Communication On Progress (Cop) : The Ten Principles of The United Nations Global Compact

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The ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact

Principle 1 Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed
human rights; and
Principle 2 make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Principle 3 Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of
the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4 the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5 the effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6 the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Principle 7 Businesses are asked to support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
Principle 8 undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9 encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Principle 10 Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
Published by the United Nations Global Compact Office |
August 2009 | 5M
Creating, Sharing and Posting a COP
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact

The Practical Guide to the
United Nations
Global Compact
Creating, Sharing and Posting a COP
Human Rights
4 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
5 COP in Brief

6 How to Use this Guide

7 Part One: COP Essentials
8 What is a COP?
Step One: Creating your COP
Step Two: Sharing Your COP with Stakeholders
Step Three: Posting Your COP to the Global Compact Website
12 COP Deadlines and Participant Status
13 Notable COPs
14 Creating the Most Value with your COP
18 Beuels o Commuuiculiug Progress
19 Part Two: Practical Examples

20 Human Rights | Principle 1 Protection of Human Rights
22 Human Rights | Principle 2 Complicity in Human Rights Abuses
24 Labour | Principle 3 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargining
26 Labour | Principle 4 Forced and Compulsory Labour
28 Labour | Principle 5 Child Labour
30 Labour | Principle 6 Discrimination
32 Environment | Principle 7 Precautionary Approach
34 Environment | Principle 8 Environmental Responsibility
36 Environment | Principle 9 Environmentally Friendly Technologies
38 Anti-Corruption | Principle 10 Corruption
40 Partnerships for Development
42 Appendix: Additional Resources
COP in Brief
Communication on Progress (COP): See page 8
Comuuies lhul urliciule iu lhe UN GloLul Comucl ure required lo roduce uu uuuuul
Commuuiculiou ou Progress" (COP) lo lheir sluleholders which deluils rogress mude iu
imlemeuliug lhe leu GloLul Comucl riuciles uud, where uroriule, iu suorliug UN
goals through partnerships.
COP Elements: See page 9
While lhere is uo secic ormul or sluudurd or u COP, lhe commuuiculiou musl couluiu
lhree elemeuls:
- lxeculive slulemeul o couliuued suorl or lhe GloLul Comucl;
- Descriliou o ruclicul uclious luleu lo imlemeul lhe GloLul Comucl riuciles;
- Meusuremeul o curreul or execled oulcomes.
Sharing and Posting a COP: See page 12
Becuuse u COP is u commuuiculiou wilh u comuuy's sluleholders (e.g., cousumers, emloy-
ees, orguuized luLour, shureholders, mediu, goverumeul), il musl Le shured uLlicly, or
exumle us u riul versiou or ou lhe comuuy's weLsile. COPs musl ulso Le osled iu u limely
ushiou ou lhe GloLul Comucl weLsile.
Benefits of Communicating progress: See page 14
The COP rogrumme is Lused ou lhe coucels o uLlic uccouuluLilily, lruusureucy uud cou-
liuuous imrovemeul. COPs ure imorluul Lecuuse lhey:
- luhuuce lhe crediLilily uud vulue o u comuuy's urliciuliou iu lhe UN GloLul Comucl;
- Serve us u source o iuormuliou or sluleholders ou u comuuy's euviroumeulul, sociul
uud goveruuuce uclivilies uud erormuuce;
- Provide leuruiug, shuriug uud iusiruliou or UN GloLul Comucl urliciuuls;
- Drive iuleruul uud exleruul chuuge or comuuies; uud
- Prolecl lhe iulegrily uud uccouuluLilily o lhe UN GloLul Comucl iuiliulive.
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 5
6 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
How to Use this Guide
This guide contains iuormuliou ou lhe creuliou, shuriug uud osliug o u COP, us well us
ruclicul exumles o how comuuies ure commuuiculiug rogress. Also iucluded ure helul deui-
lious, lis ou where lo Legiu, uumerous exumles uud GRI iudiculors. The ollowiug symLols ure
used lhroughoul lhe uLliculiou:
Helpful Explanations: The GloLul Comucl riuciles ure Lused ou comlex coucels
uud issues. We huve iucluded shorl deuilious where uroriule. lor more deluiled exluuu-
lious o euch riucile leuse see:
Tips on Where to Begin: Trucliug uclious uud reorliug erormuuce ou lhe loics
covered Ly lhe GloLul Comucl riuciles is uew or comlex lerrilory or muuy comuuies. To
hel you ideuliy relevuul uclious uud meusures o oulcomes, we suggesl vurious luces wilhiu
your orguuizuliou lhul muy Le uroriule lo lool or iudiculious o rogress ou lhe riuciles.
Examples: We huve rovided vurious exumles o how comuuies commuuicule rogress. Ad-
diliouul iuuovulive urouches uud illuslrulive exumles cuu Le ouud iu lhe NoluLle COP secliou o
lhe GloLul Comucl weLsile: hll:|||COP|uoluLle_cos.hlml.
Relevant Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Indicators: The GloLul Comucl
Oce cousiders lhe iudiculors iu lhe GRI G3 Guideliues us uroriule or mouiloriug uud evuluul-
iug rogress ou imlemeuliug lhe leu riuciles, uud recommeuds lheir use Ly comuuies o ull
sizes uud seclors. The iudiculors lisled iu lhis uLliculiou or euch GloLul Comucl riucile ure
lhose lhul GRI uud lhe GloLul Comucl Oce Lelieve ure lhe mosl relevuul. However, u comuuy
ueed uol use ull lhe suggesled iudiculors, uor limil lheir choice lo lhose oered.
Additional Resources
The appendix lists numerous publica-
tions that address the various issues and
challenges associated with implement-
ing the United Nations Global Compact
Making the Connection, roduced iu urluershi wilh lhe GloLul Reorliug Iuiliulive (GRI),
iulroduces uud exlores wuys lo uddress GRI uud COP requiremeuls simulluueously. By liuliug
lhe GRI G3 Guideliues lo lhe leu riuciles o lhe GloLul Comucl, Muliug lhe Couuecliou ussisls
comuuies iu iulegruliug lhe COP uud olher susluiuuLilily reorliug vehicles.
Leading the Way rovides GloLul Comucl urliciuuls wilh iusiruliou uud ideus ou how lo
commuuicule rogress ou imlemeululiou o lhe leu riuciles. Il is lhe resull o uu ougoiug
diulogue Lelweeu lhe GloLul Comucl Oce uud urliciuliug comuuies. Iu urliculur, il re-
ecls exerieuces uud erseclives lhul rucliliouers uud users o COPs shured duriug u lwo-duy
worlsho held iu Murch 2uu6 iu Geuevu.

How does this guide relate to the other Global Com-
pact COP publications?
There ure lwo olher uLliculious lhul uddress lhe creuliou, shuriug uud osliug o u GloLul Com-
ucl commuuiculiou ou rogress. This uLliculiou is lhe mosl comreheusive overview o lhe COP
rocess, while lhe olher uLliculious cover more secic issues, such us liuliug lo GRI. Also, lhe UN
GloLul Comucl weLsile is u vuluuLle source or u-lo-dule iuormuliou uud exumles o COPs (www.
COP Essentials
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 7
8 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
What is a COP?
To joiu lhe GloLul Comucl, comuuies musl mule uu exlicil commilmeul lo iuleruulize
lhe iuiliulive's leu riuciles iu lhe ureus o humuu righls, luLour, euviroumeul uud uuli-cor-
ruliou iulo cororule olicies, oerulious uud cullure. Allhough u voluulury iuiliulive, lhe
GloLul Comucl execls lhul urliciuuls will lule uclious iu liue wilh lheir commilmeul
uud, lhereore, requires urliciuuls lo commuuicule uuuuully ou lheir cororule resousiLil-
ily eorls reerred lo us u Commuuiculiou ou Progress" (COP).
A COP is u commuuiculiou lo sluleholders (e.g., cousumers, emloyees, orguuized luLour,
shureholders, mediu, goverumeul) ou lhe rogress lhe comuuy hus mude iu imlemeuliug
lhe leu GloLul Comucl riuciles uud, where uroriule, suorliug UN gouls lhrough
A comuuy's rsl COP is due wilhiu one yeur o joiuiug lhe GloLul Comucl, uud every yeur
lhereuler. The COP olicy musl Le mel iu order or u comuuy lo remuiu uu uclive" ur-
liciuul iu lhe iuiliulive. Comuuies ure eucouruged lo iucororule lheir COPs iulo exisliug
reorliug mechuuisms, such us uu uuuuul uuuciul or susluiuuLilily reorl.
The COP olicy is Lused ou lhe coucels o uLlic uccouuluLilily, lruusureucy uud couliuu-
ous imrovemeul. Il serves muuy imorluul uroses, iucludiug: heliug lo eusure lhe cred-
iLilily o cororule eugugemeul iu lhe GloLul Comucl; rovidiug u reosilory o dulu ou cor-
orule resousiLilily ruclices lhul cuu Le used Ly comuuies uud sluleholders or uroses
o leuruiug uud uuulysis; uud rolecliug lhe iulegrily o lhe GloLul Comucl iuiliulive.
There ure lhree sles lo commuuiculiug rogress: creuliug, shuriug uud osliug u COP.
STEP ONE: Creating your COP
There ure couulless wuys lhul iuormuliou cuu Le gulhered uud reseuled lo show rogress ou
imlemeululiou o resousiLle cororule ruclices. While lhere is uo siugle COP slruclure, lhe
commuuiculiou musl iuclude lhree elemeuls: uu execulive slulemeul o couliuued suorl
o lhe GloLul Comucl; u descriliou o uclious uuderluleu; uud u meusuremeul o curreul or
execled oulcomes.
What is Sphere of Influence?
Companies are asked to embrace, support and enact the 10
principles within their sphere of inuence. Perhaps the term
is better described as spheres of inuence, and envisioned as a
series of concentric circles, where inuence diminishes as the
circles get bigger. The smallest circle includes a companys
core business activities in the workplace and marketplace. This
is where a company has the greatest control in affecting ESG
(environmental, social and governance) performance. The next
circle covers the supply chain. Control is weakened here, but
in some cases the inuence can be signicant. The third circle
includes a companys community interaction, social investment
and philanthropy activities. And the nal circle of inuence is a
companys engagement in public policy dialogue and advocacy
Core Business
Public Policy
& Advocacy
Decreasing inuence
ELEMENT 1: Statement of Continued Support
A statement of continued support for the Global Compact in the opening letter
or mcssagc jrom rhc Chicj Exccurivc 0jccr, Chairman or cquiva!cnr
The GloLul Comucl is u leudershi iuiliulive which requires lhe couliuuous suorl o lhe
ClO uud|or Bourd o Direclors. Thereore, u slulemeul o couliuued suorl Ly lhe highesl
execulive is u required elemeul iu euch COP.
The slulemeul should exlicilly slule couliuued suorl or lhe GloLul Comucl, goiug Leyoud
u simle meuliou lhul lhe reorl shows erormuuce uguiusl lhe GloLul Comucl riuciles.
lurlher, urlicululiug lhe Leuels o eugugemeul wilhiu lhe slulemeul o suorl is cousidered
good ruclice. Doiug so oers reiuorcemeul lo lhe Lusiuess cuse or imlemeuliug lhe GloLul
Comucl riuciles, uud hels oulliue or sluleholders why comuuies suorl lhe riuciles.
I lhe COP is woveu lhroughoul u susluiuuLilily or uuuuul reorl, u slulemeul o couliuued
suorl or lhe GloLul Comucl should Le iucluded iu lhe oeuiug leller rom u seuior execu-
live. I lhe COP is reured us u sel-couluiued, comreheusive documeul seurule rom u
susluiuuLilily or uuuuul reorl, lhe slulemeul o couliuued suorl rom lhe Chie lxeculive
Ocer, Chuirmuu or equivuleul cuu Le mude us uu iulroducliou lo lhe COP.
The ollowiug iuormuliou muy Le suiluLle lo iuclude iu lhe suorl slulemeul:
- Reusous uud|or Leuels or suorliug lhe GloLul Comucl;
- Previous yeur's mujor uclious uud oulcomes iu imlemeuliug lhe GloLul Comucl riu-
ciles uud|or uuderluliug urluershi rojecls; uud
- Meuliou o eugugemeul iu GloLul Comucl uclivilies, eveuls, locul uelworls.
The Coca Cola Bottling Company of Ghana As u comuuy we huve showu lhul we huve
lhe churucler lo Lucl our commilmeuls iu ull lhe ureus o eudeuvour lhul we huve Leeu commilled lo:
iu lhe murlelluce, euviroumeul, worlluce uud our commuuilies. We huve Ly exleusiou disluyed our
commilmeul lo lhe riuciles o lhe GloLul Comucl uud we Lelieve lhul eveu us we slrive or rogress,
our drive will Le iu lhe direcliou o reuchiug oul lo lhe eulilies uud eole we do Lusiuess wilh. We
execl lo louch lhem iu our owu smull wuy lo eusure lhul lhey ulso uLide Ly lhe riuciles o lhe GloLul
Comucl. Our Lelie lhul we cuuuol Le uu isluud ull Ly ourselves uud lhe seciul meuuiug we ulluch lo
lhe word gloLul", us iu GloLul Comucl, is whul slreuglheus our resolve. 2006 COP
Public Policy
& Advocacy
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 9
10 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
Element 2: Actions
A dcscriprion oj pracrica! acrions ji.c., commirmcnrs, sysrcms, acrivirics} rhc parricipanr
has rakcn during rhc prcvious ycar ro imp!cmcnr rhc C!ooa! Compacr princip!cs and
engage in partnerships
Comreheusive reorliug ou euch riucile cuu Le uchieved iu u uumLer o wuys, Lul muuy
comuuies ollow u commilmeul > syslem > uclivily urouch lo reorliug ou lheir uclious.
COMMITMENT A slulemeul o secic commilmeul, or exumle lo rolecl humuu righls.
These commilmeuls oleu origiuule rom lhe comuuy missiou or visiou slulemeul or u olicy, or reer-
euce uu iuduslry or iuleruuliouul sluudurd (e.g., Uuiversul Decluruliou o Humuu Righls). Imorluully,
lhese commilmeuls oleu iuclude u slulemeul lhul lhe commilmeul is uuiversully ursued regurdless o
locul luws. lluLoruliug u slulemeul o commilmeul or visiou is useul us il rovides lhe ouuduliou or
lhe syslems uud uclivilies, uud hels lhe COP reuder uudersluud how u comuuy views lhe riucile.
SYSTEMS Syslems hel eusure lhul commilmeuls Lecome uclious. A descriliou o lhe ro-
cesses uud|or muuugemeul syslems used lo uddress euch riucile is imorluul Lecuuse il hels
commuuicule how u comuuy is syslemulicully worliug lo iulegrule lhe leu riuciles iulo com-
uuy slrulegy, oerulious uud commuuiculious us url o u couliuuous imrovemeul jouruey.
ACTIVITIES A descriliou o ruclicul uclious luleu iu lhe usl yeur shows lhul u comuuy
is luliug sles lo live u lo ils commilmeul uud ucl Lused ou olices, rocesses uud muuuge-
meul syslems. This mighl iuclude: lruiuiug rogrummes; uLlic uwureuess cumuigus; uudiliug,
reviews or olher mouiloriug uclivilies; oeruliouul iuiliulives; or colluLorulive rogrummes.
lollowiug ure suggeslious or reorliug ou ruclicul uclious luleu lo imlemeul lhe leu riuciles
uud urluershis:
- liul commilmeuls uud uclious lo lhe Lusiuess relevuuce o GloLul Comucl riuciles (mu-
- Reecl ou lhe comuuy's shere o iuueuce such us suly chuiu, cuslomers, uud locul
commuuilies uud reorliug Louudury;
- Reecl lhe GloLul Comucl riuciles iu muuugemeul syslems, such us olicy uud slrulegy
documeuls, mouiloriug syslems uud duily rocesses;
- DescriLe uclious iu u wuy lhul ullows reuders lo leuru, uud ossiLly relicule ley elemeuls;
- Oulliue u ulure luu o ucliou uud|or riorilies; uud
- DescriLe urluershi rojecls iu suorl o Lroud UN gouls (e.g., lye o urluershi, Leuels
or urluers, oulcomes).
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International (Egypt) TAG org shull uol discrimiuule uguiusl uuy
emloyee or uuy reusou such us uge, ruce, geuder, sexuul orieululiou, murilul slulus, religious Lelie, uuliouul exlrucliou
or disability. TAG org is lo guuruulee ils emloyees u uir worliug euviroumeul uud rolecliou rom lhe loss o
lheir joLs. All emloyees wilhoul uuy discrimiuuliou whulsoever huve lhe righl lo equul uy or equul worl. All
cuudidules seeliug lo Le hired ure uow required lo uss lhrough u series o quuulilulive exums (mullile choice)
which eusures oLjeclivily, uiruess uud equul chuuces ure giveu lo ull iu our hiriug rocess. We urm uud ledge
lo uhold lhe uuiversul humuu righls o ull iudividuuls wilhoul limiluliou. 2006 COP
Li & Fung Limited (China) Iu 2uu6 lhe Veudor Comliuuce Divisiou evuluuled more
lhuu 6,uuu veudors iu 39 couulries urouud lhe world. SuLsequeul lo lhe comleliou o euch evulu-
uliou, uclories were issued uu evuluuliou reorl iu lhe orm o Correclive Acliou Pluus (CAP). lu-
cilily re-evuluulious were lheu re-scheduled Lused ou iuiliul evuluuliou oulcomes uud re-deued
cycles lo veriy issue recliculiou uud correclive ucliou imrovemeul. 2006 COP
Novartis (Switzerland) Novurlis is lhe rsl comuuy iu ils iuduslry lo sel u liviug wuge
or ils emloyees worldwide. 2006 COP
Starbucks (USA) To meusure how well we ure doiug ul uholdiug our commilmeuls lo sociul resousiLilily uud lo our guidiug riuciles,
SlurLucls hus ideulied ley erormuuce iudiculors us relevuul melrics or our Lusiuess. luch yeur we will reorl our erormuuce relulive lo
lhese melrics uud uuy uew melrics we muy udd. We slrive lo iuclude orwurd looliug lurgels or our erormuuce iudiculors. 2006 Sustainability
Report. (This exumle shows oulcomes or GloLul Comucl riucile 8 ou romoliug greuler euviroumeulul resousiLilily)

