body. Each aspect is a pathway of energy and information. Inward flowing energy is called Yin Energy and Outward flowing energy is called Yang Energy.

The Astral Body

The Non Physical Body is made of Golden Light. The Golden Light Body is sometimes called the Astral Body. The body is made up of three componants.

The Seven Chakras- are associated with the Feeling Body and the Soul. The Seven Auras- are associated with the Thinking Body and the Mind. The Seven Bodily Systems- are associated with the Acting Body and the Astral Body.

The Seven Body Systems

The physical forms of the man and woman carried in them the seven systems as a reflection of the pattern of the Logos of the Circle Seven. To learn more about these systems click on their titles.

The Brain and Nerve system The Skeletal System The Muscular System The Respritory System The Digestive System The Circulatory System (including Lymph system) The Endocrine System (including Reproductive System)

Affirmation of the Heart

Mother Mary and Jesus, We ask to be a channel of Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

Passing the Fourth Degree Attunement

The Fourth Degree (Master, Teacher) can pass the first through fourth degree on to others. How to pass the Fourth Degree attunement is described in The Attunement Process Today

The Higher Self

The Nature of the Absolute

Before the worlds were formed all things were One in the Field of All Possibilities. The Unmanifested One is the Knower in the Field of All Possibilities. The Unmanifested One is Absolute Reality. That is to say that The Unmanifested One is the Knower and the Source in all the Fields and the Ultimate Reality behind all other realities, the source of all. The Unmanifested One is the Higher Self of Our One Creator. Our One Creator is The Great Transcendental Being from whom all beings have their origin. The Higher Self of each being is a spark of the Unmanifested One. In this way the Unmanifested One is the source of all beings.

Symbols of The Unmanifested One and The Higher Self

OM is the symbol of the Unmanifested One, our One Creator. The Unmanifested One is associated with the sixth chakra above the head and the Higher Self. The OM symbol is the native symbol of the Higher Self. The Sixth Chakra above the head is the Chakra of the Higher Self.

Unmanifested One Life- Happiness Higher Self Unmanifested or Invisible Light Sixth Chakra Above the Head

A-U-M A- Acting Body-Seven Bodily Systems-Five Senses U- Thinking Body-Seven Auras-Five Pranas M- Feeling Body-12 Chakras (7 Governing, 5 Conceptual) Transcendental Heart
OM is The Transcendental heart in all the Fields of Creation. The Five Fields of Creation are known as the Five Koshas or Sheaths of Our One Creator. The Unmanifested One, Our One Creator- Higher Self- Atman

Anandamaya Kosha- The I AM THAT I AM- Will- Bliss Vijnanamya Kosha- Radharani and Krishna- Spirit- Wisdom

Pranamaya Kosha- Uma and Brahman- Soul- Life Force Energy Manamaya Kosha- Yasodhara and Buddha- Mind- Mental Annamaya Kosha- Mary and Jesus- Astral Body- Physical

The Unmanifested One is the knower in the five fields. The five fields are the field of the Will, the field of the Spirit, the field of the Soul, the field of the Mind, the field of the Body. The Unmanifested One, Our One Creator is the knower in all the fields of Creation. (Compare with Chapter 13 of The Bhagavad Gita)

Secondary Symbol of the Higher Self

The Unmanifested One is nameless, formless, the highest nature, and the Absolute. The One Creator although nameless and formless is sometimes called The Tao (pronounced Dow). The Tao is without beginning or end, is never born and never dies. The Tao is One in all yet seems to be many, in everything yet independent, changeless, the Supreme Abode, Nirvana or Absolute Self. The nature of the Absolute is also represented in the Tai-chi T'u or Yin Yang Symbol. The Tai-chi T'u is the native symbol of the Crown Chakra. The Tai-chi T'u symbol is the secondary symbol that represents the Higher Self. In The Tai-chi T'u, The Circle is the symbol of the unity of all Life, the Field of All Possibilities, The Unmanifested One. Within the Circle of the Unmanifested are the Five Elements represented by the line joining the two halves, The Two Halves and the Dots within the Two Halves. Five parts all together showing the relative nature of manifestation in all the fields. Within the circle are the possibilities of duality which are Yin and Yang. Yin is represented by the black Yang is represented by the white. Because Yin and Yang are the possibilities of duality they each have a spot of their opposites within them. The Two Halves, Yin and Yang are equal and opposite and always joined together by the attractive zone between them. In this way they are always balanced and their union is always connected with the Circle of the Unmanifested One. Yin (The Conceptual) spins inward to become Yang (the Governing) and Yang (The Governing) spins outward to become Yin (The Conceptual). Thus is the Nature of the Field of all Possibilities. It is from this Field of all possibilities, known as the Non Being or Absolute Self, that the individual self has it origin. This Yin/Yang Symbol has many layers of meaning. One level of meaning is as follows. Within the Circle (Brain) of the Unmanifested One are the five distinct possibilities.

The first possibility is the curved line between the two halves (Mid- Brain, Corpus Callosum) and its connection to the circle of the Unmanifested One. The second part is the Yin- (Black, Right Brain). The third part is the Yang- (White, Left Brain). The fourth part is the white spot in the yin side. It represents the right brain controlling the nerve system on the left side of the body. Because of this, the left side of the body is considered to be yin. The black dot in the yang side represents the left brain controlling the right side of the body. Because of this the right side of the body is considered the yang

Tai-chi T'u

Symbol of the God and The Crown Chakra Anatomical Aspects


Unmanifested One Higher Self Life- Happiness Invisible Light Sixth Chakra Above the Head

God Crown Chakra Pineal Gland Brain and Nerve System

Note: The Tai-chi T'u symbol appears in both a counterclockwise and a clockwise versions.

The counterclockwise version (Yinward Flow) is for clearing. When you clear, energizing happens automatically. The clockwise version (Yangward Flow) is for energizing. When you energize, clearing happens automatically.

The Nature of The Higher Self

The Source of the Ki-Rays is an unmanifested unity in the field of all possibilities. The Source of the Ki-Rays (Ray-Ki, Reiki) has no name or form, yet in ancient times it was called the Tao. Tao means "The Way" of Life guided by the Highest Source. In other words, the essence of life guided by the Highest Source. "The Book of the Tao" and "The Tao Teh Ching" are two excellent translations of the at least 2500 year old texts on the nature of the Tao. You won't find the word Reiki in them but you will find the ancient word for the same process which is "The Tao".

Scriptural Cross- References

From: The Book of Tao translated by Frank J. MacHovec
Out of Tao comes Unity; out of Unity comes two; from two comes three; from three all things come. (Sutra 42)

Twelve spokes unite at the hub but the ultimate use of the wheel depends on the part where nothing exists. Clay is molded into a vessel but the ultimate use of the vessel depends upon the part where nothing exists. (Sutra 11) Divide the Unity; the parts become as tools. In the hands of the truly wise they become the means to an end, but never ends in themselves. (Sutra 28) Tao is an endless circle, ever returning; serenity is its ultimate function; everything rises from existence; existence rises from non-existence. (Sutra 40)

From: The Tao Teh Ching translated by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English
The Tao described in words is not the real Tao; Words cannot describe it. Nameless it is the source of creation; named it is the mother of all things. (Sutra 1) There is something mysterious, without beginning, without end, that existed before the heavens and earth. Unmoving; infinite; standing alone; never changing. It is everywhere and it is inexhaustible. It is the mother of all. I do not know its name. If I must name it I call it Tao and I hail it as supreme. ( Sutra 1) Without beginning, without end, infinite, indefinable. It is the form of the formless; it is existence in nonexistence; it is the greatest mystery. Meet it and it has no face; follow it and it has no back. Hold close to the ancient Tao and be master of your present existence. Knowing the present you mirror the past. This is the clue to Tao. (Sutra 14) Great accomplishment seems imperfect, yet it does not outlive its usefulness. Great fullness seems empty, yet it cannot be exhausted. Great straightness seems twisted. Great intelligence seems stupid. Great eloquence seems awkward. Movement overcomes cold. Stillness overcomes heat. Stillness and tranquillity set things in order in the universe. (Sutra 45)

From: The Bhagavad Gita translated by Juan Mascaro

All this visible universe comes from my invisible Being. All beings have their rest in me, but I have not my rest in them. (Ch.9:4)

From: The Bible

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (universe). Now the earth (universe) was formless and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said let there be light and there was light.

Other Books of related topics.

The Taoist Ways of Healing by Chee Soo The Tao of Physics by Eritjof Capra

The Will

The Manifested One

From the Unmanifested One, (the Non Being), came the Manifested One, The Transcendental Being called the "I AM THAT I AM". The "I AM THAT I AM" is the manifestation of the Will of the Unmanifested One. In this way the possibility of Will became the manifested Will of the Unmanifested One. The "I AM THAT I AM" is sometimes known as the Supreme Being. It is from this Supreme being that all individualized beings originated.

Symbols of the Will

The Circle is the Symbol of The I AM THAT I AM or Manifested One. The I AM THAT I AM or I AM Presence is the Will of Our One Creator. The I AM THAT I AM is one of the Supreme personalities of the Godhead. The I AM Presence is associated with the Fifth Chakra above the head in the Transcendental Creator. The Circle is the Native Symbol of the Fifth Chakra above the head as well as the Native Symbol of the Fifth Chakra of the Conceptual Vessel in the Body. The Conceptual Vessel has five chakras from the base of the spine up the front of the body to the top of the head. The Fifth Chakra on the Conceptual Vessel is the Crown Chakra. The Governing Vessel in the body has seven chakras. They run from the base of the spine and up the spine to the top of the head. The Tai-chi T'u symbol is the Native Symbol of the Crown Chakra on the Governing Vessel. The Governing Vessel and the Conceptual Vessel share the Root Chakra and the Crown Chakra. The Circle Symbol of The I AM Presence is interrelated with the Circle in the Symbol of the Tai-chi T'u or Yin/Yang Symbol.

Love Individual Being The Will Primary Clear Light

The Main Chord called The Kundalini Nerve Fifth Chakra Above the Head

Crown Chakra on the Concetual Vessel Violet Ray Sense of Hearing The Skeletal System Secondary Symbol of The Will
The Secondary symbol ascoiated of the I AM Presence is called Raku. Raku means Banking With Fire in The Shining Way. The Symbol of the Shining Way is the Native Symbol of the Sixth Chakra or Third Eye Chakra on the Governing Vessel in the body. The Sixth Chakra on the Governing Vessel of the Transcendental Creator is The Holy Spirit. The secondary meaning The Symbol of The Shining Way is associated with the I AM Presence and the Fifth Chakra above the head. The Five portals or circles in the lightening bolt of Raku (from top to bottom) represent: The Will- The I AM Presence The Spirit- Radharani and Krishna The Soul- Uma and Brahman The Mind- Yasodhara and Buddha The Body- Mary and Jesus


Anatomical Aspects


The "I AM THAT I AM" Love Individual Being The Will Primary Clear Light The Main Chord called The Kundalini Nerve Fifth Chakra Above the Head The Skeletal System Sense of Hearing


Holy Spirit Indigo Ray Third Eye Chakra Pituitary Gland

Note: The Symbol of Raku appears in both the Yinward and Yangward versions.

Yin- Left for clearing the anatomical aspects opposite the symbols. Yin clears then energizes. Yang- Right for energizing the anatomical aspects opposite the symbols. Yang energizes then clears.

The Nature of the Will

"I AM" is the most powerful statement a person can make about their being. "I AM" statements actually shape the manifestation of our being. There are many statements in the teachings of the Ascended Masters that contain the words "I AM". The encounter that Moses had with the "I AM" presence is recorded in the "Bible" in Exodus 3:1-14. "The I AM Discourses" also discuss many aspects of the "I AM" presence. In this book are some basic principles of working with and creating "I AM" affirmations.

Spcriptural Cross- References

From: The Bible
Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the far side of the desert, and came to Hereb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, "I will go over and see this strange sight - why the bush does not burn up." When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, and said, "Moses!, Moses!" And Moses said, "Here I am". "Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." Then he said, "I AM the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob." And God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.

This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation. (Exodus Ch.3:1-6 & 14-15)

Other Reference book:

The I AM Discourses by Saint Germain

The Spirit
Symbols of The Two
The "I AM That I AM" or Manifested One became Two. The Two are Spirit. Our Mother of Heaven (Goddess- Yin) and Our Father of Heaven (God- Yang) are the Spiritual Aspects of the One Creator and the pattern from which all individualized Spiritual beings were created. The Two are sometimes known as the Supreme personalities of the Godhead. In the scriptures of the "Srimad Bhagavatam" and the "Bhagavad Gita" they are known by the names Radharani- Original Mother and KrishnaOriginal Father.

This symbol is the Symbol of the Ascended Masters, Radharani and Krishna. This symbol contains the symbols of The I AM Presence as well as the Pyramid and Circle Symbols of The Ascended Masters, Uma and Brahman, Yasodhara and Buddha, Mary and Jesus. Radharani and Krishna are the Ascended Masters associated with the fourth chakra above the head in the Transcendental Creator. They are also associated with the Spirit of the Creator.


Radharini and Krishna The Spirit Joy Secondary Clear Light 4th Chakra Above the Head

Woman and Man Meridian System- Conceptual and Governing Vessel The 4th Chakra on the Conceptual Vessel (Upper Chest) The Sense of Sight- Eyes The Muscular System Secondary Symbol of the Spirit
The Symbol of the Two is called The Fountain of Youth. The symbol shows the flow of the energy of the field of Joy. The life energy flows down through the through the central chord (not shown) through the top of the head to the root chakra where it flows in two upward directions:

From the root chakra it flows upward through the Conceptual Vessel (yin- front) to the crown chakra. From the root chakra it flows upward through Governing Vessel (yang- back) to the crown chakra.

The Conceptual Vessel carries the life energy to the six yin organ meridians. The six yin meridians connect together at the heart chakra on the governing vessel. Heart Meridian Liver Meridian Kidneys Meridian Spleen Meridian Lungs Meridian Pericardium Meridian (Blood vessels and veins) The Governing Vessel carries the life energy to the six yang meridians. The six yang meridians connect together at the crown chakra.

Stomach Meridian Large Intestines Meridian Small Intestines Meridian Bladder Meridian Gallbladder Meridian Triple Warmer Meridian (Lymph System)

Symbol of The Two The Fountain of Youth Anatomical Aspects


Radharini and Krishna The Spirit Woman and Man Joy Secondary Clear Light Conceptual and Governing Vessel System The Sense of Sight- The Eyes The Muscular System

Christ Blue Ray Throat Chakra Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands

These symbols are later version of the Fountain of Youth Symbol. They are used in Usui Reiki. In Japanese they are called Sei-He-Ki. They show a quick but incomplete tracing of the Conceptual and Governing Vessels. These versions work but their energy can be expanded with the knowledge of what they actually represent. Note: The Symbol of the Fountain of Youth (at the top) appears in both the Yinward and Yangward versions.

Yin- Left for clearing the anatomical aspects opposite the symbols. Yin clears then energizes. Yang- Right for energizing the anatomical aspects opposite the symbols. Yang energizes then clears.

The Nature of the Spirit

"The Bhagavad Gita" is a classical text written in Sanskrit. It means The Song of God. In "The Bhagavad Gita" the Ascended Master Krishna opens the teachings of yoga to his student and friend Arjuna. Arjuna asks Krishna many questions about the spiritual nature of Yoga. Krishna answers Arjuna's questions and further explains the spiritual aspects of Yoga. In the "Bhagavad Gita" you won't find the word Reiki because it is a modern word. You will find the Sanskrit word for Reiki which is Yoga. The Yoga of the higher self is called Kundalini Yoga, which is the yoking of the higher self with the Reiki source and the channeling of the Reiki or Kundalini current. Kundualini is the Sanskrit word for Reiki current. The Yoga of the will is called Karma Yoga which is the yoking of the will with the Highest Source, the yoga of action in the mode of unconditional Love. The Yoga of the spirit is called Gyana Yoga which is the yoking of the spirit with the Highest Source, the yoga of spiritual knowledge. The Yoga of the soul is called Bhakthi Yoga which is the yoking of the soul with the Highest Source, the yoga of devotion. The Yoga of the mind is called Raja Yoga which is the yoking of the mind with the Highest Source, the yoga of mental control. The Yoga of the body is called Hatha Yoga which is the yoking of the body with the Highest Source, the yoga of physical healing and well being. The Yoga of the seven primordial currents of the Elohim is called Prana Yoga- Pranayama Yoga. Prana Yoga is the yoking of the seven currents in "the acting body", "the thinking body" and "the feeling body" with the "Highest Source". This is accomplished through Prana Yoga which is the "Yoga of Breath" (vital air, Prana, Chi, Ki). The Srimad Bagavatam and KRSNA The Supreme Personality of Godhead contain information on Krishna and his Female counterpart Radharani. Most interesting reading.

Scriptural Cross- References

From: The Bhagavad Gita
If one offers Me with Love and true devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit, or water I will accept it. That gift is Love, his heart's dedication. Whatever your action, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away as well as whatever you vow to the work of the spirit: o son of God, should be done as an offering unto Me. Thus you will free yourself from both the good and the evil effects of your actions. Offer up everything to me If your heart is united with Me, you will be set free from karma even in this life, and come to me at the last. I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, an I am a friend to him. (KrishnaCh.2:39)

Now listen to the knowledge of yoga, whereby one works without fruitive result. When you act by such intelligence, you can free yourself from the bondage of works. (Krishna-Ch.2:39) But there are some great souls who know Me: their refuge is my own divine nature. They Love Me with a oneness of Love: they know that I AM the source of all. They praise me with devotion, they praise me for ever and ever. Their vows are strong; their harmony is ever one; and they worship Me with their Love. Others worship Me, and work for Me, with the sacrifice of spiritual vision. They worship Me as One and as many, because they see that all is in Me. For I AM the sacrifice and the offering, the sacred gift and the sacred plant. I AM the holy words, the holy food, the holy fire, and the offering that is made in the fire. I AM the Mother of this universe, and the Creator of all. I AM the Father of this universe, and even the Source of the Father. I AM the Mother of this universe, and the Creator of all. I AM the Highest to be known, the path of purification, the holy OM, (AUM, AMEN), The three Vedas. I AM the way, the upholder, the master, the witness, the home, the shelter and the most dear friend. I AM the beginning and the middle and the end of all things: their seed of eternity, their treasure supreme. (Krishna-Ch.9:13-18) The foolish mock at Me, descending like a human being. They do not know my trancendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be. (Krishna- Ch.9:11)

From: The Bible

If you had known me, yea should have know my Father also: and from henceforth you know him and have seen him. (Jesus- Jn.10:30) I and my Father are one. (Jesus- Jn.10:30)

From: The Lessen Gospel of Peace translated by Edmund Bordeaux Szekely

Jesus answered: "Happy are you, that you hunger for the truth, for I will satisfy you with the bread of wisdom. Happy are you, that you knock, for I will open to you the door of life. Happy are you, that you would cast off the power of illusion, for I will lead you into the kingdom of our Mother's angels, where the power of illusion cannot enter." And they asked him in amazement: "Who is our Mother and which her angels? And which are her angels? And where is her kingdom?" "Your Mother is in you, an you in her. She bore you: she gives you life. It was she who gave to you your body, and to her shall you one day give it back again. Happy are you when you come to know her and her kingdom; if you receive your Mother's angels and if you do her laws. I tell you truly, he who does these things shall never see disease. For the power of our Mother is above all. And it destroys illusion, and has rule over all your bodies and all living things. (Book 1 page 9)

From: Srimad Bhagavatam translated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta

In Vrndavana all the pure devotees (disciple, student) pray for the mercy of Srimati Radharani, the pleasure potency of the supreme whole, resembling the perfectional stage of the worldly feminine nature. Therefore, the mercy of Radharani is available very readily to the sincere devotee, and once She recommends such a student to Lord Krishna, the Lord at once accepts the devotee admittance into His association. (Second Canto- part one, page 173)

Srimati Radharani is the principal head of all such goddesses of fortune, and therefore She is the pleasure counterpart of the Lord and is non different from Krishna. (Second Canto- part one, page 222)

From: The Bible

And God said, "Let us make humans in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So humans were created in the image of God, both male and female. (Genesis Ch.1:26-27)

Cross Reference Books

The Bhagavad Gita translated by Spami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood The Bhagavad Gita translated by Juan Mascaro The Bhagavad Gita As It Is translated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Srimad Bhagavatam translated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada KRSNA The Supreme Personality of Godhead translated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted J. Kaptchuk O.M.D. Chinese Medicine by George Beau Acupuncture A Laymans View by Lucille Leong Acupuncture, Meridian Theory and Acupuncture Points by Li Ding

The Three
The Two became Three. The Three like the Two are each dual in Nature containing the female and male principles within them. The Three are The Soul, The Mind and the Body. Their reflections can also be seen in the Feeling Body, The Thinking Body and the Acting Body.

The Soul
The Soul of the Two is dual in Nature and is known as the Supersoul. It is from the Supersoul that all individualized souls were created. In the "Upanishads" (Breath of the Eternal) they are known by the names Uma (yin) and Brahman (yang).

The Symbols of the Soul

This symbol is the Symbol of the Ascended Masters, Uma and Brahman, The Soul of Our Transcendental Creator. Uma and Brahman are the Ascended Masters associated with the third chakra above the head in the Transcendental Creator.

Uma and Brahman The Soul Abundance Clear White Light 3rd Chakra Above the Head The Whole Chakra and Point System

The Feeling Body The Five Conceptual Vessel Chakras- The Seven Governing Vessel Chakras The Transcendental Heart The Heart Chakra on the Conceptual Vessel- The Heart Chakra on the Governing Vessel The Sense of Smell- Nose-Feet The Respiratory System

The Secondary Symbol of the Soul

The secondary symbol of the Soul is called the Eternal Breath. This symbol is also called the Caduceus. The Breath of the Eternal Symbol shows the path of breath and Prana as it flows through the body. The breath enters at the nose (head of the two serpents-Ida and Pingala). The Prana of Breath then winds its way down around the chakras to the base of the Kundalini and enters the Sushumna at the base of the spine and rises up through the chakras on both the Conceptual Vessel and Governing Vessel.

Eternal Breath

Anatomical Aspects


Uma and Brahman The Soul Abundance Clear White Light 3rd Chakra Above the Head The Whole Chakra and Point System Respiratory System

OM Green Ray The Transcendental Heart Heart Chakra on the Conceptual and Governing Vessels Thymus Gland

This diagram shows some of the many Japanese versions of the Soul Symbol. The Japanese name for the symbol is Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen. The Japanese versions are used in Usui Reiki for distant healing. This diagram also shows the common element in all the symbols and how it relates to the Eternal Breath Symbol. All of these symbols work. Their energy is increased when the knowledge of what the symbol represents is understood.

The Nature of the Soul

"The Upanishads" is a classical text written in Sanskrit. It means Breath of the Eternal. "The Upanishads" contains some of the teachings of the Ascended Master Brahman and his female counterpart Uma. They teach us the depths of the transcendental heart within, which is the meeting place where the Highest Source meets with each one of us.

Scriptural Cross- References

From: The Upanishads
Once the gods won a victory over the demons, and though they had done so only through the power of Brahman, they were exceedingly vain. They thought to themselves, "It was we who beat our enemies, and the glory is ours." Brahman saw their vanity and appeared before them. But they did not recognize him. Then the other gods said to the god of fire: "Fire, find out for us who this mysterious spirit is." "Yes," said the god of fire, and approached the spirit. The spirit said to him: "Who are you?" "I am the god of fire. As a matter of fact, I am very widely known." "And what power do you wield?" "I can burn anything on earth." "Burn this," said the spirit, placing a straw before him.

The god of fire fell upon it with all his might, but could not consume it. So he ran back to the other gods, and said: "I cannot discover who this mysterious spirit is." Then said the other gods to the god of wind: "Wind, you find out for us who he is." "Yes," said the God of wind. "As a matter of fact, I am very widely known. I fly swiftly through the heavens." "And what power do you wield?" "I can blow away anything of earth." "Blow this away," said the spirit, placing a straw before him. The god of wind fell upon it with all his might, but was unable to move it. So he ran back to the other gods, and said: "I cannot discover who this mysterious spirit is." "Yes," said Indra, and drew nigh to the spirit. But the spirit vanished, and in his place stood Uma, God the Mother, well adorned and of exceeding beauty. Beholding her, Indra asked: "Who was the spirit that appeared to us?" "That," answered Uma, "was Brahman. Through him it was, not of yourselves, that you attained your victory and your glory." Thus did the god of fire, and the god of wind and Indra come to recognize Brahman. This is the truth of Brahman in relation to nature: whether in the flash of the lightning, or in the wink of the eyes, the power that is shown is the power of Brahman. This is the truth of Brahman in relation to man: in the notions of the mink, the power that is shown is the power of Brahman. For this reason should a man meditate upon Brahman by day and by night. Brahman is the adorable being in all beings. Meditate upon him as such. He who meditates upon him as such is honored by all other beings. (Kena Upanishad) This Brahman, this Atman (self), deep hidden in all beings, is not revealed to all; but to the seers, pure in heart, concentrated in mind- to them is he revealed. (Katha Upanishad) In one's own soul Brahman is realized clearly, as if seen in a mirror. (Katha Upanishad) Man does not live by breath alone, but by him in whom is the power of breath. (Katha Upanishad) Elihu taught; he said, In ancient times a people in the East were worshippers of God, the One, whom they called Brahm (Brahman). Their laws were just; they lived in peace; they saw the light within; they walked in wisdom's ways. But priests with carnal aims arose, who changed the laws to suit the carnal mind; bound heavy burdens on the poor, and scorned the rules of right; and so the Brahms became corrupt. In the darkness of the age a few great masters stood unmoved; they loved the name of Brahm; they were great beacon lights before the world. They preserved inviolate the wisdom of their Holy Brahm, and you may read this wisdom in their sacred books. In Chaldea, a pious Brahm named Terah lived in Ur; his son was so devoted to the Brahmic Faith that he was called A-Brahm; and he was set apart to be the father of the Hebrew race. And records of

his life and works and of his sons, and of the tribes of Israel, are well preserved in Jewish sacred books. (Aquarian Gospel 10:1-6&15) If you gain the whole world and loose your soul what have you gained? (Bible- Matthew 16:26)

The Upanishads translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester The Upanishads translated by Max Muller

The Mind
The Mind of the Two is dual in Nature and is sometimes called the Universal Mind. It is from the Universal Mind that all individualized minds have their origin. In the "The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha" they are known by the names Princess Yasodhara (yin) and Gautama Buddha (yang).

Symbols of the Mind

This symbol is the Symbol of the Ascended Masters, Yasodhara and Buddha. Yasodhara and Buddha are the Ascended Masters associated with the second chakra above the head in the Transcendental Creator. They are also associated with the Mind of the Creator.

Yasodhara and Buddha The Mind Peace White Light 2nd Chakra Above the Head The Whole Aura and Prana Systems

The Thinking Body The Seven Auras and The Five Pranas of the Body The Second Chakra on the Conceptual Vessel

The Sense of Taste- Mouth-Hands The Digestive System Secondary Symbol of the Mind
The Secondary Symbol of the Mind is called The Well- Spring of Nirvana. In Japanese It is called Dai-Ko-Myo.

Well- Spring of Nirvana

Anatomical Aspects


Princess Yasodhara and Gautama Buddha Peace White Light The Mind The Seven Auras and Five Pranas The Digestive System

Love Yellow Ray Third Chakra on the Spine Chakras Adrenal Glands
Note: The Symbol of the Well-Spring of Nirvana (Dai-Ko-Myo) appears in both the Yinward and Yangward versions.

Yin- Left for clearing the anatomical aspects opposite the symbols. Yin clears then energizes. Yang- Right for energizing the anatomical aspects opposite the symbols. Yang energizes then clears.

The Nature of the Mind

The Ascended Master Buddha teaches the cessation of pain and suffering by the use of the mind on the eight fold path. "The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha" tells the story of the Master

Buddha and his wife Princess Yasodhara. This account contains their life story, the early discourses, the Dhammapada, and later basic writings.

Scriptural Cross- References

Those whose mind is well grounded in the Seven Elements of knowledge (Seven Spirits of the Elohim), who without clinging to anything rejoice in the freedom from attachment, whose appetites have been conquered, and who are full of light, they win Nirvana even in this world. (The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha- page:58) One day as Jesus was bringing forth the tools for work he said, These tools remind me of the ones we handle in the workshop of the mind where things were made of thought and where we build up character. We use the square to measure all our lines, to straighten out the crooked places of the way, and make the corners of our conduct square. We use the compass to draw circles round our passions and desires to keep them in the bounds of righteousness. We use the ax to cut away the knotty, useless and ungainly parts and make the character symmetrical. We use the hammer to drive home the truth, and pound it in until it is a part of every part. We use the plane to smooth the rough, uneven surfaces of joint, and block, and board that go to build the temple of truth. The chisel, line, the plummet and the saw all have their uses in the workshop of the mind. And then this ladder with its trinity of steps, Faith, Hope and Love; on it we climb up to the dome of purity in life. And on the twelve- step ladder we ascend until we reach the pinnacle of that which life is spent to build the Temple of Perfected Humanity. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 20:12-21) Jesus said, The greatest power in heaven and earth is thought. God made the universe by thought; He paints the lily and the rose with thought. Why think it strange that I should send a healing thought and change the ethers of disease and death to those of health and Life? (Aquarian Gospel- ch. 84:22-24)

The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha by E.A. Burtt The Living Buddha by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely The Dhammapada translated by Balangoda Ananda Maitreya

The Astral Body

The Astral Body of the Two is also dual in Nature. The Transcendental Body of the Creator is called the Word of the Creator. It is from the Transcendental Body of the Creator that all individualized bodies are born. In the "Bible", "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ" and other books, they are known by the names Mother Mary (yin) and Jesus (yang).

This symbol is the Symbol of the Ascended Masters, Mother Mary and Jesus. Mother Mary and Jesus are the Ascended Masters associated with the first chakra above the head in the Transcendental Creator. They are also associated with the astral Body.The Symbol of the Great Pyramids has a square base for the four directions and the four sides slope at app. 51.4 degrees. This is 1/7th of a circle.

Mother Mary and Jesus The Astral Body Healing Golden Light 1st Chakra Above the Head

The Acting Body (Physical Body) The Seven Bodily Systems and The Five Senses The Root Chakra on the Conceptual Vessel The Sense of Touch- Skin The Circulatory System (Heart, Blood and Lymph System)

The Secondary Symbol of the Body

The Logos of the Circle Seven

Anatomical Aspects


Mother Mary and Jesus Healing Golden Light The Astral Body The Seven Bodily Systems The Circulatory System

Faith Orange Ray 2nd Chakra on the Spinal Chakras Pancreas

Note: The Symbol of Logos of the Circle Seven (Cho-Ku-Rei) appears in both the Yinward and Yangward versions.

Yin- Left for clearing the anatomical aspects opposite the symbols. Yin clears then energizes. Yang- Right for energizing the anatomical aspects opposite the symbols. Yang energizes then clears.

(E-Mail from Jeanne) to return from "the link" click "Back" on your Browser Toolbar. Mornin' from Oklahoma! I just visited your pages, and took a gander at your Book of Remembrance--of particular interest are the symbols, and their ancient origins. I'd been exploring this too, and could I offer the following (Link), too? Our solar system is a model of the CKR...or is the CKR the model for the solar system? :) And not just this solar system: the spiral is abundantly present throughout the universe. So the symbol we use--the CKR--calls upon no less than the power of the Universe.As an astrologer, I would find this one, wouldn't I? Jeanne ===-* My Stars!

The Nature of the Body

"The Bible" tells the story of Mother Mary and Jesus. The New Testament contains teachings on practical living and healing in this world. "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" also tells the story of Mother Mary and Jesus. It includes the missing years from the age of 12-30. These missing years according to the Aquarian Gospel were spent traveling and studying in India, Tibet, western India, Persia, Assyria, Greece and Egypt. "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus" contains a unique look at the lifetimes of Mother Mary and Jesus from the beginning of humanity. "The Book of Mormon" contains a very unique story of a tribe of Israel that migrated to the Americas around 400 B.C. It also has an account of the Master Jesus visiting them shortly after his crucifixion and resurrection. These accounts are truly astonishing. "He Walked the Americas" is a book of twenty years of research into the Indian legends of a master who walked the Americas around the time of Jesus. "The Jesus Mystery Of Lost Years and Unknown Travels" tells the story of the search for and the finding of ancient documents which would reveal that Jesus traveled to India during the missing years. "The Essene Gospel of Peace" (Books 1-4) contain many of the lost teachings of Jesus that were hidden by the church.

Scriptural Cross- References

In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The Virgin's name was Mary (Miriam). The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you." Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus (Yahshua). He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end. "How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?' The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God. "I am the Lord's servant, "Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her. (Bible- Luke ch.1:26-38)

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. " Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests." When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about." So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. (Bible- Luke Chapter 2:120) The home of Joseph was on Marmion Way in Nazareth; here Mary taught her son the lessons of Elihu and Salome. And Jesus greatly Loved the Vedic hymns and the Avesta; but more than all he Loved to read the Psalms of David and the pungent words of Solomon. The Jewish books of prophecy were his delight; and when he reached his seventh year he needed not the books to read, for he had fixed in memory every word. (Aquarian Gospel Ch. 16:1-3) Jesus said, The Holy Breath cannot be seen with mortal eyes; nor can men see the Spirits of the Holy One; But in their image man was made, and he who looks into the face of man, looks at the image of the God who speaks within. And when man honors man he honors God, and what man does for man, he does for God. And you must bear in mind that when man harms in thought, or word or deed another man, he does a wrong to God. If you would serve the God who speaks within the heart, just serve your near of kin, and those that are no kin, the stranger at your gates, the foe who seeks to do you harm; Assist the poor, and help the weak; do harm to none, and covet not what is not yours; Then, with your tongue the Holy One will speak; and he will smile behind your tears, will light your countenance with joy, and fill your hearts with peace. And then the people asked, To whom shall we bring gifts? Where shall we offer sacrifice? And Jesus said, Our Father-God asks not for needless waste of plant, of grain, of dove, of lamb. That which you

burn on any shrine you throw away. No blessings can attend the one who takes the food from hungry mouths to be destroyed by fire. When you would offer sacrifice unto our God, just take your gift of grain, or meat and lay it on the table of the poor. From it an incense will arise to heaven, which will return to you with blessedness. Tear down your idols; they can hear you not; turn all your sacrificial altars into fuel for the flames. Make human hearts your altars, and burn your sacrifices with the fire of Love. And all the people were entranced, and would have worshipped Jesus as a God; but Jesus said, I am your brother man just come to show the way to God; you shall not worship man; praise God, the Holy One. (Aquarian Gospel Ch. 26:9-24) The master took down from the wall a scroll on which was written down the number and the name of every attribute and character. He said, the circle is the symbol of the perfect man, and seven is the number of the perfect man; The Logos is the perfect word; that which creates; that which destroys, and that which saves. This Hebrew master is the Logos of the Holy One, the Circle of the human race, the Seven of Time. And in the record book the scribe wrote down, The Logos- Circle Seven; and thus was Jesus known. (Aquarian Gospel Ch. 48) And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. (Bible- Jn. 6:35) For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. (Bible- Mt. 18:20) Therefore Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, I am the door for the sheep. All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me; just as the Father knows me and I know the Father and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. The reason my Father Loves me is that I lay down my life only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father." (Bible- John 10:7-18) Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me. (Bible- Jn. 14:6)

I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that bears not fruit he lifts up (so it will begin to bear): and every branch that bears fruit, he purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, except you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He that abides in me, and I in him, the same bringes forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing. If a man abides not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you: continue you in my Love. If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my Love; even as I have kept my Fathers commandments, and abide in his Love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, That you Love one another, as I have Loved you. Greater Love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knows not what his Lord does: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. These things I command you, that you Love one another. (Bible- John Chapter 15:117) Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (Bible- Jn. 8:12) You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me. (Bible-John 5:39) Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: (Bible- Jn. 11:25) Jesus said, The God I speak about is everywhere; he cannot be compassed with walls, nor hedged about with bounds of any kind. All people worship God, the One; but all the people see him not alike. This universal God is wisdom, will and Love. All men see not the Triune God. One sees him as the God of might; another as the God of thought; another as the God of Love. A man's ideal is his God, and so, as man unfolds, his God unfolds. Man's God today, tomorrow is not God. The nations of earth see God from different points of view, and so he does not seem the same to everyone. Man names the part of God he sees, and this to him is all of God; and every nation sees a part of God, and every nation has a name for God. You Brahmans call him Parabrahm; in Egypt he is Thoth; and Zeus is his name in Greece; Jehovah is his Hebrew name; but everywhere he is the causeless Cause, the rootless Root from which all things have grown.

