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Dome Trading & Contracting Co. Ltd. P.O BOX 16187, Sanaa, ROY


Doc Number:


Discipline: HSE

Total No of Pages 27

03 02 01 00

13/01/2012 01/01/2009 27/02/2008 23/02/2006

Sabri Abdul Nasser Zayed Nagi Abdul Hakim

John Sambula John Sambula John Sambula Abdul Hakim

Abdul Aziz Munir Daair Munir Daair Abdul Aziz

Issued for implementation Issued for implementation Issued for implementation Issued for implementation PURPOSE FOR ISSUE






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11.1 Fitness For Work . 11.2 Plant and Equipment ... 11.3 Safety In Design and Engineering.... 11.4 Personal Protective Equipment ... 11.5 Health, Hygiene and Rehabilitation Management .. 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0

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INTRODUCTION Management of safety within Dome is defined and documented within a larger framework of Domes overall Corporate Integrated Management System (IMS). The IMS is a comprehensive system covering all elements of Operational Management, including Health, Safety and Environmental aspects, integrated into a single company wide management system This integration of all management elements creates a seamless system in which the management of HSE is placed on equal balance with and incorporated into all other management considerations such as Quality, Logistics, Procurement and Operations. This ensures the management of HSE is an integral function of conducting business in Dome and not perceived as an affixture to Dome overall management systems. Dome Corporate Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSE MS) guides the governance and authority of this manual, which addresses HSE activities specifically and where appropriate, has an IMS interface with other Dome project management activities and documents.


Definitions Any definitions listed in the below apply to this document only with no implied or intended otherwise use. There are three types of statements in specifications, the shall, should and may statements. They are to be understood as follows: Shall Is to be understood as mandatory. Deviating from a shall statement requires derogation approved by the COMPANY. Should Is to be understood as strongly recommended to comply with the requirements of the specification. Alternatives shall provide a similar level of protection and this shall be documented. May Is used where alternatives are equally acceptable, in some places Will is used Refer to Attachment no 1 for other abbreviations and definition

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Scope and Application The HSE Management System and Standard Operating Procedures apply to all HSE-related matters arising out of all Activities and operations controlled by Dome and its related affiliates (together the Contractor) and the impact of those Activities and operations on Employees, Third Party Contractors, the environment and the communities in which the company operates. All of Domes businesses are required to provide appropriate information and to take appropriate actions as required by the HSE Management System to ensure compliance with the criteria established in this document. The HSE Management System incorporates all HSE requirements in the company. Individual businesses will establish the necessary HSE Plans to comply with the HSE Management System and have the discretion to establish specific procedures where companywide HSE Guidelines and procedures do not cover issues specific to the Business. Where the company does not have operational responsibility but has an equity stake or where significant Dome assets are involved, the HSE Management System will form the basis for the appropriate level of due diligence to be applied. We conduct ourselves and our business with due care and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. We have an overriding duty to ensure the health and safety of our Employees, and to minimize the health, safety and environmental impacts on our customers and the communities in which we operate. The HSE Management System is premised on the beliefs that effective management of Health, Safety and Environment is based on a systematic approach to continual improvement with appropriate Governance structures set in place and that each of us has clearly defined and unambiguous accountabilities that must be met to achieve that objective. The Framework for the HSE Management System is based on the Continual Improvement methodology of Commit-Plan-Do-Check and Review. The elements of the continual improvement loop are executed through a set of standards which interpret, support and provide further details to the requirements of the HSE Policy. Each element is addressed on two levels; the intent and the performance requirement Intent: setting out the summarized requirements for each HSEMS element. Performance requirement: specifying the key issues that must be in place to satisfy the basic Requirements or, in other words, to fully implement the particular HSEMS sub-element. Typical supporting documents, procedures and guidelines: the types of procedures or other documentation typically expected to be found in an organization to support the implementation of particular sub-element. Where no detail has been provided in this document this will be completed in future

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HSE Management System - Documentation Hierarchy

Figure 1 Document hierarchy The HSE Management System includes; a Policy Statement, Manual, Standard Operating Procedures, Management Plan, procedures, work instructions and applicable forms and templates. 1.4

Management Process & Key Elements

The HSE Management System Framework is consistent with existing international models for health, safety and environmental management (e.g. ISO14001 and OHSAS 18001. The system is structured around an organize, plan, do, review & improve process to assure continual improvement in performance. The system can be visualized as illustrated in Figure 2. It consists of a number of eight main requirements which are relevant throughout the business lifecycle

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Policy & Strategic Objectives Organization, Resources & Competence Risk Evaluation & Management
Leadership & Commitment

Planning, Standards & Procedures Implementation & Monitoring Audit Management Review

Corrective Actions

Continuous Improvement

Figure 2 - Dome HSEMS Structure The HSE MS Main requirements are split further into 18 key elements which are aligned with EMS14000 and OHSAS 18001 Standards include:

Policies leadership and commitment Respect of laws and regulations Management planning, objectives and targets Structure and responsibilities Training and competency Consultation, communication & reporting Supplier and Third Party Contractor management Hazard and risk management Operational controls Environmental effects and management Materials management Management of change Crisis and emergency management Documentation and Record management Incident / non-conformance and investigation Measuring and monitoring Performance assessment/inspection and auditing Management review

Each of the elements is described in detailed by showing the intention for inclusion of the Element and the requirements to full fill .

