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Address: Vilas.M.K Pavan Paying Guest IIMB Post Near Bilekhalli Bus Stop. Vilas.M.K Email : vilas.hsn@gmail.

com Mob NO : 7795711929 Bilekhalli Bangalore-560076


To work for an organization which will help in value addition and serve as a spring board to move ahead in my career by providing me interesting career opportunities and harness the best of my caliber
Course Undergone

Undergone Training in Manual Testing for 3 months from Honey Dewz Software Technologies Bangalore
Course Rating: A+

Software Testing Skills:

As the part of course I have undergone the following:Manual Testing:

Extremely good knowledge in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Testing Life
Cycle (STLC).

Through Knowledge of White-box testing and Black-box testing, Regression, Smoke, Adhoc, Performance, Usability, Accessibility, Recovery, I18N, L10N Testing. Good in Writing Traceability matrix and Test plan.

Strong in writing Test cases by applying White Box Design Technique and Black Box Design Technique. Very good Knowledge of Reviewing and Executing Test Cases Very good knowledge in Functional, Integration, System, and Acceptance Testing.

Excellent knowledge in Defect tracking- Manually as well as using Defect Tracking Tool. VB Script: SQL Components of sql Arithmetic operators Set operators Join conditions
Knowledge in fundamentals of VB Script. Knowledge of writing VB Scripts.

Performance Testing: Sound good knowledge of Virtual Memory, Paging and Swapping Process. Strong knowledge of Load, Stress, Soak, Failover, and Fail back Testing.

Proficient in Objectives of Performance Testing.

Education B.Tech (Information science)

In 2011 with 55% Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, Mangalore Visveswaraya Technological University

HIGHER SECONDARY: In March 2007 with 52% Karnataka Pre University Board Govt.Boys College, Hassan
SSLC: In April 2005 with 73.12% Karnataka State Secondary Education Board Sri Kalaveer Residential High School Alur Other Technical Skills

Area of Interest Database skills Operating System Computer Languages Other

: Software testing : SQL Server 2000 : Windows 7, Windows Xp, Linux : C, C++, Java, .Net, Web programming : MS Office, Adobe Photoshop

Project description Pursued a project on VEE (voice enabled examination system) Title Team Size Duration Software Platform Front End Database : : : : : : Voice Enabled Examination System 3 Members January 2011-June 2011 VB.NET Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SQL Server 2005

Description: The existing manual method of writing entrance examination is leads problem for handicapped and
visually impaired people. Because they must need help have scribe to write the exam. There are some system based examination methods, but those people cant work on keyboard or mouse. So in our proposed voice enabled entrance examination user can directly interact to the system by voice command. To compare with the existing system our proposed system will be less time consuming and is more efficient. Also the analysis will be very easy in proposed system as it is automated. Achievements and Extra-curricular Activities Participated in College level competition.

Participated in University Level Volley Ball Competition.



Hard worker Innovative and quick to adapt to any situation. Ability to deal with people diplomatically.

Personal Information Name Date of Birth Fathers name Hobbies : : : : Vilasa M K 30-03-1989 Kumaraswamy Reading, Travelling, Sports

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