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Nancy Kete, PhD


EXPERTISE: Air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, geography
PROJECTS: Managing the EMBARQ Network

Dr. Nancy Kete is the Director of EMBARQ, the WRI Center for Sustainable Trans-
port, where she oversees and provides strategic direction to a global network of
NGOs and professionals dedicated to catalyzing and implementing sustainable
solutions to the problems of urban mobility.

A geographer, Dr. Kete has always been attracted to large-scale problems at the
energy-environment interface. Her academic and professional work on the acid
rain problem in North America resulted in the 1990 Clear Air Act Amendments.
She was the principal architect of the acid rain control provisions of that law,
which represent the first large-scale practical application of a tradable emissions

She serves on the National Transportation Policy Project of the Bipartisan Policy
Commission and is on the board of directors of the CTS Mexico and CTS Brasil.

Dr. Kete holds a PhD in Geography from Johns Hopkins University. She lives in
Washington, DC.
Toni Lindau, PhD

TITLE: Director, CTS Brasil

EXPERTISE: Transport Planning, Bus Rapid Transit
PROJECTS: Bus Rapid Transit Simulator, World Cup 2014 Transport Plan

Dr. Toni Lindau is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Transport Brazil (CTS-

He has over 20 years of experience in the transport sector. Since 1983, Dr. Toni
Lindau has worked at the Engineering School at the Federal University of Rio
Grande do Sul (UFRGS) where he teaches, coordinates research projects and ad-
vises graduate students at the Laboratory for Transportation Systems. From 2002
to 2006, he was president of the Brazilian Association for Research and Teaching
in Transportation. Dr. Lindau has also worked as a consultant for several national
research councils and is a member of editorial boards.

Dr. Lindau holds a PhD in transportation engineering from the University of

Southampton and a civil engineering degree from UFRGS. He lives in Porto
Alegre, Brazil.
Adriana Lobo

TITLE: Director, CTS Mexico

EXPERTISE: Transport Planning, Urban Planning, Business Management
PROJECTS: Mexico City’s Metrobus, Guadalajara’s Macrobus, Mexico’s National
Urban Transport Policy, Transit Oriented Development

An Urban Visionary with Executive Talent, Adriana Lobo is passionate about

improving the quality of life, local competitiveness and environmental conditions
in Mexican cities through sustainable mobility. Originally an EMBARQ Network
consultant, Adriana was chosen as CTS-Mexico’s Director in 2003.

Previously, Adriana earned Civil Engineering degree from the Escola Politecnica
(University of Sao Paulo) and completed coursework toward her Masters in Busi-
ness Administration (Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo of Mexico). Adriana has
worked for prestigious transport consultancies in both Brazil and Mexico, and after
a decade of leading urban and regional transport planning projects in seven Latin
American countries, she founded her own transport consultancy in Mexico in 2001.

In five years, Adriana’s incredible business acumen and political sensitivity has
allowed her to transform CTS-Mexico. Since 2003, CTS-Mexico has increased its
permanent staff from five to twenty-five, grown its budget ten times, attracted
top national and international talent, and transitioned from a local program to a
national non-profit organization.

A happy Brazilian by birth, Adriana married in Mexico and is proud to be a nation-

alized Mexican and the mother of three beautiful children.
Dario Hidalgo, PhD

TITLE: Senior Transport Engineer

EXPERTISE: Transport planning, urban planning, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
PROJECTS: BRT improvements in Indore and Pune, India, BRT improvements
in Istanbul, capacity building in Asia, BRT planning in Guadalajara
and Arequipa Peru

Dr. Hidalgo manages the EMBARQ Network’s international team of transport

engineers and environmental scientists.

He has more than 15 years of experience as a transport expert, consultant, and

government official. He was Deputy General Manager of TRANSMILENIO S.A.,
Bogot_’s renowned Bus Rapid Transit system. As a consultant for international
agencies and local governments Dr. Hidalgo has taken part in projects in Argenti-
na, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Ghana and Thailand. He has also taught training
courses on Bus Rapid Transit in China, M_xico, India, South Africa and Colombia.

Dr. Hidalgo has been a graduate-level lecturer in urban planning and is the author
of forthcoming book on 11 bus systems in developing countries.

He holds a PhD in Transportation Planning from Ohio State University. Originally

from Bogota, Colombia, he lives with his family in Washington, DC.
Alper Unal, PhD

TITLE: Senior Scientist

EXPERTISE: Environmental modeling
PROJECTS: Istanbul Emissions Inventory, Diesel Retrofit, Impact of Urbaniza-
tion on Environment

Dr. Alper Unal is EMBARQ’s leading environmental scientist.

He has more than twelve years of experience in the areas of air quality modeling,
air emissions inventory development, emissions estimation modeling, and air
quality management strategies.

