TCI Scorpio Client

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Scorpio Client User Guide

Manual Number: 0040-8715-15000 Revision L

Prepared By:

47300 Kato Road Fremont, California 94538 April 2008

The information contained in this document is the intellectual property of TCI. Said information is provided by TCI for Customer use only and shall not be disclosed to other parties, and shall not be displayed, used or duplicated in whole or in part for any purpose other than as provided for in the Contract, License and/or other Agreements signed by the parties. This restriction does not apply to information contained in this document which is in the public domain.

Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L


TCI Frequency Monitoring Station (Executable Code) For the TCI Frequency Monitoring Station computer program, Scorpio Server & Scorpio Client, and each item of software documentation describing it (hereinafter called the Licensed Software) delivered to the Customer by TCI for use in the TCI Frequency Monitoring Station. TCI grants to the Customer a nonexclusive, fully paid-up LICENSE TO USE the Licensed Software in the TCI Frequency Monitoring Station with which it is delivered for a license term which is the full life of the equipment, and the customer agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions: Customer will not disclose the Licensed Software to any third party unless the Licensed Software has been made public or with the written consent of TCI. Customer will not duplicate the Licensed Software or any part thereof in any manner except: (i) Customer may maintain backup copies of the Licensed Software for replacement of a worn or damaged copy, for archive purposes or for purposes of program justification, provided such copies are limited to use with the TCI Frequency Monitoring Station for which the licensed software was sold; and (ii) Nothing herein shall be deemed to exclude duplication of anything covered by an expired copyright, patent or other statutory form of protection. Customer will not assign the license to use the Licensed Software to any third party. Subject to the license, TCI reserves all rights to make public, to publish, to copy, to sell, to license and to execute (perform) the Licensed Software throughout the world, and further reserves all rights presently obtained or hereafter obtained in the nature of copyright, patent or other form of protection throughout the world covering the Licensed Software. Customer agrees that it shall hold the Licensed Software in confidence for TCI. The Customer further agrees that it shall not make any disclosure of the Licensed Software or any portion thereof (including method or concepts utilized) to anyone except employees of Customer to whom such disclosure is necessary for the use for which rights are granted hereunder. Customer shall appropriately notify each employee to whom any such disclosure is made that such disclosure is made in confidence and must be kept in confidence by him. Nothing herein grants to Customer the right to sell, lease or otherwise transfer or dispose of the Licensed Software in whole or in part to any third party. This License to Use is granted effective the date of award for the Supply of the Frequency Monitoring Station.

Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Page 1. SPECTRUM MONITORING DESCRIPTION .............................................................................1-1 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9.1 2.10 3.1 3.1.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 4.5.7 Spectrum Monitoring Client (Scorpio Client)........................................................................1-1 Spectrum Monitoring Server (Scorpio Server).......................................................................1-2 Client-Server Connections Scorpio Server..........................................................................2-1 Interactive Mode.....................................................................................................................2-1 Scheduled (Calendar) Mode ...................................................................................................2-1 Scorpio Client-Server Connections- Windows Time Service ................................................2-2 Introduction to the Scorpio Client Software...........................................................................2-2 Starting the Scorpio Client Software......................................................................................2-2 To Start the Scorpio Server, Turn on the Spectrum Processor ...............................................2-2 To Start the Scorpio Client.....................................................................................................2-2 Menus .....................................................................................................................................2-3 Using the Task Bar .................................................................................................................2-6 Typing and Editing...............................................................................................................2-10 Exiting the Scorpio Client Software and Shutting Down the System ..................................2-11 Backing Up and Restoring Files...........................................................................................2-11 Using Backup/Restore..........................................................................................................2-11 The Scorpio Client Task Management System ....................................................................2-11 Metrics - Task Calendar (Optional)........................................................................................3-1 Entering Task Items................................................................................................................3-2 Metrics - Task Results (Optional) ........................................................................................3-10 Device Control Homing DF (Optional)...............................................................................4-1 Device Control Homing FIX (Optional) .............................................................................4-4 Device Control Monitor Receiver (Optional)......................................................................4-6 Antenna Selection Control (Optional)..................................................................................4-10 Audio Switching (Optional) .................................................................................................4-10 Remote Audio Monitoring ...................................................................................................4-12 Audio Recording (Optional).................................................................................................4-13 Audio Playback and Cassette Recording..............................................................................4-16 Audio Source Selection and Volume Control ......................................................................4-17 Device Control Pan Display (Optional) ............................................................................4-17 Waterfall Display (Optional)................................................................................................4-19 Spectrogram Plot (Optional) ................................................................................................4-20 Device Control - Pushbutton DF/Metrics (Optional) ...........................................................4-21 DF Setup...............................................................................................................................4-22 RX Setup ..............................................................................................................................4-23 Polar Histogram....................................................................................................................4-23 DF Results ............................................................................................................................4-24 Tuning Aid ...........................................................................................................................4-25 Map.......................................................................................................................................4-27 Pushbutton Metrics Setup (Optional) ...................................................................................4-29

2. SCORPIO CLIENT BASICS ...........................................................................................................2-1

3. SPECTRUM MONITORING TASKS ............................................................................................3-1

4. SPECTRUM MONITORING DEVICE CONTROL ....................................................................4-1

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Scorpio Software Users Guide

4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.10.1 4.10.2 4.10.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 6.1 6.2 7.1 7.2

Device Control Netted DF (Optional) ...............................................................................4-30 Device Control Netted FIX (Optional)..............................................................................4-32 Device Control Field Strength Mapping (Optional)..........................................................4-34 Device Control Spectrum Analyzer (Optional) .................................................................4-36 Device Control Map Management ....................................................................................4-39 Display and Control..............................................................................................................4-39 Map Measurement Functions ...............................................................................................4-39 Printing The Map..................................................................................................................4-40 Tools Network Setup...........................................................................................................5-1 Tools Spectrum Occupancy (Optional) ...............................................................................5-2 Tools Occupancy Results (Optional)...................................................................................5-7 Tools DF Scan (Optional) .................................................................................................5-11 Tools DF Scan Results (Optional).....................................................................................5-13 Tools AVD (Optional).......................................................................................................5-17 Tools AVD Results (Optional)..........................................................................................5-19 Tools - Mission Folders (Optional) ......................................................................................5-22 Diagnostics BIST ................................................................................................................6-1 Server Workload (Optional) ...................................................................................................6-2 Troubleshooting Guide...........................................................................................................7-1 BIST Processing Logic...........................................................................................................7-3 DATABASE MANAGEMENT.............................................................................. A-1

5. SPECTRUM MONITORING TOOLS ...........................................................................................5-1

6. SPECTRUM MONITORING DIAGNOSTICS .............................................................................6-1

7. SCORPIO SYSTEM ERROR MESSAGES ...................................................................................7-1


Map Maintenance ............................................................................................................................... A-1 Scorpio Client Database Maintenance................................................................................................ A-4 APPENDIX B SCORPIO ROUTER EXTERNAL INTERFACE (OPTIONAL)...................... B-1 Message: Connection Request............................................................................................................ B-2 Message: Station List Request............................................................................................................ B-3 Message: Station List Response ......................................................................................................... B-4 Message: Station Connect Request .................................................................................................... B-5 Message: Station Connect Response .................................................................................................. B-5 Message: Bearing Measurement Request........................................................................................... B-6 Message: Bearing Measurement Response ........................................................................................ B-7 APPENDIX C APPENDIX D SCORPIO ADMINISTRATION (OPTIONAL) .................................................. C-1 TCI LICENSE FILE DATA FORMAT AND REQUIREMENTS .................... D-1

License File Format............................................................................................................................ D-1 Creating a License File Using Microsoft Excel.................................................................................. D-2 APPENDIX E APPENDIX F APPENDIX G TCI SERVICE BAND FILE DATA FORMAT AND REQUIREMENTS........ E-1 SCORPIO CLIENT REPORTS SETUP AND CONFIGURATION ................. F-1 SYSTEM SPECIFICS ............................................................................................G-1 Service Band File Format................................................................................................................... E-1


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Page Figure 1-1 Basic Configuration Block Diagram .......................................................................................1-1 Figure 2-1 The Scorpio Client Opening Window .....................................................................................2-3 Figure 2-2 Scorpio Client File Menu ........................................................................................................2-3 Figure 2-3 Scorpio Client View Menu......................................................................................................2-4 Figure 2-4 Scorpio Client Mode Menu .....................................................................................................2-4 Figure 2-5 Scorpio Client Help Menu.......................................................................................................2-5 Figure 2-6 About Scorpio Client Screen...................................................................................................2-5 Figure 3-1 Task Calendar Window...........................................................................................................3-2 Figure 3-2 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Measurement Tab....................................................................3-4 Figure 3-3 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Bandwidth Tab........................................................................3-5 Figure 3-4 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Modulation Tab.......................................................................3-6 Figure 3-5 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Field Strength Tab...................................................................3-7 Figure 3-6 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Frequency Tab ........................................................................3-8 Figure 3-7 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Direction Tab ..........................................................................3-9 Figure 3-8 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Tasking Options Tab.............................................................3-10 Figure 3-9 Scorpio Client Task Results Data Screen..............................................................................3-11 Figure 3-10 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Text Report Screen....................................................3-13 Figure 3-11 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Plot Results Data Screen ...........................................3-14 Figure 3-12 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Polar Results Data Screen .........................................3-15 Figure 4-1 Scorpio Client Homing DF .....................................................................................................4-2 Figure 4-2 Scorpio Client Homing FIX Screen ........................................................................................4-5 Figure 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Screen.................................................................................4-7 Figure 4-4 Scorpio Client Audio Switch Setting Screen ........................................................................4-11 Figure 4-5 Scorpio Client Audio Recorder Dialog Box..........................................................................4-13 Figure 4-6 Scorpio Client Set Recording Wave File Format ..................................................................4-15 Figure 4-7 Scorpio Client Wave File Format Dialog Box ......................................................................4-16 Figure 4-8 Scorpio Client Pan Display Screen .......................................................................................4-18 Figure 4-9 Scorpio Client Pan Display with Waterfall Plot....................................................................4-20 Figure 4-10 Scorpio Client Pan Display with Spectrogram Plot ............................................................4-21


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Figure 4-11 Pushbutton DF/Metrics Screen............................................................................................4-27 Figure 4-12 Scorpio Client Map Display Screen (available with the Pushbutton DF/Metrics)..............4-28 Figure 4-13 Pushbutton Metrics Setup....................................................................................................4-29 Figure 4-14 Scorpio Client Netted DF Screen ........................................................................................4-31 Figure 4-15 Scorpio Client Netted FIX Screen.......................................................................................4-33 Figure 4-16 Field Strength Mapping.......................................................................................................4-35 Figure 4-17 Scorpio Client Spectrum Analyzer Screen..........................................................................4-37 Figure 4-18 Scorpio Client Map Display Screen ....................................................................................4-39 Figure 5-1 Scorpio Client Network Setup Station Selection ....................................................................5-1 Figure 5-2 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Screen...........................................................................5-4 Figure 5-3 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Results Screen..............................................................5-8 Figure 5-4 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Screen......................................................................5-11 Figure 5-5 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Results Screen.........................................................5-14 Figure 5-6 Scorpio Client AVD Screen ..................................................................................................5-17 Figure 5-7 Scorpio Client AVD Results Screen .....................................................................................5-19 Figure 5-8 Scorpio Client Mission Folders Screen .................................................................................5-22 Figure 6-1 Scorpio Client BIST Status Dialog Box..................................................................................6-1 Figure 6-2 Server Workload Screen..........................................................................................................6-2 Figure B-1 Remote DFLS Subnet............................................................................................................ B-1 Figure C-1 Scorpio Admin Main Screen ................................................................................................. C-1 Figure C-2 Admin Access Database for Netted DF Audio Screen .......................................................... C-2 Figure C-3 Scorpio Admin Query Netted DF Screen .............................................................................. C-3 Figure C-4 Scorpio Admin Netted DF Screen ......................................................................................... C-4 Figure C-5 Scorpio Admin Map Display Screen ..................................................................................... C-5 Figure C-6 Detailed view of Scorpio Admin Map Screen ....................................................................... C-6 Figure C-7 Scorpio Client Database Query Audio Files Criteria Screen................................................. C-7 Figure C-8 Scorpio Admin Audio Files Database Information Screen ................................................... C-8 Figure C-9 Scorpio Admin Configure Client Screen............................................................................... C-9 Figure C-10 Scorpio Admin Query DF Request/DF Response Screen ................................................. C-10


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Page Table 2-1 Scorpio Client File Menu Item Descriptions ............................................................................2-4 Table 2-2 Scorpio Client View Menu Item Descriptions..........................................................................2-4 Table 2-3 Scorpio Client Mode Menu Item Descriptions.........................................................................2-4 Table 2-4 Scorpio Client Status Bar Indicator Item Descriptions.............................................................2-5 Table 2-5 Task Bar Item Descriptions ......................................................................................................2-7 Table 2-6 Scorpio Client Keyboard Editing Commands ........................................................................2-10 Table 3-1 Task Calendar Window Field/Button Item Descriptions..........................................................3-2 Table 3-2 Scorpio Client Calendar Box Color Descriptions.....................................................................3-3 Table 3-3 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Measurement Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions ..................3-4 Table 3-4 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Bandwidth Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions ......................3-6 Table 3-5 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Modulation Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions .....................3-7 Table 3-6 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Field Strength Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions .................3-8 Table 3-7 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Frequency Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions .......................3-8 Table 3-8 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Direction Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions .........................3-9 Table 3-9 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Tasking Options Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions............3-10 Table 3-10 Scorpio Client Task Results Data Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions ..........................3-12 Table 4-1 Scorpio Client Homing DF/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions ..............................4-3 Table 4-2 Scorpio Client Homing FIX Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions .......................................4-5 Table 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Field/Button Item Descriptions ...........................................4-7 Table 4-4 Scorpio Client Audio Switch Field/Button Item Descriptions ...............................................4-11 Table 4-5 Scorpio Client Audio Recorder Menu Descriptions...............................................................4-14 Table 4-6 Scorpio Client Audio Record Field/Button Item Descriptions...............................................4-14 Table 4-7 Scorpio Client Set Recording Wave File Format Field/Button Item Descriptions.................4-15 Table 4-8 Scorpio Client Wave File Format Field/Button Item Descriptions ........................................4-16 Table 4-9 Scorpio Client Pan Display Field/Button Item Descriptions ..................................................4-18 Table 4-10 Scorpio Client DF Setup Field/Button Item Description......................................................4-22 Table 4-11 Scorpio Client RX Setup Field/Button Item Description .....................................................4-23 Table 4-12 Scorpio Client Polar Histogram Field Item Description.......................................................4-24 Table 4-13 Scorpio Client DF Results Field Item Description ...............................................................4-24 Table 4-14 Scorpio Client Tuning Aid Field/Button Item Description ..................................................4-25

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Table 4-15 Scorpio Client Map Display Field/Button Item Description ................................................4-28 Table 4-16 Pushbutton Metrics Setup Field/Button Item Description....................................................4-30 Table 4-17 Scorpio Client Netted DF Field/Button Item Descriptions...................................................4-31 Table 4-18 Scorpio Client Netted FIX Field/Button Item Descriptions .................................................4-34 Table 4-19 Field Strength Mapping Display Field/Button Item Descriptions ........................................4-35 Table 4-20 Scorpio Client Spectrum Analyzer Field/Button Item Descriptions ....................................4-37 Table 4-21 Scorpio Client Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions...............................................4-40 Table 5-1 Scorpio Client Network Setup Station Selection/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions ..........................................................................................................................5-1 Table 5-2 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Field/Button Item Descriptions .....................................5-5 Table 5-3 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Results Field/Button Item Descriptions ........................5-8 Table 5-4 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Field/Button Item Descriptions ................................5-11 Table 5-5 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Results Field/Button Item Descriptions ...................5-14 Table 5-6 Scorpio Client AVD Field/Button Item Description ..............................................................5-18 Table 5-7 Scorpio Client AVD Results Field/Button Item Description .................................................5-20 Table 5-8 Scorpio Client Mission Folders Field/Button Item Descriptions............................................5-22 Table 6-1 Scorpio Client BIST Field/Button Item Descriptions...............................................................6-1 Table 6-2 Server Workload Field/Button Item Description......................................................................6-3 Table 7-1 Scorpio Client Error Messages Symptom/Solution..................................................................7-1 Table A-1 MapInfo Database Table......................................................................................................... A-1 Table B-1 Message Structure Data Types................................................................................................ B-2 Table B-2 Connection Request Message Contents .................................................................................. B-3 Table B-3 The Station List Request Message .......................................................................................... B-4 Table B-4 The Station List Response Message ....................................................................................... B-4 Table B-5 The Station Connect Request Message................................................................................... B-6 Table B-6 The Station Connect Response Message ................................................................................ B-6 Table B-7 The Bearing Measurement Request Message ......................................................................... B-7 Table B-8 The Bearing Measurement Response Message....................................................................... B-8 Table C-1 Scorpio Admin Main Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions ................................................ C-1 Table C-2 Scorpio Access Database for Netted DF Audio Field/Button Item Descriptions ................... C-2 Table C-3 Scorpio Admin Query Netted DF Field/Button Item Descriptions......................................... C-3 Table C-4 Scorpio Admin Netted DF Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions........................................ C-4


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Table C-5 Scorpio Admin Netted DF Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions .............................. C-6 Table C-6 Scorpio Client Query Audio Files Field/Button Item Descriptions ........................................ C-7 Table C-7 Scorpio Admin Audio Files Database Information Field/Button Item Descriptions .............. C-8 Table C-8 Scorpio Admin Configure Client Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions.............................. C-9 Table C-9 Scorpio Admin Query DF Request/DF Response Field/Button Item Descriptions .............. C-10 Table D-1 License File Fields.................................................................................................................. D-1 Table E-1 Service Band File Fields ......................................................................................................... E-1


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L


TCI Model 700-series Spectrum Monitoring System (Scorpio) provides a compact, fully integrated system, for monitoring and analysis of radio transmission. Depending on the configuration, frequency coverage is from 20 MHz to 3 GHz; or optionally from 9 kHz to 3 GHz. Scorpio can operate in various configurations ranging from a single site, mobile or fixed, to a nationwide network with multiple operators tasking multiple fixed and/or mobile systems. This capability is achieved through the use of Client/Server architecture, and through built-in networking capacity. Network communications between clients and servers are established using industry standard TCP/IP protocol. In a basic configuration, the TCI Model 700-series consists of one Scorpio Measurement Client (Scorpio Client) and one Scorpio Measurement Server (Scorpio Server), shown in Figure 1-1. In this configuration, the system can be installed in a vehicle, or at fixed site.

Figure 1-1 Basic Configuration Block Diagram


Spectrum Monitoring Client (Scorpio Client)

Scorpio Client is a software application that requires a computer with a Windows operating system. This software provides an operator with an interface to the measurement Server (Scorpio Server). The interface includes all functions necessary to request measurements and to receive and analyze the results. A task calendar, included in the software, allows the operator to schedule multiple measurements in the future. With this method, the communication between Scorpio Client-Server are needed only when measurement is being scheduled, or results are being retrieved. Once Scorpio Server has accepted Scorpio Clients tasking, it will execute the required measurements, and store the results. It is up to Scorpio Client to retrieve the results for the requested measurements.


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This approach is well suited for systems where the communication link between Scorpio Client and Server is intermittent, as in the case of network communications via cellular phone links.


Spectrum Monitoring Server (Scorpio Server)

The Scorpio Server consists of a software application that runs on a TCI Spectrum Processor. The Spectrum Processor performs the entire signal processing using digital signal processing (DSP) technology. The Spectrum Processor is a VME based system with an embedded PC/AT controller, DSP processor, A/D converters, VHF/UHF RF downconverters and ancillary equipment. The frequency coverage of the Spectrum Processor is 20 MHz to 3 GHz and it can be extended down to 9 kHz with the additional TCI Model 8412 RF unit. Scorpio Server software was designed for unattended operation, and automatically initializes and starts operation when power is applied. Scorpio Clients access Scorpio Server resources through LAN/WAN connection using the TCP/IP protocol. Scorpio Server allows multiple clients to time-share server measurement resources. All client requests are entered in Scorpio Server calendar, and executed at the requested time. In the event of scheduling conflicts, the Server resolves them as described later in this manual.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L


The Scorpio Client software operates in different ways depending on the state of the network connection to a Scorpio Server. When a Scorpio Client is not connected to a Scorpio Server, its operation is limited to review of the measurement results that have already been retrieved from a Server. Once Scorpio Client is connected to a Server, it can request new measurements and retrieve the results. The Scorpio Server software provides two network connections, one for the "Interactive" mode, and the other for "Scheduled" measurements. A third network connection is provided by the Windows operating system, which provides time service between Scorpio Server and Clients so that the applications are synchronized.


Client-Server Connections Scorpio Server

Scorpio Client software connects with the Scorpio Server in two modes: Interactive mode Scheduled mode

These two modes support all Clients signal monitoring and measurement activities.