When men become afraid of God, and take him for a foe, they dress up other men in fancy garbs and call them priests. And charge them to restrain the wrath of God by prayers; and when they fail to win his favor by their prayers, to buy him off with sacrifice of animal, or bird. When man sees God as one with him, as Father-God, he needs no middle man, no priest to intercede; He goes straight up to him and says, My Father-God! and then he lays his hand in God's own hand, and all is well. And this is God. You are, each one, a priest, just for yourself; and sacrifice of blood God does not want. Just give your life in sacrificial service to all of life, and God is pleased. (Aquarian Gospel Ch. 28:12-25)

The Bible The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ transcribed by Levi Dowling Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus selected and edited by Jeffrey Furst The Book of Mormon transcribed by Joseph Smith He Walked the Americas by L. Taylor Hansen The Jesus Mystery Of Lost Years and Unknown Travels by Janet Bock The Essene Gospel of Peace (1-4) by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely

The Seven and The Five

The Three Evolved the Seven and The Five.
The Seven Primordial Energies of the Creator are known collectively as the Elohim. The Seven Energies are also known as The Seven Spirits of God, The Seven Sages, The Sapta Rishis, The Sevens of Time, The Seven Rays and The Seven Elements of knowledge. These are the Seven Spiritual Energies of the seven back body chakras in us as well as in the Transcendental Body of Our One Creator. The Five Supreme Personalities of the Godhead are know as The Ascended Masters. These are the Five Creative Personalities of the Five Front body Chakras in us as well as in the Transcendental Body of Our One Creator. Their pattern is in the five senses, five elements, five fingers, five toes etc.

Buddha, The Seven and The Five

Those whose mind is well grounded in the Seven Elements of Knowledge, who without clinging to anything, rejoice in the freedom from attachment, whose appetites (five senses) have been conquered, and who are full of Light, they win Nirvana even in this world. (Buddha- The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha- p.58)
There are many levels of understanding of these words of Buddha. It is not our purpose here to limit the understanding of these words with a finite interpretation but to offer at least some insight into his words. Buddha's statement does reveal that there are Seven elements of Knowledge. This is all about understanding the knowledge of The Seven. The pattern of The Seven is in the Seven Colors of the Rainbow, The Seven Endocrine Glands, The Seven Chakras of the Blackbody, The Seven Bodily

Systems, The Seven Vertebrae of the Cervical part of the spine, The Seven Churches, The Seven Heavens, The Seven Spirits of the Elohim and of course The Seven Elements of Knowledge. Buddha suggests that we let our minds become grounded in the Seven Elements of Knowledge. Grounding is usually thought of as grounding into the earth and universe. The Earth and Universe are part of the First of Seven Heavens. Therefore the Universe relates to the First Element of the Seven Elements of Knowledge. As we look deeper into grounding into the Seven Elements of Knowledge, we find that grounding into the Earth and Universe is only a step to connecting with the first of the Seven Elements. The Seven Heavens are the manifestations of the Seven Spirits of the Mighty Elohim. When we ground ourselves in the earth and universe we are really trying to ground ourselves in , the First Spirit of the Seven Spirits, the Spirit of Hope. Part of what Buddha is saying is that we should be grounding ourselves into all Seven Elements of Knowledge not just one. 1. Hope 2. Faith 3. Love 4. OM 5. Christ 6. Holy Spirit 7. God Buddha also talks about freedom from attachment. Usually if our intent is to be grounded we are doing it in service to others, for healing and uplifting of others. This intent is understood by Our One Creator and we begin to transcend attachment to the material world through Love and Service. Still we stay in the mode of Goodness, the third Guna and progress toward freedom is slow. If we are grounding into the earth or universe we are grounding into objects of the Five Senses or Five Appetites of the Five Senses. This only brings further attachment and separation from our true selves and our Creator. Our intent through Love and Service is to be grounded without attachment. This is accomplished by being grounded in the Seven Elements of the Elohim not in the material manifestation itself. In this way we actually ground the earth and universe into the consciousness of the Elohim, raising the vibrations of the earth and universe and rising above the three Gunas, (Ignorance, Passion and Goodness). The Word AUM is the Word of Our One Creator. This Word AUM has many levels of energy and meaning. Each Letter when sounded helps us transcend the Three Gunas. A- Transcends Ignorance U- Transcends Passion M- Transcends Goodness The Ascended Masters Mary and Jesus say "Be in the World but not of the World".


This Self, beyond all words, is the syllable OM. This syllable, though indivisible, consists of three letters- A-U-M. The Self as the universal person in his physical being, corresponds to the first letter- A (Acting Body and its 12 energies) The Self as the universal person in his mental being, corresponds to the second letter- U (The Thinking Body and its 12 energies) The Self as the universal person in dreamless sleep, corresponds to the third letter- M (The Feeling Body and its 12 energies) The Fourth, the Self, is OM, the indivisible syllable (Its manifestation of Grace on the three Levels). This syllable is unutterable, and beyond the mind (and Thinking Body). In it the manifold universe (of Inertia) disappears. It is the supreme good (beyond the light of material goodness)- One without a second. Whosoever knows OM, the Self, becomes the Self.

The Twelve Energies of the Acting Body are composed of the Seven Anatomical Systems and the Five Senses of the Physical Body. The Twelve Energies of the Thinking Body are composed of the Seven Auras around the Body and the Five Pranas within the Body. The Twelve Energies of the Feeling Body are composed of the Seven Chakras on the Governing Vessel and the Five Chakras on the Conceptual Vessel.

-ASymbol of the 12 Spiritual Energies of The Acting Body

This symbol is called The Indalo or Rainbow Man. This symbol represents the Acting Body, The Seven Anatomical Systems and The Five Sensory Organs. The Seven Anatomical Systems Organs Endocrine System- Seven Endocrine Glands, Reproduction Circulatory System- Blood, Heart, Lymph System Digestive System Respiratory System Muscular System Skeletal System Brain and Nerve System Skin- Touch Tongue- Taste Nose- Smell Eyes- Sight Ears- Hearing The Five Sensory

-USymbol of the 12 Spiritual Energies of The Thinking Body

The Eye of Horus is the Symbol for the Thinking Body. The Eyebrow symbolizes Perception. The deeper perception comes through the Seven Auras and The Seven Spirits of the Elohim shown in the Eyebrow and the Metaphysical Senses of the Ascended Masters Shown come through the Five Pranas and the Five Senses represented in the five parts of the eye. Perception becomes grounded through The Elohim and the Ascended Masters who are the Supreme Personalities of the Godhead.

Perception Sight


Smell Taste Touch The Elohim- Perception- Auras The Ascended Masters- Senses- Pranas God- Crown Chakra- 7th Aura Holy Spirit- Third Eye Chakra- 6th Aura Christ- Throat Chakra- 5th Aura OM- Heart Chakra- 4th Aura Love- Third Chakra- 3rd Aura Faith- Second Chakra- 2nd Aura Hope- Root Chakra- 1st Aura I AM THAT I AM- Hearing- Udana Radharani and Krishna- Sight- Vyana Uma and Brahman- Smell- Prana Yasodhara and Buddha- Taste- Samana Mary and Jesus- Touch- Apana

-MSymbol of the 12 Spiritual Energies of The Feeling Body

The Kabbalah is the Symbol for the Feeling Body. The Feeling body is composed of The Seven Chakras on the Blackbody (Spine) and the Five Chakras on the Front body. There are many levels of understanding that are associated with it. The Seven Back Body Chakras The Seven Spirits of the Elohim The Five Front Body Chakras The Ascended Masters 7. God 6. Holy Spirit 5. Christ 4. OM 3. Love 2. Faith 1. Hope 5. I AM THAT I AM 4. Radharani and Krishna 3. Uma and Brahman 2. Yasodhara and Buddha 1. Mary and Jesus

The Seven Spirits of The Elohim

The Elohim Anatomical Aspects

(Above) The Elohim Hope, Faith, Love, OM, Christ, Holy Spirit, God Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red The Seven Energies of TheActing Body, The Thinking Body, The Feeling Body (Below) Hope Root Chakra (Base) The Endocrine System The Seven Endocrine Glands Gonads

The Nature of the Elohim

In ancient times the Elohim was known as the seven currents of the yinward flow of the Earthly Mother and the yangward flow of the Heavenly Father. The Elohim are the seven primordial currents of the unified field that manifest the universe and everything in it. The Elohim is known by many names. In Revelation in "The Bible" Jesus calls the Elohim the Seven Spirits, the seven thunders, and the sevens of time. The Elohim is spoken of in "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" as the Elohim and the Seven Spirits. In "The teachings of the Compassionate Buddha", Buddha calls the Elohim the seven elements of knowledge. In "The Bhagavad Gita", Krishna calls The Elohim the seven sages. In "A Course In Miracles" the Elohim is mentioned as the Great Rays. "The Essene Gospel of Peace" (books 1-4) and "The Essene Way of Biogenic Living" contain much useful information on the teachings of Jesus on the Elohim. To learn more about the Elohim click on the subjects below.

The Seven Spirits of Our One Creator- The Elohim

God- 7th chakra (crown chakra)- pineal gland Holy Spirit- 6th chakra (third eye chakra)- pituitary gland Christ- 5th chakra (throat chakra)- thyroid, parathyroid glands OM- (AUM, AMEN, AMIN)- 4th chakra (heart chakra)thymus Love- 3rd chakra- adrenal gland Faith- 2nd chakra- pancreas Hope- 1st chakra (root chakra)- gonads

The Five Personalities of The Godhead (Ascended Masters), Our One Creator

The Five Circles in the Lightening Bolts Represent The Five Personalities of the Godhead, The First Five Chakras above the Head and The Five Chakras of the Front Body of Woman and Man

O .......I AM THAT I AM.......O O.....Radharani and Krishna.....O O........Uma and Brahman.........O O.....Yasodhara and Buddha....O O..........Mary and Jesus...........O (Above)
The Ascended Masters The "I AM THAT I AM"

The Five Energies of the Acting, Thinking and Feeling Bodies

Love Individual Being The Will Primary Clear Light The Main Chord called The Kundalini Nerve Fifth Chakra Above the Head The Skeletal System Sense of Hearing

Holy Spirit Indigo Ray Third Eye Chakra Pituitary Gland

The Seven and The Five

The Seven and the Five are probably the most widely written about aspects of the creator. The Seven and The Five together are Twelve Spiritual Energies of Our One Creator that manifest the Universe and everything in it. The Twelve constellations of the Zodiac, The Twelve Postulates, The Twelve Disciples of the Master Jesus, The Twelve notes on the piano, etc.

Scriptural Cross- References

Jesus said, From God's own Record Book we read: the Triune God breathed forth, and seven Spirits stood before his face. (The Hebrews call these seven Spirits Elohim.) And these are they who, in their boundless power, created every thing that is, or was. These Spirits of the Triune God moved on the face of boundless space and seven ethers were, and every ether had its form of life. These forms of life were but the thoughts of God, clothed in the substance of their ether planes. (Men call these ether planes of protoplast, of earth, of plant, of beast, of man, of angel and of cherubim.) These planes with all their teeming thoughts of God, are never seen by eyes of man in flesh; they are composed of substance for too fine for fleshly eyes to see, and still they constitute the soul of things; And with the eyes of soul all creatures see these ether planes, and all the forms of life. Because all forms of life on every plane are thoughts of God, all creatures think, and every creature is possessed of will, and, in its measure, has the power to choose. And in their native planes all creatures are supplied with nourishment from the ethers of their planes. And so it was with every living thing until the will became a sluggish will, and then the ethers of the protoplast, the earth, the plant, the beast, the man, began to vibrate very slowly. The ethers all became more dense, and all the creatures of these planes were clothed with coarser garbs, the garbs of flesh, which men can see; and thus this coarser manifest, which men call physical, appeared. And this is what is called the fall of man; but man fell not alone, for protoplast, and earth, and plant and beast were all included in the fall. The angels and the cherubim fell not; their wills were ever strong, and so they held the ethers of their planes in harmony with God.

Now, when the ethers reached the rate of atmosphere, and all the creatures of these planes must get their food from atmosphere, the conflict came; and then that which the finite man has called survival of the best, became a law. The stronger ate the bodies of the weaker manifests; and here is where the carnal law of evolution had its rise. And now man, in his utter shamelessness, strikes down and eats the beasts, the beast consumes the plant, the plant thrives on the earth, the earth absorbs the protoplast. In yonder kingdom of the soul, this carnal evolution is not known, and the great work of master minds is to restore the heritage of man, to bring him back to his estate that he has lost, when he again will live upon the ethers of his native plane. The thoughts of God change not; the manifests of life on every plane unfold into perfection of their kind; and as the thoughts of God can never die, there is no death to any being of the seven ethers of the Seven Spirits of the Triune God. And so an earth is never plant; a beast, or bird, or creeping thing is never man, and man is not, and cannot be, a beast, or bird, or creeping thing. The time will come when all these seven manifests will be absorbed and man, and beast, and plant, and earth and protoplast will be redeemed. (Jesus- Aquarian Gospel Ch. 32:20-39) And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, Seven Thunders uttered their voices. (Bible- Revelation ch. 10:1-3) After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the Seven Spirits of God. (Bible- Revelation Chapter 4:1-5) Those whose mind is well grounded in the Seven Elements of Knowledge (Seven Spirits), who without clinging to anything rejoice in the freedom from attachment, whose appetites have been conquered, and who are full of light, the win Nirvana (Heaven) even in this world. (Buddha- The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha Page: 58) A Course in Miracles by The Foundation of Inner Peace The Essene Way of Biogenic Living by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. (Genesis Chapter 1:1-3)

Jesus said, The God I speak about is everywhere; he cannot be compassed with walls, nor hedged about with bounds of any kind. All people worship God, the One; but all the people see him not alike. This universal God is wisdom, will and Love. All men see not the Triune God. One sees him as the God of might; another as the God of thought; another as the God of Love. A man's ideal is his God, and so, as man unfolds, his God unfolds. Man's God today, tomorrow is not God. The nations of earth see God from different points of view, and so he does not seem the same to everyone. Man names the part of God he sees, and this to him is all of God; and every nation sees a part of God, and every nation has a name for God. You Brahmans call him Parabrahm; in Egypt he is Thoth; and Zeus is his name in Greece; Jehovah is his Hebrew name; but everywhere he is the causeless Cause, the rootless Root from which all things have grown. When men become afraid of God, and take him for a foe, they dress up other men in fancy garbs and call them priests. And charge them to restrain the wrath of God by prayers; and when they fail to win his favor by their prayers, to buy him off with sacrifice of animal, or bird. When man sees God as one with him, as Father-God, he needs no middle man, no priest to intercede; He goes straight up to him and says, My Father-God! and then he lays his hand in God's own hand, and all is well. And this is God. You are, each one, a priest, just for yourself; and sacrifice of blood God does not want. Just give your life in sacrificial service to all of life, and God is pleased. (Aquarian Gospel Ch. 28:12-25) Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. (BibleIs. 45:22) As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I Love; with him I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:16-17) Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me. (Bible- Is. 46:9) Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.' The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." How can this be?" Nicodemus asked. You are Israel's teacher," said Jesus, "and do you not understand these things? I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? (Bible- John ch. 3:5-12) And Mary said: "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior (Bible- Luke 1:46-47)

Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in Spirit and in truth." The woman said, "I know that Messiah" (called Christ) "is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us." Then Jesus declared, "I who speak to you am he." (Bible- John 4:21-26) Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. (Jesus- Revelation ch. 3:11-12)

Symbol of God and The Crown Chakra- Secondary Symbol of the Higher Self
The Tai-chi T'u Symbol is the Native Symbol of the Crown Chakra on the Governing Vessel, The Chakra of God.

Tai-chi T'u

Anatomical Aspects


Unmanifested One Higher Self Life- Happiness Invisible Light Sixth Chakra Above the Head

God Crown Chakra Pineal Gland Brain and Nerve System

Seventh Heaven Seventh Chakra (Crown Chakra)-coordination- timing (center of the top of head) Pineal Gland Violet Ray

Holy Spirit
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit). (BibleMt. 1:18) Men call the Thought of heaven the Holy Breath. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 9:18) And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him (Jesus), and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. (Bible- Lu. 3:22) The woman heard that Jesus was a teacher sent from God, and she believed that he had power to heal her son. And so she clasped the dying infant in her arms and ran with haste and asked to see the man of God. When Jesus saw her Faith he lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, My Father-God, let power divine overshadow me, and let the Holy Breath (Holy Spirit) fill full this child that it may live. And in the presence of the multitude he laid his hand upon the child and said, Good woman you are blest; your Faith has saved your son. And then the child was well. The people were astonished and they said, This surely is the Holy One made flesh, for man alone cannot rebuke a fever thus and save a child from death. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 36:14-20) Then John led Jesus down into the river at the ford and he baptized him in the sacred name of him who sent him forth to manifest the Christ to men. And as they came out of the stream, the Holy Breath, in form of a dove, came down and sat on Jesus' head. A voice from heaven said, This is the well beloved son of God, the Christ, the Love of God made manifest. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 64:11-13) For forty days did Jesus wrestle with his carnal self; his higher self prevailed. He then was hungry, but his friends had found him and ministered to him. Then Jesus left the wilderness and in the consciousness of Holy Breath, he came unto the camps of John and taught. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 65:16-17) Behold, the Holy Breath shall teach you in your hour of need what you should say, and what is best to leave unsaid. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 109:31 Jesus spoke again unto the eleven and said, Grieve not because I go away , for it is best that I should go away. If I go not the Comforter will not come to you. These things I speak while with you in the flesh, but when the Holy Breath shall come in power, lo, she will teach you more and more, and bring to your remembrance all the words that I have said to you. There are a multitude of things yet to be said; things that this age cannot receive, because it cannot comprehend. But, lo, I say, Before the great day of the Lord shall come, the Holy Breath will make all mysteries known The mysteries of the soul, of life, of death, of immortality; the oneness of a man with every other man and with his God. Then will the world be led to truth, and man will be the truth. When she has come, the Comforter, she will convince the world of sin, and of the truth of what I speak, and of the rightness of the judgment of the just; and then the prince of carnal life will be cast

out. And when the Comforter shall come I need not intercede for you; for you will stand approved, and God will know you then as he knows me. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 162:4-11) On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!" After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. (Bible- John 20:19-22) When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like a rushing mighty wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem God- fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. Utterly amazed, they asked: "Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language? (Bible- Acts Ch. 2:1-8) No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness. Take heed therefore, that the light which is in thee be not darkness. If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light. (Jesus- Bible- Luke 11:33-36)

The Symbol of the Holy Spirit- The Secondary Symbol of The Will
The Symbol of The Shining Way is the native symbol of the Third Eye Chakra, The Chakra of the Holy Spirit.


Anatomical Aspects



Love Individual Being The Will Primary Clear Light The Main Chord called The Kundalini Nerve Fifth Chakra Above the Head The Skeletal System Sense of Hearing

Holy Spirit Indigo Ray Third Eye Chakra Pituitary Gland

Sixth Heaven Sixth Chakra (Third eye)(brow, forehead)- Integration of gifts and talents Pituitary Gland Indigo Ray

Before creation was, the Christ walked with the Father God and Mother God in Akasha. The Christ is son, the only son begotten by Almighty God, the God of Force and God omniscient, God of thought; and Christ is God, the God of Love. Without the Christ there was no light. Through Christ all life was manifest; and so through him all things were done, and naught was done in forming worlds or peopling worlds without the Christ. Christ is the Logos of Infinities and through the Word alone are Thought and Force made manifest. The Son is called the Christ, because the Son, the Love, the universal Love, was set apart, ordained to be creator, Lord, preserver and redeemer of all things, of everything that is, or evermore will be. Through Christ, the protoplast, the earth, the plant, the beast, the man, the angel and the cherubim took up their stations on their planes of life. Through Christ they are preserved; and if they fall, it is the Christ who lifts them up; and if they sell themselves to sin (error), the Christ redeems. Now Christ, the universal Love, pervades all spaces of infinity, and so there is no end to Love. From the great heart of Love unnumbered spirits were sent forth to demonstrate the height, the depth, the width, the boundlessness of Love. To every world and star and moon and sun a master spirit of this Love divine was sent, and all were full anointed with the oil of helpfulness, and each became a Christ.

All glorious in his majesty is Christ, who spreads the pure white robe of Love o'er all the planes of earth-- The Christ of earth, its heaven, its graves. In course of time the protoplast, the earth, the plant, the beast, the man sold out their birthrights unto sin (Illusion); but Christ was present to redeem. Hid in the holiest place in all infinities is locked the scroll that bears the record of the purposes of God, the Triune God, and there we read: Perfection is the ultimate of life. A seed is perfect in its embryotic life, but it is destined to unfold, to grow. Into the soil of every plane these seeds, which were the Thoughts of God, were cast-- the seeds of protoplast, of earth, of plant, of beast, of man, of angel and of cherubim, an they who sowed the seeds, through Christ, ordained that they should grow, and should return at last, by effort of unnumbered years, to the great granary of thought, and each be a perfection of its kind. And in the boundless blessedness of Love the man was made the Lord of protoplast, of earth, of plant, of beast, and Christ proclaimed: Man shall have full dominion over everything that is upon these planes of life; and it was so. And he who gave the lordship unto man declared that he must rule by Love. But men grew cruel and they lost their power to rule, and protoplast, and earth, and plant and beast became at enmity with man; he lost his heritage; but Christ was present to redeem. But man had lost his consciousness of right; he could no longer comprehend the boundlessness of Love; he could see naught but self, and things of self; but Christ was there to seek the lost and save. So that he might be close to man in all the ways of life, that man might comprehend the mighty spirit of the Love, the Christ of earth made manifest to human eyes and ears by taking his abode in some pure person, well prepared by many lives to be a fit abiding place of Love. Thus Christ made manifest Love's power to save; but men forgot so soon, and so Christ must manifest again, and then again. And ever since man took his place in form of flesh the Christ has been manifest in flesh at first of every age. (Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ- introduction page 6-7) Note: The word "sin" is an archery term used long ago on the archery field. The word "sin" was yelled back to the archer, by the spotter, when the archer missed the mark (bulls eye). Jesus was an ideal Jew, born in Bethlehem of Judea. His mother was a beautiful Jewish girl named Mary. As a child Jesus differed but little from other children only that in past lives he had overcome carnal propensities to such an extent that he could be tempted like others and not yield. Paul was right when to the Hebrews he said: "He was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." (Hebrews 4:15) Jesus suffered as other men suffer, and was made perfect through suffering; for this is the only way to perfection. His life was an example of attainment by the way of crosses and cruel treatment. Paul was right again when he said: "It became him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons into glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering." (Hebrews 2:10)

In many respects Jesus was a remarkable child, for by ages of strenuous preparation he was qualified to be an avatar, a savior of the world, and from childhood he was endowed with superior wisdom and was conscious of the fact that he was competent to lead the race into the higher ways of spiritual living. But he was conscious also of the fact that he must attain the mastery by trials, buffetings, temptations and sufferings. And all his life was spent in attaining. After his death, burial and resurrection he appeared in materialized form before the Silent Brothers in the temple of Heliopolis, in Egypt, and said: "My human life was wholly given to bring my will to tune with the deific will; when this was done my earth-tasks all were done. "You know that all my life was one great drama for the sons of men; a pattern for the sons of men. I lived to show the possibilities of man." "What I have done all men can do, and what I am all men shall be." (Aquarian Gospel- ch. 178: 43,45,46) Jesus was the name of the man and it was to only appropriate name for this kind of a man. The word means Savior, and Jesus was in more senses than one a savior. The word Christ means "the anointed one,: and then it is an official title. It means, The Master of Love. When we say :Jesus the Christ: we refer to the man and to his office; just as we do when we say Edward, the King, or Lincoln the President. Edward was not always King, and Lincoln was not always President, and Jesus was not always Christ. Jesus won hid Christship by a strenuous life, and in the Aquarian Gospel, chapter 55, we have a record of the events of his christing, or receiving the degree Christ. Here is where he was coronated by the highest earth authorities as the Christ-King; properly speaking, "The Master of Love"; and after this was done he entered at once upon his Judean and Galilean ministry. We recognize the facts that Jesus was man and that Christ was God, so that in very truth Jesus the Christ was the God-man of the ages. The Nazarene's Testimony. Jesus himself made the matter clear. Once when he was speaking to a congregation in Bethany the people called him King and he stood forth and said: "I am not sent to sit upon a throne to rule as Caesar rules; and you may tell the ruler of the Jews that I am not a claimant for his throne. Men call me Christ, and God has recognized the name; but Christ is not a man. The Christ is universal Love and Love is King." "This Jesus is but man who has been fitted by temptations overcome, by trials multiform, to be the temple through which the Christ can manifest to men." "Then hear, you men of Israel, hear! Look not upon the flesh; it is not king. Look to the Christ within who shall be formed in every one of you, as he is formed in me." "When you have purified your hearts by Faith, the king will enter in and you will see his face." (Aquarian Gospel ch. 68:10-14) (Aquarian Gospel- Introduction page 7-8) Christ lives in every heart of purity. Now Jesus who is preaching at the Jordan ford, has been subjected to the hardest tests of human life, and he has conquered all the appetites and passions of the carnal man, And by the highest court of heaven, has been declared a man of such superior purity and holiness that he can demonstrate the presence of the Christ on earth. Lo, Love divine, which is the

Christ, abides in him, and he is pattern for the race. And every man can see in him what every man will be when he has conquered all the passions of the selfish self. In water I have washed the bodies of the people who have turned from sin, symbolic of the cleansing of the soul; But Jesus bathes for ever in the living waters of the Holy Breath. And Jesus comes to bring the savior of the world to men; Love is the savior of the world. And all who put their trust in Christ, and follow Jesus as a pattern and a guide, have everlasting life. (Aquarian Gospel 79:9-17) And while the hierophant yet spoke the temple bells rang out; a pure white dove descended from above and sat on Jesus' head. And then a voice that shook the very temple said, This is The Christ; and every living creature said, Amen. (Aquarian Gospel Ch. 55:10-11) I am the lamp; Christ is the oil of life; the Holy Breath, the fire. Behold the light! and he who follows me shall not walk in the dark, but he shall have the light of life. (Jesus- Aquarian Gospel ch. 135:4) And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Bible- Matthew 16:1619) Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? (Bible- Mt. 21:42) For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. (Bible- Jn. 1:17)

The Symbol of Christ- The Secondary Symbol of The Spirit

The Fountain of Youth Symbol is the Native Symbol of the Throat Chakra, The Chakra of Christ.

The Fountain of Youth

Anatomical Aspects


Radharini and Krishna The Spirit Woman and Man Joy Secondary Clear Light Conceptual and Governing Vessel System The Sense of Sight- The Eyes The Muscular System

Christ Blue Ray Throat Chakra Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands

Fifth Heaven Fifth Chakra (throat)- Service- assimilation Thyroid and Parathyroid glands Blue Ray

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,

and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. (Bible- John Chapter 1:1-14) The Aum vibration that reverberates throughout the universe (the "Word" or "Voice of many waters" of the Bible) has three manifestations or hunas, those of creation, preservation, and destruction. (Taittiriya Upanishad 1:8) The infinite potencies of sound derive from the Creative Word, Aum, the cosmic vibratory power behind all atomic energies. Any word spoken with clear realization and deep concentration has a materializing value. Loud or silent repetition of inspiring words has been found effective in Coueism and similar systems of psychotherapy: the secret lies in the stepping-up of the mind's vigratory rate. Aum of the Vedas became the sacred word Hum of the Tibetans, Amin of the Moslems, and Amen of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Jews, and Christians. Its meaning in Hebrew is sure, faithful. (Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda page 22n, 14n and 277n) The syllable OM, which is the imperishable Brahman, is the universe. Whatsoever has existed, whatsoever exists, whatsoever shall exist hereafter, is Om. And whatsoever transcends past, present, and future, that also is Om. All this that we see without is Brahman. This Self that is within is Brahman. This Self which is one with OM, has three aspects, and beyond these three, different from them and indefinable- The Fourth. This Self, beyond all words, is the syllable OM. This syllable, though indivisible, consists of three letters--- A-U-M. Vaiswanara, the Self as the universal person in his physical being (Acting Body), corresponds to the first letter--A. Whosoever knows Vaiswanara obtains what he desires, and becomes the first among men. Taijasa, the Self as the universal person in his mental being (Thinking Body), corresponds to the second letter--U. Taijasa and the letter U both stand in dream, between waking and sleeping. Whosoever knows Taijasa grows in wisdom, and is highly honored. Prajna, the Self as the universal person in dreamless sleep (Feeling Body), corresponds to the third letter--M. He is the origin and the end of all. Whosoever knows Prajna knows all things. The Fourth, the Self, is Om, the indivisible syllable. This syllable is unutterable, and beyond mind. In it the manifold universe disappears. It is the supreme good--One without a second. Whosoever knows OM, the Self, becomes the Self. (The Upanishads translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester- Mandukya Upanishad p.50&51) OM is Brahman. OM is all. He who meditates on OM attains to Brahman. (The Upanishads-Taittiriya Upanishad p. 54) Affix to the Upanishad, the bow incomparable, the sharp arrow of devotional worship; then, whith mind absorbed and heart milted in Love, draw the arrow and hit the mark--the imperishable Brahman. Om is the bow, the arrow is the individual being, and Brahman is the target. With a tranquil heart, take aim. Lose thyself in him, even as the arrow is lost in the target.

Within the lotus of the heart he dwells, where, like the spokes of a wheel in its hub, the nerves meet. Meditate on him as OM. Easily, may you cross the sea of darkness. This Self who understands all, who knows all, and whose glory is manifest in the universe, lives within the lotus of the heart, the bright throne of Brahman. By the pure in heart is he known. The Self exists in man, within the lotus of the heart, and is the master of his life and of his body. With mind illuminated by power of meditation, the wise know him, the blissful, the immortal. The knot of the heart, which is ignorance, is loosed, all doubts are dissolved, all evil effects of deeds are destroyed, when he who is both personal and impersonal is realized. In effulgent lotus of the heart dwells Brahman, who is passionless and indivisible. He is pure, hes is the light of lights. Him the knowers of the Self attain. (The Upanishads-Mundaka Upanishad p. 46)

Of vibrations I AM the transcendental OM. Of sacrifices I AM the chanting of the Holy Names. (Bhagavad Gita- Ch. 10:25) I AM the taste of water, the light of the sun and the moon, the syllable OM in Vedic mantras; I AM the sound in ether and ability in man. (Bhagavad Gita- Ch. 7:8) These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; (Jesus- Bible- Re. 3:14) And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east: and his voice was like a noise of many waters: and the earth shined with his glory. (Bible- Eze. 43:2) Through the divine eye in the foraehead (east), the yogi sails his consciousness into onmipresence, hearing the Word or Aum, divine sound of "many waters": the vibrations of light that constitute the sole reality of creation. (Autobiography of a Yogi- p. 312) Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. (Bible- Revelation 1:7-8) The reckoning day will come to every man; then will the tares be gathered up and cast into the fire and be burned. Then will the good shine forth as suns in the kingdom of the soul. And Philip said, Must men and women suffer in the flames because they have not found the way of life? And Jesus said, The fire purifies. The chemist throws into the fire the ores that hold all kinds of dross. The useless metal seems to be consumed; but not a grain of gold is lost. There is no man that has not in him gold that cannot be destroyed. The evil things of men are all consumed in fire; the gold

survives. (Jesus- Aquarian Gospel ch. 116:11-16) God gave the saving Word to me, and I have often spoken it and healed the sick, drove unclean spirits out, and raised the dead. And I have shown you how to speak the Word; and I have given you the Word. (Jesus- Aquarian Gospel ch. 127:10-11) Now you are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you. (Jesus-Bible- John: 15:3)

The Symbol of OM at the Heart ChakraThe Secondary Symbol of the Soul

The Symbol of the Eternal Breath is the Native Symbol of the Heart Chakra on the Governing Vessel, The Chakra of OM. This symbol is also called the Caduceus. The Breath of the Eternal Symbol shows the path of breath and Prana as it flows through the body. The breath enters at the nose (head of the two serpents-Ida and Pingala). The Prana of Breath then winds its way down around the chakras to the base of the Kundalini and enters the Sushumna at the base of the spine and rises up through the chakras on both the Conceptual Vessel and Governing Vessel.

Eternal Breath

Anatomical Aspects


Uma and Brahman The Soul Abundance Clear White Light 3rd Chakra Above the Head The Whole Chakra and Point System Respiratory System

OM Green Ray The Transcendental Heart Heart Chakra on the Conceptual and Governing Vessels Thymus Gland

Fourth Heaven Heart Chakra- (solar plexus)- balance Thymus Gland

Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the riches of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you. (Bible- Isaiah ch. 55:1-3) The highest motive is to be like water: water is essential to all life, yet it does not demand a fee or proclaim its importance. Rather, it flows humbly to the lowest level, and in so doing it is much like Tao. In the home the truly wise Love the humble earth, the foundation on which the home is built; in the heart they Love what is genuine; in friendship they are compassionate; in words they are sincere; in government they foster peace and good will; in business they work with quiet efficiency. Serenity is the goal of Tao; through it nothing is lost. (The Book of the Tao- 8th. Sutra). The world says: "Tao is great but seems so foolish!" It seems foolish because it is great. If it did not seem so foolish it would have long since lost its value. I have three treasures. Guard them and keep them safe! The first is Love without which nothing is possible. The second is moderation which is to know the Mystic Balance. The third is humility, to know that you have come from nothing and that you return to nothing. Without these there is no Hope. Love conquers all. There is no defense against it. Tao arms with Love those it would protect. (The Book of the Tao- 67th Sutra) Now, Rabbi Barachia of the synagogue of Nazareth, was aid to Mary in the teaching of her son. One morning after service in the synagogue the rabbi said to Jesus as he sat in silent thought, Which is the greatest of the Ten Commands? And Jesus said, I do not see a greatest of the Ten Commands. I see a golden cord that runs through all the Ten Commands that binds them fast and makes them one. This cord is Love, and it belongs to every word of all the Ten Commands. If one is full of Love he can do nothing else than worship God; for God is Love. If one is full of Love he cannot kill; he cannot falsely testify; he cannot covet; can do naught but honor God and man. If one is full of Love he does not need commands of any kind. And Rabbi Barachia said, Your words are seasoned with the salt of wisdom that is from above. Who is the teacher who has opened up this truth to you? And Jesus said, I do not know that any teacher opens up this truth for me. It seems to me that truth was never shut; that it was always opened up, for truth is one and it is everywhere. And if we open up the windows of our minds the truth will enter in and make herself at home; for truth can find her way through any crevice, any window, any open door.

