Guantanamo Bay

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Guantanamo Bay, 11 years of damage

Larissa Eddy

English C- Class

Zurich International School


Guantanamo bay:
Torture is torture for us. copyright Kalli.
Guantanamo bay lies within a well sheltered bay with a harbor, capable of letting large vessels through. In 2002 the military started moving in prisoners, suspected of being so called terrorists.( Bush) There are many reasons why this place should be aware of the consequences of their actions. Guantanamo bay is not at all living up to the standards set by These are set by the United Nations, to set out what is generally accepted as being good principle and practice in the treatment of prisoners and the management of institutions(Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners). The feelings of longing and reason are hanging over the heads of the inmates for long periods of time. Many factors are the cause of this. Guantanamo bay needs to be shut down due to the inmates not being able to have a fair and public trial; the treatment of children, being kept in standards not fit for their age. Also the mistreatment of the inmates during their time spent in Guantanamo Bay. The unfair and irregular time that the inmates are kept at Guantanamo Bay. These are all reasons why Guantanamo Bay must be shut down.

Larissa Eddy C-class

Guantanamo bay must be shut down due to the reason of the mistreatment of the inmates. One way the inmates are being mistreated is how they are being harmfully tortured. This should not be allowed to happen to any living creature, but yet it is still happening. Torture always leaves marks of physical and mental issues and problems. The scary thing is that children are being treated and held the same as the elders. Children are being kept at Guantanamo bay and are being treated with the same horrific disrespect. Having the same standards, but what can be done. Give these people help for example a chance to make things right. Not being locked up? Some inmates are subjected to the type of torture called waterboarding at least 83 times.( Durkin) These ways are harming humans giving them the feeling of drowning, almost dying. The inmates are subjected to waterboarding at least 83 times in. Also allegedly subjected to years of solitary confinement and incommunicado detention, stress positions, beatings, forced prolonged nudity, sleep deprivation, use of loud music, exposure to cold, prolonged use of shackles, threats, forced shaving, cruel conditions of transfer, and deprivation or restriction of food(Torture and Rendition: Guantnamo Case Profiles). The mistreatment of the inmates is a large factor towards why Guantanamo bay needs to be closed, this is just irrational. Guantanamo Bay has many factors leading to why it needs to be shut down; one factor leading to this is the inmates having no right to a fair trial. The fair trial should be a public trial. Most people at Guantanamo Bay are taken to the camp without knowing why. The inmates at Guantanamo Bay are denied the right to access a defense lawyer. They are being locked away not knowing why, away from their family for longer than 11 years.( Torture and Rendition)This is one thing that needs to be fixed. Another factor is that the children are facing a murder trial ( Torture and Rendition). It may be okay if it was an adult, but this is with a young boy, of 15 years of age. Killing a soldier, maybe it would be a mistake but they wouldnt know since he was put into Guantanamo bay, and now facing a murder trial. These rights and factors are important to people. In 10 years, only one of the 779 detainees held at the base has been transferred to the USA for prosecution in an ordinary federal court. Others have faced unfair trials by military commission( A Decade of Damage to Human Rights. Being denied these rights can be harmful and scary for children; even adults. Everyone is born with human rights but yet they are violated and it

Larissa Eddy C-class

seems as if the inmates have none. This is why Guantanamo Bay needs to be shut down due to the fact of the lack of Human rights given to the inmates.

Guantanamo Bay has many causes why it should be shut down. An important cause is the unbelievable time of imprisonment. In 2002 the military began moving prisoners to Guantanamo Bay from Afghanistan. (Bush) Now some are still kept there, a couple have been released but two have died strait after, one of natural disease, one committed suicide. They are can spend large amounts of time at other facilities before they even reach Guantanamo Bay. Abu Zubaydah was arrested in Pakistan. He got handed over to the USA and held in detention at many undisclosed locations, then transferred to the Guantnamo Bay and held there for 11 years( Guantnamo Bay detention camp). Imagine being kept away from your family, literally living without ever seeing the outside world. This factor is unacceptable; being kept away from your family for that long is wrong and never should happen. People would be physically hurt and have health problems leaving Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo Bay is not living up to the standards set for inmates. These standards set by the United Nations, to set out what is generally accepted as being good principle and practice in the treatment of prisoners and the management of institutions(Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners). There are many factors to why Guantanamo Bay should be shut down. These are the mistreatment of the detainees. How the inmates have rights being broken. Rights that everyone is born with that should be applied towards every human. The time spent there is beyond belief. Guantanamo bay is not at all living up to the standards set to be followed. Guantanamo Bay needs to live up to the consequences due to the mistreatment of their prisoners. Felling isolated and alone hanging over everyones heads. Did they take it too far? There are so many things still happening centered around the Detention center. Only now has it started being recognized, for the things that are happening inside and centered on Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo Bay must be shut down; the feelings of the physical and mental pain still remain after many years, still hurting the inmates and their families in many ways.
Larissa Eddy C-class


George W.." Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2012. Web. 28 May 2012. <>. "Guantnamo Bay detention camp." Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2012. Web. 28 May 2012. <>. "News." Torture and Rendition: Guantnamo Case Profiles. Amnesty International, 09 Jan. 2012. Web. 20 May 2012. <>. "News." Guantnamo: A Decade of Damage to Human Rights. Amnesty International, 11 Jan. 2012. Web. 22 May 2012. <>. "Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners." Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Web. 03 June 2012. <>.

Larissa Eddy C-class

Larissa Eddy C-class

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