Interactive Mode

Interactive mode allows direct interaction with various functions that provide instantaneous feedback such as monitor receiver tuning, demodulation selection and pan-display selection. Scorpio Server software allows only one interactive Scorpio Client connection at a time.


Scheduled (Calendar) Mode

When Scorpio is used in Scheduled mode, a calendar feature in Scorpio Client will attempt to reserve time slots on Scorpio Server for each measurement the operator schedules. A single Scorpio Server is able to handle requests from multiple Scorpio Clients. If more than one request for a specific time slot is received by Scorpio Server, the request will be handled in one of three ways, depending upon the type of request and its priority: Bump the request already scheduled in that time slot. If a request with a higher priority, such as Pushbutton DF/Metrics, Homing DF, or Netted DF, is scheduled at a time Be scheduled into the closest time slot +/- 5 minutes. Be returned to the operator with an error message.

Note: A higher priority task, such as Pushbutton, Homing or Netted DF, will bump any lower priority tasks already scheduled into the same time slot. When all time slots are filled, the scheduling requests will be refused.


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Scorpio Software Users Guide


Scorpio Client-Server Connections- Windows Time Service

The time on Scorpio Client and server must be synchronized to provide (calendar) scheduled events. This is achieved by setting Scorpio Client computer time to Scorpio Server time via the Daytime service available under the Windows operating system.


Introduction to the Scorpio Client Software

The Scorpio Client application is of a modular design developed for use in many different environments and system configurations. Features are enabled or disabled dependent upon what options have been included for your organization. This Scorpio Client Software Users Guide has been written to discuss all of the possible features of the Scorpio Client application. Menu options, Taskbar features, and Dialog boxes will change, be enhanced or restricted to accessing only options that have been included in your specific system configuration.


Starting the Scorpio Client Software

The Scorpio Server must be in operation prior to starting the Scorpio Client. This allows processing time for the Scorpio Client start sequence and validation of the user ID and password. After Scorpio Server is started, allow ten minutes for full initialization. The following steps show the desired start-up sequence: 1. Power-up the Scorpio Server 2. Wait 10 minutes for the GPS to acquire and the software to load and initialize. 3. Power-up the Scorpio Client according to instruction 2.4.2. 4. Enter User ID and Password, if asked.

NOTE: The Spectrum monitoring measurement equipment does not have to be turned on in order to start up Scorpio Client. However, the equipment will have to be powered on prior to executing a measurement from a Server. After you verify the operational status of Scorpio Server, you are ready to operate the Spectrum Monitoring system. The first step is to power up Scorpio Client. 2.4.1 To Start the Scorpio Server, Turn on the Spectrum Processor

Turn on Scorpio Server computer. Allow 10 minutes for software boot and GPS lock. 2.4.2 To Start the Scorpio Client

1. Turn on Scorpio Client computer. A login dialog box may open when Windows appears.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

2. Type your user ID on the login screen, if asked. 3. Type your password on the login sheet. Your password can contain up to 14 characters and is case sensitive, if asked. 4. From the Task Bar, select Start cut icon, if provided. Programs Tcibr Scorpio Client or double click the short

5. A "Select Language" dialog box may appear. Select language of choice. The Scorpio Client opening screen appears (Figure 2-1). Title Bar Menu Bar

Task Bar

Status Bar
Figure 2-1 The Scorpio Client Opening Window



The Scorpio Client groups commands in pull-down menus located on the menu bar. Menus can be accessed with either the mouse or the keyboard.

Figure 2-2 Scorpio Client File Menu


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Table 2-1 Scorpio Client File Menu Item Descriptions Menu Item Exit Description Use this command to close the Scorpio Client application.

Figure 2-3 Scorpio Client View Menu

Table 2-2 Scorpio Client View Menu Item Descriptions Menu Item Status Bar Description Selecting this menu item alternately displays and hides the Status Bar. The elements of the Status Bar are described in Table 2-4.

Figure 2-4 Scorpio Client Mode Menu

Table 2-3 Scorpio Client Mode Menu Item Descriptions Menu Item On-line, Off-line (optional) Description Selecting this menu item alternately sets the application in on-line and off-line operating modes. Scheduling measurements can only be done while on-line; review of (already retrieved) measurement data from any server can only be done while off-line. The current operating mode is also shown.


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Figure 2-5 Scorpio Client Help Menu

Selecting About Scorpio Client from the Help Menu displays the program revision and copyright notice (Figure 2-6).

Figure 2-6 About Scorpio Client Screen

Table 2-4 Scorpio Client Status Bar Indicator Item Descriptions Indicator Ready Description Displays Scorpio Client activity status.


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Table 2-4 Scorpio Client Status Bar Indicator Item Descriptions Indicator Down/UP/Connecting Description Status of Scorpio Client connection to the Measurement Service. This indicator displays: Down UP Connection Down Connection Achieved

Connecting Connection in the process of being Established The left area of the Status Bar describes actions of menu items as you use the arrow keys to navigate through menus. This area also displays messages that describe the actions of Task Bar buttons as you click them. If after viewing the description of the Toolbar button command you wish not to execute the command, then move the pointer off the Task Bar button and release the mouse button. The right area of the Status Bar indicates which of the previous keys are currently in use.

NOTE: When the mouse cursor is being navigated within the Map Display window, the left area of the Status Bar will display the corresponding latitude and longitude coordinates of the mouse cursor.
Connected to Server Named: "X" Trying to get time from Server: Named "X" Not connected to any time service System time adjusted by X secs. Scorpio Client is connected to the specified Scorpio Server. Status of time synchronization of the measurement service. Scorpio Client is not connected to the Scorpio Server. Scorpio Client computers system time has been changed to be synchronized with the connected Servers system time. Indicates the current operating mode, whether on-line or off-line. The current system time. The current system date.

On-line/Off-line (optional) Time Date


Using the Task Bar

Table 2-5 describes the "Task Bar" buttons available to the Spectrum Monitoring system. The Task Bar is displayed on the left side of the Scorpio Client application window. There are Tool bar buttons that display portions of the application. The buttons are shown in Table 2-5 along with descriptions for each task. When in Scorpio Client, click on the appropriate button for the task you need to perform.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Table 2-5 Task Bar Item Descriptions Task Bar Item Description Metrics: Task Calendar The Task calendar is used to create and store a measurement assignment request.

Task Results The Task Results folder allows the user to display the results received on the currently selected Spectrum Monitoring Task.


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Table 2-5 Task Bar Item Descriptions Task Bar Item Description Device Control: Homing DF

The Homing DF function allows the user to make continuous Direction Finding (DF) measurements to determine the direction of arrival or azimuth of a signal of interest. The mobile station uses Homing DF along with GPS to locate signals of interest.

Homing FIX

Homing FIX processes the Line of Bearing (LOB) data obtained from each Homing DF measurement location and calculates the position on the transmitted signal.

Monitor Receiver

The Monitor Receiver provides interactive control of the receiver unit.

Pan Display The Pan Display shows three types of X-Y plots of Amplitude vs. Frequency and is used to view signals as they relate to the radio spectrum.

Netted DF

Netted DF button sends and returns DF request data from two or more sites for establishing a Netted FIX. Results from the DF request are shown on a map previously installed in the Scorpio Software.

Netted FIX

Netted FIX is calculated from Netted DF request results from both local and remote sites. The DF results are used to perform the FIX calculation when valid LOBs are returned from at least two different sites.

Pushbutton DF/Metrics

Pushbutton DF is used to collect DF information at the push of a button. This function can optionally collect metrics information such as frequency, modulation, field strength and bandwidth.

Spectrum Analyzer

The Spectrum Analyzer is used to view a wide (or narrow) range of the frequency spectrum.

Field Strength Mapping

Field Strength Mapping is used to measure and display field strength across frequencies over a geographical area. This feature can only be used with a mobile station.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Table 2-5 Task Bar Item Descriptions Task Bar Item Description Tools: Network Setup

Network Setup allows the user to set up connections to Scorpio Server, which also gives the user access to configure the map of the area of interest.

DF Scan

DF Scan screen allows the operator to scan either single or multiple DF frequencies

DF Scan Results

The DF Scan Results screen provides all of the DF data required to evaluate target transmissions. This is the standard display for non-homing mode or multi-station DF.

Spectrum Occupancy

Spectrum Occupancy gathers information on long time usage of the frequency spectrum and helps to identify frequencies that are free from interference.

Occupancy Results

The Occupancy Results presents the information gathered by Spectrum Occupancy.

Automatic Violation Detection (AVD)

The AVD screen allows the user to enter a range of frequency to be measured.

AVD Results The AVD Results screen determines whether the frequency transmission is compliant, non-compliant, not found (signal not found) or unlicensed.

Mission Folders

Mission Folders stores reports generated by: Task Results, DF Scan Results, Occupancy Results and AVD Results.


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Table 2-5 Task Bar Item Descriptions Task Bar Item Description Diagnostics: BIST

The BIST Status screen allows the operator to perform BIST (Built In Self Test) and obtain BIST status on the Spectrum Processor.

Server Workload

The Server Workload screen allows the operator to view the tasks that are scheduled, running, or suspended for the selected server, then make an informed decision for using that server.


Typing and Editing

The Spectrum Monitoring system uses standard typing and editing features, including copy and paste. When you type text, use either the keyboard or mouse to move the insertion point, as with any standard word processor, such as Microsoft Word for Windows. To move the insertion point with the mouse, simply point and click. Table 2-6 describes the most useful keyboard movement commands and other editing commands.
Table 2-6 Scorpio Client Keyboard Editing Commands Press This Key To Do This Move one character or line in the direction the arrow key points. Ctrl + or Move one word to the left or right. Move to the top of the document. Move to the bottom of the document. Select text in the direction of the arrow. Delete the character to the right of the insertion point. Delete the character to the left of the insertion point. Delete the text to the end of the line. Cut the selected text item. Copy the selected text item. Paste the selected text item. Undo the last action.

Ctrl + Home Ctrl + End Shift + Arrow key Delete Backspace Ctrl + Delete Ctrl + X Ctrl + C Ctrl + V Ctrl + Z


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Exiting the Scorpio Client Software and Shutting Down the System

To power down Scorpio Client, you must first exit the Spectrum Monitoring system and then Windows. Choose File Exit from the main menu to exit the Scorpio Client. A dialog box will then appear with the message "Do you really want to quit the Scorpio Client Application?" Click [Yes] to exit.

CAUTION: If you forget to follow the above steps, it is possible to lose some of the data you have just entered. Click on the <Start> button then Select Shut Down. You are then presented with the Dialog box selection to "Shut Down Computer." Click Shut Down Computer and click on Yes. The system performs an orderly shutdown and you may turn off Scorpio Client computer. NOTE: Be sure to leave the Spectrum Monitoring system measurement Server equipment powered on. Scheduled measurements cannot be run unless the equipment is accessible to Scorpio Server.


Backing Up and Restoring Files

Spectrum Monitoring databases should be backed up regularly according to a preset schedule. Use the Microsoft Windows Backup program that is accessed from Start Programs Administrative Tools (or equivalent) menu. All files from the following files should be backed up every day:

Scorpio Client Computer c:\Program Files\TCIBR\Scorpio Client\Database 8067A Computer c:\Program Files\TCIBR\Scorpio Server\Measurement Database Server Model other than the 8067A c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\TCI\Scorpio\Measurement Database. You may first have to show hidden files and folders.


Using Backup/Restore

You can use Backup to back up files on your hard disk. You can back up files to floppy disks, a tape drive, or another computer on your network. If your original files are damaged or lost, you can restore them from the backup. To start the Backup/Restore process:

You can also start Backup by clicking, Start equivalent) and then clicking Backup.



System Tools (or

For information about how to use Backup, click the Windows Help menu in Backup.

In the event that a file becomes corrupted, follow the Microsoft Windows Restore process to replace the corrupted file with a previously backed up version of the file.

2.10 The Scorpio Client Task Management System

The task management system operates on the principle that the system communications are not reliable. This assumption allows the system to function in a very robust fashion even when the network is working at a marginal level. Tasks are posted to a scheduler that is responsible for the execution of the specific task. This scheduler executes the measurement request as specified by the operator and upon


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completion stores the data until it is requested by Scorpio Client application. Scorpio Client application can then request the data from the task management system at any time after the completion of the measurement.


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Part of using the Spectrum Monitoring system is understanding the capabilities of the system. This chapter introduces you to some of the features you can use to effectively monitor the radio frequency spectrum. Youll also learn how to perform the basic functions of the system, such as adding and/or modifying Spectrum Monitoring Task. The application includes a Taskbar for function selection. These buttons can be used for quick access to common system functions. Functions are grouped logically with helpful icons to aid the operator in the proper selection. Before any Task can be performed, Client must connect to a measurement Server using Network Setup under the Taskbar Tools item.


Metrics - Task Calendar (Optional)

A Spectrum Monitoring Task is typically initiated in response to a need. The Task is created in a calendar called a Task Calendar. This entry contains information related to the particular Task assignment and consists of instructions, notes, measurement setups, and results. The Scorpio Client performs two types of measurements: interactive and scheduled. Each type of measurement provides unique advantages. Interactive measurements provide access to equipment available in the system for specific monitoring applications so that you can:

Perform real-time signal analysis Pre-scan the frequency spectrum Listen to Signal interference

Scheduled measurements give you the ability to operate the Spectrum Monitoring system unattended. This feature allows the user to:

Capture and document important signal information Not miss important spectral events Coordinate monitoring around the clock Monitor the spectrum 24 hours a day Take measurements via automated computer Free the operator to follow up on measurement results

In addition, multiple types of measurements can be performed in sequence on different bands and at different times.

Frequency Measurements Modulation Measurements Field Strength Measurements


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Bandwidth Measurements Spectrum Occupancy Measurements Direction Finding Measurements


Entering Task Items

Task items include measurement setups, and measurement results. When you enter a Task, you always have the opportunity to give it an identifying name. Once entered, each item is placed into the Task Calendar and is viewed from the main Task Calendar screen.

Figure 3-1 Task Calendar Window

Table 3-1 Task Calendar Window Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Hour Increment Bar (12a to 12a) Description This display bar shows Tasks that have been scheduled into a particular time slot. This is to display all Tasks the have been scheduled to run within the entire 24 hour period of the day. The marker color relates to the status of the Task performed.

HINT: Click on the Hour Increment Bar to scroll the 5-Minute Increments task list.
5 Minute Increment Task list with Scroll Bar This display region shows a limited amount of 5-minute intervals for scheduled measurements being performed. The user may scroll up or down to display any 5-minute period of the day. Desired measurement Tasks are listed with the identification assigned to them and a colored box that displays the Tasks status.


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Any stored Tasks can be reopened and modified. The Spectrum Monitoring system provides a quick way to delete, modify, or find a Task. NOTE: Scheduled DF Measurements (calendared events) will only be displayed for the currently connected Server. Only one Server will be connected at any one time for Scheduled events. Entries are made to the calendar by selecting the desired day/time and entering specific measurement requirements into the customization tabs and then clicking on <Schedule>, located on the "Measurement" tab. The item entry tabs are discussed below in Table 3-2 through Table 3-9. Placing a check mark into the box displaying the type of customization desired gives the user access to the additional customization tabs. In addition to listing the scheduled Task items, the Task software indicates the item status as follows:
Table 3-2 Scorpio Client Calendar Box Color Descriptions Task Calendar Box Color Blue Red Green Yellow Grey Red check Mark Description Task is currently being sent to the Spectrum Processor. Task Request has not been sent to; or Task Result confirmation has not been received from the Spectrum Processor. Task has been received and scheduled for completion by the Spectrum Processor. Task should have been run but confirmation of Task Results has not yet been received from the Spectrum Processor. Task Results have been successfully retrieved from the Spectrum Processor and are available for examination. Task is currently selected for viewing or editing.

Optionally, the Task Calendar is capable of identifying and displaying externally generated measurement results. As an example consider SHF measurements generated from an external Spectrum Analyzer, where the measurements are stored in files. These files can be loaded and viewed in an external measurement viewer. An externally generated measurement result is given the label "EXT" to identify it as an external measurement. Each external measurement is numbered 1, 2, 3 in the Task Calendar, indicated with "-n" that appears to the right of the "EXT." The filename used by the operator when saving this file appears in parenthesis to the right of the number identifier. For example, two external measurements may be labeled "EXT-1 (filename1.bmp)" and "EXT-2 (filename2.gif)." External measurement files placed in a subdirectory "External" will be located by the Scorpio software and will appear in the Task Calendar window based on the date/time of the saved file. Selecting an external measurement result in the Task Calendar by double clicking it will open the result for review/printing. There is a setting in the ScorpioClient.ini file so that it is possible to determine what application (Notepad, Paint, etc.) will launch to open the result files.


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Scorpio Software Users Guide Measurement Central to each scheduled Task, are the measurements you perform to gather required information. When you enter a scheduled Task, you must specify the following basic characteristics:

Center frequency Bandwidth An identifying name

One or more of the following characteristics must be selected for measurement:

Occupied bandwidth Modulation Field strength Frequency Direction

Figure 3-2 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Measurement Tab

Table 3-3 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Measurement Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Frequency Bandwidth Description Allows the user to enter the center frequency you want to measure in this field. Allows the user to enter the necessary bandwidth for the modulation mode of the signal you want to measure in the Bandwidth field.

NOTE: Bandwidth values inconsistent with selected de-modulation mode will yield inaccurate results.
Identity Antenna Allows the user to enter a value for identifying the signal to be measured. Allows the user to specify which antenna, from a list of available antennas, to be used for the metrics measurements. Note that the reference antenna is always used for the Direction measurements, regardless of antenna selection.


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Table 3-3 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Measurement Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Station Name Description When in "On-line" mode, this shows the currently connected Measurement Server and cannot be changed. When in "Off-line" mode, all defined Measurement Servers are listed and can be selected. Any previously retrieved measurements can be reviewed. The <Schedule> button allows you initiate the Task measurement to be scheduled and will contain all parameters that have been specified with the use of the additional tabs. Clears the entries in all tabs of the currently selected Task. Removes the currently selected Task from the schedule. If you inadvertently create an unnecessary Task, or if you no longer need the Task, you can easily delete it from the mission list. These are toggle switches that allow the user to gain access or remove access to the additional entry tabs that are available. Placing a check mark into the box by clicking on it gives the user access to that entry tab.

Schedule (D) Delayed (I) Immediate Clear Remove

Check Boxes: Bandwidth Modulation Field Strength Frequency Direction Bandwidth The "Bandwidth" measurement reported by the signal measurement helps you identify overmodulated signals and also helps you identify the type of signal you are monitoring. The measurement works for all signal types including AM, FM, SSB. Bandwidth measures the occupied bandwidth of the signal. You can select the one of the following bandwidth analysis methods:

Beta %dB - measures the occupied bandwidth using the 99% method xdB - measures the occupied bandwidth using the x-dB method Averaging Method - provides options by which to average the measurement data Measurement Time provided optional Dwell and Repeat times.

Figure 3-3 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Bandwidth Tab


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Table 3-4 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Bandwidth Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Beta %dB Setup Checkbox Y (dB) Beta (%) Description This method finds the bandwidth within which % of the energy is contained. A typical value for is 99% for this measurement Server to collect a block of data and calculate the power spectrum using FFT. It repeats the collection and FFT process using specified averaging method processing for a specified dwell time. Next it estimates the noise floor and zeros out all FFT bins that are less than Y dB above the noise. A typical value for Y is 6 dB. This method finds the frequency limits such that all spectrum components outside these limits are at least x dB below a 0-dB reference level. Since the occupied bandwidth is the value that is regulated (No. 147 of Radio Regulations), this method is not the preferred one. In order to obtain better agreement with the occupied bandwidth measurement, the values of x vary with modulation type and have been empirically determined. Select on of the averaging methods to average the results from each measurement repetition. Selection of the Averaging Method in the Bandwidth Tab is independent of other choices of Averaging Method. For example: The user may set a Mean Averaging Method in Bandwidth, and an RMS Averaging Method in the Modulation Tab. Dwell sets the measurement duration in milliseconds. Repeat allows the user to specify how many times to repeat the measurement.

xdB Setup Checkbox X1 (dB) X2 (dB)

Averaging Method: Mean RMS Max Hold Measurement Time: Dwell (ms) Repeat Modulation The "Modulation" tab allows the user to set modulation characteristics of the signal in the selected modulation modes. The system is capable of measuring "Amplitude," "Frequency," and "Phase modulation."

