5 Elemental Utilization 2009

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E r z i e h u n g s w i s s e n s c h a f t l e r - Be r a t e r - Fa c h a u t o r
V e r m i t t l e r ti b e t i s c h - c h i n e s i s c h e r Le b e n s w e i s h e i t
T i b e t a n - 5 - E l e m e n t s - A s t r o l o g i c a l Ut i l i z a t i o n
f o r th e Y e a r 20 0 9 - E a r t h - E a r t h ( O x ) Y e a r
English S t r u k t u r e o f t h e C h a n g e - P h a s e :
Version In general, the yin Earth Ox year, with earth on top and earth below, is symbol of a peaceful and relaxing garden. It
is a place to rest and calm down to refill our energy and reflect on the past and plan for the future. The theme is
healing and cure from the turbulent time of 2001 to 2008 and begin to reconstruct our world and allow planet earth
to heal. We should focus on earth themes – rebuilding, construction, housing, agricultural improvement to ensure
sufficient supply of food, and make progress to reduce CO2 emission and bring back nature to our environment
and mother land. The new breed of leaders will take this year to consolidate their power and to gain confidence
and trust of the people through bringing stability instead of aggressive performance. Still there will be international
conflicts and unrest as most of the new leaders coming up in 2008 are not expecting good luck in 2009, but such
events may be less turbulent. Earth will bring the mood of meditation. It is anticipated that clam, thoughtful and
peaceful means to settle difference will prevail in 2009.

N a t u r e - F o r c e s an d de s a s t e r s :
The clash between the Ox and Goat is a serious clash between earth and earth elements. This will often bring earth
disasters such as earthquake, collapse of buildings, landslide etc..
As it is earth clashes the danger could be associate with mountains, roads and buildings disasters such as traffic
accidents on the road, industrial accidents in construction sites, or injuries when hiking in mountain area.
The Ox, Dog and Goat penalty often refer to hidden dangers related to the earth elements. Besides earth disasters, it
can also bring tragedies such as falling from buildings or accidents in an earth environment, such as skiing, or
injury in a mountain etc.

B i g Bu s s i n e s s : :
In summary, the industries that will perform well in the year of the Ox will be industries related to Wood and Fire
elements. Wood industries are fashion, textile, publications, furniture, and environment protection. Fire industries
are entertainment, finance, energy, The earth industry such as property, hotel, mining, insurance etc is still active
but not making obvious profit with strong competition. The metal industry such as machinery, engineering,
computer, and high tech industries will enter a year of investment. And the sectors relating to water such as
shipping, communication, drinks, spa will not be doing so well.

H e a l t h a n d t h e ot h e r s i g n s :
The Five basic elements represent different parts of our body, earth in general relates to stomach, pancreas, muscle
and cells. As such, the health problems related to earth could be stomach problem, food poisoning, and diarrhea.
Disorder of earth elements can mean problems of muscle and cells, this can bring obesity, diabetes, and cancer these
are all sicknesses caused by imbalance of earth elements.
Continuing on the issue of health problems. As there is total absence of fire in 2009 , this year is also not favourable
for people who has a weak heart. Fire is the element symbolizing heart and blood circulation, with absence of fire,
the heart will be weak. And also without fire to support the earth, the stomach , which is an earth organ will also be
weak. This means both stomach and heart problems will be more serious in 2009. The Ox also forms a three penalty
relationship with the Goat and the Dog. Such penalty is hidden danger and may cause disharmony, worries and
irritations, or hidden sickness.
Therefore people born in years of Goat have to be particularly careful in 2009. They will experience a more
turbulent year with more movements and traveling, changes. For people born in the year of the Goat, if possible, it
is also good to minimize activities involving earth sports, such sports are skiing, golf, climbing mountain, car racing
etc.. For people born in the year of Goat, it is recommended that they carry the pendant of a Rat which will help to
attract away the Ox, so as to minimize the negative influence of the clash. This is also useful for people born in the
year of Ox and Dog. The animals combining with the Ox year are the Rat, the Snake, and the Rooster. These animals
are into a year of harmony. However, such animal astrology is not totally reliable as the system is not recognized as
a formal type of fortune-telling. For more reliable assessment of ones fortune in the year of the Ox, it is
recommended that one checks the full Four Pillars of Destiny, which requires full birth data information of the Year,
Month, Day and Hour of birth.

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