The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 11
ELEMENT 3: Outcomes
A mcasurcmcnr oj currcnr or cxpccrcd ourcomcs using, as much as possio!c, indicarors or
mcrrics, such as rhosc dcvc!opcd oy rhc C!ooa! Rcporring Iniriarivc
The lhird COP elemeul meusuremeul o curreul uud execled oulcomes emLodies lhe
GloLul Comucl's core hilosohy o couliuuous imrovemeul.
Couliuuous imrovemeul demuuds ussessmeul o where lhe comuuy is, how il hus ro-
gressed iu meeliug ils lurgels uud ideuliculiou o ulure lurgels. The syslemulic uliculiou
o erormuuce iudiculors is lhereore esseuliul. However, erormuuce dulu should Le
sulemeuled Ly u uurrulive descriliou o lhe imucl mude Lecuuse iudiculors uiul ouly
url o lhe iclure. The mosl well-develoed susluiuuLilily reorliug rumeworl is lhe GRI
G3 SusluiuuLilily Reorliug Guideliues. While lhe GRI G3 Guideliues do uol rereseul lhe
ouly wuy o reuriug u COP, lhey do oer gloLully-recoguized reorliug guiduuce uud ure
recommeuded Ly lhe GloLul Comucl.
lollowiug ure suggeslious or reorliug ou lhe meusuremeul o oulcomes iu u comuuy's
worl lo imlemeul lhe leu riuciles uud urluershis:
- Show erormuuce or severul yeurs, ullowiug reuders lo checl rogress;
- Preseul osilive uud uegulive usecls o lhe orguuizuliou's erormuuce lo euuLle uu
iuormed ussessmeul o overull erormuuce;
- Seciy lurgels or ulure yeur(s);
- Mule lhe Lusiuess cuse or uclivilies reluled lo lhe leu riuciles Ly liuliug uclious uud
oulcomes lo uuuciul dulu or olher erormuuce dulu; uud
- liul erormuuce lo lhe leu riuciles, eveu i lhe emhusis is luced ouly ou lhe
imlemeululiou o secic riuciles.
Starbucks (USA) To meusure how well we ure doiug ul uholdiug our commilmeuls lo sociul resousiLilily uud lo our guidiug riuciles,
SlurLucls hus ideulied ley erormuuce iudiculors us relevuul melrics or our Lusiuess. luch yeur we will reorl our erormuuce relulive lo
lhese melrics uud uuy uew melrics we muy udd. We slrive lo iuclude orwurd looliug lurgels or our erormuuce iudiculors. 2006 Sustainability
Report. (This exumle shows oulcomes or GloLul Comucl riucile 8 ou romoliug greuler euviroumeulul resousiLilily)

12 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
STEP TWO: Sharing Your COP with Stakeholders
A COP is uol u commuuiculiou wilh lhe Uuiled Nulious GloLul Comucl Oce, uor u GloLul
Comucl locul Nelworl. Rulher, il is u commuuiculiou rom u comuuy lo ils sluleholders ou
rogress mude imlemeuliug lhe leu GloLul Comucl riuciles. Wheu ossiLle, u COP should
Le iulegruled iulo u comuuy's exisliug commuuiculiou wilh sluleholders, such us uu uuuuul
uuuciul, CSR or susluiuuLilily reorl. A sluud-uloue COP should Le creuled ouly i u comuuy
hus uo olher vehicle lo reorl ou cororule cilizeushi issues.
]usl us imorluul us lhe medium choseu lo commuuicule rogress is lhe melhod o dislriLul-
iug u COP lo sluleholders. Comuuies should use lhe esluLlished melhods or sluleholder
commuuiculiou, urliculurly us il relules lo susluiuuLilily iuormuliou (e.g., weLsiles, direcl
muiliugs, emloyee ulerls, oeu houses). Posliug u COP lo lhe GloLul Comucl weLsile is uol
cousidered u sucieul eorl lo shure lhe iuormuliou wilh comuuy sluleholders.
STEP THREE: Posting Your COP
to the Global Compact Website
Comuuies ure execled lo osl uu eleclrouic versiou (uud weL liul i uvuiluLle) o lheir COP ou lhe
GloLul Comucl weLsile. Addiliouuly, lhey ure usled lo descriLe how lhe COP is Leiug mude uvuil-
uLle lo sluleholders. This should Le doue us soou us ossiLle uler lhe roducliou o lhe COP.
Deluiled iuslruclious or osliug u COP ure uvuiluLle ul:
COP Deadlines and
Participant Status
Busiuess urliciuuls ure required lo osl u COP ou lhe GloLul Comucl weLsile wilhiu one
yeur o lhe dule o joiuiug lhe UN GloLul Comucl, uud every yeur lhereuler.
Should u comuuy uil lo meel lhe iuiliul COP osliug deudliue or u suLsequeul uuuuul deud-
liue, il will Le murled us uou-commuuiculiug". Companies with a non-communicating status
must submit a new COP to the Global Compact website in order to regain active status.
In case a company is listed as non-communicating during one year, it will be removed from
lhe GloLul Comucl weLsile eulirely (or delisted).
Comuuies that have been removed from the Global Compact after being delisted must send a
formal letter to the United Nations Secretary-General re-committing to the initiative and submit a
current COP in order to rejoin the Global Compact.
Stakeholder Engagement
Effective implementation of
the Global Compact principles
depends to a large degree on
stakeholder engagement. This
is particularly relevant when
developing or rening a companys
sustainability vision, policies and
strategies; understanding and
improving a companys impact
on society; and reporting. For
example, the companys leadership
may decide to seek stakeholder in-
put while developing new policies.
Stakeholder engagement can also
be important in understanding the
actual and potential impacts on
society, both positive and negative,
of a companys operations. Stake-
holders can also be instrumental
in helping a company determine
which issues are most material
and therefore should be a priority
in a companys implementation
efforts. Finally, an increasing
number of companies are involving
many of their stakeholders in the
reporting process and in helping
to assess company performance
more generally.
Notable COPs
The GloLul Comucl Oce iulroduced lhe NoluLle COP rogrumme iu 2uu4 lo highlighl uud
recoguize oulsluudiug Commuuiculious ou Progress. COPs eulured iu lhe NoluLle COP ro-
grumme ure selecled Lecuuse o lheir udhereuce lo lhe COP olicy uud Lecuuse lhey rereseul
illuslrulive uud iusiruliouul exumles o commuuiculiug rogress. Showcusiug oulsluudiug
COPs wilh resecl lo lhe quulily uud comreheusiveuess o lhe iuormuliou lhey rovide
is roviug lo Le u slroug iuceulive or comuuies, urliculurly us eorls iucreuse lo liul
COPs wilh muiuslreum uuuciul murlel uuulysis.
Iu order lo Le cousidered uoluLle, u COP musl meel ull lhe Lusic requiremeuls us secied iu
lhe COP olicy. Iu uddiliou, u NoluLle COP musl Le cousidered uu exceliouul exumle iu lwo
or more o lhe culegories Lelow:
1. Strong statement of continued support for the Global Compact
Statement is signed by CEO, Chairperson or equivalent
Statement is part of COP, not a stand-alone document
- kcascns and/cr ocncrs jcr snppcrrin rnc iniriarivc arc ivcn
Statement is linked to major actions or outcomes in implementing the principles
2. Clear and detailed description of practical actions taken in implementing the Global Compact
principles and/or in undertaking partnership projects in support of broader UN goals
Materiality of issues is described
- lrin.ipics arc rcc.rcd in nanacncnr sysrcns and daiiy prc.csscs
Actions are fully described in a way that allows readers to learn from them
A future plan of action (for the following year) has been outlined
3. Measurement of outcomes that allows for checking progress
- lcrjcrnan.c indi.arcrs arc .icariy dcncd cr a jnii scr cj srandard indi.arcrs is nscd (c.., tkl
Performance is shown for several years, allowing progress to be assessed
- 1arcrs jcr rnc jciicwin ycar(s arc spc.icd
Performance relates to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact
4. Reporting process ensures reliability, clarity and timeliness of information and
includes stakeholder dialogue
Deluiled iuormuliou ou lhe NoluLle COP rogrumme uud lhe crileriu used lo ideuliy NoluLle
COPs cuu Le ouud ul: hll:|||COP|uoluLle_cos.hlml
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 13
14 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
Creating the Most Value with
your COP
Bused ou lhe iuul uud exerieuces o urliciuuls uud olher ley sluleholders, lhe
GloLul Comucl hus ideulied ruclicul wuys lhul comuuies cuu muximize lhe vulue o
lhe COP rocess, or exumle Ly imroviug lhe quulily o COP couleul uud luliug sles
lo euhuuce lhe crediLilily o lhe reorl. lollowiug ure lis or creuliug lhe mosl vulue
lhrough u comuuy's COP:
Process Effectiveness
Look for Connections
Review lhe leu riuciles closely iu order lo uudersluud lhe couueclious lhul exisl Lelweeu
lhe riuciles uud lhe comuuy's visiou, slrulegy, olices, uclivilies, uud meusuremeul uud
reorliug syslems ulreudy iu luce or curreul iuleruul, goverumeul, iuveslor or iuduslry
ussociuliou reorliug (e.g., your comuuy's uuuuul reorl). To uvoid duliculiou o eorl uud
lo miuimize reorliug uligue, comuuies ure eucouruged lo iulegrule lheir COP iulo olher
disclosures, such us uuuuul or susluiuuLilily reorls.
Content Quality
Be Complete
There is uo execluliou lhul ull leu riuciles will Le covered iu iuiliul COPs, uor ull leu riu-
ciles uddressed lo lhe sume exleul. Addiliouully, smull comuuies ure oleu uol uLle lo rovide
us much delh uud Lreudlh iu lheir COPs us mulliuuliouul comuuies. However, lhe iuormuliou
couluiued wilhiu u COP should Le comlele uud uccurule euough lo ussess uud uudersluud lhe
orguuizuliou's erormuuce iu relulioushi lo lhe leu riuciles uud reluled issues.
Provide Context
A COP should ul u comuuy's uclious uud iudiculors iulo coulexl so lhul reuders cuu mule
iuormed judgmeuls ou lhe comuuy's rogress iu imlemeuliug lhe GloLul Comucl riuciles.
Ensure Relevance
COPs should couluiu ull iuormuliou uecessury or u sluleholder lo judge lhe susluiuuLilily er-
ormuuce o lhe comuuy, us well us how lhe comuuy hus delermiued ils riorilies iu regurd lo
lhe riuciles. Au eeclive wuy lo delermiue relevuuce is lhrough u sluleholder diulogue rocess
(e.g., AA1uuu), or lhe muleriulily" rocess descriLed iu lhe GRI G3 Guideliues.
Dene Boundares
Some comuuies secicully deue lhe Louuduries o lheir resousiLilily. This cuu Le useul
iu muuugiug sluleholder execlulious uud osleriug diulogue uLoul lhe Louuduries, ese-
ciully regurdiug suLsidiuries uud suly chuius. lor exumle, comuuies oeruliug iu devel-
oed uulious should uol simly reereuce lheir comliuuce wilh locul luws goveruiug issues
reluled lo lhe GloLul Comucl riuciles (e.g., humuu righls). They should ulso demouslrule
how lhe comuuy is uholdiug lhese righls uud|or muliug sure lhey ure uol violuled.
What is Materiality?
A company is faced with a wide
range of topics on which it could
report. Relevant topics and indica-
tors are those that may reason-
ably be considered important
for reecting the organizations
economic, environmental, and
social impacts, or inuencing the
decisions of stakeholders, and,
therefore, potentially merit inclu-
sion in the report. Materiality is
the threshold at which an issue or
indicator becomes sufciently im-
portant that it should be reported.
Make Your COP Accessible
luuguuge: A COP should Le creuled iu lhe luuguuge(s) mosl uroriule or lhe
comuuy's sluleholders.
Slruclure: A COP ueeds lo Le slruclured iu u wuy lhul cleurly commuuicules lhe
comuuy's rogress iu imlemeuliug lhe leu riuciles. Some comuuies uchieve lhis
lhrough uu iudex or luLle o couleuls lhul direcls lhe reuder lo lhe uge, olicy, weL-
sile or olher source where lhey cuu ud iuormuliou relevuul lo lhe leu riuciles.
Olher comuuies ud il eeclive lo slruclure lhe COP urouud lhe lhe riuciles.
Show Progress
Reorled iuormuliou should Le reseuled iu u muuuer lhul euuLles reuders lo uuulyse
chuuges iu uu orguuizuliou's erormuuce over lime uud ollow-u ou commilmeuls, gouls
uud lurgels u comuuy hus mude iu eurlier COPs.
Use Indicators
Use erormuuce iudiculors uroriule or your comuuy's size, seclor uud uuique oeruliug
euviroumeul, uud ulso ullow or Leuchmurliug uud comuruLilily.
Credibility of Communication
Present a Balanced View
COPs should reecl uud exluiu osilive uud uegulive usecls o lhe orguuizuliou's eror-
muuce lo euuLle u reusoued, iuormed ussessmeul o overull erormuuce.
Be Specc
As comuuies imrove lheir imlemeululiou o lhe riuciles uud reluled commuuiculious,
il is imorluul lhul lhe COP iucludes secic descrilious (e.g., we lruiued 5u suliers ou
how lo imrove lheir sill resouse erormuuce") rulher lhuu geueric slulemeuls (e.g., we
huve u lruiuiug rogrumme or suliers").
Provide Assurance
Comuuies should develo syslems uud evuluuliou rogrummes lo ussure lhul lhe iuormu-
liou lhey ure recordiug, collecliug, uuulysiug uud disclosiug is uccurule uud reliuLle. Imor-
luully, lhis ueed uol Le u highly comlex uud exeusive rocess, Lul could Le us simle us u
locul GloLul Comucl uelworl eer review rogrumme.

