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IT asset management with GLPI

Goneri Le Bouder and David Durieux

July 2011

About us: David Durieux

IT management consultant
GLPI developer FusionInventory project co-leader Work at siprossii, Lyon area, France

About us: Goneri Le Bouder

Free software enthusiast

Debian Developer Perl Monger Former OCS Inventory developer FusionInventory project co-leader Work at TECLIB, Paris, France

What is GLPI for? Installation / Architecture? Collect your informations Authorisation Service Desk GLPI plugins What else Questions

What is GLPI for?

The IT crowd
How many server still run with 2GB of memory? Do we still have those old Toshiba laptops? Do our servers have the lastest security xes?

What is GLPI for?

The Service Desk team

Is Mr Smith computers harddrive full? What is my intervention planning? The printer ink cartridge is running low on the second oor!

What is GLPI for?

The users
Why cant I print? Why cant I send email anymore? Are the IT guys really processing my request?

What is GLPI for?

The management
How many request per day processed by our support team? What is our users satisfactions level? I need more dashboards!

What is GLPI for?

The purchasing department

How much did we spend last year with IBM? Is the partnership with Oracle still running? How many and where are the assets bought with last year budget?

What is GLPI for? Installation / Architecture? Collect your informations Authorisation Service Desk GLPI plugins What else Questions


Easy step
Common web application Very few OS dependencies Extract, run the wizard, done!


How does it scale?

Existing large installation of GLPI
up to 130K computers inventoried

1 million computers referenced so far and still growing

What is GLPI for? Installation / Architecture? Collect your informations Authorisation Service Desk GLPI plugins What else Questions

Collect your information

Collect your information

Desktop computers and server Network devices Data coming from legacy systems Financial informations ...


Easy step
Use an system inventory solution. FusionInventory OCS Inventory

Network devices

Routers, switchs, printers... FusionInventory do it remotely for you

Nothing to install Network scan to identify asset Use SNMP to collect information ESX/ESXi/vCenter remote inventory

Network devices

Cartridge ink levels Counters and statistics

GLPI, all in one

The asset timeline

Past: history Current: inventory Future: warranty, contracts

GLPI, all in one

Helpdesk for everyone

Tickets on assets

GLPI, all in one

Accurate statistics
25% of last year laptops have harddrive failure ! How many incidents are resolved by using VNC ?

What is GLPI for? Installation / Architecture? Collect your informations Authorisation Service Desk GLPI plugins What else Questions


Native LDAP support

Strong LDAP integration LDAP v3 compatible
Active Directory, OpenLDAP ...

Other authentication methods



Single Sign On too!



Independent administrative entity Can be mapped on your LDAP organisation Contain assets and tickets


More than 100 rights Habilitation : a prole on an entity

What is GLPI for? Installation / Architecture? Collect your informations Authorisation Service Desk GLPI plugins What else Questions

Service Desk: the big picture

Service Desk: the big picture

ITIL v1 compliant
SLA user satisfaction Incident management Business rules Notications, multilingual support

Service Desk: the interfaces 1/2

Web interfaces
End user simplied interface Standard interface Smartphones interface

Service Desk: the interfaces 2/2

To integrate GLPI in another system To push tickets into another helpdesk software Or the opposite

Send notications Add and update tickets

Service Desk: the interfaces 2/2

To integrate GLPI in another system To push tickets into another helpdesk software Or the opposite

Send notications Add and update tickets

Service Desk: reporting

Application integration

Wait, some tools are already running here! How to interacte with them?
Webservice interface API for updates CSV import/export

What is GLPI for? Installation / Architecture? Collect your informations Authorisation Service Desk GLPI plugins What else Questions

The GLPI ecosystem

The ecosystem
A central interface A conguration database (CMDB) Various tools to collect information Additional features

There is an app a plugin for that!

A large collection of extensions

Add load of new features Tight integration in GLPI Powerfull API

There be dragons!

There be dragons!

Plugins: Rules of Engagement

External contribution Not endorsed by the GLPI Project Depends on a given version of GLPI Take care on the plugin origin

There be dragons!

