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1 .

The basic idea of Moore's law is that: Student Response A. the number of transistors per square inch on an integrated chip doubles every 18 months. B. IT makes people more productive. C. people tend to want more information than they need. D. computer memory is getting bigger. Score:
2 .

Correct Answer



Volatile memory __________ data when the power is turned off. Student Response A. saves B. corrects C. removes D. backs up E. loses Score:
3 .

Correct Answer



The most important component of an information system is the __________. Student Response A. data B. hardware Correct Answer Feedback

C. security software D. software E. people Score:

4 .


__________ is a flat fee payment for right to install software product on all company computers or all computers at a specific site. Student Response A. Site license B. Main memory C. Virtual server D. Firmware Score:
5 .

Correct Answer



Linux is an example of: Student Response A. vertical-market software. B. open-source. C. an application. D. horizontal-market software. Score:
6 .

Correct Answer



______computers are used primarily by graphic artists and workers in the arts community. Student Response Correct Answer Feedback

A. SQL B. Linux C. Windows D. Apple Macintosh Score:

7 .


Cell phone providers charge large fees if you cancel or transfer your service during the first two years, thus __________ customers. Student Response A. switching costs B. locking in C. creating entry barriers D. locking out Score:
8 .

Correct Answer



With ________, a personal computer, such as a desktop or portable computer, hosts several different operating systems. Student Response A. desktop virtualization B. PC virtualization C. server farms D. server virtualization Score:
9 .

Correct Answer



A computer monitor would be an example of:

Student Response A. software. B. a DSS. C. data. D. spaceware. E. hardware. Score:

1 0 .

Correct Answer



__________ decisions concern the allocation and utilization of resources. Student Response A. Strategic B. Operational C. People D. Managerial E. Practical Score:
1 1 .

Correct Answer



__________ workflow is when activities occur one after another. Student Response A. Parallel B. Sequential C. Linear D. Simple Score: 2/2 Correct Answer Feedback

1 2 .

Which is not a way for a company to achieve a competitive advantage? Student Response A. reducing costs B. creating barriers to entry C. raising prices D. creating new products or services E. establishing alliances Score:
1 3 .

Correct Answer



A system that consists of a file of email addresses and an email program is __________. Student Response A. high-tech B. low-tech C. high-gear D. cognitive Score:
1 4 .

Correct Answer



Bits are used for computer data because they ________. Student Response A. are always four decimals past the third zero Correct Answer Feedback

B. limit the various levels of voltage C. are easy to represent electronically D. are cool E. do not support multiple voltage levels Score:
1 5 .


To run a program or process data, the computer first transfers the program or data from disk to the ________. Student Response A. cache B. gridding C. memory swapping D. bar code scanner E. main memory Score:
1 6 .

Correct Answer



The __________ system manages the computer's resources. Student Response A. information B. application C. operating D. software Score: 2/2 Correct Answer Feedback

1 7 .

__________ serves the needs of a specific industry. Student Response A. Application B. Operating system C. Vertical-market software D. Off-the-shelf-software Score:
1 8 .

Correct Answer



The effectiveness of a collaborative effort is driven by three critical factors: communication, content management and ___________. Student Response A. workflow control B. Moore's Law C. Porter's Model D. linkages Score:
1 9 .

Correct Answer



Being ________ is one of the most important characteristics of an effective collaborator. Student Response A. experienced in collaborating B. well organized and popular C. gregarious, dynamic, and a Correct Answer Feedback

persuasive presenter D. enthusiastic about the subject of collaboration Score:

2 0 .


Most _______ decisions do not involve collaboration. Student Response A. unstructured B. structured C. TPS Score:
2 1 .

Correct Answer



A ________ is a network of value-creating activities. Student Response A. value pyramid B. value chain C. value meal D. value network Score:
2 2 .

Correct Answer



Which device listed below is an example of an output hardware device? Student Response A. Printer Correct Answer Feedback

B. Bar code scanner C. Mouse D. Microphone E. Keyboard Score:

2 3 .


According to Porter's model of business activities, ________ are interactions across value activities. Student Response A. linkages B. cross-functionalities C. activities D. margins Score:
2 4 .

Correct Answer



A collection of servers called a ________ coordinates the activities of hundreds of users. Student Response A. portal B. web farm C. macro farm D. server farm Score:
2 5 .

Correct Answer



A set of instructions for the computer is an example of the ________ component of an information system. Student Response A. software B. data C. hardware D. people Score:
2 6 .

Correct Answer



High __________ make it difficult for customers to change to another product or service. Student Response A. expectations B. switching costs C. differentiations D. elevations Score:
2 7 .

Correct Answer



__________ occurs when two or more people work together to achieve a common goal. Student Response A. Coordination B. Content management C. Collaboration D. Communication Score: 2/2 Correct Answer Feedback

2 8 .

The __________ functions as a bridge between the human side of the information system components and the computer/automation side. Student Response A. people B. data C. procedure D. hardware E. software Score:
2 9 .

Correct Answer



__________ refers to the products, methods, inventions, and standards used for producing information. Student Response A. Information systems B. Interrelated components C. Information components D. Information technology Score:
3 0 .

Correct Answer



An MIS helps businesses achieve: Student Response A. waking up employees. B. its goals and objectives. Correct Answer Feedback

C. fairness. D. security. E. parity. Score:

3 1 .


The decision about team members' roles and authorities is made during the ________ phase of a project. Student Response A. wrapping up B. starting C. doing D. planning Score:
3 2 .

Correct Answer



Arthur's discussion group meets every Wednesday at 4. This is an example of __________ communications. Student Response A. parallel B. sequential C. asynchronous D. synchronous Score:
3 3 .