The rabbi said, What hand is strong enough to open up the windows and the doors of mind so truth can enter in? And Jesus said, It seems to me that Love, the golden cord that binds the Ten Commands in one, is strong enough to open any human door so that truth can enter in and cause the heart to understand. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 17:1-12) Do everything in love. (Bible- 1 Co. ch. 16:14) You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you Love those who Love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Jesus- Bible- Matthew ch. 5:43-48) So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. (Jesus- Bible- Mark ch. 2:12) Great is that yogi (disciple, student) who seeks to be with Brahman (God the One), greater than those who mortify the body, greater than the learned, greater than the doers of good works: Therefore, son of God, become a yogi. He gives me all his heart, he worships me in Faith and Love: that yogi, above every other, I call my very own. [Krsna- The Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) ch. 6:46-4] If one offers Me with Love and true devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit, or water I will accept it. That gift is Love, his heart's dedication. Whatever your action, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away as well as whatever you vow to the work of the spirit: o son of God, should be done as an offering unto Me. Thus you will free yourself from both the good and the evil effects of your actions. Offer up everything to me. If your heart is united with Me, you will be set free from karma even in this life, and come to me at the last. I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am a friend to him. (Krsna- The Bhagavad Gita -ch. 9:26-29) Prayer is the medium of miracles. It is a means of communication of the created with the Creator. Through prayer Love is received, and through miracles, Love is expressed. (A Course in Miracles text p.1) Make a habit of practicing meditation, and do not let your mind be distracted. In this way you will come finally to the Lord, who is the light giver, the highest of the high. He is all-knowing God, Lord of the emperors, Ageless, subtler far than mind's in most subtlety, universal sustainer, shining sunlike, self- luminous. What fashion His form has, who shall conceive of it? He dwells beyond delusion, the dark of Maya (duality). On him meditate always, for then at the last hour of going hence from his body he will be

strong in the strength of this yoga (Union with God), faithfully followed: the mind is firm, and the heart so full, it hardly holds its Love. [Krsna- The Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) 8:8-10] When man has reached the place where he has Faith in God, in nature and himself, he knows the Word of power; his word is balm for every wound, is cure for all the ills of life. The healer is the man who can inspire Faith. The tongue may speak to human ears, but souls are reached by souls that speak to souls. He is the forceful man whose soul is large, and who can enter into souls, inspiring Hope in those who have no Hope, and Faith in those who have no Faith in God, in nature, nor in man. A thousand things produce inharmony and make men sick; a thousand things may tune the harpsichord, and make men well. The virtue from the hand of breath may heal a thousand more; but Love is queen. Thought, reinforced by Love, is God's great sovereign balm. Jesus bowed his head in recognition of the wisdom of this master soul, and went his way. (Udraka- Aquarian Gospel ch. 23:13-26) To Love is to know Me, My innermost nature, the truth that I AM: through this knowledge he enters at once into My being. All that he does is offered before Me in utter surrender: My grace is upon him, he finds the eternal, the place unchanging. Mentally resign all your action to Me. Regard Me as your dearest Loved one. Know me to be your only refuge. Be united always in heart and consciousness with Me. United with Me, you shall overcome all difficulties by grace. (Krsna- Bhagavad Gita, Ch. 18:55) Prefect Love casts out fear. If fear exists, then there is not perfect Love. But, only perfect Love exists. If there is fear It produces a state that does not exist. (A Course In Miracles- text p.12) There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not "harder" or "bigger" than another. They are all the same. All expressions of Love are Maximal. Miracles occur naturally as expressions of Love. The real miracle is the Love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from Love is a miracle. A Course in Miracles text p.1) "Christ will lift the sons and daughters of the human race, yea, every one of them, from darkness and from graves of carnal things, to light and everlasting life." (Jesus- Aquarian Gospel ch. 178:25 ) Perhaps you think that different kinds of Love are possible. Perhaps you think there is a kind of Love for this, a kind of Love for that; a way of Loving one, another way of Loving still another. Love is one. It has no separate parts and no degrees; no kinds nor levels, no divergencies and no distinctions. It is like itself, unchanged throughout. It never alters with a person or a circumstance. It is the Heart of God, and also of His Son. Love's meaning is obscure to anyone who thinks that Love can change. He does not see that changing Love must be impossible. And thus he thinks that he can Love at times, and hate at other times. He also thinks that Love can be bestowed on one, and yet remain itself although it is withheld from others. To believe these things of Love is not to understand it. If it could make such distinctions, it would have to judge between the righteous and the sinner, and perceive the Son of God in separate parts. Love cannot judge. As it is one itself, it looks on all as one. Its meaning lies in oneness. And it

must elude the mind that thinks of it as partial or in part. There is no Love but God's, and all of Love is His. There is no other principle that rules where Love is not. Love is a law without an opposite. Its wholeness is the power holding everything as one, the link between the Father and the Son which holds them both forever as the same. (A Course In Miracles- workbook lesson 127) Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not Love, I am sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Though I tell what is to come, and know all secrets, and all wisdom; and though I have Faith so strong as the storm which lifts mountains from their seat, but have not Love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and give all my fire that I have received from my Father, but have not Love, I am in no wise profited. Love is patient, Love is kind. Love is not envious, works not evil, knows not pride; is not rude, neither selfish; is slow to anger, imagines no mischief; rejoices not in injustice, but delights in justice. Love defends all, Love believes all, Love Hopes all, Love bears all; never exhausts itself; but as for tongues they shall cease, and, as for knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we have truth in part, and error in part, but when the fullness of perfection is come, that which is in part shall be blotted out. When a man was a child he spoke as a child, understood as a child, thought as a child; but when he became a man he put away childish things. For now we see through a glass and through dark sayings. Now we know in part, but when we are come before the face of God, we shall not know in part, but even as we are taught by him. And now remain these three: Faith and Hope and Love; but the greatest of these is Love. (Jesus- The Essene Gospel of Peace p.19-20 and Bible 1st. Cor. ch. 13) Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly (third chakra) shall flow rivers of living water. (JesusBible- Jn. 7:37-38)

The Symbol of Love- Secondary Symbol of the Mind

The Well- Spring of Nirvana Symbol is the Native Symbol of the Third Chakra on the Governing Vessel, The Chakra of Love.

Well- Spring of Nirvana

Anatomical Aspects


Princess Yasodhara and Gautama Buddha

Peace White Light The Mind The Seven Auras and Five Pranas The Digestive System

Love Yellow Ray Third Chakra on the Spine Chakras Adrenal Glands
Third Heaven Third Chakra (belly Chakra)- The Protector Adrenal Glands The Yellow Ray

Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the place, he said to them, "Pray that you will not fall into temptation." He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. (Bible- Luke 22:39-44) Jesus said, Faith is the surety of the omnipotence of God and man; the certainty that man will reach the deific life. Salvation is a ladder reaching from the heart of man to heart of God. It has three steps; Belief is first, and this is what man thinks, perhaps, is truth. And Faith is next, and this is what man knows is truth. Fruition is the last, and this is man himself, the truth. Belief is lost in Faith, and in fruition is lost; and man is saved when he has reached deific life; when he and God are one. (Aquarian Gospel Ch. 22:26-31) A flowing spring that people called the Healing Fount, was near Persepolis. And all the people thought that at a certain time of year their deity came down and gave a virtue to the waters of the fount, and that the sick who then would plunge into the fount and wash would be made whole. About the fount a multitude of people were in waiting for the Holy One to come and potencies the waters of the fount. The blind, the lame, the deaf, the dumb, and those obsessed were there. And Jesus, standing in the midst of them, exclaimed, Behold the spring of life! These waters that will heal are honored as the special blessing of your God. From whence do healing virtues come? Why does he bless this spring today, and then tomorrow take his blessings all away? A deity of power could fill these waters full of healing virtue every day. Hear me, you sick, disconsolate: The virtue of this fount is not a special gift of God. Faith is the healing power of every drop of all the waters of this spring. He who believes with all his heart that he will be made whole when he has washed; and he may wash at any time. Let every one who has this Faith in God and in himself plunge in these waters now and wash.

And many of the people plunged into the crystal fount; and they were healed. And then there was a rush, for all the people were inspired with Faith, and each one strove to be among the first to wash, lest all the virtue be absorbed. And Jesus saw a little child, weak, faint and helpless, sitting all alone beyond the surging crowd; and there was none to help her to the fount. And Jesus said, My little one, why do you sit and wait? Why not arise and hasten to the fount and wash, and be made well? The child replied, I need not haste; the blessings of my Father in the sky are measured not in tiny cups; they never fail; their virtues are the same forevermore. When these, whose Faith is weak and who must haste to wash for fear their Faith will fail, have all been cured, these waters will be just as powerful for me. Then I can go and stay a long, long time within the blessed waters of the spring. And Jesus said, Behold a master soul! She came to earth to teach to men the power of Faith. And then he lifted up the child and said, Why wait for anything? The very air we breathe is filled with balm of life, Breathe in this balm of life in Faith and be made whole. The child breathed in the balm of life in Faith, and she was well. The people marveled much at what they heard and saw; they said, This man must surely be the God of health made flesh. And Jesus said, The fount of life is not a little pool; it is as wide as are the spaces of the heavens. The waters of the fount are Love; the potency is Faith, and he who plunges deep into the living springs, in living Faith, may wash away his guilt and be made whole, and freed from sin. (Aquarian Gospel Ch. 41:1-24) There is no Faith without the prayer of Faith. Faith is the wings of prayer; but wings alone fly not. By prayer and Faith you can bring down the mountain peaks, and cast them in the sea; the little hills will skip about like lambs at your command. (Aquarian Gospel ch 130:19-20) I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. (Jesus- Bible- Matthew Chapter 17:20) That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no Faith?" They were terrified and asked each other," Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!" (Bible- Mark 4:35-40) When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" "Yes, Lord," they replied. Then he touched their eyes and said, "According to your Faith will it be done to you"; and their sight was restored. Jesus warned them sternly, "See that no one knows about this." (John- Mt. 9:28-30)

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. (Bible- John Ch. 14:1-4)

The Symbol of Faith- The Secondary Symbol of the Body

The Logos of the Circle Seven is the Native Symbol of the Second Chakra on the Governing Vessel, The Chakra of Faith.

The Logos of the Circle Seven

Anatomical Aspects


Mother Mary and Jesus Healing Golden Light The Astral Body The Seven Bodily Systems The Circulatory System

Faith Orange Ray 2nd Chakra on the Spinal Chakras Pancreas

Second Heaven Second Chakra- Giving and Receiving- gut area Pancreas Orange Ray

In silent meditation Jesus sat beside a flowing spring. It was a holy day, and many people of the servant caste were near the place. And Jesus saw the hard drawn lines of toil on every brow, in every hand. There was no look of joy in any face. Not one of all the group could think of anything but toil. And Jesus spoke to one and said, Why are you all so sad? Have you no happiness in life? The man replied, We scarcely know the meaning of that word. We toil to live, and Hope for nothing else

but toil, and bless the day when we can cease our toil and lay us down to rest in Buddha's city of the dead. And Jesus' heart was stirred with pity and with Love for these poor toilers, and he said, Toil should not make a person sad; men should be happiest when they toil. When Hope and Love are back of toil, then all of life is filled with joy and peace, and this is heaven. Do you not know that such a heaven is for you? The man replied, Of heaven we have heard; but then it is so far away, and we must live so many lives before we reach that place! And Jesus said, My brother, man, your thoughts are wrong; your heaven is not far away; and it is not a place of metes and bounds, is not a country to be reached; it is a state of mind. God never made a heaven in the sky; just open up the windows of your hearts, and, like a flood of light, a heaven will come and bring a boundless joy; then toil will be no cruel task. (Aquarian Gospel Ch. 33:1-33) You will be secure, because there is Hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. (Bible- Jb. 11:18) But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the Hope of the afflicted ever perish. (Bible- Ps. 9:18) Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my Hope is in you all day long. (Bible- Ps. 25:4-5) May your unfailing Love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our Hope in you. (Bible- Ps. 33:18) Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. (Bible- Pr. 13:12) But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Bible- Is. 40:31) Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and the smoking flax he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their Hope." (Bible- Isaiah Chapter 42:1-4) Then you will know that I am the Lord; those who Hope in me will not be disappointed." (BibleIsaiah 49:23) My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations. The islands will look to me and wait in Hope for my arm. (Bible- Is. 51:5)

The Lord is good to those whose Hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; (Bible- Lam. 3:25) And Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. (Bible- Ro. 5:5) For in this Hope we were saved. But Hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who Hopes for what he already has? But if we Hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. (Bible- Ro. 8:2425) Be joyful in Hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Bible- Ro. 12:12) For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have Hope. (Bible- Ro. 15:4)

The Symbol of Hope- Symbol of the Seven Spirits of The Elohim

The Elohim Symbol is the Native Symbol of the First Chakra on the Governing Vessel, The Chakra of Hope.

The Elohim

Anatomical Aspects


The Elohim Hope, Faith, Love, OM, Christ, Holy Spirit, God
(Violet-Indigo-Blue-Green-Yellow-Orange-Red)-Light The Seven Energies of The Acting, Thinking and Feeling Bodies

Hope Root Chakra (Base) The Endocrine System The Seven Endocrine Glands Gonads
First Heaven First Chakra- The motivator- center of the body at the base of the spine

Gonads (Ovaries and Testes) Red Ray

The Laws of the Universe

There are two principle laws that operate in and through the universe. These two laws are the law of Karma and the Law of Grace. Karma is the Sanskrit word for duality. The law of Karma is the law of duality, the law of opposites. Everything in the material manifestation is subject to the law of opposites. The atom has positive and negative charges. Magnets have opposite poles. Woman and Man are also equal and opposite, neither existing without the other. Whatever seed you sow grows, and you reap the harvest. What goes around comes around, what you sow you reap, that is the law of Karma. The law of Grace is the second law that operates in and through the universe. The Law of Grace is more of a phenomenon than a law. Grace is not affected by cause and effect, it trancends duality. Grace is known by many names; unwarranted favor, mercy, forgiveness, Unconditional or Divine Love. It is by Grace, through Faith that we receive Salvation, not by works that we do. We can't earn it by sowing and reaping. Salvation is a gift of God, the Grace of God. So in that respect it transcends duality, transcends the Law of Karma. Most everyone can see the workings of Karma and Grace on a small scale in the things that we do every day. The bigger picture of the laws of Karma and Grace are in the legends of the Creation and the developement of the human race. There are many versions of these stories found all over the world. Each version of Creation gives us some insight into the subject. The Symbolic Story of Creation found in the Chapter of Genesis in the Bible is probably the most familar story. Deeper insights into the origins of the Humanity, can be found in the Classics such as the Vedas, The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, The Book of the Tao and others. There are also some interesting insights into the Laws of Karma and Grace found in "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus"- (selected and edited by Jeffrey Furst).

The Legend of the Origin of the Human Race

After the creation of the universe, many souls sometimes called entites marveled at the beauty of the Earth. They saw the evolutionary process in motion and like little children, they desired to experience the material world. They wanted to play at creation themselves. They saw the animals, male and female, and disired to experience the duality and sexuality of nature. Up until this time these souls were One, neither male or female They crudely divided themsilves in two and began making material bodies for themselves by drawing upon the life forces and forms around them. Feathers and scales, hooves and hair, rocks and trees, from these they fashioned their bodies in all shapes and sizes. These soulmates were so engrossed in their play that they hardly noticed when the two began to lose their ability to be One. The more attached these soulmates became to their desires, of every nature, the more entrapped they became. They gradually lost the ability to move freely between the material world and the Spiritual world. They became more and more entrapped in the Three Modes of Material Nature (The Three Gunas). Light (Sattva), Energy (Rajas) and Inertia (Tamas), are the Three

Gunas, or Threads of The Material Universe with which these entities intertwined their being and became entangled. At first these entities joined themselves with the Material Light of the Universe and entered the mode of Goodness (Sattva). They watched and played at Creation. They seemed to prosper in the world of Karma (Cause and Effect). These entities then joined themselves with the Material Energy of the Universe of Energy they entered the Mode of Passion (Rajas) and gradually selfish desires developed. As these entities joined themselves with Inertia (Tamas) they entered the Mode of Ignorance and lost their connection with their higher self and Our One Creator. As these soul mates lost themselves in the inertia of Karmic Desires they eventually even became seperated and lost from each other. The mythological world they created for themselves had finally trapped them. The sons and daughters of men, as they became known in much later times, had begun to learn their first lesson in the law of karma. At this time, many Souls who were still free saw the predicament of the sons and daughters of men. They sought inner guidance from the Source of the Key-Rays, the source of Creation. They needed a Way to set the sons and daughters of men free. Their plan had to transcend the law of Karma. The Law of Grace was formulated by Our One Creator to bring Salvation to the entrapped souls. Together The Souls that were still free of the Three Gunas along with Our One Creator a new form of Reiki for the healing of the sons and daughters of men. This new Reiki in modern terms is called Ascension Reiki because it was created for the reunion of soulmates into One and their release from the material world. The first step was to Create a physical form that would be suitable for the material world. It would need to fit in with nature but also needed to carry within its structure the divine patterns of the Transcendental Nature of the Creator. This had to be done because it was known how easily souls could be drawn into attatchment to material desires. The anatomical pattern of creation would have to be so ingrained in the physical form that it would help soulmates remember their oneness and divine origin if they got lost in this material world. In accordance with Divine guidance, the first human form was created. This form was a living soul made flesh and was neither male or female but One, being of light and breath within a very fine vibratory physical form. This took many projections or incarnations into the material world to perfect. The first of the form was called the Atman, then Amilius and later Adam. The higher vibratory form of Adam was perfected and called The Word of the Creator, the first and the last, the Logos of the circle seven, the Son of God and the Way of salvation. The purpose of this Atman was to bring into the earth the form necessary for the healing and eventual release of the sons of men from the material world. Brahman is the Supreme, the Eternal. Atman is his Spirit in man. Karma is the force of creation, wherefrom all things have their life. Matter is the kingdom of the earth, which in time passes away; but the Spirit is the kingdom of Ligtht. In this body I offer Grace and my body is mercy. (KrishnaBhagavad Gita- ch.8:3-4) This Brahman, this Atman (Self), deep hidden in all beings, is not revealed to all, but to the seers, pure in heart, concentrated in mind- to them is he revealed. (Upanishads- Katha Upanishad)

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. (Jesus- Bible-Matthew ch. 5:8) The form of the Atman was at to high a vibritory rate too be of the greatest help to the sons of men at that time. So the One Adam became two, male and female. Both equal and opposite. They became known as Amilius and Lilith, later as Adam and Eve and much later as Mother Mary and Jesus. This was accomplished by the thought form projection into the glandular systems of the higher primates until they were evolved enough for the incarnation of living soulmates. The five races were created at once. They were known as the Sons and Daughters of God. The five races were created as a reflection of the five aspects of the higher self of the transcendental creator. The five kingdoms known as The Mineral Kingdom, The Plant Kingdom, The Animal Kingdom, The Water Kingdom and the Air Kingdom became the dwelling place of the five races. The stage was now set for the Sons of God to help the sons of men to free themselves from the material entanglements they had created. Eve and Adam partook of the tree of the knowledge of cause and effect. This step brought them fully into the material world, subject to birth and death. It also brought them into the world that the sons and daughters of men were trapped in. They were finally in the vibratory rates in which they could help them. The second wave of Souls that came into the material world through the physical forms of the five races along with Adam and Eve were called the Sons of God or Sons of the One. Through time, space, patience and the use of The Reiki of Ascension, the Sons of the One were able to heal the entangled physical forms of the Sons of Men. All of the Sons of Men eventually incarnated into the physical forms of the Sons of the One. Only legends remained of the mythological beginnings of the Souls life on earth.

Anatomy and Physiology

Barbara Brennan has stated in her book "Light Emerging" that in coronal discharge photography the aura of a leaf, for example, can be seen and photographed. If part of the leaf is cut off and the leaf photographed again, the whole aura is still there. The conclusion is that the basic premise of energy is that the slower, denser, grosser vibrations of material nature emanate from the more subtle level of the Quantum Field. In other words the leaf is created by the Aura not the other way around. (paraphrased from p.19) In human terms this means that the physical body is emanated from the Aura Field which is called the Astral Body, Subtle Body or Quantum Body. It is this Body of Light or Astral Body that we speak of when we say that the Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit and Will are aspects of the Higher Self. Each of these aspects manifests itself on the physical level, and it is these five subtle aspects of the Self which emanate the Physical Body. Each aspect is a pathway of energy and information. Inward flowing energy is called Yin Energy and Outward flowing energy is called Yang Energy.

The Astral Body

The Non Physical Body is made of Golden Light. The Golden Light Body is sometimes called the Astral Body. The body is made up of three componants.

The Seven Chakras- are associated with the Feeling Body and the Soul. The Seven Auras- are associated with the Thinking Body and the Mind. The Seven Bodily Systems- are associated with the Acting Body and the Astral Body.

The Seven Body Systems

The physical forms of the man and woman carried in them the seven systems as a reflection of the pattern of the Logos of the Circle Seven. To learn more about these systems click on their titles.

The Brain and Nerve system The Skeletal System The Muscular System The Respritory System The Digestive System The Circulatory System (including Lymph system) The Endocrine System (including Reproductive System)

Affirmation of the Heart

Mother Mary and Jesus, We ask to be a channel of Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

The Brain and Nerve System

The Brain and the Nerve System is manifested by the presence of the Higher Self in the Body. It is the Electrical System of the body. It is composed of the Central Nerve System and the Peripheral Nerve System. The Central Nerve System is composed of The Brain, The Brain Stem and The Spinal Chord. The Peripheral Nerve System consists of twelve pairs of cranial nerves which emerge from the brain and 31 pairs of spinal nerves which emerge form the spinal chord. The Brain is divided into two main categories, Forebrain and the Brain stem. The brain stem is divided into two categories, the Mid brain and the Hind brain. The Forebrain consists of the two cerebral hemispheres, the corpus callosum, The pineal gland, the Thalamus, Hypothalamus and pituitary gland.. The functions of the brain stem and the spinal chord are controlled by the forebrain. The cerebral hemispheres receive sensations from the senses, are involved in perception, thinking, intelligence, memory, decision making and the movement of body parts.

The right cerebral hemisphere (right brain) in most people is important in inner perceptions such as creativity, intuitive processes, art and music appreciation, and spatial perception. The left cerebral hemisphere (left brain) is important in outward perceptions such as logical linear thinking, mathematics and languages. The corpus callosum is a wide band of nerve tracts that connects the right and left brain together and enables the two hemispheres to communicate with each other and work together. The the corpus callosum, the right brain and the left brain also control pineal gland. The pineal gland is an endocrine gland which secretes a hormone that stimulates the hypothalamus. The pineal is located just in front of the posterior end of the corpus callosum. Thalamus relays information to the cerebrum from the senses and sends instructions to the body muscles from the cerebrum. The Hypothalamus coordinates the central nervous system and controls sleep, body temperature, appetite and other life processes in the body. The hypothalamus also secretes hormones that stimulate the pituitary gland which is attached to the lower part of the hypothalamus. The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland that coordinates all the other endocrine glands. The Brain stem is divided into two parts: the mid brain and the hind brain. The mid brain is the highest part of the brain stem and is a relay station for messages to and from the brain. The hind brain is composed of the cerebellum, the pons and the medulla oblongata. The cerebellum maintains posture and coordinates complex body movements. The pons affects breathing and conducts information back and forth between areas of the brain and the body. The medulla oblongata communicates information between the higher brain centers and the spinal chord. It regulates the heart beat and the strength of the heartbeat, the rate of respiration and the diameter of the blood vessels. The spinal chord contains nerve circuits which convey information to and from the brain. The spinal chord is located in the spinal cavity which is in the vertebral column. Inside the spinal cavity is cerebrospinal fluid which circulates in the spinal cavity and in and around the brain. The fluid is produced by the chorid plexus which is just below the corpus callosum. the chorid plexus is in the center of two cavities called the lateral ventricles. The cereberalspinal fluid drains from the lateral ventricles to the third ventricle then to the cerebral aqueduct to the forth ventricle and to the central canal which is attached to the brain stem. From the central canal the fluid circulates down the central canal of the spinal chord and into the space surrounding the spinal chord and brain The spinal chord and brain are suspended in the cerebralspinal fluid which protects them. The brain is sort of suspended in fluid, so it's sensitive nerve tissue won't be crushed by the weight of the brain. The blood, as well as the cerebrospinal fluid, provides nutrition and monitors pH balance and carbon dioxide levels in the body.

The peripheral nerve system is made up of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves. The twelve pairs of cranial nerves of the peripheral nerve system are the nerves associated with the five senses and their related functions. The thirty one pairs of spinal nerves are associated with the different regions of the vertebral column. These nerves carry information to and from different regions of the body. They carry sensory information from glands, organs and muscles to the spinal chord and send motor impulses to the glands, organs and muscles in the different regions of the body. Of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves 2 pairs emerge from the brain and 10 pairs emerge from the brain stem. The 31 pairs of spinal nerves emerge from the five regions of the vertebral column.

1. Cervical- 8 pairs of cervical spinal nerves- carries impulses to and from areas of the head, neck, chest, shoulders, arms and hands. (reflections of The Eightfold Path) 2. Thoracic- 12 pairs of thoracic spinal nerves- carries impulses to and from the areas of the chest and ribs. (Reflections of the 12 anatomical aspects of the Transcendental Creator) 3. Lumbar- 5 pairs of lumbar spinal nerves- carries impulses to and from the areas of the abdomen, pelvic and thighs. (reflections of the Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit and Will) 4. Sacral- 5 pairs of sacral spinal nerves- carries impulses to and from the areas of the thighs legs and feet. (Reflections of the Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit and Will) 5. Coccyx- one pair of coccygeal spinal nerves- carries impulses to an from the area around the base of the spine. (Reflections of the One Creator of the Higher Self)

The Central Nerve System and the Peripheral Nerve Systems are divided into two systems according to function. The Somatic Nerve System is the voluntary control system of the body and controls things like voluntary muscle movement of the hands, arms, legs, locomotion, etc. The Autonomic Nerve System is the involuntary control system of the body and controls things like digestion and other internal bodily functions. Some organs are controlled by both voluntary and involuntary nerve functions like breathing which is involuntary most of the time but can also be controlled voluntarily. Both voluntary nerve and involuntary nerve functions are found in the Central Nerve system. Both voluntary and involuntary nerve functions are found in the peripheral nerve system.

The Skeletal System

The skeletal system is manifested by the I AM Presence within. It is the support system of the body. The skull protects and support the brain. The vertebral column supports the trunk of the body and protects the spinal chord. The ribs protect the heart and lungs. The skeleton is lightweight weighing around 20 pounds and is composed of 206 bones. The bones are connected together by ligaments at the joints. Cartilage protects the bones from shock at the joints as well as make the movement of the joints easier. Tendons connect the bones to the muscles. Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are manufactured by the skeletal system in the red bone marrow. These cells are then taken up by the capillary network and sent throughout the blood stream.

The Skull
The skull consists of 8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones. The brain is encased by the cranial bones.

The Spine

The spine carries in it the patterns of our anatomical nature. The spine is composed of 5 main areas. The cervical, the thoracic, the lumbar, the sacral and the coccyx.

The Cervical
The cervical part of the spine consists of 7 vertebrae. Each vertebrae relates to different parts of the body. For more information on the relationships of the vertebrae to thought patterns etc. the book "Heal Your Body" by Louise L. Hay is highly recommended reading. The cervical vertebrae from the top down are:

1C- Seventh chakra- pineal gland (Blood supply to the head, scalp, bones of the face, brain, pituitary gland, inner ear, middle ear and sympathetic nervous system) 2C- Sixth chakra- pituitary gland (forehead, mastoid bones, tongue, auditory nerves, optic nerves, eyes and sinuses) 3C- Fifth chakra- thyroid and parathyroid glands (teeth, face bones, cheeks, outer ear and trifacial nerve) 4C- Fourth chakra- thymus (eustachian tube, lips, mouth and nose) 5C- Third chakra- adrenal glands (glands of the neck, pharynx and vocal cords) 6C- Second chakra- pancreas (tonsils, neck muscles and shoulders) 7C- First chakra- gonads- (thyroid gland bursae in the shoulders and elbows)

The Thoracic
The thoracic part of the spine is composed of 12 vertebrae. From the top down they are:

1T- Will- skeletal system- (esophagus, trachea, arms from the elbows down) 2T- Spirit- muscular system- (heart and coronary arteries) 3T- Soul- respiratory system- (pleura, bronchial tubes, lungs, breast and chest) 4T- Mind- digestive system- (common duct and gall bladder) 5T- Astral Body- Body as a whole- circulatory system (blood, liver and solar plexus) 6T- Seventh chakra- pineal gland (stomach) 7T- Sixth chakra- pituitary gland (duodenum and Pancreas 8T- Fifth chakra- thyroid and parathyroid glands (spleen) 9T- Fourth chakra- thymus gland (Adrenal and supra-renal glands 10T- Third chakra- adrenal glands (kidneys) 11T- Second chakra- pancreas (ureters and Kidneys) 12T- First chakra- gonads (lymph circulation and small intestines

The Lumbar

1L- Will- skeletal system (inguinal rings and large intestine 2L- Spirit- muscular system (abdomen, appendix and upper leg) 3L- Soul- respiratory system (knees, bladder, uterus, sex organs) 4L- Mind- digestive system (muscles of the lower back, sciatic nerve and prostrate gland 5L- Body- circulatory system (lower legs, ankles and feet)

The Sacrum

Mind- digestive system (hip bones and buttocks)

The Coccyx

Body- circulatory system (rectum and anus)

The Sense of Hearing

Sound waves are funneled through the outer ear to the ear drum. The eardrum vibrates causing the three small bones ( hammer, anvil and stirrup) of the middle ear to vibrate. They vibrate against the oval window. The vibrations of the oval window cause motion of the inner ear fluid. Movement of the inner ear fluid stimulates hearing receptors which change mechanical sound waves to nerve impulses. These impulses are sent to the brain where they are interpreted as hearing.

The Muscular System

The Muscular System is manifested by the presence of the Spirit in the physical body. Muscles generate physical movement from chemical energy. Muscles also help move food through the digestive system, circulate blood, generate heat and many other functions. The three types of muscles are skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. Skeletal muscle is voluntary muscle that enables us to maintain body posture, movement of the skeleton, achieve locomotion and movement of a few organs such as the eye and tongue. The diaphragm is also made of skeletal muscle and is both voluntary and involuntary. Skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton by tendons. Cardiac muscle composes the involuntary organ of the heart. The heart beat is produced by a tissue that has special properties. This tissue is located in the right upper chamber or atrium of the heart. The brain sends impulses to this center which is like a natural pacemaker, firing off electrical impulses that cause the muscles to contract and the blood to circulate. The muscular control of the viscera (organs of the chest and abdomen) is possible because of smooth muscle. Muscles that control the movement of the digestive system, respiratory, reproductive organs, blood vessels etc. are all smooth muscles.

The Sense of Sight

The eye is the sensory organ of vision. Light energy passes through the cornea, the iris, the pupil, the lens, the transparent center of the eye, and strikes the retina. In the retina are sensory receptors called rods and cones that convert light energy into electrical impulses that travel through the optic nerve to the brain where they are interpreted as sight. The iris or colored part of the eye opens and closes depending upon the amount of light. In dim light the iris opens to let in more light and in bright light the iris becomes smaller to let in less light. In this way the right amount of light is let in to the retina.

The Respiratory System

The Respiratory System is manifested by the presence of the Soul in the Body. The lungs are enclosed in the ribcage on the sides and the diaphragm underneath. As the diaphragm is drawn downward and the ribcage expanded a slight vacuum is created. This vacuum draws air in through the nose, through the sinuses, through the pharynx, through the larynx, through the bronchial tree and into the lungs.

Oxygen is absorbed by the lungs into the bloodstream. The oxygenated, food- rich blood then goes back to the heart and is then pumped to all parts of the body where the oxygen and nutrients are absorbed by the body cells. The cells then give off carbon dioxide back into the blood which returns to the heart. It is pumped from the heart to the lungs where the carbon dioxide and other wastes are exhaled from the lungs on the out breath.

The Sense of Smell

At the top of the nasal passages are olfactory receptors. Air that is breathed in through the nose passes over olfactory receptors which transmit the sensory information through the olfactory nerves to the brain which interprets it.

The Digestive System

The Digestive System is manifested by the presence of the Mind in the Body. The Digestive process starts in the mouth with the thorough chewing of the food with the teeth. The tongue mixes the food with saliva produced under the tongue and jaw and in the cheeks. As the saliva mixes with the food, it begins the first step in the digestive process by converting the starchy food into sugars (glucose). When the food is thoroughly chewed, the tongue helps in the swallowing of the food. The saliva keeps processing the food as it is swallowed and while it travels down the throat but nearly stops when it reaches the stomach. The well- chewed food entering the stomach is already partially processed by saliva. The sugars or glucose is acted upon by gastric juice, and proteins are acted upon by pepsin both of which are produced by the stomach. The stomach thoroughly mixes the gastric juice, pepsin and the food together with its churning and kneading motions. The gastric juice and pepsin dissolve some of the solid foods, releasing fluids and nutrients. Fluids that have been drunk as well as fluids that have been separated from the solids in the stomach and some nutrients are absorbed by stomach into the blood stream which carries them to the liver via the portal vein. The remaining food passes from the stomach into the small intestines. Gastric juice is nutralized in the small intestines. In the small intestines bile and enzymes mix with the food. Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder until it is needed in the digestive process in the small intestines. Bile helps break down fats. Pancreatic enzymes flow from the pancreas through the pancreatic duct to the small intestines The pancreatic enzymes digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Fluids and nutrients are absorbed by the small intestine into the blood stream which carries them to the liver via the portal vein. From the small intestines the remaining food and waste matter enters the large intestine. The large intestine digests the remaining food with bacteria. Water is also absorbed. Fluid and nutrients are absorbed by the large intestine into the blood stream which carries them to the liver via the portal vein. The remaining waste is moved by the large intestine to the rectum where it is expelled. The final processing of nutrients takes place in the liver. The liver is the largest organ inside the body. The liver is the chemical laboratory of the body. The liver metabolizes carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The liver also helps in the maintenance of blood sugar levels, the breakdown of fatty acids,

the synthesis of cholesterol and the metabolizing of proteins. The liver also stores vitamins until they are needed and removes waste products from the blood. The liver performs around 500 functions. The liver sends the filtered processed nutrient rich blood through the inferior vena cava to the heart which pumps the nutrient rich but oxygen depleted blood to the lungs then back to the heart and then on to the rest of the body. In this way the cells of the body receive the nutrients from the digestive system.

The Sense of Taste

Taste buds in the mouth, tongue and throat are composed of receptor cells. A network of sensory nerves are connected to the receptor cells and relay taste sensation information to various centers in the brain. The four primary tastes are sweet, salty, sour and bitter.

The Circulatory System

The Circulatory System is manifested by the Astral Body in the physical body. The Circulatory System is the energy pathway of fluids in the body. The circulatory system is made up of the Cardiovascular system and the Lymphatic System.

The Cardiovascular System

The arteries- carry nutrient- rich, oxygenated blood from the heart to capillaries which nourish the tissues in all parts of the body. Venules take blood from the capillaries to the veins. The veins carry the blood on its return journey to the heart. The kidneys filter the blood and eliminate waste products into the urine which goes to the urinary bladder where it is stored and then expelled through the urethra. The kidneys regulate the plasma volume in the blood, the concentration of waste products in the bloodstream, the pH of the blood and the levels of electrolytes, (acids, bases and salts), in the blood. One function of electrolytes is that they carry electrical current in the body. The kidneys return water, electrolytes, glucose and other vital substances to the blood in correct proportions to keep the blood stable. The blood transports oxygen from the lungs, nutrients from the digestive system and hormones from the endocrine system to all the cells and tissues in the body. The blood carries carbon dioxide from the cell tissues back to the lungs for expulsion. The blood also carries waste products from the cells and tissues to the excretory organs. Blood helps regulates pH balance, interstitial fluid balance (fluid in between cells) as well as maintain body temperature. The blood also contains a clotting mechanism as well as immune system components. Blood is made up of three kinds of cells which are suspended in a fluid called plasma. Red blood cells or erythrocytes transport oxygen and carbon dioxide and are formed in the bone marrow. White blood cells or leukocytes destroy dead cells, produce antibodies that fight viruses, detoxify foreign materials, and eat bacteria. They are produced in the bone marrow, the thymus, the lymph nodes, various other parts of the lymph system, the spleen and tonsils. Platelets are cells that cause clotting of the blood when a blood vessel has been damaged or cut and blood is escaping. Plasma makes up a little over half of the blood. Plasma is about ninety percent water. It contain thousands of substances such as vitamins, minerals, glucose, electrolytes, hormones,

antibodies and waste products. Because of plasma, blood and the materials it carries flows freely to all parts of the body. The Heart - is the pump of the cardiovascular system. Electrical impulses stimulate the pumping of the heart. The heart pumps the nutrient rich, oxygen- depleted blood to the lungs where it releases carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen and returns to the heart. From the heart it is then pumped in two directions, upward and downward. The upward route goes to the upper chest, arms, neck, head and brain and then returns to the heart through the venus system. The downward route goes to the liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys, small intestines the pelvic area and the legs. All the blood that goes to the spleen, stomach, small intestines, and large intestines then goes to the liver through the portal vein. All the nutrients obtained from the digestive system are carried in the blood to the liver for final processing before the blood returns to the heart through the venus system. The blood going to the kidneys is filtered by the kidneys and returned through the venus system to the heart. The rest of the blood going to the lower body and legs returns to the heart via the venus system. The pericardium is a fluid filled sack around the heart reduces friction and keeps the heart from rubbing against the chest wall.

The Lymphatic System

The Lymphatic System has two main functions: the balance of body fluid and immunity. As blood flows through the capillaries, dissolved materials and fluid seep through the capillary walls into the intercellular space of the tissues. Most of the fluid is returned to the capillaries but some remains in the intercellular space. When this fluid enters the lymphatic capillaries it is then called lymph. The lymph travels in a one way direction through the lymphatic capillaries then through the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. The lymphatic vessels that drain the right arm , the right side of the head, neck, thorax, lung, heart and liver flow into the right lymphatic duct. The right lymphatic duct drains into the bloodstream through the right subclavian vein where it joins the right jugular vein. The rest of the lymph from left arm, left side of the head, neck, thorax, lung, heart and the entire lower part of the body including the legs drain into the thoracic duct. The thoracic duct drains into the bloodstream through the left subclavian vein where it joins the left jugular vein. The processed lymph that enters the bloodstream through the right and left subclavian veins then flows into the superior vena cava which goes to the right atrium of the heart. The lymphatic system has no pump to move the lymph through the system. The movement of lymph is promoted by many factors. The constant pressure exerted by new fluid that is continually entering the intercellular space, the pressure from expansion and contraction of nearby arteries, pressure from the expansion and contraction of the lungs and the very important pressure from the expansion and contraction of muscles during exercise all work together to move the lymph through the lymphatic system. Lymph comes from blood plasma, but it is clearer and more watery. Lymph contains many substances such as fats, fat soluble vitamins, macrophages (scavenger cells), and lymphocytes (white blood cells) and waste. Before it reaches the bloodstream, the lymph is filtered by the lymph nodes of most of its waste, bacteria and other harmful substances . The remaining wastes are filtered out and eliminated by the kidneys. The tonsils, the spleen and the thymus are organs of the lymphatic system. The body is protected from harmful substances that enter the nose and mouth by the tonsils. The spleen filters the blood and

produces white blood cells that clear up debris, destroy old blood cells and harmful substances. The spleen also serves as a reserve blood supply. The thymus is responsible for the development of the immune system and lymphocytes (T- cells) that protect the body tissues.