Prior to joining EMBARQ, Dr. Unal worked for MACTEC, consulting company, to
support New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection on developing
mitigation measures to improve air quality in the state.

Dr. Unal holds a PhD at North Carolina State University in Civil and Environmental
Engineering and conducted post-doctoral research at the Georgia Institute of
Technology. Dr Unal is the author of 10 journal articles and over 30 conference
papers on air quality. He lives in Istanbul, Turkey.
Sibel Bulay

TITLE: Director, SUM Turkey

EXPERTISE: Mechanical Engineering, Business Management
PROJECTS: Metrobus Istanbul, Historic Peninsula low-emissions zone, Urban

Sibel Bulay is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Transport Turkey (SUM

Before joining the EMBARQ Network, Ms. Bulay worked for the Ford Motor Com-
pany where she worked in product development and sustainability. Prior to join-
ing Ford, she taught at the Middle East Technical University in Gaziantep, Turkey.

Ms. Bulay holds an MS in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA, both from the
University of Michigan. She lives in Istanbul, Turkey.
Rhys Thom

TITLE: Information and Innovation Director, EMBARQ

EXPERTISE: Communications, cycling and pedestrian
PROJECTS: Istanbul Documentary, The City Fix, The City Flix, 2.0

Rhys Thom is the Director of Communications for EMBARQ.

A sociologist by training, he has worked in international development and in

design, marketing, and communications.

He came to EMBARQ from his design firm, where he developed and implemented
marketing strategies for private and non-profit sector clients. He was a project di-
rector with the Delta Info Initiative, a rural information technology and advocacy
project in Nigeria’s Niger Delta. He has also worked in Namibia on human rights
and governance issues and in Honduras on community development, gover-
nance, and environmental projects.

Rhys Thom holds a degree from the University of California in Santa Cruz, Califor-
nia. He lives in Washington, DC.
Seema Parakh

TITLE: Manager, CST India

EXPERTISE: Stakeholder Engagement, Non-Motorized Transport
PROJECTS: India Cycling Campaign, Getting There Before The Growth

Seema Parakh is the Manager of the Centre for Sustainable Transport India (CST
India) where she coordinates EMBARQ’s India activities and scopes the EMBARQ
Network’s long term presence in India.

Seema has conducted research on implementing integrated public transit

systems in Bangalore, India, through a multi-stakeholder analysis. She has also
worked in the slums of Howrah, with Howrah Pilot Project, managing micro-
finance and adult literacy program for women.

Seema holds a Masters degree in Environmental Science and Policy from the
Clark University and a Bachelors degree in Geography from the Loreto College, in
Kolkata, India. She lives in Mumbai, India.
Luis Gutierrez

TITLE: Latin America Program Director

EXPERTISE: Transport Planning, Public Policy, Traffic Safety
PROJECTS: Arequipa Master Plan

Mr. Gutierrez is the Director of EMBARQ’s Latin America Project.

He has over ten years of experience in the transport sector, with an expertise in
Bus Rapid Transit projects, public policy, and project planning.

Mr. Gutierrez managed the preparation phase of the World Bank Urban Transpor-
tation Project for Lima and Callao, Peru. As a consultant for the World Bank, Mr.
Gutierrez worked on a variety of sustainable transportation and poverty relief
projects. From 2001 to 2002, he worked for Peru as the Vice-Minister of Transpor-
tation. Mr. Gutierrez has taught as a professor in Peru’s major universities, and
written a number of books, essays, and articles.

He holds a MS in economics from Boston University, a mid-career diploma in plan-

ning from the OAS-UNDP program, and a BS in economic-engineering from the
National University of Engineering of Lima. He lives in Washington, DC.

In 2005 EMBARQ and the Mexico City Government founded the Center for Sustain-
able Transport - Mexico (CTS Mexico), an organization with a mandate to identify
and implement solutions to the Mexican capital’s twin-problems of traffic conges-
tion and air pollution. Since its inception, CTS Mexico has worked with Mexico City
officials to implement, improve, and expand Metrobus, the city’s Bus Rapid Transit

Having established itself as a competent and trustworthy partner, CTS Mexico now
has a number of other projects in Mexico City and other Mexican cities including
Guadalajara and Leon. Its expanded focus is on improving mass transit, pedestrian
infrastructure, cycle lanes, and public spaces.

Diesel Retrofit Project
Metrobus Implementation
Metrobus Expansion
Guadalajara’s Macrobus Planning

Felipe Carrillo Puerto 54
Colonia Villa Coyoac_n
CP. 04000. M_xico D.F.
Tel. +52(55)30 96 57 42 al 45

Founded by EMBARQ in 2005, CTS Brazil works with cities in Brazil and South
America to promote sustainable transport. It’s staff specializes in the field of
transport engineering, environmental science, and communications. Most notably,
CTS Brazil has worked closely with the city of Porto Alegre to develop its Bus Rapid
Transit plan and implement a fare integration scheme. It currently has projects in
several other Brazilian cities including Brasilia, Curitiba, Recife and Rio de Janeiro.

