Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi: Summer 2012 Newsletter

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Always Alpha Phi

Thanks to your alumnae Support, omicrons lovely lady is Better than ever

Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi Spring 2012

he Lovely Lady on Providence Road just keeps getting lovelier every year, thanks to the ongoing support of alumnae like you. Over the past few years, your support has made possible many needed changes for Omicrons chapter house. There are shiny new bathrooms, and the room formerly known as the formal living room is now a library. (You will find our youngest sisters occupying it any hour of the day or night, so the new library has proven to be one of the best design choices!) Then, last year the house corporation took on a total interior reconstruction of the annex. Oh, and I almost forgotall new bedroom furnishings! This summer, work continues with the installation of a sprinkler system. Also, look for brand new wallpaper in the entry and a fresh coat of paint in the bedrooms and halls. The house corporation strives to keep the house looking great and operating at its best. Several years ago, the board developed a strategic plan to guide these renovation choices. Regular maintenance and updates are essential for the physical integrity of house that turns 90 years old next year. The boards over-arching goal is to keep Alpha Phis home competitive with the other sororities on the Mizzou campus, but only with your support is that possible! Thank you for always being there for Omicron. Marcia Jones Lane 73 and the Omicron House Corporation Board P.S. Coil Construction, who has done many of our recent projects, tells us we maintain our property better and more responsibly than many of the other houses. Nice compliment, dont you think?

Lady. Omicrons Lovely

The haggar Family: a TradiTion oF alpha phi SiSTerhood

Laughter and Special Moments Highlight Haggar Family Memories

or the ladies of the Haggar family, Alpha Phi is a family tradition. Jayne Frederick Haggar, Texas A&M-Commerce 76, joined Alpha Phi at East Texas State University. She was first exposed to Greek life as a little sister to Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. When I decided to go through recruitment, I knew that Alpha Phi was where I wanted to be.

one for Jayne, and when her oldest daughter was born, she became a stay-at-home mom. Both of Jaynes daughters, Joanne 11 and Jessie 09, decided to attend the University of Missouri and go through the recruitment process. Jayne was excited about this opportunity but says she didnt pressure her daughters. I wanted them to pledge a sorority where they felt comfortable and felt like they would fit in. I was thrilled when they both fell in love with Alpha Phi. It was a great experience for me to get to be a part of their initiations, and they both wore my pin. (Continued on page 2)

From left: Joanne Haggar 11, Jane Frederick Haggar, Texas A&M-Commerce 76, and Jessie Haggar 09.

During her undergraduate years, Jayne remembers fraternity mixers and living in the sorority house. One of my fondest memories is bonding with my sisters during our pledgeship. Jayne earned a degree in elementary education with a minor in physical education and a kindergarten endorsement. Family is number

Always Alpha Phi

nora Baker Selected as AF educational leadership Consultant

microns very own Nora Baker 08 has been hired by Alpha Phi International as an Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) for the 2012-13 academic year. Nora graduated in May with a degree in business administration with an emphasis in finance, banking, and real estate. Of the 69 applicants, Nora is one of 14 women selected to represent the Fraternity and to build and strengthen Alpha Phi collegiate chapters across North America. Since pledging Alpha Phi at Mizzou in 2008, Nora has been an involved and dedicated member, highly respected by her peers and advisors, alike. The experience she gained in her most recent role as vice president of membership recruitment will certainly pay dividends in her next role as an ELC. Noras leadership and vision helped Omicron execute its most successful recruitment since the 1999 revitalizationpledging 86 smart and talented New Members. Nora is from Lake St. Louis, Mo., and also served as the vice president of finance during her sophomore/junior yeara natural progression from her role as director of member accounts, a posi-

tion she held from 2008-2009. By virtue of these positions, Nora was also a voting member of Omicrons House Corporation Board, where she provided valuable chapter input on housing projects. Her talents have also been shared with the entire Mizzou and Greek communities. Nora was selected among a competitive field for MUs Judicial Peer Advisory Council and for the Greek Week Steering Committee. She was involved with A Way with Words and Numbers, Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity, Rho Epsilon real estate fraternity, Financial Management Association, and was a Greek2Greek facilitator. As a testament to her dedication to Alpha Phi, Nora is deferring her acceptance into a number of law schools for one year; she plans to choose a school and enroll after completing her ELC year. Noras contributions to this Alpha Phi chapter and its sisters are far too many to list here. We can only hope she continues to share her talents with Omicron as an alumna, and we wish her the best in the year ahead.

ruSh iS (proBaBly) noT QuiTe like you rememBer

AF Continues to Pledge Excellent Members

hile gone are the days of pantyhose worn on hot August afternoons, hoarsely-sung sidewalk songs, and cigarettes offered during parties, sorority rush is still a long (sometimes stressful), yet rewarding experience for Alpha Phi at Mizzou. Here is quick snapshot of what recruitment week (the new term for rush) is like today!

