Anatomy and Physiology II

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BIOL 2112 AP II Test 2 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System Tuesday March 31, 2009

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Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2112 Test 2 Key Tuesday March 31, 2009 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System
AP II Test 2 Name __________________________ If a question is not clear, ask me for help during the test. Be sure to read very carefully and read all of a question before answering. Be sure to make a dark mark using a number two pencil on the scantron answer sheet. Test questions must be returned to me at the end of class.

Morning question number on left (Afternoon question number on right in parentheses) Correct answer has yellow background within a box.
1. (39.) To facilitate movement of lymph through the system a. lymph vessels are very muscular b. lymph vessels have their own pump c. lymph vessels are bundled with arteries d. a lymph vessel has a very small diameter 2. (40.) If the lymph system is chronically obstructed by filarial parasites a. risk of infection anywhere in the body increases dramatically b. edema can be severe in the legs, feet, and scrotum c. ADH secretion increases d. T cells do not mature 3. (41.) A pediatric nursing instructor asks a nursing student to describe the cause of the clinical manifestations that occur in sickle cell disease. The student responds correctly by telling the instructor that: a. Sickled cells mix with the unsickled cells and cause the immune system to become depressed. b. Bone marrow depression occurs because of the development of sickled cells c. Sickled cells are unable to flow easily through the microvasculature and their clumping obstructs blood flow d. Sickled cells increase the blood flow through the body and cause a great deal of pain.

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BIOL 2112 AP II Test 2 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System Tuesday March 31, 2009

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4. (42.) The lymph system most resembles a. capillary beds b. veins c. arterioles d. the heart 5. (43.) In vessels of the lymph system, you would expect to find a. a thick muscular layer b. a thick elastic layer c. a fenestrated epithelial layer only d. valves 6. (44.) An area of the body where lymph nodes are close to the surface are a. cephalic b. axillary c. plantar d. digital 7. (45.)In general, lymph tissue is a. located in only a few areas of the body b. located only in the cephalic region and the spleen c. located only in the axillary region and the thymus d. is widely distributed, especially in connective tissue 8. (46.) The lymph system pathology that involves very large, abnormal T lymphocytes is a. plague b. bacteremia c. mumps d. mononucleosis 9. (47.) MALT is a. multi-axillary lymphoid tissue b. micro ancillary lymphoid tissue c. mucus-associated lymphoid tissue d. maximum attenuated lymphoid tissue 10. (48.) An example of a common secondary cancer site is a. lymph nodes b. appendix c. capillary beds d. macrophages

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BIOL 2112 AP II Test 2 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System Tuesday March 31, 2009

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11. (49.) Immune cells commonly found in the follicles of lymph nodes are a. eosinophils b. B lymphocytes c. basophils d. thymosin 12. (50.) Swollen lymph nodes are a symptom of a. plague or Black death b. mononucleosis c. elephantiasis d. a and b 13. (51.) Swollen lymph nodes are called a. MALT b. buboes c. follicles d. medullae 14. (52.) In addition to the liver, old erythrocytes are recycled in the a. thymus b. spleen c. lymph nodes d. diffuse lymphoid tissue 15. (53.) The lymph organ which can regenerate from a small remnant up to about age twelve is a. spleen b. thymus c. Peyers patches d. appendix 16. (54.) Peyers patches and the appendix are examples of a. diffuse lymphoid tissue b. lymph organs c. MALT d. thymus-associated lymphoid tissue 17. (55.) Iron from hemoglobin is stored bound to a protein by a. the spleen and liver b. the lymph nodes and Peyers patches c. MALT d. the thymus and liver

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BIOL 2112 AP II Test 2 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System Tuesday March 31, 2009

