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Employee engagement 1. What is employee engagement?

Definition of Wikipedia: Employee engagement is a concept that is generally viewed as managing discretionary effort Definition of IES: Employee engagement is a positive attitude held by the employee towards the organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization. The organization must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a two-way relationship between employer and employee. 2. Features of employee engagement: Understanding of business context and the bigger picture Respectful of, and helpful to, colleagues Willingness to go the extra mile Belief in the organization Desire to work to make things better Keeping up to date with developments in the field. 3. Diagnostic tools of employee engagement Training and development Performance management Communication Equal opportunity Fair treatment Pay and benefits

Health and safety Cooperation Family friendliness Job satisfaction Immediate management 4. Different of employee engagement and employee satisfaction Employee engagement is what we get when an employee is motivated by the job; is successful in the job; is well managed by the supervisor and paid fairly by management. Employee satisfaction is what we get when we give employees things they want. So that an employee may be fully satisfied but is unsuccessful.

Employee engagement benefits

Benefits of engagement from employee 1. Improve pride of the corporate-partners will have a feeling of corporate pride among their staff by showing off their commitment to a sustainable development. Staffs deep attention to the program also shows that their development is highly in accordance with the agenda of the organization. 2. Putting fellowship into practice of HR-When the programs are included in the partners HR strategy, they may become an important part of plans on professional development. 3. Motivational driver the management can use placements as a reward for staff but not use pay. 4. Identify internal champions for change The program of employee engagement helps practitioners of CR to discover and establish internal champions that are expected to create a great change in the company. 5. Increased productivity employees will feel relaxed and inspired. Direct managers will report greater productivity in returning employees. 6. Improved competency of employee soft skills can be built through experiences but not in the environment of a training room. After such experiences, participants can improve their confidence in all aspects of lives, helping them do job more effectively. In additions, your skills of team building, communication, analytical thinking, leadership, diplomacy, flexibility, conflict resolution, change-readiness, problem-solving and listening will be improved.

7. Recruitment Research has shown that in case of making decision on two equal companies, highly 8. qualified staff will select the one which has better environmental performance/stance. The program forms part of value proposition to graduate recruits (CPI Shell Research 2005). 9. Retention Showing commitment to corporate citizenship is considered to be a string factor in keeping staff. Aligning individuals personal values with those of the company is a powerful motivator.

Useful employee engagement programs

Useful engagement programs Some useful company engagement programs could include: 1. Provide long term strategic vision for business growth. 2. Employee suggestion systems / quick responses. 3. Weekly blog related to serious business issues and staff to read / comments. 4. A daily column, written by Directors, Chairman, on the intranet with company announcements / programs etc. 5. Online real-time tracking of progress. Employees can view company progress towards targets / goals.

Factors for Higher Employee Engagement

Factors for Higher Employee Engagement Here is a list of some contributing factors:

1. Understanding of corporate goals/mission 2. Understanding of jobDiagnostic tool for employee engagement

Diagnostic tool for employee engagement include the following

1. Training 2. Development 3. Career 4. Performance appraisals 5. Performance management 6. Family orientation 7. Friendliness 8. Job satisfaction 9. Communication 10. Equal opportunity 11. Fair treatment 12. Pay 13. Benefits 14. Health 15. Safety 16. Cooperation and how it contributes to overall corporate goals 3. Clear communication of goals, expectations, directions 4. Job design 5. Job fit 6. Support and tools 7. Work-life balance 8. Workplace culture/morale 9. Co-worker relationships/good team environment (enjoy colleagues) 10. Fair HR practices 11. Independence & innovation 12. Relationship with boss/direct reports 13. Clear feedback on performance 14. Recognition 15. Learning and development opportunities 16. Opportunities for advancement 17. Pride in organization 18. Employee input 19. Employee involvement in decision making

TEI (Total Employee Involvement/Engagement) Activities

Employee Involvement Tools

EI (Total Employee Involvement/Engagement) Activities is one of the effective tools of Employee Engagement. It promotes the involvement of employees, empower them, which results in high morale. TEI activities include key ones as follows: 1. Quality Control Circle (QCC). 2. Task Force. 3. Suggestion Scheme. 4. Supervisory Improvement Team (SIT). 5. Cross Functional Team (CFT).

Employee engagement activities

Employee engagement activities / programs 1. Picnic at intervals on a regular basis. 2. Movie at 2 month intervals. 3. A every-day column on the intranet with announcements / programs of the company, written by CEO, 4. Use an overhead paging system to update information. The system can recognize employees based on business achievements 5. Suggestion systems / quick responses of employees. 6. Replay on the intranet about the presidents / CEOs press conference. 7. Live version of magazine on internal house. 8. CEO spending time communicating face to face with employees. 9. CEO used FAQ questions to know more about the business operation of the company. 10. ONLINE ask the CEO mailbox. 11. Give awards to staff monthly. 12. Give annual awards to staff

13. Write blogs every week on serious issues related to business and ask employees for reading/recommendations. 14. Make appointment with management team of disaster. 15. Make appointment with management team of emergency 16. Committee in charge of problem solving. 17. Committee in charge of quality assurance. 18. Implement training programs on soft skills and other required training programs. 19. Online real-time tracking of progress. Company progress in fulfilling targets/goals can be viewed by staff. 20. Provide long-term vision for the growth of business. 21. Indoor Games as well as Outdoor games, like Chess, Cricket, Badminton etc. 22. Celebrate Birthday parties for employees.

12 questions of employee engagement survey 12-questions survey that identifies strong feelings of employee engagement. Results from the survey show a strong correlation between high scores and superior job performance. These questions are designed based on model of IES 1. Do you know what is expected of you at work? 2. Do you have the materials and equipment you need to do your work right? 3. At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day? 4. Are your associates (fellow employees) committed to doing quality work? 5. Do you have a best friend at work? 6. In the last six months, has someone at work talked to you about your progress? 7. In the last year, have you had opportunities at work to learn and grow?

8. In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work? 9. Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you as a person? 10. Is there someone at work who encourages your development? 11. At work, do your opinions seem to count? 12. Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important?


1. I am committed to my organizations core values 2. Our customers think highly of our products and services 3. My opinions count 4. I have a clear understanding of what is expected of me at work 5. I understand how I can contribute to meeting the needs of our customers 6. I have been fairly rewarded 7. Senior leaders value employees 8. Everyone is treated with respect at work, regardless of who they are 9. I can concentrate on my job when I am at my work area 10. My personal work objectives are linked to my work areas business plan 11. I clearly understand my organizations mission 12. Senior leaders have the capability to make my organization successful 13. I am encouraged to take ownership of my work 14. My organization is involved in supporting the community 15. There are career opportunities for me at my organization 16. You can balance work and personal interests at my organization and still progress 17. My organization allows me to maintain a reasonable balance between my family and work life 18. The amount of pressure I experience in my role is reasonable 19. There is sufficient incentive to perform well at my organization 20. My pay is competitive compared to similar jobs in my organization 21. My immediate manager gives me the support I need to do my job well 22. People in my organization have the capability to do their jobs effectively 23. My organization is effective at attracting and retaining talent 24. I have the authority that I need to do my job well 25. My organization actively promotes health and well-being 26. My organization invests in its peoples learning and development

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