Consequences Part 2

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Chapter 18 Edward's POV We quickly arrived home.

Jasper was having a bad time with the overwhelming feeling of fear emanating from everyone. Not for us but for the little three scared children standing in the middle of the room that had in only a small amount of time become the centre of all our attentions. We intended to win this confrontation but the odds were against us since there wasn't enough time for someone to come and help us, if only Aro arrived... I had never thought the day I would be wishing for the Volturi visit would come but right now I would pray to make that happen. Maybe there was still hope. Right now, my priority is my kids who needed to sleep while we decided how we are going to do this. "C'mon kids. You should get ready for bed." "But I want to know what's happening!" Lilly demanded. "And mommy hasn't even called yet." Lizzie whined. "I promise that we will talk tomorrow and that if your mother doesn't call while you get ready, I'll call her myself, okay? But it's late and you are tired so you need to go to bed." I replied gently but firmly. "But daddy...!" Lizzie continued. "Your father is right. You need to go to bed." "Let's go!" I gently pushed them in the stairs' direction, following them. "You need to take a quick shower before you go to bed. Esme could you help me?" I asked. I hope that today they won't throw a fit about the shower. "Sure honey. C'mon kids let's have a nice shower and get ready for bed." She smiled enthusiastically. We headed up the stairs and thankfully they behaved and calmly had their showers with mine and Esme's help. I think they were too tired and scared to play. I took them to their room while Esme went upstairs after being sure that I didn't need her help anymore. "Mommy hasn't called yet." Luke noted. Right after he talked my cell started buzzing in my pocket. I carefully picked it up and answered. "Hey." "Edward." She breathed. "How's everything going?" "Fine." I just hoped she didn't notice the nervousness in my voice. I wasn't sure if I should tell her about Victoria. There wasn't anything she could do anyway, besides worrying. I know she will freak out if I tell her. "Is there something wrong?" She asked suspicious. When she was human she was a terrible liar which also meant she couldn't know if someone was lying at her. I silently prayed so that wouldn't have changed. "No. Everything is just fine. In fact the kids are already in bed. They were only waiting for your call."

"You're lying to me Edward. I can feel there's something wrong and if you're not telling me it's because it bad. What's happening Edward?" I stepped out of the kids bedroom sending them an I'llbe-right-back look. "Everything is fine love. It's nothing you have to worry about. We have everything controlled." I assured her though this wasn't exactly true. "Edward Cullen stop lying to me. Stop trying to protect me. We both know what happened the last time you tried to do that!" She hissed angrily. I stiffened at the mention of the episode that kept me apart from my love and my kids for five years. She had a point but.. "Please Edward tell me what's going on. I don't need to be protected anymore. I know something is bothering you and I can tell it's serious so please tell me." "Okay." I gave in. "But promise me you won't freak out and that you'll listen to everything I have to say." "What's happening Edward?" She pressed frightened. "Promise me, love." "Okay, okay, I promise." She huffed. "Tonight we went to a small clearing to play baseball. When Alice was pitching the ball she had a vision." "And... What was the vision about Edward?" She asked annoyed. "She saw Victoria..." "What?" She shrieked cutting me off. "Bella, love, calm down please. Remember your promise! She saw Victoria heading here. But you have nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine." "How can I not worry Edward? My entire family is going to be attacked by a murderous vindictive vampire and you're asking me not to worry? Because I'm sure that what she want is revenge which means either her objective is going to be you or the kids since I'm not there. Oh god!" She sobbed. I felt so helpless. What can I possibly say to comfort her? This was not something to say over the phone... "Bella please calm down. Everything is going to be fine." "Is she alone?" "She's not coming alone." I answered curtly. There was no need to go any further. "Who's with her?" She pushed. "Some newborns." "Newborns?" She knew exactly what that meant. "How many?"

"We can handle it Bella." "How many Edward? Tell me!" She ordered, raising her voice. "About fifteen. The numbers will surely come down so we'll be able to handle it perfectly." I tried to comfort her. "Fifteen? I'm going there. When is she arriving?" What? She was thinking of coming here? There's no way I'm going to allow that! I already had my kids in danger; I would not allow her to come! "No way Bella! You're staying exactly where you are! You wouldn't come in time anyway. She's arriving tomorrow night. Bella I need to know you are safe." "Tomorrow? My babies! I shouldn't have left. If I was there I could help... This is my entire fault. If my blood wasn't so sweet James would have never tried to kill me and you wouldn't have needed to kill him..." She sobbed even harder than before. "Bella you listen to me! This is not your fault! And nothing is going to happen to the kids. I won't let any harm come to them. Not even if it's the last thing I do. I would give my life for them in less than a second. " "That's exactly what I'm afraid of. Edward, I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want anybody to get hurt! I can't live without you. Why is this happening now?" She was freaking out; I had to try to calm her but how was I supposed to do that? By phone? How could I comfort her if I couldn't hold her next to me? "No one will get hurt Bella. We can do this! Everything will be fine, love. Please calm down. We will take care of this and when you return we will all be waiting for you." "Isn't Aro there yet?" She asked suddenly full of hope. "No, love, but maybe he'll arrive in time. Though, even if he doesn't, we can take care of this. Jasper has experience in dealing with newborns, I'm sure he'll teach us the best ways to get to them and I'll take care of Victoria myself. I'll make sure she won't be a threat to our family any longer. We will keep the kids safe!" I affirmed vehemently. "I believe you but I don't want any of you to get hurt in the process." "We will all be fine. Please calm down Bella. I love you." "I love you too. So much. I'm so scared, for you, for the kids, for everyone. What about the kids? They must be terrified. Do they know what's going on?" "It's going to be fine Bella. They do have an idea of what's going on and they are scared but they trust us, at least Lizzie and Luke do. Do you want to talk to them?" "Yes I do, please." "Are you calm enough? I just don't want to scare them further. If they hear you so nervous they may think things are worse than they are."

"Things are already horrible but you're right, I don't want them to be more scared." "Just know that I love you Bella. No matter what." I will do my best tomorrow and make sure everyone will be fine, but if for some reason something happens to me I want to let her know how much I love her. "Don't talk like that Edward. It looks like you're planning to die!" She scolded angrily. "I love you too. Can you hum a bit of my lullaby before I talk to the kids? It always calmed me; I hope it still has the same effect." I gladly complied while walking back into the kids' room. "Thanks Edward." She whispered calmly. "No problem." I replied handing the phone to Lizzie. "Hello mommy. I'm so scared." She half sobbed. "Hi honey. I know it scaring but you don't have to be afraid okay? Daddy and everyone else are going to keep you safe. I'll come back as soon as possible. Promise me you will do everything daddy asks you to." "I promise mommy. I love you very much and I miss you. Come back soon." "I will. I love you too." Then Lilly handed the phone to Luke. Both he and Lilly said more less the same thing as Lizzie but Lillian was more reluctant to promise Bella to do everything I asked her. Eventually she agreed. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried I would never get to her. I know that Lizzie told her and Luke the real reason why I had left Bella but that didn't make any significant difference. She was too hurt by my past actions. If nothing changed in the next few days I would talk to her. When Lilly gave me the cell I put it back in my pocket. "You need to sleep now. It's late and you are very tired." "Can you stay here all night, dad?" Luke asked. "Of course I'll stay." I moved to tuck them in starting by Luke. "Sleep well." I kissed his forehead and moved to Lizzie. "Sweet dreams sweetie." She kissed my cheek and I kissed hers. "Don't leave daddy." She whispered. "I won't. I promise. You don't have to be afraid." I went to Lilly and she pretended to be asleep. I did the same thing I had done to Lizzie and then turned out the light going to the rocking chair. A few minutes after they fell asleep and the door slightly opened to reveal Alice. "Jasper is going to teach us how to beat the newborns. Are you coming?" "No. I promised I would stay here with them. I'll follow everything through your thoughts and I can practice in the morning." "Okay." She silently left the room.

I followed intently Jasper's lessons through Alice's thoughts. I watched as all of them fought against him, pretending he was a newborn. They were all doing great. I stopped paying attention to them when the kids started squirming in their beds. Something seemed to bothering them but they were still deep asleep. I remembered the first day Bella came to our house after five years, with a sleeping Lizzie in her arms. She had said the kids had been restless during the night because of a nightmare. Were they having a nightmare? Should I wake them? "No! Leave me alone! Don't hurt daddy! Daddy help me!" Lizzie cried in her sleep. "Leave my sister alone!" Luke screamed. Their voices were full of fear. I had to wake them. I gently shook Lizzie and Lilly, trying to free them from this horrible nightmare. I did the same with Luke. Suddenly their eyes opened and they sat in their bed panting. Lizzie immediately started crying and I quickly made my way to her and picked her up. "Ssshh. Everything is fine. It was just a nightmare. Ssshh." I sat in her bed and rocked her back and forth trying desperately to calm her. I didn't like seeing her so upset. Luke got out of his bed and came to sit on my right, leaning against me. Only Lilly remained seated in her bed staring at us. In her eyes I could see she was as scared as everyone else. She too wanted to be comforted and it hurt me deeper than anything to know I couldn't do it. She wanted this too but she couldn't overcome her doubts about me. "It's okay." I whispered looking at her directly in the eyes, doing my best to comfort her. Without even realizing I changed Lizzie's position so that my left arm was free. As soon as I held it in her direction she ran to me and seated on my left with her hand clinging onto my shirt. I let my left arm wrap around her small body. She too started crying and sobbing violently. This could mean nothing tomorrow but my heart found some comfort in the fact that she felt safe in my arms. "She was going to take us away from you and mommy, daddy." Lizzie cried. "She was going to hurt you and take us away." She sobbed, tears flowing freely down her face. "Don't let her take us daddy. We don't want to go away." She choked out between sobs, gripping my shirt harder. "Ssshh. Everything is okay. No one is going to take you away because I won't let." I assured gently rocking her. "But she was going to hurt you." Lizzie sobbed harder. "Don't let her take us." She begged. "I won't. It was just a bad dream. Everything is fine." "Is it already time to get up dad?" Luke asked. "No. It's still very early. You have to go back to bed." As soon as those words left my mouth all of them tensed and grasped my shirt stronger. If that was possible. Maybe they were afraid I'd leave if they went back to bed. "I promise I'll stay here. I'll be sitting in the rocking chair." I tried to convince them. "No. Stay here." Lizzie begged. It broke my heart to see them like this. They were so scared. If only Bella was here They couldn't sleep like this. I had to find a way "Come on." I said starting to get up from the bed. I had just had an idea.

"Where are we going?" Lilly asked. I chose not to answer. Instead I left their bedroom, crossed the hall and entered mine. I led them to the king sized bed Alice had bought me when we moved here. At the time I didn't understand why she had decided to buy me a bed since I couldn't sleep and I had nobody to lay there with me but now I was grateful she had done it. I put them in the bed and they immediately arranged so that there was an open space between Lizzie and Luke. They looked expectantly at me. I took of my shoes and climbed to the bed settling between the two of them, being careful so that the bedspread was between me and them. They moved closer: Lizzie set her head in my chest and Luke gripped my shirt. Lilly put her arms around Lizzie's waist. They seemed to be calmer but didn't close their eyes so I decided to give them some help. I started humming their lullaby. Lizzie smiled closing her eyes. A few minutes later they were all deep asleep. As always Lizzie was the first to wake up. First she got scared since she didn't recognize the bedroom but after she noticed me she relaxed and moved carefully not to wake her sister. Both Lilly and Luke were still soundly asleep. Lizzie smiled and for a moment it reached her eyes but then she must have remembered what's happening and the fear came back. I didn't need Jasper's power to say she was terrified; her eyes were as communicative as Bella's though they were green just like mine had been when I was human. "You don't need to be scared sweetie. Nothing is going to happen to you or to your siblings." I re assured her. I didn't mind to say the same thing over and over again if it eases her fear. "But what if something happens to you or to Aunty Alice or to Grandma Esme? Or to anyone else?" "While you were sleeping Uncle Jasper was teaching everyone how to... deal with the vampires that are coming. Nothing is going to happen." I wasn't sure this was the truth but what else could I say? I knew that this was dangerous for us but I wasn't going to scare her further. My instinct was to protect and comfort her and I would do everything so that no arm came to her, her siblings or the rest of the family. We would overcome this just like we had overcome other obstacles through the years. "But you weren't there..." "I saw everything through Alice's thought and I'll train during the day. Don't worry." We were laying in the bed when Alice came in. "You scared me Edward! Neither you nor the kids were in their room..." She scolded. "Sorry, but they had a nightmare and this was the only solution I found so that they would agree to fall asleep again." She took in the scene before her and smiled brightly. "Oh." She seemed positively happier and wasn't as scared as last night. I wondered if something had happened besides Jasper's lessons. Something that would give us more chances to win this battle. She was hiding her thoughts which meant something was up. "What are you hiding Alice?" "Aro, Felix and Demetri are going to arrive in a few minutes." She answered satisfied. I was right. The Volturi would be a great help. I was sure Victoria wouldn't give up her plan because of them but I knew they cared for my kids so they would fight along with us to protect them.

"Yay! Grandpa Aro is arriving!" Lizzie screamed with happiness. I hushed her, eyeing Lilly and Luke. She understood what I meant and calmed down settling quietly in my lap. "Sorry daddy." She whispered. "It's okay. Let's allow them to rest a bit more. Last night was very tiring." "Can we wait for Grandpa at the door?" "Yes but we have to take Lilly and Luke. We don't want them to be scared when they wake up, right?" "Right." She agreed. I got out of the bed and put her in the ground. Then I proceeded to pick up Luke. "Alice can you pick Lilly and bring her down?" "Aren't we going to dress them?" She pouted. I glanced at Lizzie and knew she was anxious to meet with Aro. "Later Alice. It's not like they haven't seen them in a pyjama before. Besides I want to keep Luke and Lilly asleep for as long as I can." I argued. "Fine." She agreed contradicted. Lizzie grabbed my hand and we headed downstairs. Lizzie bounced up and down until the door and waited patiently while I got there and opened it. We stepped outside and she grabbed my hand and kept bouncing. "Five minutes." Alice announced coming to stand with us in the porch with a sleeping Lilly in her arms. A minute later the rest of the family joined us. Soon three figures appeared in between the trees. When they became visible Lizzie looked like she was about to burst but she waited next to us. They came closer and before they could say something she launched herself into Aro's arms. "Grandpa." She cried excitedly. "How's my little princess?" He asked delighted. I had never saw Aro acting so... genuinely. He was always pleasant but everyone could see that was just pretence. But not now. It was very strange, yet amusing to see how my little daughter had them wrapped around her finger. "Good." She answered, moving to Demetri and Felix and hugging them with the same enthusiasm. They seemed very comfortable with her, picking her up and spinning her around while she giggled. I wondered how much time they had spent with my kids. How many things that I should have done with them had they done? "Carlisle, my good friend. Long-time no see. The last time I heard about you was when my dear Isabella contacted the Volturi to tell us her story and inform us of her status." He greeted Carlisle shaking his hand and eyeing Lizzie as he said the last part of the sentence. "I'm happy to know that things between her and your family seem to have changed since the last time I saw Isabella." He looked truly happy. "It's a pleasure to see you again Aro. Yes, things have changed. This was a surprise for us." Carlisle replied eyeing the kids.

"I believe. So Edward... how is it being the father of these little angels?" "Amazing." I managed to answer, still astonished with this new Aro. He noticed the still sleeping Luke and Lilly. "Did they go to bed late? They are usually awake by this time." Felix asked speaking for the first time. "Not exactly. They had a rough night." I answered. "Is that so? Is there something wrong?" Aro questioned eyeing us curiously. "We have a problem and we were hoping you would come in time to help us." Esme spoke. "It would be a pleasure dear Esme. Shall we hear about that problem?" "Maybe we should go inside." I said. Everyone entered the house and settled in the living room. "So...what kind of help do you need?" Demetri asked pleasantly with Lizzie in his lap. "While Bella was still human a vampire came after her, decided to have her blood." I didn't want to go into much detail when the kids were around. "We managed to save her and we killed him. Now his mate is coming with an army of newborns to attack us." "There are fifteen newborns. They will arrive at dawn." Alice informed them. "Alice was only able to see what was going to happen last night so no one would get here in time to help. We could only hope you would since you should already be in your way." Carlisle concluded. "Of course we will help. Especially since the triplets are here. Do already have a plan?" Aro agreed immediately.

Chapter 19 Edward's POV The rest of the day passed slowly. The kids were strangely quiet even with Aro, Felix and Demetri here. They were happy but the fear was stronger. Lizzie didn't leave my side. I trained with Demetri and Felix while everyone watched and Jasper reminded us of the best ways to defeat newborns and what to avoid: do not go for the obvious kill, don't stop moving, attack them from the sides and don't let them put their arms around you. These were the main points that everyone had to know. The Volturi were, of course, used to fight newborns but we were still outnumbered and we had to pay attention to the kids' safety. Bella called right after we ended the practice. It was midday. Esme was in the kitchen preparing the kids breakfast but everyone else was in the living room. "Edward. So... how's everything going?" She asked nervous. I stepped out of the living room. We had to lie low because of the kids. Lilly and I still aren't in the best terms and I wanted Bella to be here

when they found we're together again. "Aro, Demetri and Felix arrived. They have already agreed to help us. We just finished practicing." "Oh thank god." She said relieved. "How did the kids spend the night?" "They had a nightmare. I put them in my bed so that they could sleep together. They are still frightened but everything will be fine. Jasper has taught us how to defeat the newborns. We will be fine." "I know, I know. Everything will be fine." She was trying to convince herself. "It's going to be okay, love. We didn't go through everything we did just so that I'll let Victoria ruin everything for us." "What are you going to do with the kids?" "Alice saw that the fight would be in front of the house so I guess they'll stay in it. I would leave someone inside with them but we are already outnumbered... But don't worry. We will pay attention so that no one will enter the house. They will be perfectly safe." "I know. I trust you. I know that you will never let anything happen to them. I have already bought the tickets to go back. My plane leaves tomorrow, in the evening." I was glad she was coming home and especially thankful that she would be safe while we fought Victoria and her army. "I love you." "I love you too. I'm really happy you're coming home. I miss you. But you are coming earlier than what you had planned." "Yes I am. My mother is a lot better. The tests confirmed that everything was fine and she said she won't need any help. She said I should go back to the kids. That they needed me more than she did. She'll be released tomorrow morning so I'll take her home, get her settled up and then Luke and I will go back." "Fine. We will all be waiting for you when you come back. I'm going to put you on high speaker now so that you can talk to the kids. Aro, Felix and Demetri are in the living room too." I walked back into the living room and set the phone on the small table, near the sofas. The kids rushed to the cell to talk to their mother. "Mommy!" "Hey sweeties. How are you?" "Fine. We had a nightmare but daddy took us to his big bed and we slept there all together with daddy. And he sang the lullaby he wrote for us and then we just had good dreams." Lizzie explained. "That's very good honey." "When are you coming back mommy? We miss you." Luke whined. "Mommy's plane leaves tomorrow in the evening so I'll be there around the time you wake up. Okay?" "Hello dear Isabella. It's been sometime since your last visit to Italy. We were starting to miss you."

