Mudras For Life

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Your health is in your hand

The physical body is made up of five elements namely - Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Aakash (ether - the tiny intercellular spaces in the human body). Imbalance of these elements disrupts the immunity system and causes disease. Deficiencies in any of these elements can be made up by connecting one part of the body with another in a particular manner through Mudras. When a finger representing an element is brought into contact with the thumb, that element is brought into balance. Therefore the disease caused by the imbalance is cured. Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and restore health. The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body. Five Fingers for Five Elements * Thumb- Fire * Index -Air * Middle- Aakash * Ring- Earth * Little- Water


Great thinkers such as Buddha, Mahavir, Christ and Guru Nanak are generally depicted in this pose. Its practice ensures mental peace, concentration, sharp memory and spiritual feelings. It cures insomnia and mental disorders, and dissipates tension, depression and drowsiness. This is a must for those who aspire to develop telepathy or wish to acquire extrasensory abilities.

The thumb and the index finger are brought together in gentle contact, not pressing hard, while all other fingers are kept upright. This is the mudra most people are familiar with.


Emotional / spiritual use Increases energy, and fosters a sense of inner stability and self-assurance. It increases the weight of the weak people
The tip of the ring fingure touches the tip of the thumb

Varuna Mudra

This Mudra is very good to get rid of the excess mucous that collects in the stomach or lungs.A mucous overload is normally associated with over-stimulated nerves and by people who are too conscious of their responsibility. Regular practice ensures an optimum level of water in the body and heals all ailments connected with dehydration. The tip of the little fingure touches the tip of the thumb while the other fingers are kept upright

Vayu Mudra

The vayu mudra helps control and cure the disorders caused by gases or air pressures in and around the veins, arteries . It is also efficacious in recovery from paralysis attack,. Joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism This mudra is also generally effective in alleviating toothache, headache, stomach ache, etc.

Bend the index finger of each hand till its tip touches the ball of the thumb. Then press the thumb lightly onto the index finger. The other three fingers should be extended and relaxed.

Shunya Mudra

This mudra is ideal for ailments of the ear, and also helps those of the nose and the throat. It cures the deafness if not inborn Bring the middle finger down to touch the palm and bring the padding of the thumb on top of it, keeping the other fingers straight up.

Surya Mudra

Benefits : It is excellent to check obesity and heaviness of the body.

-Reduces body fat -Good for weight loss Touch the root of the Ring fingers nail with the thumb.

Prana Mudra

This is a life-giving mudra, it energizes the body and improves its vitality. It helps to improve eyesight. A must for those who feel nervous, tired and weak. It increases concentration power. It increases strength in the body. Touch your last two fingers (Ring and Little finger) to the tip of your thumb

Apan Mudra

It controls diabetes and cures piles and constipation. Gives energy and makes one more self-confident Join the middle finger and the ring finger with the tip of the thumb; the forefinger and the little finger should be held upright.

Apan Vayu Mudra

This is called the Lifesaver and is the first aid for heart attacks. This mudra is good for hyper tension and heart patient. Tthe index finger is brought down on the mound of the thumb, and the tips of the third and fourth finger join the thumb.

Linga Mudra

This Mudra boosts the body`s immune system and loosens the mucous that has been collected in the lungs and it is believed to make the body more resistant to colds and chest infections. Those who habitually suffer from bad colds and incurable chest infections are advised to practise the Linga Mudra. This M udra is helpful in weight reduction also. However, because of the heat it generates, the Mudra can be taxing and can result in a feeling of lethargy. Weight-watchers who practise it must ensure that they consume `cooling` foods like fruits or drink as much water as they can - at least eight glasses a day. Place both palms together and clasp your fingers.

One thumb remains upright and encircled by the thumb and index finger of the other hand. Keep both hands in front of the chest

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