What is Assurance?
In the context of sustainability
reporting, assurance refers to ac-
tivities designed to assess a report
and the information it contains. An
assurance process often results in a
published statement describing the
scope of the review, the methodol-
ogy used, the independence of the
assurance body and any conclu-
sions and recommendations about
the fair and reasonable presenta-
tion of information in the report.
An external assurance can be con-
ducted by professional assurance
bodies or stakeholder panels.
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 15

Where Do I Start in Implementing the Global
Compact Principles?
Comuuies lhul huve sigued ou lo lhe GloLul Comucl commil lo worl lowurds imlemeu-
luliou o lhe leu riuciles iulo lheir slrulegies uud oerulious. However, smull uud lurge
comuuies ulile ure somelimes uucerluiu uLoul lhe righl urouch. While lhere is uo siugle
correcl" wuy o imlemeuliug lhe riuciles wilhiu u comuuy's muuugemeul urouch,
lhere ure uumerous muuugemeul models lhul cuu ussisl iu lhe rocess. Comuuies muy druw
iusiruliou rom lhe GloLul Comucl Perormuuce Model, which guides uu orguuizuliou rom
lhe leudershi visiou lo lhe meusuremeul uud reorliug o oulcomes.
Key success uclors iu imlemeuliug lhe GloLul Comucl riuciles iuclude:
- lreuliug lhe riuciles uol us uu udd-ou, Lul us uu iulegrul url o Lusiuess slrulegy uud
- cleur reluled commilmeuls rom comuuy leudershi;
- commuuiculiug lhe commilmeul lhroughoul lhe orguuizuliou lo seuior muuugemeul
uud emloyees lo eusure Lroud suorl or lhe riuciles;
- u Lusiuess euviroumeul uvouruLle lo uew ideus uud Lusiuess iuuovuliou;
- meusuruLle lurgels uud u lruusureul syslem o commuuiculiug rogress;
- williuguess uud uLilily lo leuru uud udul;
- u dediculiou lo ruclicul uclious; uud
- williuguess lo euguge uud diulogue wilh lhe comuuy's sluleholders.
The Perormuuce Model is comosed o leu ele-
meuls o Lusiuess ruclice, euch rereseuled Ly
u seurule segmeul o lhe diugrum lo lhe lel. Il
is u comuuy-driveu rocess o couliuuous im-
rovemeul lhul Legius wilh lhe orguuizuliou's
visiou uud roceeds lhrough euch elemeul
rereseuled iu lhe diugrum:
Vision Iulegruliug u commilmeul lo resou-
siLle cororule cilizeushi iu lhe comuuy's
visiou. Iu uddiliou lo looliug ul lhe leu GloLul
Comucl riuciles, lhis muy iuclude eorls
such us diuloguiug wilh sluleholders uLoul lheir
execlulious o lhe comuuy, reviewiug mujor
ecouomic, sociul uud euviroumeulul lreuds,
uudersluudiug oleuliul risls, uud uuderluliug
scenario planning.
Leadership Driving the vision throughout the
comuuy. A leudershi commilmeul lo im-
roved sociul uud euviroumeulul erormuuce is
cruciul iu eecliug lusliug chuuge. However, lo huve muximum eecl, lhis messuge musl Le
widely commuuiculed lhroughoul lhe orguuizuliou uud Leyoud. Comuuies should urlher
lreul cororule cilizeushi us u cororule goveruuuce issue uud esluLlish Lourd level oversighl
or lhe comuuy's eorls lo imlemeul lhe riuciles.
Empowerment Orguuiziug, iuormiug, showiug, molivuliug, lruiuiug, rewurdiug, lisleuiug lo,
cousulliug, uud lrusliug slu so lhul lhey cuu luy lheir role iu heliug lheir orguuizuliou uchieve
ils visiou. lmowermeul cuu hurmouise uu iudividuul's vulues wilh cororule oLjeclives.
16 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
Impact on
Impact on
on Society

Policies and Strategies Reviewiug lhe comuuy's exisliug olicies uud slrulegies uud uliguiug
lhem wilh lhe GloLul Comucl riuciles (or develoiug uew olicies cousisleul wilh lhe riu-
ciles). Some comuuies huve overurchiug cororule cilizeushi olicies. Olhers huve secic
olicies uud muuugemeul guiduuce muleriuls ou loics such us lhe euviroumeul, humuu righls
and anti-corruption.
Resources Muuugiug lhe meuus lo imlemeul lhe comuuy's olicies uud slrulegies uud
equiiug emloyees wilh whul lhey ueed lo uchieve lheir lurgels wilhoul comromisiug lhe
comuuy's commilmeul lo lhe GloLul Comucl riuciles. Il iucludes eusuriug lhul uuuciul,
humuu, iuormuliouul uud olher resources ure dislriLuled uccordiug lo lhe comuuy's coro-
rule cilizeushi olicies uud commilmeuls.
Processes and Innovation Courouliug dilemmus lhul muy Le creuled Ly imlemeululiou
o lhe GloLul Comucl riuciles uud luruiug lhem iulo iuuovulive solulious uud Lusiuess
oorluuilies. Il iucludes uudersluudiug lhe ley rocesses lhul cuu osler imrovemeuls,
iucludiug selliug lurgels uud commuuiculiug lhem lhroughoul lhe orguuizuliou. A lhorough
risl uud oorluuily ussessmeul muy Le urliculurly useul.
Impact on the Value Chain Muuugiug relulious wilh commerciul urluers uud iuueuciug
lheir oerulious. The couducl o suliers, dislriLulors, uud cuslomers cuu huve u siguicuul
imucl ou u comuuy's reululiou uud ullimulely ils Lollom liue. Muuy comuuies commu-
uicule lheir cororule cilizeushi olicies uud execlulious lo Lusiuess urluers. Some eveu
iucororule lhese iulo lheir coulrucluul urruugemeuls, uud review lhe sociul uud euviroumeu-
lul erormuuce o lheir suliers usiug mouiloriug uud uudils. Some go urlher uud ussisl
suliers iu ruisiug lhe level o lheir sociul uud euviroumeulul erormuuce lhrough lruiuiug,
cuucily-Luildiug uud shuriug o Lesl ruclices.
Impact on People Purliciuliug iu lhe GloLul Comucl uecls u comuuy's worlorce,
iucludiug emloyee morule. Sludies suggesl lhul good sociul uud euviroumeulul erormuuce
uol ouly hus u osilive eecl ou u comuuy's uLilily lo recruil uud reluiu high quulily luleul,
but also on its productivity.
Impact on society The imucl o u comuuy ou commuuilies, us well us ou sociely ul lurge,
is ulso u ley elemeul o lhe Perormuuce Model. ColluLoruliou wilh locul commuuilies cuu
mule il eusier or u comuuy lo oerule smoolhly uud muiuluiu ils sociul liceuse lo oerule.
Deeudiug ou lhe scule uud uulure o lhe uclivilies coucerued, some comuuies erorm im-
ucl ussessmeuls uud use commuuily oiuiou surveys lo hel guuge lheir imucl ou sociely.
Reporting This elemeul is uLoul reliuLle meusuremeul uud commuuiculiou o lhe comuuy's
ecouomic, sociul uud euviroumeulul erormuuce. Secic meusuremeuls lhul lrucl ucluul eror-
muuce ure esseuliul or eusuriug couliuuous imrovemeul.
Pul simly, imlemeululiou o lhe GloLul Comucl riuciles meuus muliug u commilmeul,
develoiug olicies uud slrulegies, luliug ucliou uud uully reorliug ou rogress. Whul
mullers is uol how lhe comuuy is erormiug ul lhe momeul o eulry, Lul rulher lhul lhe
comuuy is commilled lo chuuge uud couliuuous imrovemeul.
The GloLul Comucl hus uccumululed u suLsluuliul iuveulory o resources uud lools ou ud-
dressiug lhe issue ureus covered Ly lhe riuciles. See lhe cululogue o resources rovided iu
lhe ueudix or urlher reudiug.
For more information on
each step please see the
How to participate
section of the Global
Compact website.
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 17
Benets oI
Communicating Progress
The Commuuiculiou ou Progress cuu serve us ur more lhuu uu iudiculiou o eugugemeul
iu lhe GloLul Comucl. The iuormuliou iucluded iu COPs cuu hel sulisy lhe iuormuliou
ueeds uud execlulious o u wide ruuge o sluleholdersiucludiug emloyees, commuuilies,
iuveslors, NGOs uud Lusiuess urluers. Addiliouully, lhe COP serves us u mechuuism or u
comuuy lo ul leusl uuuuully ussess lhe imlemeululiou o lhe GloLul Comucl's riu-
cile-Lused chuuge urouch, delermiue i lhe comuuy's urouch should Le udjusled or
uugmeuled or erormuuce imrovemeul, uud lheu more uccurulely reorl ou lhe rogress
uud imucl o ils uclious.
lollowiug ure some o lhe mosl commouly voiced Leueils reluled lo lhe Commuuiculiou ou

InternaI Benets
Molivules u comuuy lo deiue uud live u lo u susluiuuLilily visiou uud slrulegy;
Molivules u comuuy lo iulegrule cororule cilizeushi uclivilies iulo lheir core Lus-
uess oerulious uud iucreuse osilive sociul imucls o lheir vulue chuiu;
luhuuces cororule goveruuuce uud leudershi commilmeul Ly lhe ClO, uud romoles
seuior muuugemeul iuvolvemeul Ly reuriug, reviewiug uud eudorsiug lhe reorl;
Suorls eorls lo ideuliy Lusiuess risls uud oorluuilies;
lucouruges iuleruul iuormuliou shuriug uud leuruiug Ly couuecliug diereul coro-
rule deurlmeuls (e.g., humuu resources, commuuiculious, euviroumeul, heullh uud
suely, oerulious, commuuily relulious);
Slimulules iuleruul ussessmeul o rogress uud coulriLules lo couliuuous eror-
muuce imrovemeul; uud
lmhusizes uud cluriies lo emloyees lhe commilmeul o seuior muuugemeul ou
euviroumeulul, sociul uud goveruuuce issues.
External Benefits
Demouslrules uclive urliciuliou iu lhe GloLul Comucl uud exluius reluled uclious
lo iucororule riuciles iulo Lusiuess slrulegy uud oerulious;
Imroves cororule reululiou uud Lruud vulue due lo iucreused lruusureucy uud
creuliou o lrusl;
luhuuces sluleholder relulious Ly urlicululiug u susluiuuLilily visiou, slrulegy uud
imlemeululiou luu;
Provides siguiicuul leuruiugs lo sluleholders lhrough colluLoruliou; uud
Mules iuclusiou iu sociully resousiLle iuveslmeul uuds or iudices more ossiLle.
Shows lhul comuuy's urliciuliou iu GloLul Comucl is much more lhuu u uLlic
relations exercise.

For More Information

We have gathered answers to the
most frequently asked questions at
18 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 19
Pruclicul lxumles
The ollowiug uges oer guiduuce uud exumles, riucile Ly
riucile, ou how comuuies huve imlemeuled lhe riuciles
uud commuuiculed lheir rogress.
20 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
State your specc corporate commtment and the reIevance oI ths prncpIe Ior your
company, for example:
- Commilmeul lo rolecliug humuu righls usiug words rom your olicy, iuleruuliouul
sluudurds (e.g., Uuiversul Decluruliou o Humuu Righls) uud|or iuduslry sluudurds

Brey descrbe poIces, programmes and management systems, Ior exampIe:
- Comuuy olicy uud slrulegy lo suorl humuu righls
- Humuu righls muuugemeul syslem
- Heullh uud suely muuugemeul syslem
- Mouiloriug syslem lo eusure lhul lhe comuuy's humuu righls olicies ure Leiug imle-

Describe the practical activities undertaken in the past year to implement this principle, for
- Providiug sue uud heullhy worliug coudilious
- Providiug uccess lo Lusic heullh, educuliou uud|or housiug or worlers uud lheir umilies
- Preveuliug lhe orciLle dislucemeul o iudividuuls, grous or commuuilies
- Worliug lo rolecl lhe ecouomic livelihood o locul commuuilies
Novo Nordisk (Denmark) Our suorl or lhe Uuiled Nulious Uuiversul Decluruliou o
Humuu Righls hus Leeu uu imorluul url o our commilmeul lo sociul resousiLilily siuce 1998.
Our commilmeul euluils lhul we worl couliuuously lo imrove our sociul erormuuce Ly selliug
high oLjeclives uud iulegruliug humuu righls cousiderulious iulo our duily Lusiuess. 2006 COP
Rio Tinto (UK) The Rio Tiulo SeulOul rogrumme is uu iudeeudeul, iuleruul uud
coudeuliul comluiul huudliug syslem desigued lo culure, uuulyse, uud iuvesligule comliuuce
uilures ideulied Ly emloyees. 2006 COP
Sekem (Egypt) SlKlM rovides uccess lo Lusic heullh, educuliou uud housiug or lhe worlers
uud lheir umilies lhrough SlKlM School uud lhe Medicul Ceuler. Sociul ussessmeuls ure curried oul lo
see i lhe umily cuu uord lhe medicul lreulmeul or school ees. I ouud uol uLle lo uy, lhe umily is
eilher gruuled or suLsidized lo ulluiu lhe ueeded educuliou uud heullh cure. 2006 COP
Human Rights
Priucile 1: Busiuess should suorl uud resecl lhe rolecliou o
iuleruuliouully rocluimed humuu righls



What are Human Rights?

Human rights are commonly
understood as being those rights
that are inherent to the human
being (e.g., right to education,
freedom of speech). The concept
of human rights acknowledges
that every single human being
is entitled to enjoy his or her
human rights without distinction
as to race, colour, sex, lan-
guage, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status.




Describe impact of systems and outcomes of actions and progress achieved in regard to
this principle, for example:
Progress ou righliug hisloricul ullerus o discrimiuuliou
Chuuges iu worlorce demogruhics

Petrobras (Brazil) 14.4% dro iu iuuul morlulily iu lhe 192 loculilies lhul received lhe
UNICll seul o uu uroved muuiciulily" us u resull o joiul uclious wilh PelroLrus.
2006 Social and Environmental Report

Relevant GRI Indicators
HR 1 Perceuluge uud lolul uumLer o siguicuul iuveslmeul ugreemeuls lhul iuclude humuu righls
cluuses or lhul uuderweul humuu righls screeuiug.
HR 2 Perceuluge o siguicuul suliers uud coulruclors lhul uuderweul screeuiug ou humuu
righls uud uclious luleu.
HR 3 Tolul hours o emloyee lruiuiug ou olicies uud rocedures couceruiug usecls o humuu
righls lhul ure relevuul lo oerulious, iucludiug lhe erceuluge o emloyees lruiued.
HR 4 Tolul uumLer o iucideuls o discrimiuuliou uud uclious luleu.
HR 5 Oerulious ideulied where lhe righl lo exercise reedom o ussociuliou uud colleclive Lur-
guiuiug muy Le ul siguicuul risl, uud uclious lo suorl lhese righls.
HR 6 Oerulious ideulied us huviug siguicuul risl or iucideuls o child luLour uud meusures lo
coulriLule lo elimiuule child luLour.
HR 7 Oerulious ideulied us huviug siguicuul risl or iucideuls o orced or comulsory luLour
uud meusures lo coulriLule lo lhe elimiuuliou o orced or comulsory luLour.
HR 8 Perceuluge o securily ersouuel lruiued iu lhe comuuy's olicies or rocedures couceruiug
usecls o humuu righls relevuul lo oerulious.
HR 9 Tolul uumLer o iucideuls o violulious iuvolviug righls o iudigeuous eole uud uclious
EC 5 Ruuge o rulios o sluudurd eulry level wuge comured lo locul miuimum wuge ul siguicuul
loculious o oeruliou.
LA 4 Perceuluge o emloyees covered Ly colleclive Lurguiuiug ugreemeuls.
LA 6 Perceuluge o lolul worlorce rereseuled iu ormul joiul muuugemeulworler heullh uud suely
commillees lhul hel mouilor uud udvise ou occuuliouul heullh uud suely rogrummes.
LA 7 Rules o iujury, occuuliouul diseuses, losl duys, uud uLseuleeism, uud lolul uumLer o worl-re-
luled ululilies Ly regiou.
LA 8 lduculiou, lruiuiug, couuseliug, reveuliou, uud risl-coulrol rogrummes iu luce lo ussisl
worlorce memLers, lheir umilies, or commuuily memLers regurdiug serious diseuses.
LA 9 Heullh uud suely loics covered iu ormul ugreemeuls wilh lrude uuious.
LA 13 Comosiliou o goveruuuce Lodies uud Lreuldowu o emloyees er culegory uccordiug lo
geuder, uge grou, miuorily grou memLershi, uud olher iudiculors o diversily.
LA 14 Rulio o Lusic sulury o meu lo womeu Ly emloyee culegory.
SO 5 PuLlic olicy osilious uud urliciuliou iu uLlic olicy develomeul uud loLLyiug.
PR 1 lie cycle sluges iu which heullh uud suely imucls o roducls uud services ure ussessed or
imrovemeul, uud erceuluge o siguicuul roducls uud service culegories suLjecl lo such
PR 2 Tolul uumLer o iucideuls o uou-comliuuce wilh regululious uud voluulury codes couceruiug
heullh uud suely imucls o roducls uud services duriug lheir lie cycle, Ly lye o oulcomes.
PR 8 Tolul uumLer o suLsluuliuled comluiuls regurdiug Lreuches o cuslomer rivucy uud losses
o cuslomer dulu.



