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CITADEL OF BLOOD-RULES, PAGE 1 Citadel Fantastic Adventure in the Fortress of Evil Copyright © 1980, Simulations Publications, ne, New York, N.Y., 10010 Read This First: The rules to Citadel of Blood are ‘organized by major topics arranged in the order in which they occur in the play of the game. Each such major topic is given a number and a name below which is given (usually) a General Rule or Description which summarizes the rules in that sec- This is usually followed by ‘numbered paragraphs called Cases, which sive the specifics of the rules. Note that the numbering of the Cases is a decimal form of the Major Section number. Players should examine the map and counters and then quickly read the rules (without trying to memorize them). Then the game should be st up to play and a Rules Questions Should you have any difficulty inte preting the rules, please write to SPI, phras- Ing your questions so that they ‘can be answered by a simple sentence, word, of ‘umber. You must enclose a stamped, self- address envelope. We cannot guarantee @ proper answer should you choose to phone in your question (the right person is not always available — and since SPI has published hun- reds of games, no one individual is capable ‘of answering all questions). Write to: SPI Rules Questions Editor for Gitadel of Blood 257 Park Avenue South New York, N.Y, 10010 REMOVING THE RULES FROM THIS ISSUE: ‘Open the magazine to the center, bend the staples Ith penknife or serewdrver; ft out the rules find close staples. [1.0] Introduction Im the Valley of the Great Sword stands 2 massive foriess. I serves asthe refuge forthe fmost powerful Mage in the world, X the Unknown. With the aid of an Ore army, he Mas transformed tumbleddown ruins into this, the Srongest for in enstence. Once secure in the Citadel, however, the Mage betrayed the Free Peoples of the valiey into the hands of te Empire ‘ring the Thicd War of the League of Ararve. ‘The Empire rewarded him richly for this treach- ery Since that time, the Mage's power has grown Steadily, spreading throughout neighboring lands However, hie sucess to date is a8 nothing when ‘compared to the darkness he is now prepared 10 Toose. His possession of the ancient and powerful Heligate now poses a threat tothe Empire ie Citadel of Blood represents a series of raids con X the Unknown's Citadel by a mixed force of Free People, representatives of the Empite, and ‘mercenaries: The game f similar to many fantasy Fole-playing. games, but it requires no games- master. It may be played solitaire oF with 2 10 6 Players, The characters and premise of this game ae taken from SPI’ game, Swords and Sorcery [2.0] Equipment GENERAL RULE: ‘Chadel of Blood consisis of a rules booklet and 200 die-cut counters. Three six-sided dice are needed in order to ply the game. These are pro- ‘ied i the boxed edition of the game, but no in the subscription version. CASES: Ra playi hits as they explore the Citadel. The chit are back-printed with corridors and rooms, and the players place these chis adjacent to each other, like dominos, 10 construct the Citadel, Each ehity and each area adjacent co 2 previously-placed chit where a chit may be paced, Isteferredto.s a Segment of the Cad [2.2] The playing pieces represent the various rooms and corridors of the Citadel, the monsters, heroes, and other life forms that guard or assault it. 16 SAMPLE MONSTER UNIT (Front): ‘Mumber of Die olied for Wound Pos coer taarf gh $4) samt ate janet Erte Typrcat oom sty (Note: Some room segments have corridors pinted on thes, TYPICAL, CORRIDOR ‘SEGMENT Summary of Unit Types Monsters X the Unknown 0 4.0 |Harey [Cronk a Gergovie| ey La ey” [ki wl” fe a [5 wi. Bi ie 16 ‘Other Counters Party Gateway ot Evi eos [Ea] Furniture seatwe Attar ‘Trap Door Artwork Mirror & Staircase [2.3] The rules are designed to allow the players to easily modify them ‘and invent thelr own. Players are encouraged to modiy these rules {o suit their ova taste. Itshould also be noted that is style of game makes it impossible to-cover very. question which wil arise during. play Players should wee common sense oF a diel tosetle disputes. [3.0] Dice Codes GENERAL RULE: “The players will often be required to roll a umber of dic. The number and ype of dice rl: dis determined bya Dice Code, CASES: .1] A Dice Code Is a number followed by the letter “D” followed by another number, which is sometimes modified by a third number (0.9., 108+ 1) “The first umber determines the number of dice to be rolled: the number after “D'" dever- imines whether sit sided of rhre sided die are 10 be rolled (when rolling thre-sided dic, roll sx: ‘Sided die and divide the resulting number