Figure 3-4 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Modulation Tab


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Table 3-5 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Modulation Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Measurement Selection: Amplitude Frequency Phase Description For AM signals, the modulation depth m is measured. This is defined as: m = (Emax Emin)/(2Ec) where Emax and Emin are the maximum and minimum amplitudes of the modulated signal and Ec is average amplitude of the signal. For FM signals, the primary measurement is the frequency deviation. For PM signals, the primary measurement is the phase deviation. This is measured similarly to the FM measurements. Averaging Method: Mean RMS Max Hold Measurement Time: Dwell Repeat Select one of the averaging methods to average the results from each measurement repetition. Selection of the Averaging Method in the Modulation Tab is independent of other choices of Averaging Method. For example: The user may set a Mean Averaging Method in Bandwidth, and an RMS Averaging Method in the Modulation Tab. Dwell sets the measurement duration in milliseconds. Repeat allows the user to specify how many times to repeat the measurement. Field Strength "Field Strength" tab allows the user to measure the field strength of the signal. Field strength measurements provide detailed information to determine the adequacy of radio signal strength and the effectiveness of the transmission source. It measures field strength at a specific frequency. Each time the operation is executed, the Spectrum Monitoring system will measure the field strength of a specified signal. This is primarily utilized in mobile measurement applications. You can use field strength measurement to:

Determine the adequacy of a radio signal strength and the effectiveness of the source transmitter Ensure compliance with the relevant radio regulations Measure spatial-distribution of field strength Measure variation of field strength due to shadowing and other loss mechanisms Determine the interference effects of a given intentional radio emission (electromagnetic compatibility) Measure propagation phenomena

Figure 3-5 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Field Strength Tab


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Table 3-6 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Field Strength Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Measurement Selection: Average Linear Average Log RMS Peak Averaging Method: Mean RMS Max Hold Description Specifies the type of detector used during field strength measurements.

Select one of the averaging methods to average the results from each measurement repetition. Selection of the Averaging Method in the Field Strength tab is independent of other choices of Averaging Method. For example: The user may set a Mean Averaging Method in Bandwidth and an RMS Averaging Method in the Modulation Tab. Dwell sets the measurement duration in milliseconds. Repeat allows the user to specify how many times to repeat the measurement.

Measurement Time: Dwell Repeat Frequency The "Frequency" tab allows the user to measure the center frequency of the signal.

Figure 3-6 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Frequency Tab

Table 3-7 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Frequency Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Frequency Measurement Method: Instantaneous Frequency Averaging Method Mean RMS Max Hold Description Method used to measure frequency.

Select one of the averaging methods to average the results from each measurement repetition. Selection of the Averaging Method in the Frequency Tab is independent of other choices of Averaging Method. For example: The user may set a Mean Averaging Method in Bandwidth and an RMS Averaging Method in the Modulation Tab. Dwell sets the measurement duration in milliseconds. Repeat allows the user to specify how many times to repeat the measurement.

Measurement Time: Dwell Repeat


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0040-8715-15000, Rev. L Direction The "Direction" tab allows the user to specify or alter existing DF entries. When performing DF, the user may specify a confidence value for the signal of interest being tasked. This window also allows the user to specify a bandwidth to be used if it varies from that used in the "Measurement" tab.

Figure 3-7 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Direction Tab

Table 3-8 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Direction Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Confidence Description The Confidence factor (CF) allows the user to set a confidence value in percent. Confidence ranges from 1 to 99, with 99 being high confidence. A typical value for confidence is 80*. Bandwidth allows the user to enter the necessary bandwidth for the modulation mode of the signal you want to measure in the Bandwidth field. Polarization allows the user to perform the measurement(s) using the vertical or horizontal components of the antenna, if available. Check this box to specify whether to use the Bandwidth entered into the Measurement Tab or the Bandwidth entered above. Dwell sets the measurement duration in milliseconds. Cuts allow the user to specify how many times to repeat the measurement.


Polarization (optional) Use this Bandwidth (not Measurement BW) Measurement Duration Dwell Cuts

NOTE: Server software will finish the DF measurement when either of those two parameters reaches specified value. *Note: The confidence number returned from the measurement is based on how well the amplitude and phase from each antenna matches the computed answer. A perfect agreement will return a confidence of 99. Due to multipath propagation, it is difficult to always have perfect agreement. A confidence of 80 will provide a useable DF. Tasking Options The "Tasking Options" tab allows the user to attach additional scheduling requirements to a Task. The user can schedule the Task to be run immediately or can delay it running for any time later. Tasks can also be scheduled to be run only at the time specified (assuming the equipment youve selected is available) or when convenient. The Scheduling tab also allows you to schedule how often and how many times you want the measurement to be executed.


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Figure 3-8 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Tasking Options Tab

Table 3-9 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Tasking Options Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Tasking Selection: Immediate Delayed Delayed Scheduling Options: Convenient Rigid Repeat Task Count Period Repeat Options Task Count Period Description Select when you want the measurement to begin in the Start field. You can select: Immediate - to start the measurement at the present time. Delayed - to start the measurement at a later time

If you select Delayed: You can specify the Task to be run when it is convenient for the Scorpio Server to run it. If a measurement must be made at a certain time, then the Rigid button should be chosen to confirm that the measurement time should not be varied upon. The user can also specify whether or not this measurement should be repeated. If the user has chosen that this Task be repeated, a Task count must be specified. Period defines the interval between repetitions.


Metrics - Task Results (Optional)

After a measurement is complete, the results for the measurement can be viewed and evaluated to determine what actions may need to be taken, if any. The decisions you make regarding the appropriate action depend on the policies of your organization and management. No recommendations are made here. When the signal measurement is complete, you can view, print or save a report that summarizes the data that was collected. Click on the desired Task in the Task Calendar to select it. Then click the Task Results button in the Metrics tool bar to display the results. Measurement results can be viewed in reports that can be viewed, printed, and imported into Microsoft Word for windows. In addition to all information relative to a measurement setup and a summary of its results, reports include the following information:

Task Data Date Time


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Frequency Bandwidth Identity Requested Measurements Type Subtype various type may have more than one method of measurement Result Graphical Data NOTE: The measurement must have been completed and confirmation received back from the Spectrum Processor in order to view the results.

Figure 3-9 Scorpio Client Task Results Data Screen


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Table 3-10 Scorpio Client Task Results Data Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Task Data Description Task Data displays the basic specifications given to this Task. The date and time the Task was requested to run, the center frequency the bandwidth and the Identity assigned. Requested Measurements itemizes and summarizes all entries made in the Task Calendar tabs. Measurement type, method, parameters, and results are shown. Dependent upon the currently selected Requested Measurement Type, this Onscreen Display changes to show the following plot types: Spectrum Analysis: Beta%, xdB bandwidth Probability Distribution: AM, FM, PM modulation Histogram: DF Polar: DF

Requested Measurements

Spectrum Analysis Onscreen Display Plot Beta

NOTE: Viewing additional Requested Measurement Type charts can be accomplished by selecting the corresponding graph entry. NOTE: You can view either Histogram or Polar charts for the DF Results. To switch between the two, press the Dir Finding measurement type in the Requested Measurements tabular display.
Print Preview Reports Text Plot Save Preview This area displays a preview of how the printed textual or plotted report will look once printed. Once clicked on, these toggle switches for text and plot toggle the display of the results reports. When the check box for text is on, the textual preview will be displayed. When the check box for Plot is on, the plotted results data will be displayed. This saves the report to disk. Dependent upon the Text and Plot check boxes, the Preview button displays how the report will look once printed. If you mark both Report checkboxes for previewing, you may select between the two under the preview screens Window menu. Prints the results report.



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Figure 3-10 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Text Report Screen


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Figure 3-11 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Plot Results Data Screen


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Figure 3-12 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Polar Results Data Screen


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4.1 Device Control Homing DF (Optional)
The "Homing DF" feature gives the operator the ability to quickly and easily locate the source of an emitter using a mobile monitoring station(s). It provides a direction indicator to the emitter relative to that of the vehicle. The "Homing Mode" results are displayed on the integrated map display. The "Homing DF" feature covers the entire valid frequency range. DF measurements determine the direction of arrival or azimuth of a signal of interest with regard to both relative to the vehicle and True North direction. This directional information is also referred to as the line of bearing (LOB) data. A DF measurement gathers LOB data from the mobile station Tasked with a DF request. The DF results are displayed as LOBs on a map. The LOBs are drawn as a line segment from the location of the vehicle (when the DF measurement was taken) to the edge of the map, in the direction of the returned azimuth. The software processes the LOB data obtained from each DF measurement location and calculates the position or "FIX" on the transmitted signal. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is utilized to record DF station location in reference to the Signal of Interest being Tasked. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques are used to determine the azimuth angle of arrival of any signal of interest (azimuth angle is measured from magnetic north). The DF measurement method used in the Spectrum Monitoring system is an implementation of the Correlative Interferometry technique as described in the ITU Spectrum Monitoring Handbook.

NOTE: A DF result consists of a bearing and the GPS location of the measurement server. If for some reason the GPS unit is offline, Scorpio Server will return the value stored in its equipcontrol.ini file. The default value is set to training server location. This value is found in the gps section of the file under the location = key.

NOTE: Double-clicking at the edges of the Relative Bearing chart causes the chart to pop-up. This element when popped-up is detached from its parent screen and displayed in a separate window which can be repositioned and resized


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Figure 4-1 Scorpio Client Homing DF

You can use DF to:

Locate unauthorized transmitters Locate transmitters in distress situations Locate interfering transmitters which cannot be identified by other means Locate sources of harmful interference of reception, such as electrical equipment, defective insulators on a power line, and other interference Identify transmitters, both known and unknown


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When the "Homing DF" dialog is active, an immediate DF measurement is requested at regular intervals. The interval used is the number of seconds as shown in the "Repeat Rate" pull-down list. As each DF Result is received, the LOB, from the location of the mobile DF station to the emitter is displayed on the Relative Bearing Chart. The LOB is displayed as a needle pointing towards the emitter, relative to the direction the mobile DF station was facing at the time of the measurement. If the needle is pointing "Right," then the emitter is somewhere to the right of you. If the needle is pointing "Forward," the emitter is somewhere in front of you, and so on. Only the five most recent LOBs are displayed on the chart. The most recent LOB received is displayed in yellow and the previous four are displayed in Grey. When a DF measurement is requested, certain information is sent along with the request, including the frequency, bandwidth, confidence factor, and priority of the request. The frequency and bandwidth values are taken from the "Frequency" and "IF Bandwidth" options on the "Monitor Receivers" dialog box. The confidence factor is selected by the operator using the associated "Confidence Factor (CF)" spinner control. The priority is higher than that of other measurements (as from the Task Calendar window) and is selected internally by the system. Only those LOBs that have a measured confidence factor and SNR that meet the operator entered confidence and SNR values are displayed. The most recent LOB is always displayed on the "Relative Bearing Chart," but not always on the Map. There are three rules by which a LOB is displayed on the Map: It is the first LOB returned, it is selected for display when the operator presses the <DF Update> button, or it is selected from the "Homing FIX" dialog. By pressing the <DF Update> button, the most recently returned bearing is included in the current Homing DF Mission. All included bearings are maintained, and may be used in a FIX calculation. Not including bearings is useful in a mobile system when trying to locate a fixed emitter. The Map displays vehicle positions as a red square, and bearings as colored lines. All of the displayed bearings are automatically used to perform FIX calculation and any wild bearings rejected by the FIX will be colored yellow, while accepted bearings will be colored red. The Homing DF dialog works in conjunction with the Homing FIX dialog. All included bearings are given to the Homing FIX dialog. When a specified number of bearings are included (selected in the Auto-FIX Rate pull-down list), a FIX is automatically calculated based on the most recent, specified bearings. These bearings can be seen and either selected/deselected in the FIX window.
Table 4-1 Scorpio Client Homing DF/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Relative Bearing Chart Description This directional indicator displays the source of the emitter relative to the direction of the mobile station. For instance, if the mobile station turns directly into the signal, the Relative Bearing Chart will display a pointer emitting from 360 degrees whereas if the signal is coming directly from the right side of the front of the mobile unit, the display pointer will indicate 90 degrees. Displays the Latitude and Longitude in degrees:minutes:seconds or Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) results of the last FIX obtained. When selected, audio is routed from the measurement server to the client.

Fix Results Lat, Lon UTM Network Audio (optional)


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Table 4-1 Scorpio Client Homing DF/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item DF Measurement Parameters Freq Bw CF, SNR (optional) Polarization (optional) Auto-FIX Rate Repeat Rate DF Update Automatic Updates Description Displays the currently set frequency and bandwidth parameters as set on the Monitor Receiver. The CF allows the user to set a minimum confidence value. The SNR allows the user to set a minimum Signalto-Noise ratio value. Polarization allows the user to perform the measurement(s) using the vertical or horizontal components of the antenna, if available. This item sets the number of bearing reports to be used when calculating a FIX. This item sets the number of seconds that elapse between DF requests. This button takes the Bearing results just received and places them into the FIX screen for use in calculating a FIX. When selected, all Bearing results received are placed into the FIX screen for use in calculating a FIX (this provides an automatic way to perform a DF Update). Sends an immediate request for DF measurement to the Spectrum Processor. When selected, both the DF measurement request and Bearing result is appended to an external file. This file is a comma-delimited text file. Each DF request and result is displayed on a separate line. Pressing the <> button allows the user to select both the name and location of the external file to be used.

DF Request Export to File, <> (optional)


Device Control Homing FIX (Optional)

After desired line of bearing data has been obtained, the user may request a FIX for a target. Figure 4-2 is the FIX calculation screen. The operator selects the line of bearing data that will be used for the calculation by selecting each one and clicking the <Calculate Fix> button.


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Figure 4-2 Scorpio Client Homing FIX Screen

Table 4-2 Scorpio Client Homing FIX Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Fix Results Lat, Lon UTM Use range data (optional) Calculate FIX Remove All Description Displays the Latitude and Longitude (in degrees:minutes:seconds) or Universal Transverse Mercator results of the last FIX obtained. When selected, range data (if available) will be used when performing a FIX calculation. Range data for each DF Result are displayed below each Bearing Selection button. When used, this button will calculate a FIX based on the Bearing Selection buttons, and optional range data, that are chosen. Allows the user to remove all bearing selections and clear the screen.


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Table 4-2 Scorpio Client Homing FIX Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Bearing Selection [ Azimuth in degrees (Signal Strength in dBm) ] Description These buttons allow the user to select which Bearings to use to calculate a FIX. Bearing selections are added as DF requests are returned from the Spectrum Processor.


Device Control Monitor Receiver (Optional)

Most traditional receivers have separate Pan IF displays for displaying just a portion of the RF spectrum. TCIs solution provides this functionality as a "Receiver Virtual Control Panel" on the computer monitor. This Virtual Control Panel (VCP) has familiar controls associated with typical standalone receivers, providing interactive control of the receiver unit. The screen includes controls for frequency, modulation, and amplitude control. Receiver status information will be displayed on the same screen. The receiver audio may be routed through the audio distribution system. Figure 4-3 shows an example of the receiver "VCP." The "Monitor Receiver" dialog box allows you to set up a specific receiver to perform signal measurements. The virtual receiver display allows you to view the signal being monitored in a real-time frequency domain. Multiple receiver controls provide the capability to analyze and capture signal characteristics.


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Figure 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Screen

NOTE: Double-clicking inside the Pan chart causes the chart to pop-up. This element when popped-up is detached from its parent screen and displayed in a separate window which can be repositioned and resized

Table 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Meter Description Drop-list that allows selection between RF Level and Off. When RF Level is selected the numeric value and LED control representing the RF Level for the current receiver settings display; when Off is selected the LED control below will be disabled and the numeric value is not displayed. A horizontal bar graph representing current RF Level in dBm. When the Meter drop list is set to RF Level, this control is disabled when the Meter drop list is set to Off.



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Table 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Frequency Description The edit field displays the currently tuned frequency. The control can be manually edited, or incremented and decremented using the spin control buttons below it. When switching to the Pan Display dialog, the frequency is also the value passed on to the Pan Display dialog box.

Note: In some implementations of the Scorpio Client application receiver frequency can be changed by positioning the cursor over the desired signal in the Tuning Aid window and clicking the left mouse button.
IF Bandwidth This drop-list provides selections between filters that may be used during monitoring to exclude unwanted signals or noise from the signal of interest. Possible values are dependent on the selection made in the Det mode field current frequency band and type of server currently connected. Possible values include, but not limited to: 300 kHz for HF band 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 6 kHz for both HF and VHF 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz, 150 kHz for VHF

The control is set to the BW last selected when launching the program. The vertical red lines on the PAN display show the current receiver bandwidth setting. The area between the red lines is the receiver IF bandwidth. All signals outside the red lines will not be heard during monitoring operations. Step Size This drop-list specifies how much the Frequency will increase or decrease when the spinner controls are used. Standard values are 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz and 1 MHz. Values from the Spectrum Occupancy drop-list are also included. (FrequencySpinner Controls). The spinner controls emulate a standard receiver-tuning knob. Clicking the left spinner button would decrease the frequency by the specified stepsize, and clicking the right spinner button will increase the frequency by the specified stepsize. Holding down any of the spinner controls will step increase/decrease the frequency continuously by the specified stepsize, until the button is released. This drop-list provides several demodulation options or detection modes to allow the operator to listen to modulated signals. Possible values depend on the current frequency band. Possible values are AM, CW, USB, and LSB for any band. An FM value is valid only for VHF bands. The control is set to AM by default the first time the dialog box is displayed after launching the program.

< >

Det Mode


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Table 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item BFO Description The edit field controls the Beat Frequency Offset from the carrier and is displayed in kHz. This control is only enabled when the CW Det Mode is selected. Possible range of values are from 8000 to 8000 kHz in 10 kHz steps by using spinner controls, or a value can be typed in. This control is disabled by default the first time the dialog box is displayed after launching the program.

NOTE: The BFO option is available for CW mode only.

AGC This drop-list provides control of the receivers behavior to noise and fading. Possible values and their respective equivalents in units of time are: Fast = 100 msec Medium = 500 msec. Long = 2 seconds

NOTE: These values can be changed by editing the settings in the Initialization file (ScorpioClient.ini)
The control is set to Fast by default the first time dialog box is displayed after launching the program. Tuning Aid This X-Y plot displays frequency versus amplitude. The vertical red lines on the PAN display show the current receiver IF Bandwidth setting. The area between the red lines is the receiver passband. The tick mark labels below the graph show the PAN Centerline frequency and PAN bandwidths frequency. This button toggles the request for PAN data. When receiving PAN data, the button is labeled Stop, and when clicked it stops requesting and therefore stops displaying the PAN data. When no PAN data is being received, the button is labeled Run. When Run is clicked, the program begins requesting PAN data from the receiver. Vertical scaling is fixed at 10 dB per division. Recorder (optional) Switch (optional) Pan Bandwidth This button displays the Audio Recorder dialog box. This button displays the Audio Switch Settings dialog box. This drop-list controls how much of the spectrum will be displayed by the PAN window. The values are dependent on the type of server currently connected. Possible values include, but are not limited to: Reference Level 1.25 kHz, 2.5 kHz, 5 kHz, 12.5 kHz, and 25 kHz for HF bandwidths 5 kHz, 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz, 50kHz, 100 kHz, and 300 kHz for VHF bandwidths.

Run/Stop Bandwidth

This drop-list controls the base value of the amplitude (y-axis) in the PAN display. Example selections are 60 dBm, -80 dBm, -100 dBm, -120 dBm, 140 dBm, and -160 dBm. The reference line position is fixed at the bottom of the display.


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Table 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Antenna (optional) Network Audio (optional) Squelch (optional) Peak Hold Average % Description Allows the user to specify which antenna, from a list of available antennas, to be used for monitoring. When selected, audio is routed from the measurement server to the client. When selected, audio from the measurement server is squelched (muted) when the RF Level falls below the selected squelch level. When selected, the Pan trace is generated using only the maximum levels. When selected, the Pan trace is generated by using a running average, with the most recent Pan trace averaged with the average of all previously received Pan traces. The most recent Pan trace is weighted according the selected Average % (e.g., if selected an Average % of 70%, the most recent Pan trace is weighted as 30%).


Antenna Selection Control (Optional)

Both Scorpio client and server are modified to support multiple choices of the monitoring antenna (Ref which is the standard antenna or Aux N which are customer supplied auxiliary antenna(s)). The server software maintains the antenna selection. The client receives the current antenna selection from the connected server. The client can also change the antenna selection, but only after it has received currently selected antenna values from the server.


Audio Switching (Optional)

The Communications network allows for data and audio communications between all stations. In normal operation, each subsystem will operate independently, although it is possible to communicate between subsystems. The network communications has to be UP for audio routing between stations to be operational. Using dialup phone lines, any site is capable of monitoring and/or storing audio from another site. These functions are provided using an audio switch and sound cards. The Spectrum Processor computer has a built-in audio switch and one sound card. The other sound card is located in the local Scorpio Client workstation. Another major function of the system is the capability to transfer and play digitized audio files (.wav) between all stations. Audio distribution at the Control Centers is achieved using a standalone software package to control all aspects of audio distribution and digitized audio storage/playback.


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Figure 4-4 Scorpio Client Audio Switch Setting Screen

Table 4-4 Scorpio Client Audio Switch Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Audio Predefined Settings Description: (Input Output) Pickup Phone Hangup Phone Auto Answer Off On Type Data Voice OK Cancel Apply Accepts the selections made and closes this dialog. Does not accept the selections made and closes this dialog. Accepts the selections made but does not close this dialog. (Not Used). Voice (Audio) is transmitted via telephone lines. Description Allows the user to select one of the predefined audio settings. Available options for selected audio routing. If selected, 8067 phone port goes off-hook. If selected when dialing another station, remote 8067 phone port goes on-hook. These radio buttons sets the remote telephone Auto Answer mode to On, or Off. The remote telephone will be answered upon detection of a ring.