Plugins: Rules of Engagement

External contribution Not endorsed by the GLPI Project Depends on a given version of GLPI Take care on the plugin origin

plugin: Mobile

GLPI for mobile devices

iPhone/iPad Android Blackberry Windows Phone GLPI 0.78 only for the moment.

plugin: Mobile

plugin: Mobile

plugin: Mobile

plugin: FusionInventory

Import your computer Identify and import remote devices (switchs, printers,...) VMware vCenter/ESX/ESXi remote inventory Wake on LAN

plugin: Multi-GLPI

plugin: PDF

PDF export of a given inventory item

plugin: Behaviors

Additional behaviors to GLPI. helpdesk (ticket own changes, ticket number format, etc) Inventory management

plugin: Order

Order management Manage your order Products references management Validation workow

plugin: Appliance

Create element from a group of several item. Any kind of item Use them as any generic object

plugin: Account Inventory

Account Inventory
Manage and share the credentials between users. Attach a credential information to an item Credential expiration Mail system to check identity

plugin: Web Application

List web applications on your network and associate them with elements of the inventory.

plugin: Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management

Trace user/assets affectation. eg:
This engineer is in the company for 3 months and we gave him 1 laptop and 1 screen. We need to remember to get them back.

plugin: Reports

Additional reports. It also allow you to add new reports in a simply way. Create your own reports A collection of ready to use reports

plugin: Manufacturers Web Imports

Manufacturers Web Imports

Imports nancials and warranty informations directly from manufacturers web site. Dell HP Toshiba Fujitsu-Siemens

plugin: WebService

Generic WebService interface for: SOAP XML/RPC REST Can be used by other plugins to expose additional services.

plugin: Monitoring

Integration with Shinken monitoring solution. Dene your services directly into GLPI. Device dependency. Display the alert. Create ticket on alert.

plugin: Multi-GLPI

Synchronize serveral GLPI together. Master Master GLPI Master Master = Slaver = Slave ...

plugin: OCSNG

OCS Inventory NG import

Import and synchronize computers from a OCS Inventory database

Plugins development

GLPI has a powerful API to control events Plugin have control on DB changes
pre item/item add/update/delete Add tab on item display with more informations Add massive actions ...

Example: Add log of delete a network port in plugin DB table

function plugin_pre_item_purge_fusinvsnmp($parm) { global $DB;

switch (get_class($parm)) { case NetworkPort_NetworkPort: $networkPort = new NetworkPort(); $networkPort->getFromDB( $parm->fields[networkports_id_1]); PluginFusinvsnmpNetworkPortLog::addLogConnecti $parm->fields[networkports_id_1]); break; } return $parm; }

Newest features

GLPI 0.80
SLA User satisfaction Link between ticket solution and knowledge base Multiple requesters, observers for a ticket Multiple technician, group and supplier assignement for a ticket Virtual machines management

Newest features

GLPI 0.83
ITIL level 1 compliant until late 2011 Problem management Change management Many more helpdesk improvements ! OCSNG Mode available as a plugin

What is GLPI for? Installation / Architecture? Collect your informations Authorisation Service Desk GLPI plugins What else Questions

What Else?


A nonprot organisation
Indepnet, a french nonprot association Since 2002


Two independant projects leaders

Jean-Mathieu Doleans Julien Dombre

Contributors and developers

Developers and contributors Plugins developers Translators


Two independant projects leaders

Jean-Mathieu Doleans Julien Dombre

Contributors and developers

Developers and contributors Plugins developers Translators


GLPI Business partners

Agreement between the association and IT partners Partners bring money, support and code

What is GLPI for? Installation / Architecture? Collect your informations Authorisation Service Desk GLPI plugins What else Questions

Purchasing: http: // LDAP: heyrocker/2954514315/ SSO: N03/1380483002/ User picture: wonderlane/5043174502/ Manager: eastcapital/5228405457/ Server: http: // Helpdesk: runlevel0/2196587153/ Database: garryknight/5476230085/ Information:

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