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18. (56.) The part of the lymph system that is especially vulnerable to trauma because its capsule is thin is the a. lymph nodes b. thoracic duct c. spleen d. appendix 19. (57.) Fluids draining from the body re-enter the blood stream at the juncture of the a. subclavian and jugular veins b. brachial and carotid arteries c. subclavian and brachial veins d. jugular and iliac veins 20. (58.) The lymphatic organ where T lymphocytes mature is a. spleen b. lymph nodes c. diffuse lymphoid tissue d. thymus 21. (59.) Tonsillectomies are usually performed today only to treat obstructive sleep apnea because a. tonsillectomies were ineffective in decreasing throat infections b. the surgery is very high risk in children c. tonsils trap bacteria in crypts and help the immune system to develop d. the tonsils regenerate very easily in children 22. (60.) Tonsils a. are located only at the back of the throat b. when they are tubal tonsils help protect against middle ear infections c. are not considered to be part of the lymph system d. are also called Peyers patches 23. (61.) An organ of the lymph system which is also an endocrine gland and which does not filter antigens from the blood is the a. thymus b. spleen c. MALT d. appendix 24. (1.) The double-walled membrane that surrounds the heart is called the a. serous pericardium b. fibrous pericardium c. mediastinum d. endocardium
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BIOL 2112 AP II Test 2 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System Tuesday March 31, 2009

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25. (2.) A very serious infection of tissue around the heart that can interfere with pumping blood is a. endocarditis b. myocarditis c. cardiac tamponade d. heart block 26. (3.) The heart is actually __________ pump(s) a. one b. two c. four d. three 27. (4.) Compared to the atria, the left ventricle a. has a thinner wall b. has a weaker contraction c. has a thicker myocardium d. a and b 28. (5.) The exception to the rule that veins carry deoxygenated blood is the ___________ vein(s) a. jugular b. pulmonary c. subclavian d. coronary sinus 29. (6.) Blood leaves the atria a. by changes in pressure only b. by changes in pressure and by contraction c. when chordae tendenae relax d. when papillary muscles relax 30. (7.) Valve(s) of the heart that are pulled closed are a. semilunar pulmonary b. semilunar aortic c. atrioventricular d. bicuspid only 31. (8.) In the heart, deoxygenated blood would normally be found in a. left atrium b. left atrium and left ventricle c. right ventricle and pulmonary trunk (artery) d. all of the above
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BIOL 2112 AP II Test 2 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System Tuesday March 31, 2009

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32. (9.)The exception to the rule that arteries carry oxygenated blood is the a. pulmonary artery b. aorta c. brachiocephalic artery d. carotid artery 33. (10.) Immediately after the ventricles fill with blood a. they contract b. the left and right atrioventricular valves open c. there is a pause that lets the heart rest d. the semilunar valves close 34. (11.) The structures that attach to the papillary muscles and pull the tricuspid and bicuspid valves closed are the a. chordae tendinae b. trabeculae carneae c. pectinate muscles d. fossa ovalis 35. (12.) The pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves are closed by a. papillary muscles b. backflow of blood as pressure drops in the ventricles c. chordae tendinae d. contractions of arteries 36. (13.) Diastolic blood pressure refers to a. blood pressure at ventricular relaxation b. blood pressure at ventricular contraction c. blood pressure at atrial relaxation d. blood pressure at atrial contraction 37. (14.) Cardiac output a. is the same as the volume of blood that enters the right atrium b. is the difference between end diastolic and end systolic volumes of blood c. is the sum of end diastolic and end systolic volumes d. is the average of diastolic and systolic blood pressure 38. (15.) When heart rate increases, normally a. strength of contraction increases b. strength of contraction decreases c. strength of contraction is unaffected d. the parasympathetic vagus nerve has stimulated the heart
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BIOL 2112 AP II Test 2 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System Tuesday March 31, 2009