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Scorpio Software Users Guide Telephone Interface In order to receive audio inputs from remote stations, an operator must initiate a phone call to the desired station. When the call is detected at the remote station, the remote station will automatically answer the phone and connect audio to the line. The Telephone Interface Unit allows the operator to select a phone line and manually dial into a remote station to establish the audio link. Remote Monitoring and Digital Recording (Optional) An operator remotely opens an 8067 receiver at a fixed or mobile station, and tunes the receiver to the desired frequency. Using the panoramic display, verify the desired signal is currently on air. The operator dials into the remote station to establish the receiver audio connection. Using the NiceCall software application, route the audio to one or both of the headset channels. Adjust the receiver frequency and demodulation parameters as necessary. If desired, use the NiceCall software application to set up digital recording of the signal. At this point, the operator will enter "chunk" data, to include:

Audio File Name CC and Remote Station Locations Frequency Date/Time Comments

The CC operator can then set up additional channels for monitoring/recording if desired using the above steps. If the files are to be transferred over the data network to other fixed or mobile stations, they must be saved as ".wav" files. Any station in the network using drive sharing and mapping into the network can access digitized audio files.


Remote Audio Monitoring

It is assumed that when an operator wants to use resources at a remote station, he will select the desired station from the station list, and will then have full control of that station. For any site to access audio at a remote site, select the "Remote Monitoring from CC" option. 1. The operator selects desired station, and uses Monitor Receiver dialog to tune to desired frequency. He then verifies the signal is present on the "Tuning Aid" screen. 2. The operator uses the "Audio Switch Setting" dialog to instruct the remote Spectrum Processor audio phone port to automatically answer phone when ring is detected. At this time, the remote audio switch will be commanded to route receiver audio to the phone port. 3. The operator initiates a phone call to Fixed or Mobile 8067 audio phone port. The Spectrum Processor will automatically answer the phone, and the operator can listen to the audio over the phone line.


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4. When the operator is finished monitoring the remote station audio, clicking on <Hangup> will disconnect (takes on-hook) the 8067 phone port, thereby disconnecting the phone.


Audio Recording (Optional)

The following steps are used at the Fixed and Mobile stations to record/playback receiver audio at Scorpio Client workstation. 1. The operator uses the "Monitor Receiver Connected" dialog to tune the receiver to the desired frequency. 2. To initiate recording, the operator can select the <Recorder> button to automatically route the receiver audio to Scorpio Client sound card and to start digital recording. 3. This will bring up the "Digital Audi Recorder" dialog. 4. Audio can also be played back through this Dialog.

Figure 4-5 Scorpio Client Audio Recorder Dialog Box

NOTE: The operator must mute the live audio if desired from the audio mixer panel


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Table 4-5 Scorpio Client Audio Recorder Menu Descriptions Menu Item File Options Description Allows the user to open a file, save a file, save a file as a different name or close the file. Provides for selections for Recording in different file formats.

Table 4-6 Scorpio Client Audio Record Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Description Shows the length of the .wav file in minutes:seconds. Controls These controls are standard to most recording decks and applications. Play (>), Pause (||), and Stop ( ) are used to control playback. The next button toggles between time elapsed and time remaining. Record ( ) is pressed when the user want to record the desired signal. Rewind (<<), and Fast Forward (>) are used to maneuver through the .wav file. This box displays the file name being reviewed as well as the time scale that the user may use to scroll though it.

Wav Information File Information

If checked, the additional Wav File Information portion of the dialog box is opened. Stored with the .wav file audio information, is the Name, Latitude, Longitude, Frequency in MHz, Bandwidth and demodulation mode of the received signal. This Time Stamp shows the day of the week, calendar date, and time of day the audio information was intercepted.

Time Stamp

Audio recording control is located on the workstation and Digital recording is performed on the workstations sound card. The record process automatically routes audio from the receiver to both channels of the recorder and passes the real time audio to the operator headset. When the stop button is clicked on, the record dialog box automatically closes and saves the data into a windows wave (.wav) file. The wave file name reflects the start time of the recording.


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Figure 4-6 Scorpio Client Set Recording Wave File Format

Table 4-7 Scorpio Client Set Recording Wave File Format Field/Button Item Descriptions Menu Item Compression # Channels Samples/Sec Description These settings are Sound Card specific. All default values are preset.


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Figure 4-7 Scorpio Client Wave File Format Dialog Box

Table 4-8 Scorpio Client Wave File Format Field/Button Item Descriptions Menu Item Format Tag # Channels Samples/Sec Avg Byte/sec Block Align Bits/sample File Information Name Lat. Lon. Freq (MHz) BW (MHz) RX Mode Time Stamp Description These settings are Sound Card specific. All default values are preset.

Stored with the .wav file audio information, is the Name, Latitude, Longitude, Frequency in MHz, Bandwidth and demodulation mode of the received signal.

This Time Stamp shows the day of the week, calendar date, and time of day the audio information was intercepted.


Audio Playback and Cassette Recording

Audio files can be played back anytime using the NiceCall software application. Audio can be played back at the same time as other channel audio is being recorded. The file name indicates the recording start time. The operator selects the file to play back from the file selection drop down list. It is not possible to listen to played-back audio and record at the same time. If the user selects the record button, the digital audio file currently under review is closed and the Audio recording process takes place.


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1. Using the NiceCall software application, select the desired audio file for playback. 2. Route audio to the desired output (headset, tape recorder, or other output port). 3. Use Nicecall software to start, stop, etc. 4. If cassette dubbing is desired, route audio output to the tape recorder, and set the tape recorder up accordingly. The operator can also transfer the audio output to a remote site using the telephone interface in the output port. Use the NiceCall software to initiate the phone call to the remote site. When the connection is established, the played back audio will be transferred over the phone line.


Audio Source Selection and Volume Control

The sound card mixer is used to provide the audio source selection. The operator selects a mixture of live receiver audio, wave file audio and system alerts. The volume and balance for each source may be controlled as required. Any source may be quickly muted using the "mute" check box provided. The record input level is controlled from this panel as well. The operator selects the input level using the microphone volume control selection.


Device Control Pan Display (Optional)

The Panoramic or PAN display is an X-Y plot of signal amplitude versus frequency. This type of display is very useful in viewing signal relationships in the radio spectrum, and is generally referred to as a tuning aid. The PAN display includes bandwidth selection, frequency separation measurement, peak hold, and maximum signal functions. Each of these functions is discussed in the following paragraphs. The PAN display is created using the unfiltered IF data and therefore provides a complete picture of the contents of the receiver passband regardless of the selected IF bandwidth the user has selected for listening. This feature allows the user to see all of the signals in the passband even if a 300 kHz bandwidth is currently active.

NOTE: Double-clicking inside the Pan/Waterfall/Spectrogram charts causes the chart to popup. These elements when popped-up are detached from its parent screen and displayed in a separate window which can be repositioned and resized


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Figure 4-8 Scorpio Client Pan Display Screen

Table 4-9 Scorpio Client Pan Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Pan Controls BW Cursor Controls Cursor Enabled Frequency Amplitude Peak Find Display Control Center Freq Reference Level Description Allows the user to select the bandwidth. Activates a marker on the display. Marker frequency and amplitude values are indicated below the display screen. The marker can be moved on the trace using the following method:

The marker can also be activated by placing the mouse arrow within the display and depressing the left mouse button.

This allows the user to change the reference of the graphical depiction of the signal received. "Center Freq" displays the current center frequency of the signal. Reference Level allows the user to change the displayed center value of the grid displaying the signal.

NOTE: The center frequency is changeable from the Monitor Receiver Window
Relative Frequency This option toggles the Pan display to show data relative to the center frequency. The center frequency becomes the 0 point.


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Table 4-9 Scorpio Client Pan Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Plot Type Pan Waterfall Spectrogram Network Audio (optional) Squelch (optional) Peak Hold Average % Description This allows the user to change the display of the signal being tracked in different graphical displays. The user can toggle between the Pan, Waterfall, and Spectrogram displays of the data being received. When selected, audio is routed from the measurement server to the client. When selected, audio from the measurement server is squelched (muted) when the RF Level falls below the selected squelch level. When selected, the Pan trace is generated using only the maximum levels. When selected, the Pan trace is generated by using a running average, with the most recent Pan trace averaged with the average of all previously received Pan traces. The most recent Pan trace is weighted according the selected Average % (e.g., if selected an Average % of 70%, the most recent Pan trace is weighted as 30%).


Waterfall Display (Optional)

The "Waterfall Display" presents amplitude, frequency, and time information on the same screen. It does so by showing a series of amplitude vs. frequency traces, each trace shifts on the screen to show time. The result is a moving three-dimensional pattern or "Waterfall." Figure 4-9 is an example of the "Waterfall Display." This display shows the waterfall pattern moving from left to right. The operator can select limits or parameters to be detailed on the screen through computer mouse clicks.


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Figure 4-9 Scorpio Client Pan Display with Waterfall Plot


Spectrogram Plot (Optional)

The "Spectrogram Plot" shows the same results as the "Waterfall Display" except that signal amplitude is shown color-coded on a flat grid instead of a 3-D grid.


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Figure 4-10 Scorpio Client Pan Display with Spectrogram Plot

NOTE: If Pan Display is running at the time a scheduled measurement is executed by Scorpio Server, it will stop running. Messages will be displayed indicating that Scorpio Server hardware is busy. Pan Display can be restarted by pressing the Run button on the receiver audio panel or by toggling the cursor-enabled control.


Device Control - Pushbutton DF/Metrics (Optional)

The "Pushbutton DF/Metrics" screen is a composite of several other Scorpio Client screens and reports in one. The "Pushbutton DF/Metrics" icon is shown on the main Scorpio Client screen under the "Device Control" group. The "Pushbutton DF/Metrics" screen consists of six major parts or display sections. These are: "DF Setup," "RX Setup," "Polar Histogram," "DF Results," "Tuning Aid" and "Map." Any controls not part of the above groups will be shown under "Miscellaneous."


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DF Setup
Table 4-10 Scorpio Client DF Setup Field/Button Item Description

Field/Button Item CF (%) BW (kHz)

Description This field is used to select the minimum confidence factor for cuts to be used in the DF calculation process. Possible values are 0-100. This edit field tracks the value selected in IF Bandwidth in the RF Setup group. A manual selection of desired IF Bandwidth is also possible. The operator can input a value into the edit field. Possible BW values for manual input are: 1 10000 kHz. This edit field is used to select the amount of time the processor will spend (dwell) collecting data on a signal of interest. Possible values are 1000 - 30000 milliseconds (ms). This edit field displays the frequency the receivers are tuned to. The control can be manually edited and can be used to increment and decrement using the spin control buttons below it. The control is set to 30.000000 by default the first time the dialog box is displayed after launching the program. The SNR allows the user to set a minimum Signal-to-Noise ratio value. (Frequency Spinner Controls). The spinner controls emulate a standard receiver-tuning knob. Clicking the left spinner button decreases the frequency by number shown in Step Size field, and clicking the right spinner button will increase the frequency by number shown in Step Size field. This button sends a DF and Metrics Request to the processor with the parameters shown in the DF Setup group. Pressing the <> button displays the Pushbutton Metrics Setup screen. This screen allows the user to select which metrics measurements to be run and also the parameters for the metrics measurements. This item sets the number of seconds that elapse between DF/Metrics requests. When selected, both the DF measurement request and Bearing result is appended to an external file. This file is a comma-delimited text file. Each DF request and result is displayed on a separate line. Pressing the <> button allows the user to select both the name and location of the external file to be used.

Dwell (ms)


SNR (optional) < >

DF/Metrics Request

<> (optional)

Repeat Rate Export to File, <> (optional)

Polarization (optional)

Polarization allows the user to perform the measurement(s) using the vertical or horizontal components of the antenna, if available.


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RX Setup
Table 4-11 Scorpio Client RX Setup Field/Button Item Description

Field/Button Item IF Bandwidth

Description This drop-list provides selections between filters that may be used during monitoring to exclude unwanted signals or noise from the signal of interest. Possible values are dependent on the selection made in the Det mode field, current frequency band and type of server currently connected. Possible values include, but not limited to: 300 kHz for HF band 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 6 kHz for both HF and VHF 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz, 150 kHz for VHF

The control is set to the BW last selected when launching the program. The vertical red lines on the PAN display show the current receiver bandwidth setting. The area between the red lines is the receiver IF bandwidth. All signals outside the red lines will not be heard during monitoring operations. Det Mode This drop-list provides five detection (demodulation) modes to allow the operator to listen to modulated signals. Possible values are AM, CW, USB, LSB and FM. The control is set to AM by default the first time the dialog box is displayed after launching the program. The edit field controls the Beat Frequency Offset from the carrier and is displayed in Hz. This control is only enabled when the CW Det Mode (Detection Mode) is selected. Possible range of values are from 8000 to 8000 Hz in 10 Hz steps by using spinner controls, or a value can be typed in. This control is disabled by default the first time the dialog box is displayed after launching the program.


NOTE: The BFO option is available for CW mode only.

AGC This drop-list provides control of the receivers behavior to noise and fading. Possible values and their respective equivalents in units of time are: Fast = 100 msec Medium = 500 msec. Long = 2 seconds

NOTE: These values can be changed by editing the settings in the Initialization file (ScorpioClient.ini)
The control is set to Fast by default the first time dialog box is displayed after launching the program.


Polar Histogram

The "Polar Histogram" group is used to display the DF cuts collected in a polar chart. The cuts histogram is built from the center towards the edge.


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Clusters of cuts can be selected by using the cursor. A one click on the left mouse button will activate an azimuth line. When a desired cluster is identified the mouse button is released and a wedge is then automatically created encompassing the cluster. The size of the wedge can be modified in "Scorpio client.ini" file. The azimuth field is then recalculated from the cuts in the new cluster. This allows the operator to identify the azimuth for non-main clusters. All DF cuts satisfying the "CF" criteria (as specified in the DF Setup group) are displayed in the Polar-Histogram. The cuts are placed into 1 (one-degree) bins (from 0-359 degrees). The longer the line drawn in any bin, the more DF cuts were collected at that bins azimuth. The main cluster of cuts is used for the average azimuth calculation.
Table 4-12 Scorpio Client Polar Histogram Field Item Description Field/Button Item Az Description This field is automatically filled in by the program. It indicates the azimuth that has been calculated from the cuts in a selected cluster shown on the chart. It is important to note that the cluster may not encompass all the cuts shown in the chart. Whenever the cuts displayed in the chart are edited using the wedge function the "Az" field gets updated to reflect the actual cuts used in the process. Initially the azimuth field is the same value as that shown in the DF Results group "Azimuth" field in the highlighted row. This field is automatically filled in by the program. It indicates the signal strength that has been calculated from the cuts in a selected cluster shown on the chart.

Sig.Str (dBm)


DF Results

In this group the results obtained after the DF request is processed are displayed. The top line in the "DF Results" table is the latest result and is highlighted.
Table 4-13 Scorpio Client DF Results Field Item Description Field/Button Item Time and Date Location Frequency Azimuth Description This field indicates the time and date of the completion of the DF request. This field indicates the location of the processor that accepted and processed the DF request. This field indicates the frequency used in the DF request. This field indicates the azimuth calculated for the cuts used in the DF result.

NOTE: Only main cluster cuts are used in this calculation.

CF This field indicates the lowest confidence factor calculated by the processor for the cuts. It is always equal to or greater than the confidence factor that was selected by the operator in the DF Setup group. This field indicates the number of cuts used in the statistical calculation.



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Table 4-13 Scorpio Client DF Results Field Item Description Field/Button Item Sigma Description This field indicates the standard deviation calculated for all the cuts used in the DF result calculation.


Tuning Aid
Table 4-14 Scorpio Client Tuning Aid Field/Button Item Description

Field/Button Item Bandwidth (kHz)

Description This drop-list controls how much of the spectrum will be displayed by the Tuning Aid window. The center frequency is what is shown in the DF Setup group Frequency (MHz) edit field. The values are: 1.25 kHz, 2.5 kHz, 5 kHz, 12.5 kHz, and 25 kHz for HF bandwidths 5 kHz, 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz, 50kHz, 100 kHz, and 300 kHz for VHF bandwidths.

Ref. Level (dBm)

This drop-list controls the base value of the amplitude (y-axis) in the PAN display. Example selections are 60 dBm, -80 dBm, -100 dBm, -120 dBm, 140 dBm, and -160 dBm. The reference line position is fixed at the bottom of the display.

Run Stop

These buttons toggle the request for PAN data. When receiving PAN data, the button is labeled Stop, and when clicked it stops requesting and therefore stops displaying the PAN data. When no PAN data is being received, the button is labeled Run. When Run is clicked, the program begins requesting PAN data from the receiver. The X-Y plot displays frequency versus amplitude. The vertical red lines on the PAN display show the current receiver IF Bandwidth setting. The area between the red lines is the receiver passband. The tick mark labels below the graph shows the PAN Centerline frequency and PAN bandwidths frequency. Vertical scaling is fixed at 10 dB per division. Click tuning is also enabled on this display. When an area in the spectrum is clicked (using the mouse) that particular peak becomes the center frequency. This action then changes the frequency displayed in the DF Setup group.

Relative Freq

When checked the PAN display scaling changes and the X-axis displays offsets from the center relative to the bandwidth value shown in the field Bandwidth (kHz). The left edge will display the center frequency minus (Bandwidth/2) while the right edge will display the center frequency plus (Bandwidth/2). When selected, audio is routed from the measurement server to the client. When selected, audio from the measurement server is squelched (muted) when the RF Level falls below the selected squelch level.

Network Audio (optional) Squelch (optional)


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Table 4-14 Scorpio Client Tuning Aid Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item Peak Hold Average % Description When selected, the Pan trace is generated using only the maximum levels. When selected, the Pan trace is generated by using a running average, with the most recent Pan trace averaged with the average of all previously received Pan traces. The most recent Pan trace is weighted according the selected Average % (e.g., if selected an Average % of 70%, the most recent Pan trace is weighted as 30%).

NOTE: Double-clicking inside the Pan chart causes the chart to pop-up. This element when popped-up is detached from its parent screen and displayed in a separate window which can be repositioned and resized


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Figure 4-11 Pushbutton DF/Metrics Screen



Refer to Section 4.7 for a detailed description of map controls and operations available in the basic Scorpio Client application. The following description is valid for map functions available within the "Pushbutton DF/Metrics" screen. The following is a basic map of the country of interest.


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Figure 4-12 Scorpio Client Map Display Screen (available with the Pushbutton DF/Metrics)

Table 4-15 Scorpio Client Map Display Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item Cursor Deg Min Sec Decimal Degrees UTM Size Control Zoom Pan Measurement Description Results are shown in Deg Min Sec (degrees:minutes:seconds), Decimal Degrees or in UTM coordinates.

This button allows the user to define an area with the mouse button to zoom into for a closer look. Pan allows the user to use the mouse button to scroll to different areas on the map. When the Measurement button is selected the user can select a point on the map with a left mouse press and move to another point on the map and include it with the previous selection. As you move, the mouse displays a trailing line (similar to a rubber-band line) to continue selecting points. Once all points have been selected, the user may double-click the left mouse button and a dialog box will display the difference of distance between the points in either azimuth or kilometers. If more than two points are selected, this dialog will display the total difference between the points.

Full Size Display Control Print

Displays the full size map. This buttons allows the user to choose the Region to display. Prints a copy of the Map in its current view.


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Table 4-15 Scorpio Client Map Display Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item Layers Lines of Bearing/Error Ellipse Description Allows the user to display multiple layers (cities, regions, etc.) of the selected map. These lines indicate where the emitter of the signal of interest lies in relation to Magnetic North. The error ellipse indicates the most likely area where the emitter of the signal of interest may be.


Pushbutton Metrics Setup (Optional)

This screen allows the user to select which metrics measurements to be run and also the parameters for the metrics measurements.

Figure 4-13 Pushbutton Metrics Setup


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Table 4-16 Pushbutton Metrics Setup Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item Bandwidth Bandwidth Setup Fields Modulation Modulation Setup Fields Field Strength Field Strength Setup Fields Frequency Frequency Setup Fields Antenna Description A bandwidth measurement will be performed when the user presses the <DF/Metrics Request> if this field has been selected. Refer to Table 3-4 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Bandwidth Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions. A modulation measurement will be performed when the user presses the <DF/Metrics Request> if this field has been selected. Refer to Table 3-5 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Modulation Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions. A field strength measurement will be performed when the user presses the <DF/Metrics Request> if this field has been selected. Refer to Table 3-6 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Field Strength Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions. A frequency measurement will be performed when the user presses the <DF/Metrics Request> if this field has been selected. Refer to Table 3-7 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Frequency Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions. Allows the user to specify which antenna, from a list of available antennas, to be used for the metrics measurements and monitoring. Note that the reference antenna is always used for the Direction measurements, regardless of antenna selection.