Bus Rapid Transit Simulator
Public Private Partnership Model for Bus Rapid Transit
Advised Curitiba’s Origin-Destination Survey

Rua Luciana de Abreu, 471/801
90570-060 Porto Alegre/RS
Telephone + 55 51 3312 6324

Based in Istanbul, the Center for Sustainable Transport Turkey (SUM Turkey) has the
goal of delivering sustainable transport solutions to Turkish cities. Its efforts have
centered on improving air quality and reducing travel times by promoting mass
transit. SUM Turkey has completed Istanbul’s first emissions inventory and has pro-
vided technical advice to the city on its new Bus Rapid Transit system, Metrobus,
which has now added an additional line.

Emissions Inventory of Istanbul
Scenario Development Workshop Istanbul
Metrobus Istanbul Review

Tufekci Salih Sok. No: 5
6 Amaysa Apt., Beyoglu
34433 Istanbul, Turkey
Telephone +90 (212) 244 74 10

The Centre for Sustainable Transport India (CST India) opened its first office in
Mumbai in 2008. However, it has been involved in numerous transport projects
in major Indian cities like Bangalore and Pune. One of its primary focuses is to
provide capacity building to India’s class of transport engineers on the topic of Bus
Rapid Transit. It also has advised state and city governments on their transport
master plans.

National Urban Transportation Policy
Critical Review of Bangalore’s Traffic and Transport Plan
Developed Transport Indicators for Pune
Bus Rapid Transit Planning in Indore and Pune
Bus Rapid Transit Workshops

Godrej and Boyce Premises
Gaswork Lane, Lalbaug
Parel, Mumbai 400012
+91 99675 63195

Founded in 2008, the Center for Sustainable Transport and Health for the Andean
Region (CTSS Andino) works to advance sustainable transport projects from a
public health angle. CTSS Andino’s main project is with Arequipa, the second
largest city in Peru, to implement a Bus Rapid Transit system and revitalize the city’s
historic downtown. It is also involved with smaller projects in Quito, Ecuador and
other Andean cities.

Arequipa’s Bus Rapid Transit plan
Preservation Plan for Arequipa’s historic downtown

coming soon
Centro de Merkezi
Centre for
Centro de India
Sostenible y Centro de
Salud Transporte

The EMBARQ Network is a collection of local and CITIES WHERE WE’VE WORKED
international organizations with over 60 staff working
to find solutions to the problems of urban mobility. Xi’an Mumbai Arequipa
The Network is results driven, promoting solutions Shanghai Indore Mexico City
that scale and replicate. It depends on both local Hanoi Istanbul Guadalajara
knowledge and international best practices. Bangalore Rio de Janeiro Querétero
Pune Porto Alegre
EMBARQ Network
New Initiatives


The Challenge:
Hundreds of thousands of tourists will flock to Brazil in 2014 to watch football’s most
important event, the World Cup. With 11 of its cities hosting the games, Brazi will
need strong mass transit systems to move people in and around the host cities. For
Brazil, the World Cup presents itself as a critical opportunity to develop key urban
infrastructure and showcase the rapid development of its numerous cities.

The Opportunity:
EMBARQ and the Center for Sustainable Transport – Brazil will work with Brazil’s
national government and the governments of host cities to design and implement
mass transit systems that can bring fans to the World Cup games. EMBARQ’s goal
is to ensure that these systems are carefully thought out projects that continue to
meet the needs of local residents once the World Cup comes to a close. The city of
Recife in the north of Brazil and the Federal Ministry of Tourism and Cities are among
the list of potential partners.
New Initiatives


The Challenge:
Although India’s Metro Cities like Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata attract the most
international attention, it’s in the smaller, second-tier cities like Mysore and Pune
where the most rapid population growth is taking place. These smaller cities, which
already have millions of inhabitants, often lack the capacity to develop world class
mass transit systems and traffic demand management programs. The result is unfet-
tered urban growth, environmental degradation, and a low quality of life even as the
economies continue to boom.

The Opportunity:
EMBARQ and the Centre for Sustainable Transport – India are targeting second-tier
Indian cities to promote mass transit and urban planning projects that can accom-
modate future growth. EMBARQ and CST-India’s main objective in these cities is to
build local capacity and develop mass transit infrastructure so that the cities grow
in a more systematized and sustainable way. Already, EMBARQ has organized visits
by Indian city officials to Mexico, Colombia and Brazil to see first had what successful
projects look like.
New Initiatives


The Challenge:
China has 76 cities with populations over 1 million people. With a few exceptions,
these cities have put mass transit on the back burner, preferring to develop urban
infrastructure oriented around cars. Already, the consequences are clear: poor air
quality, increased traffic, and longer travel times. For China to maintain its rapid
rate of economic growth while also protecting the environment and its citizens, it
urgently needs to change course by placing mass transit and smart growth at the
center of its agenda.