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39. (16.) When a patient has a heart arrhythmia a. cardiac output likely increases b. cardiac output likely decreases c. strength of contraction does not increase d. b and c 40. (17.)The coronary sinus a. delivers blood to the ventricular myocardium b. delivers blood to the atria c. collects blood from the myocardium and delivers it to the right atrium d. collects blood only from the pericardium because blood within the heart supplies the myocardium 41. (18.) The heart a. has no capacity for compensating for blockage of blood to the heart itself b. can experience angiogenesis to compensate for blockage in vessels supplying the heart itself c. has an adequate blood supply for itself as long as no clots are within the chambers d. is more vulnerable to clots because anticoagulants cant be activated there 42. (19.) When oxygen deficit kills some cells of the heart, this condition is called a. cardiac tamponade b. angina pectoris c. myocardial infarction d. angiogenesis 43. (20.) During a stress test for heart function a. abnormal flow that is seen only during exercise is probably due to blockage b. abnormal flow that is seen during rest and exercise may be due to scar tissue c. changes in flow can only be observed during exercise d. a and b 44. (21.) Muscles of the heart a. contract as a motor unit innervated by the motor end plate of a nerve b. have a separate nerve for each muscle cell c. conduct action potentials and communicate rapidly through gap junctions d. a and b 45. (22.) Pacemaker cells of the heart a. depolarize and repolarize spontaneously b. are noncontractile c. are organized into nodes d. all of the above
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BIOL 2112 AP II Test 2 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System Tuesday March 31, 2009

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46. (23.) Depolarization throughout the heart a. differs from that in nerve cells because calcium is also involved b. involves increases in oxygen c. is identical to that in nerve cells d. b and c 47. (24.) When the heart beats with a normal rhythm, it is said to be in a. atrial rhythm b. sinus rhythm c. Purkinje rhythm d. AV rhythm 48. (25.)The node of the heart that slows the innate rhythm of the master node is called the a. atrioventricular b. sinus c. pacemaker node d. gap junction 49. (26.) After action potentials reach the apex of the heart, they travel up the a. bundle of His b. sinus of His c. Purkinje fibers d. AV node 50. (27.) On an EKG, the wave that represents ventricular depolarization is the a. P b. T c. QRS d. Z 51. (28.) Damage to the AV node is called a. heart block b. cardiac tamponade c. angina pectoris d. myocardial infarction 52. (29.) A heart arrhythmia that involves an ectopic node or nodes is called a. sinus arrhythmia b. atrial flutter c. atrial fibrillation d. heart block

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53. (30.) A sympathetic nervous system response to increased venous return and atrial stretching is the a. Purkinje effect b. AV effect c. Bainbridge effect d. His effect 54. (31.) The vagus nerve a. slows heart rate to about 75 beats per minute b. only stimulates the heart in fight or flight situations c. increases heart rate d. b and c 55. (32.) A heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute a. can be due to hypothermia b. can be due to brain edema c. can be due to the effects of conditioning exercise d. all of the above 56. (33.) Two hormones that have similar effects on heart rate and contractility are a. epinephrine and MSH b. thyroxine and epinephrine c. testosterone and prolactin d. growth hormone and aldosterone 57. (34.) Back pressure from semilunar valves damaged by chronic Streptococcus infection a. does not affect heart rate and contractility b. would tend to increase heart rate and contractility to overcome increased resistance c. would tend to decrease heart rate and contractility d. would tend to decrease blood pressure 58. (35.) A heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute is called a. tachycardia b. bradycardia c. ectopic d. myocardial 59. (36.) When more blood returns to the heart during exercise a. heart rate and contractility decrease b. heart rate and contractility increase c. blood pressure drops d. cardiac output decreases
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BIOL 2112 AP II Test 2 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System Tuesday March 31, 2009

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60. (37.) When congestive heart failure is due to failure of the right side of the heart a. pulmonary edema results b. no edema is seen c. systemic edema for instance swollen ankles - results d. more deoxygenated blood is sent to the lungs 61. (38.) Which of the following is a dangerous condition that renders the heart useless as a pump? To correct this condition, an electric shock is used to depolarize the entire myocardium. a. cardiac tamponade b. atrial flutter c. angina pectoris d. atrial fibrillation 62. (62.) Which of the following is a true statement about arteries and veins? a. arteries usually carry deoxygenated blood b. the largest arteries are called arterioles c. arteries and veins are connected at capillary beds d. delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues occurs in the largest arteries 63. (63.) Capillaries a. are the smallest arteries that can be seen without magnification b. vary in permeability and may be fenestrated or sinusoidal c. are the smallest veins that can be seen without magnification d. are mainly conduits and are not involved in exchange or delivery 64. (64.) The blood vessels with high levels of elastic tissue in the tunica media, especially near the heart are a. arterioles b. venules c. arteries d. lymph ducts 65. (65.) The epithelial layer of blood vessels that lines the lumen is a. tunica externa b. tunica intima c. tunica media d. tunica vasa 66. (66.) At one end of a capillary bed blood pressure pushes fluids out this is called a. hydrostatic pressure b. oncotic pressure c. colloid osmotic pressure d. venule pressure
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BIOL 2112 AP II Test 2 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System Tuesday March 31, 2009