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HSE VISION Our vision is to Have a workplace that is free from: Accidents, Harm to people and Damage to the environment. We shall be recognized as a leader by how we integrate Health, Safety and Environmental considerations into our business decisions and activities.



To develop a corporate culture in which HSE is equally important to all business activities: To ensure that all our activities are carried out in a healthy, safe and environmentally responsible manner; To educate and influence employees so that they embrace health, safety and environmental policies, practices and procedures as a life style; To continually improve our HSE performance


CORE HSE VALUES AND BELIEFS Our goal is continuous improvement Risk management (hazard controls, behaviors) and pollution prevention are the focus All occupational injuries/illnesses and environmental incidents can be prevented Line management is responsible and accountable for HSE Employees are involved in the HSE programs and activities at all levels of the organization Working safely and with regards for the environment are conditions of employment HSE management and efficient production are equal We will achieve our vision, missions and Core values by: Conducting business in a manner that protects public and occupational health, the environment and employee safety. Striving to eliminate all accidents and environmental incidents. Making health, safety and environmental considerations a priority in planning for new products, facilities and processes. Complying with all environmental, health and safety laws and regulations. Reducing emissions and waste and using energy and natural resources efficiently and intelligently. Working with our suppliers, customers, Third Party Contractors and partners to promote responsible management of products and processes. Encouraging constructive communication with our suppliers, customers, neighbors and shareholders on managing health, safety and environmental issues.

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POLICIES LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT QHSE Leadership Charter Intent Dome QHSE Leadership Charter exists so as to provide visible evidence of management commitment to ensuring the wellbeing of all its employees. It will act to motivate, encourage and recognize our people in their efforts to create a strong safety culture in the organization at each workplace. As custodians of the Vision for QHSE of the organization they act individually and collectively to promote a safe working culture within the organization. The charter is intended to support the continuous improvement of healthy and safe workplaces. It is founded on the principle that the effective management of Quality, health, safety and wellness is essential to the operation of a successful business. Participation in this charter is a visible commitment from Company leaders to actively participate within a learning community that provides and receives best practices for the enhancement of employee physical, social and mental well being. The benefits will be realized as this learning is integrated and applied into organizational business strategies, systems, and processes. Performance Requirements Effective leadership creates purpose and direction throughout the Company; leaders at all levels are required to assist in defining organizational leadership, to achieve this they must: Establish a clear vision for the organization; Set clear goals and targets to drive and measure the progress in meeting the vision; Develop the necessary strategies and plans to meet those targets; Consider all stakeholders - customers, employees, suppliers, the communities affected by these activities, and the environment itself - and the impact the companys activities have on these stakeholders; Provide personnel with the tools and resources necessary to achieve the targeted results, and then hold them accountable; Recognize the contributions to company-wide success from people within the organization. Reference documents - QHSE charter


HSE Policy
The health and safety of DOME employees, contractors, clients, suppliers and the environment in which we operate from, is of paramount importance. Dome recognizes the importance of meeting society's needs for health, safety and protection of the environment. It is our intention to proactively work with employees, clients, the public, governments and others to use natural resources in an environmentally sound manner while protecting the health and safety of employees and the public.

Reference documents HSE Policy

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Primary HSE Objectives Dome shall pursue the following objectives in close cooperation with its clients, contractors, suppliers and regulatory Authorities. Health Dome seeks to conduct its activities in such a way so as to prevent harm to and promote the health of its employees and other stakeholders. Safety Dome strives to maintain a safe workplace; we shall plan our work and perform it safely. We take responsibility for the safety of ourselves, co-workers, contractors and guests. Environment Dome shall make every effort to protect the environment by preventing or minimizing the environmental impact of its activities and products through appropriate design, operations and distribution, use and disposal practices.


Duty of Care Philosophy The Duties of Care are basic rights contained in the provisions of Common Law. Under the requirements of Duty of Care, the employer must provide a safe and healthy place in which to work and the employee are required by law to co-operate and uphold the rules and procedures provided by the employer for his/her health and safety. Every person in the company must ensure that they carry out their work in a manner which will not expose themselves or others to hazards or risks. Safety and health at work is everyones responsibility.

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RESPECT OF LAWS AND REGULATIONS Intent To ensure Dome operations comply with their obligations including all country Regulatory and Legislative requirements. Performance Requirements Dome Management will identify all of the applicable legislative and regulatory requirements and will implement processes to assess compliance with the applicable requirements. Management will maintain an on-going review of legal obligations and make any appropriate changes to its processes to ensure continued compliance and those individuals with statutory responsibilities: Understand the nature and scope of their responsibilities; Are provided with adequate resources and have the necessary training. Dome will ensure that all identified corrective actions or opportunities for improvement are incorporated into the IMS. All Site specific rules and regulation shall be complied with.