The Opportunity:
In October, 2008, The World Resources Institute opened a China office in Beijing.
EMBARQ, which has already worked in Xi’an and Shanghai, is looking to build off of
WRI’s China presence by working in small and medium sized Chinese cities where
it can have the largest impact. EMBARQ’s goal in China is to promote sustainable
transport projects ranging from better bus systems to improved land use so that its
cities have a healthier and more sustainable future.
New Initiatives


The Challenge:
The vast majority of Mexico City’s streets are unsafe for pedestrians and cyclists
who have to compete with cars, motorcycles, and buses for a slice of the street. As
a result, traffic fatalities run extraordinarily high in the Mexican capital. Because the
city’s streets are some of the few public spaces in the city, their degredation from
excessive traffic has significantly reduced the quality of life for many Mexico City

The Opportunity:
EMBARQ and the Center for Sustainable Transport – Mexico are working on a project
to design an ideal street for Mexico City, complete with space for mass transit,
motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. Once complete, the design will serve as a model
for the rest of Mexico City, setting the standard for future street design. EMBARQ
and CTS-Mexico’s goal is to create streets that are walkable and people-friendly,
while also giving priority to mass transit, which the vast majority of Mexico City’s
residents depend on to move around the city.
New Initiatives

The Challenge:
Until recently, Indian cities were relatively safe for the large number of cyclists that
moved from place to place by pedaling. But with skyrocketing economic growth
and more and more cars and motorcycles entering circulation everyday, cyclists have
been all but forced off the roads.

The Opportunity:
EMBARQ and the Centre for Sustainable Transport India have begun a cycle train-
ing and education program for city officials in India. The program teaches the nuts
and bolts of cycle lane design and infrastructure so that cyclists are protected from
motorized traffic on city streets. The program also emphasizes the importance of
cycling as a carbon-free form of transport and a vital tool for reducing traffic conges-
tion, noise pollution, and the degradation of public space.

Shell Foundation
Caterpillar Foundation
Hewlett Foundation
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
United States Agency for International Development
Shanghai Government
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Ford Motor Company
Asian Development Bank
Government of Porto Alegre
Energy Foundation
World Bank
Blue Moon Fund
Japan International Transport Institute
MacArthur Foundation
Global Strategic Partners

Shell Foundation’s mission is to develop, scale up, and promote enterprise-based

solutions to challenges arising from the impacts of energy and globalization on
poverty and the environment.

Since its inception in 1952, the Caterpillar Foundation has made contributions
totaling more than $300 million to organizations and projects that maintain
Caterpillar’s legacy of good citizenship. Caterpillar Foundation funds are helping
to enhance educational programs, support health needs, sustain historic
landmarks, expand libraries, preserve environments, and promote culture.

EMBARQ’s goal is simple: make cities around the world better places to live. By
focusing on transport—which affects everything from prosperity to pollution—
EMBARQ’s work has social, environmental, and economic impacts. EMBARQ
achieves its goal through the following objectives:

Reduce fuel use, air pollution & green house gas emissions
Improve public health
Improve quality & cost effectiveness of urban transport
Improve accessibility, traffic safety & public security
Improve quality of public spaces & access to city benefits for all income classes
Increase competitiveness of the city, reduce the cost of doing business & the
cost of getting to work

Increase the opportunity for sustainable mobility businesses


EMBARQ has an inter-disciplinary team of more than 60 people dispersed through-

out its global network. Together they work on the following types of projects:

Integrated urban and transport planning

Mass transit

Traffic Demand Management

Bike and pedestrian spaces

Clean fuels and vehicles

Strategic Communications for transport

$78 million

$8 million

With $8 million, EMBARQ leveraged $78 million from Mexico City in order to build
the first line of Metrobus, a 20 kilometer bus lane that served 265,000 passengers
per day.

EMBARQ takes a collaborative approach in the cities in which it works, developing

fruitful partnerships with three of the most important sectors of society:

EMBARQ identifies and works with key government officials who are politically
empowered to implement sustainable solutions to transport and air quality
problems. Governments must be the dominant force in these partnerships, as the
implementation of transport policy is inherently a governmental activity.

Because it’s positioned to invest in systems, fuels, vehicles, research and new
technologies, the private sector has a vital role in improved transport. The private
sector also stands to reap financial benefits from the efficiency gains of improved

Increasingly, successful business and government projects depend on the
approval of civil society. EMBARQ forms partnerships with community groups,
non-governmental organizations, and academia to gain the support of civil society
for its projects.

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