by 9, ‘ound fractions up, 10 determine the number rol fd between 1 and ). The third number is added to ‘F multiplied by the number rolled. Examples: TD6%4 means role stesided dle and multiply ‘hat number by 4; 103-+1 means rll @suesided die, divide the mumber by two (rounding up) 10 ‘jieida mumber between I and 3, nd add 10 the final number [3.2] On monster counters, the Dice Code Is abbreviated. ‘The rst number isthe number of D6' followed by" any additions. Example: reprevents D6 [4.0] The Starting Sequence GENERAL RULE: act player shouldbe provided with a penci and one copy ofthe Character Record foreach of CITADEL OF BLOOD RULES, PAGE? his characters. The playing pieces should be care- fully punched out and sored according 10 type. layers then use the Starting Sequence 10 deter- mine the marching order ofthe party, and the pre- ‘dominant sum. Ieis recommended tht all records bbe kept in pencil since character values change luring play CASES: [4.1] The Starting Sequence must be performed as follows: ‘A. Choosing Characters 1. The characters are divided into two separate sroups, Heroes and Initiates. The Heroes are furned face down and shuffed 0 assure th character pick is random 2, Ifthe game i being played solitaire, the player picks 3 Heroes and 3 tniiates, 3. Lf more than one player is in the game, the player to pick rst is determined by adie roll (high roller wins if two or more for iahest, they fe- 5 pick in a clockwise order 4. The players pick inorder until 3 Heroes and 3 Initiates have been divided as evenly ax possible among the players. The game can be played with fewer than 6 characters (a suggested minimum of 4) but should not be played with more than 6, 1B. Determine Characterietics 1. The players refer to the Hero Characteristics Chart (4.3) and enter the information for each Hero chosen on a Character Record (4.2), 2, The players choose the race of their Initiates “There are three races: Elf, Dwarf and Human, 3, Depending. on the race of the Initiate the {olowing information is entered on the Character Record foreach Initiate, same Made up by players nace Enter for future reference wouvorrs 5 ea esrance 2 6° ag wearon +1 +1 +L i ow Axe" Sword seus 41 ted Negotiation Detrap Hellgate 4. The players choose a primary and a secondary ‘weapon fo each of thelr Initiates and enter them tinder Weapons 5. The players roll on the Magic Potential Table (44) for each Initiate and then enter the result ‘under Magle Potential 6. Each player chooses spells for his characters ‘with a Magic Potential. The number of spell Chosen is equal to the highest number in the characters part rating, Example: A charac ‘witha rating of 4/372 would start play Knowing & diferent spells. 17. To represen experience gained in the ouside world, each Iniiatemay have™ 4. his Wound Points increased by 1; or '. a skill with one weapon of +1 of increase a previous weapon sill by I; oF «. increase his negotiation, Hellgate or dteap skill by 1 . Choose March Order 1. Before the adventures enter the Citadel, the piayers must decide on the March Order of the ary, The character counters wil rarely be placed fon the Citadel Segments. Instead, single counter, the Party counter, willbe sed to indeate the pos tion ofa the eharacers. 2. The character counters ae placed on the fable in maren order. March order is defined as 3 ‘umber of rows of characters, with no morethan 3 characters per row. Players organize the rows by ‘mutual agement. The frst row must always con ‘ainat least two characters unless there isonly one character in the party). 3, The players may eel arrange and rearange the March Order until the point at which the Com- ‘bat Sequence is begun. Once the Combat Sequence begins the party may only be reorganized in the Party Reorganization Phase (see 9.8). D. Determine the Predominant Sun ‘The first player, as determined in A3, rolls 1D6 10 determine which of the three suns is dominant ‘The dominant sun determines the number of di ferent spells a character may use ona given adven- ture. The diets rolled each ime the patyentersthe (Gitadel, The reulsare 22=red sun, use left valve 3,4 yellow sun, use middle value Sio=blue sun, use right value he players then the Character Records of the eligible characters. ‘Thus, fa 3 was rolled and the character's Magic Potemial was 4/8/6, the owning player would choose 5 of hs spells on that character’ spell ist, and ccl them, ‘A character may use only circled spells forth ‘duration of the game. OF course, a campaign wi allow the character to alter hi spell choice, , Divide Chits ‘The room/corridor chits are all placed in large mouthed coffee cup or similar Container. The Gateway of Evil, the Hellgate, and X the Unknown are all sc aside