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Prepositions in Spanish

The most common simple and complex Spanish prepositions are listed below:

List of Simple Prepositions

SPANISH ENGLISH PREPOSITIONS EQUIVALENTS a at, to before, in the face of, in the presence of under, below with against, in exchange for of, about, from EXAMPLES She sold her coin collection to the museum. Ella vendi su coleccin de monedas a el museo... Read more about preposition: a In the presence of the judge, he screamed for justice. Ante el juez, l grito por justicia. The kid hid under the bed. El nio se escondi bajo la cama. He's coming with us El viene con nosotros. Im against family violence. Estoy en contra de la violencia familiar. A package has arrived, it comes from Amsterdam. Un paquete ha llegado, viene de msterdam. Read more about preposition: de Since they met for the first time, theyve established strong bonds. Desde que se conocieron, han establecido fuertes vnculos afectivos. During the rescue, the brigade had to calm down the onlookers. Durante el rescate, la brigada tuvo que poner calma entre los curiosos. Cusco is in Peru. Cusco est en Per... Read more about preposition: en You must choose only one among all the best job opportunities. Debes elegir slo una entre las mejores oportunidades de trabajo. I agree with your choice except for the color. Estoy de acuerdo con tu eleccin excepto por el color. Be favorable towards somebody. Tener buena disposicin hacia alguien.

ante bajo con contra de


since, from


during, for


in, into, by, inside, within between, among, amongst


excepto hacia

except (for) towards, about, around


as far as, up to, until, till by means of

Christian goes from Cusco to Lima by car Cristian va desde Cusco hasta Lima por carro. By means of a legal document we reached a verbal agreement. Mediante un documento legal llegamos a un acuerdo verbal. In order to make a suggestion, we had to investigate. Para hacer una sugerencia, tuvimos que investigar... Read more about preposition: para We get a ticket train to Cusco through a friend of mine. Conseguimos un boleto de tren para Cusco por una amiga... Read more about preposition: por According to this email, your deadline is in late November. Segn esta carta, tu plazo se vence a fines de noviembre. I can't read without my glasses. No puedo leer sin mis anteojos.



for, in order to, toward


because of, (in order) to, for, by, through, per


according to, depending on without

sin sobre tras, detrs

on (top of), over, Put the dishes on the table. above, about, upon Pon los platos sobre la mesa. behind, after The kitty is behind you. El gatito est detrs de ti.

List of Complex Prepositions


We built the main house, in addition to a tree house as well as, in for the kids. addition to, besides Construimos la casa principal, adems de una casita en el rbol para los nios beside around, about before Come and sit beside the table. Ven y sintate al lado de la mesa Just look around the house of your new puppy Mira alrededor de la casa de tu nuevo cachorro Before a long holiday, you must finish your work. Antes de unas largas vacaciones, debes terminar tu trabajo. The church still stands despite the houses around there are in ruins. La iglesia an est en pie, a pesar de que las casas alrededor estn en ruinas.

al lado de alrededor de antes de, delante de

a pesar de


cerca de

near, close (to)

Near the beach but so far to the lighthouse. Cerca de la playa, pero tan lejos del faro. We made some changes in respect of the secondary part of the contract. Hicimos algunos cambios con respecto a la parte secundaria del contrato.

con respecto a

in respect of

de acuerdo con

In accordance with the recipe, she sprinkled sugar on the cake in accordance with De acuerdo con la receta, ella espolvore azcar sobre el pastel. under, underneath in front of in, inside, into, within on (top of), above, over opposite, towards The hamster was found under the washing machine. El hmster fue encontrado debajo de la lavadora. Please stand up in front of the blond girl. Por favor, prate delante de la nia rubia. The best chocolate cookie is in the glass box. La mejor galleta de chocolate est dentro de la caja de vidrio. The helicopter is flying above the clouds. El helicptero est volando encima de las nubes. Turn left and then right, the office is opposite the restaurant. Dobla a la izquierda y luego a la derecha, la oficina est frente al restaurante. Everything was perfect at the meeting, except for the loud music the band played. Todo en la reunin fue perfecto, a excepcin de la msica ruidosa que la banda toc. You will find the best artificial flowers of the city, next to the drugstore. Encontrar las mejores flores artificiales de la ciudad junto a la farmacia. I won't be able to call you because I'll be far away from my phone. No podr llamarte porqu estar bastante lejos de mi telfono.

debajo de delante de dentro de encima de

(en) frente a/de

fuera de, a excepcin de

except for, apart from

junto a

next to, right by, near

lejos de

far (away)

The prepositions in Spanish language are same the prepositions in Portuguese language, for this reason if you can learn other language we recommended you learn Portuguese grammar.

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