The Esoteric Order of Dagon

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23 EOD


Let us now proceed with some of the secrets known to the

Esoteric Order of Dagon in Innsmouth, Mass, as explained by
Y'hna-uth'yg of the Esoteric Order of Dagon. While Y'hna-uth'yg
is not an On-dy'uth (Deep One) or a Ghu-on'uth (hybrid
human/D.O.), Y'hna-uth'yg is a creature whose parent is Ubb, and
who is very good friends with Cthulhu and Its minions. :)


H. P. Lovecraft, who first wrote of the EOD, entered the Jane
Brown Memorial Hospital where he died 5 days later, on
10/2/1937. The numbers in date of HP Lovecraft's leaving this
world add numerologically to 23! 1 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 7 = 23.

The name Howard Phillips Lovecraft has 23 letters in it.

The organization "Esoteric Order of Dagon" has 23 letters and

spaces combined.

In the H. P. Lovecraft tale, "The Call of Cthulhu," on March 23rd

the crew of the Emma landed on an unknown island and left six
men dead; and on that date the dreams of sensitive men
assumed a heightened vividness and darkened with dread of a
giant monster's malign pursuit, whilst an architect had gone mad
and a sculptor had lapsed suddenly into delirium! It was on the
23rd that the sculptor, Wilcox, was struck with fever. It was on
the 23rd that the sense impacts from Cthulhu were heard and
sensitive people heard the Deep Ones chanting. It is of quite
pivotal importance to the story. 23 = the number of Cthulhu's

Human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Anything humans

might be able to mate with would also have 23 pairs of

About 100 years ago, Dr. Hermann Swoboda, professor of

psychology at the University Of Vienna, became interested in the
study of cyclical, internal changes affecting humans. He
concluded that there were 2 basic rhythms in humans, a 23 day
physical cycle is one of them (the other is a 28 day emotional
cycle). Since Cthulhu does not have human emotions, It would
only have a physical cycle, even if It is not made of matter we
can understand. The physical cycle of Cthulhu is 23. In our 3
dimensions of space as we measure time on Earth, that's what it
would be.

One may wish to know what musical note "23 cycles a second"
would produce. The answer is, it is close to the note F# that is 4
octaves below the F# that's just below the "440 A" on a piano,
which is "440 A" of a tuning fork. If you don't know what that is,
"440 A" is the note A that is just above "middle C." How does
one derive that fact? 440/2 = 220 (one octave lower). 220/2 = 110
(2 octaves lower). 110/2 = 55 (3 octaves lower). 55/2 = 27.5 (4
octaves lower). From 4 octaves lower 27.5 cycles A, we can then
proceed to see which note would be 23 cycles, or very close to
it. Then you need to get the "12th root of 2." The 12th root of 2 is
an infinite number, the numbers after the decimal can be carried
out forever or cut off. We can cut this number off at
1.0594630943, which adds numerologically up to 44, two times
the Master Magician number 22. Next you get the note by
dividing 27.5 by 1.0594630943 and keep dividing each number
you get until you get the number closest to 23. Again, the infinite
decimal can be rendered as this number: 23.12465 cycles per
second, which numerologically adds up to 23! The closest note
is F#. F# is also the frequency that is in harmony with the Earth,
according to some.

In Tarot, there 56 Minor Arcana cards, which are like playing

cards with 4 more royalty cards. Cards have Jack, Queen, King.
Tarot has Page, Knight, Queen, King. However, Tarot also has 22
Major Arcana cards. The Major Arcana are said to be derived
from the oldest book in the world, originated by Hermes
Trismegistus, councilor of Osiris, at a period when hieroglyphic
writing, magic, astrology and other mystical sciences flourished.
Some scholars claim that they were invented by the Chinese and
others claim they were brought from India by the Gypsies. They
are also related to the Kabalistic lore of the Hebrews and a
correspondence is often pointed out between the cards of the
Major Arcana and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Be as that
may, if there was a 23rd card, it would not be of this Earth, not of
our Space/Time even. It is the number of the Old Ones.
Lovecraft did tell us that the Old Ones and everything about them
and their cults of followers was not related to anything occult or
known on Earth. It was completely unrelated, outré. 23 is
completely outside of the sphere of the influence of the Tarot.

