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In order to develop a focused individual Learning Contract, it seems to be the toughest assignments that I have to undertake because it helps me to focus on building my leadership capability and capacity. After a shortlist consideration, I have chosen to focus on How can I create and sustain entrepreneurial and innovative teams within my organisation? whereas such questions required an in-depth critical analysis of existing capability in order to achieve what I have selected. Before I made-up my minds on this focus, I used to question myself why I want to focus on this? The reason is quite simple because we are in this multifaceted environment and it is obvious that we need to work as a team either in permanent or temporary styles for any tasks within an organisation. Therefore, we need pioneer and innovative enlightenments to make sure the problems work-out with entrepreneurial knowledge so that those innovative solutions bring satisfied benefits for organisation.


The Differences in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

According to Dictionary (2012) explicated that innovation is the preface of something new (i.e. new idea, method, or device) which focuses on the process and utilizing tools to create new out of the box ideas; whereas entrepreneurs are anyone who organizes and operates a business(s) by taking on financial risk to do so. Delia Smith of Greenfield Ventures assumed that if innovation is the creation of new capacities for wealth creation, entrepreneurship id the exploitation of these capacities (Delia 2009). In other words, it means that to work in the existing corporate with corporate framework being innovate inside and add the values for company (Gedeon 2007); which will be used as the guidance to explore the focus selected for my Learning Contract.

3.0 3.1

Problem Portrayal
Where am I now?

To date, I am still remembering that during the second session, were given a piece of paper and instructed to wrote down the questions of These are what I do well as a leader/follower/team member and These are the things I can do to improve my

leadership/followership each on both side of the paper to pass around the class for comments. I felt quite astonished and realized that most of the comments on strengths are on top of my soft-skills such as easy-going, friendly, helpful, and etc whereas my weaknesses are lack of confidence, easy compromise, and not-on-time. After some selfreview, I realized that these feedbacks probably from their in-class observation because I seldom share my viewpoints and thought except being appointed by someone. In the world of business, self-confidence is an important factor because it relates with entrepreneurial innovativeness; whereby an individual with highly assured of personal aptitudes and proficiencies can anticipate a higher pay-off or vice versa. Therefore, this activity facilitates me to discover vital problems which might obstruct me from developing into an innovative entrepreneur.


What I need to be done?

3.2.1 Self-Motivation Prior to build a continuous drive of motivation, I used to ask myself with Who I want to be? and How I want to be? because I know that by getting to know our own better will help to identify our strengths, weaknesses, propensities and competences. By getting to know all of these elements, it will be the source of power in self-motivation. After my two years of working experience, I found that the reality of working environment is very harsh and brutal. No matter a person want to find a job or get promotion, everything will pay attention to knowledge and educational background that he/she have. From those scenarios, I know that I want a success in my life especially in my career pathway and I want to be in a top management levels in an organisation. With the high motivation from all these factors (status, high salaries, honorary, and authority), it becomes my selfmotivation to study and with an outstanding academic performance, I will be able to have better opportunity and achieve what I want or what I planned.

3.2.2 Build-Up Innovative Thinking Skills In the world of business, it is too obvious that when we want to be success, the very first steps that we can think of is what and how we can do to eliminate the competitors/rivals. We used to implement price reductions as a business strategy to eliminate them. But

when you try to have an in-depth analyse, we will find that this is not a superior method because we are unable to see any innovation and entrepreneurship contents included. In a business, as long as we are able to identify the opportunity with the all sorts of creativities in minds, it will enable us to expose a new market; which being known as innovation. For example, the case of Mercedes Benz with their latest innovations, a nanoparticle clear coat lacquer, which is virtually scratch proof and improves gloss. The new technology ensures that this new product is substantially more scratch-resistant than regular paint. The lacquer makes Mercedes Benz cars as the only cars in the world equipped with such high performance product. As we can see that these innovations in production methods has set Mercedes Benz apart from their competitors in the automobile industry.

3.2.3 Influence In an organisation, influence seems to play another imperative role of leadership. As we live in the swift changing environment, leadership is used as a contrivance to construct the future but not the past whereby leader is required at different level of society (i.e. international, national, local, neighbourhood and family) because leadership without strategy is aimless as well as leadership without ability to deal with change is powerless. In order to become more an effective leader, we need to have all these skills. During my feedbacks activity, I am being commented that I did not play a significant role within my group but too compromising, not assertive, and not much contributes the ideas in discussion. After a reflection on my previous experience during the discussion with my SLG grouping, I found that their feedback is true and constructive. I always encourage myself to share the ideas in discussion but when I saw other members began to share and argue his/her ideas, I will stop voices out and listen to them by agreeing with them. According to Jungian psychology, my behaviour can be explained as shadow which means that the part of unconscious mind consisting of repressed weaknesses, intuitions, and shortcomings; maybe this could be the reason why I am not aware on personal weakness until my SLG members mentioned about it.


Where I need to be?

In this Learning Contract, my focus will be on the issue to create and sustain entrepreneurial and innovative teams within my organisation. Starting from my existing capability (current stage where am I now) until develop capability (desire stage where I need to be), it is understandable that it require a few stages of non-stop selfimprovement in order to achieve my chosen focus as a leader. As I know that it is a must for anyone to identify and develop the first stage of creation because you will be able to realize on what to be improved or what you hope to follow. Then, you will continue with the second stage of development until it comes to the third stage which means that after all it will helps you to develop as a leader. All these are the process of transformation because those links are unseen but interrelated from stage-to-stage.



To wrap up, it is an important issue in creating entrepreneurial and innovative teams within an organisation because it generates the biggest benefits for overall to sustain. In todays society, entrepreneurship plays an imperative role for different reasons. The entrepreneur is always the source of innovation, providing entire marketplace with new and improved products and/or services. In this Learning Contract, it enables me to identify my problems because all these nuisances tend to be obstacles which block me from accomplish my goal and improve my leadership skills and qualities. From here, I am able to reflect on my current leadership capability in the area of focus that I have chosen and undertake systematic diagnosis which believes that all needs to be addressed. Throughout the reflection method, it develops me with a right path which able to guide me from something good to the best. I do believe that through a better understanding and recognition, it helps to develop self-improvement which will drive us to goal. This is because each and every single step of self-evaluation and improvement acknowledge me with existing capability and help to hone or develop my capability.

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