"Aro, we were there two months ago." "Like Aro said, too long Bella." Felix stated. "Sure. Be careful everyone. I want you all in one piece when I arrive. And you kids do everything your father tells you to." "Don't worry Bella. Everybody will be fine. " "Okay, bye. Please call me when it's over." "We will Bella. Bye" Alice said ending the call. "So how are we going to do this?" Carlisle asked talking about the battle plan. "Is there any news Alice?" I asked. We had to know if something had changed. She closed her eyes concentrating. A few minutes later she gasped and opened her eyes quickly. I knew what she had seen. Could things go any worse? "What happened Edward?" Aro asked. "The number of Newborns has increased." "What? It should be the other way around. Besides she didn't have the time to create more." Jasper argued. "I think she wanted us to believe she only had fifteen." Alice suggested. "How many is there then?" Demetri asked. "Twenty." I answered shocked. "How are we going to do this then?" Felix asked. "You, Demetri, Aro and I should hide in the woods in front of the house. The others will stay in front of the house. We'll let them get here and we'll attack them from behind. Let's try to form a circle around them to make sure none of them escapes." Jasper explained. "What about these little ones? What are we going to do with them?" Demetri questioned. "Yes, what are you going to do with us?" Lilly asked. "You'll stay inside of the house until everything it's over." I told them simply. "What? But we can help. We have powers." Lilly argued. "You are very wrong if you think I'll let you out of this house while our front yard is full of newborns and especially when I know Victoria will be here." I argued back. "We can fight! We want to help. We can just blow them all off and the problem is solved." She insisted.

"I am your father and I'm saying that you are going to stay inside this house during the entire fight, so you will. I promised your mom and myself I wouldn't let any harm come to you and I do not intend to break my promise. I'm only doing what best for you." I spoke firmly. There is no way I'll endanger their life like that. "What? Like what you did with mom? In past years you weren't there to say what was best for us and we are still alive aren't we?" "Stop Lilly!" Lizzie yelled. "For me you could just disappear! I hate you!" She screamed that again. It was like if I had a dagger spiked in my heart and every time she would say those three little words the dagger would go deeper. And I couldn't say if she really meant it. "Lillian! Your father is right. Blowing up a vampire is not the same as blowing up a little branch. And this is not the way to talk to your father. Your mother didn't raise you to be like this. So apologize!" Aro said. "NO!" She replied looking directly in his eyes. "Very well missy! Then you straight to your room and you do not leave it until I tell you so. NOW!" He ordered pointing at the stairs. She turned around and stomped up the staircase. Lizzie immediately rushed to my lap as I sank back in the couch. "You know she didn't mean it daddy." She tried to comfort me. "You've been saying that quite frequently." I tried to joke and failed miserably. "It's alright Edward. Lilly was always the difficult one. She'll come around." Felix stated. Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh. I was definitely not made to be a father. I had probably ruined all my chances. She would most likely never speak to me again. "Daddy, maybe Lilly was a bit right. Maybe we can help you." "Lizzie, please. Not you too. You heard what I said to your sister. I will not let you out of this house while Victoria and a bunch of newborns are outside. It's not safe. Victoria is too dangerous." "What if we didn't need to leave the house? We could do it through a window." She suggested. "Lizzie, you cannot blow up all the vampires. You are still too little. Each one of you wouldn't be able to destroy more than one or two." Aro explained. "Still. That would already be a help. Less five or six vampires would already help. Wouldn't it?" "But it would also drown the attention to you." I argued. "We could do it right when they appeared in view. Then they wouldn't know where it came from. And it would distract and confuse the others, making it easy for you to catch them." "I gotta say, Edward. It's a smart one you have there." Emmett complimented. I didn't know. I didn't

want to put them in any danger. "Her idea is very good Edward. She thought about everything. It would be the perfect distraction." Jasper said. "My kids are not bait or a distraction." I said. "You know that not what I meant." "C'mon daddy. Lets us help. I promise we won't exceed ourselves or draw attention to us. We can do it from the window in your room." "Lizzie is right, dad. Let us do something." Luke pleaded. "I think they could do it Edward, but it's you decision." Aro said. Lizzie gave me the puppy-dog eyes treatment. "Lizzie..." "Come on daddy. Just this time." "Fine, but you have to be careful." I warned. "We will." It was two in the morning and the kids had just awakened. They had gone to bed around six o'clock after a quick dinner. They had to be fully rested. I still didn't like Lizzie's idea but I had already agreed, so there was no turning back now. When they woke up Esme prepared them some food, if they were going to use their powers I wanted them to be as healthy as possible. I didn't want anything to happen to them. When the first lights of dawn appeared in the sky we got ready to head outside. I took the kids to my room and talked to them. "Each one of you can only blow two vampires. And I want you to promise me you will not leave this house until everything is over. No matter what you see. In fact I want you to go back to our room after using your powers." They shouldn't see the battle. They were just four for god's sake. "We promise." They answered in unison. "I love you daddy. Very much." Lizzie said hugging me. "I love you too. All of you. My life is so much better now that you're in it. I love you very much." I replied. Then I joined everyone else outside. Jasper, Demetri, Felix and Aro went to their places. The rest of us stayed in front of the house as planned, with our backs to it. We knew that Victoria's army would come from our right side. Everyone was tense. Carlisle and Esme and Rosalie and Emmett were holding hands while we waited. Alice was staring intently to a spot the woods in front of us. I guessed it was where Jasper was hidden. I did not dare to hear their thoughts. It was particular.

I took out my cell from my jeans pocket and quickly wrote a message. Forever is not enough to show you how much I love you. Just know that the whole world would be a small place to carry all my love for you. Edward I looked up for Bella's number and pressed the button send. If something ever happened to me, she would know how much I loved her and that was all I could wish for. After fifteen minutes of waiting we heard steps coming in our direction. The final words between couples were whispered and everybody assumed a crouching position. Twenty seconds later the group of newborns was in our line of sight. As they ran toward us, six of them, one at the time, was lifted in the air and blown up. I was amazed with my kids' power but also scared about the consequences of this little stunt. There was no way for me to know if they were okay. What if this had been too much of an effort for their small bodies? I didn't have much time to worry since the newborns were already in front of us. Right on cue, Jasper, Aro, Felix and Demetri came out of the woods. The newborns were eager for the fight but I could read in their thoughts that they were starting to get scared. This wasn't what Victoria had promised them. She had said that we wouldn't know of the attack and that they would win this easily. Despite of the change in the situation they weren't willing to run away. They feared Victoria and wanted their rewards. They attacked. Since Victoria was nowhere to be seen I started fighting with a newborn. He was fast and strong but thanks to Jasper I knew his weaknesses. I glanced around to make sure that any newborn had reached the house. Jasper, Demetri, Felix and Emmet were fighting two at the same time and Carlisle and Esme were fighting together. I was fighting with a second newborn when I saw something that looked like a flame hidden in the woods. Victoria. I quickly finished the newborn tossing his body parts to the ground. We would burn everything later. I got closer to the house, looking intently at the woods. She would soon appear and she would be mine. I would be the one to kill her. I wouldn't allow that she hurt Bella or the kids. All my senses were alert. My body was itching for the fight. A few seconds later Victoria finally emerged from the woods. Her clothes were torn in some places and full of dirt and dry blood. She smiled mischievously and ran faster stopping closer to the door than I would like to. My body tensed. If she made the tiniest move for the door I would attack her. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Edward Cullen." She said. I growled in response. Lizzie's POV Blowing up the newborns hadn't been as tiring as Grandpa Aro thought but we were weaker than before. "Maybe we should go to our room now. I'm not sure if I want to see the fight." I said

"No. I want to see it." Lilly insisted. "But daddy told us to go to our room." I pressed. She ignored me and seated in daddy's window bench. Luke joined her but I preferred to sit in the bed. It still smelled like daddy. I didn't want him to be downstairs. What if he got hurt? In fact I don't want anyone down there. What if they get hurt? But daddy's especial. I just got him back. And mommy's heart would hurt forever and she would be always sad. No. No. No. Nothing is going to happen. All of them fight really well. One day I want to be able to fight like that. "Lizzie come see Aunty Alice! It looks like she's dancing." Luke exclaimed excitedly. "No. I don't want to." I said hugging daddy's pillow harder. "Look Lilly! Dad has already killed two." Luke said. "Is he okay?" I asked afraid. "He's just fine Liz." Lilly answered. Sometimes it looked like she didn't care if something happened to him. But I know she does. Deep down, she does. I can see it in her thoughts. "But there's still so many." Luke said worried. I started worrying again. "Watch Luke! Do you think that's the bad vampire?" Lilly asked. Was she out here? "I'm sure. Just look at her! Is dad going to fight her alone?" What? I quickly ran to the window. I could see daddy and a red haired woman running to him. She stopped next to the door. "She looks so dangerous!" I cried. "It's going to be fine. Dad is very strong!" Luke tried to convince me but I could say he was scared too. Lilly got up and went to the bedroom door. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Out there. I want to help more." She answered curtly. I was horrified. No. She couldn't go. "You can't! We promised dad we would stay inside of the house. We can't go out there." "I don't care. I'm going anyway." "But you promised!" I insisted. "He can't tell me what to do! I want to go, so I'm going." "Lilly!" Luke and I called. She ignored us and walked out of the room. She couldn't go. Luke and I ran after her but she started running too, going down the stairs. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Edward Cullen." We heard a feminine voice say. It must be her. "Victoria!" Daddy hissed. It was her.

Lilly opened the door and went outside. Luke and I got out to. She had to come inside. We had promised! Edward's POV "Victoria." I hissed. "So we meet again. You knew I would come back to get my vengeance. You killed my mate." She said in her sickening voice. I heard a door open. Through the corner of my eye I saw the front door of the house open and Lillian came out. Following her were Luke and Lizzie. No. They had to stay inside. What were they doing? "Go back inside Lillian." I ordered, never taking my eyes away from Victoria. She ignored me. This wasn't supposed to happen. They had to stay safely inside. "And here they are. The newest additions to the Cullen clan!" Victoria sneered. "Come inside please Lilly!" Lizzie begged. I could hear the fear in her voice and I knew she was crying. I just wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her that everything was okay but I couldn't. I couldn't risk their safety anymore. If I moved Victoria might try something. I couldn't know what she was going to do. She was hiding her thoughts. I could only pray for Lilly to give in to her sister's plead. "Now the family is all here! No, I'm wrong! Our sweet Bella is missing. Too bad she's not here. But I'm sure I'm going to enjoy myself anyway." She eyed the kids and though I could I couldn't listen to her thoughts I knew her intentions. "You're not going to touch them." I snarled. "You know Edward, for the last five years I've been following Bella and these... little ones. You have no idea how many times I was so close to kill them all but then I thought... How fun would that be, if you didn't know? I mean you didn't even know you had kids and you didn't try to find out anything about Bella. And she wouldn't look for you either. I decided to wait until you met again and prayed so that it would be soon." I growled. To imagine that she had been so close to my family... "You should be punished too. After all you are also responsible for James' death. And now you are together again and I've been thinking... If I killed your mate, of course you would suffer but what about her? I don't see death as a punishment but as a relief. After all the pain I would put her through she would be wishing for death. So what would possibly cause both of you such indescribable pain as the one I felt when my mate died? And the answer was always in front of me. If I killed your little cubs you would both suffer. I would be taking away the most important thing for both of you besides each other. It's a pity to kill such beautiful and special children but I'm sure I'll get over it. Unfortunately they inherited their mother stupidity. They too came running for death. You should have listened to your father. Unfortunately now it's too late." "Go back inside the house!" I screamed to them. Lilly raised her hand in front of herself. "What are you going to do stupid child? Blow me up? Go ahead!" Victoria assibilated. I could see they were petrified with fear. "I thought so. You are not going to be fun to kill but your parents' pain will give enough pleasure. You know Edward I couldn't have come up with a better punishment, not only you will lose your cubs but also Bella. I am sure she will never forgive you for letting her babies be killed. You will regret killing James for the rest of your very long life!" "You are not going to kill them!"

"Really? And who's going to stop me? You?" I was so scared. The kids were within Victoria's reach, she just had to stretch one arm to touch them, to hurt them. Nothing was stronger than the instinct to protect them. No matter the cost. I would not put Bella through such pain. I would not break my promise. I would give my life for them if necessary. "You will pay for what you did Edward Cullen." Suddenly she turned to the kids and swung her right arm ready to hit them. A single blow would be enough to kill them. At the same time she moved, instinct took over me and I launched myself between her and the kids as fast as I could. Then everything seemed to slow down. How clich! I managed to swing my own arm ripping off her head but not before her fingers rip through my chest, like claws. The pain was the worst I had ever felt. I didn't see how much damage she had done but I could certainly feel it. I couldn't think clearly. I let myself fall backwards. "Daddy!" I heard Lizzie screech. I was getting weaker by the second. I could feel my strength leaving me. "Grandpa Carlisle!" She screamed from the top of her lungs. She threw herself in the ground beside me. Her hands hovering over my face, not sure of what to touch, and her pleading voice sounding. "Daddy! Daddy, don't close your eyes. Please don't. You promised you would never leave us again. Please!" She sobbed. I could see the tears streaming down her cheeks. Her beautiful emerald eyes were shining and filled with worry and pain. It hurt so much to see her in so much pain and not being able to touch her. I couldn't move. It was like all the strength I had was quickly vanishing. I tried to speak but my mouth did not move and I was using all my strength to keep my eyes open. But I could see the darkness approaching fast. "Dad! Listen to us. You can't go! YOU CAN'T!" Luke's voice. I could barely hear them. I felt him kneeling beside Lizzie. His warm and small hands touched my chest and the pain got stronger, but I couldn't move. They gasped. His hands were completely black as he stared at them. "HELP US!" Lizzie yelled. She was sobbing uncontrollably. "Don't go daddy! Don't leave us! You promised!" She choked between sobs. "Don't you love mommy? Don't you love us? Stay! Don't close your eyes! You can't close your eyes! You are strong!" I loved them. I loved them with all my heart but I couldn't fight anymore. I wanted to, but I didn't have the strength. I wanted to tell them that I loved them that I would be watching out for them, wherever I went but I couldn't find my voice. Lizzie placed her little hands in my shoulders and tried to shake me. Another shoot of pain flashed through me. I could feel my eyelids coming down. I tried to keep them open but I just couldn't. "Daddy! Daddy! Stop daddy! Open your eyes! Come back to me! Come! Don't leave me! Don't go! I want you to stay!" My eyelids seemed to weight more than two thousand pounds. I couldn't fight it off anymore. My eyes started to close. I couldn't say what hurt the most. If the wounds Victoria had inflicted me if the aching in my heart, for not being able to keep my promise to stay, my promise that everything would go well. I couldn't even tell them that I loved them one last time. "Daddy!" She could barely breathe due to her sobs. "You promised! You promised! Stay! Please, please!" Finally my eyes closed. I had lost the fight. I could see the darkness coming. Soon it reached me. I was drowning in it. I would never see my beautiful Bella again. I would never hear my kids call me daddy again, I would never see them smile or hear them say that they loved me. Their voices were just whispers now, though I knew they were still screaming. I was slowly drowning. I had never felt so much pain in my heart but somehow a part of me was relieved and comforted because they were safe. I had saved them. They were alive. This was my last thought as I let the darkness swallow me. Lizzie's POV NO! NO! Daddy has to open his eyes. He has to come back to me! Why isn't anyone helping us?

