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What is Fact Finding?

Fact-finding may be invoked when there is a failure to resolve the impasse through the mediation process. The parties are encouraged to mutually agree on the appointment of a fact-finder. The objective of the factfinder is to develop a settlement which is acceptable to both parties. Therefore, it is imperative that the fact-finder be cognizant of the fact that any agreement must be ratified by both the school board as a whole and the local associations membership as a whole. Fact-finding, although advisory in nature, has proved to be helpful in resolving negotiation impasses especially when the political needs of one or both parties must be accommodated. In this process each team presents its case to a neutral third party, or fact-finder. The fact-finder shall make findings of fact and shall recommend in a report the terms of the settlement as soon as possible after the conclusion of the hearings. The cost of the fact-finders services, including per diem and travel expenses, is shared equally by the parties to the dispute. While the factfinders report is not binding on the parties, they must meet after the report is delivered. The fact-finders report shall be made available to the parties immediately after its issuance and to the public 10 days later.


Members 1. MRS. SECINIA C. MORALES 2. MRS. MARIETA SINTO 3. MRS. MA. CONCHITA B. CLARO GUIDELINES FOR THE GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE SCOPE: 1. a. The Grievance Committee shall consider only individual grievances of specific nature of members of the Division and rose individually by the concerned aggrieved employee. b. The Grievance Committee shall not consider any grievance of general applicability or of collective nature of raised collectively by more than one employee. PROCEDURE, PERIODICITY AND ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS: 2. a. The Grievance Committee will meet at least once a month. However, if necessary, it may meet more frequently at the instance of the Convener or at the request of the other members to discuss the various issues received. b. At least three members of the Grievance Committee shall be present in a meeting. c. If a member of the Grievance Committee is connected with the grievance of the aggrieved individual, the concerned member of the Grievance Committee shall not participate in the deliberations regarding that individual's case. d. If the aggrieved person happens to be a member of the Grievance Committee, then he shall not participate in the deliberations as a member of the Committee when his/her representation is being considered. TERMS OF REFERENCE: 3. a. The Grievance Committee shall consider all grievances submitted in writing by an individual member of the Schools Division regarding employment, working conditions and any other alleged injustice done to an employee while discharging his duties.

b. The Grievance Committee shall have access to all files confidential or otherwise relevant to the individual's grievance. c. The Committee shall study the petition and after looking into the relevant documents discuss with those concerned and submit its recommendations and report to the Schools Division Superintendent as expeditiously as possible, but in any case within three months of the date of petition. d. In case of any difficulties, the Grievance Committee shall have discussion with the Schools Division Superintendent before a decision is taken. e. The Schools Division Superintendent, as far as possible, shall be guided by the advice of the Grievance Committee unless the recommendations of the Committee violate basic rules and norms of the Division. f. Any dead-lock shall be resolved by joint meeting of the Schools Division Superintendent and the Executive Committee of the Division. g. The final settlement of any grievance shall be made within a reasonable period( normally not exceeding one month) after the recommendations are submitted to the Schools Division Superintendent by the Grievance Committee. PROCEDURE FOR REDRESSEL OF GRIEVANCES : 4. a. The aggrieved member shall submit his petition to the Schools Division Superintendent through the Chairman of the concerned department with a copy to the Grievance Committee. The member may alternatively submit his/her petition to the Secretary of the Division Association who shall forward the petition to the Grievance Committee. b. On receipt of a petition the Grievance Committee will endeavour to send its recommendation to the Schools Division Superintendent within one month if possible, but in any case not beyond three months, for further action. c. Where the petition comes through the Departmental Chairman he shall either redress the grievance or forward it to the concerned Divisional Chairman within two weeks. The Divisional Chairman, after processing it shall send his findings and recommendations to the Grievance Committee within two weeks. The Grievance Committee shall look into the petition, discuss with the concerned person, refer to the relevant documents and send its recommendations to the Schools Division Superintendent for further action.

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