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The claim is made in SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812 BURIED IN TENNESSEE, by Mary H. McCown and
Inez E. Burns, Johnson City, Tennessee, 1959, page 45 that JOEL DYER (1754-1825) that he is buried in
Madison County, Tennessee and a "private marker" is at his grave. The first statement is certainly
inaccurate and there is no reason to assume Major Dyer's grave was ever marked with a tombstone,
private or otherwise.

Major Joel Dyer was probably buried on his homeplace as most individuals who died during the years of
early settlement in the Madison County, Tennessee area were conveniently interred on their own land
because there were relatively few village and church cemeteries at that time.

On December 13, 1820, while living in Rutherford County in middle Tennessee, Major Dyer entered in
his name and that of his wife, Sally Jones Dyer, 831½ acres of land in Surveyor's District 10, Range 3,
Section 10, based on a certificate warrant (#1941) in western Tennessee which had been purchased
from the Chickasaw Indians in October 1818 and organized in 1819 by the legislature of Tennessee into
a newly-acquired section of the state. (Hardeman Co., Tennessee Entry Book Series I, Volume 1, entry
105) This entry was also recorded in the Haywood County, Tennessee "Grant Book, 1820-1835, "page

In the next procedure towards gaining legal title to this acreage the Dyers had the 831½ acres surveyed
on February 10, 1821 by James Brown who was a deputy surveyor in the Tenth Surveyor's District; which
survey was "taken out" by a son-in-law, Henry L. Gray, January 20, 1822: (Hardeman County, Tennessee
Survey Book Series I, Volume I, survey #34)

Finally, Land Grant #17395 was issued to Joel and Sally Jones Dyer, June 11, 1822 and recorded on June
20, 1822 in Tennessee General Land Grant Book T, page 338 (also recorded in Madison County Deed
Book 1, page 55 on February 11, 1823):

State Of Tennessee No. 17395

To all to whom these presents shall come greeting. Know ye that by virtue of Certificate No. 1941 dated
the 10th day of October 1820 issued by the Board of Commissioners of West Tennessee to Joel Dyer and
Sally Jones Dyer his wife for 831½ acres and entered on the 13th day of December 1820 by No. 105.
There is granted by the said State of Tennessee unto the said Joel Dyer and Sally Jones Dyer his wife and
their heirs a certain tract or parcel of land containing eight hundred and thirty one and one half acres by
survey bearing date the 10th day of February 1821 lying in the 10th /surveyor's/ district in _______
/(county left blank) as the land when entered was technically a part of Stewart County but became part
of Madison County when it was established late in 1821/ in range three and section ten and bounded as
follows, to wit. Beginning at William Pillow's north boundary line of Entry No. 12 232 poles west of his
north east corner at a sweet gum and black oak, thence north three three hundred and twenty poles to a
black walnut and black gum, thence west four hundred and nineteen and five tenth poles to a dogwood
and black oak, thence south two hundred and forty four poles and five tenths of a pole to a black oak and
post oak on the line of Entry No. 64, thence east nineteen and four tenth poles to his corner, thence south
seventy five and five tenth poles to Pillow's corner, thence east four hundred and one tenth poles to the
beginning. With the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of
land with its appurtenances to the said Joel Dyer and Sally Jones Dyer and their heirs forever. In witness
whereof William Carroll Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand and caused the
Great Seal of the State to be affixed at Murfreesborough on the 11th day of June in the year of our lord
one thousand eEight hundred and twenty-two and of the independence of the United States the forty

By the governor, William Carroll

Daniel Graham, Secretary of state.

The Dyers moved onto this tract of land in 1821, establishing a home there. On September 28, 1821 Joel
Dyer signed a petition, along with many other men living in west Tennessee, to the effect, "We the
citizens of the Western District in the State aforesaid residing on the waters of the Forked Deer River",
requesting the legislature to lay out new territory into counties. (Tennessee State Library and
Archives:Legislative Petitions 61-1821) Madison County was one of the counties resulting from this
request (established November 7, 1821).

The Dyer tract was located south of the Middle Fork of the Forked Deer River (pronounced as fork-ed
deer) in northwest Madison County; a small tributary of this river cross6d the extreme southeast corner
of the Dyer tract. James H. Hanna, civil engineer (retired), Jackson, Tennessee platted the Dyer and
neighboring tracts from the land entry and survey records of the Tenth Surveyor's District (below), with
numbers showing location of specific entries:

l. Byrd Smith
2. William Pillow
3. Joel Dyer and Wife
4. Matthew Barrow
5. Robert Nelson
6. Jethro Sumner
7. Anthony Hart
8. James Lindle
9. John McIver
10. John McIver
12. Robert Houston
13. Benjamin McCulloch
14. University of North Carolina
16. Thomas Greer
On June 20, 1823 Major Dyer, with his wife's assent, conveyed to Blackman Coleman* in trust for Mary
H. Dyer, wife of Henry L. Gray and her son, James William Gray and any other children she might have,
the western half of the 831½ acre tract granted to them, reserving for himself and wife that portion
(east) on which the "improvements," residence and outhouses were located. Mary Henrietta Gray was a
daughter of Major Dyer and so stated in the deed. (The U.S. 1830 census, Haywood Co., Tenn. indicates
that she was born in the 1800-1810 decade, so that she was one of the younger children of Major Dyer's
first marriage or one of the oldest children of his second set of children.) This deed, which was
registered on December 13, 1823, noted that the Grays lived on the tract conveyed to her. (Madison
County Deed Book 1, pages 161-162) Years later, James W. Gray, then living in DeSoto County,
Mississippi, sold 225 acres of this Gray tract of 415 acres to Morris L. Bond, December 29, 1847 (IBID.
Deed Book l0, page 243) and 290 acres of it to Sugars McLemore, April 24, 1848. ( Deed Book 12, page
150) Presumably, James William Gray was the sole surviving child of the Grays. They had moved to
nearby Haywood County, where they appear in the U.S. Census, 1830. Gray was proprietor of the
Brownsville, Tennessee hotel and died near that town, February 24, 1832. (SOUTHERN STATESMAN,
Jackson, Tennessee, March 31, 1832) [*Coleman was a son-in-law of Joel Dyer. The latter gave land to
his daughter, Charlotte, wife of Blackman Coleman of Davidson County, Tennessee in 1817. (Deed Book
L, pages 179-180)]

On May 19, 1825, just a few days before his death, Major Dyer conveyed in trust to Daniel Madding of
Haywood County, Tennessee, for his wife, Sarah (Sally) J. Dyer, the 416 1/8 acre eastern portion of the
831½ acres that had been granted to them in 1822, being "the tract where I now live, " along with 274
acres on the Middle Fork of the Forked Deer River on which William L. Mitchell of Dyer County held a 54
acre claim and Robert Hay held a 66 acre locative claim; also 910 acres in Haywood County on the South
Fork of the Forked Deer River, being a residue of 5000 acres granted by North Carolina to Benjamin
Smith and later bought by Joel Dyer; a bond on John McIver for 740 acres; several notes due him;
household furnishings and farming implements and the slaves, Jacob, Lydia and Tilla. (Madison County
Deed Book 1, page 361; deed registered October 13, 1825) Major Dyer was clearly providing for his
wife's welfare, trying to secure for her a real and personal estate that would support her and their
younger children.

