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THIS AGREEMENT is made at Colombo on this ............................. ( day of May Two Thousand and Eleven by and between ................................................ (holder of National Identity Card No. ............................ V) of No. ....................................................... (hereinafter called and referred to as the Vendor which term shall mean and include the said ............................... and his heirs executors and administrators and successors) ONE PART AND .............................. ( PVT.) LIMITED a Company duly incorporated in Sri Lanka bearing Registration No. ................. and having its Registered Office at No......., ............................... Sri Lanka (hereinafter sometimes called the "Purchaser" which term or expression as herein used shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said ................( Pvt.) Limited its successor or successors in business) of the OTHER PART.

WITNESSETH WHEREAS 1. The Vendor is the lawful and registered owner of the Motor Car bearing Registration No. ........ which is described in the schedule hereunder. 2. the Purchaser is desirous of the Motor Car. 3. the Vendor has agreed with the Purchaser to sell the Motor Car subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter setforth . 4. the Purchaser has agreed with the Vendor to purchase the Motor Car subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter setforth .

NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESS and it is hereby agreed by and between the Parties hereto as follows: 1. 2. Value of the Motor Car The value of the Motor car is Rs......................../-. PAYMENT PROCEDURE The Purchaser shal pay Rs.............................../- at the execution ackowledges the receipt of the same. The Purchaser shall pay...... on or before ....... and Vendor

2.1 2.2


FORCE MAJEURE No Party hereto shall be deemed to be in default of any provisions hereof for any delay, failure in performance or interruption of services resulting directly or indirectly from an act of God or military authority, acts of public enemy, civil disturbance, acts of war - whether declared or not, accident, fire, explosion, earthquake, flood or any other natural disaster or any other event beyond the reasonable control of any party (hereinafter referred to as Force Majeure Events), provided the Party facing such Force Majeure Event shall within 24 hours issue a notice in writing to the other Party (a Force Majeure Notice) detailing the occurrence of such Force Majeure Event and its anticipated effect upon the performance of the Agreement.


TERMINATION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

The common seal of the ................ ( Pvt.) Ltd was placed hereunto in the presence of 1. 2. who do hereby attest the sealing thereof Witnesses: 1. 2. The Signatures of the said

) ) ......................................................... ) ) Were placed in the presence of the following witnesses) Witnesses: 1. 2.

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