MANAGEMENT PLANNING, OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS Intent To ensure a planned, systematic risk based approach to the management of HSE is in place as an integral part of business planning, with HSE goals and targets established and measured. A philosophy of continuous improvement is applied to HSE. Performance Requirements 1. Business planning activities at all levels of Dome include HSE considerations. 2. On an annual basis Dome sets company-wide HSE goals and targets which include leading and lagging indicators that are measurable, documented, communicated and reviewed. 3. Business Units set annual targets consistent with Dome company-wide targets and take into account significant risks, legal and other compliance requirements and the interests of relevant stakeholders. 4. Managers, team and individual KPIs are set consistent with company and Business Unit targets. These KPIs are taken into account in the formulation of variable reward schemes and individual performance evaluation. 5. HSE Plans and programmes are established which include clearly designated responsibilities, time-frames, resources and actions to achieve goals and targets. 6. Systems are established to monitor the implementation of these objectives and targets including the tracking of KPIs.

Reference documents - HSE Management Plan - HSE Objectives

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STRUCTURE AND RESPONSIBILITIES Intent For directors, managers, supervisors and Employees and Contractors at all levels, their accountabilities, roles, responsibilities and authority relating to HSE are clearly defined, documented, communicated and understood throughout Origin. Performance Requirements Roles, responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities arising from the HSE Policy and Standards are known, exercised and adhered to. The GM of Dome is ultimately responsible for the HSE performance of the business, including the effective implementation of the HSE Policy and supporting HSE Standards. Managers provide sufficient resources to support effective HSE management, the implementation and maintenance of the HSE Management System and the provision of competent HSE advice. At every level of the organisation, line managers are responsible for HSE. Personnel with appointed or elected HSE responsibilities provide Employees and Contractors with HSE advice, assistance and expertise relevant to their position as required. All Personnel are responsible for the HSE implications of their own actions and have a duty to carry out their work in a manner which does not present a risk to themselves, others and/or the environment. Systems are in place to clearly communicate to Personnel that they have both the right and the responsibility to stop work or refuse to work in situations that may cause HSE harm, and to immediately bring these situations to the attention of those at immediate risk and to company management.


Responsibilities and Duties The success of the Dome Trading & Contracting Co. Ltd (Dome) Health and Safety Program is dependent upon each employees co-operation, understanding and participation. Management has a responsibility to establish a policy and adopt procedures to maximize the health and safety of all employees. All personnel have the responsibility to implement these policies and procedures and to enforce them throughout each work place. Each employee also has an obligation to comply with all statutory requirements, company rules and procedures. These rules and procedures have been introduced to protect the health and safety of employees, the environment and the companys assets. . Notwithstanding industry and award agreements, including the delegations imposed by them, all employees and sub contractors working for Dome or on Dome locations are required to accept the following responsibilities as a general condition of employment with the company: Perform all work and associated functions in the safest possible manner; Comply will all company Rules, Procedures and Safe Systems of Work; Obey all lawful written and verbal instructions issued by the company through its managers, supervisors, foremen or appointed persons; Use, as directed, all safety equipment and personal protective equipment supplied by the company;

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Check that all tools and equipment are in a safe condition for use; Promptly report any hazard, malfunction or defect in plant and equipment to the Supervisor / Foreman or appointed person; Promptly report all accidents and incidents (including property damage) Promptly report all personal injuries and seek the appropriate first aid and medical treatment; Be familiar with emergency and evacuation responsibilities, equipment and procedures; Behave in an orderly manner in the work place and refrain from any horse play; Establish and maintain the highest possible standards of housekeeping and cleanliness at individual work places;

It is Domes policy that no employee or contractor is required to perform any task that is considered unsafe. 6.2 Key Responsibilities Dome is responsible for ensuring contractors comply with all safety and health management requirements set out in the relevant site HSE Plans and/or Bridging HSE Documents supported by the Domes IMS. 6.3 Joint Responsibilities The Dome Site Supervisor and Third Party Contractor Manager will jointly: 6.4 Provide leadership, resources and commitment; Promote safety and health awareness and motivation; Ensure risks are managed.