In the few days after this transaction, May 30, 1825, Joel Dyer was charged by the Madison County
Circuit Court to pay $214.74, plus $64.20 damages and 12½ percent interest on this debt from February
14, 1825 to Andrew Hyne and George Miles. (Madison County Circuit Court Minute Book 1, page 197)

Major Joel Dyer died, at home, June 11, 1825, aged 71 years. His obituary that appeared in the JACKSON
GAZETTE, June 18, 1825 states that he was a Revolutionary War veteran although no official record of
such service has been found. This is not difficult to understand, more especially if Dyer's service was
rendered in the back-country of North Carolina or eastern part of what is now Tennessee in a militia
fighting against Tories or pro-British Indians.
In August 1829 Sally J. Dyer filed her May 4 guardian account with the Madison County Court (Will Book
1, page 187) showing her 1827 expenses as guardian: for boarding Drucilla C., Joel S., Charles C., James
M., Cornelia J. and Sarah Ann Dyer, $300; for their clothing, $180; for their schooling, $52. The double
tax for the 2700 acres in their names, $54.

Daniel Madding served as administrator of Major Dyer's estate and he filed the inventory of his
personalty with the Madison County Court, November 7, 1825 (Will Book 1, page 562), which document
seems not to have been recorded in the first minute book or first will book of Madison County.

JACKSON GAZETTE, June 18, 1825:

DIED—At his residence in this county on Saturday morning last, Major JOEL DYER, aged seventy-one
years, one of the few surviving soldiers of the Revolutionary War. Major Dyer was an early settler in
Middle Tennessee, from whence he removed to this District in 1821. He was a man such respected for his
benevolence of character and esteemed by all who knew him, as a good Citizen and an honest man. He
has left an affectionate wife, and upwards of 100 descendants and a large number of relatives and
friends to regret his death. He was confined with the dropsy for several months and although in great
pain he bore his afflictions with fortitude and died without a murmur. Thus we see the soldiers of the
Revolution falling around us like the leaves of the majestic oak, before an autumnal blast; but although
they are consigned to their mother dust, their deeds of valor and the glorious result of their patriotic
devotion to their country, will live in our recollections, and their names be handed down to the latest

Sally J. Dyer moved to Haywood County, near Brownsville, Tennessee where she appears in the U.S.
Census of 1830, page 427. On December 15, 1830, she and Daniel Madden sold for $1660 the eastern
1/2 of the Dyer tract of some 415 acres, where her husband had died, to Samuel Tomlin. (For some
reason the 831½ acres in the grant was stated to have been 832 3/4 acres in this later deed record.
(Madison County Deed Book 3, page 389)

Sally J. Dyer died near Brownsville, December 14, 1831. (SOUTHERN STATESMAN, Jackson, Tennessee,
December 17, 1831) Her burial place is unknown.


l. Samuel Tomlin sold to Osborne H. Boykin, for $1675, 175 acres along the eastern boundary line of the
Dyer tract, April 5, 1832. Deed registered November 30, 1835. In a Chancery Court decree, July 18, 1837,
this transaction was confirmed and registered on September 23, 1837. (Madison County Deed Book 3,
page 411.)

2. Samuel Tomlin sold to John Tomlin 240 acres of the Dyer tract for $1200, October 23, 1832. (Madison
County Deed Book 3, page 214; registered March 4, 1833)
3. John Tomlin sold for $800 to Henry J. Person (Pearson) a portion of the Dyer tract, supposedly 240
acres but "now in consideration of a survey of said land is found to be only two hundred and twenty four
acres one rod and eighteen poles, "part of entry 105 entered in the names of Joel and Sally J. Dyer. A
contract had been entered into by these men for this transaction, January 17, 1834 and the sale was
confirmed January 5, 1836 and also registered January 5, 1836. (Deed Book 4, page 392)

4. On September 16, 1836, Osborne H. Boykin contracted with William Howard to sell to him for $1250
some 125 acres, part of the land Boykin bought from Samuel Tomlin, being part of the Dyer tract;
bounded partially by the land of Henry J. Persons (Pearson) and so confirmed September 20, 1837 and
registered September 25, 1837. (Deed Book 5, page 407)

5. William Howard sold the same 125 (or 124) acres to Henry J. Persons (Pearson), for $1000, September
20, 1837 and the deed was registered September 24, 1837. (Deed Book 5, page 409)

6. Osborne H. Boykin sold to Henry J. Persons (Pearson) for $250 50 of the 175 acres he had owned of
the Dyer tract, as described in this deed dated September 20, 1837 and registered September 25, 1837.
(Deed Book 5, page 408)

So it was that Henry J. Pearson (November 4, 1802-April 1, 1872), a native of Brunswick County, Virginia
(so stated on his tombstone) had but recently settled in this section of Madison County that was in Civil
District 9. The 1838 Scholastic Population listing (Jackson-Madison County School System records)
reveals that Henry Persons and Osborne Boykin were residents in Civil District 9 with several youth, aged
6 to 21 years, living in their households.

The plat, drawn by James H. Hanna, showing how the Dyer tract of 415 or so acres was divided up:

The U.S. Census, 1850, October 4, Civil District 9, Madison County, page 292, renders a real estate
valuation for Henry J. Pearson of $2500. The Pearson residence and outbuildings were located a short
distance north of the creek that flowed through the southeast section of the Dyer tract. Pearson
executed his will December 23, 1871 devising several tracts of land to his children, John E., Sarah Ann
Yarbrough, Thomas J., Nancy E., James H. and $1500, a buggy, furniture and the possession "she fetched
here" to his second wife, Martha. This will was the first will probated in Crockett County, on May 6,
1872. (Crockett County Will Book A, page 1-3; county court minute book A, page 28)

On November 23, 1871 this Dyer-Pearson tract of land was taken into a new county comprised of
portions of Madison, Haywood, Gibson and Dyer counties the county government of which was
organized March 12, 1872. The Dyer-Pearson tract then fell in Civil District 1 of the new county.

The Pearson home place was inherited by J. O. Pearson and others who sold 263 acres of the Pearson
tract, including much of the old Dyer tract, to W. P. Williams, November 1, 1911. (Crockett County Deed
Book U, page 566; registered July 15, 1912) Williams deeded to the J. H. Pearson heirs a 50'x 33' plot "to
be used as burring ground" by them, November 21, 1917. ( Deed Book Y, page 417; filed July 1, 1918)
This was the old Pearson graveyard wherein Henry J. Pearson and various others of his family are buried.
Emma Pearson had deeded to the Pearson heirs the family graveyard without specific bounds,
November 9, 1906. (Deed Book R, page 243)

The old Dyer-Pearson place is located about 9.6 miles northwest of the present city limits of Jackson,
Tennessee via the Bells Highway, Adair and Edwards roads. The Pearson cemetery is located on the west
side of the Joe A. Edwards Road about a mile north of its juncture with Adair Road. This present road
cuts through the old Pearson backyard, dividing the old house site on the east from the cemetery on the
west side. In October 1996, Mrs. Joe A. Edwards showed where the location of another old burial
ground is, now totally obliterated, part of a pasture, about .2 mile southwest of the Pearson cemetery,
located on a bluff overlooking a drain of the Pearson Creek. Mrs. Edwards stated that this was
supposedly the slave graveyard on the old Pearson farm.

