David Eschmann Ms - Corney Period8/English 1 October 14, 2005: The Lady or The Tiger Epilogue

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David Eschmann Ms.

Corney Period8/English 1 October 14, 2005 The Lady or the Tiger Epilogue

The door slowly creaked open, as the crowds deafening roar came to a halt. Everyone was silent as a mouse as the man peeked his head inside but was surprised to findNothing, not even the buzzing of a fly, or the scampering of a rat could be seen or heard in this room, the man stood there shocked. The mans mind was obviously not in reality as the barbarian like people watching where screaming for blood shed there who considered him guilty, but were the few nay-sayers most didnt care

They just wanted death. The Princess had a sly crooked smile that spread across the Visage of her face, she was pleased she had gotten her way, and the man had lived, and he could now be with her. Yet at that a moment of disgust spread across her face as two black hooded man with metallic axes stormed across the battlefield, there axes shimmered and glowed in the morning light and the bottom of the ax seemed to be stained with blood. One of the men lifted the man by the color and hung him high in the air, dragged him across the ground to the second door, and commanded it to open it.

The man hesitantly opens the door, realizing he has more of a chance of living by opening the door, then he does by arguing with these two brutes. He wraps his hand around the golden handle, ready to draw his sword at any moments notice. But to surprise to everyone he flings the door open, and there lay the tiger and the ladydead. The Ladys hand is wrapped around a cup, as a green liquid is streaming from the side of her mouth, the tiger had ripped her apart, flesh flesh, drinking her blood, and gnawing on her bones like a wild beast. At this the king was furious, his pudgy face went to a bubbling red, it seemed as if we would have a volcanic eruption on our hands as the King screams SIEZE HIM! The two men grab the Man by the arms, and drag him to the center of the arena for the king to place personal judgement. The king says that this man must be a witch! He assisted in putting the tiger in a separate room, and only a witch would make the lady drink the poison, and only a witch could get the tiger in another room. At this point the smile at the princesss face no longer exists, she looks more distraught then before and is terrified. The two men drag the man and take him to the nearest jail, they throw him in with some old guy, who is obviously senile, The man stays in that jail cell for what seems a week, no

food, and no water. Then the king has decided it is time, he will be burned at the stake. The Man was brought to the center of the town circle and tied to the stake, the mans screams went on deaf ears as nobody seems to want to be listening, they only want to see and smell his burning flesh, and his screams of agony. The Two men then raise there torches and hold them high in the air seconds from throwing them onto the haystack to begin the fire. Then out of nowhere 20 men on beautiful white stallions rode up and commanded the king and the two men to stop, the king bowed and showed his respect for the king of England. You see these two countries have been on and off in war for centuries and a truce was being drawn, that truce seemed to be ruined now. The king explained that this was a witch! He needed to be burned, the English king let out a small chuckle, and stated that that man was no witch, that was his son! The crowd shocked with astonishment and stopped there screaming for blood and started screaming to let him go, only to impress the king. The English king begins to speak again and says he sent the man, to test there culture, to see what the Princess-Future leader, and the king were like when another king wasnt around, and they failed miserably.

With that the English king unties the ropes, and his son jumps on the horse, the princess runs up tohim begging him not to leave, yet he merely kicks her away saying he could never love someone as evil and caniving at her, at this the princess seemes to rip patches of her hair out in a furious rage as the horses gallop off. And her face is in shock and anger as she vows to get reveng, somedayWhen she will be queen!

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