In 2011, more than 1,600 women registered and participated in formal sorority recruitmenta 67% increase since 1999! Each of Mizzous 13 chapters ultimately pledged between 83-88 New Members, making our sorority membership process the second largest in the country, behind only Alabama. We expect similar numbers this fall. Open House round now consists of 18 twenty-minute parties spanning two full days, where Potential New Members/PNMs (no longer called rushees) visit every chapter house. Chapter members and PNMs wear Panhellenic-issued tee shirts, and decorations are not allowed in chapter houses. During timeslots when a PNM doesnt have a house to attend, various fraternities provide a rest stop and refreshments. After the second day of Open Houses, chapters turn in their invitation lists for the next round, while every PNM indicates her favorite chapters in rank order. After a computer matches these lists, PNMs each receive invitations to the second party round, and chapters receive their lists of returning guests. It is not uncommon for a chapter to have second round parties with 100+ PNMs, even with an extra party timeslot added. This second party round is called Sisterhood Day, and features skits highlighting the chapters talents, such as dancing and singing. There are 11 parties on this day, and each PNM may attend a maximum of 10 parties. Most chapters wear matching dresses that compliment their themes, and decorations are limited to the room where the skit takes place. Philanthropy Day, the third round of recruitment week, allows chapters to highlight their individual philanthropic activities and its beneficiaries. PNMs are offered a house tour to showcase where members typically live. Both chapters and PNMs are required to again wear

The haggar Family

(Continued from page 1) Joanne says the AF connection that she, her mother, and sister share is special. It has bonded us in a whole new way. We have a lot of fun sharing stories together. As a senior, Joanne had the opportunity to visit the columns to pick up the newest pledge class. Her sister was a part of that pledge class and it was a moment they both cherish. I will always remember those days. Joanne is majoring in early childhood education with a minor in human development and family studies. She plans on attending graduate school to further her education. Her sister, Jessie, tried to keep an open mind during recruitment, but fell in love with Alpha Phi right from the beginning. The girls are so genuinely nice and made me feel at home. I have loved every minute of being an Alpha Phi. Jessie is majoring in physical therapy. The Haggar women cherish their Alpha Phi sisterhood, sharing sorority stories and memories. As an empty-nester, Jayne now works part-time, loves visiting her parents at their retirement community, and enjoys spending time with her other daughter, Jennifer. Jayne and her husband, Joe, live in Dallas, Texas.

Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi

Panhellenic-issued tee shirts, and decorations are limited to only one floor of the house. Chapters host seven parties, each 45 minutes in length, while PNMs visit up to six chapters on this day. The final round is Preference Day, which this year will be on Friday, August 17th. Who can forget the ceremonies, songs and senior stories shared on this emotional day? This is probably very similar to what you remember from your own time in college. PNMs may attend up to three of the four preference parties. At the conclusion of parties, PNMs complete their preference cards, ranking the chapters they attended that day. Chapters also turn in their bid lists, and a computerized matching process based on mutual selection begins. Chapters receive their pledge list the following morning, and the tradition of opening bid cards at the Columns continues. The seniors often lead the newly pledged members back to the house, then fun, festive, and celebratory Bid Day activities begin! Many ask how Quota is set. Today, this actually happens during the bid matching process. On Preference Day, chapters are provided a quota range (usually between 75-90 at Mizzou), and then a computer calculates each numerical scenario within that range, seeking out the best result for the sorority community, where the maximum PNMs are matched to chapters of their choice and all chapters make quota. Since this new process was put into place, almost all chapters at Mizzou have matched quota every year. This fall, in an effort to reduce excessive party frills and focus more on conversation and chapter values, sidewalk songs have been eliminated. Chapters will meet their guests directly at the front door. For those who remember long receiving lines, those are also part of the bygone past. As interest in sorority life continues to grow, we are sure to see further changes in Mizzou recruitment; for example, Tri-Sigma opens their new facility this year (next door to Pi Beta Phi) and Sigma Kappa will return to campus to form a new chapter. Meanwhile, Omicron continues to bring wonderful new members into our Alpha Phi sisterhood and grows stronger each year! We are always eager to hear from you! Please introduce us to women you know who are interested in recruitment at Mizzou. Complete the online recommendation form found at or in the summer Quarterly. We look forward to meeting the talented, intelligent, and personable women you know! Thank you, as always for your continued support of Alpha Phi at Mizzou. If you have questions, please email Liz Drouin at:

Omicrons proudly represented AFs Annual Rockin Red Dress Poker Tourney on the cover of the February 2, 2012, issue of The Odyssey. Photo by Tyler Garrett of The Odyssey at Mizzou, www.The

micron Chapter started the 2012 year with fresh faces. Our executive board is brand new, and at our officer retreat, we were encouraged to set new goals for the chapter pertaining to scholarship, campus involvement, and public relations. The semester began with a renewed pride in Alpha Phi.

omicron Sisters pride Shows in all They do

the Greek-wide philanthropy, Rockin Against Multiple Sclerosis, a lip-syncing and dance competition. Alpha Phi also celebrated Greek Week 2012 with the men of Fiji and Theta Chi. The members had fun with the Barbie and Ken theme and worked hard competing against the other groups. We were very proud to have members represent the chapter on the steering committee for Greek Week. At the end of the competition, AF and our partners placed THIRD. Way to go, ladies!

Thank You, Supporters of Alpha Phi Foundation

Omicron hosted our eighth annual Rockin Red Dress Poker Tournament and Silent Auction in February. We successfully raised close to $15,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Almost 300 alumnae, parents, and fraternity members participated in the event and Alpha Phi would like to thank everyone who attended.

Omicron Supports Panhellenic Chapter Standards Increase

The chapter is looking forward to recruitment in August. Our goal is another strong New Member class for Alpha Phi. Our recruitment team is hard at work preparing for the changes presented by Panhellenic. Additionally, Panhellenic has instituted a new program called The Foundation, which increases the minimum requirements the chapter must fulfill to remain in good standing with the University. After Omicron implemented the program, the chapter G.P.A. increased almost instantly. The New Member class of Omicron Chapter also placed fourth overall in New Member grades.

Campus-wide Events Draw Alpha Phi Participation

Omicron has participated in many fun activities this spring. In February, we placed second in

Chapter House Improvements Coming

When we return from summer break, the house corporation will have some exciting updates waiting for us in the chapter house. A new sprinkler system will be installed, and the foyer will receive new wallpaper. Omicron is certainly off to a great start and the year only promises to get better.
From left, Shelby Barber '10, Emmy Martin '09, and MJ Lovewell '10 represented Omicron in the Rockin Against Multiple Sclerosis lip-syncing and dance competition.