It is a possibility that the remains of Major Joel Dyer are buried in the Pearson cemetery which may have
"grown" from his burial site to a fully-fledged family graveyard. There are no other known graveyards in
this locality, on the old Dyer tract, where the major may have been buried. If he is not buried within the
fenced-in Pearson cemetery it is likely that his remains are not far away.

Major Joel Dyer was born in 1753-1754 in the Virginia territory. He was reported to be a son of John
and Elizabeth Martin Dyer and an early resident of Tennessee, settling in Hawkins County from which he
was elected to serve in the second session of the state Senate, 1797-1799. "In 1796, appointed 2nd
major of Hawkins County militia; sometime justice of the peace, Hawkins County; may have been in the
War of 1812. About 1800 he removed to Rutherford County, involved in many land transactions; with
the opening of the Western District he removed to Madison County in 1821." (BIOGRAPHICAL
DIRECTORY OF THE TENNESSEE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, edited by Robert M. McBride, Nashville, 1975,
volume 1, page 222)

Major Dyer married when quite young to Sophia, whose maiden name may have been Weston and had
a large family of children, including Frances, wife of Thomas Mitchell; Robert Henry; Charlotte, wife of
Blackman Coleman; Sophia Weston and William H. Dyer. Major Dyer, evidently a widower, married Sally
Jones Christmas, in Davidson County, Tennessee, July 16, 1802. Their children were (probably, first,
Mary Henrietta, wife of Henry L. Gray); Maria T.; Drucilla C., Joel S., Charles C., James M., Cornelia J.,
who married James H. Turner, Lowndes County, Miss.; Sarah Ann, who married John Gillian, Walker
County, Georgia.

On June 15, 1823 Major Joel Dyer deeded for the "natural love and affection" for his children, Maria,
Drucilla, Joel, Charles, James, Cornelia and Sarah Ann 3300 acres on the South Fork of the Forked Deer
River, most of it being part of the Benjamin Smith land grants dated January 1795, acquired by John
McIver and by him sold to Joel Dyer. (Madison County Deed Book A, page 234; registered Jan. 19, 1826)
Dyer had purchased 5000 acres from John McIver, for a princely sum of $25,000, August 14, 1822.
(Haywood County Deed Book K, page 13; registered May 11, 1841)
In the first set of his children, Major Joel Dyer had one of his oldest children, ROBERT HENRY DYER, born
about 1774 in North Carolina; went to Tennessee with his parents when a youngster; lived in a time in
Grainger County, Tennessee. "Moved to Rutherford County, 1807;engaged in farming; moved again in
1819-20 to Madison County to become prominent in organization of that county; moved again to Dyer
County, named in his honor in 1823. . . .; commissioned lieutenant in Rutherford County Regiment, 5th
Brigade, Tennessee militia, July 28, 1807; commissioned captain in same regiment August 29, 1810; . . . .
in War of 1812; took part in Natchez Expedition, Creek War and defense of New Orleans; was colonel 1st
Regiment, Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry or Mounted Gunmen; was in the Florida War in 1817-18." He
served in the state Senate, representing Rutherford and Bedford counties, 1815-1817. (BIOGRAPHICAL
DIRECTORY OF THE TENNESSEE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, edited by Robert M. McBride, Nashville, 1975,
volume 1, page 223)

Colonel Robert Henry Dyer was among the first magistrates of Madison County, meeting with the
county court that organized the county at the office of Adam R. Alexander, December 17, 1821.
(Madison County Court Minute Book 1, page 1) He appears in the county minutes in various ways. On
March 18, 1822 he registered with the court his "stock mark," a cropped left ear on his livestock. On
June 17, 1822 the county court granted him "leave to keep an ordinary at his house in this county" , a
business similar to a tavern where travelers would be able to take their meals and sleep over-night. On
June 19, 1822 he was appointed as one of the several men to serve as a jury of view to lay out a road
"beginning at the place where the Carroll Road from the county seat in Carroll County to the county seat
in Madison County intersect the line between the two counties thence the nearest and best way to the
house of Robert H. Dyer to Caruther's Ferry on the South Fork of the Forked Deer River" and report their
actions at the next term of court. The road was laid out and his place was noted as being near the route
it ran in September 1822.

Colonel R H Dyer was one of the commissioners appointed by the county court to have a bridge built
over the South Fork of the Forked Deer River at Shannon's Landing in June 1823. He served actively on
the county court in the summer of 1823 and also in December 1823. Dyer County, Tennessee was
created October 16, 1823 and was named for him. When the town of Dyersburg was laid off, "The
commissioners selected the present site of Dyersburg, then known as McIver's Bluff and John McIver
and Dyer each donated sixty acres of land upon which to locate the county seat and lay off a town. In
July 1825 the town was laid off into town lots which were sold at public sale on the 12th of that month."
(Weston A. Goodspeed's HISTORY OF TENNESSEE, Dyer County, Nashville, 1887, page 844) As of April 26,
1824 when Colonel Dyer sold a tract of land in Madison County, he gave his place of residence as Dyer
County but on June 30, 1824 when he sold another tract, his place of residence was given as Madison
County (Madison County Deed Book 1, pages 208, 290). Hence, he may have lived very briefly, early in
1824, in Dyer County and returned to Madison County that spring. Almost certainly he continued
residence in the same place he had lived for years as the Carroll Road was in the area where he lived
until he died in 1825. In A HISTORY OF DYER COUNTY, by Albert L. Hulme and James A. Hulme, 1982,
page 60, it is stated that Colonel Dyer was the first postmaster at what became Dyersburg, April 9, 1822.
If so, he had a deputy work in that post for him.

Colonel Dyer had several tracts of land to sell and advertised in the JACKSON GAZETTE, April 30, 1825
that those persons interested in same would "be shown the lands by applying to me, eight miles north
of Jackson, Madison County."

Colonel Dyer ran against William Arnold of Henderson County for the major-general post, third division
of state militia in the spring and summer of 1825 but lost to his opponent. (See mentions regarding this
election, in the JACKSON GAZETTE, April 16, July 9, 16, 30, 1825.) In one issue of this newspaper, May 7,
1825, Colonel Dyer stated that his military record was widely known in Tennessee "where I have been
raised and have always lived and have ever since the battle with the Cherokee Indians at Nickajack, in
the year 1794, a volunteer soldier and have raised men and marched with them in all the campaigns
that have ever gone from the state. . . . "