Where is everybody? "Grandpa!" Daddy couldn't go. He couldn't... He had to stay. He had to stay with me. He had to go back to mommy and we would be a family. We would... Why didn't he open his eyes? Why wasn't he moving? His chest was covered with a black thick liquid. Venom! "Daddy, come back! Open your eyes! Daddy!" Luke was next to me crying and sobbing. Why wasn't he helping me? I looked up to see if anyone was coming. I spotted Aunty Alice and Uncle Jasper. They were running to us but it wasn't fast enough! Why couldn't they come faster? They had to help daddy! I looked down. Venom was still coming out of his wounds. It was horrible. I tried to clean his chest with my hand but the liquid just kept spilling. Why wouldn't it stop? Why? I kept trying. I was now covered in black. I was so scared. So afraid. I couldn't let daddy go again. He had promised he would stay forever. The holes in his chest were so big, and his arm was almost ripped out! I could see the bone. I wasn't disgusted, maybe I would if it wasn't daddy, but now I just wanted to save him. To help him. He couldn't leave me! "Edward!" I heard Aunty Alice shrieked. I just kept crying and sobbing. "Don't go daddy! Don't leave me! You promised me." "Ssshh sweetie. Carlisle!" I heard aunty Alice scream. She put her arms around me and Luke and tried to move us. "NO!" I growled at her. I couldn't leave daddy! He couldn't go! "Lizzie you have to step aside so that grandpa can help daddy. Come on." I let her pull me back! "Ssshh don't cry." I just sobbed harder. My eyes were already stinging and burning from my tears and my throat was swollen but I couldn't stop crying and screaming. "He's going to be good, isn't he? Grandpa Carlisle is going to fix him, isn't he?" I sobbed. She looked sadly at me. "I don't know honey. I can't see." "NO! NO! He has to be fine. He promised he would never leave again! He promised! He has to stay with us! With me! I want him back. Bring him back!" I ordered. She had to bring him back! I wanted my daddy! "I want... I want... Daddy! I want my daddy." Alice's POV I was almost finishing my second newborn when I heard screams. I finished him off as fast as I could and looked around. Next to the door was Edward laying on the floor. His chest was black as well as Lizzie and Luke's clothes. They were crying and screaming and shaking Edward's motionless body. Victoria's body was a few meter away. Her head was ripped off. What had happened? Lilly was behind her siblings just staring. I grabbed Jasper's arm and took him with me. "Edward!" I cried when I reach him. Jasper was taking care of the rest of Victoria's body and I wasn't sure of what to do. How could this have happened? I went behind of Lizzie and Luke and tried to calm them. I called Carlisle and tried to pull them away. They wouldn't budge and Lizzie even growled at me. I could only imagine their suffering. I tried to see the future but I couldn't. Everything was blank. I spotted Carlisle running to us and saw the shocked look in his face as he took in Edward's condition.

He immediately kneeled down near Edward and started assessing the damages. By now the fight was over and while the Volturi burned the remains the rest of the family came closer. Esme started dry sobbing while chanting Edward's name. Rosalie had her face buried in Emmet's chest and Jasper was lying on the ground breathing heavily. I could only imagine how he must be feeling. I bet that the kids feeling were more than enough to put him in this state but Esme wasn't much better. Lizzie and Luke kept crying and sobbing and screaming and started trashing in my arms trying to set themselves free to get closer to Edward. Lilly was still standing, just staring. Finally Lizzie set herself free and went to stand next to Carlisle. "Grandpa. He going to be fine, isn't he? You are going to fix him, aren't you? You have to. I want daddy with me. He promised he would stay forever. He has to stay. He promised." She sobbed. "I'll do everything I can sweetheart." He said. She just sobbed harder. Her breath seemed to be caught in her throat and tears didn't stop falling from her face. Suddenly she turned and went to where Lilly was. "This is all your fault! If you hadn't come outside daddy would be fine. It's your fault! I will never forgive you. See what you have done? SEE? I hate you Lilly! You did this!" She pushed Lilly and kept screaming and sobbing. "It's your fault! You did this to daddy! You took him away from me! If something happens I will never, never forgive you. I HATE YOU!" I had never seen Lizzie like this! She was always so sweet. I went there and grabbed her hand turning her around so that she was facing me. "Stop Lizzie. This will not help your father." "But it's her fault: It's all her fault!" She screamed and then she fell on the ground crying. She hugged me and whispered still sobbing. "Bring him back. I want my daddy. I want... him... back... please." "Let's take him inside quickly. He has lost too much venom." Carlisle ordered. Lizzie wanted to go too but I stopped her. Luke was on Esme's arms still crying. And Rosalie had picked Lillian up. She still hadn't said anything but there was tears rolling down her cheeks. We took the kids to the house. Lizzie and Luke were begging to go see Edward. "Please. Let us go. I want to be with daddy." Lizzie cried. "You can't. We have to let grandpa Carlisle do his work. And you need to have a shower. Their clothes were completely soaked in venom from their vain attempts to help their father. They were still so young to go through something like this! We were all suffering but I could say nothing compared to their pain. They had just found their father and they could lose it again. No one should have to go through this. I thought about this while Esme and I bathed them. They had stopped crying. But I couldn't say what was worse. If that or the catatonic state they were in now. Just like Lilly. Esme and I were so worried. After the bath we told them they had to eat and they refused. Then we told them to go to bed, they refused to. We asked them if they wanted to watch TV but they just shook their heads.

"What do you want to do then?" I asked softly. "I want to see daddy and stay with him." Lizzie answered. Luke nodded. Lilly stayed quiet. "You can't. Grandpa Carlisle is still working." Tears started streaming down their faces again. And before we could catch them they ran. Esme and I followed them to find them seated on the floor outside Edward's room. Lizzie and Luke were holding hands but not Lilly. We weren't sure of what had happened so we didn't know why they blamed their sister. As I looked at Lilly I remembered Bella. Edward had promised to call her after the battle was over. What were we going to do? We had to tell her. But what? I decided to get in Edward's room and ask Carlisle. I told Esme and she agreed. When I entered in the room the kids didn't even glance at me. I closed the door behind me. "Carlisle?" I called to get his attention. Both Emmett and jasper were in the room helping. "Alice how are the kids?" He asked worried. "We are worried about them. They don't want to eat, or sleep or do anything else. They stopped crying and now they are in a catatonic state. They are camped outside the room. We can't convince them to leave. How is he?" "I don't know. It's difficult because I can't stitch the wounds but I have to keep them closed. They are too deep and large. If I don't close them the venom will keep coming out and there won't be enough for him to heal. I am worried. He has already lost a lot of venom. I'm putting some bandages to keep the wounds closed. We'll have to feed him after to give him some strength. Then the only thing we can do is wait. I'm doing my best. Can you see something?" He asked hopeful. "No, I can't. I don't know if it's because of the kids or if it's something else." "It's fine. Did you just wanted to know about Edward's condition or there more?" "We have to call Bella. I wanted to know what to say to her. I wanted to know if I could give her hope." "Yes. I'm sure Edward will pull through. He's strong and he has a lot for what to fight." "Okay. I'm going to call her." I picked Edward's cell that Carlisle had removed from his jeans, and left the room. I looked for Bella's number and pressed the call button. I still didn't know what I was going to say. "Edward?" Bella's voice sounded on the other side of the line. There was relief in her voice. "No Bella. It's Alice." I felt so bad for have to say this to her. "Alice? How are the kids? Are they okay?" She asked anxiously. "Yes. They are fine. Physically." I added. "Physically? What do you mean Alice? Where is Edward? Why isn't he the one calling? What happened?" She was starting to get worked up.

"There was an accident Bella. Listen to me..." "What? An accident? What happened Alice? What kind of accident? Is Edward all right?" She asked desperate. This was not something to say over the phone but she had to know. "I'm not sure of what happened but I think the kids got out of the house and Victoria tried to attack them but Edward put himself between them and her. He managed to rip her head off but not before she ripped her fingers through his chest." I heard Bella let out a strangled cry. "Tell me he's okay Alice. Tell me he's going to be fine. What did she do to him?" She begged dry sobbing. It hurt to know that my best friend was suffering so much and I couldn't comfort her because she was on the other side of the country. I felt so helpless. "She almost ripped off his right arm. He has three open large and deep wounds in his chest. They go from his right shoulder almost until his left leg. Carlisle is trying to close the wounds so that he can stop the venom from coming out. As soon as the wounds are closed we are going to feed him and then we have to wait to see if he can heal himself." "Oh my god! I can't live without him Alice. He has to be fine. I love him Alice. I love him so much. What if something happens? I didn't even have the chance to say that to him. He sent me a message, probably before the fight start but He was so confident that everything would go well that I didn't bother to answer. Oh Alice!" "Bella calm down. That won't help him. Nothing is going to happen. Carlisle is pretty confident. Edward is strong. He will pull through this. Carlisle said we can have hope." I tried to comfort her. "But Carlisle is not sure. He probably has never seen nothing like this before. I'm so scared Alice. I can't lose Edward again. I can't take it." She sobbed. "It's going to be okay Bella." "You can't be sure. If I could I would get an earlier flight, I would but there is none." "All we can do now is waiting, Bella. There's no difference between waiting in Florida or in here. I'll keep you updated." "There is a difference Alice. My kids are there. It's their father. I should be there for them." "We are here for them Bella. We are doing everything we can for them." "How are they, Alice?" "They have gone into some sort of catatonic state. They are camped outside of Edward's room and they don't do anything else. They just seat there. We are worried but I don't think there would be anything you could do if you were in here so please calm down friend. Edward will get over this. I know he will. He won't let you down." "Oh god Alice. I'm so scared. Can I try to talk with the kids?" "Sure." I held the phone on Lizzie's ear but she didn't even move.

"It's mommy baby. Everything will be fine okay? I'm sorry I can't be there but I know your aunts and Esme are going to take good care of you. Okay?" Lizzie didn't move or said anything; she just kept holding Luke's hand. Bella did the same for Luke and Lilly but the answer was exactly the same. "Thanks Alice. I'm so worried about them and Edward. Why did this have to happen now? Why can't we just be happy?" "You will Bella. You and Edward are going to have your happy ending. I know you will." "Thanks. I have to go now." "Okay. I'll call you if anything changes. Be strong my friend." "Thanks." Bella hadn't stopped sobbing and I felt really bad for letting her hung up but I couldn't do much over the phone. Luke would surely help her. When is this family going to have some peace?

Chapter 20 Alice's POV As soon as Carlisle, Jasper and Emmett left Edward's room, the kids rushed in. Lizzie and Luke went to lie on the other side of the bed, hugging each other. Lilly knelt in the ground at his head. She placed her arms in the bed and put her head on them. I don't know who we were more worried about. If it were Lizzie and Luke who were silently crying again or Lilly who still hadn't said anything since the accident. Jasper had to leave the house. The kids' feelings were driving him insane. "I don't know how such small children can handle so much pain." He commented leaving the house. He was going to hunt. I wanted to go with him but I felt bad for leaving the kids. And there was Bella. She would call every few hours to know if anything had changed. I felt horrible for not being able to give her the news she wanted. She was completely desperate. I couldn't even imagine how I would feel if it was Jasper. It has been four hours since the kids entered Edward's room. They hadn't eaten or slept. They just stayed there next to him. They did not speak or sob. They just stared and let the tears stream down their faces. Except Lilly. Esme was very worried because she was even less responsive than the others. It was like she was lost in her own world. Before leaving, Jasper had said she felt guilty. We tried to talk to her and say it was not her fault but she didn't even move. We didn't want to leave them alone in the bedroom so we took turns to stay there. While we were with them we tried to convince them to eat something but they never answered us. They didn't even acknowledge our presence in the room. A few hours later, Esme and I persuaded Luke and Lizzie to go to the kitchen and have Lunch. Lilly remained in the room. In the exact same position she had been since she entered the bedroom.

Lilly's POV It is all my fault. I did this to him. If I hadn't been so stupid, none of this would have happened. Lizzie was right. What if he... if he... Lizzie would never forgive me. I would never forgive myself. She would hate me forever. Everyone would hate me. I felt so bad. I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted him to get hurt. The truth was that I loved him. I couldn't not love him. I tried but I couldn't. That's why I didn't get any closer to him. I didn't want to love him. I didn't because he could leave again and because I didn't want him to hurt mommy again, and I didn't want him to hurt Lizzie and Luke. Mommy is always so sad and I know it's because of him. And I thought he didn't deserve us. He didn't deserve to be our father. He had left mommy and us. He might not know about us but he didn't have the right to hurt mommy so badly. I want my daddy. I do but... I just wished he had been there from the beginning. It was difficult not to have him with us. Everyone says bad things about mommy because he's not with her, and some kids make fun of us because we don't have a daddy. There are some mean kids who said that he had left because he didn't like us. And Lizzie would always cry when they said that. But I couldn't. I wanted to cry too but I couldn't because I had to be strong for Lizzie. And Luke wouldn't say anything but I know he was upset too and he would cry at night. We wouldn't tell anything to mommy because she would be upset and sad. One day I talked to Uncle Luke about it. He told me that those kids were mean and that they were just jealous because we were so pretty and smart. I went and told Lizzie but it didn't matter because she would cry again the next time. When it was Daddy's day, we didn't have a daddy to take to the school. We would always take Uncle Luke. But we were ashamed and sad. And we were jealous when we saw everyone else calling their daddies and we didn't have anyone to call daddy. Because he wasn't there. He never taught us to fly a kite or told us a story, and he never sang for us to fall asleep. Uncle Luke did that, Uncle Demetri taught us how to fly a kite and grandpa Aro told us amazing stories about vampires. But none of them was our daddy. That's why I wanted to hate him. Why I wanted to hurt him. I didn't want him to be important to me, because he didn't deserve. Since mommy told us he was our father I had been ignoring him. Keeping him away. I wanted to hate him for everything he had put us through. I told myself he wasn't important. I thought that after Uncle Luke had helped his friend we would go back at home and everything would be the same. A part of me wanted that, to keep him away from us but another part wanted things to be different, another part wanted him to be with us. Wanted us to be a family so that the other kids wouldn't make fun of us. So that everyone could see we had a daddy and that he cared about us. I suffocated the second part but in the last few days that part that wanted us to be together screamed louder. Then Lizzie started to call him daddy. She was always with him and they both looked so happy. I got jealous. I wanted that too. But I couldn't get past all the pain he had caused us. I continued to convince myself that he wasn't important. I got angry when Lizzie took us to his room and told us he had left mommy because it was safer to her. I didn't believe. I didn't want to believe that because I couldn't forgive him. I didn't want to. I was mad because Lizzie had forgiven him. She had let him in. Then she said I was stubborn and spoiled. Lizzie had never been so mad at me. Not even when we got into a big fight and even used our powers against each other, when we were younger. I blamed him. It felt like he was taking Lizzie from me. Like he was stealing my sister. I wanted to hate him for that. I wanted to hurt him. So I told him that I hated him and walked away. It felt right to say those words because deep down I knew they weren't true. Then it was Luke. He had always been a fan of sports and when he knew we were going to play

baseball, he was ecstatic. I knew that he too would give in. I could see in his mind that Lizzie had been able to convince him. Uncle Emmet had built us our own bats. Luke was the first to try to hit the ball. He failed and after his second failed attempt our father offered to help him. Luke got it right that time. He was so happy that he caved in and called him dad. I was mad. He had taken Luke too. I was angry and jealous. I was jealous because I wanted to be happy as my siblings but... it was him! He came to speak to me but I turned my face. I wasn't going to let him in. I wanted to hate him. They started playing. Everybody was happy and having fun. Everybody except me. They looked like a real family. It should have always been like that. But I didn't fit. I didn't fit in this happy family picture. I decided to go for a run. It was not like they would miss me. They were too wrapped up to even notice that I was gone. I would come back in a while and they wouldn't even know I had left. I found a small clearing and settled there. When I decided to come back I realized that I didn't know how to return to the big clearing. I had been too distracted and got lost. I sat in the middle of the clearing and cried. It was dark and I was scared. Maybe they wouldn't even notice I was missing. Maybe they would just go back home and leave me there. Lizzie and Luke were too happy about their daddy to even miss me. And I'm sure that to everyone else I was just a spoiled little brat. They could never understand why I did what I did. They didn't know anything. Maybe they would only come look for me when mommy called and asked for me. I knew that mommy would never forget me. I cried harder. What if something happened to me? What if someone took me and I would never see mommy again? But Lizzie and Luke remembered me. They ask me where I was and he came looking for me. When he found me and picked me up I couldn't help but to grip his shirt. I was so scared that I ignored the part of that said that he couldn't do that. That he had to stay away. He said everybody was worried. Maybe they were. I knew that Lizzie and Luke had missed me and they had been scared because of me. Maybe they could still like me a bit. I think Lizzie wasn't mad at me anymore. I decided to try to bat some balls too, but I didn't want him to be the one who helped me. So Esme came to help me. She was very nice. She was the only one that I felt more comfortable with. She seemed to be good like mommy. Then Aunt Alice saw that the bad vampire was coming. We were scared. Everybody looked worried so this was very bad. During the night we had a nightmare. The bad vampire was going to kill him and take us away. I didn't want to be taken from mommy. I was terrified. Lizzie and Luke were with him on Liz's bed but I couldn't go. I didn't want him to be my father. Then he looked at me and extended his arm. Before I could control myself I ran to him. I didn't know what was going on with me but I felt better with him. Then he took us to his room so that we could all sleep together. When Grandpa Aro, Uncle Felix and Uncle Demetri arrived I felt happier. At least I wouldn't feel so alone anymore. They had always been there for us and for mommy. I could trust them. Then they were discussing what they were going to do since the number of vampires that was coming was bigger. He told us that we were going to stay inside of the house and do nothing. But we had powers. We could just blow them up and everything would be over. We could help. I insisted trying to make him agree but it didn't matter. He told me that he was my father and that if he was saying I was going to stay inside, I would. He had no right to give me orders. He hadn't done it for five years and we had managed to stay alive. Though I had said that I hated him and that I wanted him to disappear that wasn't true. I didn't mean it. I just wanted to hurt him. Like he had hurt mommy. I could see the sadness in his eyes when I said those words and first I felt guilty but then I thought he deserved it for all the pain he caused mommy and us. Grandpa Aro told me that he was right and to apologize but I wasn't going to. Edward was the one who had to apologize. For all that he had done to us and everything we had gone through because of him. Then grandpa Aro told me to go to my room. He yelled to me. He had never yelled to me. I cried and even hid my thoughts from Lizzie and Luke.

