Transcript of Victim's Recordings

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Three Audio Recordings Between NM* and Samuel Koranteng-Pipim
[*Note: NM is used to avoid transcribing the name of the female, who is called by name on the recordings]

A. (length: 17:24) page 1 B. (length: 03:32) page 7 C. (length: 13:28) page 8 ~ Listen to (and follow the transcript) on all of C.
Apparently it was recording C. that provided sufficient evidence corroborating NMs claim that SKP had raped her.

A. Begin Audio Recording - Length: 17:24

H- I- was just- okay, here is what was happening. Like um I was just thinking about- about the day before you left. You know and I was just thinking about what happened, and yeah, and- and- and, y- I was also trying to reconcile what- what- what happened withthis uh poem that talks about Its Not Love; so thatthat was what I wanted to ask about, [NOTE by editor: Saturday night when SKP raped her]. and, yeah


Uh huh. Uh huh.

Uh huh. - - - No, like just the- the wh- the whole of it. Hello?

Uh, no, I said the whole- the whole poem its- its- it just is loaded. Uh huh-

Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. - - yeah, uh that section Its Not Love, [in my book, This is Love] is uh talking about a very powerful uh piece- and- and it says a lot in just a few words. Yeah. And, arent you perhaps you are speaking about one line, uh that talks you know- uh, I dont know which particular one hits you, which you are trying to reconcile. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hello, yeah? Uh, you are saying something I didnt hear you. Uh huh. Uh huh. - - Yeah, and uh is there anything in particular at all uh that leads you to a question, for you? Uh, which one is that? U huh-

Yeah, here-

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there is a part that says, Its Not Love Whennn - umm - - when- - let me look at the book. This part says, Its not love- Its Not Love... When feelings dismiss common sense; The voice of conscience is nonsense; and the Moral Law is an offense. [p. 29 This is Love] And there is also a part that, Its Not Love When your kiss it seduces to sip; Then bites and wounds your souls lip; Scarring your life with a guilt trip. [p.31 This is Love] Yeah Uh huh. - - - - - - Uh huh- Uh huh.


Uh huhUh huh.

Uh huh.

Uh huh.

Uh huh.

Uh huh. Uh huh. Yeah, - - - - - - - it is a fact, uh, uh, uh what is communicated in that poem is true- because it is a biblical teaching- uh, and every line there is actually based on biblical foundations. Okay. Now, uh, Im sure that it- the dissonance you feel is uh, between what happened, and what is portrayed. Okay. You are- you are right in thinking that way. Uh, consider what happened, as a human failure. Uh, see it as an expression of human weakness uh, which is, itself, a lack of faith, because anytime - - we- we- we fall, we sin, it is an expression of lack of faith- Uh, and so, I take full responsibility. I, I did uh I did let you down on that score; and I have uh since, by Gods grace, you know, asked the Lord for forgiveness, and also for strength, so that the purpose for which uh you were brought to me I can accomplish it. Uh, the only guarantee we have is to live just one day at a time, and gaining the victory, just one day at a time. - - - - Because, you make that commitment, that, Lord by your grace, today I would now live for You; and give me strength, because tomorrow has not been guaranteed us to live;
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- - - - - Then what guarantee do I have that the same mistake, the same failure, the same lack of faith is not going to repeat itself?



and sometimes when we think about the future, especially in the light of the past how we have failed Him over and over again in our past lives, then the future overwhelms us. And so, the biblical teaching rightly live for Him today. Just today trusting that He would give you the strength for the future. - - - - - - So, y- you make ac- a commitment today, and trust His sustaining power today. And if we um make that commitment day-by-day, the future takes care of itself.


Okay. Uhmmmm, but then you- also in one of your sermons, also talked about how a person should always and every time make sure that they- they have a set principle that they should uhhhh- they should decide beforehand, that if Imgoing to be facing such-and such a situation, this is how Im going to do itYeah,

Okay, uhYeah, yeah, besides tomorrows no promise. Okay, so- so you, as an individual, what have youwhat have you decided, or? yeah.