At the same time an article about Colonel Dyer appeared in the KNOXVILLE ENQUIRER, volume 1, #4,
June 23, 1825 (which in numerous publications has been misquoted as having been published in 1826 or
Col. Dyer was born in the State of North Carolina; and at the age of eight years, his father settled on
Holston river in east Tennessee. At this time, or shortly after, it is well known that the frontier
settlements were continually disturbed by the inroads of the Indians. Dispersed as were the pioneers of
that day, these savage depredations could not fail to destroy domestic security, and embitter every
moment of ____ting time. The dreadful realities that occurred from time to time in the settlements,
which were the most powerful, although they were even more feeble. The precarious tenure of their
comforts and the supports of government were unknown in this wilderness. Everyone was compelled to
trust to his own arms for protection. The aid of the general government was never furnished. Although
young, no one braved danger with more ardor than Dyer. At length the state found it indispensably
necessary to subdue the ferocious Cherokee Indians. For this purpose troops were raised. Which were
destined for Nickajack. Young Dyer was among the first to volunteer as a soldier. His intrepidity soon
attracted attention and he was appointed an Orderly Sergeant. . The troops reached Tennessee river
about 11 o'clock at night. On the opposite bank was the village. To reconnoiter the situation and make
the attack before light was the grand object. The skill and energy of Dyer pointed him out as one well
suited to perform a duty of the first importance. The command of the spy company was given to him. A
craft of raw cow-hide, constructed for this purpose, served on this emergency to transport the arms of
this Spartan band. With dispatch he learns the situation of the Indians and returns. His company is
posted about a hundred yards from the river, to cover the crossing of the main army. His activity on this
occasion proved to be of great utility. The Indians were surprised in their camp immediately after day
break and completely routed. This victory was the more distinguished. as it led to permanent peace with
the Cherokees and has never yet been violated. In 1803, we see the same love of military renown
impelling Dyer to join the ranks of his country and defend her honor from perfidy and indignity which
were about to be practiced by Spain, in the concession of the Louisiana country. The U. States ordered
into the fight a sufficiency of troops from the different western states to carry into effect the Spanish
No sooner had Congress, in 1812, authorized the raising of 50,000 volunteer troops (of which Tennessee
furnished 2,500) Then Dyer, impelled by the same amor patria, collected a company and reported himself
to Jackson, the Major General of the Tennessee Militia. There he receives a captain's commission from
the President of the United States. The Tennessee troops were shortly after ordered to Natchez. Nashville
was the place of rendezvous. Here Capt. Dyer was elected Lieut. Colonel. On this expedition he acquired
the esteem and confidence of his soldiers, and was highly respected by the superior officers. The time
arrives when his talents as a military man were to be more fully developed; his patriotism was about to
shine forth in all its splendor and glory. The United States were contending with one of the moat
powerful nations on the globe, which at this time held the sceptre of all Europe. Nor was the merciless
Indian inactive in this contest, instigated by agents from Great Britain, the scalping knife and tomahawk
were raised against our defenseless frontier. Already had some families on Duck River been murdered
and scalped. This intelligence roused the indignation of the brave Tennesseans. The volunteers were now
called forth under the command of Jackson. Dyer met the summons with delight. No time was lost in
collecting his troops; marching them to the scene of danger. The well known skill and courage of Dyer
gave him the command of 200 men, who were detached to destroy a little village about 25 miles distant
from the main army. His gallantry and dispatch on this occasion drew from the commanding general the
highest commendation.

At the battle of Talleshathy, General /John/ Coffee, reposing the highest confidence in Col. Dyer, placed
his regiment in the most important station. In this engagement, Col. Dyer established himself by his cool
and determined bravery. The more furiously the battle raged, the more ardent his bosom burned with
the desire of applause.

This ambition and energy did not escape the notice of the Commander in Chief; out was rewarded by an
important command in the battle of Talladega. He was ordered to take the command of two hundred
chosen men, which were placed in the rear as a corps de reserve. Owing to some misunderstanding, the
volunteer regiment gave way; Gen. Jackson ordered Dyer to dismount and charge. The enemy at that
moment was pressing hard on our troops, which were in the act of retreating before them. Never was
there a command more promptly obeyed. Dyer, like a mighty Hercules, ordered a charge, which spread
dismay and death throughout the enemies ranks and immediately checked their progress. This inspired
his just-now retreating comrades with fresh energy. They returned to the combat. Gen. Jackson in his
report of this action, observed, "Too much praise cannot be bestowed on Col. Carroll, &c. or upon the
reserve commanded by Lieut. Col. Dyer, for the gallantry with which they met and repulsed the enemy."
Dyer was in every battle fought in the Creek nation and distinguished himself as a brave and judicious
commander. He commanded a regiment at Pensacola, at St. Marks, and at New Orleans on the night of
the 23d December, 1814. Ever the same successful officer, his command did not leave him when his
horse was shot under him at Orleans and he was wounded. The facts are relative to the above-
mentioned transactions which constantly hurried Dyer to the most brilliant and uninterrupted success in
a career, which at every step evinced an unshaken determination to move forward for the benefit of his
country are familiar to those who fought and bled with him. His ardor and skill, adorned with as much
deliberate bravery as any man possesses, highly qualify him for a soldier and if the American nation
should again be called on to defend her rights, fresh laurels might be added to his brow, who has so
nobly bled for her.


Major Ezekial Brownlee Mason, one of the first in the vanguard of settlers of Madison County, one
interested in the historical development of the county, wrote in January 1872 (WHIG-TRIBUNE, Jackson,
Tennessee, February 3, 1872) that "Col. Robert H. Dyer, who commanded a regiment for Rutherford
County /during the War of 1812/ was buried on his farm, ten miles north of Jackson."

Shortly before Colonel Dyer's own demise, a younger brother was buried in the graveyard at his
homeplace; announced in the JACKSON GAZETTE, February 11, 1826, "The remains of Major William H.
Dyer was /sic/ interred at the residence of Col. R. H. Dyer, in this county, on the 27th day of last month.
There sleeps a soldier and a generous soul. "

Colonel Robert H.Dyer himself died, at home, May 11, 1826 and was buried on his farm. His obituary
appeared in the JACKSON GAZETTE, May 13, 1826:


Departed this life on Thursday, the 11th instant, at his residence in this county, after a short illness.
Colonel ROBERT H. DYER, a distinguished hero in the service of his country, under Gen. Jackson, during
the late war. Few men commanded more the respect and esteem of an extensive acquaintance in private
life and none ever deserved better of his country as a soldier. He served in all the memorable campaigns
under Gen. Jackson, down to the termination of hostilities at the celebrated battle of New Orleans. He
was brave, intrepid and ever foremost in battle, paved the way to victory. The memory of such a man
deserves more than a passing notice. We shall be pleased hereafter to obtain and present to our readers,
a biographical sketch of our much lamented and departed friend. A numerous family deplore his loss. His
remains were intered at his late residence, on yesterday, with military honors.

Colonel Dyer's son, Joel Henry Dyer, executor of his will, sold the homeplace, including the family
residence and the grave of Robert H. Dyer, 275 acres, for $1375 to John Lynch, January 3, 1827.
(Madison County Deed Book 1, page 572; registered September 6, 1827) Through several land transfers
dealing with this land this burial ground was named and reserved.

When John Lynch, Jr. sold his family's farm in north Madison County in March 1847, he reserved "one
eighth of an acre including the grave of Robert H. Dyre /Dyer/ and family and the family graveyard of
John Lynch, senr. decd. which is one acre including the graves inclosed by a brick wall." (Madison County
Deed Book 11, page 298) Located about 5 miles north of the intersection of Interstate 40 and the old
Medina Road at a point about .4 mile from the connection of this road with the old Medina Road is the
Lynch graveyard with the graves of John Lynch (1769-1842) and members of his family.