Emergency Response Responsibilities In the event of an emergency on a Dome site, the overall responsibility for emergency response will be in accordance with the agreed Emergency Response Plan which is supported by the IMS. A clearly defined organizational reporting sequence is detailed in the Dome Emergency Response Plan. Reference documents - Organization chart

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TRAINING AND COMPETENCY Intent Employees fitness for work, competence and appropriate behaviors are critical for the safe control of operations and general company success. Employees are carefully selected, trained and supported. Fitness for work, competence and behaviors are regularly assessed and monitored. Contractors are to provide competent workers and regularly assess and monitor their fitness for work, competence and behaviors. Performance Requirements Recruitment, selection and placement processes ensure that personnel are competent, and physically and mentally fit for their assigned tasks. Where appropriate, Employees undergo assessment to ensure their fitness for work. Third Party Contractors assess the fitness for work of their own Employees. The company and its Third Party Contractors have systems in place to provide inductions for Employees, Third Party Contractors and visitors new to the Site or Activity. Inductions will cover relevant HSE risks, hazards, controls, behaviors, company objectives, policy, systems and procedures. Compliance with HSE requirements covered by the induction will constitute a condition of entering or remaining on company property. Personnel have the required skills and training to competently perform their tasks in a healthy, safe and environmentally sound manner. The company and its Third Party Contractors have systems in place to ensure competency assessments and training records are maintained and ongoing, periodic refresher training is provided. Each safety critical role or task is assessed for necessary competencies and skills, utilizing formal competency based assessment. The company and its Third Party Contractors shall train and assess their respective workers in the control and elimination of at-risk behaviors, including the consequences of departure from specified company procedures. Systems that reinforce positive HSE behaviors are in place and draw attention to atrisk behaviors. HSE responsibilities are documented in position descriptions. . Competency Assessment Competency is identified as comprising the appropriate combination of skills, knowledge and abilities to apply them as individuals and as a team across the organization. Dome will identify and document the necessary capabilities and qualifications for each Dome occupation in Job Descriptions. The recruiting processes will include a pre-employment medical that references the capabilities for the position. Management will develop and maintain an Induction process which will include: General Company Inductions; Area or Occupation Specific Induction (where applicable). Records will be maintained for all of the above requirements Reference documents - Procedure for Recruitment and Training


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CONSULTATION, COMMUNICATION & REPORTING Intent To ensure all employees are fully aware of the procedures utilized to ensure they are fully involved and consulted in all aspects of operations and the formal and informal mechanisms for communication. Performance Requirements Dome requires, and encourages all employees and contractors to participate in the safety and health program at all levels. Where appropriate, daily pre-shift handover meetings are mandatory, and any other safety and health meetings which all personnel are asked to attend are also mandatory. At these meetings, employees views will be actively sought. Personnel involvement and motivation is achieved by involving personnel in all processes such as, but not limited to the following; Inductions, Pre tour meetings and JSAs Hazard Observation programs; Regular safety and health meetings Inspections and audits; Emergency response drills and exercises; Incident reporting and investigation.

All Dome employees and contractors will be required to attend an induction prior to commencing work on any Dome site. At that induction all personnel will be informed of Dome policies that all employees and contractors must be actively committed to and participate in the communication process as described in this HSE MS. Reference documents - Consultation and HSE Committees - Functional and Management responsibility 9. SUPPLIER AND THIRD PARTY CONTRACTOR MANAGEMENT Intent To ensure the safety and health of Third Party Contractors (TPCs) and visitors is managed effectively and that any TPCs selected to perform work for Dome has the capability to complete the work in a safe manner and the performance of TPCs is actively monitored and managed for the duration of the contract. Performance Requirements Dome will ensure a TPC review and selection process is implemented and applies to all TPC sub contractor organizations that are required to conduct works on or for Dome. Dome requires TPCs to comply with Dome Policies and procedures appropriate for the level of work to be undertaken and Dome will monitor the performance of each TPC against their

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specific company requirements and onsite HSE performance. . An onsite register of TPCs and visitors will be maintained to assist with the management of TPC and/or visitor safety, as a minimum this will include an induction appropriate for the site at which the TPC or visitor attending. 9.1 Third Party Contractors Competency TPCs are generally selected and trained by their individual companies. However, it remains the responsibility of Dome Project Manager to ensure TPC personnel working on a Dome site have the appropriate certificates, accreditation, qualifications and experience, and to provide site specific information and training (e.g. permit to work system, JSA process, incident/hazard reporting). 9.2 Third Party Contractor Equipment All TPCs are required to demonstrate to Dome that their equipment controls, certification, inspection, maintenance and operator competency all meet the applicable industry standards. The TPC is required to provide a current register of all equipment brought onto Dome sites, which is to include certification, inspection and maintenance schedules and to demonstrate that the equipment is fit for purpose Reference documents - Procedure for management of Third Party contractors 10 HAZARD AND RISK MANAGEMENT Intent To ensure that hazards are systematically identified, the associated risks are assessed using a consistent process, appropriate controls are determined (using the Hierarchy of Controls), implemented and monitored for effectiveness and hazards are systematically tracked to closeout. Performance Requirements Dome management will ensure personnel working on Dome sites are able to identify hazards and determine the level of risk associated with the hazard. Each Dome site will maintain a location specific Hazard Register to record High risk hazards supported by a hazard identification process and reporting system. All identified hazards will be assessed as per Risk Reduction will demonstrate active application of the Hierarchy of Controls. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Elimination; Substitution; Engineering; Administrative; PPE.