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67. (67.) At the venule end of a capillary bed, fluids tend to flow into the capillaries by a. hydrostatic pressure which is blood pressure b. oncotic pressure which is osmosis c. lymphatic pressure which is active transport d. fluids do not return to capillaries at the venule end of a capillary bed 68. (68.) Capillary beds a. are normally filled with blood in all parts of the body at any one time b. are closed by sphincters when blood is needed elsewhere in the body c. are all closed in anaphylactic shock d. a and c 69. (69.) When blood flows, it experiences friction that causes the heart to work harder and raises blood pressure. This friction is called a. hydrostatic pressure b. oncotic pressure c. peripheral resistance d. colloid osmotic pressure 70. (70.) Increases in blood viscosity could be due to a. diabetes b. blood doping c. severe dehydration d. all of the above 71. (71.) When the diameter of blood vessels decreases by one half, the flow of blood a. is much easier b. is much more difficult c. is not affected d. depends on whether the change is due to activity of the sympathetic nervous system or due to local hormones 72. (72.) These structures in the aorta and carotid arteries signal centers in the medulla oblongata to maintain blood pressure. a. Bainbridge centers b. Stretch receptors c. chemoreceptors d. baroreceptors

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BIOL 2112 AP II Test 2 Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System Tuesday March 31, 2009

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73. (73.) In capillary beds at the tissues, low oxygen, high levels of carbon dioxide, and low pH have the effect of a. dilating capillaries b. constricting capillaries c. signaling release of endothelins d. b and c 74. (74.)Viagra works by a. inhibiting the effect of nitric oxide b. enhancing the effect of nitric oxide c. enhancing the effect of endothelins d. stimulating the sympathetic nervous system 75. (75.) Increased blood flow in blood vessels is a signal for local a. dilation b. contraction c. stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system d. release of ANP e. 76. Lymphocytes differ from other leukocytes because a. they have no nucleus b. they are cellular fragments c. they have a separate cell line from the hemocytoblast d. a and b 77. (77.) Leukocytes that display phagocytosis are a. neutrophils b. eosinophils c. basophils d. T lymphocytes 78. (78.) Leukocytes that secrete histamines and are involved in allergic reactions are a. T lymphocytes b. B lymphocytes c. basophils d. neutrophils 79. (79.) The leukocytes that are invaded by the HIV virus of AIDS are a. B lymphocytes b. Plasma cells c. Eosinophils d. T lymphocytes

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80. (80.) When epithelial tissue is damaged, platelets a. secrete aggregating factors and become sticky b. break down and release tissue plasminogen activator c. merge to form megakaryocytes d. undergo numerous mitotic divisions 81. (81.) In the final step of forming a clot a. PF3 activates prothrombin activator b. prothrombin becomes thrombin c. fibrinogen becomes fibrin d. Endothelial cells release tissue plasminogen activator 82. (82.) A clot that breaks free and then lodges in a blood vessel elsewhere in the body would be a(n) a. thrombus b. embolus c. embolism d. fibrin 83. (83.) The most important factor in determining what type of blood a patient can receive is a. preformed antibodies to A and B blood types in the patients blood b. preformed antibodies to A and B blood types in the donors blood c. blood factors such as Duffy, Kell, Lewis, and MNS d. preformed antibodies to type O blood in the donors blood 84. (84.)Rh factor is mainly of concern for pregnant women when a. she is having her first baby b. she has already had at least one child and she is Rh negative, but the father is Rh positive c. she is Rh positive and the father is Rh negative d. a and c

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