It seemed like everyone hated me now. Everybody yelled at me and told me what to do. Why couldn't mommy come back? I didn't want to be here. I wanted mommy and Uncle Luke. I wanted to go back to my old life. The one we had before we meet him. Even with all the comments about our missing dad, it was better than this. It was better than being alone and yelled at. Why couldn't I just be like Lizzie and Luke and forgive him? Why couldn't I forget what we had been through like Lizzie and Luke did? Why did I have to be different? Then Lizzie changed some things in my idea and everyone thought she was amazing and smart and perfect. I was so jealous. I had never felt like this. I had never been jealous of my siblings before. Everybody treated us the same way. That idea had been mine and I could have made changes too. But they just had to say no. To them I was just a stubborn and silly girl. No one tried to understand how I felt about all this family thing. They just expected me to be like my siblings, but I wasn't. I was different and I wasn't sure why. After we did our thing in the beginning of the fight Luke and I had stayed watching. Lizzie didn't want to. I noticed that there was still a lot of newborns and then I saw him going to meet, what I assumed was, the leader. She looked so dangerous. I felt the urge to go outside and do something to help him. That time I justified it to myself saying that I just didn't want Lizzie and Luke to suffer if something happened to him. But when I got outside she talked to me and I was too scared to move. Then he had to launch himself in front of us to save us and it happened. Now he was lying here and we didn't know if he was going to be okay. Lizzie hated me and she would never forgive me. And I felt so confused and I was so angry with myself. This had all happened because of me. If I had been able to let go, to forget what he had done to us, then maybe this wouldn't have happened. If I hadn't been so idiot and stubborn none of this would have happened. The last thing that I had told him was that I hated him and that I wanted him to disappear, but if something happened to him I would never be able to tell him that wasn't true. That I loved him and that I needed him. Only now, that he was hurt, I had realized that he was important to me. That, even though he had put us through so much, I loved him. I would not leave his side before he woke and I could tell him everything. Maybe he would understand and forgive me. I was just trying to protect mommy and Lizzie and Luke. And myself. Alice's POV I joined Lizzie, Luke and Esme in the kitchen. I sat beside the kids while they ate. "Where is Lilly?" Lizzie asked pretending not to be interested. I knew they were worried. "She didn't come. She's still upstairs." I answered. "Why?" Luke asked. "You don't know?" I mean they could read her mind. "No. She has been blocking us." "Well I'm not sure either but Uncle Jasper told us she was feeling guilty."

"But won't she get sick?" "Don't worry we'll make sure she doesn't get sick okay?" I really hoped Lillian would react soon. "Okay." Luke said. "What if you went to sleep for a bit?" I asked when they finished Lunch. "No. We want to go back to daddy." Lizzie said. We let them. They returned to the bedroom and settled in the same position they were before having Lunch, laying at his side. We knew that they would eventually fall asleep. At least they started talking again. This eased some of our worry about them. But there was still Lillian. She still hadn't moved. How did she stand to be in the same position for so long? Wasn't she in pain? I walked to her. "Lillian?" I called slightly shaking her. "Lillian you have to eat something." No response. "Doesn't it hurt to be on your knees for so long?" Nothing. She didn't even look at me. Esme tried to but the response was almost the same. Almost because she actually looked at Esme, only to start staring at Edward again, after. At about six pm Lizzie and Luke fell asleep. Rosalie and I moved them to their beds so that they would be more comfortable. I knew they would sleep long since it had been an exhausting day for them. When we returned to Edward's bedroom, we noticed that Lilly was also asleep, still in the same position. I didn't even know how that was possible. I tried to move her to take her to her room but I couldn't. One of her hands was on Edward's but the other was gripping the bed's sheets. And she wouldn't let go. Rosalie tried too but the result was the same. We gave up. Carlisle got home an hour later and went to check on Edward. Bella had called a few minutes later saying that she was about to board her flight. Esme and I were in Edward's room waiting for Carlisle's assessment on his condition. I noticed that the wounds didn't look as bad as before. "So Carlisle, how's he doing?" Esme asked anxiously. "He's doing great. The venom is doing its job. I think he'll wake up in the next few hours. I knew that he would pull through." He said contently. "He has more than enough reasons to do so." Esme said stroking Lillian's hair. "Carlisle, dear can you take a look at Lillian too. I'm so worried about her. She hasn't eaten anything yet and she's in this position since she entered the room." "Sure darling." Carlisle answered. "I can't do much since she's asleep. But from what I've seen, she seems to be fine for now. Let's allow her to sleep a bit, even if it's in that position. Though when she wakes up it's very important that she eats something. Maybe Edward can convince her if he is already awake by then." "Okay. I've already tried to move her but she doesn't let me." Carlisle looked at me questioningly. I tried to pick her up to show him what I was talking about. As I expected she squeezed Edward's hand harder and gripped the sheet. "Looks like we won't get her out of here soon." He sighed. He and Esme left the room to tell the others the news. I stayed. I wanted to be here when Edward woke. I picked a pillow and placed it under Lilly's knees. At least she was more comfortable.

I sat in the piano bench and stared at Lillian and Edward. From time to time she would squeeze his hand, like if she was comforting him or giving him strength. She was very pretty. Like a mini copy of Bella. Her beautiful brown hair was spread in the mattress next to Edward's arm. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. We hadn't really interacted with her in the past few days. She was quiet whenever she wasn't playing with her siblings. When Lizzie and Edward got closer whenever she wasn't with Luke she was sitting somewhere, lost in her own world. The truth was that she didn't let us get too close. A few hours passed and I was getting a bit tired of staying in Edward's room. Neither he nor Lillian had woken up. I was about to leave the room when a small moan came from the bed. I looked at Lillian, thinking that her body was finally resenting all the hours she had spent in the same position, but she was still deep asleep. Then I looked at Edward, small wrinkles appeared on his face as he tried to move. I ran to the bed. "Edward? Edward?" I got groan as answer. Thanks god he was waking up. Slowly he opened his eyes. "Alice?" He asked. "Yes. About time you woke. Everybody was worried." He tried to sit in the bed. "Calm down. You have to be careful. I'll call Carlisle." I went to the door and called Carlisle saying that Edward had woken up. Two seconds later Carlisle was entering the room with Esme right behind him. "How's that going son?" He asked visibly relieved. "Fine I guess. Can somebody help me to sit in the bed? It looks like I don't have strength." "That's normal son. I'll send Emmet and Jasper to get some animal blood for you." Carlisle said while helping him to sit. As soon as the words were out of Carlisle's mouth I heard Jasper and Emmet leaving the house. "Take it slow Edward. I'll be downstairs if you need anything." "I'm so glad you woke Edward." Esme said dry sobbing and hugging him carefully. "Everybody was so worried." "I'm fine mom. Relax." "Okay. I'm going to cook something for Lilly. Maybe she'll eat now." She sighed and left the room. "Lilly? How are they? And Bella? Did you tell her?" He asked suddenly. "Calm down Edward. Of course I told Bella. She's desperate. At least when she calls again I can give her good news." I was so relieved. "Why can't you call her?" "Because she is already on her way here. Maybe her plane will do a stopover and she can call." "What about the kids?" "Lizzie and Luke are better but she's not." I said pointing to a sleeping Lilly. "We are worried about her." He looked down, only now noticing Lilly's presence.

"Lilly?" He whispered staring at her. "Where are the others?" "In their room sleeping." "Why isn't she there too?" "I'll start from the beginning. After you were attacked the fight was over quickly. Carlisle went to see you and with Jasper and Emmet's help brought you inside of the house while the Volturi took care of the remains and me, Rosalie and Esme were with the kids. Lizzie and Luke were freaked out and Lilly was frozen. She didn't move. She feels guilty and Lizzie didn't exactly help. They waited outside of the room and as soon as Carlisle left they came inside. They refused to eat and sleep. Lizzie and Luke lay with you in the bed and Lilly has been in this position since she came in. A while ago we convinced Lizzie and Luke to eat but Lilly stayed here. After they finished they came back but fell asleep and we moved them to their room. We couldn't move Lilly though." He gave me the same look Carlisle had so I tried to move her. She did exactly the same thing as the other times. He looked at me surprised. "What do you mean with 'Lizzie didn't exactly help'? "Before Carlisle, Jasper and Emmet brought you inside, Lizzie went to Lillian, pushed her and told her that it was her fault, that if Lillian hadn't gone outside you wouldn't have gotten hurt, that she hated her, she said that Lillian had took you away from her and that if something happened to you she would never forgive her. It wasn't pretty. But Lillian didn't react at all. She just stared. She hasn't spoken or sob since we got to them. Sometimes she silently cries but that's all. We are very worried." "How long was I out?" "Almost a day." "What? And you are telling me that she hasn't eaten or moved during all that time?" He asked concerned. "We tried but she wouldn't even look at us." He started stroking her hair. "What exactly did Victoria did to me? And what happened to her?" "She almost ripped your arm out and she opened three huge gashes on your chest. From your right shoulder, almost to your left leg. Jasper took care of her." I explained. He turned his attention to Lilly. "She looks so much like Bella." He sighed. Then she started to move, waking up. She looked around until her eyes fell on Edward. Edward's POV I felt the darkness slowly fading away. I tried to move but there was a strange feeling in my chest and my shoulder. It hurt a bit. I moaned trying to move. I couldn't find the strength to move. "Edward? Edward?" a familiar voice asked. I slowly opened my eyes recognizing Alice's face. "Alice?" She said something about me waking up and calling Carlisle. Seconds later Carlisle appeared with Esme right behind him. I talked a bit with Carlisle and he helped me to sit. Then it was Esme's turn, I could say she was relieved. She left saying that she had to cook for Lilly

I was a bit confused. I wasn't sure I remembered what had happened. Suddenly everything came rushing to me. It was like a movie. I immediately asked for the kids and Bella. I knew that Bella would freak out and I couldn't even imagine how the kids were. Alice told me what had happened after I blacked out and what Victoria had done to me. I could certainly feel it. Surprisingly it didn't hurt that much. Now, I was worried about Lilly. "She looks so much like Bella." I sighed. I kept stroking her hair and she started to move. She looked around disorientated until her eyes fell on me. She immediately started sobbing and crying, getting up and hugging me. "I'm sorry... so sorry daddy ... I ... I... sorry... I didn't... I didn't mean it... I didn't want... you... hurt... my fault... sorry daddy ... I..." She spoke while sobbing. I was... well, surprised is an understatement. She called me daddy. I was sure. But she was so nervous. I remembered that Alice had said she felt guilty. I would have to speak to her. "Ssshh. It's okay now." I let her cry and sob. Alice had told me she hadn't spoken or sob yet so I thought it would be good for her to let everything out. I have to admit that I was shocked when Alice told me what Lizzie had done. I never thought she could do something like that. They must have been desperate. I noticed that Alice had left the room. I got to the other side of the bed and helped Lilly to climb up. She curled against me and kept sobbing and crying, occasionally mumbling words like sorry and daddy. I was happy that she called me daddy but it broke my heart to see her like this. I could say she was consumed by guilt and that wasn't good for her. If she didn't stop sobbing soon I would have to make her stop to talk to her. She needed to eat and sleep. Finally she calmed down. She looked at me and sighed. "I'm sorry daddy. I'm sorry I disobeyed you and went outside. I'm sorry I froze and didn't attack. I'm sorry you got hurt because of me and I'm sorry I told you that I hated you. I didn't mean it. I don't. I... I... I love you and I'm sorry. I know it's my fault... I never wanted you to get hurt. I'm sorry..." She started crying again. "Listen to me Lillian. This is not your fault. It's Victoria's fault. You shouldn't have come outside but it was Victoria who did this." I pointed to my chest that was still covered with bandages. "But if I hadn't gone outside..." She sobbed. "It could have happened the same way. Victoria could have tried to get into the house and I would have done the same thing to stop her. Or we could have fought and it could have been worse. We can't know. Maybe the fact that you came outside may have helped. Have you thought that it could have been worse if I had actually fought with her? There is no way to know. But I don't blame you. This is not your fault! Do you hear me?" She was looking intently at me. "But Lizzie said..." "It doesn't matter what Lizzie said. Lizzie was nervous. This is not your fault!" "But she hates me and..." "She doesn't hate you. She was just upset and confused. This is not your fault Lillian! Okay?" I meant

every word I had said. I wasn't just trying to make her feel better. I truly didn't blame her. This was all Victoria's fault. She slowly nodded. In that moment Esme came in with a plate full of food and a bottle with a red liquid. Blood. She handed me the bottle and I drank it quickly, handing it back to her. "I've made some food to you Lillian. You have to eat." She said. "I don't want to. I'm not hungry." She mumbled. "Give it to me, Esme." I took the plate and set it in my lap while Esme left. I looked Lilly in the eyes. "Alice told me you still haven't eaten anything. You have to eat." She sighed and nodded grabbing the fork and taking small bites. All of a sudden the door opened and Alice appeared holding my cell. "Bella's going to call." She said. I sighed. I knew this wasn't going to be easy. Two minutes later the cell rang. Alice answered immediately. "Hey Bella." "Alice. Is there any news? How's Edward?" She sounded tired and worried. "He's fine. He woke up a few minutes ago actually." Alice said with enthusiasm. "Thank god." I could hear the relief in her voice. "Can you put him on the phone please?" She asked. "Sure, just tell me something. Do you know why I couldn't see if Edward was going to be okay?" "Yeah. It probably has something to do with the kids. Ask Aro. He'll explain better than me." "Okay. Thanks." I took the phone from Alice. "Love?" "What the hell Edward? Do you have any idea of how scared I was? Don't you ever do this to me again!" She yelled. "Sorry love. I had to protect them." "I know Edward but you should have taken someone with you to fight against Victoria, not go alone. It was irresponsible." She scolded. I had to admit that she was right. Maybe things would have been different if I had called someone to help me. "I'm sorry love. Everything is fine, now. I'm fine." "What about the kids?" "They are better. Lizzie and Luke are asleep." "And Lillian?"

"She's here, eating." "I wanted to talk to her but the plane is leaving. Tell her that I love her. I love you." "Love you too." I replied. I placed the cell in my pocket. "It was mommy. She wants you to know she loves you." She nodded and finished her food. A few minutes later she looked at me and opened her mouth but closed it right after. "Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked. "No. I want my mommy! When is she coming back?" "She's on her way. Why don't you sleep a bit while she doesn't come?" I started humming the lullaby I had composed for the kids. She fell asleep immediately. I called Alice and she took her to the kids' bedroom. We would need to talk but right now she needed to sleep. Carlisle came to my room and removed the bandages, saying that I didn't need them anymore. The wounds were already closed. Now I just had to drink a lot of blood to get back my strength. Alice and Esme brought me more bottles filled with blood. I already felt stronger. I was anxious for Bella to come back. We would finally be able to have our happy ending. About seven in the morning Lizzie and Luke wake up and came straight to my room. "Daddy! You're okay!" Lizzie said coming to lie in the bed with me and hugging me. Luke did the same. They were so happy. "I promised I would never leave you again." I said hugging them back. "Oh daddy. I'm so happy you are okay!" Lizzie squealed. "Is Lilly okay daddy? Did she get sick?" Luke asked worried. "Your sister is fine. She ate before she went to bed. Now let's allow her to sleep a bit because she needs it." He sighed relieved. "Lizzie, I want to talk to you. Aunty Alice told me what you did to Lilly. It was not Lilly's fault." I said seriously. "But is she hadn't gone outside..." "I could have gotten hurt anyway. Victoria did this to me. It's not Lilly's fault. Victoria was very dangerous and I shouldn't have fought with her without having anyone to help me. Maybe it could have been worse if Lilly hadn't come outside. We don't know. I already told this to your sister and I'm telling it to you. This was not Lilly's fault and you've made her feel very bad. Now she thinks that you hate her. You'll need to apologize when she wakes up. Do you understand?" "Yes. I was just upset. I don't hate her, I just..." "I understand, but Lilly suffered a lot with this. She thought it was her fault." "When she wakes up I'll apologize." "Good. Now your mother is going to arrive soon. Let's go downstairs to wait for her?"

"Yeah!" I had a quick shower and changed clothes before heading downstairs. When I got to the living room with the kids, Aro was about to explain why Alice couldn't see if I was going to be okay. "Edward. It's good to see you are better." "Thanks Aro. I'm feeling a lot better." I still hadn't gotten used to see Aro so friendly. "But please keep talking I would like to hear your explanation too." "Let's make a small experience. Alice try to see Emmett's future." Emmett was sitting beside me and the kids. "I can't." She stated a few minutes after. "Good. Emmet go to the yard please." Emmet complied. "Try to see his future now Alice." "I did it. Though I prefer I wouldn't have seen what I saw." She said with a disgusted face. I knew what she meant. She had saw Emmet and Rosalie... 'spending some time together'. Everybody laughed. Then I heard the sound of a car. Bella. I bolted to the door followed by Lizzie and Luke and got out. Everyone followed. The car parked and the passenger's door opened revealing my Bella. I had missed her so much. As soon as her eyes fell on me she ran to me. When our bodies collided she launched her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, hugging me close. I hugged her back. "Thank god you are okay!" She breathed to my ear. "Don't do this to me again." "I promise love. I love you." Then she kissed me. Our lips moved in sync. I really had missed her. I could barely believe I was holding her again. "Uncle Emmet take your hand off my eyes!" I heard Lizzie and Luke say angrily. Bella smiled against my lips and let her legs slid down, putting her feet on the ground. She removed her arms from my neck. "Emmet keep your hand on their eyes for a little longer." Bella asked. "Why mommy?" Then she slapped me. She just slapped me. "What was that for?" I asked still shocked. "That was for scaring the living shit out of me!" She said in a low voice so that the kids wouldn't hear. I heard everyone laughing. "I didn't know you swore." I whispered in her ear. "I don't but I decide to open an exception." She said. Then she grabbed my hand and went to say hello to everyone. "Mommy!" The kids said hugging her legs. "Hey sweeties!" She said getting on her knees and hugging them. Luke was already greeting everyone

else. "I missed you so much!" "We missed you too." She got up as they went to talk to Luke. "Where's Lillian?" She asked me worried. "She's asleep. " I answered pulling her to my arms again and burying my face in her hair. Ahh! How much I had missed her. "Mommy?" A voice full of sleep asked from the doorway. Lillian. "Lilly." She ran to Bella, who was already on her knees. As soon as her arms were around Bella's neck she started sobbing and crying hysterically. "I missed... you so... so... much... mommy. I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." "Lilly. what's wrong honey?" Bella asked concern filling her voice. Now I was worried too. Lilly just kept crying and screaming. I didn't even know how she kept breathing. Then she suffocated in her cry. Her mouth was open like if she was screaming but no sound was coming out of her mouth and she wasn't breathing. Bella was truly scared. "Lillian!" She screamed shaking her and slapping her back. Finally Lillian let out the cry she had been choking. "Don't suffocate the cry, Lillian!" Bella told her sternly. "It's okay baby, don't cry." Bella spoke again now calmly and slowly patting her back. "Take her inside Bella. And don't let her suffocate the cry again." Luke told her. Bella nodded and headed inside. "What was that?" I asked Luke. "Lillian does that when she's very nervous. It's like the cry gets stuck in her throat. Bella's gets really scared but you just have to hit her in the back and she gets better. Though it can be dangerous." "Why?" Emmett asked confused "Because they stop breathing Emmett." Esme explained. "Will she get better?" Rosalie asked. "As soon as Bella talks to her I'm sure she will calm down." Luke answered. "Good." I was just glad she hadn't done that when I was alone with her. I don't know if I would be able to react the way Bella did. "Let's go inside now." Carlisle said. We went to the living room. A few minutes later Bella came down and sat in my lap. "So?" Luke asked. "She calmed down and fell asleep. But I'll have to talk to her tomorrow. I have no idea why she was so freaked out." "Mommy, are you and daddy together again?" Lizzie asked.