Robert J. Nowell purchased the land the Lynch and Dyer graveyards are located on, in 1944, but he had
lived at the location since 1938 and he was told by some of the older people in the community, including
the late Mrs. Mary Osborne, that a graveyard was once located in a field now about .1 mile northwest of
Nowell's residence and about .1 mile southeast of the Lynch graveyard; when he moved on the property
this graveyard had been abandoned and was part of a cultivated field. Nowell, from his long residence at
this location, familiar with the surrounding countryside knew of no other burial locations nearby. It
seems very likely that the obliterated graveyard in the field near the Nowell residence is that of Robert
H. Dyer and members of his family. In any event, Colonel Robert Henry Dyer died on this tract May 11,
1826 and is buried somewhere on it also.

As previously noted the Dyer family was early active in the laying out of the town of Dyersburg. Its
promoters announced in the JACKSON GAZETTE, June 4, 1825 that Dyersburg was located on "a high
bluff, on the north bank of the North Fork of the Forked Deer River, commanding a fine prospect of the
river and the surrounding countryside." Lots were to be sold on July 12th in the new town."And the day
is not far distant when a canal will be cut from the Forked Deer to the Mississippi, 30 miles above its
confluence with that majestic stream thereby shortening the distance one half & rendering the
navigation much better by avoiding the worst part of the river."

Colonel Dyer petitioned the General Assembly of Tennessee to loan him $3000 "for the purpose of
cutting a canal from the Forked Deer River /the main initial course of the river, as alluded to in the June
4, 1825 newspaper article/ into the Mississippi, out of any of the academy funds in the hands of said
treasurer /of West Tennessee/ belonging to any of the counties west of Tennessee river." On December
3, 1825 the legislature passed an act providing for this loan, "provided said Dyer give into the said
treasurer, bond and approved security for the repayment of said money 50 loaned and a further bond
with security, that he will appropriate said money for the purpose herein named or that he will perform
the work by him undertaken as aforesaid." The interest on this loan was to have been paid semi-
annually to the treasurer of West Tennessee; that the canal would have operated "under the direction
and control of the legislature of this state." (ACTS OF TENNESSEE, 1825, Knoxville, 1286, Chapter 283,
pages 301-302)

The JACKSON GAZETTE announced this loan and its purpose for its readers in its December 17, 1825
issue, "The legislature has lent Col. R. H. Dyer $3000 to connect by a canal at Dyer's warehouse, which
will /shorten/ the navigation of the Forked Deer about 25 or 30 miles. At the point of connexion, by
actual admeasurement made by Mr. Henry Rutherford a few days back, the bank of the Mississippi is
ascertained to be 18 feet 10 inches above low water in the Forked Deer and 28 feet feet and 8 inches
above low water in the Mississippi, making a fall of 9 feet 10 inches from the Forked Deer to the
Mississippi — distance 110 poles."

The warehouse mentioned in the newspaper was located on the bank of the Mississippi River close to
where the Forked Deer ran into it. [In Dec. 1822 a jury of view was appointed hy Madison County court
to lay out a road from Nash's Bluff on North Fork of the Forked Deer River to Dyer's warehouse on the
Mississippi. (Madison Co. Court Minute Book 1, paqe 113)]

On November 23, 1826 the legislature passed an act in which Joel Henry Dyer, executor of Robert H.
Dyer's estate, was allowed to repay the $3000 over the years 1828, 1829 and 1830. (ACTS OF
TENNESSEE, 1826, Knoxville, 1827, Chapter 41, pages 41-42) The legislature continued this leniency by
legislative act, November 15, 1827, allowing Dyer to pay the loan in five installments, the first due
December 5, 1828, the others to be paid in annual payments, offering security as well to repay the loan
to the Bank of Tennessee, the financial agency of the state operative in this arrangement.

On January 7, 1827, Joel Henry Dyer mortgaged to the Bank of Tennessee at Jackson, on repayment of
the $3000 loan, payable in three year installments, with his securities Duncan McIver and Joseph
Scurlock, 166½ acres "near Trenton whereon the family now lives, " and two other tracts, 320 and 640
acres; several slaves. As trustees these two men were authorized to sell any of this property necessary
to "pay up the installments and interest." (Madison County Deed Book 1, pages 544-545)

To make it easier for the heirs of Colonel Dyer to repay the $3000 now increased with interest due, the
legislature allowed them to conduct a state lottery from the division of the late Colonel Dyer's landed
property. "This legislative act, December 31, 1829, provided that this land be held by the trustees
appointed for the purpose, for conducting the lottery; the land was to be divided into tracts and people
would buy tickets that would be placed in a container and a few would be drawn out of it, those so
drawn bearing the names of the winners of the tracts of land. If the lottery was not completed within
two years the money was to be returned to any ticket-holders there were and the property would revert
to Colonel Dyer's executor. (PRIVATE ACTS OF TENNESSEE, 1829, Nashville, 1829, Chapter 143, pages

Plans were frittered for holding such a lottery, replaced by a provision, by legislative act of November
11, 1833, for a lottery to raise $6000 for the Dyer heirs, with Joel H. Dyer providing security with a deed
of trust for his father's estate except for what was used to pay other debts. The lottery drawing was due
to be held three years from January 1, 1834. This was allowed because of the $3000 debt due the State
of Tennessee "and that the executor for the payment of the same, gave a deed in trust on the whole of
the estate of the said Robert Henry Dyer, excepting what was consumed in the payment of individual
debts, amounting to about a sufficiency to pay this debt, and that the collection of this debt would
deprive the widow and several daughters of the means of support and take from them almost all the
comforts of life ". Apparently the lottery was not held and the Dyer estate had to pay the indebtedness
from the sale of real estate. Whatever construction had been begun on the canal envisioned by Colonel
Robert H. Dyer had ceased. With funds for internal improvements passed by the legislature over the
years there were probably some monies appropriated for the clearing of obstacles in the navigation of
the North Fork of the Forked Deer River.

Colonel Robert H. Dyer executed a power-of-attorney, which had the effect of a last will and testament,
in which he named his son, Joel Henry Dyer, as his executor to transact business in his name and to sell
as much of his land necessary to clear his debts; "keeping all my personal property such as negroes and
the like for the use and benefit of my family, my wife, Susan Dyer to share alike." He prefaced this POA-
will with the statement that he was "now sick and knowing not how this disease may terminate" made
this legal provision for his son to act in his name. May 10, 1826. (Madison County Will Book 1, page 99;
probated August 7, 1826) A sale was held December 5, 1826 of the colonel's personal property,
including what his widow purchased there from, "for the raising and support of the children of the said
Robert H. Dyer," including a copy of the AMERICAN STATE PAPERS, a desk, ten chairs, a sideboard, a
dressing table, several cattle, swine, a yoke of oxen to pull a wagon, farm implements and a spinning
loom. An inventory of his personal effects showed that the colonel had owned slaves Jacob, Matt, and
Jane. Also listed were five bedsteads, a bureau, two dining tables, two mirrors, a dozen plates, flatware,
a dozen wine glasses, a brass candlestick, 34 acres of corn which was projected to yield five barrels of
corn per acre, an acre of potatoes, one acre planted in cotton and seven acres planted in oats.

