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Lecture 01: Purpose and objectives Readings

Richards, J. (2001). Curriculum development in language teaching, Ch 5 (120 144 ). Defining language

Task 1. Defining what we teach: lecture (5 + 15 minutes)

In a group, try to answer the following question: What is language? Here is a definition by some experts, and we will look at its components: Language is a system for the expression of meaning. The primary function of language is for interaction and communication. The structure of language reflects its functional and communicative uses. The primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural features. (Richards and Rogers, 1986) Discuss the important features of this definition (5 minutes) f features: (10 minutes) s system: what are the parts of the system? Harmony, not chaotic functional purpose = how language is used to do something; interactive and communicative - language in use (ie real uses) (ie s social semiotic system) implications: not just focused on discrete elements of language (grammar, vocab, etc), or in discrete texts (phrases, sentences); s structure influenced by context Issue: pre-communicative (tools) + communicative activities - achievable/assessable in time available - define characteristics of the context

Lecture A: Evaluating outcomes / objectives (20 min) 1.Objectives describe what students will be able to do by the end of the course
Action-oriented (agrees with char #1) Non-action-oriented (disagrees with Char#1) Can explain why their abilities are Understands the concept of suitable for a job. ability. Describe a family members appearance Reads a story about families

2.Terminal objectives objectives






Communicative Discrete Students will describe their Students will learn the past activities from last weekend. tense. Program-related: Business ESP Students will describe their previous and relevant work experience. Extra-curricular: Business ESP Students will describe the experience of studying at university.

3.Objectives should be precise Contextualized De-contextualized Students will write a Students will write postcard about their vacation their vacation. to their friend. about

4.Objectives should be feasible (practical, achievable)


Task 2: Practice (10 + 15 min) Consider the following statements and change into more effective objectives. Consider a job interview context. Students will study about listening skills. (Students will learn how to correctly interpret interview questions in order to give relevant responses.) Change in learner + precise Students will learn about business letter writing. (Students will learn how to write effective resumes in order to get a job). Change in learner + precise Students will learn about the past tense (Students will be able to positively describe their previous work experiences in a job interview ) Students will know how to use useful conversation expressions. (Students will use conversation expressions for greeting an interviewer, and opening and closing the conversation) precise + feasible

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