Where to Begin:
Check with your Human Resources
or Employee Relations department
to see if they have:
An overarching set of policies and
programmes addressing human
rights and workplace standards
Training programmes (on-line or
live) on how to respect human
An ethics or complaints hotline
that tracks and responds to
employee and external concerns
about human rights abuses
Check with Procurement or Supply
Management for:
Supplier/contractor pre-quali-
cation requirements regarding
human rights
Any supplier audit or training
programme and results of such
Check with Public Affairs, Media,
Government or Corporate Rela-
tions for:
Country-specic risk assess-
ments that include human rights
Joint educational or awareness
programmes with non-prot
groups or governments

The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 21
22 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
State your specc corporate commtment and the reIevance oI ths prncpIe Ior your
company, for example:
Commilmeul lo rolecliug humuu righls usiug words rom your olicy, iuleruuliouul
sluudurds (e.g., Uuiversul Decluruliou o Humuu Righls) uud|or iuduslry sluudurds
Brey descrbe poIces, programmes and management systems, Ior exampIe:
- lxlicil olicies lhul rolecl lhe humuu righls o worlers iu lhe comuuy's direcl em-
loymeul uud lhroughoul ils suly chuiu
- lxlicil olicies lo eusure lhul lhe comuuy's securily urruugemeuls do uol coulriLule
lo humuu righls violulious, whelher il rovides ils owu securily, coulrucls oul lo olhers
or uses security supplied by the State
- Ougoiug slu lruiuiug ou how humuu righls issues cuu Le uecled Ly Lusiuess
- Ougoiug slu lruiuiug ou iuleruul comuuy olicies us lhey relule lo humuu righls
- Humuu righls imucl ussessmeuls o Lusiuess uclivilies

Describe the practical activities undertaken in the past year to implement this principle,
for example:
- Humuu righls ussessmeul o lhe siluuliou iu couulries where lhe comuuy does, or
iuleuds lo do, Lusiuess so us lo ideuliy lhe risl o iuvolvemeul iu humuu righls uLuses
uud lhe comuuy's oleuliul imucl ou lhe siluuliou
- Oeu diulogue wilh humuu righls orguuizulious or Lusiuess urluers

H&M (Sweden) We huve lo mule sure lhul uoLody whose worl is coulriLuliug lo our
success is derived o his or her humuu righls, or suers meulul or Lodily hurm. The Code o
Couducl is u uou-uegoliuLle requiremeul rom our side lhul ull our suliers uud lheir suLcou-
lruclors, wilhoul exceliou, should ollow lhis code. 2006 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Statoil (Norway) The humuu righls lruiuiug rogrumme jlhul wus| develoed or our em-
loyees iu cooeruliou wilh Amuesly Iuleruuliouul's Norwegiuu Lruuch wus iucororuled. Duriug
lhe yeur, uLoul 4,uuu eole uccessed lhe rogrumme. 2006 Sustainability Report
LEGO Group (Denmark) We see it as our responsibility to help ensure that our suppliers
ucl iu uccorduuce wilh u uumLer o miuimum requiremeuls. The ueed or such u sel o guideliues
is due lo lhe uuorluuule ucl lhul suliers iu some couulries uil lo eusure comliuuce wilh, or
exumle, ley IlO couveulious goveruiug luLour sluudurds. The requiremeuls iu lhe llGO Grou
Code o Couducl ure lhereore more slricl iu muuy ureus lhuu lhe geuerul sluudurd iu some o lhe
couulries our suliers ure Lused iu. Cleurly lhere muy Le slruclurul coudilious or cullurul lrudi-
lious lhul meuu we cuuuol execl immediule comliuuce wilh lhe llGO Grou Code o Couducl.
The mosl imorluul lhiug is lhul suliers ure reured lo uclively worl lo eusure lhey eveulu-
ully comly wilh lhe requiremeuls.
Our Code o Couducl exresses our suorl or lhe UN Decluruliou o Humuu Righls, uud we ulso
eucouruge our suliers lo sigu u lo lhe UN GloLul Comucl. 2006 Sustainability Report
Human Rights
Priucile 2: Busiuess should mule lhul lhey ure uol comlicil
iu humuu righls uLuses.



What is complicity?
There are several types of
Direct Complicity
Occurs when a company actively
assists, directly or indirectly, in
human rights violations com-
mitted by others. An example
of this is a company assisting in
the forced relocation of peoples
in circumstances related to
business activity (e.g., to enable
construction of a pipeline).
Benecial Complicity
Suggests that a company
benets directly from human
rights abuses committed by
someone else. For example,
violations committed by security
forces, such as the suppression
of a peaceful protest against
business activities or the use
of repressive measures while
guarding company facilities, are
often cited in this context.
Silent Complicity
Describes a situation where a
company may not be assisting
or encouraging human rights
violations, nor beneting from
the actions of those that commit
abuses, but is viewed as stay-
ing silent in the face of human
rights abuses. There is debate
as to whether simply being
present in a country can amount
to complicity in the human
rights abuses being committed.
The social perception of silent
complicity can be signicantly
damaging to a companys
reputation and its relation-
ship with shareholders. For
example, inaction or acceptance
by companies of systematic
discrimination in employment
against particular groups on the
grounds of ethnicity or gender
could bring accusations of silent



Anglo American (United Kingdom) Report to Society 2005
Describe impact of systems, outcomes of actions and progress achieved in regard to this
principle, for example:
Progress ou lrucliug uud uddressiug comluiuls uLoul humuu righls uLuses
NumLer o ollow-u iuvesligulious

Relevant GRI Indicators
HR 1 Perceuluge uud lolul uumLer o siguicuul iuveslmeul ugreemeuls lhul iuclude humuu righls
cluuses or lhul uuderweul humuu righls screeuiug.
HR 2 Perceuluge o siguicuul suliers uud coulruclors lhul uuderweul screeuiug ou humuu
righls uud uclious luleu.
HR 3 Tolul hours o emloyee lruiuiug ou olicies uud rocedures couceruiug usecls o humuu
righls lhul ure relevuul lo oerulious, iucludiug lhe erceuluge o emloyees lruiued.
HR 4 Tolul uumLer o iucideuls o discrimiuuliou uud uclious luleu.
HR 5 Oerulious ideulied where lhe righl lo exercise reedom o ussociuliou uud colleclive Lur-
guiuiug muy Le ul siguicuul risl, uud uclious lo suorl lhese righls.
HR 6 Oerulious ideulied us huviug siguicuul risl or iucideuls o child luLour uud meusures lo
coulriLule lo elimiuule child luLour.
HR 7 Oerulious ideulied us huviug siguicuul risl or iucideuls o orced or comulsory luLour
uud meusures lo coulriLule lo lhe elimiuuliou o orced or comulsory luLour.
HR 8 Perceuluge o securily ersouuel lruiued iu lhe comuuy's olicies or rocedures couceruiug
usecls o humuu righls relevuul lo oerulious.
HR 9 Tolul uumLer o iucideuls o violulious iuvolviug righls o iudigeuous eole uud uclious
SO 5 PuLlic olicy osilious uud urliciuliou iu uLlic olicy develomeul uud loLLyiug.



Where to Begin:
Check with your Human Resources
or Employee Relations department
to see if they have:
An overarching set of policies and
programmes addressing human
rights and workplace standards
Training programmes (on-line or
live) on how to respect human
An ethics or complaints hotline
that tracks and responds to
employee and external concerns
about human rights abuses
Check with Procurement or Supply
Management for:
Supplier/contractor pre-quali-
cation requirements regarding
human rights
Any supplier audit or training
programme and results of such
Check with Public Affairs, Media,
Government or Corporate Rela-
tions for:
Country-specic risk assess-
ments that include human rights
Joint educational or awareness
programmes with non-prot
groups or governments

The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 23
24 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
State your specc corporate commtment and the reIevance oI ths prncpIe Ior your
company, for example:
- Commilmeul lo rolecliug reedom o ussociuliou usiug words rom your olicy, iuclud-
iug u slulemeul lhul lhe olicy is ulicuLle lo Lusiuess urluers uud lhul il is uuiver-
sully ulied iudeeudeul o locul luws.
Brey descrbe poIces, programmes and management systems, Ior exampIe:
- Uuiou-ueulrul olicies uud rocedures iu ureus such us uliculious or emloymeul,
record-leeiug uud decisious ou udvuucemeul, dismissul or lruuser
- lucililies lo euuLle worler rereseululives lo curry oul lheir uuclious wilhiu lhe com-
uuy, such us: collecliug uuiou dues ou comuuy remises, osliug lrude uuiou uolices,
uud dislriLuliug uuiou documeuls reluled lo uormul lrude uuiou uclivilies iu lhe euler-
rise uud lime-o wilh uy or uuiou uclivilies

Describe practical activities undertaken in the past year to implement this principle, for
lusuriug lhul ull worlers ure uLle lo orm uud joiu u lrude uuiou o lheir choice wilh-
oul eur o iulimiduliou or rerisul
Recoguiziug rereseululive orguuizulious or lhe urose o colleclive Lurguiuiug
Usiug colleclive Lurguiuiug us u couslruclive orum or uddressiug worliug coudilious
uud lerms o emloymeul uud relulious Lelweeu emloyers uud worlers, or lheir
reseclive orguuizulious

Telecom Italia (Italy) All ersouuel whulever lhe level|quuliculiou ure eulilled lo
orm uud joiu lrude uuious or lhe rolecliou o iudividuul uud colleclive iuleresls. The Grou's
comuuies ucluowledge lhe role o uuiou rereseululives, who ure uol suLjecl lo uuy discrimiuu-
liou, uud eusure, or uuiou uclivilies, lhe uroriule relriLuliou o uLseuce uud lhe meuus lo
commuuicule wilh ersouuel iu lhe worlluce. 2006 COP
Jaqalanka Group (Sri Lanka) The commuuiculiou liul Lelweeu lhe Uuiou uud lhe
Worlers couucil is lhe moulhly meeliugs which ure held couliuuously. The miuules o lhese
meeliugs ure recorded uud osled ou lhe uolice Lourds sigued joiully Ly Lolh lhe Muuugemeul
uud lhe Trude Uuiou|Worlers Couucil commillees. 2006 COP
Areva (France) Muuy o lhe colleclive Lurguiuiug ugreemeuls sigued iu lhe grou's dier-
eul Lusiuess uuils uddressed occuuliouul equulily Lelweeu meu uud womeu. 2006 COP
Priucile 3: Busiuess should uhold lhe reedom o ussociuliou
uud lhe eeclive recoguiliou o lhe righl lo colleclive Lurguiuiug
What are Freedom of
Association and
Collective Bargaining?
Freedom of association
implies a respect for the right of
employers and workers to join
associations of their own choice.
It does not mean that work-
forces must be organized or that
companies must invite unions in.
Employers should not interfere
in an employees decision to as-
sociate, or discriminate against
the employee or a representa-
tive of the employee because of
such association.
Collective bargaining refers
to the process or activity lead-
ing up to the conclusion of a
collective labour agreement.
Collective bargaining is a volun-
tary process used to determine
terms and conditions of work
and the regulation of relations
between employers, workers
and their organizations.




Describe impact of systems, outcomes of actions and progress achieved in regard to this
principle, for example:
NumLer o emloyees covered Ly colleclive Lurguiuiug ugreemeuls
Deluils o colleclive Lurguiuiug uegoliulious
lisl o lrude uuious wilh which lhe comuuy hus u colleclive Lurguiuiug ugreemeul or
other relationship

Fuji Xerox (Japan) NumLer o uuiou memLers|Perceuluge o emloyees who Leloug lo

lhe uuiou|Perceuluge o uuiou memLers umoug lhose eligiLle lo joiu (luji Xerox ouly)"
2007 Sustainability Report

Relevant GRI Indicators
LA 4 Perceuluge o emloyees covered Ly colleclive Lurguiuiug ugreemeuls.
LA 5 Miuimum uolice eriod(s) regurdiug oeruliouul chuuges, iucludiug whelher secied iu
colleclive ugreemeuls.
HR 1 Perceuluge uud lolul uumLer o siguicuul iuveslmeul ugreemeuls lhul iuclude humuu
righls cluuses or lhul uuderweul humuu righls screeuiug.
HR 2 Perceuluge o siguicuul suliers uud coulruclors lhul uuderweul screeuiug ou humuu
righls uud uclious luleu.
HR 3 Tolul hours o emloyee lruiuiug ou olicies uud rocedures couceruiug usecls o humuu
righls lhul ure relevuul lo oerulious, iucludiug lhe erceuluge o emloyees lruiued.
HR 5 Oerulious ideulied where lhe righl lo exercise reedom o ussociuliou uud colleclive Lur-
guiuiug muy Le ul siguicuul risl, uud uclious lo suorl lhese righls.
SO 5 PuLlic olicy osilious uud urliciuliou iu uLlic olicy develomeul uud loLLyiug.
Where to Begin:
Check with your Human Resources
or Employee Relations department
to see if they have:
A freedom of association policy
Statistics on the number of
employees that are represented
by a trade or labour union
Arranged with a third party to
conduct an external assurance
of employee rights (e.g., a Fair
Labor Association audit), and
results of the audit
Participated in an independent
monitoring programme regarding
labour conditions, and associated
A procedure to investigate
allegations of union-busting or
wrongful termination of employ-
ees for union activity
Check with the Legal department for:
Results of collective bargaining
conducted during the year



The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 25
26 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
State your specc corporate commtment and the reIevance oI ths prncpIe Ior your
company, for example:
Commilmeul lo suorl lhe elimiuuliou o ull orms o orced uud comulsory luLour
usiug words rom your olicy or iuleruuliouul sluudurds (e.g., IlO Couveuliou No. 29)
Brey descrbe poIces, programmes and management systems, Ior exampIe:
- Muuugemeul syslems ou luLour ruclices, us lhey uddress lhe issue o orced luLour
- Policies uud rocedures lo rohiLil lhe requiremeul lhul worlers lodge uuuciul deos-
ils wilh lhe comuuy
- Iu luuuiug uud couducliug Lusiuess oerulious, eusure lhul worlers iu deLl Loud-
uge or olher orms o orced luLour ure uol euguged, uud where ouud, rovide or lhe
removul o such worlers rom lhe worlluce wilh udequule services uud rovisiou o
viuLle ulleruulives iu lhe commuuily o oeruliou

Describe practical activities undertaken in the past year to implement this principle, for
Providiug grievuuce mechuuisms or worlers suLjecled lo orced luLour
Muliug uvuiluLle lo ull emloyees, emloymeul coulrucls sluliug lhe lerms uud coudi-
lious o service, lhe voluulury uulure o emloymeul uud lhe reedom lo leuve (iucludiug
lhe uroriule rocedures lhul muy Le ussociuled wilh u deurlure or cessuliou o worl)
lugugiug wilh suliers ou orced luLour uud how lo uvoid ils use
Heliug develo slills lruiuiug uud iucome-geueruliug ulleruulives, iucludiug micro-cred-
il uuuciug rogrummes, or udulls removed rom siluulious o orced luLour

National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (India) NMDC sluuds commilled

uol lo resorl lo uuy orm o orced uud comulsory luLour. 2006 COP
Gap (USA) luclory mouiloriug is url o our slrulegy lo imrove worliug coudilious (iucludiug
orced luLour) iu lhe uurel iuduslry. Our mouiloriug syslem rovides us wilh rslhuud iusighl iulo
uclory coudilious uud serves us uu imorluul lool lo meusure uclory rogress uguiusl our sluudurds.
Mouiloriug uol ouly hels us leveruge our iuueuce wilh coulrucl gurmeul uclories lhrough uce-lo-
uce iulerucliou, Lul ulso rovides us wilh regulur dulu uLoul uclory coudilious uud u mechuuism lo
ussess lhe imucl o our eorls over lime. 2005/2006 Social Responsibility Report
Motorcare Lda (Mozambique)
- luch emloyee hus u coulrucl o emloymeul sluliug lhe lerms uud coudilious o service
- luch emloyee hus u curreul joL descriliou
- The comuuy uuds Ly meuus o ud hoc gruuls lo u wholly owued emloyee uud which
udmiuislers micro credil uuuciug rogrummes or emloyees
- Auuuul reseurch couducled lo esluLlish murlel wuge rules or similur uuclious wilhiu lhe
sume iuduslry 2005 COP
Priucile 4: Busiuess should uhold lhe elimiuuliou o ull orms
o orced uud comulsory luLour
What is Forced Labour?
Forced and compulsory labour
were dened in ILO Convention
No. 29, Forced Labour Conven-
tion, in 1930 as All work and
service which is exacted from
any person under the menace
of any penalty and for which
the said person has not offered
her/himself voluntarily.
The most extreme examples
are slave labour and bonded
labour; but debts, withholding of
identity papers, or the lodging of
compulsory deposits can also be
used as means of forcing labour.
Another form of forced labour
is when workers are compelled,
under threat of ring, to work
extra hours to which they have
not previously agreed.