The children of Colonel Robert H. Dyer and his wife, Susan (who was a daughter of Joab and Mary
Mitchell): Joel Henry Dyer, who was attorney-general of the 16th Judicial District, 1831-1836; Polly
Henderson, Sarah Eliza (perhaps it was she who married James L. Totten, June 20, 1833. Gibson County
Marriage Book A, page 29); Sophia Western; Anne Catherine; Susan Mitchell and Jackson Leone Dyer.
Nashville, 1975, volume 1, page 223)

From the SOUTHERN STATESMAN, Jackson, Tennessee, August 20, 1831, with mentions of several of
Colonel Dyer's immediate family: Dyer County, Tennessee was created by the legislature of Tennessee,
October 16, 1823. (ACTS OF TENNESSEE, 1823, Murfreesboro, 1823, pages 113-115)

CORRESPONDENCE OF ANDREW JACKSON, edited by John S. Bassett, Washington, D.C., 1926, volume 1,
page 248: Robert H. Dyer given as Lt.-Colonel in General Andrew Jackson's forces in December 1812.

A Journal of Washington, D.C., 1927, volume 2, page 128: General Andrew Jackson mentioned in
correspondence that Robert H. Dyer had been wounded in fighting the British at Pensacola, Florida in
November 1814.
More on Colonel Robert Henry Dyer, my 2nd Great Grand Uncle

A Tennessee hero lays buried in an unmarked grave on a small creek in Northern Madison County. His
name was Robert Henry Dyer, though referred to as Henry by his old commander, Andrew Jackson. He
was born in North Carolina, but grew up near the Holston River in Tennessee. Henry had first been
commissioned as an ensign during the "Nickajack Expedition" of 1794. This was an unsanctioned action
during the Anthony Wayne Campaign, when Tennesseans went against the Chickamaugans who had
been terrorizing local settlers. By 1807 he had been commissioned as a Lieutenant in the cavalry
regiment of the 5th Tennessee Brigade. He was promoted to Captain in 1812 before being elevated to
the rank of Lt. Colonel on the following year. It was in that year that he went with General Jackson on
the Natchez Expedition. This foray was a campaign against the Creek Indians that lived in the Tombigbee
and Alabama Rivers region. In October of that year he went out with a command of two hundred
Cavalry troops to attack a town called Littefutchee. The village was burnt and the Tennesseans, under
Dyer, returned with about thirty prisoners, and reported a large amount of corn and cattle in the
neighborhood. In November of that year Chief Red Eagle of the Creeks had surrounded the friendly
village of Talladega with thousand braves. To save the friendly village Jackson and his force of 2000 men
moved on the encampment. During the ensuing battle the militia line began to give way and the Indians
began to escape. A reserve force of cavalry commanded by Colonel Dyer was ordered by Jackson to fill a
gap that had been created in the line. It was later reported that Dyer, "Like a might Hercules, ordered a
charge which spread dismay and death throughout the enemies' ranks, and immediately checked their
progress." Jackson said of Dyer's command, that they "met them like Bull dogs" with two volleys and
killed "27 on the spot." Jackson's command had 17 killed and 83 wounded, while the "Red Sticks," lost
over 300 warriors. Dyer was Lt. Colonel of a regiment known as the "Tennessee Mounted Gunmen"
when he entered the New Orleans Campaign with his servant Mat and his brother William as Adjutant. It
would be at New Orleans that Dyer would gain lasting fame. He participated in the night attack against
the British on December 23, 1814. While trying to get back to friendly lines with his subordinate,
Lieutenant Colonel Gibson, "they ran into a body of British, who fired upon them; his wound was slight;
when he fell he was pinned to the ground by a bayonet, which pierced his clothes. He worked himself
loose, sprang to his feet and made his escape." Soon after this close call, he injured his thigh when his
horse fell dead upon the field. Dyer soon recovered and was recommended for a promotion by General
Jackson for his participation in the New Orleans defense. Col. Dyer ended his military career with
General Jackson's expedition against the Seminoles in Northern Florida, where he commanded the 1st
Regiment of Tennessee Volunteers. Dyer and Jackson would meet again few years later when "Old
Hickory" would make a trip to West Tennessee, where Col. Dyer and the Revolutionary war veterans of
Jackson would hold a dinner for him. Dyer had immigrated to West Tennessee by 1820 when he settled
on the North Forked Deer River. This was when Western Tennessee was still a very wild territory. Two
trails crossed at his homestead, one of which headed west to Harris Bluff on the South Forked Deer and
then to Memphis. The last 83 miles of the trail was uninhabited and without ferries or bridges. Later,
when West Tennessee was opened up for settlement, he became a Justice of the Peace and opened up
a saloon and registers office on his North Forked Deer settlement in Madison County. He ran for Major
General of the Tennessee Militia, but was defeated. It was believed that his defeat was due to the fact
that he was running for the position of elector at the same time. When the neighboring county of Dyer
was established in his honor, he moved there and became its first Postmaster and served on the first
County Court. His father, a former Militia General, was one of the first lawyers in the same county and
had the county seat named for him. In 1825, the subject received $3,000 from the state to dig a canal to
connect the Obion and Forked Deer Rivers near a warehouse he owned. However, he passed away and
never completed the project. He died a poor man, and was buried in an unmarked grave on the creek
that was named for him and not far from the county that still bears his name. At his death in May of
1826 the following obituary was run in the "Jackson Gazette." "Departed this, life, on Thursday the 11th
instant at his residence in this county, after a short illness Col. Robert H. Dyer, a distinguished hero in
the service of his country, under General Jackson, during the late war. Few men commanded more
respect and esteem of a extensive acquaintance in private life, and none ever deserved better of his
country as a soldier. He served in all memorable campaigns under General Jackson, down to the
termination of hostilities at the celebrated Battle of New Orleans. He was a brave, intrepid and efficient
as an officer, always at his post, and ever foremost in battle, paved the way to victory. The memory of
such a man deserves more than a passing notice. We shall be pleased hereafter to obtain and present to
our readers, a biographical sketch of our much lamented and departed friend. A numerous family
deplores his loss. His remains were interred at his late residence, on yesterday with military honors."
Quoted Sources: Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Empire, 1767-1821, by Robert V. Remini ;
The Beginnings of West Tennessee, by Samuel Cole Williams & "Jackson Gazette" May 13, 1826.

Father of Colonel Robert Henry Dyer is:

Joel Henry Dyer (1754-1825)

SENATE, 2nd General Assembly, 1797-99; representing Hawkins County (2nd session only; replaced
Joseph McMinn, resigned). Born in 1754, Virginia territory, son of John and Elizabeth Martin Dyer, who
later lived in Christian County, Kentucky. Went to Tennessee c. 1792 and settled on Poor Valley Creek,
near Mooresburg, Hawkins County. In 1796, appointed 2nd major of Hawkins County militia; sometime
justice of the peace, Hawkins County; may have been in the War of 1812. About 1800 he removed to
Rutherford County; involved in many land transactions; with the opening of the Western District he
removed to Madison County, 1821. Inherited land from both his father and father-in-law. He was
married (1st) to Sophia (Weston?), by whom he is said to have had fourteen children, the names of only
five being known--Frances (Mrs. Thomas Mitchell), Robert Henry, Charlotte (Mrs. Blackman Coleman),
Sophia Weston, and William H. Dyer. He was married (2nd) in Davidson County on July 16, 1802, to Sallie
Jones Christmas, daughter of William Christmas. Nine children by the second marriage, eight of them
being Mariah T., Druscilla C., Joel S., Charles C., James M., Sarah Ann “Sallie”, Camilla Jones, and Ann L.
Dyer. Died in Madison County on June 11, 1825 and is buried there. Father of Robert Henry Dyer,
sometime member Tennessee General Assembly; grandfather of Joel Henry Dyer; attorney-general for
16th District, 1831-36.
The Tennessee General Assembly established Dyer County in 1823 and named it in honor of Colonel
Robert H. Dyer. John McIver and Joel H. Dyer donated sixty acres for the new county seat, named
Dyersburg, at a central location within the county known as McIver's Bluff. In 1825 Joel Dyer surveyed
the town site into eighty-six lots; the first courthouse was built on the square in 1827

In 1823 The General Assembly of Tennessee passed an act to establish two new counties west of the
Tennessee River, Dyer County being one of them. In the early 1820s settler Joel H. Dyer purchased 640
acres and founded a town along the Forked Deer River. By 1825, the community of Dyersburg was
formed; it has served as the county seat ever since.

