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Factors affecting health Internal factors Genetic make up Blood group O individuals have a greater prevalence of duodenal ulcer than that of any individuals. People with blood group A are more prone to smallpox.


The signs vitamin A deficiency Dry , rough skin

Ask for the road to health chart and compare the ff:weight for age ,height for age, a measure of stunting n index of chronic malnutrition, weight for height, a measure of wasting n an index of acute malnutrition. Feel 4 oedema Look 4 physical growth Assess 4 altered behaviour eg apathy or fatique

Assessment of malnutrition in children under the age of 2

Factors affecting health cont.

Family hx is associated with the distribution of diseases. Eg ,if one is suffering from hypertension, their children are more likely to develop hypertension. Resistance to certain diseases has been associated with genetic inheritance e.g carrying a sick cell. Unemployement people without jobs are easily attracted to boredom and to relieve boredom, some engage in self destructive behaviours like alcoholism which results in

Unemployement cont.
Medical conditions such as abnormalities of the foetus if taken during pregnancy, cirrhosis of the liver, malnutrition, accidents of all types. Unemployement makes 1 unable to afford nutritious food consistently and people without nutritious food are simply exposed to infectious illnesses, eg TB. Some are unable 2 adhere 2 treatment n regular check ups cos health facilities r far.

Oestoporisis common in females. Diseases of the circulatory system ( hypertension and stroke ) , cancer ( cervical and breast ) , conditions directly linked to pregnancy and childbirth ( haemorrhage , placenta abruption , and infections ) and arthritis are among the principal diseases occurring among women. The incidence of TB and HIV/AIDS is increasing among women.

Gender ( women)
As a result of economic n other factors , a higher percentage of women are now active in the labour maket , both formally n informally. Yet society expects the woman to fulfil her duties in the home as wife and mother. This means that she has a dual workload , which may lead to greater susceptibility to headaches , gastro- intestinal conditions ,nausea ,tiredness , menstrual ailments and other stress- related conditions.

Gender (men)

Men's genetic structure makes them more susceptible to alcoholism , hypertension , cardiovascular conditions , suicide and suicidal conditions. Because of alcoholism men are prone to stomach ulcers. Men are said to b more aggressive than women. Men are prone to prostate cancer.


Arterioscleotric heart disease is common in middle aged males , whooping cough and measles common in children.

Functions of vitamin A
It is required for the health of epithelial tissues such as the skin n mucus membrane. It is necessary 4 normal growth of skeleton, teeth n soft tissues. It is important for normal vision , as it forms part of the retinal pigment, visual purple.

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