Alfresco Migration

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Operating System and Hardware Recommendation for Alfresco:

Based on the information we have gathered last September 28, 2010, there are at least 300 casual users of Alfresco. Casual users are considered to be users occasionally accessing documents during working day through the Alfresco web-client. For a significant performance gain in using Alfresco, we recommend the following for each VM: 1 x Load Balancer ( HA Proxy) 64 Bit CentOS 5.5 2 Gb Memory Dual Core CPU At least 25 GB HD ( if possible can we make it 50 GB) 2 x Alfresco Server 64 Bit CentOS 5.5 4 Gb Memory Dual Core CPU At least 25 GB HD ( if possible can we make it 50 GB) 2 x MySql Server ( 1 Master and 1 Slave) 64 Bit CentOS 5.5 2 Gb Memory Dual Core CPU 50 GB HD 1 x NFS Server 64 Bit CentOS 5.5 2 Gb Memory Dual Core CPU 200 GB HD

Load Balancer

Alfresco 1

Alfresco 2




Migration Procedure and schedule

Exist recommends the following task list for planning and performing successful data migration: Inventory of data to be migrated DAY 1 Interview users in case there are additional changes that can we can accommodate with the new feature of Alfresco DAY 1 Set up the Alfresco 3.3 in the newly provided Virtual Machines DAY 3-5 Configure to use MySQL 5.1.50 Configure ImageMagick and Open Office version stacked with Alfresco 3.3 Configure latest stable JDK 1.6* Configure Load Balancing by distributing the request to the 2 Alfresco server Configure replication of the 2 MySQL server (Master-Slave setup) Configure the NFS, mapping a shared directory accessible both by Alfresco 1 and 2 Configure Active Directory with the new Alfresco Use of Export/Import functionality to migrate the Old Alfresco to the new version DAY 6 Perform pilot project and solicit feedback by conducting interviews DAY 7 Perform parallel run of the old and new alfresco DAY 7-9 Based on the interviews conducted, perform the necessary changes to accommodate the request of the users. - DAY 8 Basic User Management training high-lighting the additional features in Alfresco version 3.3 DAY 10

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