Describe impact of systems, outcomes of actions and progress achieved in regard to this
principle, for example:
Wheu lhe oLjeclive is lhe uou-exisleuce o u coudiliou, such us orced luLour, il is
somelimes more uroriule lo discuss erormuuce iu quulilulive lerms (i.e., you cuu'l
meusure whul's uol lhere)
- Audil resulls would Le u relevuul iudiculor lo reorl

Belgo Siderurgia S.A. Arcelor Group (Brazil) The Belgo-Arcelor Brusil comuuies
huve uever Leeu churged wilh, iudicled or or iu uuy olher wuy whulsoever iuvolved wilh lhe use
o sluve luLour. 2006 COP

Relevant GRI Indicators
HR 1 Perceuluge uud lolul uumLer o siguicuul iuveslmeul ugreemeuls lhul iuclude humuu righls
cluuses or lhul uuderweul humuu righls screeuiug.
HR 2 Perceuluge o siguicuul suliers uud coulruclors lhul uuderweul screeuiug ou humuu righls
uud uclious luleu.
HR 3 Tolul hours o emloyee lruiuiug ou olicies uud rocedures couceruiug usecls o humuu
righls lhul ure relevuul lo oerulious, iucludiug lhe erceuluge o emloyees lruiued.
HR 7 Oerulious ideulied us huviug siguicuul risl or iucideuls o orced or comulsory luLour
uud meusures lo coulriLule lo lhe elimiuuliou o orced or comulsory luLour.
SO 5 PuLlic olicy osilious uud urliciuliou iu uLlic olicy develomeul uud loLLyiug.
Where to Begin:
Check with your Human Resources
or Employee Relations department
to see if they have:
Awareness training for employ-
ees or community members
A record of checking lowest
wage paid against regulated
A third party audit of your own
or suppliers labour conditions
and results of the audit (e.g.,
number of suppliers excluded
because of forced labour issues)
An independent monitoring pro-
gramme regarding labour condi-
tions, and associated results
Internal social audits (check for
issues reviewed and number of



The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 27
28 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
State your specc corporate commtment and the reIevance oI ths prncpIe Ior your
company, for example:
Commilmeul lo suorl lhe eeclive uLoliliou o child luLour usiug words rom your
olicy or iuleruuliouul sluudurds (e.g., IlO Couveuliou Nos. 138 uud 182), iucludiug u
slulemeul lhul lhe olicy is uuiversully ulied iudeeudeul o locul luws
Brey descrbe poIces, programmes and management systems, Ior exampIe:
- Adhereuce lo miuimum uge rovisious o uuliouul luLour luws uud regululious uud,
where uuliouul luw is iusucieul, luliug uccouul o iuleruuliouul sluudurds
- Adequule uud ussuruLle mechuuisms or uge vericuliou iu recruilmeul rocedures
- Develomeul uud imlemeululiou o mechuuisms lo delecl child luLour uud rovide
remediuliou where uLuse is ouud
- lusuriug lhul udull worlers ure giveu secure emloymeul uud deceul wuges uud worl-
iug coudilious so lhul lhey do uol ueed lo seud lheir childreu lo worl

Describe the practical activities undertaken in the past year to implement this principle,
for example:
- Wheu childreu Lelow lhe legul worliug uge ure ouud iu lhe worlluce, rovidiug or
lheir removul wilh udequule services uud viuLle ulleruulives or Lolh lhe childreu uud
lheir umilies
- lxercisiug iuueuce ou suLcoulruclors, suliers uud olher Lusiuess uliules lo com-
bat child labour
- Suorliug uud heliug desigu educuliouul, voculiouul lruiuiug, uud couuselliug ro-
grummes or worliug childreu, uud slills lruiuiug or ureuls o worliug childreu

Grupo Nueva (Chile) Musisu (oue o lhe Gruo Nuevu comuuies) is uguiusl lhe illegul use
o child luLour, exloiluliou o lhe worl o childreu uud ull olher uuucceluLle orms iu lhe lreul-
meul o worlers. Our olicy is uol lo worl wilh suliers uud coulruclors whose luLour ruclices
ure rerouchuLle, such us lhe use o child luLour, hysicul uuishmeul, emule uLuse, uud orced
luLour uud olher orms o uLuse. Masisa Sustainability Report 2004 - 2005
Sedexho Alliance (France) Iu Norlh Americu, our suliers comly wilh u Code o
Couducl Lused ou IlO (Iuleruuliouul luLour Orguuizuliou) sluudurds. Al our requesl, suliers
sigu u code o couducl coveriug muuy ureus reluled lo lhe GloLul Comucl. Oue such ureu is child
luLour . Suliers ure rohiLiled rom usiug worlers uuder lhe legul uge o emloymeul iu uuy
couulry or locul jurisdicliou where lhe sulier erorms worl or Sodexho. I lhe miuimum uge
o emloymeul is uol deued, lhe miuimum uge o emloymeul shull Le 15 yeurs o uge.
2006 Act as a Corporate Citizen Report
IKEA (Sweden) School eurolmeul drives huve Leeu couducled lo euroll childreu iulo ri-
mury school, us well us lhe esluLlishmeul o ulleruulive leuruiug ceulres us u lruusiliouul meusure
lo ormul muiuslreum rimury schooliug. Quulily educuliouul oorluuilies ure esseuliul lo
reveul child luLour. 2006 Social and Environmental Responsibility Report
Priucile 5: Busiuess should uhold lhe eeclive uLoliliou
o child luLour
What is Child Labour?
ILO conventions recommend
a minimum age for admission
to employment or work that
must not be less than the age
for completing compulsory
schooling, and in any case not
less than 15 years. Lower ages
are permitted generally in
countries where economic and
educational facilities are less
well-developed. The minimum
age is 14 years and 13 years for
light work. The minimum age
for hazardous work is higher at
18 years.




Describe impact of systems, outcomes of actions and progress achieved in regard to this
principle, for example:
- The uumLer o childreu worliug or lhe comuuy
- Averuge worl uud school hours er weel or childreu
- Wheu lhe oLjeclive is lhe uou-exisleuce o u coudiliou, such us child luLour, il is
somelimes more uroriule lo discuss erormuuce iu quulilulive lerms (i.e., you cuu'l
meusure whul's uol lhere)
- Audil resulls

Martha Tilaar Group (Indonesia) 2006 COP

Relevant GRI Indicators
HR 1 Perceuluge uud lolul uumLer o siguicuul iuveslmeul ugreemeuls lhul iuclude humuu righls
cluuses or lhul uuderweul humuu righls screeuiug.
HR 2 Perceuluge o siguicuul suliers uud coulruclors lhul uuderweul screeuiug ou humuu
righls uud uclious luleu.
HR 3 Tolul hours o emloyee lruiuiug ou olicies uud rocedures couceruiug usecls o humuu
righls lhul ure relevuul lo oerulious, iucludiug lhe erceuluge o emloyees lruiued.
HR 6 Oerulious ideulied us huviug siguicuul risl or iucideuls o child luLour uud meusures
luleu lo coulriLule lo lhe elimiuuliou o child luLour.
SO 5 PuLlic olicy osilious uud urliciuliou iu uLlic olicy develomeul uud loLLyiug.
Where to Begin:
Check with your Human Resources
or Employee Relations department
to see if they have:
Awareness training for employ-
ees or community members
A record of checking youngest
employee age against regulations
A third party audit or indepen-
dent monitoring programme
of your labour conditions, and
results of the audit
Internal social audits (check for
issues reviewed and number of
Check with Procurement or Supply
Management for:
Supplier/contractor pre-quali-
cation requirements regarding
human rights
Any supplier audit or training
programme and results of such
programmes (e.g., number of
suppliers excluded because of
child labour issues)
Check with Community Relations
or the Corporate Foundation for:
Sponsorship of an education
programme for community chil-
dren or other means (e.g., food
subsidy) to keep children out of
the workforce




The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 29
30 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
State your specc corporate commtment and the reIevance oI ths prncpIe Ior your
company, for example:
Commilmeul lo suorl lhe elimiuuliou o discrimiuuliou usiug words rom your olicy, or
iuleruuliouul sluudurds (e.g., IlO Couveuliou No. 111), iucludiug u slulemeul lhul lhe olicy
ulies lo hiriug, emloymeul oorluuily uud romoliou decisious.
Brey descrbe poIces, programmes and management systems, Ior exampIe:
- High-level resousiLilily or equul emloymeul oorluuily issues, cleur comuuy-
wide olicy uud rocedures lo guide equul emloymeul oorluuily ruclices, uud liul
Lelweeu udvuucemeul uud desired erormuuce iu lhis ureu
- Comuuy olicies uud rocedures which mule quuliculious, slill uud exerieuce lhe
Lusis or lhe recruilmeul, lucemeul, lruiuiug uud udvuucemeul o slu ul ull levels
- Grievuuce rocedures lhul uly wheu discrimiuuliou is ideulied, lo uddress com-
luiuls, huudle ueuls uud rovide recourse or emloyees

Describe practical activities undertaken in the past year to implement this principle, for
- Worliug ou u cuse Ly cuse Lusis lo evuluule whelher u disliucliou is iuhereul lo u joL re-
quiremeul (e.g., does lhe joL require u emule lo erorm il), uud uvoid lhe uliculiou
o joL requiremeuls iu u wuy lhul would syslemulicully disudvuuluge cerluiu grous
- Iu oreigu oerulious, worliug wilh rereseululives o worlers uud goverumeulul uu-
lhorilies lo eusure equul uccess lo emloymeul Ly womeu uud miuorilies

BGFIBANK (Gabon) Our Grou hus lhe ermuueul couceru lo resecl uud romole lhe
riucile o uoudiscrimiuuliou ou ull lhe levels o our Humuu Resources, wilh seciul emhusis
ou: recruilmeul, cureer develomeul uud lruiuiug. Wilh lhis iuleuliou, Grou BGlIBANK commils
uol lo ruclice uuy orm o discrimiuuliou, lhul il is ouuded ou lhe uge, lhe sex, lhe religiou,
origius (sociul uud elhuic), olilicul uliuliou or lrude-uuiou memLershi. 2006 COP
Copagaz (Brazil) Comosed o muuugers rom lhe Humuu Resources, Audiliug uud legul
deurlmeuls, lhe llhicul Couducl Commillee is Couguz's meuus lo eusure comliuuce wilh lhe
comuuy's Code o Couducl uud humuu righls riuciles. 2006 COP
MAS Holdings (Sri Lanka) Iu 2uu3, MAS luuuched lhe Womeu Go Beyoud" rogrumme
lo emower lheir emule emloyees. The rogrumme couceulrules ou romoliug luowledge,
uwureuess, leudershi slills, ulliludiuul chuuges, uud lhe uLilily lo Luluuce worl uud ersouul
lie. 2006 COP
Priucile 6: Busiuess should uhold lhe elimiuuliou o
discrimiuuliou iu resecl o emloymeul uud occuuliou
What is Discrimination?
Discrimination was dened in
ILO Convention No. 111 in 1958
as: Any distinction, exclusion or
preference made on the basis of
race, colour, sex, religion, politi-
cal opinion, national extraction
or social origin, which has the
effect of nullifying or impair-
ing equality of opportunity or
treatment in employment or oc-
cupation. Since that time, addi-
tional considerations have been
included in some jurisdictions
(e.g., sexual orientation, marital
status, physical ability except
where identied as a bona de
occupational requirement).


Describe impact of systems, outcomes of actions and progress achieved in regard to this
principle, for example:
The uumLer o emloyees rom oululiou grous (i.e., ruce, geuder or uge) lhul huve
Leeu lrudiliouully discrimiuuled uguiusl

Deloitte South Africa Deloille hus iucreused lhe Llucl slu roorliou rom 3u erceul
iu 2uuu lo ulmosl 5u erceul iu 2uu7, uud Llucls iu lhe urluershi rom 6 erceul iu 2uuu lo 25
erceul iu 2uu7.

Relevant GRI Indicators
LA 2 Tolul uumLer uud rule o emloyee luruover Lroleu dowu Ly uge grou, geuder, uud regiou
LA 13 Comosiliou o goveruuuce Lodies uud Lreuldowu o emloyees er culegory uccordiug lo
geuder, uge grou, miuorily grou memLershi, uud olher iudiculors o diversily.
LA 14 Rulio o Lusic sulury o meu lo womeu Ly emloyee culegory.
HR 1 Perceuluge uud lolul uumLer o siguicuul iuveslmeul ugreemeuls lhul iuclude humuu righls
cluuses or lhul uuderweul humuu righls screeuiug.
HR 2 Perceuluge o siguicuul suliers uud coulruclors lhul uuderweul screeuiug ou humuu righls
uud uclious luleu.
HR 3 Tolul hours o emloyee lruiuiug ou olicies uud rocedures couceruiug usecls o humuu
righls lhul ure relevuul lo oerulious, iucludiug lhe erceuluge o emloyees lruiued.
HR 4 Tolul uumLer o iucideuls o discrimiuuliou uud uclious luleu.
EC 7 Procedures or locul hiriug uud roorliou o seuior muuugemeul hired rom lhe locul com-
muuily ul siguicuul loculious o oeruliou.
SO 5 PuLlic olicy osilious uud urliciuliou iu uLlic olicy develomeul uud loLLyiug.
Where to Begin:
Check with your Human Resources
or Employee Relations department
to see if they have:
Equal opportunity programmes
(e.g., job placements, or skills or
awareness training for employ-
ees or community members) that
attempt to correct traditional
forms of discrimination
Internal social audits (check for
issues reviewed and number of
A breakdown of employees by
identied minority, potentially
required for regulatory reports
Check with Supply Management
A programme or partnership to
aid minority suppliers




The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 31
32 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
State your specc corporate commtment and the reIevance oI ths prncpIe Ior your
company, for example:
Commilmeul lo luliug u recuuliouury urouch lo euviroumeulul issues usiug words
rom your olicy, or u reereuce lo iuleruuliouul sluudurds (e.g., Arlicle 15 o lhe Rio Declu-
ruliou, UNlP Iuleruuliouul Decluruliou ou Cleuuer Producliou)

Brey descrbe poIces, programmes and management systems, Ior exampIe:
- luviroumeulul risl ussessmeul esluLlishes lhe oleuliul or uuiuleuded euviroumeu-
lul dumuge ulougside olher risls
- lie cycle ussessmeul (lCA) exlores lhe oorluuilies or more euviroumeulully
Leuigu iuuls uud oululs lhroughoul u roducl's or rocess' lie cycle
- luviroumeulul imucl ussessmeul eusures lhul imucls o develomeul rojecls ure
within acceptable levels
- Slrulegic euviroumeulul ussessmeul eusures lhul imucls o olicies uud luus ure
luleu iulo uccouul uud miliguled

