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Business Laws Section A Answer any Five: 1.What are the conditions of making an offer? 2.

What are the liabilities of principal and the agent to third parties? 3.What are the express and implied conditions and warranties under Sale of Goods Act? 4.What is the limitation period for filing of complaint under consumer protection act? 5.Explain the types of negotiable instruments. 6.What are the essential characteristics of partnership? 7.Who are the persons deemed to have insurable interest under marine insurance? 8.Explain the importance and contents of memorandum of association. Part B Answer any Four: 9.List out the agreements opposed to public policy. 10.what are the rights and duties of buyer and seller under sale of goods act? 11.What are the nature and scope of remedies under consumer protection act? 12.Describe tyhe essentials of partnership.What is the test of partnership? 13.What is fire insurance?Explain the types of fire insurance. 14.What is statuatory meeting?What are the contents of statuatory report? 15.What are the rights and duties of Pawner and Pawnee?

BUSINESS LAW: Unit I 1. All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts. Explain. What are the essential elements of a valid contract? 2. Explain in detail the essential elements of valid offer and acceptance 3. What are the legal rules as to consideration? Discuss exceptions to the rule No Consideration, No Contract. 4. Who is a minor? Discuss with suitable illustrations the law relating to agreements by minors. 5. Bring out the differences between Misrepresentation and Fraud. What are the essentials of a mistake? 6. What are illegal and immoral agreements? Discuss the agreements opposed to public policy Unit II

1. Define Quasi Contract and explain the different types of Quasi Contracts 2. Explain the rules regarding contingent contract. State the differences between a contingent contract and wagering agreement. 3. What is discharge of contract? Explain the various modes of discharge of contracts 4. What is breach of contract? Discuss the remedies for breach of contract Unit III 1. Explain the differences between a contract of indemnity and a contract of guarantee 2. Explain the rights of surety. How a surety is discharged from liability? 3. What is Bailment? Explain the rights and duties of bailor and bailee 4. Define Agent & Principal. Explain briefly the various modes by which an agency may be created 5. What is meant by agency by ratification? Discuss the rights and duties of principal and agent. Unit IV 1. Explain the essential of a valid contract of sale. Distinguish between Sale and Agreement to sell 2. What are the implied conditions and warranties in contract of sale? Discuss the rights and duties of seller and buyer. 3. What are the rights of unpaid seller? Discuss the different kinds of goods and delivery of goods 4. Discuss objects of Essential Commodities Act. What are powers of Government under the act? 5. What are objects of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986? 6. Discuss the redressal machinery under the Consumer Protection Act,1986 Unit V 1. Bring out the differences between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association 2. Who can be a director of a company? Who can appoint and remove the director of a company?

3. Explain the different types of meetings that a company must conduct according to the Companies Act 4. Distinguish between Doctrine of Ultra-vires and Doctrine of Indoor Management 5. Define Winding-up of companies. What are the various modes of winding-up? 6. Discuss the powers of the central Government to prevent oppression and mismanagement of company SHORT 5 MARKS 1. Voidable Contract 2. Implied contract 3. Immoral Agreements 4. Illegal Agreements 5. Undue Influence 6. Coercion 7. Anticipatory Breach of contract 8. Performance of contracts 9. Continuing Guarantee 10. Transfer of property 11. Minutes 12. Proxy 13. Complaint 14. Consumer 15. Vindictive Damager 16. Special Damages 17. Unfair Trade Practices

18. Consumer councils 19. General Lien 20. Special Lien

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