Reference documents - Procedure for Risk assessment

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OPERATIONAL CONTROLS Intent To ensure appropriate operational controls and HSE Procedures are developed, implemented and complied with. Performance Requirements Dome will develop and maintain a set of HSE and operating procedures that apply across the Company, which will be communicated during the General Induction process. Each person is required to be familiar with SOPs relevant to their work areas and activities. All SOPs shall be reviewed by line management whenever a significant change occurs to the task to be performed or at least annually. Refer to Appendix 1 for the list of procedures


Fitness For Work Intent To ensure that when any employee or third party sub contractor presents themselves at Dome workplace, they are in a fit state to be able to undertake their work safely. This includes being free from any adverse affects due to medical and physical conditions, drug or alcohol use, fatigue or stress. Performance Requirements Dome will maintain a Fitness for Work (FFW) system which includes requirements relating to: Individuals responsibilities for FFW; All levels of Management responsibilities for FFW; Induction of employees in relation to Dome FFW Procedures; Processes for the management of breaches of this FFW Policy; Responsible use of alcohol at non Dome facilities and/or Company sponsored functions; Management of fatigue and Shift Rosters. All sites will ensure that all employees and visitors are Fit for Work prior to commencing work on any Dome sites and not influenced by alcohol and/or drugs when they are at work. Dome has and enforces a zero tolerance of alcohol and drugs at the workplace, disciplinary measures will be implemented for breach of this FFW Procedure. Reference documents - Fitness for Work, Drugs and Alcohol Procedure

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Plant and Equipment Intent To ensure that plant and equipment are designed, purchased, operated and maintained so as to reduce the risk of loss (injury, equipment damage, process loss) to an acceptable level. Performance Requirements Dome will define the specifications when purchasing all plant and equipment to ensure that it is fit for purpose and to minimize the level of risk associated to the use of the equipment. Additionally Dome will ensure: Supplied plant and equipment meets its specification prior to acceptance; Plant and equipment are operated according to specifications and manufacturers operating instructions; Any modifications to plant and equipment are controlled and approved prior to commissioning.

Reference documents - Procedure for Maintenance of Plant and Equipment 11.3 Safety in Design and Engineering Intent Assessment and management of HSE risks is an integral part of project design, construction and commissioning to enable sound HSE performance throughout the construction and operational life of the facility. Performance Requirements The planning, design and selection of new Sites, plant, equipment and processes takes into account known and projected HSE aspects and considers provisions for maintenance, modification, decommissioning, disposal and closure. Project HSE plans and procedures establishing technical integrity, HSE specifications and Quality Assurance requirements are established, documented and well understood. Technical standards for design, construction and commissioning (including any modifications) are compliant with legislation, relevant industry codes and standards. Sound engineering practices and risk management principles (e.g. quantified risk assessments, HAZOPS and HSE reviews) are utilized. Facilities are designed and constructed using technology which balances HSE and commercial risks with financial benefits. A process is established to evaluate and demonstrate that technical risks, biodiversity, social and environmental impacts as well as the minimization of emissions and discharges are considered. Design reviews for constructability, operability and maintainability for maintenance of plant, equipment and systems ensure HSE risks and related considerations are effectively identified, addressed and documented. A Commissioning Plan is documented and approved so that it incorporates HSE risk management and defines responsibilities and competencies. The plan ensures that the facility, plant and equipment conform to required standards for operability. Operational, maintenance and HSE expertise are integrated early in the project/design stage. Experience from previous projects and current operations is applied. Pre and post-start up reviews are conducted and documented to confirm that: construction is in accordance with specifications; operations integrity measures are in place;

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emergency, operational and maintenance procedures are in place and are adequate; risk management recommendations have been addressed and required actions taken; training of personnel has been accomplished and documented; regulatory and license and/or other permit requirements are met. 11.4 Personal Protective Equipment Intent To ensure all personnel are: Provided with appropriate PPE; Shown how to use PPE and maintain correctly, and Able to identify designated work areas where the PPE must be worn. Performance Requirements Dome requires all employees, contractors and visitors to wear appropriate PPE in designated areas, examples of PPE to be worn on ADE sites as a minimum are: Hard hat; Eye protection; Hearing protection; Dust masks; Gloves; Work clothes; Steel toe capped safety boots. All equipment shall comply with the necessary legislative requirement and the manufacturers recommendations for use. This Standard applies to all personnel working at all Dome work sites, at all times. Reference documents - Guideline for PPE selection and use 11.5 Health and Rehabilitation Management Intent To ensure that all health, occupational hygiene hazards and welfare issues are identified, assessed and effectively controlled. To ensure that employees who are injured or become ill as a consequence of their work with Dome are provided with medical treatment, care and support for their effective rehabilitation and early return to work Dome provides workplace facilities which are fit for purpose and offer adequate occupational hygiene and security Dome encourages a healthy lifestyle for its Employees, and provides appropriate medical treatment, and assistance for return to work in the event of employees sustaining work related injuries. Performance Requirements First aid facilities, ready access to adequate medical services and relevant health monitoring programmes shall be provided to all Employees at all work locations.