There are 23 definitions in Book One of "Euclid's Elements."

Euclid was a brilliant ancient Greek mathematician and
geometrician; his geometry is still taught today. Strange
geometry, the type that you can see in the image at the top of
this page, and strange math and strange geometry has
everything to do with the Old Ones, especially with Cthulhu, and
with HP Lovecraft's ideas.

Therefore, we proceed from here, with our 23 and the strange

mathematical qualities of our number 23 (obviously not derived
from R. A. Wilson, K. Grant or anyone else).

23 is a Prime number. The very essence of Prime for numbers

makes it pertinent to us in the EOD. A Prime number is a number
that can not be divided by anything except itself and 1. Prime
numbers are otherwise indivisible, as are the Old Ones. These
numbers are unique, like a Thing Unto Itself. Prime numbers are
Primal! They are Serene and Primal.

First, some standard mysticism about the numbers we are using.

These first prime numbers, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and even 13, have
importance since 2 is the first division of the Abyssal Darkness,
Ain Soph, Aditi, and etc. (which is 0 unmanifest and 1 when
manifest as itself but not yet divided). Next there are 3 with the
3rd being Light-Born-From-Abyss. Next the Darkness divides into
5 Dharmic or Pentemychos aspects and the Light manifests as 7
Elohim in the Cosmos. This is more or less standard
Cosmogenesis in all esotericism. 9, which is not a prime number,
was the Pythagorean number of The Deity and 9 is the last single
digit in the base 10 number system. 11 is the number of the
Minor Magi. 13 is the lucky/unlucky number (17, also prime, was
the unlucky or evil number to the Pythagoreans, but that number
is not important here.) Those numbers, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13 are
the first primes and these are the most relevant here. 9 is also
relevant in terms of base-10 and Pythagorean Deity concept. 22
of course, is the number of the Master Magi and 23 is one up on

This mystical information about these numbers just presented is

not derived from anything new, either New Age or New Occult.
This is ancient and accepted. You will see that our 23 is Magical
in many diverse ways. The rest of what follows is legitimate

There are an infinite number of prime numbers and it is

hypothesized, but not yet proven by any mathematician that
there are also an infinite number of twin primes. Prime numbers
are not all that easy to find.

23 is the 9th prime number. It is also the only prime number that
has digits (2 and 3) right next to each other (keep in mine there
are an infinite number of them!). 9 is the Pythagorean number of
The Deity. It is also the number of the Muse, for there are 9
muses that give divine inspiration and we all credit H. P.
Lovecraft as having given many people inspiration and joy.

23 is the first prime number that is between two non-prime odd

numbers, 21 and 25. Also, 21 + 25 = 46. 23 twice!

23 is a prime number that is written by writing the first two

primes, the numbers 2 and 3. Also, if you add 2 + 3 to get 5, that
is the number of the pentemychos and Dharmas. 5 is also a
prime number. However, any number, no matter how huge, that
ends in a 5 is absolutely not a Prime number. (No even number
after 2 is prime, either; 2 is the only even number that is prime.)

23 is the first prime that stands alone without a twin prime. The
primes above and below 23 are twins: 17 and 19 are twin primes,
and 29 and 31 are twin primes. All the primes below 23 are

Keeping in mind how 23 stands alone, 23 is above the number 22,

the number of the Master Magi. The Old Ones stand alone,
unique, undimensioned, according to H. P. Lovecraft.

The first prime is 2, the second prime is 3, and the third prime is
5. We can count down 3, 2, and 1 and multiply. (3 x 5) + (2 x 3)
+ (1 x 2) = 23.
23 is the first prime that when you add up the sum of the
squares of it's digits (2 and 3) you get a prime: 22 + 32 = 13, a
prime number. 13 is the good luck/bad luck number. If you
subtract the 10 Kabalistic Sephiroth from 23, you also get 13.

-22 + 33 = 23.

23 is the smallest prime number that is equal to the product plus

sum of twin primes. 3 and 5 are twin primes. If you multiply 3
times 5 and add that to 3 plus 5, like this: (3 x 5) + (3 + 5) = 23.

Utilizing the Pentamychos/Dharmic 5 and the Elohistic 7, both 5

and 7 being another set of twin primes, you can do this: (5 x 7) -
(5 + 7) = 23.