The Sense of Touch

Sensory receptors convert stimulus into nerve impulses which are interpreted as sensation by the central nervous system. Nerve impulses may trigger a reflex response. Sensory receptors are located on the body surface or skin, within muscles, joints, organs and body systems. They are sensitive to vibrations, pressure, touch, temperature, stretch, tickle, itch, pleasure and pain. There are many sensory receptors in the skin which is the organ of touch. The Skin is the largest organ of the body. Skin tissue, nerve endings, blood vessels, hair, nails, and sweat glands are all part of the Integumentary System or "covering." The skin protects the body, makes possible sensations of the environment, helps regulate body temperature, excretes waste, and manufactures vitamin D. The skin not only covers the body on the outside, it also protects the eyes, lines the inside ears, nose, mouth and digestive system.

The Endocrine System

The Endocrine is manifested by the presence of the Seven Spirits of the Elohim in the Body. The Endocrine System is part of the intricate feedback system of the Brain and Nerve System. The Brain, the nerve system and the Endocrine glands work together to regulate the growth, development and maintenance of the body. The endocrine system consists of Seven Endocrine Glands. The endocrine glands produce hormones which are the chemical messengers of the endocrine system. These chemical messengers, which regulate the body functions, are secreted by the endocrine glands into the spaces between the cells, and then the hormones enter the bloodstream. The hormones circulate around the body in the bloodstream to target cells, tissues and organs which receive only the particular hormone they are receptive to. When the level of a particular hormone in the blood is too high production is decreased, and when a level is too low more is produced.

The Seven Endocrine Glands

1. The Pineal Gland is the integrator of the endocrine system. The right brain and left brain send impulses through the Corpus Collosum to the Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland produces a hormone called Mellatonin which regulates sleep and awake states. The Pineal regulates the rhythms and timing of cycles of body functions. Mellatonin stimulates the Hypothalamus. The hypothalamus secretes a hormone that stimulates or inhibits the secretion of pituitary gland hormones. (The Coordination- Timing) 2. The Pituitary Gland is the coordinator of the endocrine system. The pituitary stimulates the growth of most body tissues and helps regulate metabolism. The pituitary also stimulates the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, the synthesis of pigments in the skin and the regulation of water absorption by the kidneys. In women the pituitary stimulates the ovaries, ovulation, the secretions of estrogen and progesterone, the uterus in preparation for the fertilized egg, the contractions of the uterus in child birth, the production and release of milk in the breasts. In

men the pituitary stimulate the testes, the production of testosterone and the production of sperm. (Integration) 3. The thyroid and parathyroid regulate metabolism in the body. They also control the calcium levels in the blood, promote skeletal growth, help the body in the use of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and cholesterol. (Assimilation) 4. The thymus gland controls the general growth of the body and the immune system. The thymus plays a major role in the body's immune system response. It also controls the lymphatic system and the production of antibodies and T-cells (white blood cells). (BalanceGrowth) 5. The Adrenal Glands stimulate the fight or flight response. It increases blood sugar levels, increases blood pressure and affects secondary sex characteristics. The adrenal glands control salt and water balance in the body. (Protection) 6. The Pancreas stimulates the digestive system and regulates the blood sugar levels of the blood with insulin and glucagon. (Giving and Receiving) 7. The Gonads are the ovaries in women and the testes in men. The gonads also are contributors in the sexual and survival drives in humans. The ovaries are responsible for the development and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics, sexual organs, the production of eggs and the menstrual cycle and sexual reproduction. The testes are responsible for the development and maintenance of the male secondary sexual characteristics, sexual organs, the production of sperm and sexual reproduction. (Survival)

Balancing Energy Through Yoga

The practice of Yoga increases the flow of Reiki energy in a persons life. Yoga is the ancient art and science of balancing the physical and subtle anatomy of any individual. The practice of Reiki and Yoga go hand in hand. Yoga helps a person understand Reiki in a much deeper way. Reiki helps a person understand the deeper energies of Yoga. In this text we will explore some basic Hatha Yoga techniques that bring depth to the art and science of all forms of Reiki. Hatha Yoga is a combination of physical postures and breath.

Ha- in breath Tha- out breath

Hatha Yoga, so called from a certain portion of its teaching, as to the practice of special methods of dealing with the incoming and outgoing, or "Ha" and "Tha" breaths, by which it is intended to affect the instrument, the body, so that it in turn will affect the Self within. (p.13- Seven Schools of Yoga by Ernest Wood) Hatha Yoga in these modern times works from the outside in to bring the physical forces into alignment with the subtle anatomy of our Higher Divine Nature. It is through the alignment of our energies with the Divine that the flow of Reiki energy for healing and personal growth is increased. According to H. Saraydarian in his book "The Science of Meditation", Hatha Yoga in ancient times was developed to help the human race adjust to having physical form. The practice of Hatha Yoga in those times helped humanity build into our genetic makeup the intuitive skills of physical movement in the earth plane. The postures of Hatha Yoga were designed with specific anatomical intent. In this text we will explore the basic 14 asanas (postures) as well as some breathing techniques that are beneficial in working with the postures.

It is not necessary to strain, crank into or force your way into yoga postures. Just take your time and work your way into learning gently but firmly. If you choose to work with these postures and breath exercises you will enjoy the benefits. There are three steps to this basic Yoga practice. For the most benefit it is essential to work with all three steps. Step one is doing several rounds or more of the Sun Salutation, Step two is the Meditation Posture and step three is relaxation. You will find that in fifteen minutes you can spend some time in each step and receive benefits. Of course you can spend more time in each step, it's up to you how deep you wish to go.

Sun Salutation-Step One The first 12 postures are for the acting body. They are done in a
round one right after another. Together they are known as "The Sun Salutation", "The Round of the Ages", or "Greeting the Light". It is a good idea to do at least two or three rounds of the 12 postures before moving on to the other two postures. This limbers up the whole system and opens the inner channels of energy. Take your time and don't over exert yourself. Meditation-Step Two The sitting posture is for the Thinking Body. The sitting posture shown in this text is called Siddhasan (Adepts Pose). It is easier to do and more comfortable than some of the other sitting postures such as Padmasan (Lotus Pose). But you can sit in any comfortable cross-legged posture you choose. The main idea is to sit with the head, neck and trunk in line and the back straight. Shivasana-Step Three The relaxation posture is called Savasan or Shivasana. It is for the Feeling body.

It is not necessary to work with these postures everyday to receive benefits. Two or three times a week brings some balance, helps relieve stress, and brings some health and healing . Once you learn these fourteen postures postures you will find that few minutes time is all you need to work through the three steps. Of course you may work with yoga everyday if you wish and increase the length of time of your practice. It is all up to you. If you want to learn more, look around and you will be able to find a Hatha Yoga book to learn from. You can also find a Yoga teacher if you want to learn beyond the basics. Step One

Sun Salutation- Step One

Sun Salutation- Round of the Ages
The Sun Salutation is composed of 12 postures. Swami Satchidananda in his book "Integral Yoga Hatha" says that the Sun Salutation is the summary of Hatha Yoga postures. This means that these twelve postures are the least amount of yoga to be practiced to bring a balance into the twelve anatomical aspects of the Acting Body (physical body) and its integration with the Higher Self. Each posture with the focus of intent has a particular anatomical and benefit. Each posture has more than one level of energy and focus.

The Breaths

The Sun Salutation may also be combined with the different breaths. There are many ways to work with breath and the postures. Some breaths are easy and some are difficult. It really is a matter of personal preference and your level of curiosity about the energy associated with the different techniques.

Breath of the Sun

This is the simplest breath and has two levels:

In the simplest form the postures are done one after another breathing an in-breath or an out breath on each posture. One round of the twelve postures is completed in six complete breaths. The second method is to breathe one complete breath with each posture. One round of the twelve postures is twelve complete breaths

The Ujjayi Breath

It is very important to integrate the Ujjayi Breath into whatever breath work you do with the postures.

Breath of Light

The Breath of Light is accomplished by breathing an in-breath or an out-breath on each posture as in the "Breath of the Sun". In addition to the in-breath and out-breath is the silent meditation upon one of the Names of the Archetypal aspects of the Creator. The Spiritual Qualities of these Archetypal Personalities are awakened within by concentration upon their names. This is the breath shown next to each posture.

The Breath of the Elohim Yasodhara & Buddha's Breath The Breath of Uma & Brahman
Each of these three breaths can be integrated with the Sun Salutation in two ways:

The First Method is to breathe an in breath or an out breath with each posture. One round of the Sun Salutation would be Six Complete Breaths of the breath of your choice. The Second Method is to breathe one complete breath with each posture. One round of the Sun Salutation would be twelve complete breaths of the breath of your choice.

The Intent
The intent of each posture can be expanded to many levels of healing and personal growth. One function of these postures is to enable a person to learn the knowledge of the subtle anatomy. The Ascension Reiki Symbols can also be focused on with each posture. As the intent is focused on the different layers of this knowledge the Reiki Energy flows through the anatomical aspects of our being and unfolds and opens us to a deeper awareness.

1 Breathe In and Out-- Hope Gonads >>>Endocrine System First Chakra

The Elohim

2 Breathe in-- Faith Pancreas >>>Endocrine system Circulatory System- (heart, veins, arteries, lymph) Second Chakra

Logos of the Circle Seven

3 Breathe out-- Love Adrenal Glands >>>Endocrine System Digestive System

Third Chakra The Wellspring of Nirvana

4 Breathe in-- OM Thymus Gland >>>Endocrine System

Respiratory System

Heart Chakra Breath of the Eternal

5 Breathe out-- Christ Thyroid & Parathyroid >>>Endocrine System Muscular System Throat Chakra

Fountain of Youth

6 Breathe in-- Holy Spirit Pituitary Gland >>>Endocrine System Skeletal System

Third Eye- Chakra The Shining Way

7 Breathe out-- God Pineal Gland >>>Endocrine System Brain and Nerve System

Crown Chakra Tai Chi T'u

8 Breathe in and out-- Mother Mary & Jesus Circulatory System (heart, veins, arteries, lymph)-- Touch (First Chakra- above the head) Astral Body


Root Chakra on Conceptual Vessel Mother Mary & Jesus

9 Breathe in-- Yasodhara & Buddha Digestive System-- Taste (Second Chakra above the Head) The Mind

Second Chakra on the Conceptual Vessel

Yasodhara & Buddha

10 Breathe out-- Uma & Brahman The Respiratory System-- Smell Third Chakra above the Head The Soul

Heart Chakra on the Conceptual Vessel Uma & Brahman

11 Breathe in-- Radharani & Krishna The Muscular System-- Sight Fourth Chakra above the Head The Spirit

Fourth Chakra on the Conceptual Vessel Radharani & Krishna

12 Breathe out-- I AM THAT I AM The Skeletal System-- Hearing

The Fifth Chakra above the Head The Will


Crown Chakra on the Conceptual Vessel I AM THAT I AM

Step Two

Meditation- Step 2
The Sitting Posture- Meditation
The sitting posture is for the Thinking Body. Prayer or the use of Affirmations is a left brain function. Meditation is a right brain function. There are many ways to integrate the two. One way is to use the affirmation of your choice for a few minutes and then sit in silence for an equal amount of time. The use of the breaths bring harmony and balance.

13 The Complete Breath The Ujjayi Breath The Breath of the Elohim Yasodhara & Buddha's Breath The Breath of Uma & Brahman The Brain and Nerve System The Sixth Chakra above the Head The Higher Self The Unmanifested One


Step One

Shivasana- Step 3
Shivasana- Relaxation
Shivasana is for the Feeling Body. All the breaths can be used in Shivasana for a short amount of time, then just relax, be attentive and feel the energies flow into and through you. The Kabbalah is a good symbol to just visualize in this posture as you go into the silence of relaxation.

14 The Kabbalah

Higher Consciousness
Right Alertness

Those whose mind is well grounded in the Seven Elements of Knowledge, who without clinging to anything rejoice in the freedom from attachment, whose appetites have been conquered, and who are full of Light, they win Nirvana even in this world. (Buddha- The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha- p.58)

A Zen Master once said "The search for the Buddha nature (Higher Self) is much like riding an ox in search of the ox. "(The Tao of Physics p.111) In other words sometimes the most obvious is right in front of us. Because of the simple nature of the obvious, it is often overlooked. Every exchange of energy between human beings on earth is a reflection of the "Archetypal Function" of the Self and its components. The following chart gives us a few ideas to at least begin to see the energy of life in and around us:

Reflections of Archetypal Function in the World View

Self Will Spirit Soul Mind Body Quantum Physics - The observer helps create the observed Governments - The Will of the people Religions - The Spiritual Journey of Humanity Philosophy - Ethics - Morals Psychology - The Thinker Natural Sciences - Physical Anatomy

Psychological Type Theory

Psychological type theory developed by Dr. Carl G. Yung, a Swiss psychiatrist, (1875-1961) was a major breakthrough in the field Archetypal Function. He put forth the theory that in normal behavior the mind operates in two modes. He called these two modes Introversion and Extroversion. People who prefer Extroversion tend to focus on the outer world of people and external events. They direct their energy and attention outward and receive energy from external events, experiences, and interactions. People who prefer Introversion tend to focus on their inner world of ideas and experiences. They direct their energy and attention inward and receive energy from their internal thoughts, feelings, and reflections. (Introduction to Type- fifth edition by Isabel Briggs Myers) He further maintained that these two modes could be experienced by the mind in four ways. These four ways he called Psychological or personality types. The four personality types that he recognized are Sensing, Thinking, Feeling and Intuitive. He also stated that these four types are used in the two modes of Introversion and Extroversion. His personality types are used world wide now even though they are only a partial anatomical representation of Archetypal Function.

We now know that Introversion is the processing of the Yinward or inner world of Life Energy and that Extroversion is the processing of the outer world world of Life Energy. These two modes can be applied to our total anatomical function which brings about what is know as Archetypal Function.

Archetypal Function
Body Mind Soul Spirit Will Self Body Touch Sensing Prayer Centering Energy Creativity Healing Mind Taste Thinking Concentration Discipline Thought Peace Soul Spirit Smell Sight Feeling Intuition Meditation Contemplation Devotion Knowledge Ki, Chi, Prana Abundance Joy Will Hearing Emotion Illumination Action Light Love Self Perception Reason Realization Wisdom Intelligence Life

Reiki Zones and Reflex Points

The anatomical maps below show the zones as well as the reflex points that are used in a number of healing modalities. Reiki, Zone Therapy, Reflexology, Iridology, Body Electronics and Jin Shin Jyutsu all share a common thread of understanding with the way our anatomy works. Although the information contained in the anatomical maps is basically the same among the different modalities, the application of the information is slightly different. Reiki energy can be used in conjunction with any modality to both enhance and quicken healing results.

The Zones
There are ten energy zones in the body. There are Five energy zones on the right side of the body and and five energy zones on the left side of the body. These five energy zones on each side of the body are associated with "The Five Depths of Field" . The five energy zones on the right side of the body connect with the five fingers of the hand and the five toes of the foot on the right side of the body. The five energy zones on the left side of the body connect with the five fingers of the hand and the five toes of the foot on the left side of the body. To balance the zones with Reiki is really simple. When working on another person start with the hands and hold the one finger from each hand at the same time and let the Reiki energy flow. Move on to the next set of fingers and so on until you have done them all. Example for hands:

hold both #1 thumbs at the same time. Hold the persons' left hand thumb in your right hand and their right hand thumb in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. hold both #2 index fingers at the same time. Hold the persons left hand index finger in your right hand and their right hand index finger in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. hold both #3 fingers at the same time. Hold the persons left hand #3 finger in your right hand and their right #3 finger in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow.

hold both #4 fingers at the same time. Hold the persons left hand #4 finger in your right hand and their right #4 finger in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. hold both #5 fingers at the same time. Hold the persons left hand #5 finger in your right hand and their right #5 finger in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow.

Example for feet:

hold both #1 big toes at the same time. Hold the persons' left foot big toe in your right hand and their right foot big toe in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. hold both #2 toes at the same time. Hold the persons left foot #2 toe in your right hand and their right foot #2 toe in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. hold both #3 toes at the same time. Hold the persons left foot #3 toe in your right hand and their right foot #3 toe in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. hold both #4 toes at the same time. Hold the persons left foot #4 toe in your right hand and their right foot #4 toe in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. hold both #5 toes at the same time. Hold the persons left foot #5 toe in your right hand and their right foot #5 toe in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow.

The Reflex Points

The reflex points in the hands, feet, eyes and ears are where nerve endings from the different organs come to the surface of the body. In Reiki we use these reflex points to help us receive guidance directly from the body as to where to place the hands in a spot Reiki treatment. If we are so guided, the reflex points can also be used to send Reiki energy directly to a specific organ through the nerve pathways in the body. It must be remembered that in Reiki we do not diagnose. You will have to practice of course to get a feel for working with Reiki on the reflex level, but with a little patience and perseverance, you will learn and understand how it works. The following are some examples of how to access and use the information in the reflex points.

Hands and Feet

The reflex points in the hands and feet are very sensitive. The procedure for the hands and feet is the same. The feet are more sensitive and usually are worked on first. Press on the reflex points with your thumb firmly one at a time. If your find a sore spot or a hard spot (lactic acid crystals) you have found a reflex point that needs work. If you find a sore spot, press on it firmly with your thumb and send Reiki for a minute or so or as long as you are guided to. Then place the center of your palm over the reflex point and send more Reiki energy through the reflex point through the nerves to the associated organ. Then lay your hands on the associated organ as in a normal spot treatment. Repeat this procedure on any sore spots or hard spots in the feet or hands.

The Ears

The ears are very sensitive. So you must be gentle and use a very light pressure if you use your thumb to work on a specific reflex area. You should work on the feet first and locate the specific areas that need Reiki. If you find a reflex point in the foot that needs work and that reflex point is also found on the ear then and only then gently place the thumb on the reflex point on the ear and hold it there a minute or so as you are guided. Send Reiki during this whole time. Then gently place the center of the palm of your hand over the reflex point in the ear and send Reiki energy.

The Eyes
The iris of the eye is the most complex tissue of the body meeting the outside world. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nerve system. In this way Nature has provided us with a miniature television screen showing the most remote portions of the body by way of nerve reflex responses. Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in body tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes and locations. (Iridology Simplified page 3- by Bernard Jensen, D.C., Nutritionist) The rays in the iris of a perfectly healthy person are straight like in the eye illustration- A. If there is any area that needs Reiki it shows up in the rays like in the eye illustration- B. Eye illustration- C shows the reflex areas in the iris. The simple method is this: Use a magnifying glass and an eye light to look at the iris. Note where there are spots or separations (lesions) in the rays. Look on the iris map and see what reflex is indicated in that area. This organ needs Reiki. To check this information go to the feet and press on the associated reflex area in the foot. If that area is sore you have seen correctly. You can use the foot techniques for working with the reflexes as well as placing your hands on the correct area for a spot treatment and sending Reiki. You can then place the hands over the eyes not touching them and send Reiki through them to the area you are guided to. There is a lot to reading eyes and some outside study is recommended.

The Body

The Mind and the Hands

The Soul and the Feet

The Spirit and the Eyes

(Eye Illustration A)

(Eye Illustration B)

(Eye Illustration C)

These three eye illustrations are reprinted with the permission of Bernard Jesnen, D.C., Nutritionist from his book "Iridology Simplified". (inside cover, pages 9 and 10) A free catalog is available of his books and charts from:

Bernard Jensen International 24360 Old Wagon Rd. Escondido, Ca. 92027

The Will and the Ears

Further Study
Iridology Simplified by Bernard Jensen, D.C., Nutritionist The Science and Practice of Iridology by Bernard Jensen, D.C., Ph.D.

Body Reflexology- Healing at Your Fingertips by Mildred Carter and Tammy Weber The Complete Illustrated Guide to Reflexology by Inge Dougans The Reflexology Manual by Pauline Wills

Jin Shin Jyutsu

The Touch of Healing by Alice Burmeister with Tom Monte

Touch of Silence by Jan Kennedy, Ph.D.

The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path of At-One-Ment

In the teachings of the Ascended Masters many parallel lessons can be found. These parallels of information when viewed as a whole bring a deeper understanding of the lessons themselves. A remarkable similarity between the Four Noble Truths and the four parts of the Great Commandment can be seen in the following chart. The parallels in the Eightfold Path and the Eight Steps in the Ascension Path are also shown. Cross reference comparisons can be found in "The Teachings of The Compassionate Buddha" by E. A. Burtt on pages 27-32 and in "The Bible" in Matthew ch.22:37-39 and Mark ch. 12:29-31. We do know from the accounts in the Aquarian Gospel that the Master Jesus studied the teachings of every land, including the teachings of Buddha, during his travels from the age of 12 to the age of 30. For this reason there are no accounts in the Bible of what he did during this time. He was gone from the area. And Jesus said, In every way of earth-life I would walk; in every hall of learning I would sit; the heights that any man has gained, these I would gain; What any man has suffered I would meet, that I may know the griefs, the disappointments and the sore temptations of my brother man; that I may know just how to succor those in need. (Aquarian Gospel Ch.47:12-13)

I. Princess Yasodhara and Guatama Buddha teach that there are Four Noble Truths: I.Mother Mary and Jesus teach that The Great Commandment is this:
II. Separation (from the Creator) is unhappiness. II. Our Creator is One. III. Unhappiness is caused by selfish craving. III. Love the One Creator. IV. Selfish craving can be overcome. IV. Love the One Creator with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, with all your spirit and with all your will. V. It can be overcome by following the Eightfold Path of At-One-Ment whose steps are: V. Love your neighbor as you Love the One Creator and yourself. 1. Right View 1. The Crucifixion- laying aside of the ego for the manifestation of the will of the "Highest Source". 2. Right Intent 2. Entombment- Inner transformation through the right intention for "Unconditional Love". 3. Right Speech 3. Resurrection- rejuvenation through the word becoming flesh. Manifestation through right speech. 4. Right Focus 4. Recognition of the Resurrected Master. He is recognized by his disciples friends and family. 5. Right Alertness 5. Higher consciousness is taught by the Resurrected Master. (learning from the teachings of the masters)

6. Right Purpose 6. The ascension of the Resurrected Master Jesus to the source of Creation to show "The Way" and the possibilities open to everyone. 7. Right Effort 7. The anointing (attunement) passed on to Mother Mary and the disciples on the day of Pentecost. This enabled them to heal and teach in the Holy Spirit. 8. Right Motivation 8. Healing the human condition on every level in the Mode of "Unconditional Love"

Note: There are different translations of the Eight Steps and the order is a little different so I have
tried below to organize the steps according to Anatomical Order and present the different translations next to my own understanding of the Eightfold Path. Below is information from three translations "The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha" by E. A. Burtt, "Buddhism" by Richard A. Gard and "The Living Buddha" by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. 1. Right View- (Right View- Right Understanding of the Four Noble Truths)(1) 2. Right Intent- (Right Aim- Right Thought- Right Thinking)(2) 3. Right Speech- (Right Speech)(3) 4. Right Focus- (Right Conduct- Right Acting- Right Ideals)(4) 5. Right Alertness (Right Alertness- Right Mindfulness)(7) 6. Right Purpose (Right Purpose- Right Aspiration- Right Vocation- Right Livelyhood)(5,2) 7. Right Effort (Right Effort- Right Remembrance of the Self)(6)(7) 8. Right Motivation (Right Concentration- Right Realization of the goal of Life)(8)

Affirmation of the Mind

Yasodhara and Buddha, We ask to be a channel of Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

Passing The Fifth Degree Attunement

The Fifth Degree Ascension Reiki (Master,Teacher) is able to pass the 1st- 5th degree attunements. The Attunement Process is explained in The Attunement Process Today

Breath of the Eternal

Right Purpose

It is far better to be engaged in one's own purpose though performed imperfectly than to be engaged in the performance of another's purpose perfectly. (Krishna- Bhagavad Gita- ch. 3:35) One with Brahman, with God, and beyond grief and desire your soul is in peace. Your Soul's Love is One for all Creation and your Soul has supreme Love for me. By Love and devotion and purpose One knows me in truth, who I AM and what I AM. And when One knows Me in truth One enters into My Being. (Krishna- Bhagavad Gita ch.18:54-55)

Working With Ki
The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the earth we walk on are charged with Ki. Ki is not the physical energy of nutrients, oxygen or magnetic currents but the subtle life force energy within them. Ki is not limited to just the external forces but also composes the life essence in all the fields. The fields of the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the Spirit, the Will and the Higher Self. Ki is the essence of life in the external world and the internal dimensions of all life. Ki is in us, all around us, and omnipresent.

Rei- means "Universal Source" or "Highest Source" Ki- means vital energy or life force which flows in and through everything. Prana- The Sanskrit word for Ki is Prana which means "vital air" or "Absolute Energy". Prana
is the essence of life in all the depths of field. Prana Yoga- means union with the "Highest Source" through the use of breath. In other words breath guided by the "Highest Source". Reiki is Prana Yoga with the intent to heal. Specialized forms of Prana Yoga are also used to pass Reiki attunements. Prana Yoga is sometimes refereed to as Pranayama Yoga Reiki- means the essence of life force or "vital air" guided by the "Highest Source". Ascension Reiki- means ascending the "vital air" or "Absolute Energy" to the Highest Source" Love- is the Highest Intent

As we breathe, Ki or Prana from every level flows in and through us. Breath is a prana pump and if we breathe completely with Love and the intent to heal much more Ki flows into and through us. This brings greater health and healing to ourselves and others. Breath is an essential tool used to increases the flow of the Reiki current in and through us for hands on healing, distant healing and passing of attunements.

The Complete Breath

Learning the complete yogic breath is easy but it does take practice. The complete breath is sometimes called the full yogic breath. The complete breath uses the whole respiratory system not just part of it. Always breathe in and out through your nose. The complete breath is not forced or done with great force, just steadily and completely. Stand or sit erect. Breathe in and fill the bottom part of the lungs which expands the diaphragm downward. The downward movement of the diaphragm exerts a gentle pressure on the abdominal organs. This gentle downward pressure on the abdominal organs pushes forward the abdomen area just below the navel and in the general belly area. This part of the complete breath is sometimes called

the kidney breath. If you place your hands on your lower back in the kidney area you will feel your hands move outward when you complete this part of the breath properly. The second part of the complete breath is the filling the middle part of the lungs. Filling the middle part of the lungs pushes outward the lower ribs, breastbone and chest. When the middle part of the lungs are full you will notice a fullness in your center just at the solar plexus. The third part of the complete breath fills the upper part of the lungs. As you fill the upper part of the lungs the upper chest expands and lifts. This also lifts the shoulders slightly. You will feel the breath rise up to about midway between the collar bone and the solar plexus. The exhaling of the complete breath is simply breathing out and letting your lungs return to their relaxed position. It takes a little practice to make the complete breath flow smoothly through the three stages. In a short while you will be able to breathe completely from your lower abdomen to your collarbone in a smooth uniform movement. This is not a forceful breath but just a gentle normal breathing of the complete breath. As your consciousness of Love merges into the complete breath, become aware of the prana coming in with your breath and flowing out through your hands. This becomes a steady stream of Ki directed by the Reiki Source for hands on healing, distant healing and the passing of attunements. Once you have mastered the complete breath you can begin integrating many other forms of Yoga into this most basic foundation. The integration of other forms of yoga into the complete breath greatly increases the flow of and understanding of the Reiki Current.

The Ujjayi Breath

An Initial Practice of Ujjayi Breathing
Ujjayi breathing is the foundation of pranayama, and is practiced in nearly every form of pranayama. Ujjayi itself literally means "victoriously uprising," which refers to the expansion and movement upward of the energy of the breath- the prana- through the central channel of the body (located just in front of the spine) known as the 'sushumna nadi.' Ujjayi breathing has two distinctive characteristics:

1. the Ujjayi 'sound 2. the effort to maintain evenness of flow of breath from beginning to end of each breath- both on the inhalation and exhalation.

The Ujjayi sound is made by toning the throat and epiglottis - the vocal diaphragm - as if you were whispering the sound of 'haaaa' in the throat - a breathy sound like the one made when you fog a mirror with your breath. The purpose of this is to tune you into the sound and sensation of the breath, putting you in immediate touch with the quality and texture of your breath. the breathing itself is done through the nose on both the inbreath and outbreath. This warms and filters the air, and further allows you to delicately regulate the breath, making it smooth and even to produce a calming and relaxing effect that ultimately draws you into meditation. In more esoteric

terms, the Ujjayi breath enhances your ability to assimilate the prana from the air, generating greater pranic energy within your body. With a subtle, relaxed practice of Ujjayi breath you can feel soothing currents of energy moving through your head, along your spine and throughout your body.

Principles of Ujjayi Breathing

In Ujjayi breathing, you breathe into the three parts of the torso as you do in the Full Yogic Breath; but the emphasis is upon regulating your breath to maintain an evenness of flow in which the quantity of air inhaled and exhaled is constant through each increment of time. Normally our breath begins fast and then tapers off toward the top of the inhalation or bottom of the exhalation. The Ujjayi breath, on the other hand, is continuous and without fluctuation; it feels steady, like pulling silk through your fingertips, and focuses your attention like a laser beam so that you're not disturbed or distracted by the fluctuations of your mind. The clear, steady quality of the Ujjayi breath is described in the yoga tradition as being like a steady, unbroken flow of light clear oil or ghee (clarified butter), so steady that although in motion, it seems motionless. Ujjayi breathing can be practiced either reclining or in a sitting position (also standing). Although it is an even more active and effortful form than the Full Yogic Breath, requiring greater attention and refinement in the actions of breathing, your attitude or intention is to make yourself fully recto the breath; with each breath, you're not 'taking' a breath, but rather receiving it - and appreciating it fully, as if taking in the fine and delicate fragrance of a flower. Begin with a relaxed and relaxing exhalation, emptying yourself to receive the breath with full consciousness and appreciation. Breathing through your nose, tone the back of your throat as you begin to inhale to begin the Ujjayi sound. Fill yourself with the breath just as you do with the Full Yogic Breath, and attend to making the pace, texture and depth of your breath absolutely constant and even throughout each moment of the inbreath and outbreath. Initially make the inbreath as deep and the outbreath as long as is comfortable to you without producing any strain. Let your outbreath be a bit longer than your inbreath so that your practice will be soothing and relaxing.

Throughout your practice:

Relax your mind, your eyes, your nostrils and the root of your tongue, keeping all of these organs of action soft, passive and receptive. Gently tone or firm your lower abdomen (below your navel); your lower abdomen should be supple enough to move with the breath, but not so soft that the breath 'drops' into your lower belly, distending it. A gentle muscular tone encourages the breath to expand and draw upwards through the action of the diaphragm in the solar plexus, chest and so on. This marks an important distinction between Ujjayi breathing and 'belly breathing,' and is a quality of Ujjayi breathing that is developed through a practice of the bandhas. Fill your lungs from bottom to top, and fill the back body (the diaphragm at the area of the kidneys) before the front. This maximizes the inbreath, centers your body in a steady posture, and fosters the experience of expansiveness, quiet and inward focus. With each inhalation or exhalation, the volume of air breathed over each increment of time is the same throughout the entire breath. The duration of the outbreath at first may be slightly longer than the inbreath, but the rate of flow remains steady throughout each inbreath or outbreath. Regulating the pace of each breath requires greater restraint at the beginning of each breath because we tend to move more quickly at the beginning. By the same token, this demands

greater effort toward the end of each breath - when we tend to slow down - especially at the top of the inhalation. Keep the sound of both the exhalation and inhalation steady and even from beginning to end, and loud enough for you to hear refinements in your breath - but not so loud as to cause tension or pressure in your throat or head. A pause naturally occurs at the top of each inhalation and the bottom of each exhalation. Allow that pause to happen, an enjoy the quietness and emptiness of that moment of peace.

With permission the explanation of the Ujjayi Breath was copied from "Refining the Breath" by Doug Keller

Direct Experience
Words are symbols of ideas or concepts. For instance when you think the word automobile a concept or picture comes to mind of an automobile. If you see a picture of a particular automobile the concept of it is much more defined but it still is not the automobile itself. When you you sit in the automobile and take a drive you actually experience it for yourself, beyond words and pictures. This is the nature of Japa Yoga. Japa Yoga is the use of words or names and symbols that represent the highest ideals. These ideals are only concepts until they are experienced in some way personally. We already know that when we breathe in the complete breath that we bring in Ki or life energy into and through our being. In this way we experience Ki for ourselves. When we use words along with the complete breath we bring in the Ki energy associated with the concepts of the words themselves. As we work with the breath and perhaps a prayers, mantras or symbols we gradually begin to transcend the words or symbols into the energy that created the words and symbols in the first place. With the breath this energy is transferred into and through our being. In this way we can experience directly for ourselves, beyond any belief systems about a particular idea, concept, symbol or name. What is a belief system? For many years people in some parts of the world believed the world was flat. But through direct experience the truth was revealed. The earth is a sphere. This is not to say that belief systems cannot be correct and are all wrong. It only means that without direct experience the truth cannot be known. Without direct experience the truth that might be contained in any belief system is simply a belief. For example, enlightenment is not a belief system but the direct experience of truth itself.

The Chakra System

Chakras are centers or vortexes of "High Conductivity" and "Low Resistance". These qualities enable energy to easily flow in and out through them. Chakras help us to be sensitive to and easily work with energy in the outside world as well as energy from within us. Our Creator, through the attunement process opens the chakras as well as other parts of our subtle anatomy to allow more Life Energy to flow through us. This greater flow of Life Energy is also guided by our Creator and is always working for the highest good. There are twelve main chakras within the body and six above the head. The Seven Chakras in the back body are part of the Governing Vessel (Sushumna) along the spine and The Five Chakras in the front body are part of the Conceptual Vessel (Hara Line) which extends up the center of the front of the

body. The Governing Vessel and Conceptual Vessel are connected together at the root and crown chakras. The root and crown chakras of each share the same space but have different functions. As the Governing and Conceptual vessels come together at the crown chakra they merge into one chord that goes out the top of the head. This chord is sometimes called the Kundalini Nerve or Astral Tube because it is hollow and allows energy to flow through it. Between the Crown Chakra at the top of the head and the first chakra above the head is called the "Antahkarana" or "Rainbow Bridge". The Antahkarana is the midpoint between the seven chakras below and the seven chakras above. The Seventh Chakra above is the Creator. We are all connected at the Fourteenth Chakra. It is our origin. As above so below. In ancient times the rainbow bridge was called the Ark of the Covenant. The Rainbow Bridge is where the seven rays of the back of the three bodies are collected into the main chord. The Five Rays of the front of the three bodies are also collected here. A total of twelve rays or strands of light that collect and go out the top of the head through the Rainbow Bridge. You might call them the Twelve Meridians of Light. Note: The Rainbow Bridge is the seat of the Ascension Reiki attunements of the lower three bodies (the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body). The chord then extends upward connecting the six chakras above the head. From there the chord connects with the Creator, the Seventh Chakra above the Head. Each Chakra above the head has a relationship with the higher anatomical aspects of the Higher Self.

The Chakras

Note: The "Full Yogic Breath" and the "Ujjayi Breath" when combined with "The Breath of the Elohim", "Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath" and "The Breath of Uma and Brahman" increase and deepen the flow of Reiki energy for passing healing attunements.

The Breath of the Elohim

The Breath of the Elohim is the breath for transcending the acting body and much more. The Breath of the Elohim is a complete breath with seven beats in and seven beats out. This means counting seven beats of the heart while breathing in and counting seven beats of the heart while breathing out. In seven beats and out seven beats. This technique brings in Japa Yoga (names of the Creator) and Mantra Yoga (inner sounds) together with Pranayama Yoga.

The next step is to add the names of the Elohim. Silently say one name on each beat of your heart like this:

Breathe In:

Hope- first beat Faith- second beat Love- third beat Om- fourth beat Christ- fifth beat Holy Spirit- sixth beat God- seventh beat

Breathe Out:

Hope- first beat Faith- second beat Love- third beat Om- fourth beat Christ- fifth beat Holy Spirit- sixth beat God- seventh beat

The use of the Elohim Breath greatly increases the flow of Ki. With a little practice it becomes quite natural to breathe in this way in hands on healing, distant healing and passing of attunements. It is also a great breath for meditation and in ascending Ki energy and connecting with "The Highest Source." It is not about belief systems but about direct experience. Try for yourself and see. Another step is to bring in the Kundalini Yoga influence. This is done by using the seven names with the seven chakras. Start with the base of the spine and proceed upward to the crown on the in breath and repeat this sequence from the base of the spine to the crown on the out breath. This is a gentle process that does not force the Kundalini current to open. It is a natural unfoldment. It is highly recommended that a person working with the Elohim Breath become familiar with the teachings of the Masters. These books are listed as the Cross- Reference Books listed in the symbols section. Use your intuition as to the order in which you read them. This knowledge will greatly enhance your understanding of the names of the Elohim and greatly expand your inner guidance.

Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath

Yasodhara and Buddha's breath is very deep. It is the breath for transcending the Thinking Body. It begins the process of accessing Ki through the five aspects of the Higher Self. The highest ideals associated with these five anatomical aspects of the Higher Self are found in the descriptive words in the teachings of masters, the Reiki Symbols and the Names of the Masters associated with them. The inbreath is seven beats of the heart and the out breath is six beats of the heart. On the in breath the names of the Elohim repeated silently as in the Elohim Breath. On the outbreath the names of the masters are said silently.

In Breath:

Hope- first beat- first chakra Faith- second beat- second chakra Love- third beat- third chakra Om- fourth beat- heart chakra Christ- fifth beat- fifth chakra Holy Spirit- sixth beat- sixth chakra God- seventh beat- crown chakra

Out Breath:

Mary-Jesus- first beat- (Body Chakra above head) Yasodhara-Buddha- second beat- (Mind Chakra above head) Uma-Brahman- third beat- (Soul Chakra above head) Radharani-Krishna- fourth beat- (Spirit Chakra above head) I AM THAT I AM- fifth beat- (Will Chakra above head) Unmanifested One- sixth beat- (Higher Self Chakra above head)

On the in breath let the energy rise from the base of the spine to the top of the head, one name on each chakra. On the out breath let the energy continue out the top of the head through the higher six chakras, one beat and the the names for each chakra. The first chakra above the head is about a hands length above the head. Each chakra above that is about a hands length.

The Breath of Uma and Brahman

The Breath of Uma and Brahman is for transcending the Feeling body. It is a thirteen beat breath. It takes a lot of practice to begin to master it. As you breath in the first seven beats you will have reached your normal complete yogic breath. Your lungs are already full and your shoulders have begun to lift slightly. Slowly continue to breathe in six more beats and let the breath fill you right out the top of your head. The out breath is also thirteen beats. Slowly release the breath and return to your starting position.

In Breath:

Hope- first beat- first chakra Faith- second beat- second chakra Love- third beat- third chakra Om- fourth beat- heart chakra Christ- fifth beat- fifth chakra Holy Spirit- sixth beat- sixth chakra God- seventh beat- crown chakra Mary-Jesus- eighth beat- (Body Chakra above head) Yasodhara-Buddha- ninth beat- (Mind Chakra above head) Uma-Brahman- tenth beat- (Soul Chakra above head) Radharani-Krishna- eleventh beat- (Spirit Chakra above head) I AM THAT I AM- twelfth beat- (Will Chakra above head) Unmanifested One- thirteenth beat- (Higher Self Chakra above head)

Out Breath:

Hope- first beat- first chakra Faith- second beat- second chakra Love- third beat- third chakra Om- fourth beat- heart chakra Christ- fifth beat- fifth chakra Holy Spirit- sixth beat- sixth chakra God- seventh beat- crown chakra Mary-Jesus- eighth beat- (Body Chakra above head) Yasodhara-Buddha- ninth beat- (Mind Chakra above head) Uma-Brahman- tenth beat- (Soul Chakra above head) Radharani-Krishna- eleventh beat- (Spirit Chakra above head) I AM THAT I AM- twelfth beat- (Will Chakra above head) Unmanifested One- thirteenth beat- (Higher Self Chakra above head)

Bringing it all Together

Once you have mastered all three breaths, you can breath them in sequence. The first breath is the Breath of the Acting Body, The second breath is the Breath of the Thinking Body and the third breath is the Breath of the Feeling body. This three- part breath brings the three bodies into Harmony. Learning these breaths takes time, space and patience, but it is well worth it. Breath work is a tool not some magic formula. It is not meant to be a ritual that has to be practiced every day either. It is a lot of fun if you don't turn it into work or some job you have to perform. Just enjoy your life getting deeper and more meaningful everyday. Be open to the lessons that life provides you everyday. Above all remember that Love is our Friend.

The Silence of Meditation

Once you have mastered one of the Breaths try this. Breathe one of the breaths for a few minutes and when you finish, try sitting in silence for just a few more minutes. Just listen and feel the energy and guidance that comes back to you. Breathing the breath sends the energy from you to the Creator. Sitting in silence and listening allows you to receive what you need back from the Creator. The whole process of breathing one of the breaths and then listening in the silence need not be more than five to ten minutes of your time. Of course it can be longer if you wish. You will be surprised at what yielding five minutes of your time, on a regular basis, to breathing and meditation will do for you.

The Five Higher Chakras

1. The first chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Golden Light Body". This is the seat of the attunement of the 4th degree of Ascension Reiki.

2. The second chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Mind" and is the seat of the attunement of 5th degree of Ascension Reiki. 3. The third chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Soul" and is the seat of the attunement of the 6th degree of Ascension Reiki. 4. The fourth chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Spirit" and is the seat of the 7th degree attunement of Ascension Reiki. 5. The fifth chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Will" and is the seat of the 8th degree attunement of Ascension Reiki.

The Chakra of the Higher Self

The sixth chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Higher Self" and is the seat of the Mystical 9th degree attunement.

The Highest Source

The main chord passes from the base of the spine up through all thirteen chakras and continues until it reaches the Reiki Source, the "Highest Source," the fourteenth Chakra of all Beings. This is the seat of the Sacred Heart Attunement, the Tenth Degree Attunement.

Passing Sixth Degree Attunement

The Sixth Degree Ascension Reiki (Master,Teacher) is able to pass the 1st- 6th degree attunements. The Attunement Process is explained in The Attunement Process Today

Affirmation of the Soul

Uma and Brahman, We ask to be a channel of Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

Soul Mates
What is the Marriage tie? Is it comprised in what a priest or officer may say? Is it the scroll on which the officer or priest has written the permission for the two to live in marriage bonds? Is it the promise of the two that they will Love each other until death? Is Love a passion that is subject to the will of Man? Can man pick up his Love, as he would pick up precious gems, and lay it down, or give it out to any one? Can Love be bought and sold like sheep? Love is the power of God that binds two souls and makes them one; there is no power on earth that can dissolve the bond. The bodies may be forced apart by man or death for just a little time, but they will meet again. Now, in this bond of God we find the marriage tie all other unions are but bonds of

straw. (Jesus- Aquarian Gospel ch. 98)

The Most Secret Knowledge

Right Effort
The Blessed Lord said: Because your soul has Faith I will reveal this most profound secret. It is vision, wisdom and knowledge combined, and when known shall free you from illusion. It is the supreme mystery and wisdom, the king of education, and the purification supreme. Seen in a wonder of vision, it is a path of righteousness, very easy to follow, joyfully performed and leads to the highest End. But those who have no Faith in this Truth, not reaching me: they return to the paths of this world, the cycles of life in death. All this visible universe comes from and is pervaded by my invisible Being, my unmanifested formless aspect. All beings rest in me, are rooted in me. Yet, I have not my rest in them, I AM not rooted in them. And in truth, (because of free will) everything that is created does not rest in Me; behold my sovereign Yoga! I AM the source of and the maintainer of all beings, yet I rest not in them, still My Self is the very source of creation. Even as in the Great Sky, the wind is blowing everywhere, so all the cosmic manifestation and all beings rest rooted in Me. All beings, O Faithful one, enter my lower nature at the end of a world age, at the beginning of a world-age again I emanate them.

Thus through my Nature, which I emanate again and again I bring forth all of creation and this rolls round in the circles of time. O Faithful one, these works do not bind me. I AM and I watch the drama of works, unattached to actions. The foolish disregard Me, when clad in human form, ignorant of My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be. Empty of Hope, empty of deeds, empty of wisdom, senseless, partaking of the deceitful, brutal and deluded, their Hopes for liberation are all defeated. But there are some Souls who know me: their refuge is my own divine nature. Ever harmonized, fully engaged in devotion, they Love me with a oneness of Love: they know that I am the imperishable source of all beings. Others, who are engaged in the cultivation of knowledge, worship me in my transcendental form as the One and the many, the Supreme Lord; they see that I AM everywhere present and all is in Me. (Krishna- Bhagavad Gita ch. 9:1-15 Yoga of The Most Secret Knowledge)

The Attunement Process

The attunement process is a process of rebirth. With an attunement a part of us is reborn, reawakened and we begin to remember our rebirth-right and our inheritance. In the former age, the Piscean Age, two main forms of the attunement process were introduced for the healing of humanity. The two main forms of Reiki in the Piscean Age represent the Yinward side of the attunement process and the Yangward side of the attunement process.

Our Mother's Reiki

The Yinward side of the attunement process from the Piscean Age consists of three attunements. There are many variations and enhancements of these three attunements but in general we call this form of Reiki, Our Mother's Reiki. Our Mother's Reiki began to be a popular form of healing at the end of the Piscean Age. This came about after the attuning of Dr. Usui by our Mother in the early 1900's. Since then Our Mother's Reiki has spread in many forms. The most widely know form is called Usui Shiki Ryoho or Usui Reiki named after its founder. The three attunements of Our Mothers Reiki are very simple and require only intent to pass them from one person to another. There are many variations in the methods of passing these three attunements. All methods of passing these attunements are valid and they all work. Each attunement deepens the healing energy and is associated with a degree. There are three degrees.

The first degree is for the Acting Body and consists of an attunement, some basic hand positions for healing and the five principles of Reiki. The second degree is for the Thinking Body and consists of an attunement, some of the Reiki Symbols and how to use them in hands on healing and distant healing. The third degree is for the Feeling Body and consists of an attunement, more Reiki Symbols and how to use them with some yoga techniques to pass attunements.

Understanding these three attunements is not possible in its Piscean Age form. Remember that all the methods of passing attunements work. Just follow the instructions given to you for passing attunements and it will work. Even if you make mistakes in passing the attunements they still work. Isn't that a miracle! You can change methods and the attunements are still passed. You can use symbols you weren't attuned with and you are automatically attuned with them. You may even seem to improve on what you learned and call it by another name. You can call it Usui Reiki, Tibetan Reiki, Reiki plus, Karuna Reiki or anything else you can think of but it is still all the same, just variations of our Mother's Reiki from the Piscean Age.

Our Father's Reiki

The Yangward side of the attunement process from the Piscean Age consists of three attunements. This form of Reiki we call Our Father's Reiki. Our Fathers Reiki is the Reiki attunement process that was introduced by the Master Jesus when he was on earth. He received this attunement process from our Father in Heaven. This attunement process has been passed down through the generations since the time of Jesus until the present day. The Yangward side of the attunement process from the Piscean Age consists of three attunements or levels also. The attunements are simple but do require some study and understanding to receive them. There are many formulas to receiving these attunements but in general the following examples should give you an idea of the process. Each attunement deepens the healing energy and is associated with a degree or level. There are three degrees.

The first degree is for the Acting Body and consists of the study of the teachings of the Master Jesus. Jesus brings together the teachings of all the masters before him. As much more than a brilliant scholar, he taught in simple terms the wisdom of the masters before him. By his example he demonstrated and put into practice the path of Love and showed us that death is nothing but an illusion and became the master of masters. So perfect are his steps upon the path of the masters that He actually became The Way, The Truth and The Life. And when a person reaches a place in understanding the reality of the life of Jesus the second step happens. The second step is the accepting of Jesus into your life as a teacher, Lord or Savior. When a person openly admits that they have received Jesus as their teacher, their Lord or Savior the first attunement happens automatically. It is called being born again. The second degree is for the Thinking Body and consists of receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is usually done by the laying of hands and the person receiving the attunement simply asking our Father in Heaven to baptize them in the Holy Spirit. This baptism allows a person to receive the gifts of the spirit. One of the gifts of the spirit is healing. This is the same Holy Spirit that the Master Jesus called upon to heal the sick and raise the dead. Another gift of the Spirit is receiving your own personal prayer language or mantra, sometimes called speaking in tongues. The third degree is for the Feeling Body and consists of becoming baptized in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This shows a persons willingness to let go of the world and follow the path of Love.

"In the Piscean age the lessons of Light, Love and Healing were very simple because humanity as a whole couldn't understand healing in any great depth. What the attunement process actually is and how and why it works was left up to us to discover. Understanding the attunement process in its full majestic beauty was not actually possible for humanity as a whole in the Piscean Age.

The Joining
The Transition of the Ages" is a point in time when an "Old Age" ends and the dawn of the "New Age" begins. During this brief period of time the two ages join and overlap. This overlap is called "the Transition of the Ages" or "Cusp of the Ages". Throughout history each time there is a "Transition of the Ages" a mysterious phenomenon always occurs. The lessons of Healing , Light, and Love from the old age are brought together and taken to a deeper level in the Healing Current of the New Age. The Joining of the energies of Our Mother's Reiki and Our Father's Reiki happened during the "Cusp" of the Piscean and Aquarian Ages. They were brought to a deeper level in the Healing Current of the Aquarian Age. The joining of these two energies are the keys that unlock the Spiritual teachings of the Ascended Masters. In their teachings is revealed Ascension Reiki. It is called "Ascension Reiki" because the Reiki Current of the Aquarian Age is the "Ascension Current". This phenomenon of the "Transition of the Ages" is well documented in the teachings of the Ascended Masters. In the Bible, (Revelation), and The Aquarian Gospel it is called the Sevens of Time. In the Bhagavad Gita, (ch.13), it is called "The Most Secret Knowledge". The Spiritual teachings of the Ascended Masters are available to the general public in book form. The many translations of their teachings are listed in the Bibliography section of "The Book of Remembrance".

The Transition of the Ages

The magnification of energies during the transition takes place because the two ages overlap for seven, seven year periods of time, a total of forty-nine years. The energies of the last forty- nine years of the previous age overlap the first forty-nine years of the new age. This brings about a doubling of energies. This doubling of energies also makes it possible to receive and comprehend lessons that are far beyond our normal abilities. The Transition of the ages is also called the "Sevens of Time". The number of the Holy Breath is seven, and God holds in his hands the sevens of time. (JesusAquarian Gospel ch. 96:23) The master took down from the wall a scroll on which was written down the number and the name of every attribute and character. He said, the circle is the symbol of the perfect man, and seven is the number of the perfect man; The Logos is the perfect word; that which creates; that which destroys, and that which saves. This Hebrew master is the Logos of the Holy One, the Circle of the human race, the Seven of Time. And in the record book the scribe wrote down, The Logos- Circle Seven; and thus was Jesus known. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 48:1-5) Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the Seven Spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the

dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. (Bible- Revelation ch. 1:4) These are the words of him who holds the Seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. (Jesus- BibleRevelation ch. 3:1) Jesus said, From God's own Record Book we read: the Triune God breathed forth, and Seven Spirits stood before his face. (The Hebrews call these Seven Spirits Elohim). And these are they who, in their boundless power, created every thing that is , or was. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 32:20-21) And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud; and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, Seven Thunders uttered their voices. (Bible- Revelation ch. 10:1-3) After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the Spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the Seven Spirits of God. (Bible- Revelation ch. 4:1-5) In Spirit I was caught away into the realms of Akasha; I stood alone within the circle of the sun. And there I found the secret spring that opens up the door to Wisdom and an understanding heart. I entered in and then I knew. I saw the four and twenty Cherubim and Seraphim that guard the circle of the sun, the mighty ones who were proclaimed by masters long ago "the four and twenty ancient ones." I heard the names of every Cherubim and Seraphim, and learned that every sign in all the Zodiac is ruled by two- a Cherubim and Seraphim. And then I stood upon the cusp where Ages meet. The Piscean Age had passed; the Aquarian Age had just begun. I saw the guardian Spirits of the Piscean Age; Ramasa is the Cherubim; Vacabiel is Seraphim. I saw the guardian Spirits of the Aquarian Age, and Archer is the Cherubim; Sakmaquil is the Seraphim. These four great spirits of the Triune God stood close together on the cusp, and in the presence of the sacred Three- the God of Might, the God of Wisdom, and the God of Love- the scepter of Domain, of

Might, of Wisdom and of Love was there transferred. (Aquarian Gospel- Introduction p. 5)

The Sevens of Time

The "Transition of the Ages" lasts forty nine years. The "Transition" between the Piscean and the Aquarian Ages was from 1949-1998. During this seven, seven year period of time we enter into the lower nature of the Creator which is the Seven Spirits of Creation. These Seven Spirits are the main influencing energies of the times. Their reflections can be seen in the times. Each Seven year period begins on the Spring Equinox (March 22)

1949-1956- Hope (right after world war II, a Hope of no more wars) 1956-1963- Faith (Is God Dead) 1963-1970- Love (The Peace Love Generation) 1970-1977- OM (The group chanting of OM, the the quest for truth of the Heart) 1977-1984- Christ (The New Age Movement) 1984-1991- Holy Spirit (Alternative Healing) 1991-1998- God (The Attunement Process and the Spiritual Path Within)

These are only general ideas that will give you a place to start with understanding the energies of the Seven Spirits and how they affect and influence us. These seven year periods come in continuos cycles.

1998-2005- Hope 2005-2012- Faith 2012-2019- Love 2019-2026- OM 2026-2033- Christ 2033-2040- Holy Spirit 2040-2047- God

Each seven year period is also influenced by a secondary influence of the Seven Spirits. The following is an example of the Hope seven years from 1998-2005. Each year also begins on the Spring Equinox (March 22)

Hope- 1998-2005

1998-1999- Hope 1999-2000- Faith 2000-2001- Love 2001-2002- OM 2002-2003- Christ 2003-2004- Holy Spirit 2004-2005- God

Each year has twelve minor aspects that are influential on the energies of the times. These twelve minor aspects are most well known as the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The twelve energies are as follows:

March 22nd- April 20th- Hope (Aries) April 21st- May 21st- Faith (Taurus) May 22nd- June 23rd- Love (Gemini) June 23rd- July 23rd- OM (Cancer) July 24th- August 23rd- Christ (Leo) August 24th- September 23rd- Holy Spirit (Virgo) September 24th- October 23rd- God (Libra) October 24th- November 22nd- Mother Mary & Jesus (Scorpio) November 23rd- December 22nd- Yasodhara & Buddha (Sagittarius) December 23rd- January 19th- Uma & Brahman (Capricorn) January 20th- February 19th- Radharani & Krishna (Aquarius) February 20th- March 21st- I AM THAT I AM (Pisces)

The Seven Days of the week

Sunday- Hope Monday- Faith Tuesday- Love Wednesday- OM Thursday- Christ Friday- Holy Spirit Saturday- God

The Five Kingdoms

The Mineral Kingdom- Body The Plant Kingdom- Mind The Animal Kingdom- Soul The Water Kingdom- Spirit The Air Kingdom- Will

The Meridian System

The meridian system is the anatomical aspect of the Spirit. The meridians distribute Ki and blood throughout the body and organs of the body. The Meridian System is made up of a pair of vessels and twelve pairs of meridians. Half of the Meridian system distributes the flow of yinward energy in the body and half of the Meridian system distributes the flow of yangward energy in the body.

The Yinward Flow

The Yangward Flow

The Conceptual Vessel
& The Six Yin Meridians

Lung Meridian of the Hand Heart Meridian of the Hand Pericardium Meridian of the Hand Spleen Meridian of the Foot

Kidney Meridian of the Foot Liver Meridian of the Foot The Governing Vessel & The Six Yang Meridians

Large Intestine Meridian of the Hand Small Intestine Meridian of the Hand Tripple Burner (Lymph) Meridian of the Hand Stomach Meridian of the Foot Urinary Bladder Meridian of the Foot Gall Bladder Meridian of the Foot

Note: Each meridian is associated with an organ and supplies Ki and the Ki in the blood to that
particular organ. Each meridian whether Yin or Yang is made up of two halves. One half is in the left side of the body and the other half is in the right side of the body. Example: The Lung Meridian of the Hand is a pair of meridians. One meridian is in the left side of the body and one meridian is in the right side of the body. They are like mirror images. This is the case with all 12 meridians.

The Path of Energy

Life energy from the highest source flows down the main chords of yin and yang through all thirteen chakras. The energy then begins to rise upward from the root chakra through the meridian system.

The two main energy pathways in the meridian system are known as the Conceptual Vessel and the Governing Vessel. The two vessels are really one vessel with two aspects. The Yin aspect is the Conceptual Vessel and the Yang aspect is the Governing Vessel. The Ki energy rises up from the root chakra up the front of the body in the Conceptual Vessel. This is the yinward flow of Ki. The Ki energy rises up from the root chakra up the back in Governing Vessel. This is the yangward flow. The six pairs of Yin Meridians and the six pairs of Yang Meridians intermingle and connect with each other in various areas of the body. All six pairs of Yin Meridians connect at the Heart Chakra. All six pairs of Yang Meridians connect at the Crown Chakra.

Distribution Rules of The Twelve Regular Meridians

The three Yin meridians of the hand travel from the chest to the hand, where they link with the three Yang meridians of the hand. The three Yang meridians of the hand travel from hand to head, where they Link with the three Yang meridians of the foot.

The three Yang meridians of the foot travel from the head down to the foot, where they link with the three Yin meridians of the foot. The three Yin meridians of the foot travel from the foot up to the abdomen and chest, where they link with the three Yin meridians of the hand. Thus, the twelve regular meridians form an endless cycle, linking both Yin and Yang and maintaining the circulation of (Qi, Ki, Chi) and blood in the body. (Acupuncture, Meridian Theory and Acupuncture Points- page 22 - by Li Ding, translated by Wang Zhaorong)

(Diagram from Acupuncture, Meridian Theory and Acupuncture Points- page 22 - by Li Ding, translated by Wang Zhaorong)

The Order of the Twelve Meridians

The energy flows through the 12 meridians in a continous constan circut of energy. The meridians also flow in a rythum or wave form that lasts two hours for each meridian. The energy during this two hour period is greater than at other times of the 24 hour cycle. The order of the flow is this:

Lung Meridian (Yin)- 3-5 AM Large Intestine Meridian (Yang)- 5-7 AM- Yang Stomach Meridian (Yang)- 7-9AMSpleen Meridian (Yin)- 9-11 AM Heart Meridian (Yin)- 11 AM-1 PM Small Intestine Meridian (Yang)- 1-3 PM Urinary Bladder Meridian (Yang)- 3-5 PM Kidney Meridian (Yin)- 5-7 PM Pericardium Meridian (Yin) (veins and arteries)- 7-9 PM Tripple Burner Meridian (Yang)(Lymph)- 9-11 PM Gall Bladder Meridian (Yang)- 11 PM- 1 AM Liver Meridian (Yin)- 1-3 AM

The Five Shu Points

The Five Shu Points are located along the twelve meridians between the tips of the fingers and the elbow in the arms and between the tips of the toes and the knees in the legs. The flow of Ki is like the

flow of water. The least amount of flow is in the tips of the fingers and tips of the toes. The greater amount of flow is in the elbows and the knees. As the Ki flows through the meridians from the elbow to the tips of the fingers and from the knees to the tips of the toes the flow of Ki decreases. As the Ki flows from the tips of the fingers to the elbow and from the tips of the toes to the knee the flow of Ki increases.

The Jing-Well points are located on the sides of the nails on the fingers and toes. They are called the root points because Ki begins to bubble up here. The Ying-Spring points are located between the metacarpal bones in the hand and between the metatarsal bones in the foot. This is where the flow of Kei begins to trickle like from a spring. The Shu-Stream points are located in the areas just below the wrist joints and just below the ankle joints. The flow of Ki here is like a stream watering a field. The Jing-River points are located in the areas just above the wrist joints and just above the ankle joints. Ki flows here like a river on which boats can travel. The He-Sea points are located near the elbow and knee joints. Ki flows here like a river merging into the sea.

The Five Shu Points section is paraphrased from "Acupuncture, Meridian Theory and Acupuncture Points"- page 46 - by Li Ding, translated by Wang Zhaorong)

Reiki and the Meridians

To learn more about the meridians find a good acupuncture book and study but until then the following will give you a place to begin working with Reiki at the Meridian level. If you are so led you can open and activate the Meridian system with Reiki. Open a treatment whether a full treatment or a spot treatment with the left hand just below the heart chakra. The thumb should extent upward toward the head. The thumb should fit in the notch at the base of the sternum (solar plexus area). This gives the hand contact with the Heart Chakra. The right hand should be with the center of the palm directly on the crown chakra (the center of the top of the head) Note: If you are led to have your hands reversed for this procedure do so. The left hand connects with all the Yin Meridians and the right hand connects with all the Yang Meridians. Send Reiki as long as you are guided to. Then proceed to either a spot treatment or a full treatment as you are directed.

For the spot meridian treatment work with the areas from the tips of the fingers to the elbows and from the tips of the toes to the knees using the areas described in "The Five Shu Points" section above. Let Reiki flow into each area. For a full treatment just proceed to "The Full Treatment Hand Positions" which work on the meridian system as a whole as well as the chakras and organs.

Further Study

Acupuncture, Meridian Theory and Acupuncture Points by Li Ding translated byYou Benlin and Wang Zhaorong Acupuncture A Layman's View by Lucille Leong The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted J. Kaptchuk O.M.D. Touch For Health by John F. Thie, D.C.

Inner Guidance
Throughout the ages the mystery of inner guidance and the path to the Creator has been a closely guarded secret. The Yoga of the Creator, The Unmanifested One is described by the masters to be the most difficult path especially for the untrained beginner. This is not because the Creator is unwilling to guide a beginner but only because the beginner is unequipped to receive the sought after presence. This path without some help is a very long journey, though not impossible. Only the very advanced are able to walk this path of unfoldment. Fortunately there are a few who have mastered the Path, The Way, and are willing to help us shorten the time of unfoldment. They are known as the Ascended Masters. The study of their teachings is a very important step on the path of healing. To truly understand the teachings of the Ascended Masters you will find it necessary to work with them directly. The Ascended Masters are fully qualified as guides and teachers. They are very willing to help anyone who is sincere and seeks their presence. The following is a formula that can be used to ask the Ascended Masters into your life as teachers and guides. The words that are used will of course work if your intent is sincere but they are given more as a guideline. When you understand what the words mean you may of course ask in your own words as long as the content and intent is intact. The order of statements is in anatomical order and does not imply that any particular order is necessary. Each person comes to the Ascended Masters from their own particular background and may be drawn to a particular Master more than another. You may of course choose One or more Masters to begin with but eventually it is wise to work with all of them. This brings the greater balance and harmony into a persons life.

The Asking
The Formula is as follows:

Mother Mary and Jesus come into my heart and life. Be my teachers and become my friends. Yasodhara and Buddha come into my heart and life. Be my teachers and become my friends. Uma and Brahman come into my heart and life. Be my teachers and become my friends. Radharani and Krishna come into my heart and life. Be my teachers and become my friends. I AM THAT I AM come into my heart and life. Be my teacher and become my friend.

Unmanifested One come into my heart and life. Be my teacher and become my friend.

The Anointing of the Seven Spirits

The Baptism and Anointing of the Holy Spirit has been passed down through the generations since the day of Pentecost by laying of hands. Through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit comes the anointing of the Holy Spirit or indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is through this Baptism and Receiving of the Holy Spirit that the knowledge of the Baptism and Anointing of the Seven Spirits has come. In the past age humanity was only ready to receive the Baptism and Anointing of the Holy Spirit, but in this New Age we may receive the baptism and anointing of more than just The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is one of the Seven Spirits of Our One Creator. Hope, Faith, Love, OM, Christ, Holy Spirit and God are the Seven Spirits of Our One Creator we call the Mighty Elohim. In this age we may receive the Baptism and Anointing in all of the Seven Spirits of Our One Creator. This brings the greater opening of healing and understanding for the age.

The Anointing
After you have asked the Ascended Masters into your heart and life, you can ask to receive the Anointing of the Seven Spirits. This anointing is received as part of a Spiritual Baptism. The following formula can be used with sincere intent. Our One Creator, baptise and anoint me in The Spirit of Hope, The Spirit of Faith, The Spirit of Love, The Spirit of Om, The Spirit of Christ, The Spirit of The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of God.

History of Spiritual Baptism

The anointing is given as part of a Spiritual Baptism. The process of Spiritual Baptism in modern times has been handed down through the generations since the time when The Ascended Master Jesus walked the earth. The process of Spiritual Baptism in The Holy Spirit began on the day of Pentecost, which was shortly after the Resurrection and Ascension of The Master Jesus. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they (the disciples) were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit), and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Bible-Acts 2:1-4) The day of Pentecost was near at and and every one was looking for a manifest of Spirit Power. Now, in Jerusalem the eleven had met to choose a man to fill the place of Judas wo betrayed his Lord.......And then the eleven spent a long, long time in prayer, and when they cast their lots, Matthias, from the valley of the Nile, was chosen for the place.

Now when the day o Pentecost had come Jerusalem was filled with pious Jews and proselytes from many lands. The Christines all were met and were in perfect harmony. And as they sat in silent prayer they heard a sound a-like the distant murmur of a coming storm. The sound grew loud, and louder still, until, like thunder peals, it filled the room where the apostles sat. A brilliant light appeared, and many thought, the building is afire. Twelve balls, that seemed like balls of fire, fell from heaven--a ball from every sign of all the circle of the heavens, and on the head of each apostle there appeared a flaming ball of fire. And every ball sent seven tongues of fire toward heaven, and each apostle spoke in seven dialects of earth. The ignorant rabbale treated lightly what they heard and saw; they said, These men are drunk, and know not what they say. But men of learning were amazed; they said, Are not these men who speak al Jews? how is it that they speak in all the languages of earth? And Peter said, You people of Jerusalem, and who who live beyond the city's gates; peace be to you, and all mankind. This s the time that holy men of old desired to see; by Faith they saw this hour, and now they stand with us in ecstasy. The prophet Joel in the olden times told of the things you see and hear. The Holy Breath spoke with his tongue and said, And it shall come to pass in the later days, that I will breathe upon the sons of men, and fill them with blessedness of holiness. Your sos and daughters will stand forth and prophesy; your young men will be seers; your old men will dream dreams. And I will show forth wonders in the heavens above, and marvelous signs in earth. Sounds will proceed from heaven and voices will be heard that men will fail to comprehend. (Aquarian Gospel Chapter 181:4&9, Chapter 182:1-16)

Receiving The Gift Of The Spirit

After you have received the Anointing of the Seven Spirits you may receive The Gift of the Spirit called "Speaking in Tongues". This gift has many benefits. It is a personal prayer language that goes beyond our own words and understanding to pray for our needs and the needs of everyone around us whether we know what is needed or not.

To receive the Gift of Tongues simply ask:

Our One Creator I ask to receive the Gift of Tongues. Then begin to speak or sing out loud but not in your own language. Just let the sounds come out for a few minutes. It is a good idea to spend a portion of your prayer time each day "Praying in Tongues" or "Praying in the Spirit" as it is sometimes called. This is especially important in the beginning of working with this gift to open it up. It shouldn't take the place of your regular prayers or affirmation but be an additional gift of prayer that you offer to our Creator and all of Humanity. You can "Pray in the Spirit" silently also. Just be sincere and humble with this gift and you use it you will begin to notice things happening in your life. This is a way for us to pray for our needs and the needs of all Humanity ahead of time.

Patricia's Attunement Experiences

Patricia Minor is very gifted in the Spirit. When she was attuned in Ascension Reiki she had profound experiences that we felt we should share with you. Jean Vanhove is a friend of Patricia as well as our friend also. We were honored that Jean participated in her first attunement.

Ascension Reiki 1st attunement (1st-4th degree) Sunday 8/17/03 Patricia H. Minor
Dear Jayson, Leslie - and Jean, (Jean Vanhove) Quite honored you joined in performing this attunement for me, Jean. Wanted to share my experience with you all. note: in preparation to receive this attunement in meditation yesterday - I perceived Jayson and Leslie on either side of me down slightly below my feet. You took the form of male and female lions. : ) Energy/symbol of the sun. I prepared ceremonial space in my healing room and created a central alter. I was led to sit in the North. I felt the presence of Jesus, Mary, and the three of you. Your positions formed a five pointed star surrounding me. Jesus came and sat directly in front of me then and folded my hands together and held them in His own. He told me - dear patricia, I am so pleased with you. Then He told me there was something to show me. We were suddenly high above in the starlit cosmos and just as quickly my vision zooms in to see the set of chakras above me that are attuned in the Ascension Reiki process. Then He says, My Mother wishes me to show you something. I am aware of an additional set of chakras activated in the opposite direction into the earth. I am told the Earth herself has a chakra system, but it is time that those in stewardship of the planet become awakened to their esoteric/energetic connection. It is an understanding of being more fully present, activated, anchored and committed to bringing healing to the Earth plane. Tell Jean. (Wow!) My thinking is -achieving ascension in our lifetime in these bodies would certainly include that this is a part of the actualization of that plan, yes? The Earth and her inhabitants moving into the next dimension. Note: I am a shamanic practitioner - in my first journey my power animal told me 'The Lady wishes to see you', and took me to a place where I saw an image of Mary. She asked me to remember earth healing in all my practices. I have since dedicated all crystals in her name and regularly practice 'earth healing' work. Then I am aware of being back in my healing room and told to recline. I sense so many loving energies surrounding me. I see an image of an old oil lamp with a flame burning within my center the hara chakra (?) And I hear "The flame is ignited, it lives within you." (( This lamp brought to mind the lighting of the oil lamp in the tradition of remembrance. The Jewish holiday. Must research this further as I am not well versed in the Jewish faith.)) And I hear "I Am Sophia - It is time to recall the powers of the balanced form of the Creator which lives within each one of you." I felt this was another nod to the importance of this work being done by both Leslie and Jayson.

As I came back into some awareness of self I felt is if somewhere there was discussion of my receiving all levels at once and being asked if I were ready/willing. I did agree - but don't think that actually took place. Appreciate any response to my experience if anyone has time...and my deepest, heartfelt love and gratitude to you all, Patricia

Ascension Reiki 2nd attunement (5th-7th degree) Sunday 8/24/03 Patricia H. Minor
In my sanctuary to receive this attunement, I begin with ceremony/ritual. I use The Christed One Symbol. This is a symbol given me in the COL (Circle of Light) by Jesus. Working with this symbol has been ongoing. It is an inverted triange with a circle within. There are different ways it has been drawn and used - I am trying to gather some cohesiveness in sequence from my notes so I can show you what I'm working with, Jean. I sit to begin receiving but the energy is strong and I am having a bit of a challenge in calming myself so I pick up my drum and drum for a few moments and then I am aware of Little Wing - he takes over or I hear drumming from his time/space. I become aware of the Halu symbol. I feel Jayson and Leslie behind me as I sit on the bench. Leslie on the left and Jayson on the right with arms extended we are creating The Christed One Symbol as well as the Indalo. It is a three dimensional creation. And I can feel it being mirrored below. As if we stand on the earth in this manner and below its surface we are upside-down - our feet meeting (sole to soul) :) I wonder how many constructs are we forming. It seems to be a holographic image, too. ??? Then I wonder -where is the circle in this triangle of the symbol which has represented - Man within the Trinity ? And I realize we are constructing the container for those that are to come through behind us. I wonder about Jean for a moment and feel the presence of Two Feathers off some distance to me. To my right I am suddenly aware of Little Wing - his people are with him. There is an initiation of some sort going on for him as well in sweat lodge but now all the people stand to my side and he explains me to them. He speaks to them as if I cannot hear them speak - at least I get the impression they think they are seeing me and I am unaware. They are outside what I assume is a sweatlodge men and women are present. I think perhaps the men believe they are in a vision still in the sweatlodge -the prayers not interrupted- and maybe this is so...this is a strange experience for me as well. A grandmother steps forward to ask Little Wing some brief questions - and then speaks to me, asks my name, year, location - she understands I am aware. I envision a generic sort of map of the east coast territory to give her my location. She says -'oh yes', after scrutinizing the energy surrounding the scene, 'SpiderWoman is present - I see the web connecting our Little Wing and this woman. Oh, you have Deer and Moose with you as well.'

She tells the men, 'clear your heads - we must continue the prayers for our Little Wing and this woman he is - there is strong medicine being given us. Let us honor it.' Then Jean crosses my mind again as Jean. The name Claude, Claudia, Claudette - something of this nature comes to me. My awareness comes back to me sitting on the bench. Jesus is there and takes me by the hand. He is so clear and brilliant and beautiful...He tells me He has something to teach me about the connection of Transfiguration and Ascension Reiki. Down the hill we cross the stream and walk a short distance...It will be like a movie with no sound - I will narrate...He is amused. :) We sit side by side and a screen of sorts appears. The film itself appears old - like a silent movie -spotted and slightly damaged. It is black and white and then sepia tones as well. It begins Jesus climbing the mountain with His two disciples. Then reaching a certain point and moving off from them to slightly higher ground and the transfiguration occurring. (Just to let you know I am not well versed on the bible - being raised Catholic we were not encouraged to read the bible so many things that come through to me and have a biblical reference I need to search to validate or have it make sense to me - I knew the basic story of the transfiguration but nothing in depth.) He tells me as I view this scene that they did not understand - they could not fully comprehend the teaching being given but it was as it should be. Now is the time. The next frame I see is a scene of the Pentecost-the Sacred Flame of The Holy Spirit coming upon His followers giving them Gifts of Spirit - but they still could not fully conceive the gifts. The next scene is a shamanic gathering working with Sandra Ingerman's Medicine for the Earth and the transfiguration process for healing. And the use of toning to hold the transfigured state. *note - Jean, I sent this last portion of my exp. already to Jayson and Leslie and will forward to you to save time here. But I found the information to be quite stunning in relation to the work I am doing...and the way it all coincided with what was happening as the attunement was performed. As well as what Jayson told me he was working on the last few days. Okay, now I am back in ordinary reality - the attunement complete. As I was writing down the account of what transpired during my attunement I heard a snorting sound up behind me. I looked up on the hill and there stood a lone buck w/ a three point rack - pawing at the ground and snorting to get my attention! We do have deer in our woods but spotting the males is unusual. My middle world power animal is a stag - I call him Buck. He showed up about a year and a half ago. As if this was not enough - a good 20 minutes later, I heard the same snorting and this time it was coming from the other side of the stream. I looked up, expecting to see him again, but it was a doe. The male and female energies showing themselves again???