JOHN DYER 1 died unknown. He married Elizabeth Martin (w/o John Dyer).
Elizabeth (w/o John Dyer) 1 died unknown. She married John DYER.
They had the following children:

M i Joel DYER

Sophia WESTON ? 1 died 1801. She married Joel DYER.

"He (Joel Dyer) was married (1st) to Sophia (Weston?), by whom he is said to have had fourteen
children, the names of only five being known-- "
from TN GeneralAssembly Biographies; Hawkins co, TN
They had the following children:

F i Frances DYER
F ii Nancy DYER
M iii Robert Henry DYER
F iv Charlotte DYER
F v Sophia Weston DYER 1 died unknown.
M vi William H. DYER 1 died unknown.

Sallie Jones CHRISTMAS [Parents: William Christmas and Abigail McLemore] 1 died unknown. She
married 2 Joel DYER on 16 Jul 1802 in Davidson co, TN.
"He (Joel Dyer) was married (2nd) in Davidson County on July 16, 1802, to Sallie Jones Christmas,
daughter of William Christmas. Nine children by the second marriage, eight of them being ---"
(from TN General Assembly biographies; Hawkins co, TN)
They had the following children:
F i Mariah T. DYER 1 died unknown.
F ii Druscilla C. DYER 1 died unknown.
M iii Joel S. DYER 1 died unknown.
M iv Charles C. DYER 1 died unknown.
M v James M. DYER 1 died unknown.
F vi Sarah Ann DYER 1 died unknown.
F vii Camilla Jones DYER 1 died unknown.
F viii Ann L. DYER 1 died unknown.

Son of Joel H dyer

Robert Henry DYER [Parents] 1, 2 died unknown. He married Susan MITCHELL.

Susan MITCHELL [Parents] 1 died unknown. She married Robert Henry DYER.
They had the following children:

M i Joel DYER 1 was born 2 on 6 Mar 1801. He died unknown.

F ii Polly Henderson DYER 1 was born 2 on 14 Jan 1804. She died unknown.
iii Frankey DYER 1 was born 2 on 27 Jan 1807. Frankey died unknown.
F iv Sarah Eliza DYER 1 was born 2 on 10 Oct 1809. She died unknown.
F v Sopha Western DYER 1 was born 2 on 10 Mar 1812. She died unknown.
vi Parolee DYER 1 was born 2 on 29 Mar 1814. Parolee died unknown.
F vii Anne Catherine DYER 1 was born 2 on 12 Jun 1817. She died unknown.
F viii Susan Mitchell DYER 1 was born 2 on 26 Nov 1819. She died unknown.
ix Jackeoboena DYER 1 was born 2 on 15 Jun 1823. Jackeoboena died unknown


Assorted Dyer Facts:

1798 7 21.1 Mentioned in Grainger County boundaries Dyer Alram 1822 27 64.1 Land grant - Smith

Dyer James 1822 27 168 To settle with Grainger County commissioners

Dyer Joel 1797 6 13.4 Mentioned in Hawkins/Grainger County Boundaries
Dyer Joel 1799 8 46.2 Washington district elector
Dyer Joel 1813 19 13.1 Commissioner of Murfreesborough
Dyer Joel 1822 27 64.1 Land grant - Smith County
Dyer Joel H. 1826 31 Private 41.1 Executor of Robert H. Dyers estate
Dyer Joel H. 1827 32 Private 66.1 Executor of Robert H. Dyer deceased
Dyer Joel H. 1829 33 Private 172.5 Sergeant at arms - compensated
Dyer Joel Jr. 1809 16 106.1 Geneva Academy Trustee
Dyer John 1822 27 64.1 Land grant - Smith County
Dyer Joseph 1825 30 158 Holston River - fish dam authorized
Dyer Joseph 1829 33 Private 66.1 Rhea County - released from penal bond
Dyer Martha Ann 1822 27 135.1 Divorced - Rutherford County
Dyer R. H. 1824 29 128.2 Forked-Deer River
Dyer R. H. 1825 30 R.23 Land grant to be issued
Dyer R. H. (Colonel) 1824 29 53.2 Home on Forked-Deer River
Dyer Robert H. 1820 25 92.1 Home site of Surveyor General's office
Dyer Robert H. 1821 26 137.1 Surveyor's office removed from his home
Dyer Robert H. 1823 28 222 An act for his relief
Dyer Robert H. 1824 29 127.1 Land grant issued
Dyer Robert H. 1825 30 283.1 To cut canal from Forked Deer to Mississippi River
Dyer Robert H. 1826 31 Private 41.1 Deceased
Dyer Robert H. 1827 32 Private 66.1 Deceased
Dyer Robert Henry 1798 7 20.8 Sergeant-at-arms - paid for services
Dyer Robert Henry (Colonel) 1829 33 Private 143.1 Madison County - deceased - lottery for heirs
Dyer Spilesby 1827 32 Private 198.11 Rhea County - turnpike commissioner
Dyer William H. 1822 27 135.1 Divorced - Rutherford County
Dyer William sr. 1825 30 316.1 Grainger County - Madison Academy trustee
Dyer, Joel Commissioner of Murfreesboro 1813
Dyer, Joel One of first aldermen of Murfreesboro 1811

Joel H Dyer (general)

W G Dyer (sheriff)


1836 dyer co., Tax Roll

dyer joel h dist 4


Dyer, B. P. (m) Lasiter, N. J. (f) 26 Oct 1876

Dyer, B. P. Hosea, Emily 7 Oct 1879
Dyer, M. E. (f) Lasater, J. C. (m) 31 Jul 1873


1850 census TN dyer co., p.179

DYER R. A. 21 M W Boatman TN


col. robert henry dyer (177?)NC

brother : william

madison co. TN

1825 dyer county

was named for him

His father, a former Militia General, was one of the first lawyers in Dyer county and had the county seat
named for him. In 1825,


Dyersburg City Cemetery

Dyer Emma V. 1845 Nov 13 1892 w/o W. G. Dyer


General , Joel H Dyer

1810 census TN rutherford

joel dyer ... (45+) 1-0-10-01 ..... 322 ...9
census: males / females / slaves ... to10 - to 16 - to 26 - 45+


1820 census TN rutherford

Madison co. TN *************************************************

Jackson Gazette, No. 38, Vol. II, Feb. 11, 1826

The remains of Maj. WILLIAM H. DYER was interred at residence of Col. R. H. DYER in this county on 27th
day of last month.
W. S. DYER, 2d Lieut

Dyer, Joel H.