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Appropriate initiatives are in place to promote and encourage a healthy lifestyle. These may include health promotion and Employee assistance programmes. Preventative and corrective measures are taken to control alcohol and drug abuse and to manage the risks of fatigue and communicable diseases. Systems are in place for the rehabilitation of Employees following work-related injury or illness or other adverse health effects. Employees suffering non work-related injuries or illness are assisted in their return to work, as appropriate. Where appropriate and available, alternative duties are offered to Employees who are unfit for their normal duties. Employees who are unfit for any duties are assessed at regular intervals to determine their continued unsuitability. Alternative duties or return to normal duties are encouraged as soon as it is medically possible. Timely medical services are made available to all Employees who have sustained a work-related injury, illness or other adverse health effects; and arrangements are established and maintained for the injury management and rehabilitation of Employees following a work- related injury, illness or other adverse health effects. Implement appropriate controls for the identified hazards, based upon the Hierarchy of Controls; Develop and maintain systems to effectively monitor exposure and to evaluate the effectiveness of existing controls; Maintain health surveillance systems to comply, as a minimum, with Legislative requirements.

Appropriate injury and illness management systems will be maintained to ensure effective rehabilitation and early return to work strategies which will include the development of Alternative Duties based on the capability of the injured employee Where required, a return to work plan will be developed and implemented for injured or ill employees, this plan will include as a minimum: Active involvement of the employee; Suitable medical support; Return to work strategy.

Dome will maintain systems to ensure any workers compensation entitlements are determined and managed in an accurate and timely manner. Reference documents - Workplace Health and rehabilitation procedure

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ENVIRONMENT EFFECT AND MANAGEMENT Intent To ensure that; Potential adverse environmental effects resulting from the companys operations and activities are identified, assessed and, as far as reasonably practicable, eliminated or minimized Responsible waste management process is implemented on all Dome operated work sites and that waste is segregated in such a manner as to guarantee maximum utilization of recyclable material. Performance Requirements Potential and actual environmental effects of any of the companys Activities, operations, or proposed new developments are monitored and assessed. Specialist advice is utilized where appropriate. Environmental aspects are addressed and controlled consistent with policy, regulatory requirements and business plans. This includes the storage of chemicals and wastes, and the tracking of emissions, discharges and wastes. Each Dome Operational Site establishes and maintains an Environmental Effects Register, based on the outcome of the environmental effects assessment, and takes appropriate steps to minimize the adverse effect of the operations or Activities on the environment. Environmental effects to be addressed cover the lifecycle of the project and/or operations or other Activities and include, but are not limited to, the following: spills to land or water, accidental discharges to the environment, emissions to air, odours, greenhouse gas emissions, ozone depleting substances, fire, noise, ecosystem disturbance, soil conservation, contaminated land and its remediation and heritage impacts. The Environment Effects Register is formally reviewed on a regular basis, and where required, appropriate actions are taken and monitored. Where statutory requirements apply, the assessment of environmental effects or environmental impact assessment is compliant with the appropriate Acts and Regulations and/or By laws and/or undertaken to the level required by the authorities. Dome will ensure waste management plans are developed for each operation and that these maximize the opportunity for recycling and reuse of waste where practical. In addition we shall follow the company (client) procedure where applicable. Systems are in place to identify, quantify and monitor all wastes generated. Records are kept to ensure that all wastes can be tracked from source to disposal, and waste receiving facilities are audited to ensure conformance to appropriate waste standards. Reference documents - Environmental Management Plan - Procedure for Waste management - Procedure for Environmental Aspects and Impact Assessment

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MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Intent To ensure the purchase, storage, handling, transfer, use and disposal of materials are effectively managed. Performance Requirements Dome will identify, assess and classify all materials as either: Hazardous Substances; or Non-hazardous Substances. A materials management system will be established and maintained to ensure: An assessment of the risk associated with the materials; Compliance with specific legislative requirements; Appropriate management of risks associated with the materials including; storage, handling, PPE and disposal of any waste product. Dome will ensure that Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or similar guidelines are provided by suppliers and made readily available to employees and contractors on Dome work sites. Contractors are required to comply with the requirements of this Standard including obtaining prior approval from Dome before bringing any Hazardous Materials onto sites. Reference documents - Procedure for Material Control and Warehousing


MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE Intent To ensure all Changes and/or modifications to equipment, engineering changes (e.g. to plant and facilities), procedures and organizational structures are assessed and managed in a manner that ensures the change does not have an adverse effect on the safety and health of personnel or the environment. Performance Requirements Changes and/or modifications to equipment, engineering changes (e.g. to plant and facilities), procedures and organizational structures can all impact on the safety and health of personnel and the environment they are working in. Failure to manage change can result in the inadequate identification of hazards and assessment and control of risk. It is therefore essential that this process is managed carefully and systematically. Any change that may impact on the safety and health of Dome employees or TPCs must undergo a formal process to allow the implications of the change to be adequately identified and assessment, including flow on effects. The Dome Site Manager is responsible for ensuring all affected employees and TPCs are informed of and appropriately trained in any changes, this must be formally documented Reference documents Procedure for Management of Change

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CRISIS AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Intent To ensure that all Dome operations are supported by detailed Emergency Response and Crisis Management plans that are designed to address all of the foreseeable emergency scenarios and offer management and field personnel guidance on the effectiveness mitigation of the identified emergency situations. Performance Requirements The Dome ERP is to be used in conjunction with the particular TPC or Site Emergency Response Procedures as delineated in any issued Bridging Document. All personnel with emergency roles and responsibilities are required to ensure they become familiar with the requirements and procedures contained in the relevant ERP and to their specific role. The ERP does not take into account all circumstances that may arise in an emergency and as such training and practice drills are an important part of Dome Emergency Management process. Reference documents - Emergency Response Plan


Frequency of Drills Emergency drills and exercises shall be conducted regularly to ensure all personnel are familiar with the relevant procedures. Personnel regularly assigned to Dome sites must attend at least one drill or emergency exercise during their regular tour of duty. Drill participation is recorded on the Monthly statistics and submitted to client Specific site Emergency procedure shall be developed


DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT Intent To manage all associated HSE records and documents in such a manner that this information is available to employees and external agencies, if and when it is required. Performance Requirements Dome will maintain formal document control systems for the distribution, storage and disposal of paper and electronic records and will: Maintain an IMS Document Register to identify and track those records required to be kept to meet Dome requirements; Determine and record the period of time for which all documents, information and records are to be kept; Develop and maintain a system to ensure that only current versions of documents are utilised; Ensure documents are in a format that ensures they are legible and functional for those who are required to use them.

Reference documents - Procedure for Document control and Record Control

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INCIDENT / NON-CONFORMANCE AND INVESTIGATION Intent To ensure that all hazard, incidents/non conformance are reported and analyzed and that appropriate corrective action is implemented to control the risk. Performance Requirements Dome will meet the requirements set out in the Dome Incident/Accident Investigation Procedure and non conformance procedure to ensure that all incidents are: Reported in a timely and accurate manner; Effectively investigated and analysed to a level relevant to the potential severity in order to determine: basic causes, contributing factors, corrective action.

Dome will promote a culture and implement systems that minimize the number of near misses and/or incidents that are not reported and will ensure that reporting, classification and analysis is based on the potential incident severity and actual outcome. Reference documents - Procedure for incident reporting and investigation 18. MEASURING AND MONITORING Intent HSE risks to Personnel associated with the working environment are eliminated or reduced as far as reasonably practicable. Performance Requirements Systems are in place for the identification of hazards and exposures associated with the working environment, including but not limited to the following: outdoor work; access and egress; air quality; lighting; noise; vibration; ergonomics; hot and cold conditions; and any other potentially adverse work condition. Where exposures and hazards are identified, appropriate corrective and preventative action is taken and effective control of those hazards and exposures is provided. Procedures are established and maintained for the control of the working environment. Procedures are put in place to achieve appropriate security and well being of Employees on Sites and during work related travel or Activities. Environmental, health and hygiene aspects of the operations are monitored by surveillance programmes covering good housekeeping nand key exposures (such as chemical, environmental and biological) to personnel and host communities.

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Plans and procedures are in place for the control of working hours and the prevention of workplace violence, victimization and harassment. 19. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT/INSPECTION AND AUDITING Intent HSE performance and systems are monitored and assessed through periodic reports and audits to identify trends, measure progress, assess conformance and drive continual improvement Performance Requirements Dome shall conduct a systematic sequence of periodic self-audits of the IMS in general and the HSE MS and its implementation specifically. Audits provide a systematic method of collecting information on the efficiency, effectiveness, and reliability of the IMS and provide the means for continuous improvement. Samples of the management system are selected for assessment during each audit and the areas audited are tracked so the management system can be fully assessed periodically. These audits and reviews shall be performed by knowledgeable and competent persons selected for impartiality in the assessment. In addition, an audit may be triggered by a request from the head office or as a result of an incident that has been linked to a systems noncompliance. Nonconformance items from the audit shall be prepared and documented, the corrective actions agreed upon, and a plan for the mitigation of the nonconformance determined. The results of the audits shall be consolidated and reported to management for satisfactory resolution of any issues or improvement opportunities. Dome head office shall place all of the non-conformances in the head office AIR for tracking and closeout. The closeout of all nonconformities shall be assessed as part of the process for the next audit. Any lessons learned shall be communicated to all Dome personnel and TPCs, if required. Dome will ensure a system is in place to inspect all plant and equipment to determine the appropriate: Type of inspection (e.g. Pre-start Inspection); Frequency (e.g. Daily, Weekly, Monthly); Content of Inspection (What to inspect); Criteria (Acceptable Policy for each aspect to be inspected); Responsible person for conducting inspections and maintaining records An inspection system will be maintained based upon: A formal inspection schedule; Checklists that document the Policy or Protocol to be achieved.