"Yes honey." Bella answered. "Then we will all be a family?" Luke questioned. "Yes, we will. A very happy family." I said putting my arms around Bella's waist. I had everything I ever wanted and more. There was no one more blessed than me.

Chapter 21 Edward's POV While the kids stayed with our family, Bella and I went for a walk. We needed some alone time. I took her to the small clearing where I had found Lilly. Looking at it more closely now, I could see that it was like a miniature of our meadow back in Forks. I sat in the ground and leaned against a tree. Bella was still looking around, taking in the space and undoubtedly, seeing the resemblances between this small clearing and our meadow. But I wanted her with me. "Love." I called softly, trying to get her attention. I opened my arms inviting her to join me. She looked at me and smiled. Her eyes shone and she slowly made her way to me. As soon as her hand was within my reach, I took it and pulled her down, her smile widened and she let out a small laugh. She ended up sitting between my legs with her back against my chest. Her head was a few inches below my chin and I placed my arms around her waist pulling her as close to me as I could. I had missed this. "As much as I love to look at you, I prefer when you are in my arms. I missed you." "I missed you too. You have no idea how many times I wished you were there with me. How did you find this?" She asked looking around once more. "The night Alice had the vision of Victoria we had come to play baseball. Lilly didn't want to learn how to bat the ball nor did she want to play so she just watched. Moments later we noticed she wasn't there anymore so I asked Lizzie and Luke to talk to her and soon I had enough information to find her. She was sitting in the middle of this clearing, crying. I picked her up and took her back to the big clearing where everybody was." "But she was okay, right? Why didn't you tell me about this? Something could have happened to her..." "She was perfectly fine, love. Just a bit scared. I didn't tell you because you didn't need more things to worry about. She was safe and unscathed, nothing happened to her." I said calmly. "I am very worried about her." "Does she usually react the way she did when you arrived?" "No. She doesn't do that many times, just when she really nervous or scared. But I can't see what would have caused her to act that way. I hate when she does that. It really freaks me out. Do you have any idea why she acted like that?"

"I don't know for sure but this accident thing really got to her. She felt guilty for coming outside. When I woke she was kneeling on the ground with her arms and head next to me in the bed. She was sleeping and as soon as she woke she started crying, sobbing and apologizing. She blamed herself for what had happened to me. I told her it was not her fault but I don't know if she believed me. Alice had told me about something Lizzie did..." "Lizzie?" She asked confused. So I told her what had happened between Lizzie and Lilly after I blacked out. "That certainly didn't help," She sighed when I finished. " But I'm sure it's the only reason why Lilly acted the way she did." "She didn't interact much with us while you were gone, so maybe she just missed you very much." I offered. "Still... there's got to be something else. I'll find out when she wakes. She will sleep for a while. She was exhausted." "Aro didn't clarify exactly why Alice couldn't see me. You arrived when he was going to. He did a small experiment but he didn't explain the results." I say hoping she would explain me. "What experiment did he do?" "Well, we were seated in the living room and he asked her to try to see Emmet's future. She couldn't. Then he asked Emmett to leave the house and told Alice to try again, and she did it that time." "Was Emmett sitting next to Lizzie or Luke?" "Yes." "We think that they inherited my shield but with a small difference. The shield doesn't cover just them but also everyone who is within its range though it's not as strong as mine since Jasper can still sense their emotions." "So... since they were always with me, Alice couldn't see me. Right?" "Exactly." She smiled warmly. I swear I could stay like this forever. "What are we going to do from now on?" She asked slightly worried. "I already have my existence all planned out." I said confident. "Really? And what are you going to do?" She asked amused. Did she think I was joking? Well I would make her see that I wasn't. "I am going to spend forever holding you..." I strengthened my hold on her. "... kissing you..." I pulled her hair away with my chin, planting small kisses on her neck. I felt her shudder and smiled. "... Telling you that I love you..." I moved my mouth to her ear whispering the last three little but meaningful words. "... and being the father I never was." I sighed and leaned back against the tree. Bella groaned. "Unless you don't agree..." I was a bit startled. Her sudden silence made me fear her reaction. Was she having second thoughts about us? "Of course I agree. But I didn't mean it like that." I breathed relieved with her answer.

"Than what did you mean?" I asked curious. "Well... I was thinking about living arrangements. I mean you and your family live here but..." "You don't..." I concluded. "Yeah..." "Bella I would follow you to the end of the world if that was where you wanted to be. Wherever you go, I'll follow so... it's your decision. Do you want to go back or stay here?" "What about your family? You just moved here and I know Rosalie hates to move." "Our family!" I corrected. "I'm sure they won't mind Bella. What do you want to do?" "I didn't want to move until it was absolutely necessary. I want the kids to have a life as stable as possible. I know we will have to move soon but..." "Then it's settled. Besides I want to go with you and the kids instead of staying here." "Why?" She asked curious. "First because I agree with you that we should try to move as little as possible while the kids are so young and second because I want to show everyone in that town that you are mine and that I love you. I want to make them swallow all the comments they made about you. I want them to know that you are not alone anymore and that the only reason we were apart was a mistake. My mistake." "I don't think we should make this decision without talking to everyone else." She persisted. "Fine love. We will talk to them later. Just know that I'll follow you wherever you want to go." "Good." Suddenly she turned around and put her legs around my waist. "Love, what are you doing?" I asked looking at her beautiful and flawless face. "Well... I was going to kiss my handsome boyfriend for a while before we went back to the house but I think he's not very interested so..." Swiftly she got up. I managed to grab her wrist before she could go anywhere. "Maybe you should let me go Edward... I've seen you're not very interested..." She trailed off and smiled playfully. "I will never let you go. I've watched you leave too many times in the past two weeks and it broke my heart every time so from now on, I'll never let you go." I spoke seriously. "Besides who said I wasn't interested." I smiled mischievously and she raised an eyebrow. Quickly, I pulled her down to my lap. Her shocked face was only two inches away from mine. I closed the space there was still between us and captured her lips with mine. Her hands moved to my hair and she gripped it tightly. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her body close to mine so that every single part of my body was touching hers as our lips moved in harmony. I really had missed her. I had missed this, being so close to her... I was really glad she was a vampire

now. I know it's selfish but I don't care. Right now the only thing I care about is that she's mine and I don't have to be careful anymore. I don't need to be worried about hurting her. We are equals and we were made for each other. Bella's POV A few hours later we straighten our clothes and hair, though Edward's hair was a lost case, and went back to the house. As soon as we entered the living room Emmett turned around, pausing the game he was playing with Luke, and looked at us. "What happened to your hair Eddie? Usually it's not so messy." He smirked. He just loved to embarrass us. I swear that someday it will be time for payback. "None of your business." I hissed. "So what were you doing lovebirds? Nothing I wouldn't do, I hope." There he was again. Rosalie got up and headed to him. SMACK! "Stop that immediately Emmett. There are children in the room." Rosalie scolded. "Baby!" He complained. "Mommy why did Aunty Rosie hit Uncle Em? Isn't he a grown-up?" Lizzie asked surprised. "Sometimes we're not sure." Edward muttered under his breath. Every vampire in the room except Emmett silently laughed. "What? What?" Luke asked. "Why are you laughing?" "It's nothing hun." I answered quickly. He and Emmett went back to the game with Felix and Demetri cheering Luke. Lizzie too had forgotten her question and was playing with Alice and some dolls. Jasper watched them, while Esme, Carlisle, Aro and Luke (Sr.) talked. If two weeks ago someone told me that we would end up like this I would have laughed in his/her face and asked if he/she was crazy. But I was very happy that it had turned out like this. "I'm going to check on Lilly. Do you want to come?" I asked Edward. "No. I think you should talk to her first." He said. I threw him a questioning look. Was he sure? "Go." He insisted pushing me to the stairs. I gave him a quick kiss and went upstairs. I opened the kids' room door carefully. Lilly was still asleep; her brown curls spread in her pillow. I sat in Lizzie's bed and waited for her to wake up. About a half an hour later she started stirring and I kneeled next to her bed. "Mommy?" She called opening her eyes. "I'm here sweetie. Did you sleep well?" She just shrugged. She sat in the bed pulling the knees to her chest and placing her head on them. Small tears escaped from her eyes. "What's wrong honey? I'm so worried about you!" I said softly sitting in her bed and pulling her to my lap. Lilly almost never acted like this. She was always the strong one. "Mommy, do you still love me?" She asked looking up at me. I was astonished.

"Of course I love you baby. Why would you think otherwise?" What had happened? "And you will never leave me behind, right?" She questioned again, her voice full of fear. Did she actually think that I would do something like that? "Baby, I would never leave you behind. Why would you think that?" She looked down to her lap. "Sweetie, look at me! What happened?" I pulled her chin up forcing her to look at me. More tears streamed down her face. I whipped them away and waited for her answer. Lilly's POV When I woke mommy was there waiting. She asked if I had slept well. I hadn't but I didn't want to bother her. I had a nightmare. But I had it several times. Always the same. Over and over again. Everybody would go away and leave me behind. Lizzie and Luke left. The Cullens left. Grandpa Aro, Uncle Demetri and Uncle Felix left. Uncle Luke left. Mommy and daddy left. I was alone. They didn't take me with them. I didn't know why. They just went away and left me alone. I tried to tell them to wait, to take me with them but I couldn't talk. It seemed so real. That I couldn't help but to cry. "Mommy, do you still love me?" I asked. "Of course I love you baby. Why would you think otherwise?" She asked surprised. "And you will never leave me behind, right?" "Baby, I would never leave you behind. Why would you think that?" I looked down at my hands. How could I ever think mommy would leave me behind? "Sweetie, look at me! What happened?" She put her hand in my chin forcing me to look at her. I just cried more. I didn't even know why I was crying. Maybe I just letting out everything that I had hold inside during the past years. When I managed to calm down I told mommy everything I had thought about when daddy was 'sick'. I told her about how guilty I felt, how it felt when Lizzie and Luke got closer to daddy, why I wanted to hate him, how alone I felt without her here, why I had ran away during the baseball game, how I couldn't let go of the past, how jealous I was of my siblings... I also told her about the mean kids that would always mock with us because we didn't have a daddy and I wanted to cry but had to be strong for Lizzie; and how ashamed we were because we had to take Uncle Luke instead of our real daddy to the school parties... and I told her about the nightmare. I said everything. I talked until my throat hurt but at least I got everything out. Then I cried more. And after all that I felt like a weight had been lifted off my back. "Ssshh baby. Everything is fine. We will never leave you behind. I love you. We all love you. But you will have to talk to your father about this. You have to tell him." "But why can't I just be like Lizzie and Luke? Why can't I forget?" "I would never want you to be like Lizzie or Luke. You are all different and each one of you is special in your own way." She said planting a small kiss in my forehead. Bella's POV

I couldn't believe in what my little baby had just told me. I had no idea this had affected her so much. I should have paid more attention to her. I always took her for the strong one and in the middle of that I forgot that she too needed to cry sometimes. And these few days she had spent with the Cullens... Of course it was not their fault. How could they know? I should have paid more attention. I should have talked to her before I left. I should have talked to her on the first day she refused Edward. I should have known that she would take things differently than her siblings. I was astonished and worried with everything she had told me. How could she have suffered so much without anyone notice? As I planted a small kiss in her forehead I noticed it was hotter than usual. I immediately reached for the kids' bag. I know I had a thermometer in there. When I found it I went straight to her. Just like I thought her temperature was higher than usual. Not too much though. "Stay here baby. Mommy is just going to get you some food and medicine. You're a bit sick." She nodded and lay back down in the bed. I hurried back to the living room. "What's wrong love?" Edward asked, probably noticing my worried face. "Did she wake up?" "Yes. We will have to talk about her. But later." I turned to Luke. "Do you have any medicine for the kids with you?" I asked. "Why? Is she sick?" Edward asked worried as Luke got up from the couch. "Just a slight fever. Nothing that some food and a good night of sleep wouldn't cure but I don't want to take any chances." Luke nodded going to the car to get the medicine. Esme offered to cook but I wanted to do it. I went to the kitchen and Edward followed. "Is everything okay with Lilly, love? Did you talk to her?" "I did. And I never thought this would affect her so much. I should have paid more attention to her." I said while cooking some eggs. "This what?" "This situation. In the past four years she suffered silently and I never paid enough attention to realize it. I always took her for the strong one." I put the eggs in a plate and turned to Edward. "And in the past days she spent with you..." "Did I do something wrong?" He asked worried. "Is this my fault?" "No Edward! Stop that! I know how much you like to blame yourself but you did nothing wrong. Nothing I haven't done. This is not your fault. Lillian is just different." "What do you mean with different?" "She's too observant and sometimes she doesn't interpret things in the right way. She analyses things too much and then she 'sees' things that are not there. Sometimes she 'sees' things that other people wouldn't even think of. For example when Lizzie called you daddy, Lilly didn't see just that, she saw

you taking her sister from her. And she keeps it all bottled up. She was confused. She can't let go the past and that is hurting her. I know that this is difficult to understand but when you talk to her, you will. She will probably fall asleep again so I suggest that you talk to her tomorrow." "I tried Bella. I swear I tried to get close to her but she would just push me away." "I know. Like I said she was confused and she's hurting. This is not your fault. We just have to pay more attention to her from now on. We can't let her be the strong one. Not always. Now bring a glass of water and ask Luke for her medicine." "Maybe I shouldn't go Bella. She..." "I need help. And you are her father so you are coming. End of discussion." He laughed and gave me small kiss before grabbing a glass of water and following me. I entered the kids' room and Lilly was exactly like I had left her. "I brought you some eggs and an apple. You have to eat everything so that you can take the medicine. Then you will have a good night of sleep." "What if I have more nightmares?" She asked while I put the plate on her lap. In that moment Edward entered the room with the water and the medicine. "You won't. I'll sing to keep them away if you want." He answered smiling tenderly. Lilly smiled back eating her eggs and looking at me. "He definitely has a talent for that." I said laughing. It brought back good memories. The way Edward would hum my lullaby to make me forget everything. My sleep was positively more peaceful when Edward hummed me to sleep. She quickly ate everything and drank the water. Edward gave her the medicine and she lay in the bed. Then he started humming a beautiful lullaby that I supposed was the one he had composed for the kids. It was as beautiful as mine. She fell asleep a few minutes later. "She had a nightmare?" Edward asked. "Yes. She dreamed that we had all left and she was all alone." I sighed. Edward came to stand next to me and pulled me into his arms. "I'll never leave any of you again." He whispered at my ear. "I know. I trust you Edward. You earned my trust back and nothing will keep us apart again." I felt safe in his arms. "Nothing, Love. We will be together forever. How could I fulfil my plan if you're not there?" He kissed me softly. "I was thinking about taking Lilly to our meadow tomorrow so that we could talk without being interrupted. What do you think?" "I think it's a great idea. I'd like to go back there as well but tomorrow it has to be just the two of you." "We can go whenever you want to. We will have to show it to Luke and Lizzie anyway. Do you think Lilly will agree to go alone with me?" He asked fearful.

"Of course she will." I said reassuringly, kissing him again. Edward's POV I waited patiently for Lilly to wake up. Lizzie and Luke were already having breakfast. Finally she opened her eyes. "How do you feel today?" The fever had passed during the night. "Fine." She said sleepily. "Good. Dress this and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. Your brother and your sister are already there." I handed her a pair of jeans and a red t-shirt and I kissed her forehead, leaving the room right after. I went to my bedroom, had a shower and changed to jeans and a red t-shirt. I went to the kids' bedroom to find that Lilly wasn't there anymore. I entered Alice's room. "Alice do you have a backpack?" "Like this one." She asked holding a blue backpack. "Exactly. Thanks." I got out of the room leaving a very angry and curious Alice behind. "Edward why do you want a backpack? Edward Cullen! You will tell me..." I laughed going to my room again. There I rummaged through the wardrobe trying to find a blanket that I was sure was there. Finally I found it. I opened the back pack and put the blanket inside it, heading to the kitchen. "Edward!" I heard Alice calling again. As soon as I got to the kitchen I slowed down. Lizzie was hugging Lilly tightly. Maybe too tight. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Lilly. I will never hate you. I love you very much. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." She apologized. "Okay, okay, I forgive you but stop trying to strangle me." Lilly managed to choke out. "Okay Lizzie I think that's enough. Let your sister breathe. I think you're spending too much time with your aunt Alice." My love's voice sounded. "Someone said my name?" Alice asked entering the kitchen. "You better not be changing my daughter into an evil pixie like you." Bella said. "Evil? You're hurting my feelings Bella!" Alice cried faking shock. "Mommy's right! You do look like a pixie aunty Alice." Lizzie squealed. Yep! Alice was already rubbing her bubbly personality on my daughter. God help me! I headed to the fridge and took out a bottle of water, putting it inside of the backpack. I also grabbed some fruit. But I had to take something else. Lilly barely had dinner last night, only the eggs... "Here." Bella said handing me a Tupperware with sandwiches inside. What would I do without her?