Describe practical activities undertaken in the past year to implement this principle, for
- Creuliug u muuugeriul commillee or sleeriug grou lo oversee lhe uliculiou o re-
- lsluLlishiug lwo-wuy commuuiculiou wilh sluleholders (e.g., viu worlsho discussious,
ocus grous, uLlic olls) uLoul uucerluiulies uud oleuliul risls
- Suorliug scieulic reseurch, iucludiug iudeeudeul uud uLlic reseurch, ou lhe issue
- Purliciuliug iu iuduslry-wide colluLorulive eorls lo shure luowledge uud deul wilh
issues, iu urliculur, roducliou rocesses uud roducls urouud which high level o
uucerluiuly, oleuliul hurm uud seusilivily exisl

LOreal (France) l'Oreul suorls lhe Rio Decluruliou ou luviroumeul uud Develomeul,
which oulliues lhe coucels o u recuuliouury urouch lo euviroumeulul chulleuges, romoliou
o greuler euviroumeulul resousiLilily uud develomeul uud diusiou o euviroumeulully rieudly
lechuologies. Sustainable Development Report
Carrefour (France) Aliculiou o lhe suely rsl" riucile lo ull susecl suLsluuces iu
our Luuuers' owu-Lruud roducls. By susecl suLsluuces, we meuu u suLsluuce lhul is lhe suLjecl o
divided scieulic oiuiou, lhe suely o which cuuuol Le ugreed uou uuuuimously.
lnspiraricnai tnidc rc lnpicncnrin rnc ticoai tcnpa.r 2007
Mitsui (Japan) The luviroumeulul Advisory Commillee, which cousisls o oulside exerls
wilh euviroumeulul luowledge, execulives iu churge o euviroumeulul mullers, uud memLers
rom wilhiu lhe comuuy, cousiders Milsui's euviroumeul-reluled oerulious, such us recycliug,
emissious lrudiug uud lhe use o Liomuss, us well us lhe comuuy's R8D-orieuled muuuucluriug,
which commerciulize lhe resulls o Milsui's owu R8D, iu order lo romole lhose Lusiuesses lhul
show lhe greulesl ossiLle resousiLilily uud couceru or lhe euviroumeul. 2006 CSR Report
Priucile 7: Busiuess should suorl u recuuliouury urouch
lo euviroumeulul chulleuges
What is the
The precautionary approach is de-
ned as: Where there are threats
of serious or irreversible damage,
lack of full scientic certainty shall
not be used as a reason for post-
poning cost-effective measures to
prevent environmental degrada-


Describe impact of systems, outcomes of actions and progress achieved in regard to this
principle, for example:
- Resulls rom regulur cousullulious wilh sluleholders uud|or cooeruliou wilh exleruul
orguuizulious iu deuliug wilh issues lhul require lhe uliculiou o recuuliou
- Resulls o roducl or rocess ussessmeuls (e.g., uumLer o roducls lhul were ussessed
or loxicily)

Haier (China) luviroumeulul evuluuliou o Huier Grou covers 4 ilems: luergy use er uuil
oulul vulue, wuler use er uuil oulul vulue, wusle wuler roduced er uuil oulul vulue uud
CO2 emilled er uuil oulul vulue. 2005 Environmental Report

Relevant GRI Indicators
EC 2 liuuuciul imliculious uud olher risls uud oorluuilies or lhe orguuizuliou's uclivilies due
lo climule chuuge.
EN 18 Iuiliulives lo reduce greeuhouse gus emissious uud reduclious uchieved.
EN 26 Perceuluge o roducls sold uud lheir uclugiug muleriuls lhul ure recluimed Ly culegory.
EN 30 Tolul euviroumeulul rolecliou exeudilures uud iuveslmeuls Ly lye.
SO 5 PuLlic olicy osilious uud urliciuliou iu uLlic olicy develomeul uud loLLyiug.
Where to Begin:
Check with your Environment or
Sustainable Development depart-
ment to see if they have:
A greenhouse gas reduction
strategy and results of related
An environmental auditing pro-
gramme and its results
Check with Engineering for:
A rigorous qualication approach
for introducing untested materi-
als, chemicals, or operating pro-
cedures, and results of reviews



The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 33
34 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
State your specc corporate commtment and the reIevance oI ths prncpIe Ior your
company, for example:
Commilmeul lo romoliug greuler euviroumeulul resousiLilily usiug your owu words, or
u reereuce lo iuleruuliouul or iuduslry sluudurds (e.g., UNlP Iuleruuliouul Decluruliou ou
Cleuuer Producliou, ICC Busiuess Churler, ClRlS Priuciles, ResousiLle Cure)
Brey descrbe poIces, programmes and management systems, Ior exampIe:
- Adoliou o voluulury churlers, codes o couducl, codes o ruclice iu gloLul uud seclor
- Slrulegies, olicies uud syslems lhul iucororule lhe lrile Lollom liue" o susluiuuLle
develomeul uud iulroduce lie Cycle Muuugemeul
- QuuuliuLle oLjeclives uud lurgels, uud meusuremeul o rogress mude uguiusl lhem

Describe practical activities undertaken in the past year to implement this principle, for
- Iulroduciug, cerliyiug uud couliuuously imroviug euviroumeulul muuugemeul sys-
lems (e.g., ISO 14uuu)
- Develoiug suly chuiu muuugemeul uud colluLorulive rojecls or urluershis wilh
suppliers or other private and public groups
- Develoiug lruiuiug uclivilies uud iuiliulives lo udvuuce euviroumeulul uwureuess iu
comuuy loculious, or eveuls lhrough which lhe comuuy holds u diulogue wilh locul
commuuilies or olher secic sluleholders

COSCO (China) Cosco commils ilsel lo udol u growlh slrulegy lhul is Lused ou euviroumeu-
lul rolecliou uud resource suviug, elimiuuliug wusle lo lhe greulesl exleul ossiLle, uud uclively
suorliug uud urliciuliug iu ecologicul rolecliou lo reulize hurmouious develomeul Lelweeu
humuu Leiugs uud lhe uulure. 2uu5 Cosco Sustainable Development Report
Telefnica S. A. (Spain) To uly u commou euviroumeulul muuugemeul melhodology
lhroughoul lhe comuuy, Teleouicu uroved Miuimum luviroumeulul Requiremeuls". The re-
quiremeuls euuLle sluudurdized ruclices lhroughoul lhe diereul uuils iu lhe comuuy, regurdless o
lheir uclivily, lhe geogruhicul ureu where lhey oerule, uud lhe ulicuLle legul requiremeuls. Wilh
lhese iuleruul requiremeuls, Teleouicu moved uheud o lhe growiug regululory requiremeuls lhul
uecl lheir widely disersed oerulious. 2005 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Metito (United Arab Emirates) We ure doiug our url or lhe euviroumeul Ly Luild-
iug greeu" ucililies lhul hel miuimize lhe overull ecologicul oolriul uud coulriLule lo more
sustainable livelihoods by decreasing energy needs and increasing water conservation. This year
we comleled couslrucliou ou our uew gloLul heudquurlers iu Techuourl, DuLui, cousisliug o
oces, uclory uud chemicul ucililies. The uew Luildiug is oue o ouly our greeu Luildiugs iu lhe
UAl; il hus Leeu Greeu Cerlied Ly lhe US Greeu Buildiug Couucil, uchieviug lhe gold level.
2006 CSR Report
Priucile 8: Busiuess should uuderlule iuiliulives lo romole
greuler euviroumeulul resousiLilily
What does greater envi-
ronmental responsibility
mean to my business?
resource productivity,
cleaner production
corporate governance
life-cycles, business design,
management systems
active dialogue



Describe impact of systems, outcomes of actions and progress achieved in regard to this
principle, for example:
- Resulls o iudeeudeul euviroumeulul uudils
- Imucl o wusle, euergy uud wuler reducliou rogrummes
Westpac (Australia) Siuce 1996, Wesluc hus succeeded iu reduciug direcl greeuhouse gus
emissious Ly over 45%. There ure oLvious uuuciul Leuels lo euviroumeulul rogrummes. Wesl-
uc's l-slulemeul rogrumme hus reduced oeruliug cosls Ly S8uu,uuu, suved 41 louues o uer,
uud reveuled more lhuu 1u3 louues o greeuhouse gus emissious. 2006 Sra|cncidcr lnpa.r kcpcrr

Relevant GRI Indicators
EN 1
Muleriuls used Ly weighl or volume.
EN 2
Perceuluge o muleriuls used lhul ure recycled iuul muleriuls.
EN 3
Direcl euergy cousumliou Ly rimury euergy source.
EN 4
Iudirecl euergy cousumliou Ly rimury source.
EN 5
luergy suved due lo couservuliou uud ecieucy imrovemeuls.
EN 6
Iuiliulives lo rovide euergy-ecieul or reuewuLle euergy-Lused roducls uud services, uud reduc-
lious iu euergy requiremeuls us u resull o lhese iuiliulives duriug lhe reorliug eriod.
EN 7
Iuiliulives lo reduce iudirecl euergy cousumliou uud reduclious uchieved.
EN 8
Total water withdrawal by source.
EN 9
Wuler sources siguicuully uecled Ly wilhdruwul o wuler.
lN 1u
Perceuluge uud lolul volume o wuler recycled uud reused.
EN 11
loculiou uud size o luud owued, leused, muuuged iu, or udjuceul lo, rolecled ureus uud ureus o
high biodiversity value outside protected areas.
EN 12
Descriliou o siguicuul imucls o uclivilies, roducls, uud services ou Liodiversily iu rolecled
ureus uud ureus o high Liodiversily vulue oulside rolecled ureus.
EN 13
HuLiluls rolecled or reslored.
EN 14
Slrulegies, curreul uclious, uud ulure luus or muuugiug imucls ou Liodiversily.
EN 15
NumLer o IUCN Red lisl secies uud uuliouul couservuliou lisl secies wilh huLiluls iu ureus uecled
Ly oerulious, Ly level o exliucliou risl.
EN 16
Tolul direcl uud iudirecl greeuhouse gus emissious Ly weighl.
EN 17
Olher relevuul iudirecl greeuhouse gus emissious Ly weighl.
EN 18
Iuiliulives lo reduce greeuhouse gus emissious uud reduclious uchieved.
EN 19
lmissious o ozoue-deleliug suLsluuces Ly weighl.
lN 2u
NOx, SOx, uud olher siguicuul uir emissious Ly lye uud weighl.
EN 21
Tolul wuler dischurge Ly quulily uud desliuuliou.
EN 22
Tolul weighl o wusle Ly lye uud disosul melhod.
EN 23
Tolul uumLer uud volume o siguicuul sills.
EN 24
Weighl o lruusorled, imorled, exorled, or lreuled wusle deemed huzurdous uuder lhe lerms o lhe
Busel Couveuliou Auuex I, II, III, uud VIII, uud erceuluge o lruusorled wusle shied iuleruuliouully.
EN 25
Ideulily, size, rolecled slulus, uud Liodiversily vulue o wuler Lodies uud reluled huLiluls siguicuul-
ly uecled Ly lhe reorliug orguuizuliou's dischurges o wuler uud ruuo.
EN 26
Iuiliulives lo miligule euviroumeulul imucls o roducls uud services, uud exleul o imucl miliguliou.
EN 27
Perceuluge o roducls sold uud lheir uclugiug muleriuls lhul ure recluimed Ly culegory.
EN 28
Mouelury vulue o siguicuul ues uud lolul uumLer o uou-mouelury suuclious or uou-comliuuce
wilh euviroumeulul luws uud regululious.
EN 29
Siguicuul euviroumeulul imucls o lruusorliug roducls uud olher goods uud muleriuls used or
lhe orguuizuliou's oerulious, uud lruusorliug memLers o lhe worlorce.
lN 3u
Tolul euviroumeulul rolecliou exeudilures uud iuveslmeuls Ly lye.
SO 5
PuLlic olicy osilious uud urliciuliou iu uLlic olicy develomeul uud loLLyiug.
PR 3
Tye o roducl uud service iuormuliou required Ly rocedures, uud erceuluge o siguicuul rod-
ucls uud services suLjecl lo such iuormuliou requiremeuls.
PR 4
Tolul uumLer o iucideuls o uou-comliuuce wilh regululious uud voluulury codes couceruiug rod-
ucl uud service iuormuliou uud luLeliug, Ly lye o oulcomes.
Where to Begin:
Check with your Environment or
Sustainable Development depart-
ment to see if they have:
An environmental management
system that includes pro-
grammes, procedures, improve-
ment plans, inspections/audits,
and results
General environmental per-
formance data (e.g., on waste,
emissions, energy and water
use, spills, land management,
penalties), for existing reporting
to regulators
Pollution prevention or reuse/re-
cycling programmes and associ-
ated results
Check with Maintenance or Facili-
ties Management for:
Programmes to improve energy
efciency or reduce water use
Check with Community Relations
or the Corporate Foundation for:
Sponsorship of a programme to
improve environmental condi-
tions or increase awareness
Check with Supply Management
A partnership with suppliers to
address environmental issues
(e.g., packaging take-back,
chemical use reduction)



The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 35
36 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
State your specc corporate commtment and the reIevance oI ths prncpIe Ior your
company, for example:
- Commilmeul lo eucourugiug lhe develomeul uud diusiou o euviroumeulully rieudly lechuolo-
gies usiug words rom your olicy, or u reereuce lo iuleruuliouul or iuduslry sluudurds or codes
Brey descrbe poIces, programmes and management systems, Ior exampIe:
- Cororule or divisiou|suLsidiury olicies ou lhe use o euviroumeulully souud lechuolo-
gies (lSTs)
- lie cycle ussessmeul (lCA) or lhe develomeul o uew lechuologies uud roducls, so us
lo lule iulo uccouul imucls iu lhe muuuuclure, use uud disosul o lhe roducl
- luviroumeulul Techuology Assessmeul (luTA) uuulylicul lool desigued lo eusure lhul
decisiou muliug rocesses reluled lo lechuology udululiou, imlemeululiou uud use
are sustainable

Describe practical activities undertaken in the past year to implement this principle, for
- Shuriug wilh sluleholders lhe Leuels o usiug lSTs
- Reocusiug reseurch uud develomeul lowurds desigu or susluiuuLilily"
- lsluLlishiug iuveslmeul crileriu uud u sourciug olicy or suliers uud coulruclors lo
eusure lhul leuders sliulule miuimum euviroumeulul crileriu
- Cooeruliug wilh iuduslry urluers lo eusure lhul Lesl uvuiluLle lechuology" is uvuil-
uLle lo olher orguuizulious
Industrias Peoles, S.A.B. de C.V. (Mexico) Oue o lhe severul commilmeuls Peuoles
mules iu regurd lo luviromeulul Coulrol is lhe use o iuuovulive lechuologies lo reduce euviroumeu-
lul imucl iu ull o lhe comuuies oerulious. 2006 Sustainability Report
BMW (Germany) Bul olimul roducl recycliug Legius iu lhe desigu uud coucel huse o u
vehicle. lugiueers o lhe BMW Grou evuluule lhe ecologicul eecls o uew comoueul coucels over
lhe whole lie cycle o lhe roducl Ly meuus o lhe lie Cycle Assessmeul iuslrumeul. These resulls
hel lhe vehicle develoers lo choose lhose develomeul ulleruulives eurly ou lhul oer lhe greulesl
ecologicul imrovemeul over lhe whole lie cycle o lhe roducl. 2007 Sustainability Report
Diageo Plc (UK) Muuuucluriug siles ure cousluully chulleuged lo imrove lhe susluiuuLil-
ily o lhe lechuologies, rocesses uud muleriuls emloyed iu lheir oerulious uud lhis reorl iu-
cludes exumles o euviroumeulul imucls reduced Ly such iuiliulives. The euergy muuugemeul
review uuuouuced lhis yeur will ideuliy imrovemeuls iu lhe use o ower uud uels uud u uew
uclugiug review will uim lo deue lhe euviroumeulul imliculious o muleriuls uud ruclices
iu uclugiug. A mujor rogrumme lo ugrude eueul lreulmeul ul more lhuu u dozeu siles iu
Aricu is urouchiug comleliou. 2006 Corporate Citizenship Report
Priucile 9: Busiuess should eucouruge lhe develomeul uud
diusiou o euviroumeulully rieudly lechuologies
What is meant by an
sound technology?
ESTs are those that:
...protect the environment,
are less polluting, use all
resources in a more sustain-
able manner, recycle more of
their wastes and products, and
handle residual wastes in a
more acceptable manner than
the technologies for which they
were substitutes. [ESTs] are
not just individual technologies,
but total systems which include
know-how, procedures, goods
and services, and equipment
as well as organizational and
managerial processes. (Agenda
21, Chapter 34)


