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Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Subject/Verb Agreement

1. Which is correct?

The student's books is on the desk. The student's books are on the desk. The students' books is on the desk. None of the above --------Question 2 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points) Which is correct? ans----the students books are on the desk

Her friends are home. Her friends is home. Tanya's friends is home. None of the above -------------Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points) Which is correct? ans---none of the above

Mike's children yells. Mike's children yell. Mike's dogs barks. None of the above ans---- Mike's children yell / Mike's dogs barks--- both are correct so anyone can be the ans --------------Question 4 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points) Which is correct?

There is a phone. There are a phone. There are a red and green phone. None of the above ---------------Question 5 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points) Which is correct? ans----there is a phone

Everybody know Bob. Everybody know Bob and Cindy. Everybody knows Bob. None of the above ---------------Question 6 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points) ans----everybody knows Bob

Avoiding Plagiarism/MLA Format and Style

Hint: For assistance with these questions, review pages 107 to 115 of your Hacker manual and the Purdue OWL materials on

6. According to the MLA guidelines, a short quotation must:

be enclosed in quotations marks be followed by a parenthetical citation have complete publication information for its source listed on the Works Cited page all of the above ------------------Question 7 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points) ans----all of the above

According to the MLA guidelines, a long quotation must:

be indented one inch from the left margin be followed by a parenthetical citation have complete publication information for its source listed on the Works Cited page all of the above ans----all of the above

---------------Question 8 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

To avoid plagiarism, you must name the source of:

material that you quote information that you summarize information that you paraphrase all of the above -------------------Question 9 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points) ans----all of the above

When referring to material from a source, you should:

introduce the material with a signal phrase that names the author of the source and provides some context for the material provide an in-text citation include complete information about the source in your Works Cited page all of the above --------------------Question 10 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points) ans----all of the above

Which one of the following examples contains an acceptable MLA-

style signal phrase?

According to botanist Dr. Phineas Trout, maple trees were not found in this area before 1920 (37). Maple trees were not found in this area before 1920. I read that maple trees were not found in this area before 1920 (37). Experts say that maple trees were not found in this area before 1920. Ans----first option ------------------Question 11 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

MLA In-text Citations

Hint: For assistance with these questions, review pages 120 to 125 of your Hacker manual and the Purdue OWL materials on and

11. When do you need to include an in-text citation?

Only with verbatim quotations Any time you quote, summarize, or paraphrase information from a source When it's convenient It is never necessary to include an in-text citation.

Ans---- Any time you quote, summarize, or paraphrase information from a source


Question 12 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

The page number used in an MLA in-text citation should refer to:

The page where the quotation, paraphrased material, or summarized material can be found The entire page range of the article Whatever you want it to refer to None of the above ans---- The page where the quotation, paraphrased material, or summarized material can be found

-----------------Question 13 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Ordinarily, when you have included the author's name in your signal phrase, what should you include inside the parentheses at the end of the quotation, summary, or paraphrase?

The author's name, title of the work, and date of publication The title of the work and the page number Only the page number None of the above ans---- The title of the work and the page number

------------------Question 14 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

If the author's name does not appear in your signal phrase, what should you include inside the parentheses at the end of the quotation, summary, or paraphrase?

The author's name and the page number

The author's name, the title of the work, and the date of publication

Only the page number

None of the above -------------------

ans----none of the above

Question 15 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

When the author of a work is unknown and you have not included the complete title of the work in the signal phrase, what should you include inside the parentheses at the end of the quotation, summary, or paraphrase?

The date of publication and the page number Only the page number There should not be an in-text citation. A short form of the title of the work and the page number ans---- A short form of the title of the work and the page number

---------------Question 16 (Multiple Choice)

Check the three (3) correct MLA parenthetical citations:

(Smith 2006 page 14)

(Barbara Smith, 14)

(Smith 14)

(Anonymous 14)

("The World" 14)

(Smith, B, page 14, 2006)

(14) Ans----(Smith 14) , ("The World" 14), ("The World" 14)

-------------Question 17 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Works Cited Page

Hint: For assistance with these questions, review pages 127 to 141 of your Hacker manual and the Purdue OWL materials on and

17. How should the entries on the Works Cited page should be aligned?

flush left Every line after the first line of each entry should be indented five spaces. in standard paragraph format center

ans---- in standard paragraph format


Question 18 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

What should be included in a Works Cited page listing for an article from a database?

author, article title, periodical title, volume and issue number, publication date, page range of article, and nothing else

database name, database service name, the name and location of the library through which you accessed the content, the date you retrieved the information, the URL of the library database service, and nothing else

author, article title, periodical title, volume and issue number, publication date, page range of article, database name (italicized), the medium; and your date of access

whatever you want to include ans---- author, article title, periodical title, volume and issue number, publication date, page range of article, database name (italicized), the medium; and your date of access

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