"Thanks love." I went to the fridge again to pick some yogurts. There was a lot of flavours how would I know what was her favourite? "Pineapple." Bella whispered in my ear, kissing my neck. I thanked her again and closed the fridge, placing the yogurt in the backpack. I had everything I needed. I put the backpack on my right shoulder and made my way to Bella who was leaning against the kitchen counter watching the kids eating in the kitchen island. They were talking and laughing with each other. I stopped in front of Bella with my back to the kids. "I think we'll be going, love. I already have everything. Right?" I asked just to be sure I hadn't forgotten anything. "Yes. There's a white hoodie for her in the chair by the door. Take it in case it gets too cold." "Sure thing, love." I said lowering my lips to hers and stopping when they were an inch apart. She immediately closed the space, pressing her soft lips to mine. "Eager much?" I asked teasingly, breaking the kiss for a moment. "Oh shut up!" She said pressing her lips to mine again. I smiled. My back was turned to the kids so they couldn't see anything. "We have to go, love." I said. "Okay. I'll miss you." She said. "I'll miss you too. I love you, my Bella." "Love you too." She gave me a last soft kiss and I turned around to look at the kids. They were still joking around. Esme was in the doorway looking at us with a smile of pure happiness in her lips. I guess she had been there for a while now. Now they look like a family. I smiled at her thought and looked around. She was right. We did look like a real family, finally. I smiled at Esme. I'm very happy for you, son. You deserve all this. "Didn't you have to go mister?" Bella asked. I nodded. "Then stop day dreaming." "I don't need to dream about anything. I have everything I want right here." I said looking around. I kissed her again and picked Lilly from her place, grabbing her by the waist. "Hey!" She squealed. I got out of the house and placed her in the ground. "Are you afraid of me?" I asked. "No." She murmured. "Are you afraid of being alone with me?" "No." "I want to take you to a place so that we can talk. It's a very special place that only me and your mom

know about. Is that okay?" "Yes. Aren't you taking Lizzie and Luke to see it too?" "In another time. This time will be just both of us. Okay?" "Okay." "It will be faster if I carry you in my back and run. But if you prefer we can go by car..." "No. It's fine if you run." I helped her to climb to my back, grabbed the backpack and took off. "Are we there already?" She asked half an hour later. "No. We are almost there." A few minutes later I stopped and helped her down. I set the blanket on the ground while she looked around. I sat in the blanket and waited. The meadow was beautiful. Since it was summer it was filled with wild flowers. "Where are we?" She asked still taking in the meadow. "Forks. When I lived here I found this place and usually came here to think or to have some peace. Then I met your mother and brought her here. It became our meadow. We would come here whenever we wanted to be alone." "It's so beautiful." She exclaimed coming to sit next to me. We stayed in silence for a few minutes. "Why did you hate me so much?" I asked beginning the conversation. "I didn't. All the times that I told you that I hated you, I didn't mean it. I just wanted to hurt you." She confessed. I was a bit shocked "Why?" I asked. "Because you had hurt mommy. And you had left us alone." "I didn't know about you." "But you still had left mommy. And she loved you. I wanted to hate you because you made her suffer and because you made us suffer. People spoke badly of mommy because you were not with her. And there were kids in the school that would mock us because we didn't have a daddy. They said that you had left mommy because you didn't want us and that you didn't care about us, and Lizzie would always cry. It was worse when it was daddy's day party at school." Tears streamed down her face. "When Lizzie forgave you, she was mad at me because I wouldn't. And I blamed you. It felt like you were taking Lizzie away from me. Then it was Luke." "Why did you run away the day we were playing baseball?" "Because I didn't fit." She sighed. "You didn't fit?" I asked confused. "Yes. You were all happy. You were a family. A real family and I didn't fit. It looked like there wasn't any

space for me in that picture. I felt alone and I was jealous. I wanted that too but I couldn't forget everything that you had done. My heart told me to forgive you so that we could be a family like I always wanted. But my mind told me that you didn't deserve my forgiveness because of all the pain you had caused us, that you should suffer too. I couldn't be sure you wouldn't leave again and I just wanted to protect mommy, Luke, Lizzie and myself. I didn't want you to be important to me so I pushed you away when you tried to come closer to me. But then the bad vampire attacked you and I realized that I you really cared about us. I felt so guilty. I didn't want anything bad to happen to you." Then she looked up at me. "I love you daddy and I don't want you to leave us again." She threw her arms around my waist and hugged me, crying. "It's okay baby. I love you very much too and I will never leave you again. I will be with you forever." I forced her to look at me. "I want you to know that we will never leave you behind. I love you as much as I love your sister and your brother." She buried her head in my shirt again and cried some more. I sighed relieved. Now I had my family back.

Chapter 22 YES! YES! YES! Edward's POV When Lillian calmed down I convinced her to eat something. Time had flown and it was already time for her to have lunch. I removed from the backpack the Tupperware Bella had given me with the sandwiches and put it on the blanket, as well as some fruit and a yogurt. I kept her talking while she ate. I was too curious about her, about their life in the past years. I hadn't been there to witness and the pictures Bella had shown me when we made up had satiated my curiosity then but they weren't enough now. Every day that I spend with the kids while Bella was visiting Rene made me realize how little I knew about them and their life before we met. I didn't even know their favourite yogurt flavour. I wanted to know everything. So I asked her all the questions I could think of. Sometimes her wide vocabulary amazed me and I had to constantly remind myself that though she was only four years old her mental ability rivalled with the one of an eight-years-old, according to Bella. When I started asking about their lives before me, I was careful not to mention touchy subjects like the mean kids or the parties I didn't attend. Hearing about how those kids had treated my children only made me want to go back with Bella and the kids even more. I would show the whole town that I loved Bella and my kids more than anything in my life. I would make sure to let them know that my family was the most important thing to me. I knew that one day wouldn't be enough to learn all about them or their life but it was a start, besides there were some things I wanted to find out because that was part of the experience of being a father. Something I never thought I would go through but I should already know that with Bella everything was possible. To say that I was lucky was an understatement. I had to be the luckiest guy in the world. Since Bella took me back everything is so bright, so intense, so exciting... I was alive again. I had never felt so complete.

I couldn't be more thrilled that I was able to give her kids. It was something I didn't want to take away from her. I didn't want her to regret being turned because she couldn't have kids anymore. She always told me that she didn't mind not having kids if that meant that we could be together forever. But I was afraid she would regret that decision later. I didn't want her to be like Rosalie. And now I couldn't be happier that we got both things. We had three wonderful kids and we could be together forever. We would be together forever. I couldn't even bear the thought of not having the kids in my life and I know that Bella feels exactly the same. We have everything we need to be happy and we will be. The happiest couple ever, because we have everything we could ask for. When the time to leave approached I stopped my inquisition. There were still two questions I wanted to ask her and they were the most important of all. When she finished answering my last question she looked at me looking for the next one. I was nervous. Her next answers would make a huge difference in my life. "Are you okay with me and your mother being together?" "Of course." She answered immediately. "Mommy is so much happier now. And I really want us to be a family. A real family. As normal as we can be due to our... status as... mythical creatures." I smiled widely. "Then you wouldn't mind if I asked your mother to marry me?" "Seriously?" I nodded. Her expression was impossible to read. "Of course I don't mind. Mommy will be so happy!" She gushed throwing her arms around my waist. I hugged her back. I'm so happy it's impossible to describe. "How are you going to ask? Where? When?" "I was thinking about bringing her, you, Luke and Lizzie here and ask. As soon as possible. What do you think?" "I think it's amazing. Mommy will love it. She always liked simple things." "Do you think it's too simple? Should I do something else?" I asked worried. "No. No. It's fine like that. You should know mommy doesn't like big things. As long as you speak from your heart and keep everything simple she'll love it." I was stunned. How could such a little girl say things like that? She was absolutely right. Bella would like it more if I keep it simple. I packed everything and soon we were going back. The sun was almost setting. I felt so carefree now that everything was sorted out between Lilly and I. As we got closer to the house, a scent that I did not recognize called my attention. I wondered who it belonged to. I pushed myself harder, eager to arrive home and find out who was there. I didn't bother to use my gift since we were already so close. I entered the house and went straight to the living room. Everyone, except the kids was there. They looked at me warily while I assessed the room looking for the vampire whose scent I didn't recognize.

My eyes fell on a thin girl seated next to Luke. She was about twenty years old, her hair was light brown and she was wearing jeans and a green t-shirt. As soon as I looked at her face, I stiffened and a growl erupted from my chest. Lilly, who still was on my back, tightened her grip on me. The girl's eyes were dark red. I took two steps back, worried about Lilly's safety, but kept snarling. "Edward!" Carlisle admonished me. I was barely aware of his voice. I could only focus on the danger that the girl represented for my family. Bella rushed to my side and placed her hands in my chest, no doubt trying to calm me. And it would have worked if the matter wasn't so serious. "Bella!" Several vampires in the room hissed, surely worried about her safety. For someone else, approaching me right now wouldn't be the wisest decision but Bella... I would never hurt Bella. I would die before I caused her any harm. "Edward, stop! Listen to me." She asked. I made an effort to concentrate on her sweet voice. "The kids?" I asked worried, my voice was cold. "They are upstairs." She answered calmly. I helped Lilly down without turning my back to the new vampire in the room. "Go look for your brother and your sister and stay with them." I told her without looking at her. I wouldn't take my eyes off the girl. Lilly didn't move. I squeezed her hand reassuringly. She sighed and went for the stairs, letting go of my hand. But that didn't relax me. My body was still stiff and ready to pounce on the girl if she moved. Everybody was watching me. "Edward, calm down. She's not a threat." She whispered. I calmed down a little but didn't change my posture. Bella reached up and started placing small kisses on my neck. Gradually I loosened up my stance. I put my hand on her waist and pulled her away, only enough to be able to look into her golden eyes. There was nothing there besides love. There was not even a trace of fear. I trusted her judgment if she said that the girl wasn't dangerous I believed her. I pulled her close again and hugged her burying my face in her hair an inhaling her sweet scent. "Hello, love. How was your day?" I asked casually, ignoring everybody else in the room. "It was fine but I missed you." She said smiling. "I missed you too. I'm sorry." She knew I was apologizing for my behaviour a few minutes ago. "It's fine. We were all waiting for you. Stay calm, okay?" I nodded and kissed her lips, softly and curtly since there was a room full of vampires staring. She pouted and I smiled, silently promising more when we didn't have eight vampires watching. She clearly understood the message since a small smile played on her lips. She grabbed my hand and led me to where she was sitting, right in front of the girl. I sat and pulled her to my lap. "Edward, this Kaelyn. Kaelyn, Edward." Carlisle introduced.

"Hi." I said in a calming voice, trying to make her more comfortable. The girl seemed too scared to answer. Her thoughts were so confusing that I couldn't make out anything. She was thinking in so many things at the same time that I didn't get more than single words. I had really scared her. "Everybody calls me Kae." She managed to murmur. Her voice was full of fear. See what you've done? Overreacting fool. Alice screamed in my head. "Edward we were waiting for you to arrive so that Kae could tell us her story. She was one of Victoria's newborns." Carlisle explained. I immediately stiffened. What? And they said she wasn't dangerous? What are they thinking? "Edward? You said you would stay calm." Bella said. "There're nine of us in this room, the kids are upstairs and Victoria is dead. She is not a threat." She reasoned. I guess she was right. I nodded. "Can you tell us what happened, now Kae?" Carlisle asked with a calm voice. She looked at Luke and he nodded. "I'm from England and came here to visit a friend of mine. One night I went out to buy... something, I don't remember." She looked at Luke worried and he gave her a reassuring glance. "I got lost and Victoria found me. Then everything happened too fast. The next thing I knew it looked like I was being burned. She carried me somewhere and when the fire stopped, she and a few more newborns were there. One of them explained me what I was. A few days later we were already twenty five and she gathered us and told us that she needed our help. Eventually some died during fights with each other. She told us that some years ago a coven of vampires had killed her mate James and that she wanted revenge. She asked for our help and said that you were outnumbered and that you wouldn't know that we were going. I didn't want to be a part of it but she threatened us that she would kill us if we didn't agree to fight with her. Eventually I agreed, after all she had the right to revenge her mate." I growled at that. "What happened after?" Carlisle asked. "We came here. It was obvious that you were waiting for us. Since she wasn't anywhere to be seen, I hid in the woods. I didn't want to participate. None of you looked like the cold and heartless vampires she had described. You looked like a family so I decided to wait to see what happened. When the kids appeared and she made her 'speech' I was horrified. So I went deeper into the woods and remained hidden until Luke found me." "The truth Kae is that Victoria didn't told you the whole story." Carlisle said. "Bella and Edward met when Bella was still human. One day we went to play baseball and we took Bella with us. Victoria, James and another friend of them, Laurent, found us and wanted to play with us. James found out that Bella was human and decided to track her. We were going to protect her and that just turned everything more interesting for him. In the end he managed to attract Bella making her believe that he had her mother. Fortunately we arrived in time. The only option was to kill him; otherwise he would

just continue to hunt Bella." Kae had been looking at Bella and me the entire time. "But you are a vampire now." She said to Bella. "Yes." "And you have kids. How's that possible? They told me that vampires couldn't..." "Female vampires can't. But I was still human when I got pregnant. Edward left before I found out. I decided to have the babies. One day I went to the woods and Laurent found me. Before he could kill me Luke appeared and saved me. He was the one who helped me during my pregnancy and changed me when I was too weak to survive after the delivery. He has been with me since then. He's like my brother. About two weeks ago we came here and found the Cullens again. Edward and I got back together but my mother had a heart attack and I had to fly to Florida. That's why I wasn't in the fight." "That's quite a story, you have there." She said amazed. Everybody laughed at that. "I'm sorry but I didn't know." "It's okay. You didn't have many options. Either you fought or you died." Bella said. "In fact if you hadn't hid you would have ended up dead anyway." Emmett commented. "You are welcome to stay with us if you want but we are different from other vampires. We feed from animal blood instead of human blood. If you decide to join us you have to follow our diet." Carlisle explained. She looked at Luke and then to Carlisle again. "Okay. I didn't like to feed from humans anyway. It's cruel and wrong to take innocents lives. I'm glad that there is an alternative." She smiled. "It can be difficult in the beginning but I'm sure you will do great." Esme said lovingly. I know she loves the idea of having another daughter. "I'm sorry I was so rude before. And I'm sorry I scared you but I was caught by surprise." I said trying to excuse my behaviour. "It's okay." She whispered. I think it will take a while to convince her that I won't hurt her. "Maybe you should go hunting before you meet the kids." Esme said. Kae seemed to be an extremely calm newborn. Any other newborn in her place when I came in would have fought me. "I can go with her." Luke offered immediately. I wonder if there's something between the two of them. "Of course." Alice said smiling. There was definitely something between Luke and Kae, otherwise why would Alice be like that? Bella looked at Luke questioningly and he answered with a smile. Bella was ecstatic. She ran to him

and hugged him, scaring Kae. Luke chuckled and hugged Bella back. Bella whispered something in his ear and he nodded, letting go of her and grabbing Kae's hand. And they were gone. Bella returned to my lap. "Is there something between them love?" I asked curious. Bella looked at me smiling widely. "It looks like Luke found his mate." She said, barely containing the excitement in her voice. So I was right. "He deserves it. After all he did for me he deserves to be happy more than anyone else." She stated. Everybody seemed happy with the news. I know you are going to propose to Bella. Alice thought. I immediately looked at her. I had a vision this afternoon. So... can I plan the wedding? Please, please! You're my favourite brother. Please let me plan it! What's with her? I haven't even asked. What if Bella says no? No, I can't think of that possibility. But I wasn't going to tell Alice that she could plan the wedding. That was Bella's decision, if she accepted my proposal, of course. I looked at Alice and shook my head. "Fine, be like that!" She pouted, stomping out of the room. Bella looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "It's nothing love. She's just being Alice." Bella laughed while Jasper rushed out of the living room to go talk to Alice. "How did everything go with Lilly?" Bella asked. "Great. We sorted everything out. Everything is fine, love." She smiled hugely and kissed me. "Get a room guys. There is plenty upstairs." Emmett boomed. We just ignored him. "Well, I'm glad everything is fine but I was thinking and I come to the conclusion that after all this was your fault." She stated playfully. "Oh really? And why is that?" I was trying to keep it light but angst was already starting to grow inside of me. Was it really because of something I did that Lilly reacted that way? "She inherited her tendency to overreact and overanalyse situations from someone and it was not from me." She said. I relaxed "Bella actually has a point." Alice said entering the room again. "Lilly's personality and temper is just like yours." I laughed. They were right. Lilly could be a lot like Bella physically but her personality was just like mine. "So... now that everything is settled and the drama is all in the past, why don't we do something fun?" Emmett asked grinning. I don't know if I want to hear Emmett's idea. "What exactly do you mean with fun, Emmett?" Bella asked carefully, afraid of his answer.