Um kay. HmCan I um, yeah, and the other question was that, um, Am I the only one?

Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. That- that is all part of the choice we make today. It is part of the commitment. You know, it is making up our mind ahead of time. You know, uh this is what you make- it is the choice you make today. And then you ask the Lord to strengthen you today. And with that in mind, when tomorrow comes, it is the decision we make today that sustains us. When you wait til to- tomorrow, it will be too late. Uh huh- Uh huh- I, I have decided uh, that I owe it to you, by Gods grace, to sustain you, to preserve you; and that, you know, it will not happen again. Uh, even as I express my love for you, I will sustain and preserve you it is a commitment I have made. Uh huh. - - -- At the moment of failure, I was so overwhelmed, that I said, Lord, let it never happen again.

Has it ev-

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everNo, continue. Uh huhHm-

Years ago, Sorry? I said, Years ago, before I got married, uh, something happened. uh, but that is behind me. And uh, perhaps one day I will get to talk to you about it, because its an interesting experience; but that is all- that was before me- behind me. And uh, now I have made a commitment, by the grace of God, you know- You know I- I told you that it- at the moment of - - a lack of faith, - - - uh - - - I buckled. You know I- I failed. Uhh one, a lot happened at that- that period. Uh, and I was overwhelmed by your trust. And uh- and then you brought back memories of my mother. [NOTE by editor: In SKPs May 13, 2012 Mothers Day Tribute, SKP publicly says that as a single woman, his mother was raped by a married Christian man. And, I- no, lets-lets not go there, but the bottom line is, you know I- I made a decision at that time to love you, with my whole heart. And, I think it was not wise, to prove it by risking so much on you because I could still have proven my love for you - - otherwise. I am. The- I, you see it- it- it- it- it is one of those decisions you make that they say you look back and say, this is- this is- you know, a daft decision. Uh, i- you trusted me so much with a whole lot of your life. You- you bare it before me. - - Uh, and, I did appreciate it, and - - - - I did something that exposed also my - - uh, u- I dont know how to say it - its almost like, you know what, Youve shared all with me I will share all with you.

Uh huh-

Uhh, I-

Uh huh.

Uh huh.

But, y- you were trying to prove your love for me?

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(Sigh. Sigh). Okay. - - But thenI dontI dontI dont wantWell, yeah, its is hard, I must say, because, you know I- Iwhen I came there - - I really was- was trying to find help out of a situation that I hatedthe most, that totally wrecked my life, and I- I honestly did not expect that from a man who I was looking for help from; and it was like just taking me from the- from the- from the dam that I was in, to putting me into an even worse deeper ocean, you know, yet I wasstruggling in a dam. Yeah.

That was wrong, and um, Ive decided, you know as I told you, Ive asked the Lord for forgiveness, and also to give me the strength to prove to you, in other ways, that I truly love you. You dont- You dont- You d- You dont seem to believe my love? Uh huh- Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. That- that is- a- a- a- valid point, and that is what causes me pain; I owe you my heartfelt apology and by the grace of God, I would live to demonstrate to you, and see you rise and prevail. Yeah. (Sigh) I dont know, its um, its- its- its- I, I really dont know, the future is in Gods hands. Uh, at the moment - - I feel rather tired- - - and one of the things I am asking the Lord is to give me time, so I take time off to write. I dont think I can continue traveling at this pace. I, I would rather need to stay in one location and just write, for the- that is what I feel I am being convicted to do, because books can travel more than a person - -
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---- Okay. (Sigh). I hear you. - - I dont know. - How long- how long are you- are you planning on continuing with ministering, like from place to place?

Uh huh.


Uh huh. Yeah, and you should also consider devotion to your family. Yeah. Uh.


Yeah. - - What about your wife do you have a trouble with her? Your wife.