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Dome will ensure appropriate maintenance practices are carried out to rectify problems identified by checklists. Reference documents - Procedure for conducting Audits and Inspection 20. MANAGEMENT REVEVIEW Intent The management review process is designed to ensure that all Dome operations function in an effective, efficient manner in accordance with the Dome IMS and the relevant legislation. Performance Requirements HSE performance is reviewed by the Executive Management Team and the Board. The effectiveness of the assessment process and the degree of suitability and implementation of the procedures is reviewed periodically and findings are used to set company HSE KPIs to drive continual improvement. These Standards are reviewed at least every two years and revised as required. The review of the HSE Standards considers audit results, corrective and preventative actions, legislative compliance, prevalence of incidents and other HSE performance records and reports. Business Units personnel input to these reviews. Reference documents - Management review procedure

ISO 14001 - Environmental management systems Requirements with guidance for use OHSAS 18001 - Occupational health and safety management systems Requirements ILO-OSH guidelines (section 3)


This is the second issue of this procedure; below are the amendments to the original version of this procedure Amendment Number Rev 03 Amendment Date 13/01/2012 Sections Amended Signature

Entire HSE MS Manual reviewed

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APPENDIX 1 List of documents

Document Number
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. DOMEMSP003 DOMEMSP015 DOMEMSP017 DOMESOP017 DOMESOP101 DOMESOP501 DOMESOP502 DOMESOP503 DOMESOP504 DOMESOP505 DOMESOP507 DOMESOP508 DOMESOP509 DOMESOP510 DOMESOP511 DOMESOP512 DOMESOP513 DOMESOP514 DOMESOP515 DOMESOP516 DOMESOP517 DOMESOP518 DOMESOP519 DOMESOP520 DOMESOP521 DOMESOP522 DOMESOP523 DOMESOP524 DOMESOP525 DOMESOP526 DOMESOP527 DOMESOP528 DOMESOP529 DOMESOP530 DOMESOP531 DOMESOP532

HSE Policy English Version QHSE Charter Environmental Objectives HSE Award Program Procedure for Management of Change Construction Site Orientation Program Procedure for Risk Assessment HSE Inspection Procedure Procedure for Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation Guideline for PPE Selection Procedure for Waste Management Chemical Handling Procedure Site Security Plan Medical Waste Handling and Disposal Guideline Transportation Procedure Safe NDT Work Procedures Radio Active Source Emergency Procedure Procedure For Record Keeping of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Guideline for Handling compressed gas cylinders Procedure for Fall Prevention & Protection Procedure for Scaffolding Erection and Dismantling Procedure for Inspection, Testing and Cleaning of Vessels Electrical Safety Rules Procedure for Excavation HSE Rules and Site Regulations Project Training Plan Procedure for Work Permit Procedure for Fleet Management System Procedure for Hand & Power Tools Procedure for Maintenance of Equipment and Motor Vehicles Procedure for Environmental Aspects and Impact Assessment Procedure for Management of Subcontractors Procedure for Confined Space Entry Fitness for work, Drugs and Alcohol Consultation and HSE committees Work Place rehabilitation

Document Level

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APPENDIX 2 COMPARISON WITH STANDARDS Relevant Element/Clause DOME HSEMS (This Document) Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Title INTRODUCTION HSE VISION POLICIES LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT RESPECT OF LAWS AND REGULATIONS MANAGEMENT PLANNING, OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS STRUCTURE AND RESPONSIBILITIES TRAINING AND COMPETENCY CONSULTATION, COMMUNICATION & REPORTING SUPPLIER AND THIRD PARTY CONTRACTOR MANAGEMENT HAZARD AND RISK MANAGEMENT 4.2, 4.6 4.3.2 4.2, 4.3.2 4.3.3, 4.3.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.6 4.3.1, 4.4.6 4.5.3 4.4.6 4.4.2 4.3.1 4.3.1 ISO 14001 (Clauses) 4.2, 4.6 4.3.2 4.2, 4.3.2 4.3.3, 4.3.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.6 4.3.1, 4.4.6 4.5.3 4.4.6 4.4.2 OH1SAS 1800 (Clause)

6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10

11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0



4.3.1 4.4.7 4.4.4, 4.4.5, 4.5.4 4.5.3 4.4.5, 4.5.1 4.5.2, 4.5.3 4.5.3 4.5.5 4.6 4.4.7 4.4.4, 4.4.5, 4.5.4 4.4.5, 4.5.1 4.5.2, 4.5.3 4.5.3 4.5.5 4.6 -

20.0 21.0 22.0

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