"Well, I was thinking about playing something with the kids. Why don't we play twister?" He suggested. Twister? "It seems like a good idea but let's wait a bit for Luke and Kae. I'm sure Luke will love to see this." Bella said. There was something in her voice that I couldn't make out. A few hours later Luke and Kae arrived. We called the kids and they came running downstairs. "Guess what?" Bella told him. "What?" He asked curious. "Emmett suggested that we played twister." She told him. "Yay!" The kids screamed. Apparently they liked this game a lot. "Of course I'm going to win..." Emmett said smugly. Every time Emmett convinced someone to play this game with him, he won but I don't know why, I had the feeling that tonight would be different. "I wouldn't be so sure Emmett." Luke (sr.) said. "Yeah? And why is that? Everybody knows I'm the best at twister." He said surprised. "Well, you never saw Bella and Lillian playing. I think you don't stand a chance." Luke (sr.) said confident. "We'll see that." Then he turned to Bella and Lilly. "I'm sure you are very good at twister... it's just that I'm better." The smile on their faces told me that Emmett might be wrong. I guess I had to wait and see for myself. "Sure, sure Emmett." Bella said in a patronizing voice. "So, who's in?" He asked while Alice went to get the mat. "I'm in" Bella and Lilly said. "Me too." Lizzie spoke after. "I want to play too." Alice said walking with the mat on her hands. "You don't want to play, son?" I asked Luke who had come to stand beside me and Bella. "No. I always loose. I think Uncle Em should listen to Uncle Luke. No one beats mommy and Lilly at twister. They are both very bendable. And they have great balance." He explained.

"Seriously, love? I remember that your balance wasn't very good and you never told me you were flexible." I whispered at Bella's ear. "Thankfully my balance has improved a lot since I was changed and my flexibility is mostly the result of some yoga exercises I used to do with a friend of Luke when I moved in with him, before I had to spend the entire time in bed because I couldn't move." "Was she a vampire?" "Yes. She went to visit him right after I moved in and when he told her about me, she decided to stay around for a while to help. She loved yoga and she thought it could help me. After the kids' birth I started practicing yoga again and about a year ago Lilly decided to join me. Now, we usually practice together. She loves it and it's very good to relax." She explained. Now I was sure Emmett didn't stand a chance. "So are we going to start or what?" Emmett said impatient. "Calm down Emmett!" Rosalie said. "You don't want to play, baby?" He asked her. "No, I prefer to watch." She said grinning. "Please guys! Can't you think about something else?" I said trying to block their thoughts. I do not need to see what they are thinking about. "Okay, let's start!" Alice announced. Emmett looked as excited as Lizzie and Lilly. "Good luck, love." I said kissing Bella softly, before letting her go. "Thanks." Half an hour later Lizzie and Alice had already abandoned the game, since they had fallen. Bella and Lilly seemed completely at ease, even though their positions were extremely awkward. Emmett was having more problems, his position was very precarious and I was almost sure he would fall when he tried to move on the next round, though he was completely focused on the game. As I predicted Emmett was not able to place his left foot on a yellow circle and almost fell on Bella. "I can't believe I lost. I always win." He whined. "It's not fair!" He poured. How old is he? Five? "Emmett it's just a game!" I told him. "It's not just a game. It's twister and I always win!" He insisted.

"Don't worry babe. You did great." Rosalie complimented. Bella and Lilly continued playing. It was amazing how neither of them fell, even when they were in the strangest positions. "So Eddie... are you enjoying the show?" Emmett asked grinning. SMACK! "Rose..." He whined while I laughed. "How many times do I have to say to control your comments when the kids are in the room?" She asked. "Sorry babe." Emmett said looking sheepishly at her. A few minutes later Lilly lost her concentration, probably due to her tiredness, and fell. "You were amazing Lilly! You almost beat mommy!" Lizzie and Luke said running to their sister while I helped Bella getting up from the weird position she was in. "Congratulations love." I said kissing her. "Thanks, but if Lilly wasn't so tired I'm sure she would have won." Bella said. "I want the rematch Bella. Don't think I'm going to let you take my title." Emmett said. "Sure Emmett but not today. I need to go fix some food for the kids." "EWW! I don't know how you stand the smell of their food Bella." He commented. "I guess I'm used to it." She said heading for the kitchen. I followed. "You need to hunt." I said. I had already noticed that her eyes were getting darker. "Yes and I have to take the kids too." She said. "I was thinking that maybe we could go hunting tomorrow and before we came home we could go to the meadow." I had decided to propose tomorrow. The sooner, the better. I couldn't wait to be able to call Bella my wife. "That's a great idea." She replied turning around and flashing me a beautiful smile. I couldn't help but to smile back. This little program was perfect. I wanted to see Bella and the kids hunting but the best part of the day would be asking her to marry me. Assuming that she would accept. During the night Bella and I had arranged everything to the hunt and then snuggled nicely on my bed,

waiting for the kids to wake up. I miss her sleep talk because it was the closest thing that I had to reading her mind. It was the only time that she didn't edit her thoughts. Maybe someday I could convince her to let her shield down for some minutes... I would definitely try. When the kids woke up, Bella told them what we were going to do. They were quite excited with the hunting trip. While I helped them getting dressed, Bella went to prepare a light breakfast. "Are you going to ask today?" Lilly asked me while I helped her to put her sneakers on. "Yes. Did you tell Lizzie and Luke?" They were in the bathroom so I spoke very low so that they couldn't hear. "No. It's going to be a surprise for them too." She said smiling. After the kids had their breakfast Bella and I put them in their car seats, which had been moved from Bella's Volkswagen Passat to the Volvo. "You know, this is so unfair!" Alice pouted when the kids were inside of the car. "What is unfair, Alice?" Bella asked leaning against the trunk. "You spend all your time with Edward or the kids. I haven't even taken you shopping. You and the kids owe me at least one shopping trip! I'm their aunt. I'm supposed to spoil them and I have four years to make up for." I laughed getting in the car. "Alice, I promise that I'll let you take me and the kids shopping, okay? But today we need to go hunting." Bella explained. "I'll hold onto that promise Bella!" "Okay. Bye." Bella sat in the passenger seat and I took off, leaving my pixie sister standing in the driveway. Watching Bella and the kids hunting was amazing. Bella's movements were fluid and fast, she never missed her prey and her approach was so silent that the prey wasn't even aware of her presence. It fascinated me. I had never seen anyone hunt with so much grace. The kids settled for small animals, like squirrels and rabbits while Bella and I hunted. Then, under mine and Bella's watch, the three of them took down a deer. Their movements were elegant and fast. While they drank Bella approached me from behind, putting her arms around my waist "You know you look really hot when you hunt?" She whispered in my ear. I turned around to face her. "The same goes for you, love. It's something I have to add to my list of the thing I lost in the past four years. And this one is very high on the roll." I said huskily before I leaned down and kissed her hungrily, enjoying the sweetness of her lips and pressing her body as close to mine as I could. Her hands went to my hair, running through it, and her legs wrapped around my waist. Then, too soon

Bella broke the kiss and let her legs down. I wasn't used to this. I used to be the one to break the kisses when I thought we were going too far but now she was a vampire, there was no need to do that. I started kissing her neck. "Edward, you have to stop. The kids are almost finishing." I hated that she was right. "Let's hope that our family can watch them the next time." I said looking at her golden eyes. She smiled. I could see in her lust filled eyes that she wanted to continue as much as I did. "Mommy, daddy?" I heard the kids call. I resigned and planted a soft kiss in her lips before we went to help them hiding the deer's body. The ride to the meadow was calm. I had one hand on the steering wheel and the other was holding Bella's. In the back seats the kids were unusually quiet. Maybe they were tired. When we got to the trail, I parked the car and we started running. The ring was safely tucked inside the pocket of my jacket. I was starting to feel nervous. When we arrived at the meadow, Bella smiled widely. This place holds a lot of good memories and luckily we would be able to create one more today. "It's so beautiful!" Lizzie exclaimed running to the middle of the meadow and looking around. Luke and Lilly followed her. "So Love?" I asked coming closer to her from behind and wrapping my arms around her waist like she had done earlier. She leaned her head against my chest and sighed, looking at our kids, who were now running after each other. "It's even more gorgeous than last time." She whispered. "Thanks for bringing me." "It's my pleasure love. Even if we live across the world, I'll bring you here whenever you want." A ray of sunshine broke through the clouds and illuminated the centre of the meadow. I walked there and pulled Bella with me. The sun made her skin glow. I had never seen anything so beautiful. There weren't even words to describe her. I just stared at her letting my eyes say what words could not convey. I couldn't believe I was about to propose to her. I was so not worthy of her. She was just so perfect... But none of that mattered now. She was mine, even if I didn't deserve her. I got down on one knee and she gasped. "Edward what are you..." "Bella, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You gave me so much that I will never be able to thank you enough. Now I know that with you everything is possible and though I know that I don't deserve you I will never let you go. I love you with all my heart and I want everybody to know that. Will you marry me?" I opened the small box hat contained my mother's ring and looked expectantly at her.

YES! YES! YES! OH MY GOD! Yes! Of course I'll marry you! I put the ring on her finger, only then realizing that her lips had not moved, though I had clearly heard her response. Did I...? "Love, did I just hear your thoughts?" I asked stunned. Yes! I told you I could let you hear my thoughts if I wanted. I thought this was the right moment. I had no words to answer so I just got up and kissed her. I tried to put all my love on that kiss but it was just impossible. I loved her too much to be able to convey it in one single kiss. Kissing her forever wouldn't be enough. "Say it out loud. Say you will marry me." I asked. "I will marry you Edward Cullen and we will be happy forever. I love you." I couldn't stop smiling. Right now, everything is perfect. "I love you too, love." I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! Her thoughts were as sweet as her voice. I noticed the kids were squealing and smiling happily. They came to stand next to us. "We are very happy for you. Now we will be a true family!" Lilly stated. Then we all hugged. Bella and I settled on the ground while the kids ran happily around the meadow, looking at the flowers and the trees. "So, when do you want to get married?" Bella asked. "As soon as possible, love. Unless you want to wait..." "No. No. I completely agree with you." "I was thinking that maybe we could get married in the beginning of August, then we would take the whole month for our honeymoon and I could go back with you and the kids in September. What do you think?" "I think it's perfect but we still haven't talked to the others about moving back." "We'll see that later. Now you do realize that Alice will start begging to plan the wedding from the moment we get into the house, don't you?" I warned. "I do and I think I'll let her. Maybe the fact that we want to marry in the beginning of August will prevent her to go overboard, since she will only have a month to prepare everything." She said hopeful.

"Love, are you serious? I thought you knew Alice better than that. I'm sure that the tight schedule will not prevent her to make this wedding the event of the year." "But I want something small and simple. I think I have to find something that will stop her from going overboard with this." "I know! I know mommy!" Lilly suggested. "What's your idea sweetheart?" I asked curious. The look in Lilly's eyes was exactly the one Emmett had before pulling a prank. "Tell her that if she doesn't do everything like you want Luke, Lizzie and I will blow up her closet with all her clothes inside it." They had really great ideas. I bet that threat would make everything a lot easier. "I don't know." Bella said. "Aunty Alice would be really mad if we did that!" Lizzie stated, but I could hear the excitement in her voice. "I do, love. Their idea is great. Alice will do everything you ask." "We'll see." Bella replied smiling. A few hours later we went back to the house and as expected Alice immediately started begging. "Please, please, please Bella. Let me plan your wedding. Please. I've been waiting to do this for years. You're my best friend. Please, please, please." "Calm down Alice. We have to tell everyone first." Bella said. Alice was fuming. We called everyone to the living room. "Edward and I have some news." Bella said and looked at me. I encouraged her to go on. "We are getting married." Suddenly everybody was hugging and congratulating us. Emmett was squishing Bella in one of his bear hugs. "About time you made it official little sis." "Emmett would you mind putting my fianc down? I want her to make it to the wedding day." I said. "Sorry bro." he said patting me on my back too harshly. "Emmett!" Rosa yelled. "Be careful! If you continue like this they won't survive until their wedding day." "Sorry!"

"So... Can I plan the wedding now?" Alice said anxious. Patience was not one of her virtues. "You can Alice but..." "What Bella?" She asked excited. "You have one month to prepare everything and I want something small and simple!" Bella was trying not to use the blackmail. I doubt it would work but I let her try. "But Bellaaaa!" Alice whined. "This is your first wedding! It has to be big." "Small and simple, Alice!" Bella insisted. "Or what?" Alice asked defiantly. Oh oohh she shouldn't have done that. "Your adorable nieces and nephew offered themselves to blow up your closet with all of your clothes inside if you did not accept my demands." Bella said sweetly. "What?" Alice's eyes were wide and she was even paler than normal, if that's possible. "You heard me. So how's it going to be?" "Fine. Everything will be simple and small just like you want." Alice gave in. Everyone was surprised she had given up so quickly. "I can't believe this! One month? One month! And she wants everything small and simple... unbelievable... my best friend... betrayed by my own nieces and nephew... blow up my closet... they are insane... all my beautiful clothes... I can't believe this..." She rambled to herself leaving the living room in a hurry. Everyone laughed. "But we are going shopping tomorrow Bella. And you too kids!" she yelled from upstairs. Bella and the kids grimaced. "Do we have too daddy?" Lilly whined. "I'm afraid so princess. Aunty Alice doesn't play when it comes to shopping." "I heard that Edward! Let's see how funny you are when I kidnap Bella for wedding arrangements. I bet you won't be so happy when you have to spend days without seeing her." Alice said mischievously from somewhere in the house. I frowned and pulled Bella closer, locking her in a tight embrace. Everyone started laughing again. "Don't worry Edward! I'll always come back to you." She said before kissing me. "Hey! Hey! Kids in the room remember?" Emmett said trying to put his hand in front of the kids' eyes. I looked around to find my sweet kids glaring furiously at Emmett.

"I would be careful with that, Emmett. You might lose your hand someday." Bella said grinning. Immediately the kids' eyes changed from furious to mischievous. I read Emmett's thoughts and found that he was imagining my kids blowing up his hand. And again everyone laughed. The changes that Bella and the kids operated in our lives were significant. Since they had come back there wasn't one single day that we didn't laugh. I don't know how I could live so long without Bella and the kids. They were my life now and forever.

Chapter 23 Epilogue Bella's POV Edward and I had come back from our honeymoon two days ago. It was wonderful. We spent the first two weeks travelling through Europe. I loved it. The other two weeks were spent in Isle Esme, in the first week we were alone but then we asked Alice to bring the kids so that they could stay the last week with us. We missed them so much. I had never been away from them for so long. The wedding had been just like I wanted: small and simple. We invited the Denali clan and Aro, Marcus, Caius, Felix and Demetri. My mom was not able to come because the doctor had forbidden her from travelling until the end of the year. Alice, Esme and Rose were my bridesmaids and Luke, Jasper and Emmett were Edward's groomsmen. Both Carlisle and Aro walked me down the aisle since I couldn't pick one. Lizzie was the flower girl and Lilly the ring bearer. Luke decided to sit and watch since he's a bit shy and would get embarrassed if he had to do anything. After the ceremony, that was held in the Cullens yard, everyone danced and talked. The Denali clan was amazed with the kids. Everyone had a great time. Edward did not leave my side, except when Esme insisted for him to dance with her. Of course that also made very hard for other people to dance with me. Alice had stay faithful to her promise of kidnapping me and not allowing him to see me which made both of us extremely anxious. I guess it was payback for threatening to blow up her closet. Now we were packing everything. The Cullens had accepted to come back with me, the kids and Luke, who was now very happy with Kae. I couldn't be happier for him. He was such a great support for me that it was only fair that he found someone to share his life with and Kae was the perfect girl for him. She is a bit shy but very sweet. You can only imagine Alice's happiness when she realized that Kae needed and entire wardrobe since she had nothing but the clothes she was wearing. Edward was moving in with me and the kids and Luke and Kae would stay with the Cullens, who had bought a huge mansion next to our house. First I had refused to stay in Luke's house while he moved in with Cullens; after all it was his house. He would have none of that so I just insisted for him to stay

with me, Edward and the kids but he refused. He said that we needed our space and that he would love if we took his house. He was very excited about moving in with the Cullens since he and Carlisle had become great friends. In the end I accepted, so here we are now helping the Cullen's to move. Luke already returned with Kae to pack his stuff and because he had to start working. He helped Carlisle getting a spot on the same hospital where he works. Edward is very excited with the prospect of going back with us. Alice too is extremely giddy. Not even Jasper can calm her down. She and Esme had already been in town to get their house ready. They showed me some pictures and it was a lot like the one they had in Forks. "Love." Edward called after setting one last box in the trunk of the Volvo. "Yes Edward?" Instead of answering he kissed me, pushing me against the car. "We need to help the others putting the boxes in the cars." I said breaking the kiss. "I think they can do very well without our help." He said leaning to kiss my neck. "What's wrong with you? You've been insatiable. We just came back from our honeymoon!" I "Well... I... do... have... five... years... to... make up... for. One month... was not... enough." He said between kisses. "Edward, could you please stop squishing your poor wife against the car and help us?" Emmett yelled from the inside of the house. Everybody laughed and I chuckled against Edward's shoulder. "Looks like you have somewhere else to be handsome." I whispered in his ear. "Nope. The only place where I have to be is your arms, so I'm pretty sure I'm in the right place." He replied. God! His voice makes my heart melt. I don't even dare to look in his eyes. "Edward, I swear that if you don't take your hands off of my little sister..." Emmett started again. "Come on, we have to help them!" I insisted. "Fine but first let me give you something." "What Edward?" "This." He said holding a heart-shaped crystal. It was beautiful. "It's a charm for your bracelet. Something that represents me. It was from my mother and I want you to have it." "It's beautiful. Thank you." I said planting a soft kiss on his lips and allowing him to put the charm in my bracelet. "Now let's help the others!" He groaned but followed me to the house.