Device Control Netted DF (Optional)

The "Netted DF" button located on the Taskbar will allow DF Requests from two or more sites to return Netted data for establishing a Netted FIX. It is used to send netted DF requests from the local and/or the remote sites. The DF results are used to perform the Netted FIX calculation when valid LOBs are returned from at least two different sites.

NOTE: A DF result consists of a bearing and the GPS location of the measurement server. If for some reason the GPS unit is offline, Scorpio Server will return the value stored in its equipcontrol.ini file. The default value is set to training server location. This value is found in the [gps] section of the file under the location = key.


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Figure 4-14 Scorpio Client Netted DF Screen

Table 4-17 Scorpio Client Netted DF Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Description


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Table 4-17 Scorpio Client Netted DF Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Fix Results Lat, Lon UTM Track Target Description Displays the Latitude and Longitude in degrees:minutes:seconds or Universal Transverse Mercator results of the last FIX obtained. When a check appears in this check box, a LOB is returned without clearing the other LOB lines from the map window. This allows the user to track the movement of a target. When selected, both the DF measurement request and Bearing result is appended to an external file. This file is a comma-delimited text file. Each DF request and result is displayed on a separate line. Pressing the <> button allows the user to select both the name and location of the external file to be used. DF Request DF Measurement CF Identity Freq BW SNR (optional) Repeat Rate Polarization (optional) Tabular Display This button sends an immediate request for DF to the measurement service. An error ellipse will display on the. Displays the currently set frequency and bandwidth parameters as set on the Monitor Receiver. Identity displays the description of the signal. The CF allows the user to set a minimum confidence value. The SNR allows the user to set a minimum Signal-to-Noise ratio value.

Export to File, <> (optional)

This item sets the number of seconds that elapse between DF requests. Polarization allows the user to perform the measurement(s) using the vertical or horizontal components of the antenna, if available. This displays bearings received from the measurement servers. If the "Track Target" is not selected, this list is cleared between each DF Request. If "Track Target" is selected, each bearing received is inserted at the top of the table. The user can select a set of bearings from a single DF Mission by single clicking a row; the user can select a set of bearings from multiple DF Missions by pressing the <Shift> keyboard key while single clicking a row. All selected bearings and error ellipses (if available) are shown on the map. This maintains a history of the most recent 99 DF missions, numbered 1 to 99. DF Results for these missions are displayed in tabular form (date/time, azimuth, confidence, SNR and signal strength values) and are associated with the mission number. DF FIX points for these missions are shown on the Map display, labeled with each DF Mission number. DF bearings for Missions selected in the tabular display are shown on the Map display


Device Control Netted FIX (Optional)

The returned DF requests are used to perform the Netted FIX calculation when valid LOBs are returned from at least two different sites. Bearings used to calculate the fix are chosen by depressing the desired Bearing Selection buttons and clicking on the Calculate FIX button. Results are displayed on the Map Display Screen along with the intersecting LOBs and error ellipse.


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Each valid DF Result shows both azimuth and signal strength. These values are displayed in the Bearing Selection buttons.

Figure 4-15 Scorpio Client Netted FIX Screen


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Table 4-18 Scorpio Client Netted FIX Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Fix Results Description Displays the Latitude and Longitude or UTM results of the last FIX obtained. Results for Lat and Lon are shown in degrees:minutes:seconds. When selected, range data (if available) will be used when performing a FIX calculation. Range data for each DF Result are displayed below each Bearing Selection button. The Calculate FIX button is used to perform a netted fix calculation using the selected DF results. At least two DF bearings must be selected to perform a fix calculation, unless range data exists and the user has selected "Use range data." The FIX can only be calculated if the LOBs used converge at some point. Allows the user to remove all bearing selections and clear the screen. Bearing Results from the available stations are displayed here and can be included or excluded from calculating a FIX. These buttons allow the user to select which Bearings and optional range to use to calculate a FIX. Bearing selections are added as DF responses have been returned from the Spectrum Processor. Note that the Signal Strength of each Result is also shown.

Use range data (optional)

Calculate FIX

Remove All Bearing Selection [Azimuth in degrees (signal strength in dBm)]

Manual Entries (Optional) Bearing DF Site Name Range (optional) Latitude Longitude Allows operator to manually enter bearing to target station. Allows operator to manually input site name. Allows operator to manually input range to target station. Allows operator to manually input site latitude. Allows operator to manually input site longitude.


Device Control Field Strength Mapping (Optional)

The Field Strength Mapping feature is used to measure and display field strength across frequencies over a geographical area. This feature can only be used with a mobile station. The operator defines and runs Field Strength Mapping task(s). Field strength measurements are taken continuously for the frequencies in all running tasks as the mobile station moves. The average field strength, for each frequency, is computed and displayed for each 500m by 500m square grid as mobile station moves from grid to grid. The average field strength values are displayed numerically and color-coded.


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Figure 4-16 Field Strength Mapping

Table 4-19 Field Strength Mapping Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Define Tasks Description The items in the upper-left corner are used to define Field Strength Mapping tasks. These are also used to stop and start tasks. The operator must enter this task information to define and run a task. Note that ID is automatically generated. Once the operator has entered the Start and Stop Frequencies, and the Bandwidth, selecting the Run item will start the task (field strength measurements will be collected). The Status indicates the current status of the task. Possible Status values are: Validated Start FS Data Running Stop

ID Start Frequency (MHz) Stop Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (kHz) Run Status


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Table 4-19 Field Strength Mapping Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Existing Tasks Description The items in the upper-right corner show all currently defined Field Strength Mapping tasks. Select one task in this list to display (in the Task Channels) the individual frequencies defined by the selected task. Displays task information. Note that ID is automatically generated.

ID Start Frequency (MHz) Stop Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (kHz) Start Time Stop Time Mapping Tools Task Channels

Refer to section 4.10 Device Control Map Management Displays the individual frequencies defined by the currently selected task in the list of Existing Tasks. Displays the channels (automatically numbered 1, 2, 3 ) and frequencies defined by the currently selected task in the list of Existing Tasks. Display a legend showing the color scheme used to identify signal strength values. The operator can adjust this by dragging the adjuster items up and down. The operator can change the transparency of the color-coded field strength grids by adjusting this value.

Channel Frequency Signal Strength (dBV/m)

Transparency (%)


Device Control Spectrum Analyzer (Optional)

The Spectrum Analyzer screen is used to view a wide (or narrow) range of the frequency spectrum in real-time. The user is presented with traces of frequency versus power, with two markers to help identify and measure signals. The user can select the frequency range directly by entering the start and stop frequencies, or by entering the center frequency and frequency span. Different levels of detail are shown by selecting the bandwidth.


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Figure 4-17 Scorpio Client Spectrum Analyzer Screen

Table 4-20 Scorpio Client Spectrum Analyzer Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Reference Level Scale Print Print Prints the current trace, markers and overlay information to the default printer. Presents a preview of the current trace, markers and overlay information to the screen. Description This list controls the base value of the power (y-axis) in the display. The reference line position is fixed at the top of the display. The user can select the scale for the power (y-axis) in the display. The numbers indicate the difference in power between adjacent gridlines.

Print Preview


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Table 4-20 Scorpio Client Spectrum Analyzer Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item MRK Description Two markers are available to the user to aid in the identification and measurement of signals. The markers both snap to the trace, labeled as 1 and 2. The current value of each marker (frequency in MHz and power in either dBm or dBuV) is shown as overlaid data at the top of the display as MKR1: and MKR2: The difference between the two markers (frequency and power) is shown at the top as DIFF: When Center is selected, the first marker (labeled 1) snaps to the trace at the center frequency. The second marker (labeled 2) snaps to the trace at the left-edge of the trace. When Max is selected, the two markers (labeled 1 and 2) snap to the trace at the largest and second largest peaks. When neither Center nor Max Markers are selected, the markers are moved manually using the mouse. Using the left mouse key, click and drag to move the first marker. To move the second marker, click and drag the mouse using the right mouse key. Frequency The user can select the frequency range directly by entering the start and stop frequencies, or by entering the center frequency and frequency span. Click on Center to enter the center frequency of the display; and then click on Span to enter the frequency span. This determines the start and stop frequencies displayed. Note that if the user enters a span that will cause the start or stop frequency to be outside the range of the server, the center frequency will be automatically adjusted to fit the range. Click on Start and Stop to enter the start and stop frequencies of the trace, respectively. If the user enters a start (or stop) frequency that is outside the range of the server, the start (or stop) frequency will be automatically adjusted to fit the range. The user can select the bandwidth for the frequency (x-axis) in the display. A smaller bandwidth will provide more resolution (and thus more detail). However, the traces will display at a slower rate. Available when connected to a server with dual bandwidth support. When selected, the smaller bandwidth is used.



Center, Span

Start, Stop


Force Narrowband (optional) Data Peak Hold Average (%)

When selected, the trace is generated using only the maximum levels. When selected, the trace is generated by using a running average, with the most recent trace averaged with the average of all previously received traces. The most recent trace is weighted according the selected Average % (e.g., if selected an Average % of 70%, the most recent trace is weighted as 30%).


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4.10 Device Control Map Management

The mapping system is based on ESRI MapObjects that support map display and controls. The map window is available for the display of DF LOB data, emitter locations, and error ellipses. Mobile emitters and Mobile stations are also displayed on the map.

4.10.1 Display and Control The map window is accessed with "Homing DF," "Netted DF," Pushbutton DF/Metrics, AVD and the Station Select functions. The user may select zoom in, zoom out, pan, center, or measurement functions. The coordinate display window changes according to the user selection in the Tools menu. When a tool is selected, the mouse cursor that is displayed over the map windows is changed to reflect the function in use. For example, when the zoom in function is selected, the cursor changes to a magnifying glass with a plus sign in the lens.

Figure 4-18 Scorpio Client Map Display Screen

When no tools are selected the coordinate display window shows the current mouse position on the map in either Lat/Lon or UTM. Marking the UTM checkbox on the main window makes this selection. If the UTM checkbox is not selected, the coordinate display defaults to Lat/Lon in Degree, Minute, Second, and Hemisphere format (Example: 25 00 04N 121 43 08E). The UTM location display selected by TCI is the 14 character international standard and provides location accuracy that is appropriate based on the map scales intended for the system.

4.10.2 Map Measurement Functions Azimuth Measurement Function is used to measure the great circle bearing between two points on the map using the mouse cursor.


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Distance Measurement Function is handled in three units: miles, meters, and kilometers. The starting point for the distance measurement is selected using the mouse cursor. The user points the cursor over the starting point and clicks the mouse button to anchor the starting point. The user then continues to select points by moving the mouse and clicking the mouse button. The final point is selected by double clicking the mouse button.

4.10.3 Printing The Map The current map may be printed at any time by pressing the print map button. The map is printed to the default printer specified for the system. The map overlay is always printed on a separate sheet that may be included in hard copy reports generated by the workstation application software. Inclusion of the map overlay into soft copy reports is handled by saving the map overlay as a bitmap (windows .bmp file) that is inserted directly into a Microsoft Word document. It is also possible to perform a screen capture to insert the overlay into a document.
Table 4-21 Scorpio Client Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Cursor Position Deg Min Sec Decimal Degrees UTM Size Control Zoom Pan Measurement Description The mouse cursor shows the location in the specified format.

This button allows the user to define an area with the mouse button to zoom into for a closer look. Pan allows the user to use the mouse button to scroll to different areas on the map. When the Measurement button is selected the user can select a point on the map with a left mouse press and move to another point on the map and include it with the previous selection. As you move, the mouse displays a trailing line (similar to a rubber-band line) to continue selecting points. Once all points have been selected, the user may double-click the left mouse button and a dialog box will display the difference of distance between the points in either azimuth or kilometers. If more than two points are selected, this dialog will display the total difference between the points.

Full Size Default Size Save Default Display Control Print Map Layers Lines of Bearing/Error Ellipse

Displays the full size map. Displays the view of the map that was last saved as the default size. Re-defines the default size of the map to the currently selected view. This buttons allows the user to choose the Region to display. Prints a copy of the Map in its current view. Allows the user to display multiple layers (cities, regions, etc.) of the selected map. These lines indicate where the emitter of the signal of interest lies in relation to the front of the mobile station. The error ellipse indicates the most likely area where the emitter of the signal of interest may be.


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NOTE: Double-clicking inside the Map causes the map to pop-up. This element when popped-up is detached from its parent screen and displayed in a separate window which can be repositioned and resized


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5.1 Tools Network Setup
The Network Setup screen allows the user to add or remove a Server from the selected station list. The user selects one of the available stations and clicks on the desired button. To add a Server the Netted Station List, the user selects one of the available stations and clicks on the desired button. This adds and connects or removes and disconnects the current Client to that Server. (Optional) This also allows the users to configure a "Training Session" by allowing the selection of a Training Server. The Training Servers receive and send simulated data to Scorpio Client that is selected on the Station List. There is access to multiple Training Servers by editing the associated TrainingServer= entry in the Scorpio.ini file. This will return multiple LOBs; however, the default is set to "3."

CAUTION: If you Add or Remove the training Server from the station lists, all other Servers will also be removed.

Figure 5-1 Scorpio Client Network Setup Station Selection

Table 5-1 Scorpio Client Network Setup Station Selection/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Station List Available Stations Netted Station List << Add or Add >> Description Name of Scorpio Server to be used for all non-netted requests. List of all available Servers. The list of selected Servers to be used for Netted DF. To add a Server to the station list, the user selects one of the available stations and clicks on the <Add> button. To add a Server the Netted Station List, the user selects one of the Available Stations and clicks on the <Add> button. This adds and connects the current Client to that Server.


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Table 5-1 Scorpio Client Network Setup Station Selection/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Remove>> or <<Remove Description To remove a Server from the station list, the user selects the desired station and clicks on <Remove>. To remove a Server from the Netted Station List, the user selects the desired station and clicks on the <Remove> button. This removes and disconnects the current Client from that Server. Connects the current Client to the previously selected Server. Disconnects the current Client from the previously selected Server. Connection status is color-coded: Green indicates that this client is connected to the displayed server. Red indicates that this client is not connected to the displayed server.

Connect Disconnect Color Code

NOTE: To identify a station on the map, double click on its name. The map display will center on that stations geographical location.


Tools Spectrum Occupancy (Optional)

The Spectrum Occupancy tool furnishes you with easy-to-understand reports of spectrum usage over time. Reporting periods range from several minutes to several weeks. Thanks to the systems multitasking capability, you may continue using the system to perform other tasks while it is collecting occupancy data. Spectrum occupancy gathers information on long-time usage of the frequency spectrum and helps you identify frequencies that are free from interference. It measures field strength in a frequency spectrum over a period of time you define. The occupancy results show frequency band usage. You can use the Spectrum Occupancy measurement to assist in tracking interference or improper spectrum usage. It will also aid you in making observations for use in frequency management such as spectrum planning and allocation and channel usage reports. To get an occupancy report you need to specify the following parameters:

One or more frequency bands to monitor The channel widths within each band The period of time over which to collect data Signal collection threshold level One or more graphs to portray the occupancy results


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Taken together, these parameters constitute an Occupancy Task. The system is capable of running and storing results for five Occupancy Tasks simultaneously. An occupancy task can store no more than 20,000* (or 100,000, see note below) data points. Attempting to store more will invoke an error message. This limit can be approached in two ways, depending on whether time-of-day is selected: N_channels 20,000* or, N_channels * N_tod 20,000* (time-of day IS selected) (time-of-day is NOT selected)

N _ channels =

StopFreqband StartFreqband BandWidthband band =1

where n = total number of bands in the task and

N _ tod =

Fixed _ Duration ( s ) Storage _ Interval ( s )

If your task is rejected for having too many data points, you must reduce the number of channels, shorten the measurement duration, and/or increase the storage interval. The graphical output choices are described in Table 5-2. Graphs can be viewed on Scorpio Client screen as well as printed to paper or saved to disk.

NOTE: Spectrum Occupancy tasks need to be suspended in order to hear any audio output.

NOTE: *If your system does not include any 8067A Spectrum Processors, a task can store up to 100,000 data points.


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Figure 5-2 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Screen


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Table 5-2 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Graphical Representations Description Use these checkboxes to request specific types of occupancy information. Each checkbox contributes to the data gathered by the task. When the task finishes, the information you requested is available in the Occupancy Results screen. Produces a graph of occupancy versus channel/frequency for each band you specify in the band list. Produces a graph of field strength versus channel/frequency for each band you specify in the band list. Produces graphs of occupancy versus time for individual channels within each band you specify in the band list. Produces a graph of message length versus channel/frequency for each band you specify in the band list.

Occupancy vs. Channel Num/Freq Field Strength vs. Channel Num/Freq Occupancy vs. Time of Day Msg Length vs. Channel Num/Freq Schedule Immediate

Use this input area to select the type of scheduling for this Task. If you select this radio button, the system will schedule your task to begin as soon as you click the <Run> button. This is the default selection. Select this radio button to be able to enter a specific date and time for the task to begin. The system will schedule the task when you click the <Run> button. The task will begin at the date and time you specified in the Date and Time fields.


Storage Interval

Use this input to specify the storage interval. Storage interval is the time between updates of the database. It defines the time-axis resolution of Occupancy versus Time of Day graphs, and defines how often task completion estimates are re-computed. The initial value is 15 seconds. Use this input to specify the message length minimum gap. The system considers any interruption in transmission of this value or greater to be the end of one message and the start of another. The initial value is 15 seconds. Allows the user to specify which antenna, from a list of available antennas, to be used for the Spectrum Occupancy measurements. This drop-list shows the different stations available. On initial display of the Spectrum Occupancy dialog, this control is used to display the station currently connected to. If this list is blank, there is no connection to any station. When in "off-line" mode, this drop-list is also used to view tasks and parameters of tasks that were scheduled from other stations. Scorpio Client will not switch the connection to another station when the selection is changed, therefore, requests to run tasks will be ignored or disallowed.

Msg. Length min gap

Antenna Station Name


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Table 5-2 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item All Single Channels Description Mark this checkbox to simplify the entry of single-frequency bands. When this box is checked the band list accepts start frequencies only. If your list includes stop frequencies and you mark this checkbox, the system will delete them with your permission. Use this input area to specify a signal threshold level for occupancy measurements. Only signals that exceed this threshold are considered when compiling occupancy statistics. Select this radio button to enter an absolute signal threshold level. This is the default selection. The initial value is 10 dBV/m. Select this radio button to enter a relative threshold, expressed as dB above noise level. The system dynamically adjusts the threshold, maintaining it above the noise level by the amount you specify.


Fixed (dBV/m) Noise Riding (dB)

Duration Fixed Confidence Based Conf Level (%) Accuracy (%)

Use this input area to set the length of time your occupancy task will run. Select this radio button to enter a fixed measurement duration. This is the default selection. The initial value is 5 minutes. If you select this radio button, your task will run as long as it takes to achieve the confidence level and accuracy you specify. The system estimates the completion time and posts it on the Occupancy Results screen. This estimate is updated at every storage interval. In general, higher confidence levels and tighter accuracy result in longer runs. Channels with low occupancy also increase the run time. The task finishes when 80% of the channels meet the confidence and accuracy requirements. For more information on sampling principles, please refer to paragraph of the ITU Spectrum Monitoring Handbook (1995).

Band List

Start Frequency (MHz) Stop Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth Force Narrowband (optional) Exclude Current Tasks

Band List is a table where you enter the frequency parameters of your occupancy task. It has columns for entry of start frequency, stop frequency, bandwidth, and exclude. Enter a start frequency here. Enter a stop frequency here. Select a channel bandwidth from the drop-down box. Available when connected to a server with dual bandwidth support. When selected, the smaller bandwidth is used. Mark this checkbox to indicate that the frequencies in this row are to be excluded from measurement.

This window lists the task ID number of all current tasks. Current tasks are those that you have scheduled and whose status appears on the Occupancy Results screen. You can re-load the parameters of any task simply by clicking the task ID number in this window. Click the <New> button to clear the band list and to reset all input parameters to their initial values.



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Table 5-2 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Run Description Click the <Run> button to schedule your task. The system assigns an ID number to the task and places it in the Current Tasks window. The same task ID number also appears in the Occupancy Result task table. Click this button to import a saved .sbl file. Click this button to export Spectrum Occupancy Band-list information to an .sbl file for later use.

Import (optional) Export (optional)

NOTE: Maximum data (displayed in red) is plotted on top of average (green) data. Average data may be obscured by max data in certain cases.


Tools Occupancy Results (Optional)

The Spectrum Occupancy Results dialog box provides the following information: Task ID The start and stop date and time of the measurement The last status of the Task Graph of a selected result


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Figure 5-3 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Results Screen

Table 5-3 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Results Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Station Name Description This drop-list shows the different stations available. On initial display of the Spectrum Occupancy Results dialog, this control is set to the station currently connected to, or left blank if there is no connection to any station. When in "off-line" mode, this drop-list can also be used to see the tasks on other stations. Scorpio Client program will not switch connection to another station when selection is changed, therefore any request to terminate, suspend, or resume tasks will not be allowed. Audio will only be heard when the currently displayed window is the Monitor Receiver, Pan Display, Pushbutton DF/Metrics or Homing DF. Pausing all tasks but keeping the Spectrum Occupancy Results window active will not enable Audio. Occupancy Tasks is a table that lists the current tasks and their status. Each row displays the following information: Task ID Number, Start Date and Time, Stop Date and Time, and Task Status (such as running, suspended, or completed). Click anywhere in a row to select the task. You may then get its results, pause it, terminate it, or delete it.

