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Sejarah : It's not as tough as you think

Look at the textbooks on the left side. This is the secret for you to pass your SPM Sejarah paper with an excellent result! Some people may consider these textbooks are too 'heavy' for them. Too much information? Or too much 'salt'? Well, you have to think twice about that! For your information, most of the questions from SPM Sejarah papers are from textbook! Some questions are directly copy from textbook. Don't believe me? I bet you will believe me when you sit for your SPM. Many students ask me the secret to get A+ in SPM Sejarah. Well, here are the tips: 1. Never use reference books. 2. Don't consider yourself is an expert until you don't need to study the textbooks. 3. Don't study at the last minute. 4. Read the "Sudut Matlumat" 5. Do more excercise books. 6. Pay attention in school. 7. Change your mind that "This part will not come out in exam!" 8. Read smart not hard. 9. Take a look at the previous SPM Sejarah paper. Tips: Reference books are just for a brief idea!!! Read text books!!

Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Buku Teks : Introduction

Ok, let me tell you something. If compare with form 5 Sejarah Textbook, I would like to say that Form 4 Textbook is much easier to study. It's true for me. The information in form 4 textbook is more interesting because it is related to human's civilization while the form 5 textbook is more about our country's law and loyalty organization. So, be prepared. Here are the chapters for Form 4 Sejarah Textbook. Bab 1 : Kemunculan Tamadun Awal Manusia Bab 2 : Peningkatan Tamadun Bab 3 : Tamadun Awal Asia Tenggara Bab 4 : Kemunculan Tamadun Islam Dan Perkembangannya Bab 5 : Kerajaan Islam Di Madinah Bab 6 : Pembentukan Kerajaan Islam Dan Sumbangannya Bab 7 : Islam Di Asia Tenggara Bab 8 : Pembaharuan Dan Pengaruh Islam Di Malaysia Sebelum Kedatangan Barat Bab 9 : Perkembangan Di Eropah Bab 10: Dasar British Dan Kesannya Terhadap Ekonomi Negara Red : Important chapter Tips : Bab 7 and Bab 8 are relevant

TIPS : How To Answer Essay Questions?

Introduction To Sejarah Kertas 2: 1. There are two parts in SPM Sejarah paper : Bahagian A & Bahagian B 2. There are about 4 questions in Bahagian A : usually 2 questions for form 4 syllabus & 2 questions for form 5 syllabus. 3. For Bahagian B, there are 5 questions and you have to choose and answer 3 questions.

Technique to answer Bahagian B: 1. First, you have to make sure that the qustion you choose is 100% you can answer. 2. Never choose a question you are not sure! 3. Choose the question that you can give most ideas!! 4. When answer the questions, follow the steps bellow: a) Give 1 FAKTA b) Give 1 HURAIAN c) Give 1 CONTOH 5. Here are the examples you can follow: Question :Terangkan sumbangan tamadun Mesir kepada peradaban dunia. DRAFT : FAKTA : Agama HURAIAN : Kepercayaan kepada banyak tuhan / politeisme CONTOH : Ra-Atum, Re, Amun TIPS : Make a draft to make you easier to write your essay. Then, start writing your answer in a paragraph. Agama adalah salah satu sumbangan yang dilakukan oleh tamadun Mesir. Orang Mesir mempunyai kepercayaan kepada banyak Tuhan atau dikenali politeisme. Contohnya, Ra-Atum sebagaiTuhan Langit dan Re sebagai Tuhan Matahari. TIPS : Start your FAKTA as the first word!!! It makes the teacher easier to search for the important points!!! 6. Now, you should know how marks are given. For FAKTA, there is 1 mark. For HURAIAN, there is 1 mark. For CONTOH, there is 1 mark. All together, there is 3 marks totally. 7. That means, if the question gives 12marks, you have to give 4 FAKTA together with HURAIAN and CONTOH. 8. In some situations, if you cannot give HURAIAN or CONTOH, you can give FAKTA as well. 9. If there is 4 marks, then you should give 4 FAKTA!!!

10. For the bahagian B question (c), it is usually about KBKK. You can give any answers because there is no exact answer!!! However, remember that your answer must be logic!!!

Analysis is very important!

The key towards success is doing analysis. Each year the Sejarah questions are different. You should pay attention to the chapter that rarely come out in exam. For example, if this chapter came out in 2009, then for the students facing SPM 2010, you don't need to pay so much attention into this chapter. However, in some cases, questions from past year may come out again in SPM. For example, the questions came out in SPM 1997 may come out again in SPM 2010.

Make a draft before you start your essay!

Many students will ignore this when come to writing essay. Actually a short draft will help you to write the essay more easily. Try to list down all the important points before you start an essay. For example : Soalan : Nyatakan faktor perkembangan kerajaan agraria. Draft : 1. Pembinaan sistem pengairan 2. Iklim yang panas 3. Tanah yang subur Jawapan : Pembinaan sistem pengairan merupakan faktor perdana perkembangan kerajaan agraria. Faktor seterusnya islan iklim yang panas lembab. Tanah yang subur juga merupakan salah faktor yang meyumbang perkembangan kerajaan agraria. When making your draft, you should know how many marks are given. If the question gives 3 marks, then list out 3 points

Holiday is around the corner!!

Wishing all the students are having a blast during holiday. Remember to do your revision during holiday!!!

Manage your time properly

Study Sejarah is depending on your memory. Choosing a suitable time for study is important. You should know how to manage your time properly. Different person have a different time management. For some students, they like to study on morning. For some students, they like to study in the evening. Find the time that you believe you can pay most attention when doing works.

According to the scientific investigation, we are most energetic in the early morning after rest and sleep!!! Try to study Sejarah in the morning!!

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