Uh huh. Uh huh. So, for instance you- youre- youre right; that is why, this past five days, you know, I- I took my son with - - you know, so we- we are together for five days together. We talk, we chat, we pray, you know. Uh, and then, so th- that is a part of it [unintelligible] I am glad you- you are considering me, at least you are thinking about my welfare and my family. My- my daughter? Yes, I do; w- we travel together, but sometimes it is hard on- on them all because, for example, we get to a location their body would not adjust to, you know, the time - - then you have to move. And uh its- its- its- its a challenge to- to them, so we look at my schedule, and the ones that uh she finds helpful, she goes with me. Um, other ones, I take my children in turn, you know, this time, lets say, my son gets to spend time with me; or my daughter, at home, and as a family. We work it out; thats- thats how, by Gods grace, weve managed it. [sounds like a computer booting up] Sorry?

Okay. Yeah, no-

I think I- I am, I am done with my-

A. End Audio Recording (Length: 17:24)

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B. Begin Audio Recording (Length: 3:32)

Just trying to understand, you knowI know youve sent me a lot of emails, and youveweve talked about this, but then theres still like I told you before, theres still dissonance within myself, you know, I cant seem to reconcile the man who say- who always tells me that he loves me so much and how God has sent him in my life; and the same man who had sex with me. You know?


Uh uh-

Okay, um, your love, love, this love uh can you explain what- which kind of love this is that you say you have for me?

- - - - - - - - - (Sigh) - - - You know, uh NM, I think we talked about this some time ago- and, uh - - I did point out that, you know, people make mistakes in life mistakes that they will regret for- for all eternity. Uhhhhh, - I think one of your emails, you- you put it best, The enemy always seeks to take advantage of us, and we should give him the least opportunity, He ruins our lives and the plans God has for us. - - - - Uh, - - I will put it in that context it is very hurtful, that, you know, uh a temporary lapse of judgment, and failure, you know, can cause so much pain. Uh, its- its personally painful for me, and I wish, you know, it- it never, never - - even occurred. - - Please, if you are able to, - - um accept apology; - - kindly take it as if it was never my intent. - - And, I can only say, I am truly and awfully sorry I almost feel like my whole life and what I stand for, has been put into repute, disrepute, because of this uh failure. I am awfully and painfully sorry. I still maintain that I do love you. Its genuine. Please, if it is possible on your end - - - can you forgive? - - - - - - I-

B. End Audio Recording (Length: 3:32)

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C. Begin Audio Recording (Length: 13:28)

No, I- no I didnt, yeah. Yeah. Uh huh.

[You didnt] hear it? You did not? Well, NM, all Im saying is I feel very awful -- about what happened, uh because I thought Id mention to you first of all you asked, What is the kind of love? I mentioned to you that, I genuinely and truly love you as a father, as a big brother with the true love God expects. Do not in any way, uh confuse this or negate this by, you know, a personal, temporary failure that occurred, when in- at the moment, I let down my guard; I did something that was wrong, that was painful. It is one action, I will live to regret for the remainder of my life, because I fear that it has overturned everything I stand for, or live for. I can only - I can only ask you, to truly forgive me. This is not me, it is not what I stand for; and I can understand the pain that you are in but if you have a heart to forgive please, I would genuinely grateful. - - - - - Uh huh.

Uh huh.

Okay -

HmmYeah, I- I do have a heart to forgive; but then, this is the thing; you know that whenever a male and a female have sexual intercourse together, there is a bond right? Yeah, and now that [bond] has been created between me and you, and thats one thing that every single day I have to face; and its something that really has- has- has destroyed a lot, a lot about me, of course here and there I would get depressed; but then this whole incident has really shattered my life, and its something that, you know I, I thought youd know about, and also I wanted to understand really, What was going on in your mind you know, when when you did all that you did? Of course I know that, you know you said you- you-

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you let down your guard, and that y- which was a moment of weakness, and that um- yeah. You know, I just- I just want to understand, What really was going in your mind going on in your mind? Yeah.


Uh huhUh huh- no, ImIm not saying that you should justify it; you know because you know that certain people, they would say that they got- they got drunk because they had problems that they couldnt face, you know; or if someone steals, they say they wanted to- to- to buy food or clothing and, yeah, so I just want to understand how, you know, this sexual sin was in your head, and what you would say was, what drove you, was it anything that I did?