Occupancy Tasks


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Table 5-3 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Results Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Get Results Description Click the <Get Results> button to retrieve results for the highlighted task. The graphical representations you requested for the task will load into the Results window. This button will not be enabled until results are available. Scorpio Client will always try to retrieve the latest data available from Scorpio Server. If Scorpio Client is not connected to any Server, the button can still be clicked, however, it will only plot the last retrieved results that were stored in the local database. Click the <Pause> button to suspend the highlighted task. You may then get results for the task. Click this button again to resume. Click the <Terminate> button to end the highlighted task. As a precaution, the system asks for confirmation before terminating the task. You cannot restart a terminated task, but you can get any results it may have gathered. Click the <Delete> button to permanently remove the highlighted task from the table. As a precaution, the system asks for confirmation before deleting the task. A deleted task is permanently removed from the database. This includes its task ID number, its setup parameters, and any results it may have gathered. Select this radio button to define the graph horizontal axis in terms of channel. Channel numbering begins at one. The number of channels in a band is determined by the channel bandwidth and frequency range you enter in the Band List table in Spectrum Occupancy dialog. Select this radio button to define the graph horizontal axis in terms of frequency. The start and stop frequencies correspond to the range you enter in the Band List table in Spectrum Occupancy dialog. The type of graph you select for viewing appears in this window. Use the horizontal scroll bar to bring additional portions of the graph into view. Result graphs include: Results Field Strength vs. channel / Frequency line graph Message Length vs. Channel / Frequency line graph Occupancy vs. Channel / Frequency bar graph Time of Day vs. Occupancy line graph

Pause/Resume Terminate




Graph Title

This two-dimensional graphical control displays the currently selected graphical result from the results list box. The maximum number of data points displayed is one hundred points. The graph is equipped with a horizontal scroll bar beneath it in order to scroll when more data must be seen. Clicking the <Get Results> button loads a listing of your requested graphs into this window. Click on a graph in this list to select it for viewing.

Results List Box


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Table 5-3 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Results Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Band #: All Description Click the up/down arrows to choose a band for display. Band numbers correspond to the Band List table on the Spectrum Occupancy screen. The user can select to include information from all task bands in a report by selecting "All," or include only the selected Band by clearing "All."

Results (Cont.) Channel #: Click the up/down arrows to choose a channel for display. This control is active only for Occupancy versus Time graphs.

Reports Summary Task Info Single Band Plots Save

Use this input area to obtain printed reports of occupancy task results or to save them to disk. Mark this checkbox to request a report of all channels. Mark this checkbox to request a text report of the task parameters and task results. Mark this checkbox to request a graphical report. The report pertains to the single band you have chosen in the Band # box.

Click this button to save the Task Info and/or Single Band Plot report to disk. A standard dialogue box will appear so you can designate the destination folder.

NOTE: If a Mission Folder is selected, the file save dialog box will automatically point to the Mission Folder.
Preview Click this button to get an on-screen preview of how the printed report(s) will look. If you mark both Report checkboxes for previewing, you may select between the two under the preview screens Window menu. Click this button to print the Task Info and/or Single Band Plot to the default printer.


NOTE: The bar graph in the Scorpio Occupancy Results screen shows Avg and Max results. The Max result shows the largest (peak) occupancy measured in any single Storage Interval throughout the occupancy Duration period. For example, if the storage interval was set to 15 seconds and the Duration was set to 1 minute, then the Max result displays the highest occupancy measured in any one out of the four intervals taken during the one-minute long occupancy duration period. That is, the Max data selects the one interval with the highest occupancy of all intervals falling within the selected occupancy duration. The Avg result shows the average occupancy measured over all Intervals within the Duration period. For example, if the storage interval was set to 15 seconds and the Duration was set to 1 minute, then Avg computes and displays the overall occupancy of the four intervals averaged together.


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NOTE: Double-clicking inside the Results charts causes the chart to pop-up. This element when popped-up is detached from its parent screen and displayed in a separate window which can be repositioned and resized


Tools DF Scan (Optional)

The DF Scan screen supports scanning mode DF. This screen is available from the Tools Task for both the Fixed and Mobile stations. DF Scan gives the operator the ability to enter scan band(s). Channel lists are entered to include or exclude frequencies. The operator selects band or channel DF scanning but can not enter both at the same time.

Figure 5-4 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Screen

Table 5-4 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Noise Riding Description Use this input area to specify a signal threshold level the DF Scan measurements. Only signals that exceed this threshold are considered when compiling measurement statistics.


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Table 5-4 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Duration Storage Interval DF Resolution Station Name Description Use this input area to set the length of time your DF Scan will run. Use this input to specify the storage interval. Storage interval is the time between updates of the database. Use this field to select a resolution for the Scan data to be displayed in the DF Scan results screen. This drop-list shows the different stations available. On initial display of the DF Scan dialog, this control is used to display the station currently connected to. If this list is blank, there is no connection to any station. When in "off-line" mode, this drop-list is also used to view tasks and parameters of tasks that were scheduled from other stations. Scorpio Client will not switch the connection to another station when the selection is changed, therefore, requests to run tasks will be ignored or disallowed. These edit fields are used together with their respective spin buttons to specify a range of azimuth values of interest. Only azimuth data between these ranges will be displayed when data is retrieved. Start azimuth may not be greater than Stop Azimuth. Default values are 0 360 degrees. When selected, the measurement server is instructed to save measurement information (in .DF files) and audio information (in .WAV files). The server is locked to a single frequency defined by the Start Frequency of the tasks first Band. When a DF measurement is taken, the DF information is stored in the .DF file and audio is recorded into a .WAV file with the same name. Each subsequent DF measurement is appended to the .DF file and audio added to the .WAV file. When there is no DF measurement for an amount of time equal to the Hold Time, the current .DF and .WAV files are closed. After this point, when another DF measurement is taken a new pair of .DF and .WAV files are created. Use this input area to select the type of scheduling for this Task. If you select this radio button, the system will schedule your task to begin as soon as you click the <Run> button. This is the default selection. Select this radio button to be able to enter a specific date and time for the task to begin. The system will schedule the task when you click the <Run> button. The task will begin at the date and time you specified in the Date and Time fields.

Azimuth Range Start / Stop

Audio Record Hold Time (optional)

Schedule Immediate


All Single Channels

Mark this checkbox to simplify the entry of single-frequency bands. When this box is checked the band list accepts start frequencies only. If your list includes stop frequencies and you mark this checkbox, the system will delete them with your permission.


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Table 5-4 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Band List Description Band List is a table where you enter the frequency parameters of your DF Scan. It has columns for entry of start frequency, stop frequency, bandwidth, and exclude. Enter a start frequency here. Enter a stop frequency here. Select a channel bandwidth from the drop-down box. Polarization allows the user to perform the measurement(s) using the vertical or horizontal components of the antenna, if available. Available when connected to a server with dual bandwidth support. When selected, the smaller bandwidth is used. Available based on type of server connected and selected Bandwidth (if connected to model 8067B server). Reduce measurement Bin Size per channel for increased scanning speed. Mark this checkbox to indicate that the frequencies in this row are to be excluded from measurement. Call Sign of the frequency parameters for your DF Scan.

Start Freq (MHz) Stop Freq (MHz) Bandwidth Polarization (optional) Force Narrowband (optional) Short Duration (optional) Exclude Identity Current Tasks

Lists the task ID number of all current tasks. Current tasks are those that you have scheduled and whose status appears on the DF Scan Results screen. You can re-load the parameters of any task simply by clicking the task ID number in this window. Click the <New> button to clear the band list and to reset all input parameters to their initial values. Click the <Run> button to schedule your task. The system assigns an ID number to the task and places it in the Current Tasks window. The same task ID number also appears in the Occupancy Result task table. Click this button to import a saved .dbl file. Click this button to export DF Scan Band-list information to a .dbl file for later use.

New Run

Import (optional) Export (optional)


Tools DF Scan Results (Optional)

The DF Report Screen display is activated from the DF Scan Results Taskbar button.

Scan mode results are presented in tabular and graphic form and may be printed on the system printer or the operator may copy the image to a Microsoft Word document to include the graphic result in a printed report.


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Figure 5-5 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Results Screen

Table 5-5 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Results Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Station Name Description This drop-list shows the different stations available. On initial display of the DF Scan Results dialog, this control is set to the station currently connected to, or left blank if there is no connection to any station. When in "off-line" mode, this drop-list can also be used to see the tasks on other stations. Scorpio Client program will not switch connection to another station when selection is changed, therefore any request to terminate, suspend, or resume tasks will not be allowed. Audio will only be heard when the currently displayed window is the Monitor Receiver, Pan Display, Pushbutton DF/Metrics or Homing DF. Pausing all tasks but keeping the DF Scan Results window active will not enable Audio.

NOTE: If a task is suspended by clicking the <Pause> button, the estimated stop time for the task will not be updated and will remain the same. When the current system time reaches the tasks stop time, the task will not continue running no matter what state it is currently in. (E.g. if task is suspended when stop time is reached, the task will not continue when <Resume> button is clicked. Task status will be completed.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Table 5-5 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Results Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item DF Scan Tasks Description A scheduled or running task will initially be displayed with stop time and date being blank. This indicates that results are not yet available, and the Get Results button will remain disabled at these times. Status will be updated regularly every storage interval time specified for the task. If Station Name is switched to a non-connected station, any running, suspended, or scheduled task at the station will be displayed to have a status of Unknown. Get Results Click the <Get Results> button to retrieve results for the highlighted task. The graphical representations you requested for the task will loaded into the Results window. Button will not be enabled until results are available. Click the <Pause> button to suspend the highlighted task. You may then get results for the task. Click this button again to resume. When the status of a selected task is Suspended button will be labeled Resume. Pausing is useful for listening to audio when controlling the Monitor Receiver because background tasks, such as DF Scan, are interleaved with audio data, which creates intermittent audio data.


NOTE: When audio data is still intermittent after all background tasks are suspended, another workstation that has logged into the same server is running background tasks.
Terminate Click the <Terminate> button to end the highlighted task. As a precaution, the system asks for confirmation before terminating the task. You cannot re-start a terminated task, but you can get any results it may have gathered. Click the <Delete> button to permanently remove the highlighted task from the table. As a precaution, the system asks for confirmation before deleting the task. A deleted task is permanently removed from the database. This includes its task ID number, its setup parameters, and any results it may have gathered.



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Table 5-5 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Results Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Azimuth vs. Frequency Description This graph shows the results retrieved from the Measurement Server after the Get Results button is clicked on. Each data point is plotted using a color coded cross, and represents DF measurements at a certain Frequency (X-axis) coming from a certain Azimuth (Y-axis) The colors used in the color coding scheme are as follows: White Yellow Green Blue Black Indicates that this data point is among the data points that received the least number of DF Cuts. Indicates greater number of DF Cuts than the White cross. Indicates greater number of DF Cuts than the Yellow cross. Indicates greater number of DF Cuts than the Green cross. Indicates that this data point is among the data points that received the greatest number of DF Cuts.

The higher number of cuts, the better the probability that a signal is being transmitted at the associated LOB. Band #: All Click the up/down arrows to choose a band for display. Band numbers correspond to the Band List table on the DF Scan screen. The user can select to include information from all task bands in a report by selecting All, or include only the selected Band by clearing All.

Reports Summary Task Info Single Band Plots Save

Use this input area to obtain printed reports of DF Scan results. Mark this check box to request a text report of the DF Scan Results Summary. Mark this checkbox to request a text report of the task parameters and task results. Mark this checkbox to request a graphical report. The report pertains to the single band you have chosen in the Band # box.

Click this button to save the Task Info and/or Single Band Plot report to disk. A standard dialogue box will appear so you can designate the destination folder.

NOTE: If a Mission Folder is selected, the file save dialog box will automatically point to the Mission Folder.
Preview Click this button to get an on-screen preview of how the printed report(s) will look. If you mark both Report checkboxes for previewing, you may select between the two under the preview screens Window menu. Click this button to print the Task Info and/or Single Band Plot to the default printer.



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NOTE: Double-clicking inside the Results charts causes the chart to pop-up. This element when popped-up is detached from its parent screen and displayed in a separate window which can be repositioned and resized


Tools AVD (Optional)

The "Automatic Violation Detection" (AVD) tool determines whether a particular transmission is in violation allowed tolerances of assigned center frequency and bandwidth, as specified in the National Frequency Plan table. "AVD" measurements can be performed on a single-frequency or on a range of frequencies specified by the user.

Figure 5-6 Scorpio Client AVD Screen


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Table 5-6 Scorpio Client AVD Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item Noise Riding Description Use this input area to specify a signal threshold level above noise floor for the AVD measurements. Only signals that exceed this threshold are considered when compiling measurement statistics. Use this input area to set the length of time the AVD task will run. Use this input to specify the storage interval. Storage interval is the time between updates of the database. Allows the user to specify which antenna, from a list of available antennas, to be used for the AVD measurements. This drop-list shows the different AVD-capable stations available. On initial display of the AVD dialog, this control is used to display the station Scorpio Client is currently connected to. If this list is blank, there is no connection to any station. When in "off-line" mode, this drop-list is also used to view tasks and parameters of tasks that were previously scheduled on other stations. Scorpio Client will not switch the connection to another station when the selection is changed, therefore, requests to run tasks will be ignored or disallowed. Use this input area to select the type of scheduling for this Task. If you select this radio button, the system will schedule your task to begin as soon as you click the <Run> button. This is the default selection. Select this radio button to be able to enter a specific date and time for the task to begin. The system will schedule the task when you click the <Run> button. The task will begin at the date and time you specified in the Date and Time fields. Displays the date and time when the license information was imported last. This button imports license information from the external file into the local database. Click <Show Map> to display the area map with all the licensed sites.

Duration Storage Interval Antenna Station Name

Schedule Immediate


License Information Last Time Imported Import Show Map

NOTE: The licensed sites for the area are determined by the radius value, specified in the INI file, from the selected server site. The program displays all licensed sites in green squares and Scorpio Server in a red square.
Current Tasks Lists the task ID number of all current tasks. Current tasks are those that you have scheduled and whose status appears on the AVD Results screen. You can re-load the parameters of any task simply by clicking the task ID number in this window.


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Table 5-6 Scorpio Client AVD Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item New Run Description Click the <New> button to clear the band list and to reset all input parameters to their initial values. Click the <Run> button to schedule your task. The system assigns an ID number to the task and places it in the Current Tasks window. The same task ID number also appears in the AVD Result task table. Click this button to import a saved .abl file. Click this button to export AVD Band-list information to an .abl file for later use.

Import (optional) Export (optional)


Tools AVD Results (Optional)

The "AVD Results" Screen shows the results of the frequencies tested and specifies whether they are: Compliant, Non-Compliant, Not Found (signal not found) or Unlicensed. For non-compliant results, the user can determine whether frequency or bandwidth deviation (or both) is being violated.

Figure 5-7 Scorpio Client AVD Results Screen


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Table 5-7 Scorpio Client AVD Results Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item Station Name Description This drop-list shows the different stations available. On initial display of the AVD Results dialog, this control is set to the station Scorpio Client is currently connected to, or left blank if there is no connection to any station. When in "off-line" mode, this drop-list can also be used to view previous tasks on other stations. Scorpio Client program will not switch connection to another station when selection is changed, therefore any request to terminate, suspend, or resume tasks will not be allowed. Audio will only be heard when the currently displayed window is the Monitor Receiver, Pan Display, Pushbutton DF/Metrics or Homing DF. A scheduled or running task will initially be displayed with Date and Time fields under STOP showing blank. This indicates that results are not yet available, and the Get Results button will remain disabled at these times. Status will be updated according to storage interval time specified for the task. If Station Name is switched to a non-connected station, any running, suspended, or scheduled task at the station will be displayed to have a status of Unknown. Get Results Click the <Get Results> button to retrieve results for the highlighted task. The results you requested for the task will be loaded into the AVD Results window. <Get Results> button will not be enabled until results are available. Click the <Terminate> button to end the highlighted task. As a precaution, the system asks for confirmation before terminating the task. You can not re-start a terminated task, but you can get any results it may have gathered. Click the <Delete> button to permanently remove the highlighted task from the table. As a precaution, the system asks for confirmation before deleting the task. A deleted task is permanently removed from the database. This includes its task ID number, its setup parameters, and any results it may have gathered.

AVD Tasks



NOTE: The <Delete> button can only be used when the system is connected to a server.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Table 5-7 Scorpio Client AVD Results Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item Results Run Comparison Description

Click <Run Comparison> to do comparison of results. The user can view the results by clicking on the band number and clicking <Get Results>. The compared results will be shown in the Result column of the list.

NOTE: The <Run Comparison> button will remain disabled until the current tasks status becomes Completed. The user should make sure to click on <Get Results> after task is completed.
Export Load Click this button to export the comparison result to a disk file. This disk file can be used in another station to view the results. Click <Load> to import an AVD comparison result from a disk.

NOTE: When comparison results are displayed from an external file, AVD task list and station selection list boxes will be empty. NOTE: When displaying an imported file, the result screen will display Imported AVD Results instead of AVD Results.
Tolerances Dev (Freq Deviation) BW (Bandwidth) % Occp

Determines whether a frequency is in violation of Frequency Deviation if the value listed on the Dev Hz column exceeds this value. Determines whether a frequency is in violation of Bandwidth Deviation if the value listed on the BW kHz column exceeds this value. If set at a certain value, the AVD Results screen will display only those frequencies whose values are equal to or over the set % Occp (Occupancy) value. Use the spinner controls to increment or decrement the % Occupancy Specifies which band number AVD results to display. Use the spinner controls to move to the next or previous band number.

Band # Reports Save

Click <Save> to save the reports. A standard dialogue box will appear so you can designate the destination folder. Files are saved in RTF, TXT or HTML format.

NOTE: If a Mission Folder is selected, the file save dialog box will automatically point to the Mission Folder.

Click this button to get an on-screen preview of how the printed report(s) will look.


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Table 5-7 Scorpio Client AVD Results Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item Print Description

Click <Print> to print the results to the default printer.


Tools - Mission Folders (Optional)

"Mission Folders" provides a more organized way of storing mission results. The Mission Folders screen is activated by clicking on the <Mission Folders > Taskbar button. There are four screens that allow saving results to a mission folder: "Task Results," "DF Scan Results," "Spectrum Occupancy Results" and "AVD Results."

Figure 5-8 Scorpio Client Mission Folders Screen

Table 5-8 Scorpio Client Mission Folders Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Missions Tasking Orders Results Description Displays the existing mission folders. Displays task orders on a mission folder. Tasking Orders are saved in an orders.txt file of a mission in the Mission Folder. Displays all reports generated by a mission. This allows the operator file to easily see the size of a mission.


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Table 5-8 Scorpio Client Mission Folders Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item New Description The New button creates a new Mission Folder. Unless otherwise specified, the new mission will be saved under the default name <computer_name> <current_date>_<current_time>. To name the new folder, simply type in the new name when folder is selected. The Unselect button unselects the selected folder in the Missions box. This means that results, when saved, will not be saved into any Mission Folder.


NOTE: The Mission Folder, with its orders.txt file and any associated result file, must be copied onto a CD or floppy disk in order to import from or export to another computer. Similarly, the Mission Folder and its contents must be present when importing from or exporting to another computer through the network.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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6.1 Diagnostics BIST
The BIST/Status Screen is used for testing the components of a Scorpio Server. The BIST and Status screen allows the operator to perform BIST or obtain BIST status on various subsystems. The operator can conduct the test and obtain the current status of these subsystems for display. Once testing has been completed, the results are displayed in the BIST Status dialog box.

Figure 6-1 Scorpio Client BIST Status Dialog Box

The BIST screen differs from what is shown here when connected to a model 8067A/B Spectrum Processor.

Table 6-1 Scorpio Client BIST Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item BIST Status Request Status Issued time Received time Request BIST or Request Diagnostics Description Displays the Status of the Spectrum Processor. Displays current status of BIST/Diagnostics request. The time BIST/Diagnostics request was sent. The time BIST/Diagnostics results were received. Pressing this button sends the BIST/Diagnostics request.


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Table 6-1 Scorpio Client BIST Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Diagnostics Description Save BIST or Diagnostics results to a file. This is not available when connected to a model 8067 A/B Spectrum Processor. Allows the operator to run either the BIST or Diagnostics tests. This is not available when connected to a model 8067 A/B Spectrum Processor.