THE PIONEER, Jackson, Tenn., Tuesday. Sept. 9, 1823, #40

MARRIED: On Tuesday evening last, Mr. DANIEL MADING to Miss MARIA DYER, daughter of Maj. JOEL
DYER, all of this County.
sold land of WILLIAM B. WATSON, dec

In 1820 the Tennessee legislature passed an act for the organization of Madison County. In pursuance of
that act Governor Carroll commissioned Robert H. Dyer, ...

The County Court on June 17 granted license to Thomas Shannon, Robert H. Dyer and John Redens,
respectively, to keep an "ordinary," or what is now called a hotel and saloon.

Robert H. Dyer

September 16, 1822. The first case recorded was one of William Newsom against John B. Hogg and
Robert H. Dyer for a debt of $270.


The Jackson SUN, Jackson, Tenn., Nov. 19, 1875. STEPHEN DYER died last week./


1860 mortality schedule TN madison

Margaret Dyer 76 F W S.C. Feb. Old age


Claridge, Henry B. to Dyer, Rebecca J.

Iss'd. Sept. 8, 1853, Gamewell, Thos. W. (Clk.)
Witness: Claridge, Henry B. (Lauderdale Co.), Edwards, W. H.
Sol. Sept. 8, 1853, Sims, R. W. (J.P.)
deed book 1822-1845
JOEL DYER, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection for my children," Maria T. Dyer, Drucilla C.
Dyer, Joel S. Dyer, Charles C. Dyer, Jarnes M. Dyer, Cornelia T. Dyer, Sarah Ann Dyer, convey to them
300 acres, part of 2000 acres he bought from John McIver on the "north waters of the south fork of the
Forked Deer River," originally granted to Benj. Smith, Jan. 9, 1795. Also, 2000 acres, adjoining the first
tract, which he bought from John McIver, originally granted to Benj. Smith, Jan. 9, 1795. Also, part of
(Page 4)
3000 acres he had bought from John McIver, originally part of land grant to Benj. Smith dated Jan. 9,
1795. To "share and share alike." June 15, 1823. Reg Dec. 12, 1823. Wits H. L. Gray, John Bowen.

JOEL DYER, Madison Co., Tenn. made to BLACKMON COLMAN, Rutherford Co., Tenn. in trust for Mary H.
Dyer, his daughter and wife of Henry C. Gray and her child, James William Gray and any other children
she might have, ½ of 831½ acres granted State of Tenn. to Joel Dyer, whereon the Grays "now live."
Also, negro, Flora, 17 yrs old; negro, Malinda, 10 yrs old; Hardy, negro, 14 yrs old; livestock and
household furniture. June 20, 1823. Reg Dec. 13, 1823. Wits Will Harris, W. R. Hess

JOEL DYER, Madison Co., Tenn. conveyed in trust to DANIEL MADING for Dyer's wife, Sarah J., 274 acres
on "south waters" of "middle fork of Forked Deer River" in Gibson Co., Tenn. in which William L. Mitchell
of Dyer Co., Tenn. has a "locative interest" of 54 acres and Robert H. Dyer a "locative interest" of 66
acres also out of the 274 acres. Also, 910 acres in Haywood Co., Tenn. on north and south forks of South
Fork of Forked Deer River, a residue of 5000 acres granted by N.C. to Benj. Smith and conveyed by John
McIver to Joel Dyer. Also, a loan on John D. Carothers. Also, tract "where I now live," 416.8 acres
granted to Joel Dyer and wife by State of Tenn. Also, note on Lewis and William Bolding for $100; same
on David Milton, $92.54; same on Bird B. Smith, $70; same on William Wood, $251; judgment on Samuel
Taylor of Madison Co. for $148; a note on Blackmon Coleman, $3000; also, stud horse and black horse
called Jack; all livestock, household and kitchen furniture; 4 negroes: Joe, Jacob, Lydia, Tilla. May 19,
1825. Reg Oct. 13, 1825. Wits Henry L. Grey, Lewis Bolding (his mark).

JOEL H. DYER, Madison Co., Tenn., DUNCAN McIVER and JOSEPH SCURLOCK "having entered as
endorsers to the Bank of Tennessee at their agency in Jackson for the sum of three thousand dollars
payable in one, two and three year instalments for the estate of R. H. Dyer by act of assembly will more
fully show" and to secure these two men Joel Dyer, exec of will of "my father", puts forth 166½ acres
"near Trenton whereon the family now lives"; tract of 320 acres; 640 acres; several slaves, all to McIver
and Scurlock, as trustees, and they to sell what would be necessary if Joel H. Dyer failed to "pay up the
instalments and interest. " Jan. 6, 1827. Reg Aug. 17, 1827. Wits A. Huntsman, A. G. Nelson, W. E. Butler.
Whereas ROBERT H. DYER of Madison Co., Tenn. "departed this life on the 11th day of May 1826,"
leaving a will. His son, ROBERT H. DYER, is exec; as such said Robert Henry Dyer sold to JOHN LYNCH
275 acres "including the late residence" of deceased R. H. Dyer, for $1375. $1362.43 of this amount paid
a debt of R. H. Dyer, dec. SD 10, R 1, S 10. Jan. 3, 1827. Reg. Sept. 6, 1827. Wits Alexander L. Caruthers,
Martin Cartmell.


Wills of madison co. TN

99. R. H. DYER. Son JOEL H. DYER to be his exec and transact business in his name and he was to sell as
much of "my" land that would clear his debts; "keeping all my personal property such as negroes and
the like for the use and benefit of my family, my wife SUSAN DYER to share alike." May 10, 1826. Wits
William B. Miller, Will Harris.
99. Sale of Dyer's property including what was bought by his wife, Susan.
100. Inventory of Dyer's personalty including negroes and their ages: Jacob about 33; Matt 31; Peter 35;
Jefferson 19; Washington 21; Rufus 14; Munroe 12; Judy about 37; Caroline about 10; Calofornia 8; Jane
4, submitted by Joel Henry Dyer, exec, no date.
188-189. Annual settlement of Dyer's estate, including boarding of 6 children in 1827 ($300) and
Will probated August 7, 1826.


MARGARET DYER, Madison Co., Tenn. Dau SARAH DYER, widow of DAVID DYER, JR. $300. Grandson
STEPHEN DYER, son of SARAH DYER $300. Son THEODERICK WEBB $600 and to him as trustee for her
dau MARY WEBB $600. Son JOSEPH WEBB having received from THEODERICK WEBB $600 out of "my
funds," receipt for which was dated January 3, 1853, and constituted Joseph's share in full.
Rest of property to son THEODERICK "of his supporting & maintaining me." Exec Theoderick Webb. April
14, 1853. Wits Alexander Futrell, R. W. Crockett.
MCCM 9, page 116. Will probated April 3, 1860.
Robert H. Dyer was granted a license to keep an ordinary in his house in Madison County
Robert H. Dyer's will was probated on oaths of William Harris and William B. Miller /witnesses/.
robert h dyer , last homeplace , TN madison

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