Moraga Rotary Newsletter - June 5 2012

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Frank expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to see and experience this new perspective of Rotary.

The Club appreciated the excellent presentation which Frank prepared for the membership. He urged members to attend an international convention in the future if you have a chance. The next Convention will be in Lisbon, Portugal in June, 2013.

JUNE 5, 2012
Next Meeting: June 12, 2012 Monthly Evening Meeting at 6:00 Soda Center ** Program: Stuart Swiedler th St. Marys College in the Mid 20 Century The Railroad, The War and Water. Invocation & Greeter: Tony Schoemehl
~~ COMING UP ~ June 8 Bocce Ball practice Martinez at 9:00 a.m. June 16 District Bocce Ball Tournament, Martinez at 10:00 *June 19 Nora Avelar The Social Media Did I See You On Facebook? June 19 Board Meeting Trinity Hall at 5:00 pm June 21-23 Play Ground Installation at Rancho Laguna Park ** June 26 Annual Demotion Dinner What Ever Happened to President Nora Avelar?

The meeting was opened by Colin Barnard with several very clever illustrations of miscommunications! Then, President Nora called for announcements: Angelo Costanza reported that the Bocce th Ball practice is June 8 and the District Tournament is Sat. June 16 in Martinez. Al Simonsen gave a report on the Field Day and announced that the winners will be guests of the Club next Tuesday evening. Rich Render distributed a report on the Ewaste collection held last month. The net income for Moraga Rotary was $1,170. Great job by all those who assisted! John Erickson announced that the Moraga Parks and Recreation Department is now expecting that the installation of the playground equipment in Rancho Laguna Park will take 6 days, from June 18 to 23. The play train and station which Rotary gave to the park in 2006 will be moved on June 18 and 19. Many hands will be needed to assist on this project along with Kiwanis and Lions members. A sign-up sheet was distributed. It is a major community service project! Frank May reported that Orinda Rotary is th having an entry in their 4 of July parade. They have asked for our Clubs assistance and participation.

*Regular weekly luncheon in Soda Center **Monthly evening meeting at Soda Center

GUESTS Don Jenkins Orinda Rotary Club Linda May Guest of Frank May Grant Shoaf Manager of Mechanics Bank, Moraga

Lad Lynch brought to the Clubs attention that the new Club Banner stand has arrived. It was contributed by Mary Elena Dochterman after she won the big raffle drawing last month! Don Jenkins, from Orinda, expressed appreciation to the Moraga Rotary Club for our financial support for the special computer project in Argentina. The June fine-free-hat was auctioned in a wild bidding frenzy but finally went to Angelo Costanza for $75. th Then, Angelo proceeded to tell us about his 64 birthday th and 11 Anniversary (thus $75) and a great dinner he prepared for his family! Congratulations! Debbie Roessler had a happy buck in recognition of the th 25 Anniversary of the Lamorinda Rotary Club. (She did not mention that the charter night speaker 25 years ago was Cliff Dochterman.) Colin Barnard had a couple happy bucks since Maggy and Sam have just completed another school year and both were recognized for outstanding citizenship!


Today we heard and saw an interesting report from President-elect Frank May about his experiences at the Rotary International Convention last month in Bangkok, Thailand. With some excellent pictures, Frank described many of the features of Bangkok and the International Convention, which brought 34,000 Rotarians and guests to the colorful nation of Thailand. The photos illustrated the traffic, food and many temples of Bangkok. Frank told us of the amazing array of colorful native dress, the interesting booths and social activities in the Conventions House of Friendship. Video portions of several speeches demonstrated the high quality of the plenary programs. Much emphasis was given to the need to complete the Polio Plus program to achieve a world without polio. It was also an opportunity to see and hear from the current leaders of Rotary International.

Al Simonsen had a copy of Sports Illustrated with his granddaughters picture for her excellent skills on the NCAA Championship womens volleyball team at Pepperdine University. Al had paid handsomely last week.


June16 Bocce Ball Tournament, Martinez June 26 Annual Demotion Dinner July 3 The Reign of Frank May Begins!! Aug. 3-5 OMPA Swim Meet Aug. 26 LMYA Soccer Sign-up Event


Once again the Moraga Rotary Field Day was another rousing success! We especially thank Al & Marilyn Simonsen for taking the lead to present the program for the benefit of the school children of Moraga! This was Als st 21 year as chairman of the Field Day. It was a beautiful afternoon, over 250 youngsters took part in the relays, sack races, dashes, jumps and ball tosses. To all who joined in helping with the afternoon events we express our sincere appreciation. Many parents stopped by just to thank Moraga Rotary for sponsoring the annual Field Day. The school winners, teachers and parents will come to our meeting next Tuesday evening to be recognized.

Why do we appreciate the good work that Gary Irwin is doing in getting Rotary stories in the local newspaper? Because every Rotary Club needs good publicity! For a Rotary Club to be without good publicity is like winking at a pretty girl in the dark! We know what we are doing, but no one else does. Thanks, Gary, for telling the community about the good things Moraga Rotary does.


Dont forget that our meeting next Tuesday, June 12 is our monthly evening event. So, make it a point to invite your spouse or a friend to come to the meeting. The program should be a very interesting one about our community and the early days of St. Marys College!


Frequently people wonder what Rotary is all about. The best way to explain the meaning and value of Rotary is just to bring a guest to one of our meetings. Seeing our Club in action is so much easier than trying to tell about our programs, fellowship and fun each Tuesday. Why not ask one of your business associates, a family friend, a young person just starting out in business, or even a relative or spouse to come to one of our meetings. Most of our programs are interesting and especially suitable for guests and every Rotarian should take advantage of this opportunity. Each Rotarian has just a few real responsibilities to Moraga Rotary attend the meetings; pay your dues; take part in Club activities and Share Rotary with others! Why not make a personal commitment that you will invite a guest at least once a month?

MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2011-12 President..Nora Avelar President-elect..... Frank May Past President .....Tony Schoemehl Secretary.........Kevin Reneau Treasurer..Louise Schopke Community Service Chair.Barbara Bruner New Generations....Rich Render International Service Chair..Colin Barnard MembershipFrank May Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch Public Relations Gary Irwin Director at LargeDebbie Roessler Director at Large..Mary Elena Dochterman Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary International...Kalyan Banerjee District Governor, 5160 ...David Dacus Assistant District Governor.Debbie Roessler
Newsletter Editor for June Cliff Dochterman


Rotary International Theme for 2011-12 REACH WITHIN TO EMBRACE HUMANITY


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