It's alot - even for me these days. Any feedback, input would be appreciated. Patricia

Ascension Reiki 3rd attunement (8th-9th degree) Sunday 9/7/03 Patricia H. Minor The Gifts of the Seven Spirits
*I went down to receive the attunement to the 8th and 9th levels outside in my sanctuary overlooking the stream. I left enought time to request the annointing and the gifts of the seven spirits as suggested after the seventh attunement. I am still uncertain as to why it was required I wait until just befor the last attunement to do so - but that was what I was instructed to do. I sat in my usual place on my bench to do this. I made the request and waited a moment. To the left and slightly behind where my bench is there is a large scooped out area of earth, approx. 8' across and 10' high. Because it is on a hill, it is like an elongated bowl. My husband and I have not been able to determine why it is like this - if someone dug it out for something, what? I soon felt the presence of Jesus with me standing there holding out His hand to me, inviting me to come. This is the first time I have experienced Jesus on this side of the stream initially. I step down into this area and I am seated that moment I become aware that I am sitting in a cluster of amythyst -the whole area is an enormous open amythyst and I am sitting there crosslegged and see a white lotus before me. (Definitely a surprising image - perceiving myself in this way.) A bolt of lightning cracks the sky and opens my crown. Jesus calls on my behalf - All Gifts Bestowed In Interest of Healing Our Planet. I cannot know how much time passed or if anything transpired I needed to recall -but I became aware again of still being seated in this amythyst and I thought to ask about the gift of tongues. He calls out once more on my behalf and I find myself singing a song. I am told the gift of Speaking in Tongues is to be understood as my words becoming whatever is needed for others to hear - and will be recognized as The Word/The Way. However they may be phrased, a resonance will be felt with the heart. You received the gift of The Blarney Stone -eloquence in use it in service. I must be one of the ones that speak these truths.

The Attunement
I bring myself back to the present and record that experience finishing shortly before our appointed time. When the time comes I go to the COL and sit quietly for a few moments. I began to physically vibrate with some intensity but only the lower half of my body. It began to subside a bit. I am on the bench. Jesus stands behind me and places a wreath, a garland of roses on my head. Multi-colored roses not of our earth. I am aware of many in spirit gathering. I see several native americans on horseback across the stream on the hill, others standing. Sun Bear, Grandmother Turtle, Little Wing...I am asked to invite all to be in attendance. Jesus is performing this attunement!

I become aware of a chalice perched upon my crown. Jesus seems to steady it with both hands as all manner of spirits and beings come closer. Those that have little form and move quickly -like flyingcome to gift me. The words spoken bestowing these gifts were beautiful and meaningful. They are dropped into the cup as fairy dust, a leaf, a small scroll of scrap paper tied with thread- one by one each talismen imbued with good will, strengths, skills perhaps - I have not recalled the words. I heard them in my heart. The gift of diamond tears -rains to cleanse and refresh me are last. Elohim Elohim Elohim (I hear this) thenShekinah or is it shekinoah? Then Jesus dives into the chalice and is within me!!!

May there be no shame in speaking my name No shame in claiming the river is your teacher That you hear the Wind speak and the Angelic Realm has presence among you Let the Son of Man no longer be a stranger to mankind.
Sun Bear is before me and Jesus says 'I entrust Patricia to you for your teachings.' I see now why he is Sun Bear. He stands and his heart is golden- radiates out toward me, around me. an embrace to welcome. .. everything fades I am aware of the weaving. In the dark star spattered sky, I am being connected -"sewn" into the web at this level energetically.? All around the web the Grandmothers sew -grinning. .............Patricia

Invitation to Service
Unmanifested One, Ascended Masters, Masters of the Elohim, we ask to become empty vessels so that we may be of service as instruments of Your Healing, Your Peace, Your Abundance, Your Joy and Your Love. We give you permission to work through us now and continuously for our good and the good of all Humanity and all Sentient Beings.

Affirmation of the Spirit

Radharani and Krishna, We ask to be channels of Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

Passing The Seventh Degree Attunement

The Seventh Degree Ascension Reiki (Master,Teacher) is able to pass the 1st- 7th degree attunements. The Attunement Process is explained in The Attunement Process Today There are many books that contain the teachings of the Ascended Masters. Their teachings are alive and will teach you at the level you can receive. When you have learned and grown later read the same teachings again you will find deeper levels of meaning to guide you onward on your journey.

Some helpful Books of the teachings of the Masters:

Mother Mary and Jesus- The Aquarian Gospel by Levi Dowling, The Bible, The Essene Gospel of Peace books 1-4 by Edmund Bordeaux Szekely, The Book of Mormon Yasodhara and Buddha- The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha- edited by E.A. Burtt, The living Buddha- by Edmund Bordeaux Szekely, The Dhammapada- translated by Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Uma and Brahman- The Upanishads- translated by Swami Prabhavananda, The Upanishadstranslated by Max Muller Radharani and Krishna- The Bhagavad Gita- translated by Jaun Mascaro, The Bhagavad Gitatranslated by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, The Bhagavad Gita As It Istranslated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam- Second Cantopart one- translated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada I AM THAT I AM- The I AM discourses- by St. Germain, The Bible Unmanifested One- The Book of the Tao- translated by Frank J. MacHovec, The Tao Te Ching- translated by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English

Unconditional Love
Right Motivation
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not Love, I am sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Though I tell what is to come, and know all secrets, and all wisdom; and though I have Faith so strong as the storm which lifts mountains from their seat, but have not Love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and give all my fire that I have received from my Father, but have not Love, I am in no wise profited. Love is patient, Love is kind. Love is not envious, works not evil, knows not pride; is not rude, neither selfish; is slow to anger, imagines no mischief; rejoices not in injustice, but delights in justice. Love defends all, Love believes all, Love Hopes all, Love bears all; never exhausts itself; but as for tongues they shall cease, and, as for knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we have truth in part, and error in part, but when the fullness of perfection is come, that which is in part shall be blotted out. When a man was a child he spoke as a child, understood as a child, thought as a child; but when he became a man he put away childish things. For now we see through a glass and through dark sayings. Now we know in part, but when we are come before the face of God, we shall not know in

part, but even as we are taught by him. And now remain these three: Faith and Hope and Love; but the greatest of these is Love. (Jesus- The Essene Gospel of Peace p.19-20 and Bible 1st. Cor. ch. 13)

Sound can be used to show the anatomical relationships of the way anatomy works. If you for instance take the note C which is 523.3 vibrations per second and double the frequency we get the next higher octave of C which is 1046.6 vibrations per second. If we split this octave of C into 12 equal tones we get the notes on a piano which are: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B and back to C. These twelve notes can show us the relationship of the signs of the Zodiac, The Twelve Meridians, The twelve Postulates etc. If we split the same octave into Seven equal tones we get the relationships of the Seven Endocrine Glands, The seven Bodily Systems, the Seven Auras, the Seven Chakras, The Seven heavens, The Seven Spirits, etc. If we split the same octave into Five equal tones we get the relationships of the five fingers and toes, the five elements, the five Kingdoms, the five senses, Five anatomical aspects of the Higher Self, etc. The chart below will give you something to look at that shows the 12, the 7 and the 5.

Passing The Eighth Degree Attunement

The Eighthth Degree Ascension Reiki (Master,Teacher) is able to pass the 1st- 8th degree attunements. The Attunement Process is explained in The Attunement Process Today

Affirmation of the Will

I AM THAT I AM, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love

in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

Born of Water and Spirit

Water baptism has been around for a long, long time. It symbolizes the giving up of the ego to the Creator and being washed clean. That is the clensing of sin from your being. What is sin? Sin means error. It is an old archery term. When the archers were on the field and shooting at targets the spotters would yell back to the archers "Sin" if they missed the center of the target. Sin means to miss the mark. Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. (Bible- Jn.3:5). Being born of water and Spirit means to be paptized in water in the Names of the Creator. Each name represents the spiritual cleansing of a part of our anatomy. So to ask for full cleansing the folling procedure can be done. You can do this procedure alone or have someone ask the blessing for you. UNMANIFESTED ONE please baptise me in water and Spirit in the name of:

Hope Faith Love OM Christ Holy Spirit God Mary & Jesus Yasodhara & Buddha Uma & Brahman Radharani & Krishna I AM THAT I AM and the UMANIFESTED ONE

Then go all the way under the water and come back up.

Mystical Empowerment
Ninth Degree
Mystical Empowerment comes about as a individual begins to develop a personal relationship with The Elohim, The Ascended Masters and Our One Creator. This personal relationship unfolds naturally in the practice of Reiki as well as in the reading and studying of the Scriptural Teachings of The Elohim, The Ascended Masters and Our One Creator. When reading the teachings of the Ascended Masters, you will find that you may read a particular passage of Scripture one day and it means one thing to you, yet when you read the same passage two weeks later a deeper message is revealed.

Fundamentalism is when a person or group of people get stuck at one level of meaning trying to make it a universal doctrine. Many wars have been fought over fundamental belief systems. Therefore a Universal Theology is Impossible, however Universal Experience is possible. Universal Experience is the spontaneous event of understanding at any level, the truth of which you have been studying. As you study the teachings of the Masters and you will have Universal Experiences. The Mystical Ninth Degree is about five such Universal Experiences or Empowerments. The Five empowerments are a natural unfoldment of your personal relationship with the Creator and how much of your purpose you have discovered. Discovering your purpose takes for most of us much study, prayer, meditation, yoga etc.

Ask and You shall Receive, Knock and it shall be opened to you.

Ask and you shall receive the Mystical Empowerment of Salvation from Mary and Jesus, Knock and the door to Healing will be opened to you. Ask and you shall receive the Mystical Empowerment of Enlightenment from Yasodhara and Buddha, Knock and the door to Peace will be opened to you. Ask and you shall receive the Mystical Empowerment of Service from Uma and Brahman, Knock and the door to Abundance will be opened to you. Ask and you shall receive the Mystical Empowerment of Grace from Radharani and Krishna, Knock and the door to Joy will be opened to you. Ask and you shall receive the Mystical Empowement of Yoga from The Great I AM Presence, Knock and the door to Love will be opened to you.

The Attunement Process of Ascension Reiki

Symbols of the First Unfoldment Attunements of the First Unfoldment Symbols of the Second Unfoldment Attunements of the Second Unfoldment Symbols of the Third Unfoldment Attunements of the Third Unfoldment

The Fourth Unfoldment The Attunement Process Today Distant Attunement Procedure

Passing The Ninth Degree Attunement

The Ninth Degree Ascension Reiki (Master,Teacher) is able to pass the 1st- 9th degree attunements. The Attunement Process is explained in The Attunement Process Today

Affirmation of the Higher Self

Unmanifested ONE, We ask to be channels of Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing Your Love and Happiness in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

The Mystical Empowerment of Salvation Salvation

Salvation is the overcoming of the separations in the family of humanity and the overcoming of the separation of the family of humanity from our One Creator. Salvation treats no one special and leaves no one out. All are Called and All are Chosen, for Love is the Saving Grace of all things and all beings.

Mother Mary, Jesus and the Plan of Salvation

Mother Mary gave birth to Salvation. Jesus studied the teachings of all the Masters before him and absorbed their lessons to such a degree that he became The Way, The Truth and The Life. He fullfilled or filled full teachings of the Masters before him and demonstrated Love to the fullest in the example of His life. It is through Mother Mary and Jesus that we receive The Empowerment of Salvation. This was the plan from the beginning of the first entity loosing there way in this material world. According to the Edgar Cayce readings, Mother Mary and Jesus in their first incarnations were Lilith

and Amilius the first woman and man, then later Eve and Adam. The readings also say that Mother Mary and Jesus were twin souls from the beginning and as far as the earth was concerned they are one. It goes on to say they had many incarnations that led up to their final incarnations as Mother Mary and Jesus. It was their purpose to bring into earth a human form that entrapped souls could eventually be released from their Karma. In other words they brought into the material world a human form that made it easier for us to overcome the world. The pattern of Creation is contained in the human form that through study we might again know the Creator. The plan of Salvation is revealed in the following books and the wise person seeks the truth for themselves. For as the Master Jesus said "The Truth shall set you free. The Aquarian Gospel by Levi Dowling The Bible The Book of Mormon The Essene Gospel of Peace- (Books 1-4) translated by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus selected and edited by Jeffrey Furst He Walked the Americas by Taylor Hansen The Jesus Mystery of Lost Years and Unknown Travels by Janet Bock A Course in Miracles by foundation for Inner Peace As has been said a Universal Theology is impossible, but a brief summary of what is written is possible. Brief Summary of what is written: At some point in time the Master Jesus said He will return and gather us and take us off the earth to a celebration called the wedding of the Lamb. Not much is said about what this celebration is except that we receive eternal bodies. Bodies that are not subject to birth and death. You know like Mother Mary's and Jesus. Then some return to the earth with the Master Jesus for a time to teach and heal those incarnating during this span of time. At the end of the age is the ascension of all material things and beings. In Yogic terms you would say that The Creator shall raise the Kundalini of Creation through all chakras back to the One Source. All of us will return in the Light. The Universal Plane is the first chakra, and the First Heaven of the Creator. There are Seven Lower Chakras or Heavens. Just study our anatomy and you will get the picture. We are like our Heavenly parents. Like begets Like. Then after all have ascended to the One Creator a New Heavens and Earth will be Created and we will be able to experience this as fully realized beings.

The Universal Experience of Salvation

The Universal Experience of Salvation is possible. It can be received from the givers of Salvation, The Ascended Masters, Mother Mary and Jesus. It works like this.

1. When you have enough Faith in Jesus, ask Him, "Jesus come into my heart and Life be my Lord and Savior." 2. When you have enough Faith in Mother Mary, ask Her, "Mother Mary come into my heart and Life be my Lord and Savior." 3. Have enough Faith to tell someone that you have accepted Jesus into your heart and life as your Lord and Savior. 4. Have enough Faith to tell someone that you have accepted Jesus and Mary into your heart and life as your Lord and Savior. 5. When you tell someone your Faith in Them a universal experience happens. It is called being born again. This is beyond asking Them into your heart and life as a teacher and friend which is discussed in the Inner Guidance section of "The Most Secret Knowledge".

Jesus Speaks
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I Loved you. Now remain in my Love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my Love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his Love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have Loved you. Greater Love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other. (Bible- John 15:1-17)

The Greater Invocation

From the Center of Love Within the Heart of God Let Love stream forth into the hearts of all May Christ return to Earth. From the Center of Love Within the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into the minds of all. Love lift our burdens now. From the Center of Love Within the Soul of God Let Purpose stream forth into the souls of all. The Purpose the Masters know and serve. From the Center of Love Within the Spirit of God Let Grace stream forth into the spirits of all. Love, Make us Whole and Leave no one out. From the Center of Love Within the Will of God Let Love stream forth into the wills of all Let Love restore the plan on Earth. From the Center of Love Within the Kingdom of God Let Life stream forth into the hearts of all May we all Transcend and Ascend in OM.

Peace Seeds
from Remembrance House
"Like the bee gathering honey from the different flowers, the wise person accepts the essence of the different scriptures and sees only the good in all religions." (Mahatma Gandhi)

1. Hindu Prayer for Peace

Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real. Oh God, lead us from darkness to light. Oh God, lead us from death to immortality. Shanti, Shanti, Shanti unto all. Oh Lord God almighty, may there be peace in celestial regions. May there be peace on earth. May the waters be appeasing. May herbs be wholesome, and may trees and plants bring peace to all. May all beneficent beings bring peace to us. May thy Vedic Law propagate peace all through the world. May all things be a source of peace to us. And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all, and may that peace come to me also.

2. Buddhist Prayer for Peace

May all beings everywhere plagued with sufferings of body and mind quickly be freed from their illnesses. May those frightened cease to be afraid, and may those bound be free. May the powerless find power, and may people think of befriending one another. May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wildernesses- the children, the aged, the unprotected - be guarded by beneficent celestials, and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

3. Jainist Prayer for Peace

Peace and Universal Love is the essence of the Gospel preached by all the Enlightened Ones. The Lord has preached that equanimity is the Dharma. Forgive do I creatures all, and let all creatures

forgive me. Unto all have I amity, and unto none enmity. Know that violence is the root cause of all miseries in the would. Violence, in fact, is the knot of bondage. "Do not injure any living being." This is the eternal, perennial. and unalterable way of spiritual life. A weapon howsoever powerful it may be, can always be superseded by a superior one; but no weapon can, however, be superior to nonviolence and Love.

4. Muslim Prayer for Peace

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. Praise be to the Lord of the Universe who has created us and made us into tribes and nations, that we may know each other, not that we may despise each other. if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust in God, for the Lord is the one that hearth and knoweth all things. And the servants of God, Most Precious are those who walk on the Earth in humility, and when we address them, we say "PEACE."

5. Sikh Prayer for Peace

"God adjudges us according to our deeds, not the coat that we wear: that Truth is above everything, but higher still is truthful living. "Know that we attaineth God when we Loveth, and only that victory endures in consequence of which no one is defeated.

6. Bahai" Prayer for Peace

Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity. Be fair in thy judgement, and guarded in thy speech. Be a lamp unto those who walk in darkness, and a home to the stranger. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring. Be a breath of life to the body of humankind, a dew to the soil of the human heart, and a fruit upon the tree of humility.

7. Shinto Prayer for Peace

"Although the people living across the ocean surrounding us, I believe, are all our brothers and sisters, why are there constant troubles in this world? Why do winds and waves rise in the ocean surrounding us? I only earnestly wish that the wind will soon puff away all the clouds which are hanging over the tops of the mountains."

8. Native African Prayer for Peace

Almighty God, the Great Thumb we cannot evade to tie any know; the Roaring Thunder that splits mighty trees: the all-seeing Lord up on high who sees even the footprints of an antelope on a rock mass here on Earth. You are the one who does not hesitate to respond to our call. You are the cornerstone of peace.

9. Native American Prayer for Peace

O Great Spirit of our Ancestors, I raise my pipe to you. To your messengers the four winds, and to Mother Earth who provides for your children. Give us the wisdom to teach our children to Love, to respect, and to be kind to each other so that they may grow with peace in mind. Let us learn to share all the good things that you provide for us on this Earth.

10. Zoroastrian Prayer for Peace

We pray to God to eradicate all the misery in the world: that understanding triumph over ignorance, that generosity triumph over indifference, that trust triumph over contempt, and that truth triumph over falsehood.

11. Jewish Prayer for Peace

Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, that we may walk the paths of the Most High. And we shall beat our swords into ploughshares, and our spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up

sword against nation - neither shall they learn war any more. And none shall be afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts has spoken.

12. Christian Prayer for Peace

"Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be known as the Children of God. But I say to you that hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To those who strike you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from those who take away your cloak, do not withhold your coat as well. Give to everyone who begs from you, and of those who take away your goods, do not ask them again. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them."

The Mystical Empowerment of Enlightenment Enlightenment

Enlightenment is a state of Knowing. It is a spontainous event that can happen at any time. It comes from reading and studying the teachings of the Ascended Masters and learning about the pattern of our anatomical make up, the pattern of Creation. All we have is what we are and where we came from. The Book of Remembrance organizes the teachings of the Ascended Masters in a way that makes their teachings easy to understand. The Book of Remembranc presents the teachings of the Ascended Masters in a orderly anatomical format. The Format of the Book of Remembrance, as well as Ascension Reiki, follows the pattern of The One, The Two, The Thee and The Seven. The Book of Remembrance is kind of a table of contents, summary or logical outline of the information in the Scriptures. The Book of Remembrance in itself is not sufficient to bring about enlightenment even though it contains all the knowledge necessary. As you read the Teachings of the Elohim, The Ascended Masters and Our One Creator you will find the connections you need to receive Enlightenment. Truth has been given to all of humanity in bits and pieces. We all need each other to become enlightened in Love. Enlightenment comes after a person has sincerely entered the path of truth and is reading and studying the Scriptual teachings of the Elohim (Seven Elements of Knowledge), The Ascended Masters and Our One Creator. Buddha said it like this: Those whose mind is well grounded in the Seven Elements of Knowledge, who without clinging to anything rejoice in the freedom from attachment, whose appetites have been conquered, and who are full of Light, they win Nirvana even in this world. (Buddha- The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha- p.58)

The Mystical Empowerment of Service

When we Serve Humanity in the Mode of Unconditional Love, not being attached to the fruit of our actions we have entered the Mystical Empowerment of Service. The Empowerment of Service comes through our devotion in the Love of Our One Creator, All of Humanity, All Sentient Beings, Our Neighbor, Our One True Love and ourselves also. When our Purpose is filled with Unconditional

Love of Our One Creator, we enter the Empowerment of Service through the Bhakti Yoga given by our One Creator, The Ascended Masters and The Seven Spirits of the Elohim. It is in our devotion to Love and the sharing of Love that we experience it.

The Mystical Empowerment of Grace

There are two principle laws that operate in and through the universe. These two laws are the law of Karma and the Law of Grace. Karma is the Sanskrit word for duality. The law of Karma is the law of duality, the law of opposites. Everything in the material manifestation is subject to the law of opposites. The atom has positive and negative charges. Magnets have opposite poles. Woman and Man are also equal and opposite, neither existing without the other. Whatever seed you sow grows, and you reap the harvest. What goes around comes around, what you sow you reap, that is the law of Karma. The law of Grace is the second law that operates in and through the universe. The Law of Grace is more of a phenomenon than a law. Grace is not affected by cause and effect, it trancends duality. Grace is known by many names; unwarranted favor, mercy, forgiveness, Unconditional or Divine Love. It is by Grace, through Faith that we receive The Mystical Empowerments of Salvation, Enlightenment, Service, Grace and Yoga. We receive through Grace not by the works that we do. We can't earn it by sowing and reaping. The Mystical Empowerments are the gifts of Our One Creator, the Grace of The Unmanifested One. So in that respect it transcends duality, transcends the Law of Karma. Grace is the gift of the knowledge of the Transcendental Natrue of Our One Creator. Knowledge of Truth sets us Free. Knowledge of Love brings the Empowerment of Grace. How can we understand and be of service to humanity if we only understand truth from a limited perspective. The The Transcendental Knowledge of Our One Creator has been given to all of humanity and it is the understanding of this knowledge that their is the Joing of All of Humanity into One Body, One Family of Unconditional Love. We know that Our One Creator is Love. This Ki of Love unlocks our understanding of all knowledge. If we wish to show Love to followers of Jesus we need to study the Teachings of Mother Mary and Jesus so we can speak their language and help this part of the family of humanity join together with the rest of humanity in Universal Love. If we wish to show Love to followers of Buddha we need to study the Teachings of Yasodhara and Buddha so we can speak their language and help this part of the family of humanity join together with the rest of humanity in Universal Love. If we wish to show Love to followers of Brahman we need to study the Teachings of Uma and Brahman so we can speak their language and help this part of the family of humanity join together with the rest of humanity in Universal Love. If we wish to show Love to followers of Krishna we need to study the Teachings of Radharani and Krishna so we can speak their language and help this part of the family of humanity join together with the rest of humanity in Universal Love.

If we wish to show Love to followers of The I AM Presence we need to study the Teachings of The I AM Presence so we can speak their language and help this part of the family of humanity join together with the rest of humanity in Universal Love. As we study we find the Universal Knowledge of Love is spoken in all parts of the world in many ways, all to help everyone reconnect with our Higher Selves and Our One Creator. In Humility we engage in The Service of Love toward all. In this way we begin to return to our Higher Divine Nature our True Selves and Our One Creator. These are a few of the Books that are helpful in the Mystical Empowerment of Service. The Aquarian Gospel, The Bible, The Koran, The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, The I AM Presence, The Vedas, The Yoga Sutras, etc. All Spiritual Knowledge is One, All Spiritual Knowledge is about Love, Unconditional Love.

The Mystical Empowerment of Yoga

"Everyone Does Yoga Whether They Know It Or Not."
The word "Yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means to bind together, to yoke or to join together. Attention is one of the keys to understanding Yoga. When we focus our attention upon something we join our consciousness with it. Our Attention may join us with an object through any of the five senses. When we touch the earth we join our consciousness with touching the earth or when we smell a flower we join our consciousness with smelling the flower. We can also join our attention with thoughts, feelings and emotions. With our attention we could join in a conversation with someone or a group of people. Through the use of our attention we join our into the exchange of thought, feeling and emotions. It is in the joining that we practice Yoga whether we know it or not. Yoga is about the joining of our attention on any level of our being with something or someone. Scientists have even shown us that our attention and mental activities actually transform themselves into molecules called neuropeptides. These neuropeptides are not only found in the brain but in every cell of the body. Neuropeptides are the chemical messengers of our thought and attention patterns to

the cells in our bodies. What we focus our attention on actually makes a difference in our body chemistry and health. With our Free Will, we can choose to join our attention with negative things such as worry, anger, scarcity, sorrow, fear, and separation form our Creator or we can choose to join our attention with positive things such as Healing, Peace, Abundance, Joy, Love, Happiness, The Seven Spirits of the Elohim, The Ascended Masers and Our One Creator. Yoga in its deepest sense means to become one with the Creator and become a fully realized being.

The Empowerment of Yoga

Although there are many forms of Yoga, all Yoga is really One. You can't really separate any one form of Yoga completely from any another. Every form of Yoga has something to do with us as human beings and has a connection to some part of our Total Subtle Anatomy. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are widely accepted as the most famous teachings on Raja Yoga. In very general terms, Raja Yoga is The Yoga of Learning. Perhaps more specifically we could say that Raja Yoga is the Yoga of Transformation through Learning. The following is a quotations are from: "Raja Yoga" by Wallace Slater pages 2-3 Raja Yoga has been defined as the earliest and most scientific treatment of the subject of selftransformation for attainment of union with the Real, the Eternal (Our One Creator). The Yoga Sutras or Aphorisms of Patanjali set out the system of Raja Yoga as eight steps, stages or subdivisions (ashtanga, literally with eight limbs). These (Eight Limbs of Raja Yoga) are tabulated in his chapter II, sutra 29, as follows, the Sanskrit term being given here with a simple translation for each: 1. Yama......................................self-restraint 2. Niyama...................................self-discipline 3. Asana......................................posture 4. Pranayama.............................control of breath 5. Pratyahara..............................control of the senses 6. Dharana...................................concentration 7. Dhyana.....................................meditation 8. Samadhi....................................contemplation The quotations above are from: "Raja Yoga" by Wallace Slater pages 2-3

The Eight Limbs

A simple illustration of how we use these eight limbs of learning in our everyday lives is in the example:

Going to school as a child and learning to read.

1. Yama- "Our Intention" of not skipping school and being to class on time is accomplished by the use of self-restraint. 2. Niyama- "Our Motivation" of learning our school work is accomplished by the use of use of selfdiscipline in doing our school work and home work instead of just playing at being a child. 3. Asana- We use good posture in class so "Our Focus" is on our lessons. 4. Pranayama- "Our View" in class is to learn so we control our breath by not laughing, giggling and cutting up in class. 5. Pratyahara- We are called upon in class and use "Our Speech" to communicate what we are learning in class so our senses are controled by using them properly for the purpose of learning our class lessons instead of wandering aimlessly. 6. Dharana- With "Our Alertness" we concentrate on learning the letters in the alphabet so we can spell every word. 7. Dhyana- "Our Purpose" is to learn to read so we listen and meditate or expand upon the sound and phonetics of words so we can spell them from the way they sound. 8. Samadhi- With "Our Effort" we contemplate the definitions of words so we can read them and understand their meaning in sentences and paragraphs.

The Sixteen Yogas of Patanjali

Patanjali was a great admirer of Buddha, and the ancient Buddhist symbol of the continuously moving wheel, the Wheel of Dharma, made a great impression on him. To Patanjali, the wheel represented Union union with everything; union with the cosmos, union with the universe, with nature, with ourselves, complete union. This is the true meaning of Yoga: the establishment of union with all the forces of the outer cosmos and all the forces of the inner cosmos. Meditating on the wheel of Buddha, Patanjali created his sixteen Yogas. He saw the perimeter of the wheel divided into eight sections, and he saw eight spokes going toward the center. The eight sections of the outer perimeter of the wheel became the eight outer Yogas representing all the forces of visible nature, and the eight spokes leading toward the center became the eight inner Yogas, symbolizing the forces of the unseen cosmos. According to Patanjali, if one part of the wheel is taken away, the whole wheel will collapse. Only by treading all the spokes of the wheel simultaneously can Man reach the center of the wheel, where total Union with all the inner and outer cosmos exists. The Yogas must be practiced all together in the right balance. This is the vital fact neglected in the 20th century by both the Eastern and Western yogis. (The Living Buddha page 63- by Edmond Bordaux Szekely)

The Essence of Yoga

To really understand Yoga we need to go to the source of Patanjali's inspiration, the teachings of The Buddha. In His famous sermon at Benares, Buddha teaches us that in Life as well as in Yoga there are Four Noble Truths. These Four Noble Truths are about the use of our Free Will and Our Attention.

The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path

I. Separation (Existence apart from Our One Creator) is unhappiness. (Samsara) II. Unhappiness is caused by selfish craving. (Tanha) III. Selfish craving can be overcome. IV. It can be overcome by following the Eightfold Path, whose steps are: 1. Right View (Pranayama) 2. Right Intent (Yama) 3. Right Speech (Pratyahara) 4. Right Focus (Asana) 5. Right Alertness (Dharana) 6. Right Purpose (Dhyana) 7. Right Effort (Samadhi) 8. Right Motivation (Niyama)

The Eightfold Path and Yoga

1. Right View- (Pranayama), (Prana Yoga, Pranayama Yoga)(Acting Body, Physical Body)
Our One Creator is Omnipresent, within us and all around us. The Omnipresent Energy of Our Creator in Sanskrit is called Prana. The word Prana means "Vital Air" or "Absolute Energy". The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the earth we walk on are all charged with Prana or Ki as it is sometimes called. Prana is not the physical energy of nutrients, oxygen or magnetic currents but the subtle life force energy within them. Prana is not limited to just the external forces but also composes the life essence in all the "Fields" of our total subtle anatomy. The fields of the Gross Body, The Subtle Body, The Causal Body, The Astral Body, the Mind, the Soul, the Spirit, the Will and the Higher Self. Prana is the essence of life in the external world and the internal dimensions of all life. Prana is in us, all around us, and omnipresent. The essence of Prana is the Unconditional Love of Our One Creator. Our One Creator is the "Knower in All the Fields" When we "View" life through the ego we enter the Illusion of Separation. Through selfish craving, we try to separate ourselves from what is within us and all around us. The Ego leads us into The Three Modes of Material Nature, which in Sanskrit are called the Three Gunas. In the Three Modes of Material Nature we become unhappy because the "Joining of our Free Will and our Attention" in the task of separation from what is Omnipresent is impossible. It is just an illusion of the ego.

Note: "The Three Gunas" or "Three Modes of Material Nature" are:

1. "Tamas"- Inertia- The Mode of Ignorance 2. "Rajas"- Energy- The Mode of Passion 3. "Sattva"- Light- The Mode of Goodness Prana Yoga and Pranayama Yoga are the Yogas that are used to overcome the Mode of Ignorance and Return to Happiness. The Essence of Prana is The Unconditional Love of Our One Creator which is Omnipresent. Union with The Omnipresent Energy of Unconditional Love is at the heart of Prana Yoga. Pranayama is the the Joining of "Prana" and "Ayama". "Ayama" means the 'extension of' or 'to expand'. Together "Prana" and "Ayama" mean the "Expansion of the "Omnipresent Love" or

"Universal Life Force Energy" through the use of Breath. "Pranayama" combined with "Yoga" means the Expansion of The Universal Life Force Energy of Omnipresent Love, in Union with Our One Creator (Co-Create). This just means that as we breathe, our Will and Attention is upon Our One Creator. Our Breath becomes filled with The Right View of Omnipresent Love and "The Mode of Ignorance" in the Physical Body (Gross Body, Acting Body) is Overcome.

Note: Whatever we "Join" our "Will" and our "Attention" with as we breathe affects our breath and
our physical bodies. If we breathe into anger for instance, we embrace and expand anger into our consciousness and can become angry. Our breath changes, our heart rate changes, our metabolism changes and negative affects happen to our physical bodies. How we breathe is a reflection of how we "View" life at any given moment. You might even say that how we view Life is how we experience "The Joining" of our breath with the Universal Forces within us and around us. The following are a few examples of how our state of being is reflected in our breathing. These eight examples are paraphrased from "Refining the Breath" by Doug Keller.

If we view things through "Anger" our breathing may become shallow on the inbreath with strong exhalations accompanied by tension. If we view life through "Fear" our breathing becomes shallow and irregular and we might even get a knot in our stomach. If we view life through "Grief" our breath becomes superficial and spasmodic, with sobbing and long sighing and a feeling of emptiness. If we view life through "Depression" our breath becomes shallow and lifeless accompanied by fatigue and dullness to sensation. If we view life through "Impatience" our breath becomes short and uncoordinated and feel like our heart is trying to leap out of our tense upper chest. If we view life through "Guilt" or "Remorse" our breath becomes restrictive and suffocating with a sensation of oppressive heaviness. If we view life through "Boredom" our breath becomes shallow and lifeless with hardly any sensation at all. If we view life through "Love", "Compassion", "Kindness" and "Wonder" our breath can become deep, comfortable and energizing, bringing an affirming and enthusiastic feeling throughout one's entire being.

Everyone has practiced at least one of the viewpoints above and joined their breathing with that viewpoint. In this way everyone practices Prana Yoga and Pranayama Yoga, joining their breath with different viewpoints throughout their life; each having their own affect on our well being. Right View is the joining of our Attention, Our Will and Our Breath with the Omnipresent Love of Our One Creator. As we do this we embrace Love into our Consciousness and Unconscious. We then are filled with Love and become healthy in our Physical Bodies (Gross Body, Acting Body). When our breath is combined with Love our practice of Prana Yoga and Pranayama Yoga unites us with our Creator, with our Divine Nature. When we enter our Divine Nature we breathe with a smile, we breathe with laughter, we breathe with generosity, we breathe with rejoicing, we breathe with kindness. This is the Highest form of Prana/Pranayama Yoga and is Secret Art of Inviting Happiness into our Life through our breath.

Note: The three lower bodies are called The Acting Body, The Thinking Body and The Feeling Body.
These Three Bodies are the Components of the Astral Body, the Fourth Body. The Astral Body is the First of the Five Sheaths or Koshas (The Astral Body, The Mind, The Soul, The Spirit and The Will). The Three Lower Bodies and the Five Koshas together are the Eight Components of the Higher Self, thus the Eightfold Path.

This Self, beyond all words, is the syllable OM. This syllable, though indivisible, consists of three letters- A-U-M. The Self as the universal person in his physical being, corresponds to the first letter- A (Acting Body7 Anatomical Systems, 5 Senses) The Self as the universal person in his mental being, corresponds to the second letter- U (Thinking Body- 7 Auras and 5 Pranas) The Self as the universal person in dreamless sleep, corresponds to the third letter- M (Feeling Body7 Chakras Spine, 5 Chakras Front) The Fourth, the Self, is OM, the indivisible syllable. This syllable is unutterable, and beyond mind. In it the manifold universe disappears. It is the supreme good- One without a second. Whosoever knows OM, the Self, becomes the Self. (Astral Body) Quotation from: The Mandukya Upanishad- p.50 of The Upanishads, translated from Sanskrit by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederic Manchester

"Harmony to the Essenes meant peace. They considered that human life can be divided into seven departments: physical, mental, emotional, social, cultural, its relationship with nature and its relationship with the entire cosmos." "Man, it was held, has three bodies that function in each of these departments: and Acting Body (gross body), a Feeling Body (Causal Body) and a thinking body (Subtle Body). The thinking body's highest power is wisdom. The feeling body's highest power is Love. The acting body's function is to translate the wisdom of the thinking body and the Love of the feeling body into action in an individual's social and cultural worlds and in his utilization of the terrestrial and heavenly forces." Quotation from: "The Essene Way - Biogenic Living" by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. With permission and thanks from International Biogenic Society- P.O. Box 849, Nelson, B.C., Canada V1L 6A5 (Catalog of books
available at same address)

Right View- of the Four Noble Truths concerning Happiness- The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness (Prana Yoga, Pranayama Yoga)- Letting the (Ki-Chi-Prana) of Unconditional Love flow in and through our breath in all things we do. In this way we become in Union with Love Itself. The Acting Body- (Physical Body or Gross Body, consciousness, the unconscious) Overcoming The Drama of "The Complainer" Overcoming "Tamas"- "Inertia"- "The Mode of Ignorance"

2. Right Intent- (Yama), (Mantra Yoga)(Thinking Body, Subtle Body)

The Word "Yama" means "Restraint". It means to purify your intentions by restraint from doing harm to yourself and others. These are the Thou Shalt Nots'. The traditional restraints in Yoga are:

Restraint from: 1. Violence 2. Falsehood 3. Stealing 4. Intemperance, sensuality 5. Acquisitiveness Theses may be expressed positively as: 1. Helpfulness, Gentleness 2. Truthfulness 3. Uprightness, Honesty 4. Temperance 5. Openhandedness, generosity (5 Restraints and 5 Positive expressions from "Raja Yoga" p. 6- by Wallace Slater) The Ten Commands or Ten Commandments are the similar Yamas from the Hebrew Tradition. 1. I The Lord am thy God. Thou shall not have other gods besides me. 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day. 4. Honor your father and your mother. 5. You shall not kill. 6. You shall not commit adultery. 7. You shall not steal. 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 9. You shall not covet your neighbors house. 10. You shall not covet you neighbors wife.