Server Workload (Optional)

The Server Workload screen allows the operator to observe the daily workload scheduled for the currently connected server, so that an operator can decide which server would be the best to use for pending tasks. The Server Workload screen shows the current workload for the day the operator selects. Tasks shown will be running, scheduled, or suspended. Completed tasks are not shown. After the operator selects the desired day for viewing, the <Request Workload> button is pressed. The operator can then view the tasks for that server. The tasks are initially sorted by their starting time, but can be subsequently sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the right mouse button on any column header. The operator can view where the request originated (the client that scheduled the task), what type of task has been scheduled, the state of the task, and the start and end times for the task, as shown in Figure 6-2. For those tasks initiated by the local client, the Client Name is always "Local," and the data is displayed in blue; otherwise the data is in black.

Figure 6-2 Server Workload Screen


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Table 6-2 Server Workload Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item Time of Response Server running in Priority Mode (Optional) Description Gives operator the time the server workload was requested. Shows operator status of Priority Mode. A server is in Priority Mode if (1) a DF scan task with Record Audio is currently running or (2) the Take Priority mode is selected on the Monitor Receiver screen. When the server is in Priority Mode, all other requests are suspended until the Priority request is complete. The clients that scheduled the task on that server, identified by: Client IP Client Name Type State Start End Request Workload for day Request Workload The IP Address The host name of the computer running the client The type of task (Metrics = Task Calendar, AVD, DF Scan, or Spectrum Occupancy). Shows the state of the request (scheduled, running or suspended). When the task will begin (if scheduled) or began (if running or suspended). When the task will finish. The date the operator wants to look at the servers schedule. Clicking on this button will show the operator the workload for the selected day.


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7.1 Troubleshooting Guide
Table 7-1 Scorpio Client Error Messages Symptom/Solution Symptom When trying to schedule a task in the Task Calendar, a message displays Operation must use an updateable query or Query not updateable. When starting Scorpio Client, a message displays Cannot delete data. When in Task Calendar, a message displays Syntax error or access violation. Task Calendar cannot schedule a task because the <Schedule> button is disabled. ScorpioClient.MDB is read-only; you must make it writeable (use Explorer or File Manager to remove read-only (R) attribute. Not connected to measurement service (Scorpio service) Selected date/time is in the past Exceeded 255 tasks in 1 day Exceeded 10 tasks in currently selected time slot BIST - <Request BIST> or <Request Diagnostics> button disabled. Rejected connect by client clientname Not connected to measurement service BIST or Diagnostics tests currently in progress This message indicates that another workstation is currently logged on to the same Server and is currently displaying Pan data (Monitor Receiver, Pan or Pushbutton DF window). Scorpio Server only provides one interactive socket to communicate with Clients. Therefore an interactive socket can only be provided to only one Client at a time. Any request for the interactive socket when it is unavailable will be rejected, and the error message will be displayed across the pan window area. The message will remain until the interactive socket is retrieved. Solution ScorpioClient.MDB is read-only; you must make it writeable (use Explorer or File Manager to remove read-only (R) attribute.

NOTE: Scorpio Client application will not automatically retry requesting for the interactive socket. It will be the users responsibility to keep requesting (by clicking Run button or clicking Dialogs icon at the taskbar)


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Table 7-1 Scorpio Client Error Messages Symptom/Solution Symptom No audio is recorded using the Audio Recorder in the Monitor Receiver screen. Recorded audio includes background noise. Solution Verify that the What u Hear or Digital Stereo Mix volume control is selected as the recording device. This is done in the Windows Volume Control Application. If the Digital Stereo Mix volume control is not shown as a recording device, modify the DigitalStereoMix key in the Windows registry from the value 00 to 01. Add the (binary) key if it does not exist. This issue is prevalent on DELL laptops with a SigmaTel Audio card. To modify the Windows registry, run the regedit or regedt32 command. The DigitalStereoMix key is found at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Cont rol\Class\4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC108002BE10318\0005\Settings\filter\rear. Once the value is set to 01, close the registry editor and reboot the machine. Then verify that the Digital Stereo Mix volume control is selected as the recording device.

Waterfall/Spectrogram Graph Updates very slowly. While in Waterfall/Spectrogram graph mode, the application does not respond to mouse clicks. After connecting to a Server while running Scorpio Client, the computers systems clock time changes to the wrong time. Decrease Request Time value in [Waterfall Display] section for ScorpioClient.ini file. Increase Request Time value in [Waterfall Display] section for ScorpioClient.ini file. Scorpio Servers computer is not set to GMT time. Go to Date/Time application in the Windows Control Panel on the Scorpio Server, and choose (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon time zone. Then clear the Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes checkbox.

Spectrum Occupancy When scheduling an occupancy task, the message The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again is displayed. The initialization file, ScorpioClient.ini, has read only properties. Find the initialization file (usually in the c:\winnt directory), and clear the read only property checkbox.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Table 7-1 Scorpio Client Error Messages Symptom/Solution Symptom When scheduling Occupancy Task, the message Occupancy Task has too many channels. Edit Bandlist to decrease channels is displayed. Solution The band/s in the list has exceeded the maximum number of channels allowed. Reduce the number of channels by several ways (each can be used as a solution in itself): Edit the band/s to have smaller ranges for start and stop frequencies. Change bandwidth to a larger value. Increase the storage interval time. Exclude bands.

NOTE: At least one band must be included.

Do not request Time of Day Results. Clear its checkbox in the Graphical Representations group. Decrease the fixed duration time. Start Up Windows restarts when starting Scorpio Client. There is no properly programmed dongle key plugged into the parallel or USB port. The dongle key is damaged (needs to be replaced). The parallel or USB port is not available.


BIST Processing Logic

The Scorpio Client contains self-test logic to determine the operational status of the system. This test logic performs tests on all of the system's server hardware components, attempts to discover any hardware fault, and provides maintenance personnel with enough information to determine the location of the fault. The test is initiated by performing a BIST operation at a Scorpio Client workstation that has a network connection to the Scorpio Server to be tested. To make full use of the BIST fault and status indications, the person that interprets these indicators should possess a basic understanding of the function of each hardware component and the signal paths (RF, IF or baseband, digital, and audio) throughout the system. The Scorpio Client contains various BIST signal sources throughout the system. Knowing where each of these signal sources is located in the system and how it is used during BIST will aid in interpreting the BIST results. The BIST processing logic is fully automatic without any human interaction to change hardware configuration or witness test results. Three different processors are used to determine the operating status of different parts of the total system. The CPU (Pentium processor) provides the status indicators for the global positioning system (GPS), fluxgate compass, and a portion of the DSP card. The node B DSP tests the node B DSP portion of the DSP card. The node A DSP performs some additional DSP tests pertaining to node A processing and tests all of the remaining hardware components. These hardware components are: A/D & NBT card, Clock/Ref card, A/D & I/O card, Audio Switch card, RF/IF MUX card, VHF receiver cards, HF DF


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receiver, HF metrics receiver, HF DF switch, VHF DF switch, UHF DF switch, HF antenna, VHF antenna, and UHF antenna. The sequence of the BIST processing logic is important when interpreting the BIST results. The BIST processing logic in the node A DSP does not stop when a fault has been determined -- it continues through all of the tests. This can result in multiple faults being reported that were all caused by a single failure. Knowing which fault was detected first in the BIST processing logic will isolate the hardware component (or possible components), which is faulty. The test sequence starts at the CPU and tests hardware components in the reverse order of the normal signal flow -- processors, digitizers, receivers, antenna switches, and antennas. The exact sequence of hardware components tested during the BIST processing logic depends on the type of server connected. The following are examples of what is tested.

Global Positioning System (GPS) Fluxgate Compass DSP Card Clock/Ref Card A/D & NBT Card Audio Switch Card A/D & I/O Card HF Chassis HF DF Receiver RF/IF MUX Card (IF portion) HF Metrics Receiver HF DF Switch HF Antenna VHF Receiver UHF DF Switch RF/IF MUX Card (RF portion) UHF Antenna VHF DF Switch VHF Antenna

When running BIST and an error is detected, an error message is displayed on the Scorpio Client display. Errors can occur for various reasons such as equipment failures, software errors, and others.


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Map Maintenance
The Client applications support Geographic 2D map data files in a latitude/longitude (units in degrees) coordinate system. The Datum used should be WGS84, and the projection is UTM. In order to Add/Remove/Modify map references, modify the MapInfo database table. Modify the ScorpioClient.mdb database (remember to hold down the <Shift> keyboard key while opening the ScorpioClient.mdb file). Add (or remove) map data files on the workstations hard disk. o For Shape files, this includes mapfile.shp, mapfile.dbf and mapfile.shx o For Bitmap files, this includes mapfile.bmp and mapfile.bpw o For TIFF files, this includes mapfile.tif and mapfile.tfw o For JPEG file, this includes mapfile.jpg and mapfile.jgw Note that the mapfile.??w file is a world transformation file that indicates where in the world the map image represents. Note: You must use Microsoft Access 2003 when modifying the ScorpioClient.mdb database. The MapInfo table is described below

Table A-1 MapInfo Database Table Field Name ID Region Region (Chinese) Region (French) Region (Spanish) Default Layer Layer (Chinese) Layer (French) Layer (Spanish) Description Automatically numbered when a new map reference (row) is added. Region name in English. This is displayed in the "Map Display" screen as the 'Region' dropdown list. Region name in Chinese. This is displayed in the "Map Display" screen as the 'Region' dropdown list. If omitted, use English from 'Region' field. Region name in French. This is displayed in the "Map Display" screen as the 'Region' dropdown list. If omitted, use English from 'Region' field. Region name in Spanish. This is displayed in the "Map Display" screen as the 'Region' dropdown list. If omitted, use English from 'Region' field. Select this for every map reference (row) of the region to be displayed by default Layer name in English. This is displayed in the "Layer" dialog. Layer name in Chinese. This is displayed in the "Layer" dialog. If omitted, use English from 'Layer' field. This field may not be present in the database. Layer name in French. This is displayed in the "Layer" dialog. If omitted, use English from 'Layer' field. This field may not be present in the database. Layer name in Spanish. This is displayed in the "Layer" dialog. If omitted,


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use English from 'Layer' field. This field may not be present in the database. Layer Description Layer File Path Description of the layer (not visible by the application) Fully qualified path to the map file, including map file name and extension. For shape files, refer to only the .shp file. For Bitmap, TIFF and JPEG files, refer to the .BMP, .TIF and .JPG file. "Map": For SHP, map lines and polygons such as rivers and roads. "SymbolMap": For SHP, map points such as cities and points of interest. "Label": For SHP, map text such as city and road names. "Image": For Bitmap, TIFF and JPEG map files. For SHP file "Label" types, this indicates the column name in the associated .DBF file that holds the map text Determines if the map (layer) will be displayed in the Map Display screen or not. This is changed by the operator by selecting/deselecting the 'visible' column in the "Layer Control" dialog For SHP files: The RED component of the RGB color for the map For SHP files: The GREEN component of the RGB color for the map For SHP files: The BLUE component of the RGB color for the map For each 'Region', this specifies the order in which the maps are displayed. The map with a 'Display Order' of 1 is drawn first, then 2, then 3, etc... Specifies the project


Associated Field DB Name Visible

Red Green Blue Display Order Proj

The format of the world transformation file (.tfw, .bpw and .jgw) are described below (only the first 6 lines are used) Scale(x) 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 Scale(y) Long(dec) Lat(dec) where: Long(dec) Lat(dec) Scale(x) Scale(y) W(pixels) H(pixels) W(km) H(km) = upper left corner longitude in decimal degrees = upper left corner latitude in decimal degrees = abs(W(km) / (111.1 * cos(Lat(dec))) / W(pixels)) = -(H(km) / 111.1 / H(pixels)) = width in pixels. Taken directly from BMP/TIF/JPG file properties = height in pixels. Taken directly from BMP/TIF/JPG file properties = width in kilometers = height in kilometers


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For example: 1deg26'28" N 103deg39'19"E 3447 pixels 3766 pixels 14.5 km 10.5 km = upper left corner latitude = upper left corner longitude = W(pixels). Taken directly from BMP/TIF file properties = H(pixels). Taken directly from BMP/TIF file properties = W(km) = H(km)

Long(dec) = upper left corner longitude in decimal degrees = 103.6553 Lat(dec) = upper left corner latitude in decimal degrees = 1.4411 Scale(x) = abs(W(km) / (111.1 * cos(Lat(dec))) / W(pixels)) = abs(14.5 / (111.1 * cos(1.4411)) / 3447) = abs(14.5 / (111.1 * 0.9996837) / 3447) = abs(14.5 / 111.06486 / 3447) = abs(0.00003787) = 0.00003787 Scale(y) = -(H(km) / 111.1 / H(pixels)) = -(10.5 / 111.1 / 3766) = -0.000025095 The resulting .tfw/.bfw/.jpw would be: 0.00003787 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 -0.000025095 103.6553 1.4411


0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Scorpio Software Users Guide

Scorpio Client Database Maintenance

The Scorpio Client application uses a Microsoft Access database (ScorpioClient.mdb) to store data retrieved from the Scorpio Servers. There is a size limit of 2GB imposed by Microsoft. The ScorpioClient.mdb file should be compacted and repaired occasionally. This can be done manually (as described below), or it can be scheduled to happen at regular intervals using the Windows Task Scheduler (please refer to the Windows Help for more information). Create a batch file (which is a text document with a .bat extension) with the command-line to compact and repair the database; run the .bat file as the scheduled task. The .bat file should look something like: path_to_msaccess.exe C:\Program files\TCIBR\Scorpio Client\Database\ScorpioClient.mdb/compact An example of the batch file is listed below (just make sure the path to the msaccess.exe is correct for the workstation). C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\msaccess C:\Program Files\TCIBR\Scorpio Client\Database\scorpioclient.mdb/compact


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L






Station 1


Station 6

Station 5 Station 2

Station 3

Station 4

Remote DFLS Subnet

Figure B-1 Remote DFLS Subnet

The Scorpio Router treats the RSMS as a client, accepting requests. These requests are in the form of messages. The following request messages are accepted by the Scorpio Router: "Connection Request," "Station List Request," "Station Connect Request," and "Bearing Request." The Scorpio Router shall send appropriate response messages (back) to the RSMS for the "Station List Request," "Station Connect Request," and the "Bearing Request." There is no response to the "Connection Request." A communications module is provided that allows the DFLS to be tasked from other systems. The router module shall reside on the CC Workstation computers. This router module shall use the TCP/IP protocol and shall provide a service socket interface to all external users. Once a connection is established, the external user may maintain this connection for as long as is required. The router service shall provide the interface service using TCP/IP port number 2732. The router service application shall wait for connections from external users. Once a connection is established, the user shall request a list of stations from the router. Only those stations to which the router application has been successfully connected will be available to the external users for bearing requests. External users can send a Station Connect Request to try to enable a connection between the Router and a DF station. The user will then have the ability to task the DF network as described below. The typical sequence of events is as follows: 1. Send "Connection Request" message.


0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Scorpio Software Users Guide

2. Send "Station List Request" message to determine if the desired station is currently connected to the Scorpio Router. 3. If the desired station(s) is not currently connected, send a "Station Connect Request" message for each station. The router will attempt to connect to the station(s) over WAN. When connecting a new station, the response message will be returned only after the station is successfully connected, or after it times out (approx. 3.5 minutes). When a station is connected, the Scorpio Router will maintain the WAN link until it is disconnected with the appropriate message. 4. When all desired stations are connected, send "Bearing Request" message to desired stations. 5. When finished requesting bearings, send a "Station Connect" message to the appropriate stations to disconnect them. The Scorpio Router does not queue DF requests. If a bearing measurement is in progress, a Busy message will be returned. The message structures utilize the data types listed in the table below. These data types are taken from the standard C++ language structures used to produce the message transport elements. The data types also take into account the fact that the Communications Router is hosted on Windows, A 32-bit operating system. This description does not take into account any big/little endian issues that may arise due to interplatform message passing. It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that the data passed to the Communication Router arrives with standard IBM PC representation of the data types.
Table B-1 Message Structure Data Types Data Type char short int int long float (standard IEEE format) Size in bytes 1 2 4 4 4

Message: Connection Request

Description: This message is used to obtain a connection to the DFLS System. This must be the first message received from a client after a TCP/IP connection is established; any other message is viewed by the router as an invalid connection request. There is no response to this message. If the connection request message succeeds, the TCP/IP connection remains open. If the process fails, the connection is dropped and the service closes Scorpio Client socket. Sender: Receiver: Message No.: RSMS DFLS 65293 decimal


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Format message 65293


Create connection

Table B-2 Connection Request Message Contents Field Type MSG_HEADER MSG_HEADER USER_DATA Pos 0 4 8 Field Name MessageType MessageLen UserName Data Type long long char[64] Description The message number: 65293 decimal The length of the message body in bytes: 128 User name as a character string. The string must include a NULL (character 0) terminator to be considered a valid string. Only valid user name characters are allowed in this field as specified by the Windows operating system. Currently not validated by the router. The user password as a character string in plain text. The string must include a NULL (character 0) terminator to be considered a valid string. Only valid password characters are allowed in this field as specified by the Windows operating system. Currently not validated by the router.





Message: Station List Request

Description: This message is used to obtain the station name, number and connection status for each defined station in the DFLS System. Sender: Receiver: Message No.: RSMS DFLS 65261 decimal


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Scorpio Software Users Guide

Table B-3 The Station List Request Message Field Type MSG_HEADER MSG_HEADER Pos 0 4 Field Name MessageType MessageLen Data Type long long Description The message number: 65261 decimal The length of the message body in bytes: 0

Message: Station List Response

Description: This message contains the station name, number and connection status for each defined station in the DFLS System. Sender: Receiver: Message No.:
Format message 65261

DFLS RSMS 56026 decimal


Compile list of stations


Format message 56026

Table B-4 The Station List Response Message Field Type MSG_HEADER MSG_HEADER STATION_DATA STATION_DATA STATION_DATA Pos 0 4 8 12 16 Field Name MessageType MessageLen NumberStations StationNumber StationName Data Type long long long long char[24] Description The message number: 56026 decimal The length of the message body in bytes: Variable The number of stations in the list The station number of the first station in the list The first station name in ASCII format. All unused bytes in the field contain the NULL character (ASCII 0). The current status of the first station 0 = UP any other value indicates the station is down.






Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Table B-4 The Station List Response Message Field Type STATION_DATA STATION_DATA Pos Var Var Field Name StationNumber StationName Data Type long char[24] Description The station number of the last station in the list The last station name in ASCII format. All unused bytes in the field contain the NULL character (ASCII 0). The current status of the last station 0 = UP any other value indicates the station is down.





Message: Station Connect Request

Description: This message is used to try to establish (or destroy) a connection between the Scorpio Router and a station in the DFLS System. Sender: Receiver: Message No.: RSMS DFLS 62612 decimal

Message: Station Connect Response

Description: This message contains the station connect/disconnect status of the previous Station Connect Request. Sender: Receiver: Message No.: DFLS RSMS 59690 decimal

Format message 62612


Attempt to connect / disconnect


Format message 59690


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Scorpio Software Users Guide

Table B-5 The Station Connect Request Message Field Type MSG_HEADER MSG_HEADER STATION_CONN ECT_REQUEST Pos. 0 4 8 Field Name MessageType MessageLen ConnectAction Data Type long long char Description The message number: 62612 decimal The length of the message body in bytes: 25 Indicate whether the Scorpio Router application should try to connect to a station (ConnectAction = 1), or disconnect (ConnectAction = 0) DFLS Station Name as a character string. This string must include a NULL (character 0) terminator to be considered a valid string. This string will indicate the station with which to be connected or disconnected.




Table B-6 The Station Connect Response Message Field Type MSG_HEADER MSG_HEADER

Pos. 0 4 8 9 10

Field Name MessageType MessageLen ConnectAction StationNumber StationName

Data Type long long char char char[24]

Description The message number: 59690 decimal The length of the message body in bytes: 26 ConnectAction echoed from the Station Connect Request The status of the Station Connect Request; 1 = success, 0 = unsuccess DFLS Station Name as a character string echoed from the Station Connect Request. This string will include a NULL (character 0) terminator to make it a valid string.