Finally everybody was ready to leave; since Luke had already taken the Passat, the kids and I would ride with Edward. During the ride I thought about how everything had changed. In a little more than two months my life turned upside down. I found Edward again; we got married and are now starting a new life together with our kids and our family. I had missed the Cullens so much in the past few years. I had missed the sense of family that I feel when I'm with them. I wanted my kids to feel that too and now I have all I ever wanted. Edward held my hand during the entire way. I couldn't be happier. Edward's POV When we arrived I looked around taking in the place. The two houses were close to each other and were situated in a secluded part of the town, surrounded by woods. "Luke enjoys his privacy." Bella stated helping the kids to get out of the car. "Home!" The kids screamed running to the front door. Bella followed quickly to open the door for them, coming back to my side once they were inside. "So... do you like it?" She asked, uncertainty filling her voice. "I love it." In front of me was a two story grey and white house. It had a path that connected the driveway to the porch and it even had a scarecrow, thought the only thing that was there was grass. Bella noticed the way I looked at the scarecrow. "There's nothing planted there but the kids talked about it at school and when they got home they wanted to build one." She explained. "Let's go see the interior?" "Sure." She took my hand and pulled me to the door. Once we were inside Bella gave me a tour. Each kid had their own room and there was another one besides mine and Bella's, which used to be Luke (sr.)'s. Lizzie's bedroom was white and it was about ladybugs, everywhere you looked you could see ladybugs. Lilly's room was in tons of blue and green and Luke's room was sports themed. Bella's room was white and her comforter was in tons of blue and green which brought some colour to it. "I didn't use it much, just when the kids wanted to sleep together or when I wanted to be alone. We can remodel it if you don't like it." I didn't fail to notice the way she talked about the room. She didn't use it much. Past, this means that she will be using it a lot now, hopefully in my company... "It's great love. We don't have to change anything. In fact as long as I can be with you, I don't even care where we live." I gave her a quick kiss and she continued to show me the house." I was happy to notice that there was space in the living room to put my piano. As if reading my thoughts Bella walked to the space. "Here, we will put your piano. I asked Luke to rearrange some stuff so that there was enough space."

She said smiling. "Thanks but you shouldn't have bothered, I could put it in the other house." I said making my way to her. "I'm sure Esme wouldn't mind." "And not being able to hear you play when I want? I don't think so, besides I heard that you offered yourself to teach Lizzie how to play the piano. It will be easier if it's here." She explained. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. Since the wedding I was completely addicted to her presence. My body craved her touch every second of the day and if she wasn't near it was like if my whole body was burning, aching for her. I think that the five years I had spent without her were starting to show, like if I was trying to make up for all the lost time. I felt her lips brushing mine, bringing me out of my thoughts, I immediately captured her lips and she smiled, allowing me to deepen the kiss. "Mommy!" At the sound of Lizzie's voice Bella broke the kiss immediately. Two seconds later Lizzie was standing in front of us. "Yes hun?" "Are we going to school tomorrow?" "Of course, you already missed today." Bella said. "Will daddy take us?" She asked excited. "We are both going to take you tomorrow." I answered. Lizzie squealed and ran to Lilly's room. Bella turned to me and smiled. " There is no way I am going to miss the chance to make everyone in this town take back all the awful comments they have made about you and our kids." "Everyone woman in this town will be green with envy." Bella stated. I didn't quite understand her statement. "Really?" "Well, of course. I will be walking around with a Greek god claiming to be my husband." Her smile widened at the word husband, as did mine. Sometimes I still couldn't believe that she had married me and it pleased me to no end to hear her call me her husband. "I think it will be the other way around. All the men will be jealous because I managed to marry an angel. You are my angel. All mine!" I said, suddenly feeling very possessive. She was just mine. "Okay Mr Possessive, then your angel is telling you that here are a lot of boxes in the Volvo's trunk that need to be brought to the house so maybe we should get moving."

"I can bring them all you don't need to bother." I said, the gentleman in me kicking in. She just looked at me and rolled her eyes, ignoring me and starting to unload the trunk. Life couldn't get any better... The next day Alice kidnapped Bella to go shopping which meant that she couldn't take the kids to the kindergarten with me. After a quick explanation about how to find the kindergarten and a short kiss, Alice forced Bella to enter Rosalie's BMW and took off. I put the kids in the Volvo and head off to the kindergarten. I found it easily but we were already a few minutes late, since I didn't want to drive too fast. "Hello Miss Baker." The kids said when a blonde girl appeared at the door. She must be their teacher. "Good Morning kids." She said happily. She seemed to be nice; her thoughts were peaceful though curious. "Good Morning." I said. She looked at me and her eyes widened. He is so good looking! Maybe he's single! What am I THINKING? I haven't even seen him before. Apparently her thoughts aren't as peaceful as I thought. "Good... Morning..." She stammered. "Who are you? A friend of Miss Bella?" "No Miss, he's our father." Lilly answered. The woman's eyes looked like they were about to pop out. "Father?" Father? He certainly looks a lot like Luke but hadn't he left when miss Bella got pregnant? I thought he didn't even know he had kids. Are they together? Maybe he's too good for me but I can try. Maybe he and Miss Swan aren't together. Maybe I could... "Yes. Our daddy came back. Is it great?" Lizzie gushed happily. "Yeah." She answered. "I'm sorry, is everything okay with Miss Bella? It's usually her who brings the kids." "My wife is perfectly fine. She just went shopping with my sister so she couldn't come." I answered. Hopefully that would make her stop trying to wonder about ways to ask me out. "Wife?" She asked disbelievingly. They married? Before she left the town she didn't even know where he was, how are they married now? Did she just forgive him? "Mommy and daddy got married. It was so beautiful. Mommy looked like an angel!" Lizzie stated. "Correction Liz, your mom is an angel." I said smiling. "Oh! I had no idea!" Miss Baker stuttered, still thinking about my marriage with Bella.

"Leaving Bella was an awful mistake and when I found her again I wasn't going to let her go. I already lost too much time of my kids' lives and I love Bella very much. We got married a month ago." I explained "I see." Disappointment was clear in her voice. "My name is Anne Baker; I'm your kids teacher." She extended her hand for me to shake. "It's nice to meet you. Well I'm sure you have to go now. Bye kids." "Bye daddy! Will you come get us in the afternoon?" Lilly asked. "Of course. And I'll make sure to bring mommy with me." I smiled and kissed them goodbye, leaving a very shocked Miss Baker and my excited kids behind me. On the way home I decided to stop by the park. If Bella was at home I would have gone straight there but my evil pixie sister had decided to abduct my wife, so I didn't have much to do. I sat in a bench thinking when the conversation of two ladies seated in the bench behind mine called my attention. "... Have you heard that Isabella came back yesterday? I heard doctor Luke talk to that pretty girl he brought with him when he returned from his vacation. He seems to be very happy with her; I think her name is Katelyn or Kaelyn... I'm not sure." "I didn't know, but I heard that there was a new family moving here. I think that they arrived yesterday too. Dr Cullen will be working in the hospital and brought his family." So the town was already talking about our family? "Really? What do you know about them?" "Well, he and his wife are in their mid-thirties but they seem much younger. With them live Mrs Cullen's nephew; I think his name is Edward and Dr. Cullen's niece and nephew, they are twins. I heard that when Mrs Cullen's sister died they adopted her son and when Dr. Cullen's brother died they did the same with his kids. I think they can't have kids of their own." "How old are the kids?" "They are in their early twenties. Dr. Cullen and his wife were very young when they adopted them. Dr. Cullen's nephew and niece are already married but they still live all together." "What about Mrs Cullen nephew?" "I don't know. Mrs Cullen and Dr. Carlisle's nephew's wife have been renovating the big house next to Dr. Luke's. They are both very beautiful." "I don't know why they chose to live in that house; it only has woods around it not to mention they

won't have a minute of peace living next to Isabella and her annoying little kids." This woman was so jealous of Bella. "Amanda! Miss Bella's kids are very polite and intelligent." "Exactly, they are too perfect. It's sickening. And I'm tired to hear you defend Isabella. She thinks she's perfect. Her boyfriend left her, didn't he? Probably the best decision the guy made. Did I tell you that when I called her to invite her to Melanie's party she said she was visiting family? Of course I didn't believe her! Everybody knows that it's just her and her brother! They don't have anyone else. I pity Dr. Luke. He has to put up with her and her perfect kids. And she was extremely impolite. I already told Melanie to avoid her kids; they don't even have a father, who knows what Isabella is putting in their heads." I couldn't believe this! Then this was the woman who had called Bella to invite her and the kids to a party. Was this the type of comments that Bella had to hear from the whole town? How could she ever get used to hear this? "Amanda, don't be so harsh. I'm sure it's difficult for her to be a single mom." "And whose fault is that? She probably got drunk at some party and woke up the next morning pregnant. Maybe her ex- boyfriend isn't even the father of her kids..." If this woman doesn't shut her mouth in the next five minutes, I will do something very bad to her. How dare she saying that my kids are the product of a night of drunkenness? How dare she saying that Bella might even not know who the father of her kids is? "I think that Isabella looks a lot like Mrs Cullen and the wife of Dr. Cullen's nephew. They all have white skin and are very beautiful. I'm sure that if Mrs Cullen nephew isn't committed to anyone he will be interested in Isabella." "Are you insane? Who would be interested in her? Do you think that a young man like him would want a single mom that as three kids?" She really thought that? "Besides she's not even that beautiful..." She didn't know what was coming to her. I would make sure she would die of embarrassment this afternoon... "Excuse me..." I said to the women, turning around in my bench. They both looked at me. "I couldn't help to listen to your conversation. I'm sorry." "No. It's fine. You probably should be warned. Do you have any kids? Are they in the kindergarten?" Amanda asked. She was thinking about how gorgeous I was and that I was too young to have kids. "As a matter of fact, I do. And yes I just dropped them at the kindergarten, we were a bit late. We just moved here." I tried my best to keep my voice controlled, when the only thing I wanted to do was kill the damn woman for everything she said. "Well... If I was you I would keep them away from Isabella's kids. We have to go now. It was nice meeting you. Maybe we will meet again when we go pick up the kids. Bye." They got up and left, but not before Amanda tried to flirt with me. Seriously? I just told them that I had kids and from what

Bella told me she's married. It doesn't matter. I just want to see their faces when they find who I am! When Bella got home I was slightly calmer. I told her everything and then talked to her about my plan. She loved it. Then I proceeded to tell the rest of my family what I had heard. Jasper and I almost had to hold Emmett and Rosalie to stop them from chasing the woman. Alice was calmer because she had seen my plan. Bella and I returned to our house to wait for the time to go get the kids. Jasper and Emmett were entertained with a surprise for the kids. When the time to pick up the kids arrived I was eager to put the rest of my plan in action. Bella insisted on driving so while she parked the car I entered the kindergarten. Like I expected the women from that morning were already there. "Hello! Your wife?" Amanda asked. Maybe he doesn't have one. Maybe she had died or he's divorced. She didn't really want to know where my wife was, just if I had one. I almost laughed. "She's just parking the car." The woman's face was full of disappointment. I didn't know what to think! Maybe she wasn't happily married. Unfortunately she wasn't thinking about her husband so I couldn't know. I was now waiting for Bella to finish my plan. Though before Bella appeared I saw the kids running to me. This was going to be even better than I thought. I smiled at them and they smiled back. "Where is your kid?" Amanda asked looking at the kids who were now exiting the room. I didn't answer. "Daddy!" Lilly said hugging my leg. By the corner of my eye I could see Amanda staring shocked. I picked Lilly up while Lizzie and took my hand and Luke stand beside me. I could see that Bella was already coming to us. "I didn't even introduce myself, how rude of me." I started speaking sweetly. "My name is Edward Cullen and this is my wife Isabella Cullen." I said in the exact moment Bella arrived. She took Lilly from my arms and I extended one hand towards Amanda. She didn't make a move to shake it. Her thoughts were a mess and she was staring at me with a stunned expression. I wanted to laugh so hard! The look on her face was priceless. Well done handsome! Bella thought, smiling at me. "You know what they say, love: payback is a bitch" I spoke too low and fast for humans' ears. Bella's smile widened. From what I could say from other parent's thoughts, Amanda had told to a lot of them about out talk in the park this morning which had turned this into a public humiliation. She had told everybody how I looked like, which meant that everybody knew I was the same person she talked to in the park this morning. I quickly informed Bella of this. The room was completely silent.

"You... are her... kids' father?" Amanda asked after a few minutes. "I am." "But you left her." "That was the biggest mistake I ever done in my life. I thought I was protecting Bella. I had no idea she was pregnant. But now we found each other again and we got married. I love her and our kids more than everything." I said so that everybody in the room could hear. "You... a..." She didn't know what to say but it was fine for me. Nothing of what she could say interested me. "I heard that in the past few years some rude and fake comments have been directed to my wife and kids and I would really appreciate if that stopped." I politely asked. "Of course." She stammered. Everybody started leaving and a few minutes later only Bella, I, our kids, Amanda, a little girl and an old lady were left. I still had a few things to say. "Kids why don't you go and wait there?" I said pointing to a few chairs on the other side of the room. They happily obliged and the other little girl, that I assumed was Amanda's daughter, followed them. "So you are the jerk?" The old lady asked. It's Amanda's mother, Natalie. Do you remember? Bella thought. I remembered. Bella said that Natalie had helped her and was a friend of her. "Yes, Im the jerk. Leaving Bella was the worst mistake I ever made but we are happy now. I love her very much." "You better take good care of her!" Natalie said smiling. "I will ma'am. I just wanted to clear a few more things with..." I looked at Amanda. I didn't know her last name. "Amanda Geller." She said. "With Mrs Geller before we leave." I said looking at Amanda. "You don't mind do you, love?" I asked Bella. "Of course not." She answered. I put my arm around her waist. "First, Mrs Geller, our kids are not the product of a night of drunkenness but of a night of love. Bella and I were both very lucid." My voice was cold but the feeling that invaded me at the memory of that night was warm. "Second, my wife does not think she's perfect, she is perfect and she's raising our

kids very well. No one would do better. Third, you think that if I didn't know Bella, I wouldn't be interested in her just because she has three kids, well, let me tell you that you are seriously mistaken. And last my wife is the most beautiful woman I ever laid my eyes on and you can believe me when I say that I have seen many beautiful women." I felt a lot better when I finished. Amanda was looking at me terrified, while her mother smiled. "I must say that I think you are the perfect guy for Bella." Natalie said smiling. "You have to go see me someday; I want to hear everything, especially about the wedding." Bella nodded. "Maybe we should get going, love. I'm sure the kids will want to see their surprises." I said. "Surprises? What surprises" They asked excited running to us. "Well, Uncle Emmett and Uncle Jasper were preparing two surprises for you." Bella said. "What is it? What is it?" "If we told you it would not be a surprise!" I said. They started pouting at Bella. "Come on mommy. We love you! Tell us! Pleeeaase!" Bella looked ready to give in. I just hoped they didn't try with me. Especially Lilly. She looked so much like Bella that I wouldn't be able to say no if she begged me like that. Natalie was thinking this was very fun and sweet and the little girl was dying with jealousy. I felt sorry for her. It wasn't her fault that her mother was not a good person. "Daddy? Please. Tell what our surprises are. Please!" Lilly begged unleashing the force of her brown eyes on me. I couldn't resist those chocolate brown-eyes. "Lilly!" Bella scolded. "Don't dazzle your father. It's surprise so when you get home you will see. Now say goodbye." "Goodbye. Come on daddy. Let's go! We want to see our surprises." They said running to the door. "Let's go, love. Goodbye." And with that Bella and I left the kindergarten. When we got home, everyone was there and the kids demanded their surprises so we went to the garden where a big tree was. When the kids looked up they saw the huge house tree Jasper and Emmett had built for them. They were so excited. Then Alice went to get their second surprise. When she and Bella went shopping Alice bought three bikes. It was impossible to describe their happiness. Jasper, Emmett and I would be teaching them to ride the bikes. The kids were ecstatic. While they explore the tree house Bella and I sat in the grass, watching them. "In the kindergarten... it went well, don't you think?" "Well? Well? You were amazing! I had never seen Amanda Geller like that! I didn't even need to be

Jasper to feel the jealousy and the embarrassment coming off of her. Though you could have been less cold. The woman was practically shaking with fear." She said, letting escape a small laugh. "And I didn't really like to humiliate her so publicly but I guess it was her fault. She shouldn't have told everybody." "Maybe now she will learn not to gossip and comment on other people's lives. After all the things she said about you, you still care about her? You are too good to be true my Bella. My angel. Maybe one day I'll wake up and see that this was only a dream." "Vampires can't sleep, silly." "Sometimes I'm afraid that these last two months didn't happen and that this is all my imagination. I'm scared of closing my eyes, afraid that you will disappear." I said truthfully. "This is not a dream or a product of your imagination. You're not that imaginative and I'm not going to disappear. There's nowhere I'd rather be than here, with you. I'm yours forever. I love you." And she kissed me. I didn't care if the kids or our family were watching because right now, all that mattered was us. Bella and I. This was our moment. Just ours. When Bella broke the kiss we looked around. Alice, Emmett, Luke (Sr.) and Jasper were in the tree house with the Lizzie and Luke; Rosalie and Carlisle were helping Lillian to ride her new bike and Esme and Kae were cheering. This was our new family. Everyone was so happy. I got up and pulled Bella with me. I grabbed her by the waist and spun her around while she laughed. Then I stopped and cupped her face with my hands. "Bella, I love you." "I love you too Edward." Forever "Forever, my love." During the next few weeks Bella and I were topic of conversation through the whole town. When we passed people whispered, some were jealous, others were shocked but there was also some that were happy. And there were a few that actually apologized for the way they had treated Bella. But we came to the conclusion that we didn't care anymore. It didn't mattered what people thought or said about us. We had each other and our kids. We were happy and we loved each other and our family very much. That was the only thing that was important. We had accepted and dealt with the consequences of our actions and, in my case, my mistakes and our love made us strong and brought us to where we are now. It brought us our happy ending.

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