Describe impact of systems, outcomes of actions and progress achieved in regard to this
principle, for example:
- Reducliou (or orecusled reducliou) iu euergy use or wusle geueruliou rom highlighled
lechuology (usiug ucluul gures i ossiLle)
- Quuulilulive descriliou o how muuy eole|comuuies mighl Le uecled Ly exleruul
lechuology shuriug, uud how il hels lo imrove euviroumeulul or sociul coudilious
Cadbury Food Company China CudLury lood Comuuy Chiuu heled lo reduce lhe
roLlem o oor uir quulily iu Beijiug Ly swilchiug ils Loilers rom diesel-uel lo uulurul gus,
which suves 7,86ulg o sulhur dioxide emissious euch yeur uud reduces cosls.
2006 Corporate and Social Responsibility

Relevant GRI Indicators
EN 2
Perceuluge o muleriuls used lhul ure recycled iuul muleriuls.
EN 5
luergy suved due lo couservuliou uud ecieucy imrovemeuls.
EN 6
Iuiliulives lo rovide euergy-ecieul or reuewuLle euergy-Lused roducls uud services, uud reduc-
lious iu euergy requiremeuls us u resull o lhese iuiliulives duriug lhe reorliug eriod.
EN 7
Iuiliulives lo reduce iudirecl euergy cousumliou uud reduclious uchieved.
EN 10
Perceuluge uud lolul volume o wuler recycled uud reused.
EN 18
Iuiliulives lo reduce greeuhouse gus emissious uud reduclious uchieved.
EN 26
Iuiliulives lo miligule euviroumeulul imucls o roducls uud services, uud exleul o imucl miliguliou.
EN 27
Perceuluge o roducls sold uud lheir uclugiug muleriuls lhul ure recluimed Ly culegory.
EN 30
Tolul euviroumeulul rolecliou exeudilures uud iuveslmeuls Ly lye.
SO 5
PuLlic olicy osilious uud urliciuliou iu uLlic olicy develomeul uud loLLyiug.
Where to Begin:
Check with your Environment, Sus-
tainable Development or Supply
Management department to see if
they have:
Examples of pilot projects with
local learning institutions, or if
your company has sponsored a
chair or special programme at a
A collaboration with a non-prot
group or government to share
company learnings widely (e.g.,
on technologies successfully em-
ployed to reduce waste, improve
energy efciency, remediate
contaminated sites)
A partnership with suppliers to
develop and utilise environmen-
tally friendly technologies
Check with Community Relations
or the Corporate Foundation for:
Sponsorship of a programme for
sharing technology (e.g., water
sanitation, energy efciency) in
developing countries where you
Check with Product Development or
the Business Units for:
Research and development pro-
grammes dedicated to develop-
ing new environmentally friendly
products or services
Check with Maintenance or
Facilities Management for:
Programmes involving technolo-
gies to improve internal energy
efciency or reduce water use
Check with New Product Develop-
ment, Marketing or Engineering for:
Product/service development
activities that incorporate or
capitalize on an environmentally
friendly technology component



The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 37
State your specc corporate commtment and the reIevance oI ths prncpIe Ior your
company, for example:
- Commilmeul lo elimiuuliug corruliou usiug words rom your olicy, or u reereuce lo
iuleruuliouul sluudurds (e.g., UN Couveuliou Aguiusl Corruliou, OlCD Couveuliou ou
ComLuliug BriLery).
Brey descrbe poIces, programmes and management systems, Ior exampIe:
- Auli-corruliou olicy uud imlemeululiou o u rogrumme luilored lo lhe risl role
o lhe comuuy
- Humuu resources muuugemeul syslems suorliug lhe elhicul Lehuviour o emloyees
- Mouiloriug uud suuclious syslem uud whislleLlower schemes
- Reorliug rocedures uud couliuuous imrovemeul rocesses
- luuclious o comliuuce ocers

Describe practical activities undertaken in the past year to implement this principle, for
- Iuleruul uud exleruul commuuiculious
- Truiuiug o emloyees
Dealing with agents and business partners
Dealing with incidents
- Purliciuliou iu colleclive uclivilies uud sluleholder eugugemeul
- Cooeruliou wilh uulhorilies iuvesliguliug uud roseculiug cuses o corruliou
- Suorl o lhe esluLlishmeul or imrovemeul o uuli-corruliou iuruslruclure iu lhe
countries where you do business
De Beers (South Africa) De Beers will uol coudoue uuy violuliou o lhe luw, dishouesly or uu-
elhicul Lusiuess deuliug Ly uuy emloyee, iucludiug uuy uymeul or, or olher urliciuliou iu, uuy illegul
ucl such us LriLery, ruud, lhel, mouey-luuuderiug or illicil deuliug iu diumouds or sloleu roerly.
Report to Stakeholders 2005/6
BP (UK) lmloyees or coulruclors who ure coucerued lhul luws, regululious, sluudurds or lhe
code o couducl muy Le Leiug Lreuched, iucludiug suely-reluled issues, cuu ruise coucerus lhrough our
iudeeudeul coudeuliul helliue, OeuTull. Iudividuuls cuu coulucl OeuTull usiug u mulliliuguul
houe liue or viu ux, e-muil or leller, 24 hours u duy, seveu duys u weel. All reorls ure iuiliully huudled
Ly uu iudeeudeul orguuizuliou Leore Leiug orwurded lo lhe uroriule ersou wilhiu BP. Coucerus ure
ussed lo u regiouul omLudsersou - u seuior BP muuuger - who will urruuge u resouse, ossiLly iucludiug
uu iuvesliguliou. BP will uol lolerule reluliuliou uguiusl uuyoue who ruises uu OeuTull cuse or is uumed
iu oue. Auy ulleguliou o reluliuliou is iuvesliguled uud, i suLsluuliuled, disciliuury ucliou will Le luleu
uguiusl lhose resousiLle. 2006 Sustainability Report
ESKOM (South Africa) A ormul lslom ruud reveuliou worlsho, uumed CURl, wus
successully develoed uud imlemeuled. 2003 COP
Priucile 1u: Busiuesses should worl uguiusl corruliou iu ull ils orms,
including extortion and bribery
What is meant by
Corruption can take many forms
that vary in degree from the
minor use of inuence to insti-
tutionalized bribery. Transpar-
ency Internationals denition
of corruption is the abuse of
entrusted power for private
gain. This can mean not only
nancial gain but also non-nan-
cial advantages.
what about extortion?
The OECD Guidelines for
Multinational Enterprises dene
extortion in the following way:
The solicitation of bribes is the
act of asking or enticing another
to commit bribery. It becomes
extortion when this demand is
accompanied by threats that
endanger the personal integrity
or the life of the private actors
... and bribery?
Transparency Internationals
Business Principles for Counter-
ing Bribery dene bribery in
the following way: Bribery: An
offer or receipt of any gift, loan,
fee, reward or other advantage
to or from any person as an
inducement to do something
which is dishonest, illegal or a
breach of trust, in the conduct of
the enterprises business.
The UN Convention against Cor-
ruption adopts the widest notion
of corruption, which goes well
beyond the traditional forms of
bribery and embezzlement both
in the private and public sectors.
By global standards, corruption
also means trading in inuence,
abuse of functions, illicit enrich-
ment, obstruction of justice,
laundering and concealment of
ill-gotten gains.
38 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress


Describe impact of systems, outcomes of actions and progress achieved in regard to this
principle, for example:
- NumLer o cuses iuvesliguled uud suuclious imosed
- NumLer o ollow-u iuvesligulious
- NumLer o emloyees lhul lool ouliue Lusiuess elhics lruiuiug
Tata Motors (India) Tulu hus imlemeuled u Lusiuess elhics muuugemeul rogrumme.
Slulus o muuugemeul o Lusiuess elhics: 2005-2006 COP

Relevant GRI Indicators
SO 2
Perceuluge uud lolul uumLer o Lusiuess uuils uuulyzed or risls reluled lo corruliou.
SO 3
Perceuluge o emloyees lruiued iu orguuizuliou's uuli-corruliou olicies uud rocedures.
SO 4
Aclious luleu iu resouse lo iucideuls o corruliou.
SO 5
PuLlic olicy osilious uud urliciuliou iu uLlic olicy develomeul uud loLLyiug.
SO 6
Tolul vulue o uuuciul uud iu-liud coulriLulious lo olilicul urlies, oliliciuus uud reluled iuslilu-
tions by country.
Where to Begin:
Check with your Human Resources
or other relevant department to
see if they have:
A training programme for all or
certain employees regarding how
to identify bribery and corruption
A code of business conduct and
ethics, that includes a require-
ment for employees to review
and sign off on the code regularly
An ethics hotline for reporting
suspected violations, and associ-
ated use statistics
An investigations procedure that
addresses violations, and associ-
ated results of investigations
Check with Government Relations,
Supplier Relations or Customer
Relations for:
Partnerships that promote
awareness of the issue
Check with Legal Department for:
A ny decided cases of bribery and
corruption that can be disclosed



02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06
Concerns received 107 46 95 125
Concerns resolved 98 38 65 86
% resolved 91.6% 83% 68% 68.8%
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 39
Priucile 1u: Busiuesses should worl uguiusl corruliou iu ull ils orms,
including extortion and bribery
Iu uddiliou lo usliug comuuies lo imlemeul lhe leu riuciles, lhe GloLul Comucl eucour-
uges urliciuuls lo euguge iu urluershi rojecls iu suorl o Lrouder UN gouls, iu ur-
liculur lhe Milleuuium Develomeul Gouls (MDGs). Uuderluliug such rojecls is u ruclicul
muuiesluliou o good cororule cilizeushi uud uuderscores u comuuy's commilmeul lo
positive change.
Oleu, ruclices or reorliug ou urluershis ollow slighlly diereul rumeworls lhuu lhose
used lo commuuicule rogress ou lhe leu riuciles.
Iu regurd lo urluershis, COPs geuerully couluiu lhree elemeuls:
Partnership description
Concrete actions taken
Outcome or impact of the partnership
What are partnerships? Purluershis ure commouly deued us voluulury uud colluLorulive
relulioushis Lelweeu vurious urlies, Lolh Slule uud uou-Slule, iu which ull urliciuuls ugree lo worl
logelher lo uchieve u commou urose or uuderlule u secic lusl uud lo shure risls, resousiLililies,
resources, comeleucies uud Leuels".
UN and enhanced cooperation with the private sector
Report of the Secretary-General, 18 August 2003
Purluershis ure uLoul ideuliyiug commou grouud Lelweeu lhe rivule uud lhe uLlic seclors, uud com-
Liuiug lheir reseclive slills uud exerlise.
There ure lhree muiu lyes o urluershis:
Advocacy and policy dialogue Comuuies euguge wilh olher sluleholders lo lule u leuder-
shi role iu chumiouiug, udvoculiug or uud coulriLuliug lo resolviug diereul issues
Social investment and philanthropic Comuuies rovide uuuciul suorl, coulriLule
voluuleers uud|or exerlise or mule iu-liud coulriLulious, iucludiug roducl douulious
Core business partnerships Purluers colluLorule lo creule emloymeul uud osler eulrere-
ueurshi, coulriLule lo ecouomic growlh, geuerule lux reveuues, imlemeul sociul, euvirou-
meulul or elhicul sluudurds, uud|or rovide uroriule uud uorduLle goods uud services
Partnerships for Development



How to Assess and Communicate on the Impact of Projects?
The Partnership Assessment Tool (PAT)
To commuuicule ou lhe vulue o urluershi uclivilies, comuuies ure eucouruged lo use lhe Purluershi
Assessmeul Tool (PAT), develoed Ly lhe Uuiled Nulious iu colluLoruliou wilh cororule urluers. The lool
hus Leeu develoed lo imrove lhe quulily o urluershis, Lul ulso us u resource or comuuies lo reorl
ou lhe imucl o lheir uclivilies.
The Purluershi Assessmeul Tool (PAT) is u lool lo ussess lhe develomeulul vulue o urluershis, uud
coulriLules lo Luild more cousisleully high-imucl uud eeclive urluershis Lelweeu lhe UN uud lhe
rivule seclor. The PAT is u simle eleclrouic ussessmeul lool lhul guides lhe user lhrough u series o ques-
lious, resulliug iu u scorecurd delermiuiug lhe roseclive vulue uud imucl o lhe urluershi. The PAT
cuu Le used Leore uud duriug u urluershi rojecl. The lool lesls lhe slreuglh o lhe urluershi ou six
Alignment of objectives and values
Internal partnership management
External partnership management
Multiplier effects and scalability
Environmental impact
Socio-economic impact
40 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
What are the Millennium
Development Goals?
The Millennium Development
Goals (MDGS) are eight goals
to be achieved by 2015 that
respond to the worlds main
development challenges.
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme
poverty and hunger
Goal 2: Achieve universal
primary education
Goal 3: Promote gender equal-
ity and empower women
Goal 4: Reduce child mortality
Goal 5: Improve maternal
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS,
malaria and other diseases
Goal 7: Ensure environmental
Goal 8: Develop a Global Part-
nership for Development
Partnership description
The urluershi descriliou should rovide lhe coulexl or lhe reuder, oulliuiug lhe vurious
cousiderulious lhul were imorluul iu lhe decisiou lo uuderlule lhe rojecl, selecl urluers
uud ideuliy uclivilies.

DescriLe lhe urluershi, iucludiug gouls uud oLjeclives. lor exumle:
- Chulleuges or dilemmus molivuliug lhe urluershi
Partners involved
- Develomeul gouls (such us lhe MDGs) lurgeled
- Role uud resousiLilily o urluers (lye o urluershi)
A descriliou o lhe uclious should iuclude lhe role lhe o euch urluer uud how lhe urluer-
shi moved rom visiou lo ucliou (i relevuul).
DescriLe lhe ruclicul uclious luleu, or exumle:
- Advocucy cumuigus lo ruise uwureuess o crilicul locul issues
- Imrove livelihood uud uccess lo uorduLle goods uud services o surrouudiug commuuilies
- Build locul iuruslruclure (lelecommuuiculious, lruusorluliou, euergy, wuler, suuilu-
liou, heullh)
Mouiloriug uud evuluuliug oulcomes is uu imorluul url o uuy urluershi iu order lo churl
rogress uud ussess imucl.
DescriLe imucl uud oulcomes o uclious, uud rogress uchieved iu regurd lo lhe urluershi
gouls uud uclivilies, or exumle:
- Beuel o lhe urluershi uclivilies or euch urluer
- MeusuruLle oulcomes uud imucl ou lurgeled gouls
Partnerships for Development