23 is the smallest prime equal to the sum of three primes in two

ways: 5+7+11 = 23 and 3+7+13 = 23. Note the proliferation of
Magical numbers in all of this.

1000 is the number of years in a millennium. Somehow, the

concept of millennia sounds Lovecraftian, due to what he wrote
in his stories. If you take all the prime numbers from 1 to 1000,
there are 23 sets of 2 primes that add up to 1000: 997 + 3, 983 +
17, 997 + 23, 971 + 29, 953 + 47, 947 + 53, 941 + 59, 929 + 71,
911 + 89, 887 + 113, 863 + 137, 827 + 173, 821 + 179, 809 +
191, 773 + 227, 761 + 239, 743 + 257, 719 + 281, 683 + 317,
653 + 347, 647 + 353, 641 + 359, and 617 + 383.

23 is the first prime number that when you reverse the number
and make it 32, it is also 25. (I.e., 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32. That is 2
to the 5th power). 5 is important because 5 is the number of the
Pentamychos and the Dharmas. The angles of a pentacle give us
the Golden Ratio.

Using only primes as powers, 230 + 231 + 232 + 233 + 235 =

6449063. The numerological sum of 6449063 is 32, the reverse
of 23, which ends up numerologically being 5. 6449063 can also
be written using the two numbers we use to write 23, like this: (3
x 2) + (2 x 2) + (2 x 2) + (3 x 3) + 0 + (3 x 2) + 3 = 32, the reversal
of 23.

Counting from 1 to 5 and using 4 to 0 powers in reverse: 14 + 23 +

32 + 41 + 50 = 23

Making a play with the first consecutive primes 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11,

you can write this: 23 = 5 + 7 + 11.

Make a play with the numbers 2, 3 and 23. You can get this: (23
x 3) - (32 x 2) = (3+2) x (3-2) = 5, the number of the Pentamychos
and the Dharmas.

Make a play with the numbers 2 and 3 using powers and

factorials: (22 + 33) - (2! + 3!) = 23. (When you write something
like 5! it means 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1. So 2! means 2 x 1 and 3! means
3 x 2 x 1. Factorial.)

Make a play with 1, 2, and 3. 1! + 2! + 2! + 3! + 3! + 3! = 23

Make another play with 1, 2, and 3, and get his equation: 13 + 23

= 32. If you numerologically add all the numbers in that last
equation, they add up to 5.

23! is 25,852,016,738,884,976,640,000. Numerologically, that

adds up to 99 and comes down to 9, the Pythagorean number of
Deity showing up 3 times: 99 and 9. The number is also 23 digits
long and it is the only prime factorial that has the same number
of digits as the number itself. Considering that there are an
infinite number of primes, that is quite amazing! However, no
number that numerologically adds up to 9 is prime! In fact, if the
digits of any number add up to a multiple of 3, it is not prime.

Make a play with the numbers 2, 3 and 23: (223 + 323) + (2 x 3) =

94,151,567,441. Numerologically that number is 11, and it is also
11 digits long, the number of the Minor Magi. That is also a prime
The primes up to and including 23 separated by zeroes form
primes. Primes up to 23 are 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23. If you
separate each number by 0, you get
2,030,507,011,013,017,019,023. That is a prime number. It also
numerologically adds to 46 which is twice 23! It is 22 digits long,
the number of the Master Magi.

The squares of primes up to and including 23 separated by

zeroes form primes. The squares of the primes up to 23 are 4, 9,
25, 49, 121, 169, 289, 361, 529. If you separate each number by 0,
you get 40,902,504,901,210,169,028,903,610,529. That is a prime

Write the number 1, 23 times like this:

11,111,111,111,111,111,111,111. That is a prime number. Of
course, numerologically, that is either 23 or 5.

11,111 x 1,11111 + 11,111,111,111 + 1 (23 ones are being used in

all) is 35,367,779,633,655,045,365,782,864,884,274,523,033. It is
a prime number. Numerologically, it is 11, the number of the
Minor Magi.