AOE, Rachel Neff 10 Chapter President

Always Alpha Phi

Alumnae News
Silent Chapter
Jeanne Foster Shepard 52, OFallon, Ill., entered the Silent Chapter September 3, 2011. Jeanne was a bookmobile librarian for the St. Louis Public Libraries, taught French at OFallon Township High School. She was a generous Omicron donor. Jo Ann Bogdanor Reynolds 59, Chicago, Ill., entered the Silent Chapter on October 4, 2011. Jane McFadden Knepler 68, Arlington Heights, Ill., entered the Silent Chapter on January 8, 2012. Jane graduated with a B.A. in English and education. She was a teacher for more than two decades in various districts. She is forever remembered for her warm, gentle heart and beautiful smile. Jane and her husband, Dick, were married 42 years. ets!) Recently, Janices non-fiction story about picking blueberries in a Missouri patch was published and won first prize in a writing contest. E-mail: Patricia Groff Eddy 57 lives in Warrenton, Mo., next door to her youngest son, his wife, and their three children. She enjoys catching up on her reading and watching the birdhouse visitors come and go. Patricia welcomes conversation with old friends. E-mail: Sandra Shaw Bernardi 59 feels fortunate that all of her children and their families live near her home in Portland, Ore. With six grandchildren, I have a lot of fun times, Sandra said. She also attends church activities, classes, and works hard to donate to various nonprofit organizations. E-mail: Jo Foster 59, Asheville, N.C., spends her time making beaded jewelry, gardening, traveling, and volunteering at the local hospital with a dog therapy program and at a large food bank. E-mail: June Groth Hortin 59 and her husband, Bob, reside in Gaithersburg, Md., and enjoy gardening, traveling and spending time with their family. Jayne Gebauer Kasten 59 is thankful for the magnificent success of the Centennial Campaign. Im happy to have so many memories of Alpha Phi and the ability to participate in Omicrons future. Jayne resides in St. Louis, Mo., with her husband, Clint. E-mail: Glenda Teter Finley 62, Sedalia, Mo., reports that retirement fits her and her husband perfectly. E-mail: Jan McNeely Lewis 62 retired from the California Department of Education. She is now state chairman of the California Action for Healthy Kids. They work to improve school nutrition and physical activity in the school environment. Jan lives in Fair Oaks, Calif., with her husband, Jim. E-mail: Elaine Fernandez Litwak 62 says she still enjoys subbing at local high schools, playing bridge, and counted cross-stitching. She has three precious granddaughters who live near her. She resides in St. Louis, Mo. E-mail: Kathleen OBrien Vellam 62 and her husband, Anthony, retired in September 2008. They have moved to Fuquay Varina, N.C., to be closer to their daughter, Gioia, and their grandchildren. E-mail: Peggy Hutchison Kerr 63 is a retired elementary reading teacher. She lives in Beach Park, Ill., in an over-55 community that has a pool and a clubhouse. Margaret is in charge of planning the parties and has made many new friends. They play cards, go out to eat, go shopping, and travel together. It reminds me of my college years at Mizzou! she said. E-mail: Paula Johnson Poll 63, Venice, Calif., is working with her husband, Edward, in his legal/management consulting firm. They enjoy traveling and spending time with their 11 grandchildren. E-mail: Gloria Rottmann Olson 65 says she truly enjoyed the 100-year celebration and reunion. Many thanks to all who helped produce such an organized and meaningful event, she said. Norma resides in Florence, Ore., with her husband, Dennis. Camille Williams Doerr 66 retired from teaching elementary school and lives with her husband, Ray, in Rochester Hills, Minn. They have two children, Ryan and Christy. E-mail: Kathie Thomas Knehans 66 is a chaplain at Childrens Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. In her free time, she travels with her husband, Larry, and

Velma Snodgrass Barnes 45, Owens Cross Roads, Ala., is retired but spent 31 years teaching home economics in Missouri schools. She remembers her days at college as an AF: the vibrant campus full of veterans who had returned from the war; the amazing teachers who impacted her life in so many ways; the football games, bonfires and pep rallies; the wonderful ice cream cones; and the rustic Shack. Velma notes, Life has been good for this 85-year old! Alpha Phi helped shape my future in so many positive ways. Jean Brannum Nichols 47, Waynesboro, Va., reports that her husband, Bill, passed away in April 2011. They shared fond memories of dating from the AF house in 1949-50. Jean has two children, Kit and John, and four grandchildren. E-mail: Beverly McElvain Daly 49, Olathe, Kan., has six children, 16 grandchildren, and four great grandchildren. In October 2010, she was blessed with a new great granddaughter, but was saddened by the loss of her grandson at the age of 27 in February 2011. I am doing fine, just getting old, Bev reports.

alumnae update

Helen Harrold Moody 60, Webster Groves, Mo., reports that life is good! She and her husband, Bob, stay active in community organizations and at their local church. They recently celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. E-mail: Verjean Pedigo 60, Kansas City, Mo., retired in June 2009 after spending nine years as a speech-language pathologist at the Childrens Center for the Visually Impaired and two years as the preschool program director. She is in close contact with her pledge mother, Sara Clark Carter 59, as well as Carol Haggerty Ferguson 59 and Robin Clark Kennedy 59. E-mail:

Janice Mosley Tomas 56, Hartford, Conn., visited the Lakota Sioux reservation last summer with a group dedicated to helping Native Americans. Her trip was filled with many adventures, including being stopped by the police twice in one day. (Dont worry, they didnt get any tick-

Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi

Alumnae News
enjoys spending time with her 10 grandchildren. E-mail: Kay Hollenbeck Hoflander 67 writes a weekly column for The Examiner, a daily newspaper that serves Eastern Jackson County, Mo. Her column, which is usually about the reluctant aging of baby boomers, can be found on Facebook, Twitter, or on her blog at She and her husband, Harold, own and operate Hoflander Ford Inc., in Higginsville, Mo. They enjoy traveling to Colorado, which is where they plan to build a vacation cabin soon. We absolutely love it out there, Kay says. E-mail: Margaret Walters Kruckemeyer 67, Beavercreek, Ohio, is president emeritus of Dayton VA Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio. The American Veterans Heritage Center Inc. wrote that Margarets passion for historic preservation emerges in large part out of compassion and respect for Americas military veterans and the institutions built to serve them. E-mail: Toni Rath Morris 67 reports that she and her husband, James, are retired and live in Carbondale, Ill., but still enjoy dancing, walking, hiking, home projects, and traveling. We dont know how we had time to work! Toni said. She still does yoga therapy with private clients and says its great to have her family within an hours drive. E-mail: Gayle Horlacher Lashley 68 volunteers at Hospice of the Comforter doing data entry and making life reflection videos and photo montages for patients. She is also working on the Obama for America grassroots campaign. Gayle resides in Apopka, Fla., with her husband, Greg. They have one daughter, Beth. E-mail: Kristi Rapp Carr 69, Montgomery, Ala., retired from full-time work, but still works part-time as a freelance writer. She has three granddaughters, Bailey, Miranda, and Blair; one partially trained husband after 40 years of marriage; and one energetic puppy, Macy. E-mail: Patsy J. Krechel 69, Denver, Colo., is retired but still teaches and does some consulting work. E-mail: Alice Lehne Leonatti 69 is a volunteer for several local boards in her hometown of Mexico, Mo. The majority of her time is spent with the Miss Missouri Organization, which is part of the Miss America Organization. I encourage our talented Alpha Phis to consider entering local pageants for Miss Missouri. Its a great way to earn scholarships. E-mail: Karen says, Hi and hugs to all of my Alpha Phi sisters! E-mail: Melanie Hedrick 76 attends the National Defense University Industrial College of the Armed Forces. She plans to graduate with a masters of science in national security studies in June 2012. Melanie will travel to Panama, China, and Vietnam as part of the program. She resides in Boyds, Md., with her husband, William. E-mail:

Deborah Harper Espin 70 is happily retired and helping with three grandsons and numerous great nieces and nephews. She and her husband, Al, reside in Charlotte, N.C. E-mail: Judith Sands Knight 70, Lakeland, Fla., is looking forward to retirement in a couple years so she and her husband, Timothy, can travel, volunteer more, and relax. She said she has worked constantly since she graduated but is fortunate to have had a great employer and husband to support her. E-mail: Denise Blankenship Joyce 71 and her husband, Joe, had fun planning their daughters wedding, which was at the University Club of Chicago in October 2011. Denise works for the Chicago Tribune as the dining editor. Her family resides in Hinsdale, Illinois. E-mail:

Janice Newby Ketzle 88 just wrapped up her term as president of the Junior League of Northern Virginia. J.J. spends most of her time being a stayat-home mom taking care of her two young children, Alexander and Lorelei. She also blogs at Caffeine and a Prayer ( and is a news and politics editor at The DC Moms ( J.J. and her husband, Jeffrey, live in Chantilly, Va. E-mail: Angie Boyd Kozlowski 88 and her husband, John, were married in July 2009 on the beach in Florida. They reside in Saint Peters, Mo. Angie works as an assistant high school principal in St. Charles County, Mo., and she is working on her doctorate degree in educational leadership. E-mail: Karen Seibold Evans 89, Lees Summit, Mo., works at Saint Lukes Hospital in Kansas City as the manager of the cardiac intensive care unit. Karen and her husband, Brad, have three children: Taylor, Amanda, and Josh. E-mail:

Val Lawlor 71, and her husband, Frank, joined family members in March on a oncein-a-lifetime cruise, traveling from Singapore to Dubai and capped off with a finale in Egypt. Val and Frank live in Dallas, Texas. E-mail: Susan Kienzle Harmon72 recently retired from education and resides in Saint Charles, Mo. E-mail: Karen Corley Talmage 72, Columbia, Mo., works as the clinical supervisor of labor and delivery at Women & Children Hospital in Columbia, Mo. In her free time, she likes to ride her horses, garden, and read. She is happy that her boys and her father all still live in Columbia. Her husband, Charlie, works in the IT department at Questionmark, a computer software company.