China United Telecommunications Corporation (China) Iu Murch 2uu3, Cure viu
Uuicom SMS, Hoe liled Ly lveryLody", u churily cumuigu or Lolh Projecl Hoe" uud Prolecl lhe River
o Molherluud" viu SMS, wus udvoculed uud ociully luuuched Ly Chiuu Uuicom uud Chiuu ]uveuile De-
velomeul luud. The uuds ruised Ly Chiuu Uuicom's moLile suLscriLers will muiuly Le ulied lo lhe cou-
slrucliou o Uuicom's Hoe Primury School" uud lhe esluLlishmeul o Uuicom SuLscriLers Scholurshi
or Projecl Hoe" iu ureus o overly, uud lhe Luildiug o Chiuu Uuicom SuLscriLers loresl" uloug Yuuglze
River uud Yellow River. Iu lhis uclivily, Niugxiu Uuicom Luill u Uuicom PuLlic Welure loresl" coveriug u
luud ureu o 5u mu, where more lhuu leu lhousuud seedliugs were luuled. COP 2006
Stora Enso (Finland) The urluershi hus Leeu highly successul iu guiuiug lhe lrusl o Sloru
luso's cuslomers, iuveslors uud olher sluleholders iu lhe comuuy's muuugemeul o susluiuuLilily issues
iu ils Chiuese luululiou oeruliou. lnspiraricnai tnidc rc lnpicncnrin rnc ticoai tcnpa.r 2007
SN Power Invest (Norway) SN Power's suLsidiury Himul Power limiled hus u urluershi
ugreemeul wilh UNDP lo imlemeul lhe Khimli NeighLourhood Develomeul Projecl iu Neul. The
muiu comoueul o lhe rogrumme is rurul eleclriculiou. A miui hydroower luul will Le Luill uud
more lhuu 3,5uu households ure lo Le eleclried. This udds ou lo lhe exisliug miui hydroower luul o
62u lW uud lhe 4,3uu households ulreudy eleclried Ly lhe rsl huse o lhe rojecl. All ussels ure, uud
will Le, owued uud muuuged Ly lhe locul eleclricily users lhemselves lhrough u cooerulive, lhe Khimli
Rurul lleclriculiou Cooerulive, KRlC. Iu uddiliou lo eleclriculiou, locul ecouomic develomeul, slills
lruiuiug, womeu emowermeul uud irriguliou meusures ure imorluul urls o lhe Khimli NeighLour-
hood Develomeul Projecl hll:||www.suower.uo|Cororule_ResousiLilily|MemLershis|UNDP
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 41
Appendix: Additional Resources
The ollowiug lools uud resources huve Leeu roduced Ly lhe GloLul Comucl Oce oleu iu cooeruliou wilh ley urluers uud
exerls or Ly oue o lhe ussociuled UN ugeucies. All resources cuu Le dowulouded rom lhe GloLul Comucl weLsile:
2007 Global Compact Annual Review
The Auuuul Review rovides u comreheusive iclure o lhe iuiliulive uud lhe eorls mude
Ly Lusiuess uud olher sluleholders lo udvuuce lhe GloLul Comucl's missiou uud riuciles.
The review reveuls lhe resulls o lhe rsl iu-delh survey o GloLul Comucl urliciuuls.
looliug ul Lusiuess uclious ucross severul ley ureus muuugemeul, olicy imlemeululiou,
urluershis uud locul iuvolvemeul, lhe survey shows how uud why comuuies ure imle-
meuliug lhe leu riuciles uud seeliug urluershis. (UNGCO, 2uu7)

After the Signature - A Guide to Engagement in the Global Compact
A Lusic iulroducliou lo lhe GloLul Comucl oulliuiug lhe commilmeul comuuies mule
wheu siguiug ou lo lhe iuiliulive, iucludiug imlemeuliug lhe leu riuciles uud roduciug
uu uuuuul Commuuiculiou ou Progress. (UNGCO, 2uu7)
Inspirational Guide to Implementing the Global Compact
A uLliculiou reseuliug 21 ruclicul exumles o how cororule siguulories o lhe GloLul
Comucl huve urouched imlemeululiou o lhe leu riuciles, emhusiziug lhe solulious
develoed lo reluled chulleuges uud dilemmus. (UNGCO, 2uu7)
Inspirational Guide to Implementing the United Nations Global Compact Africa
A uLliculiou reured ou lhe occusiou o lhe 2uu8 Aricuu Privule Seclor lorum, co-orgu-
uized Ly lhe Commissiou o lhe Aricuu Uuiou uud lhe UN GloLul Comucl. Cuse exumles
reseuled iu lhis uLliculiou illuslrule lhe wide ruuge o iuuovulive uud susluiuuLle uclivilies
Leiug uuderluleu Ly Lusiuesses ucross Aricu. (UNGCO, 2uu8)
Global Leadership Network (GLN) Global Compact Implementation Tool
Au iuleruclive leuruiug uud Leuchmurliug resource lhul hels GloLul Comucl siguulories
ideuliy how lhe riuciles uud olher core cilizeushi issues uucliou us u driver o Lusiuess
success. A weLsile hus Leeu luuuched ( or GloLul Comucl siguu-
lories, IlC clieuls uud lhe wider rivule seclor iu emergiug murlels. This weLsile rovides
ree uccess lo GlN's iuleruclive ouliue lool. (UNGCO|AccouuluLilily|Boslou College Ceuler or
Cororule Cilizeushi|IlC, 2uu7)
Measurng Busness Success Irom SustanabIty Certcaton
A rojecl develoiug iudiculors lhul euuLle comuuies lo ussess lhe uuuciul vulue o susluiu-
uLilily cerliculiou schemes iu lheir slrulegy develomeul uud luuuiug rocess. (UNGCO|
Ruiuoresl Alliuuce, 2uu7)
Your Guide to the Global Compact A Resource Package
Au exleusive resource ucluge rovidiug iuormuliou ou lhe GloLul Comucl uud ruclicul
guiduuce or comuuies seeliug lo imlemeul lhe leu riuciles iulo Lusiuess oerulious.
(UNGCO, 2uu6)
Raising the Bar Creating Value with the United Nations Global Compact
This comreheusive guide oulliues how lhe GloLul Comucl cuu slimulule orguuizuliouul
chuuge while creuliug Lusiuess vulue, ussisliug muuugers o lurge uud smull comuuies iu
lruusluliug lhe riuciles iulo Lusiuess ruclices. (UNGCO|Greeuleu, 2uu4)
42 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
PRA0Tl0E ll
A |cinL publicaLicn cl LheUniLed NaLicns 0lcbal 0cmpacL and Lhe 0llce cl Lhe High 0cmmissicner cl Human PighLs
Embedding Human Rights in Business Practice II
The secoud volume iu lhis cuse sludy series exlores lhe ruclicul meuuiug o humuu righls
or comuuies, reseuliug 2u cuse sludies ou Lusiuess ruclices. (UNGCO|OHCHR, 2uu8)
Human Rights and Business Learning Tool
Au iuleruel-Lused leuruiug lool develoed lo ussisl muuugers uud cororule resousiLilily ro-
essiouuls iu comuuies urliciuliug iu lhe UN GloLul Comucl. (UNGCO|OCHCR|UNSC, 2uu7)
Human Rights Framework
A osler desigued uud lruusluled iulo six luuguuges lo give u uLlicly disluyed, eusily reer-
euced overview or comuuies lo use iu imlemeuliug u humuu righls olicy. (UNGCO|IBll|
BlIHR, 2uu7)
Human Rights Impact Assessment Guide
A guide lo Humuu Righls Imucl Assessmeul uud Muuugemeul giviug uu overull view o lhe
rocess o imlemeuliug u humuu righls ussessmeul rogrumme iulo u cororuliou. (UNGCO|
IlC|IBll, 2uu7)
A Guide for Implementing Human Rights into Business Management
A reorl showcusiug lhe exerieuce o leu comuuies iu imlemeuliug humuu righls wilhiu
lheir comuuies. (UNGCO|OHCHR|BlIHR, 2uu6)
ILO-IPEC Guidelines for Developing Child Labour Monitoring Processes
Guideliues rovidiug iuormuliou ou how lo desigu, develo uud oerule child luLour moui-
loriug uloug wilh ruclicul exumles lhul will hel lo udul lhe model lo secic child luLour
siluulious. (IlO, 2uu6)
Embedding Human Rights in Business Practice
A uLliculiou exloriug lhe ruclicul meuuiug o humuu righls or comuuies, reseuliug our
cuse sludies uud u olicy reorl ou diereul Lusiuess ruclices. (UNGCO|OHCHR, 2uu4)
The GIobaI Compact and Human Rghts: Understandng Sphere oI Inuence and CompIcty
A Lrieug uer rovidiug uu overview o lhe curreul uudersluudiug o shere o iuueuce" uud
comlicily" iu lhe coulexl o lhe GloLul Comucl's humuu righls riuciles. (OHCHR, 2uu4)
Caring for Climate: Tomorrows Leadership Today -
Climule Chuuge, luviroumeulul ResousiLilily uud lxumles o Cororule leudershi
A collecliou o cuse sludies demouslruliug iuuovulive exumles o GloLul Comucl urlici-
uuls luliug ucliou lo uddress climule chuuge. (UNGCO|UNlP|WBCSD, 2uu7)
The CEO Water Mandate
The ClO Wuler Muudule ussisls comuuies iu develoiug u comreheusive urouch lo wuler
muuugemeul, coveriug six ley ureus: direcl oerulious, suly chuiu uud wulershed muuuge-
meul, colleclive ucliou, uLlic olicy, commuuily eugugemeul, uud lruusureucy. (UNGCO|
Miuislry or loreigu Auirs Swedeu, 2uu7)
The Global Compact Environmental Principles Training Package
Truiuiug muuuul ou lhe GloLul Comucl's euviroumeul riuciles, rimurily or uew
comuuies rom medium-sized Lusiuesses iu develoiug couulries lo lurge mulliuuliouuls.
(UNGCO|UNlP, 2uu5)
Talk the Walk Advancing Sustainable Lifestyles through Marketing and Communications
Provides uu overview o how murleliug cuu osler susluiuuLle cousumlious uud u loolLox or
rucliliouers ou how lo ruu susluiuuLle lieslyles murleliug cumuigus. (UNGCO|UNlP|Ulo-
ies, 2uu5)
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 43
Business Against Corruption Case Stories and Examples
A uLliculiou showcusiug exumles o how lo deul wilh chulleuges wheu imlemeuliug lhe
GloLul Comucl's uuli-corruliou riucile. (UNGCO, 2uu6)
Business Against Corruption - A Framework for Action
Resources uud lools lo ussisl comuuies iu imlemeuliug lhe 1ulh riucile ou corruliou. (UN
GCO|IBll|TI, 2uu5)
Business Fighting Corruption: Experiences from Africa
A collecliou o cuse sludies showcusiug how orguuizulious iu Aricu ure uddressiug lhe chul-
leuge o corruliou. The uLliculiou is iuleuded lo ussisl muuugers iu ghliug corruliou
uud iucreusiug lruusureucy. To lhis eud, il rovides umle evideuce lhul iudividuuls cuu
coulriLule lo lhe esluLlishmeul o vulue-driveu orguuizuliouul cullures uud lhul lheir collec-
live ucliou cuu hel udvuuce more lruusureul uud elhicul socielies. (GC Regiouul leuruiug
lorum|GTZ, 2uu7)
Business Guide to Partnering with NGOs and the UN
A lool rovidiug iuormuliou ussisl iu lhe urluer selecliou rocess uud Ly syslemulicully ideu-
liyiug leudiug uou-rol sociul uclors rom urouud lhe world lhul huve demouslruled slill
uud excelleuce iu urlueriug wilh comuuies. (UNGCO|DulLerg, 2uu7)
Enhancing the Value of UN-Business Partnerships: A Tool to Assess Sustainability and Impact
A lool lo imrove lhe develomeulul vulue o urluershis Lelweeu lhe UN syslem uud lhe
rivule seclor. (UNGCO|UNDP|UNOP|UNITAR, 2uu7)
Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through
UN-Business Partnerships
A uLliculiou lhul showcuses u Lroud seclrum o culliug edge iuiliulives seeliug lo uuleush
lhe oleuliul o UN-Lusiuess urluershis. (UNGCO, 2uu7)
Business UNusual Facilitating United Nations Reform Through Partnerships
As lhis uLliculiou shows, urluershis Lelweeu UN uud Lusiuess huve ucled us u cululysl or
reorm uud iusliluliouul iuuovuliou lhroughoul lhe UN syslem Ly iuusiug rivule seclor muu-
ugemeul ruclices uud erormuuce Lused lhiuliug. (UNGCO|GPPI, 2uu5)
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
(COP) Creating, Sharing and Posting a COP
Guiduuce uud ruclicul exumles riucile Ly riucile or GloLul Comucl comuuies
ou commuuiculiug rogress ou lhe leu riuciles uud urluershis. (UNGCO, 2uu8)

Making the Connection:
The GRI Guidelines and the Global Compact Communication on Progress
A uLliculiou lhul iulroduces wuys o uddressiug GRI uud GloLul Comucl requiremeuls
simulluueously. A drul guide wus roduced iu 2uu6. (UNGCO|GRI, 2uu7)
Leading the Way in Communication on Progress
Iusiruliou uud ideus ou how lo commuuicule rogress iu imlemeuliug lhe leu riuciles.
(UNGCO, 2uu6)
OneReport COP Publisher
A weL-Lused lool lo ussisl comuuies roduciug u COP reorl. (UNGCO|SRI, 2uu6)
44 The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
New Frontiers in Emerging Markets Investment
Couereuce reorl rom lhe 2uu7 Who Cures Wius" uuuuul meeliug. (UNGCO|IlC|lDlA, 2uu7)

Principles for Responsible Investment
Voluulury riuciles rovidiug guideliues ou how lo iucororule euviroumeulul, sociul uud
goveruuuce issues iulo muiuslreum iuveslmeul decisiou-muliug uud owuershi ruclices.
(UNGCO|UNlPlI, 2uu6)
Communicating ESG Value Drivers at the Company-Investor Interface
Couereuce reorl rom lhe 2uu6 Who Cures Wius" meeliug. (UNGCO|lDlA|IlC, 2uu6)
Investing for Long-Term Value: Integrating environmental, social and governance value
drvers n asset management and nancaI research
Couereuce reorl rom lhe 2uu5 Who Cures Wius" meeliug. (UNGCO|lDlA|IlC, 2uu5)
Who Cares Wins: One Year On
A review o lhe iulegruliou o euviroumeulul, sociul uud goveruuuce vulue drivers iu ussel
muuugemeul, uuuciul reseurch uud iuveslmeul rocesses. (UNGCO|IlC, 2uu5)
Who Cares Wins Connecting Financial Markets to a Changing World
This reorl uddresses how lhe uuuciul iuduslry should iulegrule euviroumeulul, sociul uud
goveruuuce issues iu lheir uuuciul uuulysis, reseurch uud iuveslmeul recommeudulious.
(UNGCO, 2uu4)
Principles for Responsible Management Education
Priuciles lo eucouruge ucudemic iuslilulious o Lusiuess educuliou urouud lhe world lo luy
u slroug role us chuuge ugeuls Ly educuliug uud lruiuiug ulure sociully resousiLle Lusiuess
leuders. (UNGCO, 2uu7)
EnabIng Economes oI Peace: PubIc PoIcy Ior Conct-Senstve Busness
The reorl ideulies u ruuge o coucrele uclious lhul Goverumeuls uud iuleruuliouul orguuizu-
lious cuu uuderlule lo Leller ussisl rivule-seclor eorls lo romole eeclive couicl-seusilive
Lusiuess ruclices. (UNGCO, 2uu5)
Local Network Report: Deepening Engagement at the Local Level
This reorl reseuls lhe resulls o lhe rsl comreheusive uud syslemulic survey o GloLul Com-
ucl locul Nelworls. Il highlighls lessous leurued uLoul uelworl Luildiug uud erormuuce, us
well us uumerous iusiriug uud iuuovulive uclivilies uud exumles o solulious develoed Ly locul
uelworls lo give ruclicul meuuiug lo lhe leu riuciles. The locul Nelworl Reorl hels deue
whul cororule cilizeushi meuus iu diereul uuliouul coulexls. (UNGCO, 2uu7)

Facilitating High-impact Global Compact Networks A Practical Guide
Sle-Ly-sle guiduuce uud ruclicul udvice ou luuuchiug lhe GC uud esluLlishiug GC uelworls
ul lhe couulry or regiouul level. (UNDP, SelemLer 2uu5)
UN Global Compact Operational Guide for Medium-Scale Enterprises
Au eusy-lo-ollow guide or medium-scule eulerrises lo imlemeul lhe leu riuciles uud
Lecome good erormers iu lhe GloLul Comucl. (UNGCO|UNIDO, 2uu7)
REAP - Responsible Entrepreneurs Achievement Programme
Au iuleruel-Lused lool desigued lo suorl smull- uud medium-size eulerrises iu ussessiug
lheir CSR-reluled erormuuce, Lused ou lhe leu riuciles o lhe GloLul Comucl uud lhe
UNIDO lrile-Lollom-liue urouch. (UNIDO, 2uu6)

the principles for
responsible management
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 45
The ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact
Principle 1 Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed
human rights; and
Principle 2 make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Principle 3 Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of
the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4 the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5 the effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6 the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Principle 7 Businesses are asked to support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
Principle 8 undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9 encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Principle 10 Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
Published by the United Nations Global Compact Office |
August 2009 | 5M
Creating, Sharing and Posting a COP
The Practical Guide to the United Nations Global Compact


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