1023 - 23 = 99,999,999,999,999,999,999,977. That is the largest 23

digit prime. Numerologically, it is 5, the Dharmic Pentemychos

These last three are cyclopean (meaning "humungous")

numbers. Things being cyclopean is another H. P. Lovecraftian

The Avagadro Constant, or NA, is 6.022 x 1023. This number is

special because it is the number of carbon atoms (carbon 12)
that makes, in weight, exactly 12 grams of carbon, i.e. if you had
6.022 x 1023 carbon atoms on a scale, it would weigh exactly 12
grams. The Avagadro constant is defined in terms of carbon, and
all life on and from earth is carbon based. However, it is easier
to think of it in terms of the simplest atom, hydrogen. 6.022 x
1023 hydrogen atoms have a weight of 1 gram. 6.022 x 1023
hydrogen atoms is called a "mole" of hydrogen atoms. This is a
convenient way of counting atoms. Every atom has a mass
(relative atomic mass) that gives the weight of the atom
compared to hydrogen. One mole of any atom (roughly) equals
the number of nucleons in that atom. I.e.. one mole of hydrogen
has a mass of 1.00797 grams; one mole of helium with four
nucleons in its nucleus (two protons and two neutrons) has a
mass of 4.0026 grams. If a mole of hydrogen has a weight of 1
gram, and helium atoms are 4 times heavier than hydrogen
atoms, then the weight of a mole of helium atoms would be 4
grams. This means that the weight of only one hydrogen atom
must be 1 ÷ (6.022 x 1023) of a gram. Avogadro's Law states that,
so long as temperature and pressure are equal, an equal volume
of any gas will contain the same number of molecules.
Avogadro's number can be determined experimentally by
observing the actual mass (usually via the momentum) of a single
atom or molecule and then comparing that to the mass of one
gram-molecular-weight (or mole of the same substance). It isn't
so much a constant of nature as it is a number expressing the
scale difference between what we can see with our eyes and
touch with our fingers and what we can "see" with the most
powerful microscopes. Also, carbon 12 is the number of life on
our planet, specifically, it is 6 protons and 6 neutrons. It also has
6 electrons orbiting around the atom. Ooops, wrong magical
number. We aren't looking for 666. Some people think that
Cthulhu, in Lovecraft's tale "The Call of Cthulhu," would be a
good stand in for such a 666-Beast creature - only if Cthulhu was
carbon based life or if Cthulhu even had molecules. It isn't! It
doesn't! Cthulhu is not made of matter that we can comprehend;
Lovecraft made that clear. Therefore, Cthulhu is not related to
the Beast known as 666. Lovecraft did tell us, in "The Call of
Cthulhu," that the business about the Old Ones is not related to
anything known, not religious, not white or black magickal, not
anything. It's not good; it's not evil. It's unknown, outré,
incomprehensibly alien and ancient! The Old Ones, according to
Lovecraft, are undimensioned! They do not and can not exist in
the space we exist in! Remember, "That is not dead, which can
eternal lie, and with strange aeons, even death will die!" That
does not fit the definition of molecular life or of anything that
would even be related to the cycle of life and death.

With these last examples in mind, involving numbers SO

cyclopean that we don't know what to call them (kazillion?), - I
suggest we get out of here!

In the slang of Innsmouth, "let's get out of here" is TWENTY


In R'lyehian, that would be 23'skdu.

G'ngah n'gh g'nhugl, gn-ka 23 c'fayak ph'nygh! IA! CTHULHU

Translation: The hour is at hand, the master spirit 23 is coming into the world. Cthulhu no longer sleeps

(If you are interested in other things of this type regarding math, you may wish to visit the Prime Pages.
Keep in mind that there are some errors on the math there, do not take them at their word. Their page
on 23 had some of the math I figured out on here and I borrowed 3 examples from them and checked the
math. The rest was not borrowed. For instance, for an error taking much paper to spot, they claimed
that, "If you add up the sum of the forth powers of the first 23 prime numbers, the answer is a prime
number." No it is not. It is 209,392,342 and that is not a prime number. If you do it by including 1 as a
prime number and chopping off the 23rd prime, 83, it still does not work. If you try to do it by using the
first 23 odd primes (excluding 2 and including 89) it still doesn't work. It would, however,
numerologically come out to the Elohistic number 7.)

To hear the sound of 23 in frequency, go to this site:

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