Patricia Zolotor Hacker 90, her husband, Tim, and sons, Cameron and Tylar, recently moved to Texas. E-mail: Theresa A. Tosca 94 says she is happily enjoying life and reports that she married the best man ever, Carlos, in April 2011. They live in Roswell, Ga. E-mail: Crystal Curfman 99 lives in Chicago and works as an executive recruiter at DHR International. E-mail: Jamie Behlman Hill 99 and her husband, Scott, had their first son, Samuel, in March 2011. They reside in Lake St. Louis, Mo. E-mail:
(Continued on page 6)

Alumnae News
(Continued from page 5)

Tiffany Whitaker Mitchell 99 moved in 2010 from Los Angeles to St. Louis to be closer to family. She and her husband, Tom, have two children: Aaron and Madeline. E-mail: Susan Chopin Paley 99 and her family recently moved from St. Louis to Maple Valley, Wa., for her husbands job. She says they are looking forward to a new adventure. She and her husband, Douglas, have three daughters: Isabelle, Lillian, and Caroline. E-mail:

Always Alpha Phi

Omicron Chapter

Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 1001 Columbia, MO 65205-1001

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Shauna Iserman Borgstadt 00 married Mike Borgstadt in September 2009. The following September, they welcomed their daughter, Abbie Elise, into the world. Mike is a 2002 Mizzou graduate and a FarmHouse alumnus. Shauna is a stay-at-home mom. They live in Lees Summit, Mo. E-mail: Becky Tendler Cook 00 is a category manager at Nestle Purina. She and her husband, Chris, welcomed their first child, Olivia Jane, on January 4, 2011. We are having so much fun with our new addition! They live in Arnold, Mo. E-mail: Lauren Corday Winemiller 00 and her husband, Michael, welcomed their newest addition to the family, Jameson Henry, on May 3, 2011, giving them a total of three children. Lauren completed her masters degree in educational counseling and psychology and graduated in December 2011. Her family resides in Jefferson City, Mo. E-mail: Catherine DeGreeff Moore 01 and her husband, Adam, welcomed their first child, Emmett, in May 2011. He weighed 6 lbs., 7 oz. and was 21 long. She has been staying home with Emmett, but plans to go back to work parttime as a teacher at Faith Academy of Montessori. The new family lives in Ballwin, Mo. E-mail: Alison Promaroli Lee 01 married her husband, Keith, on June 11, 2011. They took a fabulous honeymoon to the Greek islands of Mykonos and Sanattention: This newsletter is intended for alumnae, undergraduates, and parents. If your daughter has graduated, please send us her new address to update our records. Thank you.

torini. Alison has a make-up business called Ali Make-Up & Hair. She enjoys giving her clients that make-over feeling. Keith is a photographer and Alison enjoys working events with him. They live in Ballwin, Mo. E-mail: Alyson J. Savastano 01 works as a news producer for FOX 25 News in Boston. She lives in Watertown, Mass. E-mail: Diane LaFiore Seyer 01 and her husband, Daniel, were married in June 2011. They reside in Ballwin, Mo. E-mail: Carly Atha Christenson 01 is an RN at Heartland Regional Medical Center in St. Joseph, Mo., on the medical telemetry unit. She and her husband, Brett, just celebrate their third wedding anniversary and have a 16-month-old daughter named Chloe Eileen. They reside in Agency, Mo. E-mail: Jessica Corbett Joiner 03 graduated with her MBA in May 2010. She and her husband, Brandon, welcomed their daughter, Adelyn, in February 2011. Her family resides in Lees Summit, Mo. E-mail: Rachel Helm Wise 03 and her husband, Ryan, live in Blue Springs, Mo., with their English mas-

tiff, Maximus. They plan to relocate to Liberty, Mo., next summer, which is where Rachel teaches first grade. E-mail: Jessica Willibey 04, Columbia, Mo., graduated in May 2011 with her masters degree in social work. She works as a therapist for adults and children at Family Counseling Center of Columbia. E-mail:

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Omicron Chapter Alpha Phi International

Omicron Chapter

Kathryn L. Kearney 07, Wildwood, Mo., was crowned Miss Missouri 2012 in November 2011. She represented Missouri at the 61st Miss USA 2012 pageant on June 3, 2012, in Las Vegas.

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