The Child Jesus Explains the Yamas

Now, Rabbi Barachia of the synagogue of Nazareth, was aid to Mary in the teaching of her son. One morning after service in the synagogue the rabbi said to Jesus as he sat in silent thought, Which is the greatest of the Ten Commands? And Jesus said, I do not see a greatest of the Ten Commands. I see a golden cord that runs through all the Ten Commands that binds them fast and makes them one. This cord is Love, and it belongs to every word of all the Ten Commands. If one is full of Love he can do nothing else than worship God; for God is Love. If one is full of Love he cannot kill; he cannot falsely testify; he cannot covet; can do naught but honor God and man. If one is full of Love he does not need commands of any kind. And Rabbi Barachia said, Your words are seasoned with the salt of wisdom that is from above. Who is the teacher who has opened up this truth to you? And Jesus said, I do not know that any teacher opens up this truth for me. It seems to me that truth was never shut; that it was always opened up, for truth is one and it is everywhere. And if we open up the windows of our minds the truth will enter in and make herself at home; for truth can find her way through any crevice, any window, any open door.

The rabbi said, What hand is strong enough to open up the windows and the doors of mind so truth can enter in? And Jesus said, It seems to me that Love, the golden cord that binds the Ten Commands in one, is strong enough to open any human door so that truth can enter in and cause the heart to understand. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 17:1-12)

Mantra Yoga and The Purification of Intent

Most everyone has practiced Mantra Yoga at some point in their life. Mantra Yoga is the joining of our "Will", "Attention" and "Intent" with a "Mantra" (a key sound, phrase or sentence) that is repeated over and over until our Will, our Attention and our Intent is infused with the meaning of the mantra. This is a very common yoga on earth and is widespread on every level of society and culture. A few examples are listed below.

The crowd at the football game joins in, the cheer leaders "Mantra", "Go Team Go". The intent of the cheerleaders and the crowd is for their team to win. The cheerleaders and the crowd use their wills, their attention and their intent along with their mantra to give more energy to their team to win. Even though it doesn't always work it is still a form of Mantra Yoga. Many organizations have a motto or slogan or even a song that may be repeated at the beginning of each organizational meeting. A repeated motto, slogan or song can be a kind of Mantra that joins our intent with the ideals of the organization. Just another form of Mantra Yoga. Most nations have a national anthem. A national anthem is a kind of mantra that joins our intent at the collective level with the ideals of the nations. Mantra Yoga of the Nations.

Mantra Yoga in its deeper sense is the joining of our Will and our Attention with the Right Intent of Unconditional Love as we work with Tonings, Mantrams, Affirmations and Prayers. This joins us into the Collective Conscious and Collective Unconscious at the Thinking Body level. The Thinking Body is composed of the Seven Auras around the Body and the Five Pranas within the Body. The Right Intent of Mantra Yoga is for the overcoming of the energy of the Mode of Passion, the Second Guna. Right Intent- (Right Aim- Right Thought- Right Thinking) Mantra Yoga- Union with Our One Creator through the joining of our attention with the Right Intent of Unconditional Love as we use Affirmations, Prayers, Mantrams and Tonings. The Thinking Body- (The Auric Body or Subtle Body, collective consciousness, the collective unconscious) Overcoming The Drama of "The Macho" Overcoming "Rajas"- "Energy"- "The Mode of Passion"

3. Right Speech- (Pratyahara), (Dhyana Yoga- Japa Yoga)(Feeling Body, Causal Body)
People practice Dhyana Yoga or Japa Yoga all the time. This is the joining of our attention with a persons name. Groups of people sometimes speak or chant a persons name, such as some political figure. They use their voice, their speech to influence people's feelings at the Cosmic or Universal

Level so that the person they believe in gets elected. The person elected is supposed to have the voters interest at heart and represent them as well as be of service to the community, nation and world. The Master Jesus said that it is what we speak that makes us clean or unclean because what we speak comes from our heart. Jesus also said if we are pure in heart we shall see God. Pratyahara- When "Our Speech" is used to communicate Unconditional Love, our senses are controlled by the Purity of Heart and are being used properly for the purpose of Higher Learning. Dhyana Yoga or Japa Yoga is the of Union with Our One Creator through Right Speech, Our Attention and Unconditional Love. Japa Yoga is the Yoga of Right Speech of the Names of Our One Creator. Japa Yoga is Union with Our One Creator through the joining of Our Will and Our Attention with the Right Speech of Unconditional Love as we speak the Names of Our One Creator. For example if you call someone's name they turn around and look at you and engage with you in conversation. When we speak the Names of The Elohim, The Ascended Masters and Our One Creator they turn toward us and engage with us in the Cosmic Conscious and Cosmic Unconscious at the Feeling Body Level as well as all parts of our being. This brings Healing, Peace, Abundance, Joy, Love and Happiness to all. Japa Yoga is engaged in to overcome the third Guna, Material Light and The Mode of Goodness. You might ask yourself why you would want to rise above the mode of "Goodness". It is a mode of prosperity and material well being. When we say or do things to be rewarded in the material world then we stay stuck in the world of Karma. Although everything appears to be good, prosperous and comfortable it is all temporary. Krishna said that if everything we say and do is done in the Mode of Unconditional Love we no longer are attached to the fruits of our speech and actions. We do everything from beyond the material motivations and enter into the Grace of God. When we speak with Love in Our hearts we are returning to our true selves. The Master Jesus said to be in the world but not of the world. If when we speak it comes from our heart it only stands to reason that if we are speaking the names of God that the qualities of Our Creator begin to fill our hearts and our beings as we return to our true nature, our Divine Nature. Right Speech (Dhyana Yoga, Japa Yoga)- Union with Our One Creator through the joining of our attention with the Right Speech of Unconditional Love as we speak, chant, pray and meditate with the Names of the Seven Spirits of the Elohim, The Ascended Masters and The Names of Our One Creator The Feeling Body (The Chakra Body from the Crown down or Causal Body, cosmic consciousness, the cosmic unconscious) Overcoming The Drama of "The Egotist" Overcoming "Sattva"- "Light"- "The Mode of Goodness"

4. Right Focus- (Asana), (Hatha Yoga)(Empowerment of Salvation)(Astral Body)(Annamaya

Kosha) Hatha Yoga is about the joining of Our Will, Our attention, our breath and physical postures. What we focus our attention on as we breathe into a posture affects our breath as well as our physical

posture. How we breathe in a particular posture also affects how well we use the posture for its purpose. There are postures for work, play, relaxation etc. Right Focus in each posture is an important part of Hatha Yoga. For instance if someone's attention is focused on jogging their attention is also focused on regulating their breath according to the needs of the physical body. If the person breathes too shallow he or she doesn't get enough oxygen for the purpose of jogging and the flow of the postures of jogging become more difficult. The Right Focus of his or her attention is on breathing correctly for the purpose of the postures. In this way the task becomes easier and more fluid. Hatha Yoga, so called from a certain portion of its teaching, as to the practice of special methods of dealing with the incoming and outgoing, or "Ha" and "Tha" breaths, by which it is intended to affect the instrument, the body, so that it in turn will affect the Self within. (p.13- Seven Schools of Yoga by Ernest Wood)

Ha- in breath (Incarnation) Tha- out breath (Salvation)

Hatha Yoga in a deeper sense is the Yoga of Incarnation. Hatha Yoga is about the Right Focus of Our Will and Our Attention upon the Unconditional Love of Our One Creator as we breathe into every posture of our daily lives. In this way our lives become more fluid and we are released from Karma. In other words, Hatha Yoga works from the outside in to bring the physical forces into alignment with the subtle anatomy of our Higher Divine Nature and The Nature of The Elohim, The Ascended Masters and Our One Creator. As we do this we move from the world of Karma into the World of Grace. Hatha Yoga is the Path of Union with Our One Creator through the Right Focus of Our Will, Our Attention, Our Astral Bodies (Breath in Postures) and Unconditional Love. Hatha Yoga is the Yoga of "Salvation". Hatha Yoga is the Yoga taught by the Ascended Masters, Mother Mary and Jesus. The Ascended Master Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary of Incarnation (labor) and heavy burdened. I will give you rest and refresh you. Take upon yourself the Yoga (yoke, oneness) which is upon me and learn from me, for "I AM" gentle and humble in heart and peaceful and serene of mind. You will find serenity for yourselves and rest for your souls. For the Yoga (yoke, union, binding) upon me is easy and my burden (message) is Light." (Matthew 11:28-30)

The Dramas In his book, "Celestine Prophecy", James Redfield suggests that there are four different types of Negative Dramas it is possible to enter into when we interact with other people. Closer examination reveals that there are nine basic types of Negative Dramas that relate to the the Subtle Anatomy of our Higher Self. The Idea is that we are Created Beings and are not energy Sources ourselves. Within each of us there is a kind of hunger and thirst for the energy and attention of Love. When we connect with the Source of Love within us, we are filled and satisfied. But, when we are in the illusion of separation we are continually seeking this energy, mostly from other people.

Every interaction between people is an energy exchange. How we enter into an energy exchange with another person forms a "Drama" which can be either positive or negative. The "Drama" is a play in which each person plays a role. Each Positive Drama is a form of energy exchange in the Mode of Unconditional Love. Each person leaves the exchange lifted up. Each Negative Drama is an energy exchange in the Mode of Separation and Illusion. One person leaves the exchange with a feeling of being lifted up. The other person leaves the energy exchange feeling drained. At this time in our evolution toward Peace on Earth we need to learn how to rise above the Negative Dramas of Energy Exchange. We can overcome the Negative Dramas by entering into The Drama of Right Attention and the Eight Fold Path of Energy Exchange.

The Master Jesus said "If you hunger and thirst after righteousness you will be filled".
The Negative Dramas of Energy Exchange 1. The Complainer- (Acting Body)(The View that there is something wrong with everyone but themselves) 2. The Macho- (The Thinking Body)(Your not really a man or woman if your intent is not like theirs.) 3. The Egotist- (The Feeling Body)(Their speech is always about the importance of themselves) 4. The Poor Me- (The Astral Body)(Their Focus is: I incarnated and look what happened to poor me) 5. The Aloof- (The Mind)(They want your Alertness to be concentrated on their mysterious nature) 6. The Interrogator- (The Soul)(Start out being your friend but eventually find things wrong with the way you feel about everything) 7. The Intimidator- (The Spirit)(Get your attention through Fear) 8. The Dictator- (The Will)(Subject your will to theirs leaving your whole life drained) 9. The Atheist- (The Higher Self)(Questioning is Good but eventually wants his or her ideas to to be your God within) The Positive Dramas of Energy Exchange 1. Right View- overcomes The Complainer 2. Right Intent- overcomes The Macho 3. Right Speech- overcomes The Egotist 4. Right Focus- overcomes The Poor Me 5. Right Alertness- overcomes The Aloof 6. Right Purpose- overcomes The Interrogator 7. Right Effort- overcomes The Intimidator 8. Right Motivation- overcomes The Dictator 9. Right Understanding- overcomes The Atheist Right Focus- (Right Conduct- Right Acting- Right Ideals) Hatha Yoga- Yoga of Health, Well-being and Salvation The Astral Body (Blueprint for the Physical Body) I Will Not Worry

"Sense of Touch "Element Earth" Overcoming The Drama of "The Poor Me"

5. Right Alertness- (Dharana), (Raja Yoga)(Empowerment of Enlightenment)(The Mind)

(Pranamaya Kosha) Raja Yoga is the Yoga of "Enlightenment". Raja yoga is about the joining of Right Alertness, Our Will, Our Attention and Our Mind with the Unconditional Love of Our One Creator. Raja Yoga is about being Transformed by Unconditional Love through the Enlightenment of The Mind. Yasodhara and Buddha are the Ascended Masters who teach us Raja Yoga, The Yoga of Enlightenment. Buddha first teaches that in Yoga there are Four Noble Truths. These Four Noble Truths are about the use of our Free Will and Our Attention and Our Minds to become Happy and Enter Nirvana.

I. Separation (Existence apart from Our One Creator) is unhappiness. II. Unhappiness is caused by selfish craving. III. Selfish craving can be overcome. IV. It can be overcome by following the Eightfold Path, whose steps are: 1. Right View- (Pranayama), (Prana Yoga, Pranayama Yoga), (Acting Body) 2. Right Intent- (Yama), (Mantra Yoga), (Thinking Body) 3. Right Speech- (Pratyahara), (Dhyana Yoga- Japa Yoga), (Feeling Body) 4. Right Focus- (Asana), (Hatha Yoga), (Empowerment of Salvation), (Astral Body) 5. Right Alertness- (Dharana), (Raja Yoga), (Empowerment of Enlightenment), (Mind) 6. Right Purpose- (Dhyana), (Bhakti Yoga), (Empowerment of Service), (Soul) 7. Right Effort- (Samadhi), (Gyana or Jnana Yoga), (Empowerment of Grace), (Spirit) 8. Right Motivation- (Niyama), (Karma Yoga), (Empowerment of Yoga), (Will)

Right Alertness- (Right Mindfulness)(Empowerment of Enlightenment) Raja Yoga- The Yoga of Transformation Through Learning The Mind (The Whole Aura System) I Will Let Go of Anger Peace Sense of Taste Element of Water Overcoming The Drama of "The Aloof"

6. Right Purpose- (Dharana), (Bhakti Yoga)(Empowerment of Service)(The Soul)(Manamaya

Kosha) One morning Leslie told me that "Fun is at the Core of Love". She said "I just had a dream and I was supposed to tell you that".

"Wow" what a statement. It has really stuck with me since then. It makes everything make sense. If Love wasn't enjoyable, fun and playful we just couldn't do it. Love just wouldn't be the same. Love makes it easy to be devoted to our purpose in life. In fact if we are devoted to Love, we will find our purpose in life. Purpose itself is "Devotion" to the individual expression of Love in our Life. If we are devoted to our Purpose in Love then we grow in happiness. If we are devoted to negative things such as dishonesty, greed, hate, etc. we find no real abundance, no real happiness, no real enjoyment, no real fun and no True Love in Life. Devotion to negative things is misplaced devotion. It is just a form of compulsive behavior that comes from fear and emptiness. Fortunately, most people are finding their devotion to something much more positive, such as their job, their family, their church, their community, their nation or the whole world. Bhakti Yoga is the Yoga of Devotion. The "Purpose" of Bhakti Yoga is the "Devotion" of our Will and our Attention to Love itself. Bhakti Yoga is "Fun". It is not some compulsive behavior pattern we create because we are afraid of aches and pains and of getting old. Bhakti Yoga as well as every form of Yoga is something we practice to help us be happy. The point is that Yoga is the fluid movement of Love through every part of our Lives and is not confined to one particular aspect of it. Different forms of Yoga are like tools in a carpenters tool box. Each tool has its purpose and works well for a particular job. One day as Jesus was bringing forth the tools for work he said, These tools remind me of the ones we handle in the workshop of the mind where things were made of thought and where we build up character. We use the square to measure all our lines, to straighten out the crooked places of the way, and make the corners of our conduct square. We use the compass to draw circles round our passions and desires to keep them in the bounds of righteousness. We use the ax to cut away the knotty, useless and ungainly parts and make the character symmetrical. We use the hammer to drive home the truth, and pound it in until it is a part of every part. We use the plane to smooth the rough, uneven surfaces of joint, and block, and board that go to build the temple of truth. The chisel, line, the plummet and the saw all have their uses in the workshop of the mind. And then this ladder with its trinity of steps, Faith, Hope and Love; on it we climb up to the dome of purity in life. And on the twelve- step ladder we ascend until we reach the pinnacle of that which life is spent to build the Temple of Perfected Humanity. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 20:12-21) The "Purpose" of Bhakti Yoga is the "Joining" of our Will and our Attention in the Devotion of Unconditional Love towards Our One Creator, All of Humanity, All Sentient Beings, Our Neighbor, Our One True Love and ourselves also.

The Great Commandment given by Jesus

Our Creator is One. Love Our One Creator. Love Our One Creator with all your Heart, with all your Mind, with all your Soul, with all your Spirit, with all your Will and with your Higher Self.

Love your neighbor as you Love yourself. Right Purpose- (Right Aspiration- Right Vocation- Right Livelihood)(Empowerment of Service) Bhakti Yoga- The Yoga of Devotion The Soul- The Whole Chakra System above and below the Crown Chakra I Will Work Honestly Abundance The Sense of Smell The Element of Fire Overcoming The Drama of "The Interrogator"

7. Right Effort- (Samadhi), (Gyana or Jnana Yoga), (Empowerment of Grace), (The Spirit)
(Vijnanamaya Kosha) The Blessed Lord said: Because your soul has Faith I will reveal this most profound secret. It is vision, wisdom and knowledge combined, and when known shall free you from illusion. It is the supreme mystery and wisdom, the king of education, and the purification supreme. Seen in a wonder of vision, it is a path of righteousness, very easy to follow, joyfully performed and leads to the highest End. But those who have no Faith in this Truth, not reaching me: they return to the paths of this world, the cycles of life in death. All this visible universe comes from and is pervaded by my invisible Being, my unmanifested formless aspect. All beings rest in me, are rooted in me. Yet, I have not my rest in them, I AM not rooted in them. And in truth, (because of free will) everything that is created does not rest in Me; behold my sovereign Yoga! I AM the source of and the maintainer of all beings, yet I rest not in them, still My Self is the very source of creation. Even as in the Great Sky, the wind is blowing everywhere, so all the cosmic manifestation and all beings rest rooted in Me. All beings, O Faithful one, enter my lower nature at the end of a world age, at the beginning of a world-age again I emanate them. Thus through my Nature, which I emanate again and again I bring forth all of creation and this rolls round in the circles of time. O Faithful one, these works do not bind me. I AM and I watch the drama of works, unattached to actions. The foolish disregard Me, when clad in human form, ignorant of My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be. Empty of Hope, empty of deeds, empty of wisdom, senseless, partaking of the deceitful, brutal and deluded, their Hopes for liberation are all defeated.

But there are some Souls who know me: their refuge is my own divine nature. Ever harmonized, fully engaged in devotion, they Love me with a oneness of Love: they know that I am the imperishable source of all beings. Others, who are engaged in the cultivation of knowledge, worship me in my transcendental form as the One and the many, the Supreme Lord; they see that I AM everywhere present and all is in Me. (Krishna- Bhagavad Gita ch. 9:1-15 Yoga of The Most Secret Knowledge)

Jnana Yoga
Jnana Yoga sometimes called Gyana Yoga is the Yoga of the Most Secret Knowledge. The Most Secret Knowledge is the Knowledge of The Love of Our One Creator. Our One Creator is a Transcendental Being. The Key to understanding this is found in The Scripture above from the Ninth Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. Others, who are engaged in the cultivation of knowledge, worship me in my transcendental form as the One and the many, the Supreme Lord; they see that I AM everywhere present and all is in Me. Our One Creator has many personalities. Each personality represents an anatomical aspect of Our Creator. All beings, O Faithful one, enter my lower nature at the end of a world age, at the beginning of a world-age again I emanate them. Thus through my Nature, which I emanate again and again I bring forth all of creation and this rolls round in the circles of time. Our Lower Nature is made up of Seven Elements. We have the Seven Anatomy Systems of the Body, The Seven Endocrine Glands and the Seven Chakras etc. Our Lower Nature is patterned after the Lower Nature of Our One Creator. According to the Scripture, at the end of a world age and the beginning of a world age we enter the Lower Nature of Our Creator. The Lower Nature of Our Creator is also composed of Seven Elements. At the end of a world age and the beginning of a world age these Seven Elements of the Lower Nature of Our One Creator are emanated into the Circles of Time. The Circles of Time in relation to the Lower Nature of Our One Creator are called The Seven's of Time. The Sevens of Time are the Seven, Seven year periods of time at the end of a world age and the beginning of a world age. The Sevens of Time is when the two ages overlap for 49 years. Each Seven Year Period is the emanation of One of The Seven Elements of the Lower Nature of Our One Creator. The Seven Elements of the Lower Nature of Our One Creator are known by a few different names. The Sapta Rishis, The Seven Spirits and The Elohim. These Seven Spirits of the Lower Nature of Our One Creator are The God Centers or God Chakras within us also. The most incredible part of understanding the Most Secret Knowledge for me is the is "The Visitation" of Mother Mary and "The Vision" of "The Sevens of Time" that were given to me in 1970. I was shown the Sevens of Time in the Vision were the Emanations of the Seven Spirits of Our One Creator:

1. Hope- 1st Chakra- (First Heaven- Universal Plane) 2. Faith- 2nd Chakra- (Second Heaven) 3. Love- 3rd Chakra- (Third Heaven) 4. OM- Heart Chakra- (Fourth Heaven) 5. Christ - Throat Chakra- (Fifth Heaven) 6. Holy Spirit- Third Eye Chakra- (Sixth Heaven) 7. God- Crown Chakra- (Seventh Heaven) Four years later someone gave me a copy of "The Bhagavad Gita" and I read it for the first time and found a description of what had been given to me in Mother Mary's Vision in the 9th Chapter. To me this is a miracle and shows that greater things are coming and there is a chance for peace on earth. The Blessed Lord said: Because your soul has Faith I will reveal this most profound secret. It is vision, wisdom and knowledge combined, and when known shall free you from illusion. It is the supreme mystery and wisdom, the king of education, and the purification supreme. Seen in a wonder of vision, it is a path of righteousness, very easy to follow, joyfully performed and leads to the highest End. Jnana Yoga is the Union of Our Spirit, Our Will and Our Attention with Our One Creator through the Transcendental Knowledge of Our One Creator. We are created beings made in the likeness of Our One Creator. There are Eight Aspects of The Unmanifested One (Our One Creator) each relating to a distinct part of our anatomy and One Step of the Eightfold Path. The Eight Aspects of Our Transcendental Creator are made up of the Five Sheaths (Koshas) of the Higher Nature and The Three Bodies of the Lower Nature of Our One Creator. Unmanifested One (Our One Creator)- Our Higher Self 1. I AM Presence- Our Will (Right Motivation) 2. Radharani and Krishna- Our Spirit (Right Effort) 3. Uma and Brahman- Our Soul (Right Purpose) 4. Yasodhara and Buddha- Our Mind (Right Alertness) 5. Mary and Jesus- Our Astral Body (Right Focus) The Three Bodies of The Lower Nature of Our One Creator are: 6. The Feeling Body- (Right Speech) (Cosmic Consciousness and The Cosmic Unconscious)(The Chakra Body)(Causal Body) The Feeling Body of Our One Creator is Made up of the Seven Heavens (7Chakras of the Back Body) and the Five Heavenly Planets (Five Chakras of the Front Body). The Seven Heavens are the Manifestation of the Seven Spirits of Our One Creator. The Five Heavenly Planets are the Manifestation of the Five Aspects of the Higher Nature of Our One Creator Names of the Back Body Chakras of the Seven Heavens Names of the Front Body Chakras of the Five Heavenly Planets 7. God 5. I AM THAT I AM

6. Holy Spirit 4. Radharani & Krishna 5. Christ 3. Uma & Brahman 4. OM 2. Yasodhara & Buddha 3. Love 1. Mary & Jesus 2. Faith 1. Hope 7. The Thinking Body- (Right Intent)(Collective Consciousness and The Collective Unconscious)(The Auric & Pranic Body)(The Subtle Body) The Thinking Body of Our One Creator is made up of the Subtle Substance sometimes called Akasha. This is the Subtle substance in all the Fields of the Anatomical Aspects of Our One Creator. These are the Seven Auras of the Seven Heavens (Backbody Chakras) of Our One Creator and the Five Pranas of the Five Heavenly Planets (Frontbody Chakras) of Our One Creator. This Subtle Substance is called Akasha and contains the impressions or records of everything. This is sometimes called the Akashic Records. This is the Thinking Body, Subtle Body and the Collective Consciousness and Collective Unconscious of Our One Creator. 8. The Acting Body- (Right View)(Consciousness and The Unconscious)(The Physical Body)(The Gross Body) The Acting Body of Our One Creator is the Physical Incarnation of the Transcendental Personalities of Our One Creator. These incarnations are known as the Ascended Masters and the Sapta Rishis

Ascended Masters Sapta Rishis

5. I AM Presence 7. Jamadagni- Spirit of God (Virtue- Alignment) 4. Radharani & Krishna 6. Vishvamitra- Spirit of The Holy Spirit-(Virtue- Humility) 3. Uma & Brahman 5. Kashyapa- Spirit of Christ (Virtue-Compassion) 2. Yasodhara & Buddha 4. Bhardavaja- Spirit of OM (Virtue- Balance) 1. Mary & Jesus 3. Atri- Spirit of Love (Virtue- Acceptance) 2. Vashishtha-Spirit of Faith (Virtue-Sharing) 1. Gautama- Hope (Virtue- Grounding)

Right Effort- (Right Remembrance of the Self)(Remembrance of the Subtle Anatomy of the Higher Self)(Empowerment of Grace) Gyana or Jnana Yoga- The Yoga of The Most Secret Knowledge of our Subtle Anatomy gained through inquiry, meditation and Satori The Spirit- The Conceptual Vessel, Governing Vessel (Sushumna) and the 12 pairs of organ meridians I Will Be Thankful For My Many Blessings Joy Sense of Sight Element of Air Overcoming The Drama of "The Intimidator"

8. Right Motivation- (Niyama)(Karma Yoga)(Right Realization of the goal of Life)(The Will)

(Anandamaya Kosha) Karma Yoga is Action in the Mode of Unconditional Love. When actions are performed in the Mode of Unconditional Love there is no attachment to the outcome so we become free of the entanglements of the Three Modes of Material Nature (The Three Gunas). Karma Yoga at the First Chakra Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are Grounded in Hope. Karma Yoga at the Second Chakra Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are Shared in Faith. Karma Yoga at the Third Chakra Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are of Acceptance in Love. Karma Yoga at the Heart Chakra Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are Balanced in OM. Karma Yoga at the Throat Chakra Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are in the Compassion (Karuna) of Christ. Karma Yoga at the Third Eye Chakra Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are in the Humility of the Holy Spirit. Karma Yoga at the Crown Chakra Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are in the Alignment of God. Karma Yoga at the Astral Body Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are in the Empowerment of Salvation of Mary & Jesus. Karma Yoga at the Mind Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are in the Empowerment of Enlightenment of Yasodhara & Buddha. Karma Yoga at the Soul Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are in the Empowerment of Service of Uma & Brahman. Karma Yoga at the Spirit Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are in the Empowerment of Grace of Radharani & Krishna. Karma Yoga at the Will Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are in the Empowerment of Yoga of The I AM Presence. Karma Yoga at the Higher Self Level- our actions of Unconditional Love are in the Empowerment of The Sacred Heart of Our One Creator. Right Motivation- (Right Concentration- Right Realization of the goal of Life) Karma Yoga- The Yoga of Action without attachment, Action in the Mode of Unconditional Love The Will- The Main Chord of the Kundalini Nerve as it runs from the Creator to the top of the Head I Will Be Kind To My Neighbor And All Living Things Love

Sense of Hearing The Element Ether Overcoming the Drama of "The Dictator"

9. Right Understanding- (Restorative Yoga)(The Higher Self)(The Atman)

The Yoga of The Unmanifested One, The Yoga of Our Higher Self has been almost lost because of humanity forgetting the Anatomical Nature of Itself. In ancient times The Subtle Anatomy was understood and we have some remnants of this knowledge in Drawings like this one below. It is obvious that it was known that there are chakras above the head as well as within the body.

Reiki and Yoga

Reiki and Yoga are inseparable partners of the One. Reiki is the Love or Our Heavenly Mother and Yoga is the Love of Our Heavenly Father. Reiki is the arms of Our Mothers Love of Nurturing. Yoga is Our Father's Love of Understanding, Discipline etc. When you take Yoga to its extreme you begin to move into the nurturing part of Yoga such as Restorative Yoga and Yogic Healing or Pranic Healing. This is the Reiki part of Yoga, The Yin part of Yoga. When you take Reiki to its extreme you begin to move into the Understanding and Discipline part of Reiki, The Empowerment of Yoga. Reiki addresses the Basic Subtle Anatomy from the Crown Down. Ascension Reiki addresses the Total Subtle Anatomy. Kundalini Yoga addresses the anatomy of the Chakras and Subtle From the Crown Down. Ascension Yoga addresses the Total Subtle Anatomy. The Name Ascension Reiki was given to me by the Ascended Masters. The Name Ascension Yoga was given to Leslie by the Ascended Masters and she is developing this yoga at the present time. I find it fitting the Yin energy of Ascension Reiki was given to me and the Yang energy of Ascension Yoga is being given to Leslie.

Ascension Yoga
Ascension Yoga is composed of the following yogas:
1. Prana Yoga- Acting Body 2. Mantra Yoga- Thinking Body 3. Japa Yoga- Feeling Body 4. Hatha Yoga- Karmic Body 5. Raja Yoga- The Mind 6. Bhakti Yoga- The Soul 7. (Jnana or Gyana) Yoga- The Spirit 8. Karma Yoga- The Will 9. Restorative Yoga- The Higher Self 10. Kundalini Yoga- The Sacred Heart

The Attunement Process of Ascension Reiki

The God Centers and Reiki Energy

The Seven Charkras of God dwell within us. We are His creation. The Seven Spirits of the Elohim are the Seven Charkas of God. We are Heavenly Beings! The manifestation of these energy centers within us are meant to be used as a tool to connect to the God that dwells within us all. Connecting to these energy centers helps us bring peace, healing, abundance, joy, love and happiness to ourselves and the world around us. The God Centers or Chakras within us are centers of High Conductivity and Low Resistance. These qualities enable Life Energy to easily flow in and out through them. Chakras help us to be sensitive to and easily work with energy in the outside world as well as energy from within us. Our Creator, through the attunement process opens the chakras as well as other parts of our subtle anatomy to allow more Life Energy to flow through us. This greater flow of Life Energy is also guided by our Creator and is always working for the highest good. There are twelve main chakras within the body and six above the head. The Seven Chakras in the back body are part of the Governing Vessel (Sushumna) along the spine and The Five Chakras in the front body are part of the Conceptual Vessel (Hara Line) which extends up the center of the front of the body. The Governing Vessel and Conceptual Vessel are connected together at the root and crown chakras. The root and crown chakras of each share the same space but have different functions. As the Governing and Conceptual vessels come together at the crown chakra they merge into one chord that goes out the top of the head. This chord is sometimes called the astral tube because it is hollow and allows energy to flow through it. This chord between the crown chakra and the first chakra above the head is called "The Antahkarana" or "Rainbow Bridge". The chord then extends upward connecting the six chakras above the head. From there the chord connects with the Creator.

Chakra System

Life Force Energy, is sometimes called Ki, Qi, Chi, Prana or Kundalini Energy. Life Energy is most familiar to us as Love. Love is the energy within everything in the external world and internal world. It is the supporting energy of all Life. Love flows from Our Creator into and through the main chord, down through the chakras, through the organ meridians, through our auras and our physical bodies empowering us with life as we know it in the material world. Love is always flowing through us, sustaining us and giving us Life. The choices we make with our free will determine how much of our Creators Love we experience; and how open our subtle anatomy is to the flow of this Love through us to others.

The Ascension Reiki Attunements

The attunement process of Ascension Reiki is about the attunement of the total anatomy of the Higher Self. The nine attunements of Ascension Reiki are for the attunement of the Higher Self and its eight anatomical aspects. This is a step by step process that opens the natural anatomical energy pathways in each individual. This allows the Reiki current to flow automatically with the intent to heal.

Our Anatomical Aspects are of the Higher Self are: Higher Self- Life Energy
1. The Will- Main chord Kundalini Nerve 2. The Spirit- Light System, Conceptual Vessel, Governing Vessel and the Meridian System 3. The Soul- Chakra System as a whole 4. The Mind- The Aura System at every Level 5. The Karmic Body (Astral Body)- Individualized Being The Karmic Body (Astral Body) is made up of three layers which enable us to incarnate into the material world: 1. The Feeling Body (Cosmic Conscious, The Cosmic Unconscious) (7 Chakras in Back Body, 5 Chakras in the Front Body) 2. The Thinking Body (Collective Conscious, The Collective Unconscious) (7 Auras around the Body, 5 Pranas within the Body) 3. The Acting Body (Conscious, The Unconscious) (The Physical Body) ( Seven Bodily Systems, Five Senses) Brain and Nerve System Skeletal System Muscular System Respiratory System Digestive System Circulatory System (Heart, Veins, Arteries, Lymph) Endocrine System Hearing Sight Smell Taste Touch There has always been nine attunements in Ascension Reiki. But, the way in which these attunements are accomplished has evolved in Four distinct unfoldments. We feel it will be helpful the see the evolution of the attunement process and the different levels of the symbols and their use in the Healing and Attunement language of Ascension Reiki.

Attunements of the First Unfoldment

The First Degree Attunement
The First Degree attunement of Ascension Reiki attunes the Acting Body. This attunement allows a person to work with Ascension Reiki energy on both conscious and unconscious levels for healing and personal growth. This attunement can be given in class or from a distance. Both methods work equally well.

The Second Degree Attunement

The second degree attunement of Ascension Reiki attunes the Thinking Body. This attunement allows an individual to work with Ascension Reiki Healing energy on the Collective Conscious and Collective Unconscious levels for healing and personal growth. This enables a person to work with Reiki Energy for distant healing. This also allows a person to work with the Reiki energy and the Reiki Symbols in hands on healing and distant healing. This attunement can be given in class or from a distance. Both methods work equally well.

The Third Degree Attunement

The third degree attunement of Ascension Reiki attunes the Feeling Body.This attunement allows an individual to work with Ascension Reiki Healing energyso that Reiki Energy on the Cosmic Conscious and Cosmic Unconscious levels for Healing, for passing Attunements to others, and for personal growth. The Third Degree is the first Teacher or Master level of Ascension Reiki and allows a person to teach the first three degrees of Usui Reiki as well as the first three degrees of Ascension Reiki. This attunement can be given in class or from a distance. Both methods work equally well.

The Attunements of The Seven Lower Chakras

To pass the first three attunements it is necessary to understand the basics of The Chakra System and the main chord that connects all the chakras together called the Kundalini. The first three attunements attune the seven chakras in the three bodies (Acting Body, Thinking Body and Feeling Body). There are Thirteen chakras on this main chord. This main chord goes from the base of the spine upward connecting seven chakras from the base of the spine to the crown (top) of the head and six more above the head. The Seventh Chakra above the head is the Creator. We are all connected to the Creator.

The Rainbow Bridge

Between the top of the head and the first chakra above the head is called the Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge. The Antahkarana is the midpoint between the seven chakras below and the seven chakras above. The Seventh Chakra above the head of everyone is the Creator. We are all connected at the Fourteenth Chakra. It is our origin. As above so below. In ancient times the rainbow bridge was called the Ark of the Covenant. The Rainbow Bridge is where the seven rays of the three bodies are collected into the main chord before it passes through the first chakra above the head. The Rainbow Bridge is the seat of the Ascension Reiki attunements of the lower three bodies (the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body).

Opening the Attunement Energy

In the first unfoldment the opening of the Attunment Energy was sincere but very simple. You could also prepair ahead of time with some time spent in Prayer and Meditation but ususlly a connection with the Creator opened in advance of the attunement so you would be assured of the attunement. At the time of the attunement a simple affirmation was said at the beginning of the attunement.