Message: Bearing Measurement Request

Description: This message is used to obtain bearing measurements from the DFLS System. The message contains the frequency and bandwidth of the target transmitter, a user defined task number, and a list of stations to be tasked. As each tasked station completes the measurement, a Bearing Measurement Response message is returned. Sender: Receiver: Message No.: RSMS DFLS 64206 decimal


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Table B-7 The Bearing Measurement Request Message Field Type MSG_HEADER MSG_HEADER BEARING_REQUEST BEARING_REQUEST BEARING_REQUEST BEARING_REQUEST BEARING_REQUEST Pos 0 4 8 12 20 24 28 Field Name MessageType MessageLen Frequency Bandwidth TaskNumber NumberStations StationNumber Data Type long long long long Unsigne d long Unsigne d long Unsigne d long Description The message number: 64206 decimal The length of the message body in bytes: Variable The desired measurement frequency in hertz The desired bandwidth of the measurement. The user defined task number. The number of stations in the station list The station number of the first measurement station to be included in the bearing measurement




Unsigne d long

The station number of the final measurement station to be included in the bearing measurement

Message: Bearing Measurement Response

Description: One message of this type is returned from each station in the task list. The task number provided in the bearing request message is echoed in this message. The message always contains the location of the station to accommodate mobile stations. Sender: Receiver: Message No.:
Format message 64206

DFLS RSMS 57005 decimal


Task DFLS station(s)




Format message 57005


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Scorpio Software Users Guide

Table B-8 The Bearing Measurement Response Message Field Type MSG_HEADER MSG_HEADER GPS_RESPONSE Pos 0 4 8 Field Name MessageType MessageLen GPSstatus Data Type Long Long Long Description The message number: 57005 decimal The length of the message body in bytes: 72 The GPS data status: 0 indicates a good status -1 indicates a GPS error condition Note: Additional error codes may be added as required. GPS_RESPONSE GPS_RESPONSE GPS_RESPONSE 12 16 20 Date Year Date Month Date Day Long Long Long The year of the measurement in full form i.e. 1998, 2001 etc. The month of the measurement. The range of this value is 1 12. The day on which the measurement was completed. The range of this value is 1 31. The hour at which the measurement was completed. The range of this value is 0 23. The minute at which the measurement was completed. The range of this value is 0 59. The Second at which the measurement was completed. The range of this value is 0 59. This value provides the latitude at which the bearing measurement was taken. The field is provided in fixed-point hundredths of degrees (+ North, - South). The range of this value is 9000 to 9000. This value provides the longitude at which the bearing measurement was taken. The field is provided in fixed-point hundredths of degrees (+ East, - West). The range of this value is 18000 to 18000.



Date Hour




Date Minute




Date Second











Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Table B-8 The Bearing Measurement Response Message Field Type BEARING_RESPONSE Pos 44 Field Name BearingStatus Data Type Long Description The bearing measurement status. 0 indicates a good status. If this field is not 0, all other fields in the message related to the bearing measurement may be ignored. -1 indicates a failure to obtain a bearing due to scheduling or hardware problems. -2 indicates that no stations are connected at the time of the bearing request -3 indicates that the router application is currently busy with another request (the external client should try again later) -4 indicates that one or more of the DF measurement request parameters are invalid. The parameters include DF frequency, DF Bandwidth, and the list of stations being tasked. An invalid list of stations is a list that includes the same station more than once, or a list that includes more than the maximum number of stations (currently 100). Note: Additional error codes may be added as required. BEARING_RESPONSE 48 fluxgateStatus Long The status of the flux gate compass. 0 indicates a good status. -1 indicates a failure to obtain a reading from the device due or hardware problems. Note: Additional error codes may be added as required. BEARING_RESPONSE 52 headingCorrection Unsigned long If the fluxgateStatus field is 0, this field contains the fixed point bearing correction factor in hundredths of degrees. The range of this value is 0 to 35999.


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Scorpio Software Users Guide

Table B-8 The Bearing Measurement Response Message Field Type BEARING_RESPONSE Pos 56 Field Name numSumCuts Data Type Unsigned long Description If the BearingStatus field is 0, this field contains the number of data points collected during the bearing measurement. This value may be used to determine the overall quality of the bearing measurement. A small number of samples may indicate a questionable result even when the bearing quality is high. This value also aids in the interpretation of the standard deviation field. If the BearingStatus field is 0, this field contains the fixed point measured bearing in hundredths of degrees. The range of this value is 0 to 35999. This bearing value is relative to the current direction of the station. To obtain an absolute bearing, add the headingCorrection value to this bearing value. If the BearingStatus field is 0, this field contains the bearing quality factor. The field has a range of 0 to 100. Zero indicates very poor measurement, 100 indicates a very good measurement. If the BearingStatus field is 0, this field contains the fixed-point standard deviation of the measured bearing data in hundredths of degrees. The range of this value is 0 to 35999. The station identification number. -1 if the station cannot be found -2 if there are no stations connected at the time of the bearing request -3 if the router application is currently busy with another request BEARING_RESPONSE 76 Task Number Unsigned long User defined task number




Unsigned long



Bearing Quality

Unsigned long




Unsigned long



Station Number

Unsigned long


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L


Figure C-1 Scorpio Admin Main Screen

Table C-1 Scorpio Admin Main Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions Menu Item Access Database Netted DF/Audio Configure Scorpio Clients Description This allows the workstation user to select the database to be used for storing Netted DF and Audio .wav files. Refer to Figure C-4 and Table C-4 for more information. The Configure Scorpio Client dialog boxes to setup which database will be used to store measurement information and priority hierarchy. To setup the stations capabilities for storing Homing DF Netted DF and Audio information as well as to set a priority ranking value to be used refer to Figure C-8 and Table C-8 for more information. This button displays stored database information for Netted DF Requests. Information includes the ID Number of the Tasker Station where the request originated as well as the number assigned to the request by the system. Information includes the Fix ID Number whether or not the FIX was validated and at what time the FIX was obtained. Refer to Figure C-2 and Table C-2 for a description of the dialog box and item or button descriptions. This button opens a query screen that allows the user to query the database and receive returned results based on that query. Figure C-2 through Figure C-10 and Table C-9 describes how to use this data retrieval feature. Exits the Scorpio Admin program.

Master Database Netted DF

Master Database Request/Response Exit


0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Scorpio Software Users Guide

Figure C-2 Admin Access Database for Netted DF Audio Screen

Table C-2 Scorpio Access Database for Netted DF Audio Field/Button Item Descriptions Menu Item Select Database Type Local Backup Regional Workstation Backup Description These radio buttons allow the user to select the database to connect to. Select the radio button for Local Backup Database for connection only to the local workstation. To choose from the list of Regional Databases, the user will select the Radio Button for Regional Database. For a full choice of Regional Database and additional workstations for those regions, the user selects the radio button for Workstation Backup Database. Select the desired Regions radio button for a display list of the Regional Databases to connect to. Select the desired Region radio button and then the desired Workstation. Once the user has made their selections, he must click the <Connect DB> button for his changes to be applied. After connection is established, the user may then select the appropriate button for query results. After connection to the desired database is established, the user may then select the <Netted DF> button to query the database for Netted DF results. After connection to the desired database is established, the user may then select the <Audio> button to query the database for Audio results. Closes this dialog box.

Regions Workstations Connect DB

Netted DF Audio Close


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Figure C-3 Scorpio Admin Query Netted DF Screen

Table C-3 Scorpio Admin Query Netted DF Field/Button Item Descriptions Menu Item Frequency (MHz) Time Of Request Target Latitude (deg) Target Longitude (deg) Call Sign Query Close Description Type in the range for the desired Frequency Type in the range for the desired time the request was submitted. Enter the Target Latitude in degrees. Enter the Target Longitude in degrees. Enter the desired Call Sign Once all or portions of the data to be queried has been entered, the user begins the search by pressing the <Query> button. Closes this dialog box.


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Scorpio Software Users Guide

Figure C-4 Scorpio Admin Netted DF Screen

Table C-4 Scorpio Admin Netted DF Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions Menu Item Netted Request Tasker ID Netted Request ID Time of Request Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (Hz) Confidence (%) Dwell (ms) Repeat Count Callsign Fix Info Fix ID Valid Fix Time of Fix Target Latitude () Target Longitude () Major Axis (m) Minor Axis (m) Orientation Callsign Map Close Description Displays the information stored with this Netted DF Request. Information includes the ID Number of the Tasker Station where the request originated as well as the number assigned to the request by the system.

Displays the information stored with the Netted Fix Results. Information includes the Fix ID Number, whether or not the FIX was validated and at what time the FIX was obtained.

This button opens the Map Display dialog box. This closes the Netted DF Information dialog box.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Table C-4 Scorpio Admin Netted DF Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions Menu Item Bearings Used List Description This scroll list displays all of the relative station information used for this Netted FIX. The time that the measurement was made, and the Latitude and Longitude of the Station where the measurement was made. Also displayed is the Azimuth received, the confidence that was assigned, and the range of the FIX. The Measurement Server Name and a Yes/No display of whether or not this measurement was included in the FIX.

Figure C-5 Scorpio Admin Map Display Screen


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Scorpio Software Users Guide

Figure C-6 Detailed view of Scorpio Admin Map Screen

Table C-5 Scorpio Admin Netted DF Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Cursor Position X, Y Deg Min Sec Decimal Degree Size Control Zoom Pan Zoom Out Full Size Default Size Save Default Region Selection Print Map Close Station Location blocks and Lines of Bearing Description Displays the Latitude and Longitude in degrees:minutes: seconds or Universal Transverse Mercator results of the last FIX obtained. Results are shown in degrees:minutes:seconds or in UTM coordinates. This button allows the user to define an area with the mouse button to zoom into for a closer look. Pan allows the user to use the mouse button to scroll to different areas on the map. Pans out so that more of the map is displayed. Displays the full size map. Displays the view of the map that was last saved as the default size. Re-defines the default size of the map to the currently selected view. The user may select the desired Regional map to be displayed. Prints a copy of the Map in its current view. Closes the Map Display The Station Location blocks are displayed in red. Lines of Bearing, indicates where the emitter of the signal of interest lies.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Figure C-7 Scorpio Client Database Query Audio Files Criteria Screen

Table C-6 Scorpio Client Query Audio Files Field/Button Item Descriptions Menu Item Frequency (MHz) Date Stored File Name Call Sign Server Name Query Close Description Type in the range for the desired Frequency Type in the range for the desired date the .wav file was saved. Type in the desired file name to be retrieved. Enter the desired Call Sign Enter the name of Scorpio Server that was tasked with the request. Once all or portions of the data to be queried has been entered, the user begins the search by pressing the Query button. Closes this dialog box.


0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Scorpio Software Users Guide

Figure C-8 Scorpio Admin Audio Files Database Information Screen

Table C-7 Scorpio Admin Audio Files Database Information Field/Button Item Descriptions Menu Item Frequency (MHz) Date Stored Callsign Server Name Backup Audio File Name Back Close Description Displays the Frequency that the Monitor Receiver was tuned to when the recording of the .wav file was made. Displays the date the .wav file was received Displays the Callsign that was assigned to the received signal. Displays the name of Scorpio Server that was tasked with the measurement of the signal recorded. Displays whether the .wav file has been previously backed up. Displays the name of the .wav file. Clicking this button takes the user back to the Query Audio Files screen. Closes this dialog box.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Figure C-9 Scorpio Admin Configure Client Screen

Table C-8 Scorpio Admin Configure Client Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions Menu Item Select Non-Local Backup Access Database Select Region Select Workstation Set Configuration Priority Homing DF Netted DF Audio Connect DB Description These radio buttons allow the user to setup which non-local database will be used to store measurement information. By selecting the Region and desired Workstation, the user is able to specify which Regional Station will store the backed up data for later retrieval. The Set Configuration section allows the user to setup the each of the workstations capabilities for Homing DF Netted DF and Audio information while allowing each user to assign a priority ranking value. Once the individual user selects which Region and/or which Workstation will be used for all non-local backups, the <Connect DB> must be pressed for changes to take affect. This closes the dialog box. This button applies any selections that have been made.

Close Apply


0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Scorpio Software Users Guide

Figure C-10 Scorpio Admin Query DF Request/DF Response Screen

Table C-9 Scorpio Admin Query DF Request/DF Response Field/Button Item Descriptions Menu Item Frequency (MHz) Time of Request Target Latitude (deg) Target Longitude (deg) Call Sign Workstation Name Query Close Description Type in the search range for the desired Frequency Type in the search range for the desired time the request was submitted. Enter the target search range for Latitude in degrees. Enter the target search range for Longitude in degrees. Enter the desired search Call Sign Enter the name of the Workstation that was tasked with the request. Once all or portions of the data to be queried has been entered, the user begins the search by pressing the <Query> button. Closes this dialog box.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

License File Format


The license file used to import license data into the TCI Scorpio applications possesses the following attributes:

The file is an ASCII text file with a .LIC file extension Each line in the file describes one license. Each line in the file ends with a carriage-return and a line-feed character pair (ASCII 0D 0A). There are 14 fields associated with each license, delimited by a semicolon ";" character. Each of these fields is described in Table D-1. Any field may contain a "null" (i.e., nil data), however those fields marked as "Yes" in the "AVD Reqd" column in Table 1 must contain valid and accurate data if Automatic Violation Detection (AVD) functionality is to be used. Semicolons must not be present within the license data.

The following line of text is a valid example of one license/line definition within a license file:

If, however, fields 4 and 7 were not used by your regulatory body, then in the above example the license line would appear as:

Table D-1 License File Fields

AVD Reqd ?

Field 1 2 3 4 5

Description Frequency ID License Number License Type Reference Number Assigned Frequency Deviation Assigned Frequency Preferred Band Assigned Bandwidth

Data Type Number Alpha-numeric text Alpha-numeric text Alpha-numeric text Number

Limits Integral 50 characters maximum 50 characters maximum 50 characters maximum Integral

Units Nil Nil Nil Nil Hz

Example 140 Bond-007 Fixed 123-Q 2200

No No No No

6 7 8

Number Number Number

Yes No Yes

Integral Integral Integral

Hz Nil Hz

102500000 1 200000


0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Scorpio Software Users Guide

Table D-1 License File Fields

AVD Reqd ? Yes No No Yes Yes No Integral 255 characters maximum 50 characters maximum Six decimal places maximum Six decimal places maximum 50 characters maximum

Field 9 10 11 12 13 14

Description Channel Number Organization Callsign Latitude of emitter Longitude of emitter Equipment Type

Data Type Number Alpha-numeric text Alpha-numeric text Number Number Alpha-numeric text


Units Nil Nil Nil Degrees Degrees Nil

Example 360 CONATEL KDONFM 36.7 -121.501421 RCS-7D

Creating a License File Using Microsoft Excel

These instructions were generated using Microsoft Excel 2000. The instructions may vary slightly if using a different version of Excel, however the same concepts are applicable. Warning: The following steps assume that commas are not used within the license data. The following describes how an operator can create a license file from an Excel (.XLS) spreadsheet file suitable for importing into Scorpio Client. 1. Populate spreadsheet with license data: Create an empty Excel .xls spreadsheet file and add the license data described in Table D-1 into each column.

If there is no data for a field, a "space" must be added in the column (press the <spacebar> key on the keyboard to insert a "space"). Every license must contain some value for columns 1 through 14. This value can be either actual license data (if available) or a "space." (If data or a space is absent for any fields, the subsequent steps will fail to have the correct number of delimiters inserted.) Be sure to enter the Latitude and Longitude data as decimal degrees. For example, 23.97083333 and 120.96250000. If you set Latitude as 23N5815, this can easily be converted to decimal notation by Excel. In different cells, extract the degrees part (23), the direction ("N"), the minutes part ("58") and the seconds part ("15") by using the LEFT( ) and RIGHT( ) worksheet functions.

Latitude conversion example: For example, assume that the latitude "12N5815" is in cell A1. Place each of the following in the cells B1 through F1: Cell B1: To extract the degrees part use =LEFT(A1, 2). This results in the extraction of the value "12." Cell C1: To extract the direction part use =LEFT(RIGHT(A1,5),1). This results in the extraction of the value "N."


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Cell D1: To extract the minutes part use =LEFT(RIGHT(A1,4),2). This results in the extraction of the value "58." Cell E1: To extract the seconds part use =RIGHT(A1,2). This results in the extraction of the value "15."

Cell F1: Add the following formula to convert to decimal degrees: =IF(T(C1)="N",(B1+(D1/60)+(E1/3600)), -(B1+(D1/60)+(E1/3600))). This results in the extraction of the value 23.9708333.
Longitude conversion example: For Longitude conversion, assume "120E5745" is in cell G1. Place each of the following in the cells H1 through L1: Cell H1: To extract the degrees part use =LEFT(G1, 3). This results in the extraction of the value "120." Cell I1: To extract the direction part use =LEFT(RIGHT(G1,5),1). This results in the extraction of the value "E." Cell J1: To extract the minutes part use =LEFT(RIGHT(G1,4),2). This results in the extraction of the value "57." Cell K1: To extract the seconds part use =RIGHT(G1,2). This results in the extraction of the value "45."

Cell L1: Add the following formula to convert to decimal degrees: =IF(T(W79)="E",(V79+(X79/60)+(Y79/3600)) ,-(V79+(X79/60)+(Y79/3600))). This results in the extraction of the value 120.96250000
The above steps will have succeeded in converting both latitude and longitude into decimal degrees. 2. Validate data: Verify that the Excel spreadsheet contains data (or a space) in every row for each of columns 1 through 14. 3. Save file as CSV: From the menu, select File, Save As. In the Save As Type dropdown list, select CSV (Comma Separated Variable) and press the <Save> button. A message requesting the following will then appear: file.csv may contain features that are not compatible with CSV (Comma delimited). Do you want to keep the workbook in this format? Press the <Yes> button. Close Excel, and if asked to Save changes to file.csv? Press the <No> button. 4. Edit the file using a text editor: Open the newly created file.csv file using a text editor such as WordPad, and replace all commas with semicolons, and replace all spaces with nulls: Replace all commas with semicolons: From the menu select "Edit, Replace".

In the "Find what" box, enter a comma ",". In the "Replace with" box, enter a semicolon ";". Press the <Replace All> button. Press <Ok> when the replacements are finished. Press the <Cancel> button to close the "Replace" dialog.


0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Scorpio Software Users Guide

Replace all spaces with nulls: For example, from the menu select "Edit, Replace". In the Find what: box enter a "space" (press the <spacebar> key on the keyboard). Ensure the Replace with: box is empty. Press the <Replace All> button. Press <Ok> when the replacements are finished. Press the <Cancel> button to close the "Replace" dialog.

5. Save file: When asked You are about to save the document in a Text-Only format, which will remove all formatting. Are you sure you want to do this? Press the <Yes> button. Close WordPad. 6. Rename file: Rename from file.csv to file.lic. 7. Import license file into Scorpio: The file.lic file can now be imported into Scorpio Client by pressing the <Import> button in the AVD screen


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L



Service Band File Format

The service band file used to import service band data into the TCI Scorpio applications possesses the following attributes:

The file is an ASCII text file with a .FRG file extension Each line in the file describes one service band. Each line in the file ends with a carriage-return and a line-feed character pair (ASCII 0D 0A). There are 9 fields associated with each service band, delimited by a semicolon ";" character. Each of these fields is described in Table E-1. Any field may contain a "null" (i.e., nil data), however those fields marked as "Yes" in the "AVD Reqd" column in Table 1 must contain valid and accurate data if Automatic Violation Detection (AVD) functionality is to be used. Semicolons must not be present within the service band data.

The following line of text is a valid example of one service band/line definition within a service band file:
1;FM;88.1;108.0;;;0.002;0.2;FM Broadcast Band

If, however, field 2 is not used, then in the above example the license line would appear as:
1;;88.1;108.0;;;0.002;0.2;FM Broadcast Band

Table E-1 Service Band File Fields

AVD Reqd ? No Integral

Field 1

Description Index Not used by Scorpio, should be used for file organizational purposes

Data Type Number


Units Nil 1


Modulation Not used by Scorpio, should be used for file organizational purposes

Alpha-numeric text


255 characters maximum



3 4

Start Frequency End Frequency

Number Number

Yes Yes

Floating Point Floating Point


88.1 108.0


0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Scorpio Software Users Guide

Table E-1 Service Band File Fields

AVD Reqd ? No ---

Field 5

Description Display Value Not used by Scorpio ---

Data Type


Units ---

Example (empty)

Unit Not used by Scorpio






Frequency Tolerance Used as the default frequency deviation tolerance for AVD comparison



Floating Point Minimum resolution is kHz. (That is, to 3 places after the decimal.)



Bandwidth Tolerance Used as the default bandwidth tolerance for AVD comparison



Floating Point Minimum resolution is kHz. (That is, to 3 places after the decimal.)



Description Displays in the Band List screen

Alpha-numeric text


255 characters maximum


FM Broadcast Band

Field 1 (Index) and Field 2 (Modulation) are not used by Scorpio and should be used for file organizational purposes only. Field 5 (Display Value) and Field 6 (Unit) are not used by Scorpio and should be null (that is, left empty).


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L



If your Scorpio Client uses Microsoft Access 2003 or 2007, follow these instructions to enable Scorpio Client Reporting. If using Microsoft Access 2003 After installing Scorpio Client and Microsoft Access 2003, do the following: 1. Start Microsoft Access 2003 2. Select the menu Tools, Macro, Security 3. Select Security Level 4. Select Low (not recommended) 5. If asked to Block unsafe expressions, answer No 6. Press <OK> and then close Microsoft Access 2003 If using Microsoft Access 2007 After installing Scorpio Client and Microsoft Access 2007, do the following: 1. Start Microsoft Access 2007 2. Right-click in the Quick-Access Toolbar 3. Select Customize Quick Access Toolbar 4. Select Trust Center 5. Press the <Trust Center Settings> button 6. Select Trusted Locations 7. Press the <Add new location> button 8. Enter (or Browse to) C:\Program Files\TCIBR\Scorpio Client\Database 9. Press <OK> three times and then close Microsoft Access 2007


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L


The following pages may contain information regarding the specific Scorpio System purchased. If no pages follow, then this manual contains all required information for the purchased Scorpio Client.


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