Correct Answer



Hardware includes all of the following except: Student Response A. monitors. B. printers. C. CPUs. D. motherboards. E. instruction sets. Score:
3 4 .

Correct Answer



A word processing program would be an example of: Student Response A. data. B. procedures. C. hardware. D. software. Score:
3 5 .

Correct Answer



An organization's goals and objectives are determined by its ________. Student Response A. sway B. information system C. brand image D. competitive strategy Score: 0/2 Correct Answer Feedback

3 6 .

Structured and unstructured refer to the __________, not the underlying activity. Student Response A. problem B. formula C. decision process D. subject Score:
3 7 .

Correct Answer



An end user would be an example of the __________ component of an information system. Student Response A. hardware B. people C. software D. data E. procedure Score:
3 8 .

Correct Answer



You need to __________ the development of your business' computer system. Student Response A. pass the task over to the IT department for B. ignore Correct Answer Feedback

C. take an active role in D. take a class on Score:

3 9 .


__________ management systems track who made changes to documents. Student Response A. Communication B. Coordination C. Collaboration D. Content Score:
4 0 .

Correct Answer



Customer numbers and their names would be an example of the __________ component of an order management information system. Student Response A. software B. hardware C. data D. procedure E. people Score:
4 1 .

Correct Answer



The difference between the value that an activity generates and the cost of the activity is

called the ________. Student Response A. break-even point B. version C. margin D. value addition Score:
4 2 .

Correct Answer



The CPU keeps frequently used instructions in the ________. Student Response A. processor B. hard disk C. mouse D. cache E. Optical disk Score:
4 3 .

Correct Answer



The business processes that are selected by an organization determine the scope of the organization's __________. Student Response A. information system B. value C. margin D. strategy Correct Answer Feedback

4 4 .


__________ decisions are broader in scope and concern long-term organizational issues. Student Response A. Tactical B. Operational C. People D. Strategic E. Managerial Score:
4 5 .

Correct Answer



All of the following are components of an information system except: Student Response A. culture. B. people. C. software. D. procedures. E. hardware. Score:
4 6 .

Correct Answer



RAM is an example of: Student Response Correct Answer Feedback

A. LCD. B. volatile memory. C. cache memory. D. hardware. E. non-volatile memory. Score:

4 7 .


A ________ is a perceived difference between what is and what ought to be. Student Response A. situation B. firmware. C. problem D. structural gap E. dilemma Score:
4 8 .

Correct Answer



Windows XP would be an example of the __________ component of an information system. Student Response A. hardware B. data C. procedure D. people E. software Score: 2/2 Correct Answer Feedback

4 9 .

A bit has a value of ________. Student Response A. 1024 B. 90210 C. 1.0 D. 0 or 1 Score:
5 0 .

Correct Answer



Cloud computing refers to ________. Student Response A. a computing network on the Internet B. an imprecise computing network C. operating system software D. a network of computers that operate as a single whole E. a server farm without a grid network Score:
5 1 .

Correct Answer



Just barely sufficient is an example of: Student Response Correct Answer Feedback

A. Porter's Model B. bad information C. Moore's Law D. good information E. high tech Score:
5 2 .


A network of computers that appears to operate as an integrated whole is known as a(n) ________. Student Response A. portal B. grid C. array D. cloud Score:
5 3 .

Correct Answer



Porter's five forces model states that the competitive forces determine __________. Student Response A. industry sustainability B. industry profitability C. industry competition D. industry characteristics E. industry standards Score: 2/2 Correct Answer Feedback

5 4 .

The average temperature on the surface of the moon would probably be __________ information for a financial analyst. Student Response A. irrelevant B. accurate C. timely D. important Score:
5 5 .

Correct Answer



Which of the following is not a characteristic of good information? Student Response A. interchangeability B. accuracy C. relevance D. cost effectiveness E. timeliness Score:
5 6 .

Correct Answer



Which device listed below is not an example of an input hardware device? Student Response A. Mouse B. Keyboard C. Bar code scanner Correct Answer Feedback

D. Printer E. Microphone Score:

5 7 .


__________ management ensures that all team members are working on the same version of the issues. Student Response A. Communication B. Content C. Team D. Project Score:
5 8 .

Correct Answer



Focused differentiation occurs when ________. Student Response A. there is limited competition in an industry B. the customers are highly price elastic C. an industry is characterized by monopolistic competition D. a better product is provided within an industry segment Score:
5 9 .

Correct Answer



Asynchronous communication occurs when team members ________. Student Response A. engage in conflicting discussions B. do not meet at the same time C. communicate in a sequential manner D. communicate within a specific time frame Score:
6 0 .

Correct Answer



A bar code scanner would be an example of a(n): Student Response A. output device. B. input device. C. processing device. D. storage device. Score:
6 1 .

Correct Answer



In comparing Wal-mart to Macy's, Wal-mart has chosen which competitive strategy? Student Response A. best-of-breed B. business process redesign C. differentiation D. low-cost Correct Answer Feedback

6 2 .


A client-server application that requires nothing more than a browser is called a __________. Student Response A. GNU B. thin client C. thick client D. data busses Score:
6 3 .

Correct Answer



Porter defined value as the ________. Student Response A. quality of after-sale service provided to customers B. perceived satisfaction of the customers and sellers after a transaction C. actual money exchanged in return of a product/service D. moore's law E. amount of money that a customer is willing to pay for a resource Score:
6 4 .

Correct Answer



A(n) __________ is a perceived difference between what is and what ought to be. Student Response A. variance B. problem C. difficulty D. datum Score:
6 5 .

Correct Answer



A major drawback associated with Porter's five forces is that it ignores the rivalry among firms in the industry. Student Response False Score: 2/2 Correct Answer False

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