There is- there is no explanation for sin. There is no, absolutely no explanation for sin. Sin is sin. To attempt to explain or excuse it is to justify it- and-

You know, my little girl, um, I can truthfully say, that I accept full responsibility. I would not, in any way, uh blame you for anything you did. No! I would not even entertain that thought. I - should have known better. Whatever it is I accept full responsibility. Uhh - - you know, its- its- its its rather painful for me, that I caused you- put you through this - - - I- I- I cannot even begin to explain all of this, except that it was- it was sin. To attempt to even analyze and do all of this, in my opinion, would be to attempt to justify it. Uh - - - I- I dont know what to say, I really dont. It hurts me so badly - - because this, I fear, has totally undone everything I stood for; and what I seek to do. And now, it even led you to question me my love for you - - which is also very painful. But I accept full responsibility. I wish I could have turned back the clock. I really wish I could. - - - I can only, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, ask you - - to truly forgive me. - - -

Okay, I- I hear you. - - But, ich, I dont know - - I really dont know, You know, if- right now I- I- Im not even sure if, ifif- being in church is the right thing for me to do, because I feel so unsafe you know, because I dont know whos the next person whos going to do what

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to me, I dont know who, if Im going to seek for help, is also going to take advantage of me, and you know?


- - - Okay, - - can I ask you another question? What if- what if I had fallen pregnant?

Hmmh, you never thought about it? - - Okay. - - - - well, I, I just dont know

Have you ever thought, What if you wife gets to know about this what- what would happen to her?

- - - - I- I- I- understand your- your fear, uhh, we can only ask our Lord to shield and protect us uh, I find, you know, its- its difficult to say even what Im saying - - because, if ever there was a time one needed to feel - - safe it was then, and, and so I- I dont know what to even tell you, but all I can tell you is, By the grace of God - - nothing like this would ever happen- I truly, genuinely, love you take it as a friend who let you down, - - and who has learned a painful lesson, for the remainder of his life - - but is committed to making things right - - time would tell. - - - - Ya. - - - - - - - I dont know, I pray the Lords uh intervention really, uh because this - - I dont know- - - - - - No, I did not huh uh [no] Uh huh. Uh huh. - - NM, um, I can only pray and ask the Lord for His healing, and sustenance - - Uh - - that is all, at this stage, we can do. But, I believe God would answer our prayers. He knows, that deep down this is not what either one of us would have wished for. And - - we try to make things right with Him, and trust Him - to intervene. - - - - its- it is kind of, its- its normal what would happen; its- you know, anytime sin happens, it ruptures it. - - - - Are you there? I said that whenever sin occurs, it rup- it ruptures every relationship. That is the nature of sin. It is, it is a cancer it destroys relationship- [not] just my family every other relationship - - all of the people who have ever trusted me all of them are involved,

Yeah, Im there I didnt hear what you said.


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YeahUh huhYeah, I am here.

and this is why- Yeah, are you there? Yeah, so thats- thats what- I mean th- if anyone, including my family, uh my colleagues, my co- workers, the people I- all of them would be affected. That is the nature of sin. That is why it is a cancer that we must flee from, uh- - - - - - - - NM, I am sorry. I will live to earn your trust again, by Gods grace. Father, we can just ask- okay? Okay. Heavenly Father, thank You for this brief moment. Even though the conversation has been very painful, we thank You for your grace, which is able to heal every wound. I commit my little girl into Your hands again. She has suffered so much and now I ask You to step in and intervene. You are able to heal all manner of diseases. And so we pray that even in the current situation, which has been exacerbated by our actions or deeds; and restore her to her full health that the plan you have for her life, would be actualized. I commit her exams tomorrow into Your hands; give her the clarity of thought, and a peace of mind. And may the outcome of these exams be to Your glory. This is our prayer.

Uh huh - - - Um, okay - - - - well, I- I hear you.

- - - - Okay - - - okay. Uh huh.

C. End Audio Recording (Length: 13:28)

END OF RECORDINGS ------------------------------------------

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