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Volume 1, Issue 9

June 4, 2012

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Our next meeting will be held Wednesday, June 6, at 4:30 p.m. at Moon High School in the LGI room.
...while there are excess C-130s in use now, they are vital to national security, both in theatre and domestically. Therefore, dramatic cuts to the C130s may not occur during this budget cycle.
Dr. Ashton Carter, Deputy Secretary of Defense, the featured speaker of the American Enterprise Institute at their conference held May 30, 2012, on DOD budget priorities in the coming years. Excerpt taken from a press release by Cassidy & Associates.

Upcoming Events

June 7SECAF coming to the 911th. Date is not set in stone so keep watching for updates. June 10Support the Troops Rally in Beaver June 16Paintball Fundraiser in Freedom, PA. Looking for volunteers and/or participants.

Latest Web Updates

Lt. Gen. Stenners testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee Statements from Dr. Ashton Carter in a press release from Cassidy and Associates. Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) mark ups for the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2013 in a press release from the SASC.

...The Air Force Reserve should receive 4% ($17.7 M) of the Air Force MILCON budget ($442M); however, we are projected for only 2.5% (11M) of the program. The Active Component and Guard both exceeded their equitable chare at the expense of the Air Force Reserve...We provide 3.5 combatready reservists for the cost of one active-duty Airman.
Lieutenant General Charles E. Stenner Jr., Chief of the Air Force Reserve in his testimony May 23, 2012, before the Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Defense. Excerpt taken from the written testimony of General Stenner. To read the full documents, go to

The Moon Township Board of Supervisors and staff will all be wearing Save the 911th t-shirts throughout the broadcast of the next televised public meeting on Wednesday, June 6, 2012.

Talking Points#8
Pittsburgh International Airport Location Provides High Value and Low Cost to the Air Force. The Allegheny County Airport Authority controls over 8,800 acres at the airport. Much room for military expansion if desired by DOD. Extra land offered to the Air Force at no cost since 1995. Four runways available (3 parallel, 1 crosswind) To read more, you can go to

Becoming Joint Reserve

The Marine Reserve from North Versailles is looking for a new home. Although the Navy Reserve from North Versailles is building a new headquarters as a tenant at the 911th Airlift Wing, the Marine Reserve is still looking. Several locations have been considered including locations at the Pittsburgh Airport and adjacent to the 911th. We are hoping that with a move to the airport as part of the military complex forming there, that the airport property will become a truly Joint Reserve Base which should secure a long and cost effective strategic home for the Western Pennsylvania Military.

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