Our One Creator we ask to be channels of: Your Presence, Your Guidance, Your Blessing, Your Anointing, & Your Love During this Healing and Attunement Process for (Say Persons Name)

Passing Ascension Reiki Attunements

The procedure for passing the attunements of Ascension Reiki are described below. Music may be used during the attunement if you choose but it isn't mandatory. 1. The person receiving the attunement should sit in a comfortable chair. 2. The teacher passing the attunement should stand behind the student sitting in the chair. 3. Both should Begin by taking a few deep easy breaths to relax and center. 4. The receiver then brings their hands together, fingers pointed up, in front of the solar plexus. (like praying hands) 5. The teacher standing behind the student and brings their hands together, in the prayer position, in front of the solar plexus. 6. The teacher then opens the attunement energy by saying one of the following affirmations out loud.

1. The Ascension Reiki Affirmation is used to open the Reiki Energy for the first degree attunement.

Ascension Reiki Affirmation

"I AM" Life
Separation is gone, I am remembering to be happy.

"I AM" Love

Fear is gone, I am remembering to be kind to my neighbor and all living things.

"I AM" Joy

Sorrow is gone, I am remembering to rejoice and give thanks for my many blessings.

"I AM" Abundance

Scarcity is gone, I am remembering to work honestly and be generous.

"I AM" Peace

Anger is gone, I am remembering to laugh.

"I AM" Healing

Worry is gone, I am remembering to smile.

2. The Healing Affirmation is used to open the Reiki Energy for the second degree attunement.

Healing Affirmation

I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent The One who sent me. I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because The One who sent me will direct me. I am content to be wherever You wish, knowing You go there with me. I will be healed as I let You teach me to heal. 3. The Prayer of the Elohim is used to open the Reiki Energy for the third degree attunement.

Prayer of the Elohim

Our Mother and Father of Heaven Holy are Your Names Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Lead us from temptation and deliver us from illusion For yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever, Amen

4. The Affirmation of the heart is used to open the Reiki energy for the fourth degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Heart

Mother Mary and Jesus, We ask to be a channel of Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.
5. The Affirmation of the Mind is used to open the Reiki energy for the fifth degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Mind

Yasodhara and Buddha, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance

Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.
6. The affirmation of the Soul is used to open the Reiki energy for the sixth degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Soul

Uma and Brahman, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.
7. The Affirmation of the Spirit is used to open the Reiki Energy of the seventh degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Spirit

Radharani and Krishna, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.
8. The affirmation of the Will is used to open the Reiki energy of the 8th degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Will

I AM THAT I AM, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing

and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.
9. The affirmation of the Higher Self is used to open the Reiki energy of the 9th degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Higher Self

Unmanifested ONE, We ask to be channels of Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

The Symbols
7. The teacher then opens the Rainbow Bridge (1st-3rd degree) or the appropriate chakra above the head (4th-9th degree) with either a hand motion using both hands or just with intent. Then draw the appropriate symbols with the open hand or index finger techniques. Be sure to draw the left hand symbols with the left hand and the right hand symbols with the right hand. As you draw each symbol send it into the Rainbow Bridge or the appropriate chakra above the head. This allows the symbols to travel down through the seven lower chakras and up through the higher chakras. The symbols directed by the Creator and automatically go where they need to go and do what they need to do to attune and adjust a persons energy.

Note: During the whole attunement procedure use the appropriate breath or breaths after drawing each of the symbols. 1. For the first three degrees breathe one Breath of the Elohim after drawing each symbol as you send it in. 2. For the fourth, fifth and sixth degrees breathe one Breath of the Elohim and one Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath after drawing each symbol as you send it in. 3. For the 7th, 8th and 9th degrees breathe one Breath of the Elohim, one Yasodhara and Buddha's and one Breath of Uma and Brahman.

First Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Elohim" represents the seven energies in the Acting Body when it is used along with "The Logos of the Circle Seven" symbol. Draw and send these symbols into the Rainbow Bridge for the first degree attunement.

Second Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Elohim" represents the seven energies in the Thinking Body when it is used along with "The Wellspring of Nirvana" symbol. Draw and send these symbols into the Rainbow Bridge for the second degree attunement.

Third Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Elohim" represents the seven energies in the Feeling Body when it is used along with "The Breath of the Eternal" symbol. Draw and send these symbols into the Rainbow Bridge for the third degree attunement.

Fourth Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Logos of the Circle Seven" represents the Astral Body and the Physical Body as a whole. Draw and send these symbols into the first chakra above the head for the fourth degree attunement. This chakra is about a hands length above the head.

Fifth Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Wellspring of Nirvana" represents the Mind. Draw and send these symbols into the second chakra above the head for the fifth degree attunement. This chakra is about 2 hand lengths above the head.

Sixth Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Breath of the Eternal" represents the Soul. Draw and send these symbols into the third chakra above the head for the sixth degree attunement. This chakra is about 3 hand lengths above the head.

Seventh Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Fountain of Youth" represents the Spirit. Draw and send these symbols into the 4th chakra above the head for the 7th degree attunement. This chakra is about 4 hand lengths above the head.

Eighth Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Shining Way" represents the Will. Draw and send these symbols into the 5th chakra above the head for the 8th degree attunement. This chakra is about 5 hand lengths above the head.

Ninth Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Tai-chi T'u" represents the Higher Self. Draw and send these symbols into the 6th chakra above the head for the 8th degree attunement. This chakra is about 6 hand lengths above the head.

The Full Size Symbols

Note: the rest of the procedure is the same for a all degrees. 8. The teacher then proceeds to draw all the symbols full size over the body and sends them in. Full size means drawing the symbol very large, from the top of the head to the base of the spine. For additional help refer to the section Drawing the Symbols and realize that many of the symbols have seven circles in them. These circles represent the seven chakras from the top of the head to the base of the spine.

Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Elohim" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body.

Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Elohim" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body.

Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Logos of the Circle Seven" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body.

Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Logos of the Circle Seven" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body.

Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Wellspring of Nirvana" starting at the third chakra and drawing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the left side of the body.

Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Wellspring of Nirvana" starting at the third chakra and drawing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the right side of the body.

Stand in front of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Breath of the Eternal" starting at just below the nose and follow the path of breath downward to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. Remember to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. Both finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the front side of the students body.

Stand behind the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Breath of the Eternal" starting at just below the nose and follow the path of breath downward to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. Remember to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. Both finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the back side of the students body.

Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Fountain of Youth" from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Be sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Vessel (front) and the Governing Vessel (back) from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Then send it into the left side of the body.

Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Fountain of Youth" from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Be sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Vessel (front) and the Governing Vessel (back) from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Then send it into the right side of the body.

Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Shining Way" above the head, from up high down to the top of the head. You should draw it at least five hand lengths high (about two and one half feet tall). Notice that this symbol has only five circles in it. They represent the first five chakras above the head. This is why this symbol should be drawn above the head. Then send it into the left side of the Main Chord (Kundalini Nerve) above the head and body.

Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Shining Way" above the head, from up high down to the top of the head. You should draw it at least five hand lengths high (about two and one half feet tall). Notice that this symbol has only five circles in it. They represent the first five chakras above the head. This is why this symbol should be drawn above the head. Then send it into the left side of the Main Chord (Kundalini Nerve) above the head and body.

Stand in front of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The T'ai-chi T'u". Starting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Draw the symbol full size all the way down to below the feet. This symbol is the symbol of the Higher Self and encompasses every part of a persons being. Remember to draw the black and white spots within the yin and yang side of this symbol. Then send it into the front side of the students being.

Stand behind the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The T'ai-chi T'u". Starting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Draw the symbol full size all the way down to below the feet. This symbol is the symbol of the Higher Self and encompasses every part of a persons being. Remember to draw the black and white spots within the yin and yang side of this symbol. Then send it into the back side of the students being. 9. The student is then tapped on the shoulder to signal them to raise their hands, still palms together, over their head. The hands should gently rest in the center of the top of the head with the fingers pointing up. All the Yang Meridians connect together at the center of the top of the head in the Crown Chakra . This also places the hands directly in the Antahkarana where the first, second or third degree symbols have been placed. The finger tips also touch the first chakra above the head where the circuitry of the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body connect together. 10. The teacher then places their hands around the students hands and breathes the appropriate breath (Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath, Breath of Uma and Brahman or breaths for the degree of attunement of attunement you are working on. You may breathe these breaths more that one time. As you breathe the breaths you will feel the energy build. When you feel it is time blow the out breath of the Appropriate Breath from high above the students head all the way down to the base of the spine. This will pass the yang ward side of the attunement to the student from the top of the Kundalini down through the chakras above their head, into their hands which are resting in the Rainbow bridge and all the way down the spine through the lower seven chakras. 11. Let go of the students hands and tap them on the shoulder. This signals them to return their hands to the prayer position in front of the solar plexus. The Solar Plexus is the place of the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is where all the Yin Meridians connect together. 12. The teacher then goes around in the front of the student and then places their hands around the students hands and breathes the appropriate breath or breaths one, two or three times. As you breathe the appropriate breath you will feel the energy build. When you feel it is time, blow the out breath of the appropriate breath or breaths from high above the students head all the way down to the base of the spine. This will pass the inward side of the attunement to the student from the top of the Kundalini down through the chakras above their head, into their hands and through the lower seven chakras.

Symbols of the Hand

13. The teacher then separates the students hands and releases the students right hand so it can rest palm up on the students right leg. The teacher then holds the students left hand in their upturned hand. The students hand should be palm side up resting in the teachers hand which is also palm side up. The teacher then with the left hand draws each of the seven symbols, tracing directly on palm side of the students left hand. After drawing each symbol gently tap the palm of the students hand three times and breathe the appropriate breath or breaths. This sends the symbols into the lower three bodies, (the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body) and begins connecting the Reiki energy through the hands and the three bodies. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do.

14. The teacher then releases the students left so it can rest on the students left leg palm up. 15. The teacher with their left hand then picks up the students right hand. The students hand should be palm side up resting in the teachers hand which is also palm side up. The teacher then with the right hand draws each of the seven symbols, tracing directly on the palm side of the students right hand. After drawing each symbol gently tap the palm of the students hand three times. This sends the symbols into the lower three bodies, (the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body) and begins connecting the Reiki energy through the hands and the three bodies. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. 16. Again place the students hands together in front of the solar plexus in the prayer position. 17. The teacher returns to a position behind the student. 18. The teacher then places his or her hands above the students head just around the Rainbow Bridge. The hands should be about a foot apart. 19. Keep your hands above the students head for a few breaths of the appropriate breath or breaths, then close the Rainbow Bridge or appropriate chakra above the head with your hands and gently smooth the aura from high above the head down to the feet 20. Thank the One Creator for the attunement. Use your own words or perhaps the following.

Our One Creator, thank you for your healing, your peace, your abundance, your joy and your Love in this healing and attunement process.

21. The teacher then goes around to the front of the student and brings their hands together in the prayer position in front of the solar plexus and bows to the student. The student also bows in return. Like a Japanese greeting. This ends the attunement.

It may seem like a lot of steps but it is really easy. You can practice the procedure on an empty chair just imagining that someone is sitting in it. You will know when you are ready to teach your first class and pass your first attunement. You can use the "Healing Hands" for your for first degree class manual, "Keys to the Kingdom for your second degree class manual and "Universal Language" for your third degree class manual. What you charge for a class is really up to you. Treat others how you would want to be treated and be flexible.

Attunements of the Second Unfoldment

The Attunements of the Second Unfoldment
The attunement procedure for the Second Unfoldment are very similar to the first unfoldment attunements. The differences are in the Symbols used in the Rainbow Bridge and the chakras above the Head. Just substitute the following section "The Symbols" to understand the attunements of the Second Unfoldment. One other difference is that all three breaths are used with each symbol no matter what degree attunement you are working with.

Passing Ascension Reiki Attunements

Steps 1- 7 are the same, just breathe all three breaths after drawing each symbol.

The Symbols
First Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Pyramid" represents all the energies in the Acting Body when it is Placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the first degree attunement.

Second Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Double Pyramids" represents all the energies in the Thinking Body when placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the second degree attunement.

Third Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "Double Pyramid with the inner Circle" represents all the energies in the Feeling Body when it is Placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the third degree attunement. Note: Draw the first 8 steps just like the Double Pyramid and add step 9, the drawing of the Inner Circle.

Fourth Degree Attunement

The "Pyramid Symbol" of Mother Mary and Jesus represents the Astral Body and its connection to the Acting Body or Physical Body. Draw and send this symbol into the first chakra above the head for the fourth degree attunement.

Fifth Degree Attunement

The "Double Pyramid Symbol" of Yasodhara and Buddha represents the Mind and its connection the Thinking Body. Draw and send this symbol into the second chakra above the head for the fifth degree attunement.

Sixth Degree Attunement

The "Double Pyramid with the Inner Circle" symbol represents the Soul and its connection to the feeling body. Draw and send this symbol into the third chakra above the head for the sixth degree attunement.

Seventh Degree Attunement

The Symbol of the "Double Pyramid with the Inner and Outer Circles" represents the Spirit. This is the Spiritual Symbol of Radharani and Krishna. Draw and send this

symbol into the 4th chakra above the head for the 7th degree attunement. Draw the symbol the same as the other pyramid symbols and just add the outer circle.

Eighth Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "Circle" is the symbol used for the eighth degree attunement. The Circle is the symbol of the I AM Presence or I AM THAT I AM. Draw and send this symbol into the 5th chakra above the head for the 8th degree attunement.

Ninth Degree Attunement

The OM Symbol of the Unmanifested ONE is the symbol used for the Ninth Degree attunement. Draw and send this symbol into the 6th chakra above the head for the 9th degree attunement.

Note: the rest of the procedure is the same except that when you draw the symbols in the hands remember to add these symbols of the second unfoldment. Remember to breathe all three breaths at each appropriate step.

When drawing the symbols in the hands these short hand versions make it easier. Just try and visualize and remember the Three Dimensional Symbols that each one of these represents. Note: Always draw the full three dimensional versions of these symbols throughout the rest of the attunement.

Attunements of the Third Unfoldment

The Attunements of the Third Unfoldment
The attunement procedure for the Third Unfoldment are the same as the attunements in the second unfoldment except the three symbols of the Rainbow bridge. Just use these below to substitute. Everything else is the same.

First Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "The Rainbow Man" represents all the energies in the Acting Body when it is Placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the first degree attunement.

Second Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "Eye of Horus" represents all the energies in the Thinking Body when placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the second degree attunement.

Third Degree Attunement

The Symbol of "Kabbalah" represents all the energies in the Feeling Body when it is Placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the third degree attunement.

The Fourth Unfoldment

The Fourth Unfoldment is about opening the attunement energy, becoming grounded and about closing the attunement at the end. We begin with the grounding exercizes of the Indalo (Rainbow Man) and end with the Entering into the Circle of Light.

Opening the Energy with the Rainbow Man Exercise

The Rainbow Man Exercise is done before the attunement starts. Teacher or Teachers and students do this together. The Teacher does the asking for each step. The exercise opens the Rainbow Bridge and the Circle of Light. The Circle of Light is the gathering of Ascended Friends, Angels, Guides, Light Beings and Ascended Masters who work together with the Teacher and Students during the Attunementt. The Circle of Light is always open for anyone who wishes to enter. The Light within comes from the Creator down the Main Chord and all the way through all the chakras and grounds the energy so that there is a deeper healing during the Attunement.

1. We ask to be received into the Circle of Light.

2. Breathe the breath of the Elohim (or if you don't know it, just a deep even breath).

3. Visualize the White Light coming down into the Crown- Breathe the Breath of the Elohim.

4. As you open your arms up to shoulder length- visualize the rainbow forming between your hands. Breathe Here. Palms face up.

5. Palms face down- to ground the rainbow into the earth. Breathe again.

6. Brings hands back to Namaste and bow to that light that dwells within us all.

Closing The Attunement with The Circle of Light

At the end of the attunement the Teacher stands in front of the student or students at position 1 and says "Enter the the Eightfold path into the Circle of Light. The teacher then procedes to name one of the steps of the eightfold path at each of the eight positions of the circle around the student. Simply say "Right View" at position 1 and then move to position 2 and say Right Intent, move to position 3 and say Right Speech etc. until you have done all eight steps. Then return to position 1 and Say "We welcome you into the Circle of Light". Then the teacher bows and says Namaste.

If you wish to go deeper with the Closing Procedure you can add the movements below to the procedure above when doing the Circle of Light. These movements help to further clear and ground the aura, chakras and energy fields in and around the student as you end your part in the students attunement.

1. Speak the Name of the Step of the Eightfold Path. Begin Breathing the Breath of the Elohim.

2. Keep the hands together and raise them straight up over the head.

3. Open the arms out to the sides. Keep Breathing.

4. Bow down like you are doing a swan dive bring your hands back together and touch the ground.

5. Come straight up back into Namaste Position. Take a side step or two until you are at the next position of the circle and repeat the movements after saying the name of the next step on the Eightfold Path.

When you have finished the eight steps then return to position 1 and Say "We welcome you into the Circle of Light". Then the teacher bows and says Namaste.

Receive the Attunement of the Circle of Light through the Indalo. Receive the Spirit of Service through the Rainbow Man. Receive the Attunement of the Metaphysical Senses through the Eye of Horus. Receive the Spirit of the Intuitive senses through the Eye of Horus. Receive The Attunement of Metaphysical Knowledge throught the Kabbalah. Receive the Spirit of Mystical Wisdom through the Kabbalah.

The Attunement Process Today

The teacher should spend some time in prayer and meditation ahead of time to become a better channel of the Attunement Energy. How you do this is up to you. If you are not sure of what to do you can simply get calm for a comfortable length of time and Ask: Masters of the Elohim, Ascended Masters and Our One Creator we ask to be a channel of Your Presence, Your Guidance, Your Blessing, Your Anointing and Your Love during this Healing and Attunement Process. We thank you for Your Healing, Your Peace, Your Abundance, Your Joy, Your Love and Your Happiness now and continuously and especially during this Attunement for (Students Name). You can breathe the Breath of the Elohim etc. to just get centered in your purpose during the Attunement.

Opening the Energy with the Rainbow Man Exercise

The Indalo or Rainbow Man Exercise is very helpful when done before the attunement starts, whether it is a single degree attunement or a Multilevel Master Attunement. Teacher or Teachers and students do this together. The Teacher does the asking for each step. The exercise opens the Rainbow Bridge and the Circle of Light. The Circle of Light is the gathering of Ascended Friends, Angels, Guides, Light Beings and Ascended Masters and Our Creator who work together with the Teacher and Students during the Attunement. The Circle of Light is always open for anyone who wishes to enter. The Light within comes from the Creator down the Main Chord and all the way through all the chakras and grounds the energy so that there is a deeper healing during the Attunement.

1. We ask to be received into the Circle of Light.

2. Breathe the breath of the Elohim (or if you don't know it, just a deep even breath).

3. Visualize the White Light coming down into the Crown- Breathe the Breath of the Elohim.

4. As you open your arms up to shoulder length- visualize the rainbow forming between your hands. Breathe Here. Palms face up.

5. Palms face down- to ground the rainbow into the earth. Breathe again.

6. Brings hands back to Namaste and bow to that light that dwells within us all.

Beginning the Attunement

The student or students sit in a comfortable chair, preferably one that doesn't have arms. The teacher stands in front of the student and opens the Attunement Energy by asking: Masters of the Elohim, Ascended Masters, Unmanifested One our One Creator, We Thank You for Your Presence, Your Guidance, Your Blessing, Your Anointing and Your Love during this Healing and Attunement process.

The Prayers for Each Degree

The teacher then opens the attunement with a prayer or prayers. Each degree has a prayer for the opening of the Healing and Attunement Energy. Open the Multi-level Master Attunement by using the prayers for each degree in that Attunement. Each prayer opens the healing and attunemet energy in relation to our subtle anatomy and should be spoken out loud at the beginning of the attunement.

If you are doing a 1st- 4th Degree Multilevel Master Attunement, use Affirmations of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees to open the healing and attunement energy. If you are doing the 5th- 7th Multilevel Master Attunement use the Affirmations of the 5th, 6th and 7th Degrees to open the healing and attunement energy. If you are doing an 8th-9th Degree Multilevel Master Attunement use the Affirmations of the 8th and 9th Degrees to open the healing and attunement energy.

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Degree Multi-Level Master Attunement
The Ascension Reiki Affirmation, The Healing Affirmation, The Prayer of the Elohim and The Affirmation of the Heart are all used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for this First Multilevel Master Attunement. A 1. The Ascension Reiki Affirmation is used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for the first degree attunement.

Ascension Reiki Affirmation

"I AM" Life
Separation is gone, I am remembering to be happy.

"I AM" Love

Fear is gone, I am remembering to be kind to my neighbor and all living things.

"I AM" Joy

Sorrow is gone, I am remembering to rejoice and give thanks for my many blessings.

"I AM" Abundance

Scarcity is gone, I am remembering to work honestly and be generous.

"I AM" Peace

Anger is gone, I am remembering to laugh.

"I AM" Healing

Worry is gone, I am remembering to smile.

2. The Healing Affirmation is used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for the second degree attunement.

Healing Affirmation
I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent The One who sent me. I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because The One who sent me will direct me. I am content to be wherever You wish, knowing You go there with me. I will be healed as I let You teach me to heal.

3. The Prayer of the Elohim is used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for the third degree attunement.

Prayer of the Elohim

Our Mother and Father of Heaven Holy are Your Names Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Lead us from temptation and deliver us from illusion For yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever, Amen
4. The Affirmation of the heart is used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for the fourth degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Heart

Mother Mary and Jesus, We ask to be a channel of Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

5th, 6th and 7th Degree Multi-level Master Attunement

The Affirmation of the Mind, The Affirmation of the Soul and The Affirmation of the Spirit are all used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy of this Second Multi-level Master Attunement. 5. The Affirmation of the Mind is used to open the Reiki energy for the fifth degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Mind

Yasodhara and Buddha, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.
6. The affirmation of the Soul is used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for the sixth degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Soul

Uma and Brahman, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance

Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.
7. The Affirmation of the Spirit is used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy of the seventh degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Spirit

Radharani and Krishna, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

8th and 9th Degree Multi-level Master Attunement

The Affirmation of the Will and The Affirmation of the Higher Self are both used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for this Third Multi-level Master Attunement. 8. The affirmation of the Will is used to open the Reiki energy of the 8th degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Will

I AM THAT I AM, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.
9. The affirmation of the Higher Self is used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy of the 9th degree attunement.

Affirmation of the Higher Self

Unmanifested ONE, We ask to be channels of Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing

Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

The Symbols
The Student sits with hands together at the heart. The Teacher stands behind the student and opens the Rainbow Bridge (1st- 3rd degree) and the appropriate chakra above the head (4th- 9th degree) with either a hand motion using both hands or just with intent. Then the Teacher draws the appropriate symbol or symbols with the open hand or index finger techniques. Be sure to draw the left hand symbols with the left hand and the right hand symbols with the right hand. As you draw each symbol send it into the Rainbow Bridge or the appropriate chakra above the head. This allows the symbols to travel down through the seven lower chakras and up through the higher chakras. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they need to go and do what they need to do to attune and adjust a persons energy.

4. For all Multi-level Master Attunements use all three breaths after drawing each symbol through out the whole attunement process. Draw the appreciate symbol and then breathe one Breath of the Elohim, one Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and one Breath of Uma and Brahman. This brings the healing and attunement energies into and through the three bodies, The Acting Body (Physical), The Thinking Body (Auras and Pranas) and The Feeling Body (Chakras).

The 1st- 4th Degree Multi-level Master Attunement

With the intent of Unconditional Love the Teacher says The Ascension Reiki Affirmation. 1. The Teacher opens up the "Rainbow Bridge" with a hand gesture or just with intent and says: We ask that (Students Name) be attuned in the First Degree of Ascension Reiki. The Teacher draws The Symbol of "The Rainbow Man", sends it into the Rainbow Bridge and breathes the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and the Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. 2. With the intent of Unconditional Love the Teacher says The Healing Affirmation. The Teacher then says: We ask that (Students Name) be attuned in the Second Degree of Ascension Reiki. The Teacher draws The Symbol of "The Eye of Horus" sends it into the already open Rainbow Bridge and breathes the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and the Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

3. With the intent of Unconditional Love the Teacher says The Prayer of the Elohim. The Teacher then says: We ask that (Students Name) be attuned in the Third Degree of Ascension Reiki. The Teacher draws The Symbol of "The Kabbalah", sends it into the already open Rainbow Bridge and breathes the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and the Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. 4. With the intent of Unconditional Love the Teacher says The Affirmation of the Heart. The Teacher opens up the "First Chakra" above the head with a hand gesture or just with intent and says: We ask that (Students Name) be attuned in the Fourth Degree of Ascension Reiki. The Teacher draws The "Pyramid Symbol" of Mother Mary and Jesus, and sends it into the First Chakra above the head and breathes the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and the Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Symbol of "The Rainbow Man" represents all the energies in the Acting Body when it is Placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the first degree attunement. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Symbol of "Eye of Horus" represents all the energies in the Thinking Body when placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the second degree attunement. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Symbol of "Kabbalah" represents all the energies in the Feeling Body when it is Placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the third degree attunement. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The "Pyramid Symbol" of Mother Mary and Jesus represents the Astral Body and its connection to the Acting Body or Physical Body. Draw and send this symbol into the first chakra above the head for the fourth degree attunement. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The 5th- 7th Degree Multi-level Master Attunement

1. With the intent of Unconditional Love the Teacher says The Affirmation of the Mind. The Teacher opens up the Second Chakra above the head (about two hands length above the head) with a hand gesture or just with intent and says: We ask that (Students Name) be attuned in the Fifth Degree of Ascension Reiki. The Teacher then draws The "Double Pyramid Symbol" of Yasodhara and Buddha, sends it into the Second Chakra above the head and breathes The Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. 2. With the intent of Unconditional Love the Teacher says The Affirmation of the Soul. The Teacher opens up the Third Chakra above the head (about three hands length above the head) with a hand gesture or just with intent and says: We ask that (Students Name) be attuned in the Sixth Degree of Ascension Reiki.

The Teacher then draws The "Double Pyramid with the Inner Circle" of Uma and Brahman, sends it into the Third Chakra above the head and breathes The Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. 3. With the intent of Unconditional Love the Teacher says The Affirmation of the Spirit. The Teacher opens up the Fourth Chakra above the head (about four hands length above the head) with a hand gesture or just with intent and says: We ask that (Students Name) be attuned in the Seventh Degree of Ascension Reiki. The Teacher then draws The Symbol of the "Double Pyramid with the Inner and Outer Circles" of Radharani and Krishna, sends it into the Fourth Chakra above the head and breathes The Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The "Double Pyramid Symbol" of Yasodhara and Buddha represents the Mind and its connection the Thinking Body. Draw and send this symbol into the second chakra above the head for the fifth degree attunement. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The "Double Pyramid with the Inner Circle" symbol Uma and Brahman represents the Soul and its connection to the feeling body. Draw and send this symbol into the third chakra above the head for the sixth degree attunement. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Symbol of the "Double Pyramid with the Inner and Outer Circles" of Radharani and Krishna represents the Spirit. This is the Spiritual Symbol of Radharani and Krishna. Draw and send this symbol into the 4th chakra above the head for the 7th degree attunement. Draw the symbol the same as the other pyramid symbols and just add the outer circle. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The 8th- 9th Degree Multi-level Master Attunement

1. With the intent of Unconditional Love the Teacher says The Affirmation of the Will. The Teacher opens up the Fifth Chakra above the head (about five hands length above the head) with a hand gesture or just with intent and says: We ask that ( Students Name) be attuned in the Eighth Degree of Ascension Reiki. The Teacher then draws The Symbol of "Circle" of The I AM Presence, sends it into the Fifth Chakra above the head and breathes The Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. 2. With the intent of Unconditional Love the Teacher says The Affirmation of the Higher Self. The Teacher opens up the Sixth Chakra above the head (about six hands length above the head) with a hand gesture or just with intent and asks: We ask that ( Students Name) be attuned in the Ninth Degree of Ascension Reiki. The Teacher then draws The "OM Symbol" of the Unmanifested ONE, sends it into the Sixth Chakra above the head and breathes The Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Symbol of "Circle" of The I AM Presence is the symbol for the Will and used for the eighth degree attunement. The Circle is the symbol of the I AM Presence or I AM THAT I AM. Draw and send this symbol into the 5th chakra above the head for the 8th degree attunement. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The "OM Symbol" of the Unmanifested ONE is the symbol used for the Ninth Degree attunement. Draw and send this symbol into the 6th chakra above the head for the 9th degree attunement. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Full Size Symbols

Note: the rest of the procedure is basically the same for all the Multi-level Master Attunements.
The teacher then proceeds to draw all the symbols full size over the body and sends them in. Full size means drawing the symbol very large, from the top of the head to the base of the spine. For additional help refer to the section "Drawing the Symbols".

For all Multi-level Master Attunements breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each after drawing each symbol.

Also note: that before drawing each symbol you ask for the person to receive the Spirit
of that symbol. In the case where both left hand and right hand versions are drawn you need to only ask once before you draw both symbols. Note: The teacher uses the term "Student of Love" when referring to the student, but we are all students of Love so we also refer to ourselves and everyone on earth in the process.

The Teacher says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirit of the Elohim then draws both symbols

Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Elohim" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Elohim" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirit of the Cho-Ku-Rei then draws both symbols

Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Logos of the Circle Seven" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Logos of the Circle Seven" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirit of the Wellspring of Nirvana then draws both symbols

Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Wellspring of Nirvana" starting at the third chakra and drawing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the left side of the body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Wellspring of Nirvana" starting at the third chakra and drawing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the right side of the body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirit of the Caducceus then draws both symbols

Stand in front of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Breath of the Eternal." Starting at just below the nose and follow the path of breath downward to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. Remember to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. Both finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the front side of the students body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Stand behind the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Breath of the Eternal" starting at just below the nose and follow the path of breath downward to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. Remember to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. Both finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the back side of the student's body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirit of the Fountain of Youth then draws both symbols

Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Fountain of Youth" from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Be sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Vessel (front) and the Governing Vessel (back) from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Then send it into the left side of the body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Fountain of Youth" from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Be sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Vessel (front) and the Governing Vessel (back) from the base of the

spine to the top of the head. Then send it into the right side of the body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirit of the Shining Way then draws both symbols

Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Shining Way" above the head, from up high down to the top of the head. You should draw it at least five hand lengths high (about two and one half feet tall). Notice that this symbol has only five circles in it. They represent the first five chakras above the head. This is why this symbol should be drawn above the head. Then send it into the left side of the Main Chord (Kundalini Nerve) above the head and body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Shining Way" above the head, from up high down to the top of the head. You should draw it at least five hand lengths high (about two and one half feet tall). Notice that this symbol has only five circles in it. They represent the first five chakras above the head. This is why this symbol should be drawn above the head. Then send it into the left side of the Main Chord (Kundalini Nerve) above the head and body. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirit of the T'ai-chi T'u" then draws both symbols

Stand in front of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The T'ai-chi T'u". Starting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Draw the symbol full size all the way down to below the feet. This symbol is the symbol of the Higher Self and encompasses every part of a persons being. Remember to draw the black and white spots within the yin and yang side of this symbol. Then send it into the front side of the student's being. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Stand behind the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The T'ai-chi T'u". Starting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Draw the symbol full size all the way down to below the feet. This symbol is the symbol of the Higher Self and encompasses every part of a persons being. Remember to draw the black and white spots within the yin and yang side of this symbol. Then send it into the back side of the student's being. As you send it

in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Symbols Above the Head

The Rest of the Symbols are drawn above the head in the Rainbow Bridge area or a little above.

The Teacher says: Students of Love, Receive the Attunement of the Circle of Light through the Indalo. Draw and send this symbol above the head. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Love, Receive the Attunement of the Metaphysical Senses through the Eye of Horus. Draw and send this symbol above the head. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Love, Receive the Attunement of Mystical Knowledge through the Kabbalah. Draw and send this symbol above the head. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Note: These Symbols drawn above the head flow up through the chakras above the head. These
symbols also drop down through the Crown and Connect The Attunement Energy with the Five Chakras on the Conceptual Vessel.

Teachers says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirits of Mary and Jesus, Draws the pyramid symbol and sends it in. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. Teachers says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirits of Yasodhara and Buddha, Draws the double pyramid symbol and sends it in. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Teachers says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirits of Uma and Brahman, Draws the double pyramid symbol with the circle in it and sends it in. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. Teachers says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirits of Radharani and Krishna, Draws the double pyramid symbol with the circle inside and out and sends it in. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. Teachers says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirit of The I AM Presence, Draws the Circle symbol and sends it in. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Teachers says: Students of Love, Receive the Spirit of The Unmanifested One, Draws the Double OM symbol and sends it in. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. The teacher then asks the student to place their hands together above their head. Just resting the hands on the Crown with the fingers pointing up. The teacher then breathes all three of the Attunement breaths and on the Exhale of The Breath of Uma and Brahman the teacher blows the breath from the sixth chakra above the head all the way down the spine and all the way to the feet and ground.

Symbols of the Hands

The teacher then tells the student to place their hands palms up on their legs. comfortable. The teacher then walks around front and Draws all the symbols in each hand.

Note: Draw each symbol and then tap the palm three times to send in the symbol. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. Also note: that before drawing each symbol you ask for the person to receive the Spirit of that symbol. In the case where both left hand and right hand versions are drawn you need to only ask once before you draw both symbols.

Note: The teacher uses the term "Student of Light" when referring to the student, but we are all students of Light so we also refer to ourselves and everyone on earth in the process. The Teacher says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of Hope then draws both symbols

Draw the symbol in the left hand Tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Draw the symbol in the right hand, tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of Faith then draws both symbols

Draw the symbol in the left hand Tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Draw the symbol in the right hand, tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of the Love then draws both symbols

Draw the symbol in the left hand Tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Draw the symbol in the right hand, tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of the OM then draws both symbols

Draw the symbol in the left hand Tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Draw the symbol in the right hand, tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of Christ, then draws both symbols

Draw the symbol in the left hand Tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Draw the symbol in the right hand, tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of the Holy Spirit then draws both symbols

Draw the symbol in the left hand Tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Draw the symbol in the right hand, tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of God then draws both symbols

Draw the symbol in the left hand Tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Draw the symbol in the right hand, tap three times. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of Service through the Rainbow Man. Draw the symbol in both hands. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of the Intuitive Senses through the Eye of Horus. Draw the symbol in both hands. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of Mystical Wisdom through the Kabbalah. Draw the symbol in both hands. As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Teachers says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of Mary and Jesus, Draws the symbol in both hands, taps three times, sends it in, As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. Teachers says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of Yasodhara and Buddha, Draws the symbol in both hands, taps three times, sends it in, As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Teachers says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of Uma and Brahman, Draws the symbol in both hands, taps three times, sends it in, As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. Teachers says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of Radharani and Krishna, Draws the symbol, taps three times, sends it in, As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each. Teachers says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of The I AM Presence, Draws the symbol taps three times, sends it in, As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

Teachers says: Students of Light, Receive the Spirit of Our One Creator, Draws half of the double OM in each hand, taps three times, sends it in, As you send it in breathe the Breath of the Elohim, Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath and The Breath of Uma and Brahman one time each.

The Teacher then places the students hands palms together in prayer position in front of the heart. The Teacher holds the students hands between theirs and breathes all three Attunement Breaths. On the Exhale of the Breath of Uma and Brahman the teacher blows the breath from the (ground) feet up the front of the student and all the way up to the sixth chakra above the head and beyond. The teacher then goes around back of the student a places their hands above the students head about 6 inches apart, palms facing each other. The teacher then breathes All three Attunement Breaths as long as they are led to do so. You may Pray in the Spirit at this time. The teacher then goes around to the front of the student and invites the student into the Circle of Light on the Eight fold Path. See below.

Closing The Attunement with The Circle of Light

At the end of the attunement the Teacher stands in front of the student or students at position 1 and says "Enter the the Circle of Love" on the path whose steps are: The teacher then proceeds to name one of the steps of the eightfold path at each of the eight positions of the circle around the student. Simply say "Right View" at position 1 and then move to position 2 and say Right Intent, move to position 3 and say Right Speech etc. until you have done all eight steps.

Then return to position 1 and Say "We welcome you into the Circle of Light". Then the teacher bows and says Namaste.

If you wish to go deeper with the Closing Procedure you can add the movements below to the procedure above when doing the Circle of Light. These movements help to further clear and ground the aura, chakras and energy fields in and around the student as you end your part in the students attunement.

1. Speak the Name of the Step of the Eightfold Path. Begin Breathing the Breath of the Elohim.

2. Keep the hands together and raise them straight up over the head.

3. Open the arms out to the sides. Keep Breathing.

4. Bow down like you are doing a swan dive bring your hands back together and touch the ground.

5. Come straight up back into Namaste Position. Take a side step or two until you are at the next position of the circle and repeat the movements after saying the name of the next step on the Eightfold Path.

When you have finished the eight steps then return to position 1 and Say "We welcome you into the Circle of Light and Love of Our One Creator as you are seated in Nirvana". Then the teacher bows and says: Masters of the Elohim we thank you for this healing and attunement process. The Teacher bows again and says: Ascended Masters we thank you for this healing and attunement process. The Teacher bows again and says:

Our One Creator we thank you for this healing and attunement process. Namaste.

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