until called for during play. The unused Hero and Initiate ehie are also Kept aside but not used. F. Start Play ‘The Gateway of Evil counters paced onthe table top to mark the entrance to the Citadel, and the any counter is placed on top of i, The players now ready to begin play, and the Sequence of Play isconsulted (5.0) [4.2] Character Record (Gee chars aod tables) [4.3] Hero Characteristics Chart (Gee charts and tables) [4.4] Magic Potential Tablo (Gee charts and tables) [5.0] Sequence of Play GENERAL RULE: ‘The Sequence of Pay in Citadel of Blood sa simple pattern that the players must follow to give order to the game functions. The actions should fot be taken out of sequence. The game ends when the characters have either all let the Citadel oF have died. Decisions made during the course of play should be decided upon collectively orale hately by the players. Thus, all members of the Party will have some input into the decisions that Wil ulimately affect the ives of their characters ‘THE SEQUENCE OF PLAY (OF A GAME-TURN ‘A. Segment Phase Step1. DECIDE ROUTE ‘The party decides which room or corridor to enter And selec specific path either a doorway or or Fidor, out of the segment currently occupied is selected Step2. CHITPICK (One of the players picks aSegment chit. Suep3. PLACE CHIT ‘The chit is placed adjacent tothe doorway or cor ‘dor the players selected in Step 1.18 placed oom side up if the party wants 0 g0 through a doorway, and corridor side up ifthe party intends {eleave through a cortidor.If the chitcan be pac fed in more than one way its upto the payers to Gecide its placement, ‘Trap Phase {performed only if the party enters # room) Step. TRAP CHECK Roll 116 to determine whether or not the door is trapped. On a die rol of 1, itis trapped. Step2. INVESTIGATE AND DETRAP I trapped, one characteris chosen to investigate ‘A character witha derap skill may roll emp to detrap the door (ee 7.0). ‘Suep3. TRAPSPRUNG ‘The trap is sprung if detrap fs not atempted ors ‘unsuccessful Rollon Trap Table(1.1). C. Monster Phas Step. PARTY MOVEMENT. ‘The Party counter is placed on top of the new se- rent that was picked ‘Step2. MONSTER CHECK Roll 1D6 o determine whether or not the segment is occupied by monsters. A “new” room will con- Fidor will contain wandering monsters on a rll of 1, unless previously encountered monsters are still there (see 69). Step3. NEGOTIATE AND BRIBE The party has the option to attempt to nego with or bbe the monsters (se 8.) Step4. COMBAT Should negotiation or bribery fail or not be tempted, the Combat Sequence i initiated (see 9.2). The Sequence takes place in the following order 1. Party Combat 2 Monster Comber. 3. Haligate Combat. 4 Party Reorganization. S. Manster Reorgonization. StepS. COLLECT TREASURE Ifthe monsters ae killed, the party determines it the dead monsters have treasure on ther IT 50 issplitupamong the various members of the party (ee 18.0) Step6, GAIN EXPERIENCE It the monsters are killed, Experience Points are ‘ainea by thorepary members let alive (ee 12.0, D. Feature Phose ‘(performed only ifthe party occupies a room, ‘end than only at the party's option) Step. INVESTIGATE (One characteris chosen to investigate the feature. Step2. ROLLON THE FEATURE TABLE The investigating characer rolls on the Feature Table (13.8) under the proper column for that feature (Exception: Mirrors, 13.7) Step3. APPLY RESULTS The result on the Feature Table is applied. [6.0] Movement Through the Citadel GENERAL RULE: In Citadel of Blood, there isno game map. tn stead, the players consiruct a maze through which they move during the course of play by placing CITADEL OF BLOOD RULES, PAGES ‘00m and corridor chits (calle segments) adjacent {ocach other. The Party marker is always placed (0n top of one of thee segments to mark the loea- tion of the characters. The party moves through the Citadel one segment at aime PROCEDURE: Each time 1 party leaves a segment, one of, the players picks a Segment chit from the cupand places it adjacent to the segment the party is ea Ing (Gee Sequence of Play, 8.0). The segment is placed in such a way that a doorway always abuts Another doorway and a corridor always abuts Another corridor. The players may postion the Segment in any way they choose within the follow: ing restrictions. When the party enters a segment that has been previously entered, no new chit needs 1 be picked CASES: [6.1] A segment must be placed so that ‘any adjacent door or corridor must ‘abut a door of corridor respectively, ‘and blank wall must abut blank wall cases where the chit draw will 01 compli- ‘ment the other chts ext 10 it, the chit i placed beck inthe cup and another one is drawn. If here fs mo chit that ts (which wl be rare) then use 8 ‘hit that closely fis the situation and assume that {he chit-side which does not mach is impassable ‘When exiting a segment through a doorway, ithe both sides of the chit chosen have a corridor printed ont, place the chit room side up, doorway {To doorway. [6.2] If a segment may be placed In'more than one configuration, ‘the party decides on the way it is to be placed [6.3] The party always moves at a rate of one segment per Game-Turn, [6.4] The Citadel maze may not end in ‘8 dead end until the Hellgate is located. fall possible exis out of the explored part of the Citadel lead to dead ends, then the last ‘chosen which resus ina dead ends placed back in the cup and another i chosen. This procedure fs repeated (if necessary) unl a segment is picked ‘which does not"complete” the maze [6.5] The Citadel may be up to ‘three levels in depth. ‘Some room segments feature stairways. Each stairway connects he ist level to both the second and the tied levels. The Hellgate may be located of the three levels (se 13.7). The ics ofthe monsters change and become ‘more vile the deeper he party goes intothe Citadel (ee 6.0. [6.6] Movement between levels ‘one level to the next and counts at ‘entering @ room segment. The usual procedures are carried out (see Sequence of Play, 5.0) for each move into @ staircase, ‘When the party descends aleve, a new maze is begun by placing second staircase chit on the table away from the original maze. From this point a second maze is constructed. Note: I i ‘ecasionally happen that another saiease willbe located on this level aswell may only be placed it the stairway would lead to the other two levels without conficting with a previously placed chit [6.7] Level Chart (Gee charts and tables) [6.8] The Level Chart modifies the characteristics of monsters and the value of treasure and experience points gained. from 7 Results onthe Level Chart ar read s follow: Monater Wound. Add to a monster's normal total Wound Points. Example: On Level 2, a ‘monster with a Wound Point roll of 2+2 would actually roll 2+4 ‘Monster Combat Bonus. Add to a monster's ‘normal Combat Bonus. Example: On Level 2,3 ‘monster with « normal Combat Bonus of 3 would havea Bonus of 4. Monster Negotiation. The monser's Negota tion Value isiereased by this number. Number of Monsters. Multiply the number of ‘monsters encountered om a level by the indicated Imulple. Example: An encounter with three Cronks on level 3 would be multiplied by 2 10 ‘become an encounter with 6 cronks. ‘Treasure Type. The Treasure Type encountered fon a level shifted toward the bottom of the ‘Treasure Table (14.9), 4 number equal to the ‘number on the level Chart. Exampla: A monster ‘which would normally carry a Iype C treasure ‘would carry a type E treasure on level 3. Experience Pointe. When a character gains Ex- perience Points, multiply the number of points {ained bythe muliple for that level o ative atthe few oll [6.9] Should a monster be bypassed for some reason, its counter is left on the maze to indicate Its position. ‘Should the party re-enter that segment, they treat the monster as if he were "new monster ‘Thats, previous negodation or bribery results are ignored, ‘The party does not roll for wandering ‘monsters when entering a segment already ce pied by @ monster GENERAL RULE: ‘When a pay enters a room forthe fis ime (only), a member of he party must check the door ‘way fora trap, Treasure chests must be similarly Investigated. A trap may be detrapped bya character witha deap sil Should an attempt 10 Getrap fal or not be atiemped, the investigating player consults the Trap Table to determine the Fesuls of the rap springing on his character, PROCEDURE: ‘The player controlling the character delegated to investigate the tap rolls 1D6 and compares the roll with the character's detrap tating. If the number rolled i Tes than oF equal tothe detap isdetrapped: tthe die ollisareat- is sprung. (Note: The rap automalic- ally springs on any character with no detap sil), ‘When a trap is sprung, the player rolls 1D6 and consults the Trap Table io determine the effects CASES: 17.1] Trap Table (Gee charts and tables) [7.2] Thore are 6 possible results on the Trap Table. ‘Arrow. An atrow of bolt is shot from the ap, Roll 16 and tefer to the Combat Reslls Table (9.9) under the bow column to determine whether fr not the arrow strikes the adventurer andthe number of Wounds Points suffered Poleoned Arrow. Same procedure 2s for arrow. except that ifthe arow stfkes, the affected ch Scter suffers 1D3 Wound Points from povson in ‘2ddition to Wound Points inflicted bythe atom Polson Gas. Affected character takes 1D3 ‘Wound Points damage

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